Apples as the only product - is it possible? Diet and fasting days on apples and water.

  • 11.10.2019

Apples contain a large amount of microelements necessary for the human body: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, vitamins A, B, C; their regular consumption helps normalize blood glucose levels and reduce cholesterol. In addition, this fruit is low in calories, 87% consists of ordinary water, which means that with regular consumption it helps to reduce excess weight. If you replace a piece of fatty meat with one green apple every day, you can lose several kilograms.

Many diets have been created based on apples. This food product has virtually no contraindications (except for allergies); it is allowed to be consumed even with the most stringent weight loss method. Depending on your own preferences, health, willpower and focus on results, you can choose an apple diet for 6, 5 days, 3 days or 1 day.

Apple diet for 6 days

The six-day apple diet suggests consuming no more than 675 kcal per day and allows you to get rid of 7 kg of weight in a week. Menu:

The first and sixth days: per day you should eat a kilogram of apples, drinks: tea, still mineral water (without limitation).

Second and fifth days: eat one and a half kilograms of apples per day according to the same scheme.

Days three and four: eat 2 kg of apples, which in this case can be baked without adding sugar or eaten raw.

Since it is very difficult to survive 6 days on apples alone, the diet allows you to eat a small amount of rye bread per day. Eating raw apples can lead to the problem of flatulence. To avoid this, fruits should be baked in the oven. Baked apples are no less healthy than fresh ones.

Apple diet for 5 days

The apple diet, designed for 5 days, is not so strict and does not provide for strict food restrictions. Its principle is to eat low-calorie foods and apples.


First, third, fifth days:

Breakfast: cottage cheese (100 g) + fresh green apple;

Second breakfast: rye crackers + oven-baked apple;

Lunch: fish (low-fat variety, 100 g) + fruit salad of orange and apple;

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese (yogurt, also 100 g) + fresh apple;

Dinner: 2 apples + hard cheese (slice).

Fourth and second days:

Breakfast: 100 g of porridge (muesli) boiled in water + apple;

Second breakfast: salad of apples and carrots (grate the ingredients and mix);

Lunch: piece of lean meat + apple;

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese (yogurt, 100 g);

Dinner: unlimited apples as desired.

Apple diet for 3 days

The three-day apple diet should be followed not only by people who want to lose excess weight, but also by those who have decided to get rid of the harmful habit of smoking and by people facing the problem of high blood pressure. The main menu of this weight loss method is very simple. For 3 days you need to eat exclusively fresh apples (1.5 kg) and drink 1.5 liters of still mineral water per day. Before eating, it is recommended to grate apples; the grated product is better absorbed.

Apple diet for 1 day

A one-day apple diet is less effective; it allows you to cleanse the intestines, normalize metabolic processes in the body and remove toxins from it.

Menu: Divide 1.5 kg of apples into three parts, bake one part of the apples in the oven, and eat the rest fresh. During the day you are not allowed to eat any foods, with the exception of apples, or drink any drinks. The body should get everything it needs from fruits.

This type of diet is useful for people with gastrointestinal diseases, but it should be borne in mind that if you have gastritis, you should not rely on sweet apples, and if you have a stomach ulcer, you should not eat sour apples. With gastritis in a state of exacerbation, any experiments with nutrition are contraindicated. If you have chronic diseases that often make themselves felt, you should abstain from diets until they are completely eliminated.

Pros of the apple diet:

  • low budget. The average cost of 1 kg of apples is 60 rubles. The price varies depending on the time of year and where a person lives. Apples are available on Russian markets all year round, which cannot be said about many other fruits;
  • allows you to lose weight without resorting to exercise;
  • positive overall for the body.

Cons of the apple diet:

  • Not suitable for everyone. In particular, this diet is prohibited for people with hyperacidity gastritis.
  • requires moral effort. Eating only apples for almost a week is quite difficult, both physically and mentally;
  • may lead to deterioration of health. If you are used to eating fatty animal products, sweets and baked goods, in the first days of the diet you will most likely encounter such troubles as a strong feeling of hunger, headache, nausea, and dizziness. Symptoms should subside within 3-4 days of following the diet. If your health does not return to normal, it is recommended to stop the diet and return to your normal diet. It's possible that the apple diet just isn't for you;
  • has contraindications (allergy to apples, increased stomach acidity, kidney disease, pregnancy).

Surprisingly, there are more and more different diet options every year. Thus, 10 and 14-day apple diets have recently appeared. Their menu differs slightly from the one described above. As those losing weight themselves believe, the longer the diet lasts, the more effective it is. This approach to weight loss is completely wrong. Exhausting your body with an unusual low-calorie diet is very harmful. Eating only apples for a long time can lead to the opposite result - a slowdown in metabolic processes and, as a result, a deterioration in well-being. This cannot be allowed.

If you really want to lose weight, but it is not possible to do it at once, it is better to resort to the chosen diet regularly, throughout the year. For example, one fasting day can be arranged once a week. Once every 2 months, go on a 3-day apple diet and only once every six months - on a 5 or 6-day diet. Exceeding the number of days specified in the diet, as well as repeating several diets in a row at once can result in depletion of the body.


    Quite a “cruel” diet... You won’t be able to look at apples for a long time after it :)
    But overall...effective. Helps to lose extra pounds and “cleanse” the body. The main thing is not to overdo it)

    I was on an apple diet and the results are noticeable. But my stomach starts to hurt, probably because of the high acid content in apple juice. And I began to alternate apples with pears - it’s a little easier, and you won’t get tired of apples.

    Two days or a day is enough to unload the body, thanks to apples. It's even useful. But don’t get carried away, otherwise you’ll get the opposite result. In principle, I don’t resort to diets. I eat everything, but in reasonable quantities. I don't eat flour at night. I go in for sports. This is the key to a good figure. All diets are harmful. But fasting days are a good thing.

    I won’t argue, apples, of course, are a low-calorie, highly digestible product, but if you eat only apples, you won’t last long, and if you eat them only twice a week, then such a diet will be of no use; to lose weight, you need an integrated approach , in particular, physical education.

    This is my favorite diet, or rather unloading the body! *IN LOVE* It’s a great help after long holidays and, what’s important, it’s effective! I follow the sour green apples + kefir scheme, but this method is not for every stomach. For apple lovers, this method is simply a “treasure”; I have already lured all my girlfriends to it from other types of fasting days

    =) Apples are a good thing. They are rich in iron, vitamins, low in calories... Only when “going on” such a diet you need to rely on facts and have a certain strategy. I decided to go on such a diet myself for 3 days, thinking that I knew everything. As a result, frequent bloating appeared (not particularly dangerous, but unpleasant). Now I read on the forums and find out what I did wrong. Thanks to the authors for such extensive information, now I will know that apples do not have to be eaten raw and that you can combine them with carrots, etc. =)

    A very interesting diet, but I wouldn’t have decided on it myself. They greatly increase my appetite, and my stomach doesn’t take it well. You can eat a couple of them once a week, but eating them all week is too much

    I use this diet several times a year. This mainly happens in the summer. But I can’t stand it for more than 3 days - I get very tired of apples. But the result is very good. And you can lose a couple of kilos and cleanse your body. The main thing is that the apples are fresh, without chemicals, preferably from your own dacha =)

    I always trusted this diet and was selflessly devoted to it! Until one day my gums got inflamed (not because of apples) and I couldn’t eat my usual half a kilo. And guess what? I started losing weight! Now I know for sure that you can’t eat kilos of apples either, they also contain calories. I don’t know, maybe it’s just this way for me, and for others it’s different? One way or another, I still eat them, although much less than before. They contain fiber = sea!

    The apple diet is very difficult, I know from experience. This is difficult, if only because apples cause appetite, this has been proven. I stayed on this diet for 5 days, then included other fruits and milk in my diet. During the week I lost 5 kg.

    In my opinion, the apple diet is the most effective and delicious. Of course, I don’t eat only apples in my diet, low-fat cottage cheese, and vegetables cooked at a time. After a meal, I eat an apple, since it contains acid that improves digestion, destroys unnecessary fats, and as a result, by the summer season I am slim and beautiful)))) But the apple diet is not suitable for people who have high levels of iron in the body, since We know that apple contains a lot of iron and such a diet can lead to serious illness!

    I very often go on an apple diet, I must say it really helps me get rid of a couple of extra pounds. There is one drawback: the lost weight comes back very quickly and you have to start over again. Another disadvantage of the diet is the constant feeling of hunger.

    One of the popular diets! I tried it, although I was still allowed to drink two raw eggs without yolks a day. There is an effect, but it’s insignificant or my body is like that, I lost a couple of kilos, and literally two weeks later I gained it back

    I had heard about this diet before, but I was hesitant to try it and still decided to do it. And it really helps. I lost a few kilos. A very good method for losing weight.

    My wife and I practice this diet every year during the spring season. Because after winter there are always a couple of extra kilos. I recommend it to anyone who loves apples.

    I practice this diet once every six months. In order not to overeat apples, I try to buy sour apples one day and sweet apples the next. (helps a lot) Personally, this diet is very suitable for me, it gives the body the necessary relief. After it, I personally have a feeling of lightness. The first couple of days are hard, but then you get used to it, I advise everyone to try it at least once, you won’t lose anything except extra pounds. =)

    Delicious and easy diet!!! And most importantly, it’s effective—I stuck to the diet for 6 days. Result - minus 5 kg!!! An excellent choice for those who don’t like to bother with creating a menu for the day, week... and it’s also very nice that you can eat baked apples - which helps to diversify your meal a little. And this is also an excellent diet for mothers on maternity leave, when there is not enough time for themselves, but here you buy apples and eat for your health, and you don’t have to find time to cook, warm up, and even have time while the child is sleeping... you walk around all day and chew. You can bake apples in the evening or bake them for yourself and your child - after all, baked apples are very useful for children! =)

    I tried to go on such a diet, the result was that my stomach began to hurt and an aversion to apples appeared, and even after I returned to regular food, everything returned to normal, i.e. on my sides. Now I use one apple day as a fasting day, but apples stimulate my appetite so much that I want to eat three times more than before.

    Last year I went on an apple diet for three days. It’s not only very tasty, but also healthy. I’m planning another one next month, because the swimming season is about to start. You need to be in shape.

    I wouldn’t go on such a diet for a long time, I know I can’t stand it, and, most likely, my stomach will hurt. But as a one-day fasting day, this recommendation is ideal! I personally practiced during pregnancy on the advice of a gynecologist.

    I was on the apple diet for almost a week. The main thing is to survive the first day and not break down. Drink a lot of water. True, to be honest, I drank a glass of kefir a day. The result is minus 5.3 kg. The only thing that is necessary to prevent weight gain is at least 2 fasting days a week. I did it on Wednesday and Friday (especially since they say that these are women’s days and during this period diets are easier to tolerate).

    It so happened that over the winter I gained an extra 15 kg. Considering that it is very difficult to limit yourself in food, I came to the apple diet, since you can eat as many apples as you like and are inexpensive.
    To be honest, I ate as usual in the morning and evening, but in the evening I only ate apples. 5 kg in 10 days without any sports activities.
    I consulted a doctor about eating a lot of apples and the answer was positive. The main thing is to brush your teeth after eating apples.

    I love apples, especially green ones, so this diet is easy for me.
    Only I usually manage five days instead of seven, but I do it once every three months.
    Result 2-3 kg. 8)

    I went on this diet several times, once I even lasted 7 days. I like apples, so it wasn't too hard. I lost up to 3 kg (but my weight was small to begin with). The downside of the diet is that from time to time you feel dizzy and want to sleep. After all, the body needs protein, but apples don’t have it at all. And weight loss occurs mainly due to water - the lack of salt in apples plus their diuretic properties.

    I consistently lose 2.5 kg in three days using apples, sometimes I bake apples, this makes the unloading even easier. I always buy green apples. During pregnancy, I gained 12 kg, and after giving birth I sat on apples and water + ate less than usual food, the total weight lost to 49 kg in 2 months.

    I personally tested the apple diet for 5 days. I feel better and I lost 4kg! Very good diet, easy to tolerate. Just don't sit on it often.

    I was on such a diet and I must say, it is very effective! You can easily lose 10 kg in two weeks. Tested by personal experience. True, you will see shawarma and cutlets everywhere.

    Good diet, very effective. It’s just that at the moment when fresh apples appear, you already need to look good. We need to find something for spring.

    I lost weight on this diet during pregnancy, doctors advised it because of excessive weight gain. There really was a result. Now I’m thinking about repeating it, it’s spring...

    The British, I think, have a proverb: “An apple for dinner and no need for a doctor.” It is good to eat them if you have high blood pressure. If you resort to long-term diets based on apples, then you must add lean meat and vegetables, and some bread. This diet is easier to tolerate and the effect is longer lasting.

    A lot has already been said here about the benefits of the diet, its deliciousness and effectiveness. I just want to note that it is still very useful to eat an apple within 20 minutes after training. The body will be nourished with all the benefits lost during training and at the same time will not receive anything harmful.

    Unfortunately, apples are not my favorite fruit, but they are the best fruit for me to lose weight. Therefore, once a week I give myself an apple fasting day, which in the article is called a “one-day apple diet.” True, it is supposed to bake one third of the apples, and eat the remaining two thirds fresh. I do it a little differently: I eat one part of the apples fresh, bake the second, and freeze the third in advance. Frozen apples, when thawed, are very tasty.

    The apple diet, although very strict, personally suits me best. I have already lost quite a lot of kilos on it, which later did not return. Unfortunately, it’s quite difficult to stick to it, since I don’t really like apples, especially since I get tired of eating the same thing all day long.

    Good afternoon
    Please tell me, I want to lose a few extra kg (3-5) by summer, a lot of people recommended an apple diet, but as far as I know, apples have a lot of acid and this is not very good for tooth enamel. How true is this and what could be the consequences for teeth? Perhaps it is worth adding other foods to your diet on the apple diet? Thanks in advance

    Delicious diet! I just doubt that the intestines can withstand such an abundance of apples. Are there really no contraindications for a healthy person? Probably a powerful cleanse for the body from these apples.

    An interesting and tasty diet. For me, it’s better to eat apples than to go on other “tasteless” diets. And this one is intended specifically for “emergency” weight loss, for example, before the holidays, you shouldn’t get carried away with it very often, apples still contain a large amount of acids.

    Such a diet, of course, will help you lose a few kilograms, but before you start it, you need to do several fasting days, eat only light foods, no cakes, buns, fatty fish and meat, sausages and mayonnaise, otherwise it will be very difficult to eat only apples , and after “apple” days it is also better to stick to a light diet, otherwise the weight will return immediately. If you have a problem with stomach disease, you should stop the apple diet to avoid worsening the situation, because apples contain a lot of ascorbic acid. If you can’t completely follow the apple diet, you can simply eat only apples after 18.00, you can also add grated apple to vegetable salads.

    Yes, after such a diet, apples will turn from your favorite fruit into a not-so-loved one! although, if the diet gives results, then you can again be inflamed with love for this fruit! I wonder if after such a diet the lost kilos don’t come back? How many times a year should you arrange similar “fasting” days for yourself?

    I tried to go on an apple diet and I really liked it))) Maybe because I love apples, maybe because I was pleased with the result. Without much effort, I lost as much as 15 kilograms in three months! This is a great achievement for me! I don’t go on diets anymore, because I maintain a normal weight and eat at least one apple every day)))

    But the apple diet doesn’t suit me. Although I really love apples! I was only able to withstand it for one day. For some reason, apples make me want to eat even more!)))

    I have a question for nutritionists and doctors. Tell me please. Is this diet suitable if I have high acidity? Is it possible to “accustom” the body to such a diet? I really like apples, but I have to take medications to reduce the acidity. If not, what diet is suitable?

    • Galina, absolutely not! In your case, constant consumption of apples will land you in the hospital within 3-4 days. You shouldn’t torture yourself and “accustom” your body to diets in general. Over time, the body will in any case strive for “its” weight. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, then you need to “eat less” and move more (active lifestyle)

      In your case, it is better to arrange fasting days, on which, of course, you can and even need to eat apples. But listen to the advice, the best solution would still be not to eat only apples all day, but to eat dietary dishes containing them. This includes applesauce with cottage cheese and compotes. Make sure there are no long breaks between meals, otherwise you will only harm yourself.

    I once went on an “apple diet”. True, I only ate apples and that was 1 day a week. It lasted probably two months. I didn’t notice any particular results in losing weight, but I couldn’t look at apples for a long time

    And the apple diet one day a week is easy for me. I’ll say more - I’m really looking forward to this day, probably my body lacks precisely these microelements found in apples, so I use them almost every day all year round. Maybe that’s why I manage to constantly stay in shape.

    I was on the apple diet for a week, it was very difficult for me, I constantly wanted to eat, I was not in the mood at all, but I lost almost 5 kilograms.

    It's easy to follow an apple diet if you choose the type of apple for yourself. I am now in a position, and as a requirement, every week there is a fasting day on I blocks. At first, I bought different apples without paying attention to the variety, it was hard. Now I have found for myself that variety of apples on which the fasting day goes with pleasure, and I eat these same apples in the evenings and on ordinary days. Florena apple variety, small, juicy, hard and very sweet. The effect of such days: -1.5 kg.

    A very tasty and healthy diet. My husband put me on an apple diet, I was delighted with the result, -8 kg in 1.5 months, it was a shock for me, I never thought that you could lose weight on apples until I was convinced myself in this.

    After pregnancy there were extra pounds left. I began to feel terrible depression about this, since I had had an excellent slim figure all my life. For a long time I was looking for a diet suitable for a nursing mother. I found the Apple Diet. I chose a five-day diet. And, you know, she helped me a lot, I lost 4 kg, and at the same time I didn’t have to give up breastfeeding))))))))

    • I really want to lose weight after giving birth. The child is now 10 months old. Is it possible to go on such a diet during GW? Unloading treatments have a long-lasting effect... I want to get in shape as soon as possible!

      I really want to lose weight after giving birth. The child is now 10 months old. Is it possible to go on such a diet during GW? On fasting days the effect is long-lasting... I want to get in shape as soon as possible!

    I tried this method of losing weight, but it didn’t work out well... The body requires normal food containing protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Apples have their own malic acid, which in turn interacts with hydrochloric acid in our stomach and causes an increase in acidity. And because of this, I want to eat constantly. it can also lead to stomach ulcers. It is best to eat normal, balanced food and engage in active sports, the best thing is to run twice a day and the result will be visible in a week!

    The apple diet is very difficult, but effective. I tried it a few years ago and managed to lose 5 kg. In addition, I drank three liters of water daily. Exercising and jogging in the fresh air is also a big plus. This really helps.

    I wonder how quickly the weight comes back after finishing the diet? It may be better to do a one-day apple diet every week than to force yourself for 7-10 days. Then the weight will remain stable in one pore. And I’m very interested in the question: what effect does the apple diet have on the condition of nails and hair?

    I use this diet in the summer, keep it for 4-6 days, and then return to regular food. All these days, I am very hungry and feel tired and irritated. But then, there are no toxins, stones, and metabolic processes are normalized. I first started using it after discovering stones during an ultrasound. Already when passing it again, everything was normal.

    I tried the apple diet, designed for 6 days. Good for unloading the body and removing toxins. 4 kg were easily lost. But I also drank at least 2 liters of still water every day. To control it, I simply filled a two-liter bottle and strained it all day. I must admit that this diet is not suitable for everyone, but since I love apples, I didn’t feel any particular discomfort

    Perhaps such a diet was useful 50 years ago, when the apples were not sprinkled, but now there is no point in talking about any usefulness of this product. After a couple of days of such a diet, the body will not receive enough basic vital elements for it, including protein. And subsequently you will have to not only fight excess weight, since the kilograms will return again, but also with the sores acquired thanks to this “miracle diet”.

    I was on this diet very hard, but it's worth it. I recovered well after giving birth and decided to go on this diet and also went in for sports. this gave a very good result.

    After the birth of my second child, I gained a lot of weight. And I was on the apple diet and in a week I consistently lose 3-4 kilograms. I lost 14 kilograms and am very happy with my diet and myself. I recommend it to everyone!!!

    I tried to lose weight on the apple diet for 3 days, because I quit smoking, and I also overfed a little over the holidays)). On the first day my stomach started to hurt badly. In short, my diet ended before it even began. But the diet for 5 days turned out to be very effective - 4 kg minus! I replaced the boiled fish with chicken fillet.

    I love apples, especially sweet and sour ones. I tried this diet a couple of times, but I can’t stand it for more than two days. I have a terrible appetite and my stomach ache (either from hunger or acid). Based on the example of a friend, I know that the apple diet is effective, but apparently it’s not suitable for me.

    The diet is very difficult, not everyone can handle it, but the result is worth it) One piece of advice: you shouldn’t combine it with sports, I know from my own experience that the effect will be less noticeable, and you need to exit this diet correctly. A huge plus: metabolism improves, and then it is very difficult to return to the previous weight, which is very pleasing!)

    With the help of an apple diet, you can lose excess weight and also cleanse your body of toxins. It is a pity that such a diet is not recommended for people with diseases of the digestive system.

    With the help of the apple diet, you can really lose extra pounds, and in a short period of time.

    Monday. You need to eat at least one kilogram of apples and drink several glasses of green tea, but without adding sugar. If it’s difficult, then you can afford a couple of crackers.
    Tuesday. You need to eat at least one and a half kilograms of apples. Still tea, crackers and water.
    Wednesday and Thursday. Treat yourself to two kilograms of apples, drink plenty of water and give up crackers altogether.
    Friday. One and a half kilograms, water, tea.
    Saturday. One kilogram, green tea and water.
    Sunday. Control weighing - slim silhouette.

    After all, in just a week, without much effort, you can say goodbye to 5-7 kilograms. Agree: it sounds quite tempting.

    I have loved apples since childhood. Therefore, for me, this diet is the most suitable, this is the diet I really manage to follow, but I don’t bake apples in the oven. I am guided by a simple motto: if you want to eat, eat an apple; if you don’t want an apple, then you don’t want to eat! And in general, it helps. I don’t know what’s going on with the weight, but I’ve reduced my size. That’s a fact.

    When I was 7-8 months pregnant, I was overweight and the doctor advised me to do fasting days - eat only apples throughout the day. Well, it’s natural to continue taking vitamins on the same day. It helped right away - I lost one and a half to two kilograms in a day. It was also forbidden to drink on this day, only eat apples.

    Many nutritionists believe that apples increase appetite. It seems to me that if you follow this diet, you will constantly want to eat. How to reduce hunger?

    It seems like a tough diet to me. In general, I lost my appetite with modelforms. I took it for my age 30 plus. In addition to weight loss, it also removes toxins from the body

    Kefir with apples is only suitable for fasting days, and for a diet for 3-5 days you must add cottage cheese, buckwheat, oatmeal or boiled vegetables. I usually alternate these products for variety; instead of kefir, I tried matsoni, it was amazing. It fills you up very quickly and leaves you with an active, energetic feeling, and this fermented milk drink can also be prepared at home if you take some starter. I found a lot of interesting products from the Bakzdrav company, so far I’ve tried kefir and matsoni, I think I’ll definitely order it for yogurt, I wonder what taste it will be.

    • In the sense that it helps with varicose veins, does it disappear or what? I’ve been on apples and kefir for three days, I’ve lost only 1 kg, and on the third day, I ate dried apples and gained 1 kg. I haven’t eaten anything else, how come?

Apples are a very healthy fruit, regardless of whether you are on a diet or trying to eat healthy.

They are rich in potassium and magnesium, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. Apples contain calcium, which strengthens teeth, and iron, necessary for hematopoiesis.

These fruits are record holders for fiber content, it is presented in the form of pectin. This compound was discovered not so long ago, but it is already called a “body cleaner.”

Apple pectin removes toxins and toxic compounds, therefore cleanses the body from unnecessary deposits and thereby helps to lose weight.

Can you eat apples when losing weight?

Fresh fruit is an ideal quick snack.

Fruits have a positive effect on metabolism, therefore, they should be included in the menu during the diet. From a medical point of view, they will bring invaluable benefits to the body:

    Speed ​​up metabolic processes;

    Reduce cholesterol;

    Normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, relieve constipation;

    Improve the composition of intestinal microflora;

    Remove toxic compounds;

    Accelerate the breakdown of adipose tissue.

Nutritionists have recently advised against getting carried away with fruits during weight loss. The fructose they contain is processed in the liver not into glycogen, but into fat. It enters the bloodstream and is taken up by fat cells. Despite the low calorie content of fruits, a person is forced to struggle with excess weight.

Apples, like other fruits, contain fructose, but they also contain another compound - ursolic acid. It is contained in apple peel. American researchers conducted a series of laboratory observations on rodents that were fed high-calorie foods. All animals suffered from obesity, metabolic syndrome and fatty liver.

The results of the experiment surprised scientists. Those Rodents given apple peel extract to their food improved their health. Despite the abundant diet, their weight remained within normal limits. In addition, the proportion of muscles has increased. Study leader Christopher Adams explains the results by saying that ursolic acid leads to muscle growth. And the more muscles, the faster fat is burned.

Ursolic acid is found in apple peels, so the fruits do not need to be peeled before consumption.

Say no to apple diets

You cannot turn a fasting day on apples into a diet for weight loss.

There is an opinion that A fasting day on apples will bring exceptional benefits to the body. You can fast once a month, but you should not follow the apple diet for a long time.

This diet leads to a lack of protein and a number of vitamins. Since the intake of salt into the body is limited, weight loss occurs due to the excretion of fluid. Excess fiber is not good for digestion.

After using the apple diet, many people were unhappy with the results.

A strong feeling of hunger prevents you from staying on fruit for a long time; in addition, the lost kilograms quickly return to their place.

If a person suffers from gastritis, then an exacerbation of the disease is guaranteed.

The apple diet belongs to the category of mono-diets. In fact, a person eats only carbohydrates and fiber; after such a diet, even strong-willed individuals break down. Moreover, it is not healthy foods that are used, but pies, cakes, and sweets.

How to properly eat apples when losing weight

The best time to eat fruits is 15-20 minutes before lunch. So, an experiment was conducted in Pennsylvania. For 5 weeks, men and women of normal weight ate apples shortly before their main meals. It turned out that during lunch their body absorbed 187 fewer calories.

Eating fruit before meals helps reduce calorie intake,- says university employee Julie Flood.

However, not all people can afford to eat apples on an empty stomach; with increased stomach acidity, they lead to abdominal discomfort. Also You should not eat fresh fruit immediately after meals, since this will lead to increased gas formation.

It is best to eat a fresh apple 20 minutes before a meal or 2 hours after lunch.

The fruit can be eaten in the evening for dinner, but at night it is not advisable.

Can I have apples at night? Of course, if there is nothing else in the refrigerator, it is not forbidden to snack on an apple. However, nutritionists advise against doing this because they contain a lot of carbohydrates.

In the evening, it is better to eat some protein food (cottage cheese or egg) to dull hunger. Set aside morning and afternoon hours for eating apples.

Which apples are healthier during a diet?

Fresh apples will bring the greatest benefit; they have a high content of vitamin C, and the peel contains a huge amount of antioxidants. 5-7 apple seeds will deliver the daily requirement of iodine to the body.

Since not all people tolerate fresh apples well, doctors advise baking them. During heat treatment, some vitamins and nutrients are lost, however, fruit acids are also destroyed, which negatively affect the stomach. If you put cottage cheese inside the apple or season it with nuts, you will get a tasty and healthy dessert.

Dried fruits promote good digestion.

Soaked apples contain a whole range of useful substances, have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, and are rich in ascorbic acid.

During the fermentation process, fiber acquires softer properties and is less irritating to the intestines. They can be safely used during the diet.

Dried apples are a concentrate of all the beneficial substances that fruits are rich in. However, the calorie content of the product is 300 kcal, so it is not recommended to get carried away with it. You can make a compote from the dried fruit or use it as a sugar substitute during tea drinking.

Losing weight is a process that must be accompanied by the right actions. It is important not only to achieve an aesthetic effect in the shortest possible time, but also to maintain and increase health. Is it possible to eat apples when losing weight and dieting? How much weight can you lose? The answer to these questions depends on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as on the number of kilograms that need to be lost.

Apples are a healthy and low-calorie product that is equally beneficial for both women and men. From these fruits, it is possible to come up with variations with meat, eat them with herbs or any other product. In combination with ginger, it is possible to achieve an ideal weight that is easy to maintain if certain rules are followed.

Apples for weight loss

Fruits for weight loss can be eaten in unlimited quantities with any diet, as much as you want. Reviews about how much weight you can lose and by how much are the most positive. If a woman and a man are not faced with the task of losing a large number of kilograms, you can arrange special fasting days on these fruits. Nutritionists allow the use of green dried fruits for weight loss, since they also contain a small percentage of calories and most vitamins.

For an effective weight loss process, according to reviews, it is necessary to consume apple cider vinegar in small quantities. In this case, you can drink a few teaspoons diluted with water strictly on an empty stomach. This recipe should be used with caution for people with high acidity and diabetes.

Is it possible to lose weight on apples?

Many women are worried about how much weight they can lose if they eat these fruits and drink apples? On average, according to reviews, you can lose 5 kilograms of weight with a weekly diet. It is believed that in combination with proteins such as chicken and meat, the process of losing weight will be much easier and faster.

These fruits are not only great for weight loss, but also have the following properties:

  1. Strengthen the heart muscle due to the high pectin content in the fruits.
  2. Stimulate the immune system, protecting the body from viral infection.
  3. Help in the fight against cancer.
  4. They cope well with diseases associated with kidneys and renal failure.
  5. Provide an antiseptic effect and reduce pain.
  6. They have a stimulating effect on the blood vessels of the brain.

By the way, it is possible to remove 10 kilograms from the product. This is a real result that is easy to achieve by regularly using this product when losing weight. Before using this or that diet, you should first consult a doctor, especially if you have contraindications. It should be noted that when consuming an apple diet, it is necessary to regularly replenish fluid loss in the body in order to maintain optimal water balance. In order to lose up to 5 kilograms, it is recommended to use a mono-diet, i.e. Drink only water as your main drink.

  1. On the first day, you can drink and eat fresh apples or eat up to 2 kilograms of apples.
  2. The second day you can eat the amount of fruit consumed - 1 kilogram.
  3. The third day you can eat - 0.5 kilograms.

A better result may be achieved if you give preference and eat green varieties of apples as much as you want. As a rule, these varieties are easier to digest and contain more vitamins.

Is it possible to eat in the evening?

Is it possible to eat apples in the evening while losing weight? According to reviews from those who are losing weight, it is possible to eat these fruits at any time of the day, as long as needed. The main rule of the apple diet is not to suffer from hunger, as this is very harmful. In the evening you should eat a quarter of one serving, which is designed for one day in small pieces.

This fruit is used quite widely for weight loss, as it contains soluble fiber and fiber, which actively saturates the body. The advantage is also that one fruit is not capable of causing allergic reactions, such as citrus fruits or pineapples.

How much weight can you lose if you eat only apples for a week?

Weight loss during fasting days on apples and fresh juices occurs gradually. Don't expect instant results. Within one week, according to reviews, you can lose about 3 kilograms without harm to the body if you only eat this product. The main motto of any diet and weight loss is to maintain health and well-being. The apple diet is available to every person, the main thing is to approach this issue correctly and choose the type of fruit. You can use different varieties, but it is advisable to give preference to unsweetened ones with a slight sourness.


At the moment, there is an abundance of diets and recipes that can please the tastes of even the most avid gourmets. At the same time, most of the recipes are simple and do not require a significant investment of time; they can be prepared at home.

Recipes for dishes with apples for weight loss:

Baked apples

In order to prepare this dish you will need a kilogram of apples, honey and cinnamon to taste. This dish is perfect not only as a dessert, but also as a main meal. Bake the fruit for about 30 minutes in foil in order to preserve the juiciness and taste of the dish.

Baked fruits with carrots and zucchini

We take all ingredients in a 2:1:1 ratio. Wash all ingredients, cut into cubes and place in a pot. Bake in the oven for 45 minutes. You can season this interesting warm salad with natural yoghurt.

Apple fresh

To achieve maximum weight loss results, you can add fresh ginger or celery, previously chopped in a blender. Cut all the necessary products into small slices and grind in a blender. then add a little water and half a teaspoon of honey.

Spinach salad

A bunch of spinach should be scalded with boiling water, add 2 chopped eggs and 500 grams of boiled chicken and 3 apples. It is best to season this dish with lemon juice. Add salt and pepper to taste. Any type of greenery is suitable as a decoration.

Apples and kefir for weight loss - expert opinion

Analyzing the advice of nutritionists about losing weight on apples, the most popular diet is kefir combined with apples.

Most valuable tips:

  1. You can consume kefir and one fruit separately. The break should be at least half an hour.
  2. To achieve maximum results, you should mix kefir with fruit in a mixer, which will allow the body to better absorb nutrients and reduce weight.

A fruit drink with kefir not only reduces weight, but also normalizes stool and fights rashes on the face, making the skin cleaner and fresher.

An easy, super effective and cheap way to fight excess weight is to use available products that are easy to buy at any time of the year without spending a tidy sum. So, water and apples can confidently top the list of such products if there are no contraindications. These ingredients have great benefits, and there are many variations of diets with apples and water: from strict to light and balanced.

The benefits of water for weight loss

Those who are not new to the need to lose weight should know that water is an important component of almost every diet. The postulate has been known since school days that much more than half of the human body consists of water. Therefore, all processes in the body depend on its purity, quality and quantity.

Water is found in all vegetables and fruits, as well as in the vast majority of other products, but it must be supplied to the body in its pure form. Its benefits for weight loss are as follows:

  • sufficient water content in the body ensures the rapid removal of broken down fats, wastes and toxins;
  • dry and dehydrated cells are unable to break down fat;
  • during a diet, water helps reduce appetite (1 glass eliminates hunger for at least 20 minutes);
  • a sufficient amount of fluid protects the skin from sagging in case of rapid weight loss;
  • water accelerates metabolism and metabolism, ensuring rapid delivery of everything necessary throughout all vital systems, including the brain. Thus, a normal balance of water in the body increases strength, eliminates fatigue, and allows you to engage in mental activity more productively;
  • water contributes to the high-quality renewal process of every cell of the body.

During a diet on apples and water, you can add lemon juice and a little fresh ginger to the liquid. These products help not only burn fat, but also saturate the body with vigor.

Important: you should not abuse mineral water during a diet, since magnesium, sodium, and potassium salts are deposited in the organs of the excretory system, forming stones. Regular consumption of mineral water can cause destabilization of the salt balance in the body. But if you feel weak and loss of strength, you can drink a glass of mineral water - it will give you energy.

It is also important to know that simple drinking water sold in stores under the slogan “water with vitamins” or “pure melt water” is just an advertising gimmick.

How to drink water correctly?

There are a number of principles that need to be followed during any diet. The most important thing is the quality of the water consumed. The ideal option is to have a filter of several stages. This is especially true for those who cannot drink boiled water. Here are the rest of the rules:

  1. A glass of water in the morning, about a third of an hour before breakfast, will help improve digestion and saturate the cells with moisture.
  2. Before eating meat products, it is better to drink 0.5-1 glass more.
  3. You should not exceed the water allowance, as your kidneys will be at risk. For a person in cool weather, 1.5-2 liters of water is enough.
  4. It is better to exclude carbonated drinks from the diet; they negatively affect the body, even “environmentally friendly and natural” ones.
  5. You should drink water before each meal - at least 10 minutes before.
  6. You cannot drink food during or after meals (at least an hour must pass).
  7. Hot water more actively “drives out” toxins, while cold water requires more expenditure from the body and improves digestive processes.
  8. Salt retains water, so its consumption should be minimized even outside of the diet. Swelling and a few extra pounds will disappear quickly if salty foods are eliminated from the diet.

You can add various additives to the water that are not prohibited by the diet: honey, grated mint or lemon balm leaves, the previously mentioned lemons and ginger.

Advice: if you have not previously drunk a lot of water in its “pure” form, preferring juices and other drinks, then you need to start drinking it gradually, starting with 2-3 glasses a day.

It should be remembered that drinking a very large volume of liquid is unsafe for people with diseases of the gallbladder, bladder and kidneys.

The benefits of apples for weight loss

Apples are one of the most affordable fruits on the Russian market. Moreover, high-quality fruits can be found even in winter. They are rich in important vitamins, and therefore have become an important part of the diet:

  • improve digestion and eliminate mild stomach problems;
  • normalize metabolism, helping to eliminate extra pounds;
  • provide the body with the most important vitamins during weight loss;
  • help eliminate harmful substances and “bad” cholesterol;
  • baked apples are especially effective in eliminating hunger and also help destroy cancer-causing cells;
  • promote the removal of excess fluid.

In addition, apples, especially baked ones, are a very tasty fruit, because the abundance of varieties allows you to choose fruits of completely different consistency and structure.

What kind of apples should I get?

The best option is Russian varieties or apples grown with your own hands. Imported apples contain more harm than good, because by the time they “arrive” from another country, we will be heavily treated with chemicals and all the vitamins in them will be lost.

If you listen to reviews about the water and apple diet, and also consult a nutritionist, you can conclude that green apples are more beneficial. BUT, you should not choose them if you have high stomach acidity.

Red apples can easily replace green ones, but yellow apples will turn out especially tasty when baked. It is also important that apples are a recommended product for diabetics; they do not increase sugar levels and normalize glucose levels.

Unloading on apples

The simplest, easiest, but quite long-lasting way to get rid of excess fat deposits is fasting days with apples. They are repeated 2 times a week for 1 month. The result is a loss of up to 5 kg.

Here is an approximate diagram of such a day:

  • a glass of water before breakfast, half an hour later 1-2 fresh apples and unsweetened tea;
  • after an hour or two - 1 fresh or baked apple, before this you need to drink a glass of water;
  • for lunch you can eat up to 3 medium-sized apples, drinking water before eating;
  • after another two hours - 1-2 apples in any form, you can make a salad, seasoning it with lemon juice;
  • for dinner – 2 baked apples;
  • before bed – 1 fresh apple.

The number of apples can be increased, but you are unlikely to want to eat more than the specified amount. There should be at least 1 liter of water per day.

You can maintain weight by using subsequent fasting days once every 2 weeks.

Three day diet

One of the options for a diet on apples and water is the following scheme:

  • a traditional glass of water before breakfast, 200-300 g of applesauce from baked or boiled apples;
  • for lunch you can eat 2-3 baked apples;
  • the afternoon snack will be a grated apple;
  • dinner - smoothie made from mineral water, grated apple, lemon juice. You can sweeten it with a spoon of honey.

During the day you can eat up to 2 kg of fruit and drink up to 2 liters of water. The result will be a loss of up to 2-3 kg of excess weight.

Strict version

The duration of such a diet should not be extended to several weeks. Optimally – 3-5 days. You can lose 3-4 kg. The diet is based on various herbal infusions with clean water, green tea and, of course, pure water. You can eat up to 2 kg of apples per day. Fruits can be baked, boiled, or mashed.

One-day balanced diet

To get maximum results, such a day should be arranged every week. The diet is quite balanced. During the day you should drink up to 2 liters of water and eat up to 1.5 kg of apples.

  1. Breakfast starts with some corn flakes with raisins and apple slices.
  2. Before lunch you need to eat 1 large apple.
  3. At lunch, a salad with apples and lettuce, seasoned with low-fat yogurt, vinegar or olive oil, is allowed.
  4. The afternoon snack consists of a small amount of low-fat cottage cheese and one apple.
  5. For dinner, prepare a salad of grated apple with lemon juice.

This diet involves losing up to 1 kg of weight. If you add 50 g of cheese, 100 g of chicken and a slice of rye bread to the menu, the diet will be easier to tolerate, but the weight loss will be no more than 0.5 kg.

A lighter version of the three-day diet

You can lose up to 2 kg in three days, while no more than 1.5 kg of apples of any variety are eaten per day. Up to 100 g of rye crackers are added to them. Up to 2 liters of water is a constant part of the diet. All meals should be divided into equal periods of time, creating a program of six meals a day.

A diet based on water and apples, judging by reviews, is more suitable for women, since such a diet is very difficult for men to tolerate.

A question has arisen. Are carbohydrates different from carbohydrates? My situation is such that I eat only apples. That's all. As for balance, I know everything myself. The only consolation is that such a “diet”, caused by trips to the country, occurs from time to time. For several days I eat only apples and coffee, teas without sugar. But HOW MUCH can you eat when your physical level is low? activity? Is it possible to eat apples in the evening? You don’t really get enough of them, so you often “go away” 3 kg of them per day, or even more. Can simple carbohydrates contained in apples make you fat?

Reply from the site

It's not the carbohydrates you need to worry about, it's the fats and proteins. When you eat apples, you don't get them at all. This diet disrupts metabolism and promotes muscle loss. This is the most common mockery of one’s own health. You should be educated in matters of physiology, because... At the moment, you are a danger to yourself and are setting a bad example for others.

The carbohydrates in apples will not make you fat.