Valentin Gaft is seriously ill, what happened to the artist, latest information. Latest information

  • 24.06.2019

People's Artist of the RSFSR, who became famous thanks to his role in the film "Garage" by Eldar Ryazanov, actor. By his age, he had achieved a lot, but the injustice of life also affected him..

Valentin Gaft is sick

The 83-year-old actor suffers from Parkinson's disease, a neurological disease that affects most people. old age. Often, patients are people over 60 years of age. The main symptoms of Parkinson's are musculoskeletal disorders, muscle tone, which is accompanied by a characteristic tremor.

Particularly attentive people have long noticed that no matter where he appears, he always sits. He practically doesn’t walk, and his hands shake constantly. Treatment and prevention of Parkinson's disease, like many other illnesses, is very expensive. Accordingly, in order to continue living and maintain your physical fitness at least at a minimum level, you must have enough funds for this.

Valentin Gaft spoke about forced earnings

Taking part in the “Let Them Talk” program, Valentin Gaft told some details of his, as it turned out, poor life. The film crew was surprised when they saw the poet. He was accompanied by a woman who is caring for him. The project staff also noticed Gaft’s memory lapses.

Valentin himself hinted that it was hard for him, but did it with his characteristic irony. Still, don’t forget, he has been writing epigrams almost all his life. Gaft said that he is forced to work to earn money for food, as well as for treatment. At his age, he still plays in plays and takes an active part in the programs in which he is invited. But at the same time, the artist receives mere pennies, in comparison with the same Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

Nevertheless, despite all the sorrows of life, this generous man, a Poet with a capital P and a master of his craft, still continues to smile and give kindness to people.

Let us remind you that not so long ago I read poems about death. Friends, his colleagues, great people leave. Old age, unfortunately, is not inevitable.

The cult actor (Garage) and star of Sovremennik, 78-year-old Valentin Gaft emerged from a coma - last Friday he underwent emergency endoscopic heart surgery, after which doctors deliberately put the actor into medicated sleep.

Fans bring flowers to the hospital, and numerous colleagues and friends are ready to rush to help at any moment when it is needed. The artistic director of Sovremennik, Galina Volchek, said that she was very worried about the health of her beloved friend. “Valya gives himself over to his illness and does not know how to fight it, so I always swear at him when he is sick,” said Galina Borisovna. It’s too early to rejoice, but doctors assure that Gaft’s condition has improved significantly over the past 24 hours.

Valentin Gaft has cancer: Parkinson's disease

Let us remember that in April last year, doctors suspected Gaft of Parkinson’s disease. And three years ago he suffered a heart attack, but left the hospital without waiting for discharge, and four days later he went on stage.

Valentin Iosifovich himself said about his illnesses in one of his interviews: “I have only one illness - old age! And it cannot be cured. But I don’t want to lie in the hospital and wait for the end. I still want to do a lot.” Until recently, the actor played ten performances a month, was ashamed to even ask for a vacation and insisted that you have to work until you collapse.

It is still unknown whether the actor will be able to return to work. At Gaft’s home theater, the next performance with his participation, “Hare. Love Story,” was canceled. The tour with the production “There’s no escape from thoughts anymore...” also remains in question.

Valentin Gaft has cancer: Creative evening of Valentin Gaft

Event with participation people's artist Russia's Valentin Gaft will not take place at the Yeltsin Center. This was reported on Monday, June 26, on the institution’s website.

“Valentin Gaft’s creative evening has been canceled due to the artist’s health,” the note says.

The artist had to read poems, epigrams, show fragments from films and answer questions from visitors.

Tickets will be refunded.

“The actor wants to come to the Yeltsin Center and Yekaterinburg, so we hope that creative evening will take place closer to autumn,” TASS clarified

Among the most famous film roles of 81-year-old Gaft are the butler in the film “Hello, I am your Aunt”, Sidorin in the film “Garage”, Sataneev in “The Sorcerers” and “Woland” in “The Master and Margarita” by Yuri Kara.

Famous Russian actor theater and cinema Valentin Iosifovich Gaft is seriously ill. In 2013, doctors gave him a disappointing diagnosis - Parkinson's disease. For some time he had to stop his work process.

Now the actor’s condition cannot be called satisfactory. He moves in a wheelchair and cannot do without the help of qualified specialists and a nurse. Valentin Gaft lost a lot of weight and began to suffer from forgetfulness. He temporarily suspended his performance in the play.

Valentin Gaft has Parkinson's disease

Valentin Iosifovich Gaft is a famous Russian film and theater actor. Born September 2, 1935. Many people know him from his roles in films such as “Sorcerers”, “Hello, I am your aunt”, “The Master and Margarita” and “Yolki”. The actor has about 200 roles in different films and TV series. He devoted his entire life to participating in various cinematic projects and performances, but at the age of 78 he had to suspend his activities. The fact is that doctors diagnosed the great artist with Parkinson's disease.

Parkinson's disease is a chronic neurological disease that causes tremors and unsteadiness. For 5 years, the actor tried to fight this disease, but Lately his condition is getting worse and worse. Now the actor gets around using a wheelchair. According to the actor, in the summer of 2018 he could not even go on vacation to his dacha, as he needed constant care and supervision from doctors. His legal wife Olga Ostroumova is looking after him, for which he never ceases to thank her.

Valentin Gaft said that he is living out his life

The famous Russian actor, who played in about 200 films, is seriously ill. He rarely appears in public, but made an exception for Andrei Malakhov’s program “Hello, Andrei!”

In an interview with the presenter, famous actor said that now his condition leaves much to be desired. He suffers from Parkinson's disease, which is gradually taking away his strength. Valentin Gaft said that he has very little time left to live, and he understands this very well. But even despite this, he continues to enjoy his life and spends a lot of time with his love, his wife Olya.

The editors of the project report that the actor’s condition off camera is much worse than what can be seen on television. Behind the scenes he feels bad, he suffers from forgetfulness, but as soon as the camera turns on, Valentin Iosifovich instantly transforms, which once again emphasizes the height of his acting abilities.

Valentin Gaft spoke about the possibility of continuing to act in performances

All yours life path Valentin devoted himself to theater and cinema. After he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, he had to stop acting for a while. At the age of 83, the actor declares that he intends to continue his work in productions. After all, it is his work that helps him cope with his illness.

Now he is participating in the play “As Long as Space Exists” at his favorite Sovremennik Theater. But due to problems with his legs, actor Valentin Gaft had to stop playing in it. As the artist himself reports, in the fall he plans to return to the theater stage to continue doing his favorite thing. But he emphasizes that he will only be able to do this if he can walk.

Valentin Gaft believes that his disease- this is old age and he doesn’t want to spend last days your life in hospital bed. The actor strives for new experiences and endeavors. Until recently, he played ten performances a month, was ashamed to even ask for a vacation and insisted that you have to work until you collapse.

In September 2013, Gaft said: “In general, I have a cool attitude towards television. But I really didn’t like it when NTV said that I was sick and would soon die. They filmed me in the hospital, where I was undergoing a routine examination: how I pour myself water and spill it past the cup - it happens to everyone. But on NTV they said that my coordination of movements was impaired. I would like for them not to look for “fried” things, but to show and write the truth. I am alive, healthy for my age and in relatively good health. creative form."

To date, there is no effective remedy that could help save a person from Parkinson's disease. Elderly people especially feel the effects of the disease on themselves, since memory and coordination of movements already deteriorate with old age.

Last week, the “Song of the Year” concert took place at the Olimpiysky sports complex. One of the participants in the event was Joseph Kobzon. After the performance, the artist spoke with reporters. In particular, Kobzon confirmed the information that Valentin Gaft and Oleg Tabakov were seriously ill.

These donations go towards development scientific activity funds, support and organization of care for patients with parkinsonism. There are many videos that show Muhammad Ali struggling with Parkinson's disease while trying to perform basic self-care activities on his own.

According to statistics, more than 4 million people suffer from this serious illness worldwide. Among them may be not only the most ordinary grandfather from the house across the street or the old woman whom you constantly encountered in the neighboring bakery. Among those affected by Parkinson's disease are famous people, about which the whole planet knows. And the story of each of them can appear for ordinary patients a shining example struggle to prolong active life.

And last spring, doctors stunned him with their suspicions about Parkinson's disease. The actor himself even then announced that he had one disease - old age. But he has no plans to slow down.

Gaft’s colleague Said Bagov recently told reporters about the state of his friend’s health. According to him, Valentin Iosifovich is now in the hospital because he was operated on the other day. The fact is that the actor recently injured his hand as a result of an unfortunate fall. Having contacted the medical workers for a routine examination, it turned out that Gaft would be hospitalized for surgery.

Among other celebrities who suffered from the disease, everyone remembers Pope John Paul II. The disease especially affected his speech. The founder and leader of the Chinese Communist Party, Mao Zedong, had to leave politics because of Parkinsonism, as did Joe Cook, the former prime minister of Australia.

One of richest people planet, the founder of the Microsoft empire, Bill Gates announced in 2012 that he had Parkinsonism. Millionaire carefully hid his illness for more than 10 years and did not admit it even to his children, whom he was afraid of frightening with his illness. But most of all I stopped Gates fear condemnation and rejection in society.

People's Artist Valentin Gaft was hospitalized with acute pain. Fresh material as of 01/08/2018

There is eyewitness evidence that Hitler had parkinsonism. To maintain an active lifestyle, his personal doctors gave him the narcotic drug Pervitin, an analogue of methamphetamine. Apparently, long-term drug use influenced Hitler to develop Parkinson's disease in the last years of his life. This was manifested by such severe tremors in his left hand that he had to forcibly hold the limb with his other hand.

“Valya Gaft and Oleg Tabakov are seriously ill, and I would like to wish both them and everyone who is susceptible to the disease a speedy recovery,” the singer said.

Many people know the beautiful Olga Ostroumova for her roles in popular films: “And the dawns here are quiet”, “We’ll live until Monday”, etc. The actors got married right in the hospital where Valentin was lying after undergoing surgery. The last marriage significantly influenced the actor’s life. The beloved woman was able to resurrect the dying soul.

Russian channels were buried famous actor Valentina Gafta. Now the “buried” but not buried cult actor is preparing lawsuits against television workers.

What is Valentin Gaft’s diagnosis, doctors’ comments. News for this hour.

Moreover, his manner of speech, which can be described as slow and drawn-out, also raises questions and suspicions of brain damage. However, Klitschko rejected all rumors about the presence of parkinsonism, only laughing. Therefore, we do not undertake to say for sure that the athlete is sick.

Trembling in his left hand, slow and slurred speech do not prevent him from continuing his career, as Freddie believes that working on bags and the need for constant hand-eye coordination in training help slow the progression of the disease.

The roles of Valentin Gaft have fascinated and continue to fascinate the viewer. The actor first appeared in films in 1956. interesting fact that he mainly played the roles of the French or villains. Geverintz from Seventeen Moments of Spring and the butler Brasset from the movie Hello, I'm Your Aunt, these are his first notable appearances in big cinema.

As for 82-year-old Valentin Gaft, he was hospitalized at the end of June with acute pain. The next day, information appeared in the media that the actor’s relatives did not confirm the information about his hospitalization and doubted the competence of the publication that first published the news. Note that Valentin Gaft was already admitted to intensive care in 2014. Then the actor successfully underwent endoscopic surgery.

Kobzon's story about Valentin Gaft's serious illness video information. Recent events.

Behind Last year Information about the deteriorating health of folk artists has repeatedly appeared in the press. To the number star actors, whose age has exceeded 80, includes Valentin Gaft.

Not so long ago, during one of the television programs, a report was released about the people's favorite. It turns out that all the media assumptions were wrong. The actor does not have cancer, but Parkinson's disease.

Valentin Gaft suffers due to Parkinson's disease

Unfortunately, the health of People's Artist Valentin Gaft has noticeably deteriorated in the last year. He repeatedly turned to doctors for help, but recently he was confined to wheelchair. Parkinson's disease, which Gaft is fighting, progresses quite quickly. Because of this, the artist is limited in many ways, but most importantly, he cannot perform on stage, although he really dreams about it.

Like most other actors, Gaft was not so careful about his health until he became completely ill. He himself explained his condition by heavy workload. The artist hopes for improvement and asks not to forget about him, and also to invite him to new projects. He also said that some offers are still being received today, but Gaft is forced to refuse them, as he is “falling apart before our eyes.”

Despite all this, the only inspiration for Valentin Gaft remains his work, he literally lives by it. His wife, also a famous artist Olga Ostroumova, surrounded her husband with care and comfort.

Until a certain point, Valentin Gaft appeared on stage. As his friends and acquaintances admitted, he often had to lead the artist by the arm because of feeling unwell. However, a real miracle happened on stage with Gaft - the pain seemed to recede.

Valentin Gaft admitted that he is seriously ill

The opinion of doctors about Valentin Gaft’s condition is clear – it is not cancer that is progressing, but Parkinson’s disease, and quite rapidly.

This was also mentioned during the TV show The Stars Are Aligned. The broadcast showed the house and Valentin Gaft in a wheelchair.

Journalists and friends of Valentin Iosifovich talk about his personal tragedy, or rather, that it was the cause of his illness. Let us remember that 16 years ago, daughter Olga committed suicide. Some time later, his wife, Inna Eliseeva, died.

This is described in a report from the actor’s house, which was shown in the “The Stars Aligned” program. The artist explained that his only task and responsibility today is to take medications in a timely manner. Gaft announced to the whole country that he was seriously ill. Due to his condition, he rarely leaves the house and only when he needs to go to a rehearsal.

An interesting fact is that the artist can still afford to drink a little alcohol. Over the past few months, the celebrity has been tormented severe pain in back. Despite his age and condition, Valentin Gaft does not lose heart and asks not to panic.

To date, all performances with the participation of Valentin Gaft at the Sovremennik Theater have been cancelled. It was assumed that the master would take the stage on June 8, but his serious illness has not yet allowed him to do so. Valentin Iosifovich’s immediate plans are to celebrate his beloved wife’s anniversary in the fall as it should be - with flowers, poems and gifts.