Visual sequential images. Collection of books about painting and art

  • 13.06.2019

Consistent image

Visual sensations that persist for some, usually short, time after the cessation of the optical stimulus. There are positive and negative P. o. The first is colored in the same way as, and can be very short-lived. Negative P. o. lasts longer and is colored additional color in relation to the color of the stimulus. Thus, in response to the presentation of the color red, a green negative P. o. appears. With prolonged or intense action of the stimulus, several changes of positive and negative P. o. can be observed, which continue for tens of seconds or even minutes (see,).

Brief psychological dictionary. - Rostov-on-Don: “PHOENIX”. L.A. Karpenko, A.V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998 .

A visual sensation that remains immediately after viewing an object with a strictly fixed gaze.


So, after termination bright light A bright sequential image is observed for some time (a positive sequential image), and after moving the gaze to a light background, this image will be darker than it (a negative sequential image).

Usually afterimages are not observed due to their erasure by saccadic eye movements and masking, but very bright objects (Sun, fire flames, etc.) cause fairly persistent afterimages. The afterimage is clearly visible against a uniform background with stable visual fixation on a fixed point. After each eye jump it disappears, and during visual fixation it reappears, already weakened. The afterimage color is complementary to the object color. The duration of action can be up to ten minutes.


Afterimage Psychological Dictionary

. THEM. Kondakov. 2000.

CONSISTENT IMAGE (English) afterimage , lit. afterimage) - , which occurs after the cessation of the stimulus, a “trace” of irritation. For example, if you look at a bright light source and then close your eyes, then a bright P. o. will be observed for some time. ( positive By.). If you then turn your gaze to the white wall, then P. o. this light source will be visible darker than the rest of the wall (.will deny.P O .). With more accurate it turns out that the process of attenuation of P. o. more complicated: in the irritated area there is a rapid change of lightening and darkening, which is then replaced by a slower change with a gradual attenuation of all phenomena. If the source of the initial irritation is bright, then the duration of P. o. can reach ten minutes. By. affects the brightness and color of the objects we see.

Intensity, duration and rhythm of change of positive P. o. (same contrast, the same as the previously observed object) is negative. By. depend on the brightness, contrast and duration of the previously observed object. After each eye jump, P. o. disappears, then appears again during visual fixation, but already weakened. Apparent size of P. o. proportional to the apparent distance of the background surface against which it is observed ( ). If P. o. observed in the dark, then during active eye movements it moves phenomenally with them, but with passive movements (eg, pressing a finger on the eye through the eyelid) it appears stable (which is consistent with the efferent stability theory visible world G.Helmholtz). Color negative. By. is complementary to the color of the chromatic object. IN normal conditions By. are not observed due to their “erasing” saccadic movements And camouflage other objects of perception; the exception is very bright objects (the Sun, electric welding flames, etc.), which cause strong P. o.

Editor's addition: Some phases in the development of P. o. assigned anthroponyms: 1st, 2nd and 3rd positive P. o. named after famous explorers - “P. O. Goering", "P. O. Purkinje" and "P. O. Hess" respectively.

Ordinary P. about: undoubtedly represent subjective sensory phenomena, but consider them full-fledged images, possessing the properties of objectivity, constancy, etc. is impossible. In this regard A.N.Leontyev paid attention to accuracy internal form term "afterimage" afterimage and German nachbild) - “following the image”: “No one tries to catch P. o. or act with it. This is the same as ringing in the ears... This is a product of organization, a product of the eye itself, the visual system itself” (Leontiev A.N. Lectures on general psychology. - M., 2000, p. 196). However, unlike tinnitus P. o. (subjectively) have a completely obvious extrasomatic localization (external objectivity).

By. can be observed without a clear vision of the original (direct) image. This is shown under conditions of image stabilization relative to the retina. The brightness of the stabilized image increased more slowly than the speed of eye adaptation. At the same time, the subject saw an empty field. When the light source was turned off, the subject saw a clear P. o. matrix (6 x 6), which had 36 letters, and during the first phase of P. o. managed to read any 2 lines or 2 columns assigned to him before turning off the light source (Zinchenko V.P., Virgiles N.Yu., 1969).

Large psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-EVROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .

See what a “sequential image” is in other dictionaries:

    Sequential Image- a visual sensation that remains immediately after the cessation of the stimulus. So, after the cessation of the action of bright light, a bright sequential image (positive sequential image) is observed for some time, and after the transfer... ... Afterimage

    . THEM. Kondakov. 2000.- residual sensations, gradually fading stability of sensations that continue after the cessation of sensory stimulation (residual image, echo, taste); based on the stability of the state of excitation in the sense organs or in the nervous... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Consistent image- - mental representation of what has just happened. ...So he left, and I kept hearing his voice and steps, and I looked at the dark window - his face appeared to me there (A. Chekhov, Uncle Vanya). * * * – a perceptual image (usually visual), which... ...

    . THEM. Kondakov. 2000.- A perceptual image that occurs after the original source of stimulation has been removed. Consecutive images are most often found when visual perception. Other known forms of sequential images are mentioned in the following... ...

    consistent image- a visual sensation that persists for some time after the cessation of the action of the light stimulus on the g?A?... Large medical dictionary

    Consistent image- A sensation that lingers after the stimulus has ceased to act on the visual analyzer. See Eidetism... Explanatory dictionary of psychiatric terms

    consistent image- The remaining visual sensation from a luminous spot or from a point source of light after the cessation of the effect on the observer’s eye ... Polytechnic terminology Dictionary

    CONSISTENT, POSITIVE- A consistent image that occurs immediately after the cessation of a visual stimulus that has the same qualitative characteristics as the original stimulus. A positive consistent image is fleeting and best observed... ... Explanatory dictionary of psychology

    CONSISTENT IMAGE, NEGATIVE- A consistent image, with properties opposite to those of the original stimulus. Although sometimes to denote such sequential images (especially when discussing color images) the term additional is used that they... ... Explanatory dictionary of psychology

    Consistent image is negative- – a consistent image with properties opposite to the properties of the original stimulus. Synonym: Negative afterimage... encyclopedic Dictionary in psychology and pedagogy

Main types of memory

Psychology has several main types of memory. We will consider them sequentially, arranging them in order of increasing complexity.

At the same time, we will limit ourselves only to the analysis of those types of memory that are important for cognitive processes, leaving aside consideration of the phenomena of emotional and motor memory.

The most elementary form of sensory memory is represented by the so-called sequential images.Οʜᴎ manifest themselves in both the visual, auditory and general sensory spheres and are well studied in psychology.

The phenomenon of a sequential image (often denoted by the symbol NB, according to the German term "Nachbild") is as follows: if at some time the subject is presented with a simple stimulus, for example, asking him to look at a bright red square for 10-15 seconds, and then remove this square, then the subject continues to see in place of the removed red square an imprint of the same shape, but usually blue-green (in addition to red) color. This imprint sometimes appears immediately, sometimes after a few seconds and persists for a certain period (from 10-15 seconds to 45-60 seconds), then gradually begins to fade, lose its clear contours, as if spreading, then disappears; sometimes it appears again only to disappear completely. For different subjects, both the brightness and clarity and duration of successive images may vary.

The phenomenon of sequential images is explained by the fact that irritation of the retina has its own aftereffect: it depletes that fraction of visual purple (the color-sensitive component of the cone), which provides the perception of red color, therefore, when looking at White list an imprint of an additional blue-green color appears. This type of sequential image is called in a negative sequential manner. It can be regarded as the most elementary type of storage of sensory traces or the most elementary type of sensitive memory.

In addition to negative sequential images, there are also positive consistent images. They can be observed if, in complete darkness, you place some object (for example, a hand) in front of your eyes, and then very a short time(0.5 sec) illuminate the field with bright light (for example, a flash light bulb). In this case, after the light goes out, the person will continue to see for some period bright image an object located in front of his eyes, this time in natural colors; this image lasts for a short time and then disappears.

The phenomenon of a positive sequential image is the result of a direct aftereffect of short-term visual perception. The fact that it does not change its color is explained by the fact that in the coming darkness the background does not excite the retina, and a person can observe the immediate aftereffect of the sensory excitation caused at one moment.

The phenomenon of sequential images has always been of interest to psychophysiologists, who saw in this phenomenon the opportunity to directly observe the processes of those traces that are stored in nervous system from the action of sensory stimuli, and trace the dynamics of these traces.

Consecutive images reflect primarily the phenomena of excitation occurring in retina of the eye. This is proven by simple experiment. If you present a red square on a gray screen for some time and, by removing this square, obtain its sequential image, and then gradually move the screen away, you can see that the size of the sequential image gradually increases, and this increase in the sequential image is directly proportional to the distance of the screen (“ Emmert's law").

This is explained by the fact that as the screen moves away, the angle that its reflection begins to occupy on the retina gradually decreases, and the sequential image begins to occupy an increasingly larger space on this decreasing area of ​​​​the retinal image of the moving screen. The described phenomenon serves as clear evidence that in this case we really observe the aftereffect of those excitation processes that occur on the retina, and the consistent image is the most elementary form of short-term sensory memory.

It is characteristic that a sequential image is an example of the most elementary trace processes that cannot be regulated by conscious effort: it can neither be extended at will nor voluntarily evoked again. This is the difference between sequential images and more complex types memory images.

Consecutive images can be observed in the auditory sphere and in the sphere of skin sensations, but there they are less pronounced and last a shorter time.

Despite the fact that sequential images are a reflection of processes occurring on the retina, their brightness and consistency significantly depend on the state of the visual cortex. Thus, in cases of tumors of the occipital region of the brain, sequential images may appear in a weakened form and persist for a shorter time, and sometimes are not evoked at all. (N.N. Zislina). On the contrary, with the introduction of certain stimulating substances they can become brighter and longer lasting.

The most elementary form of sensory memory is represented by so-called sequential images. They manifest themselves in both the visual, auditory and general sensory spheres and are well studied in psychology.

The phenomenon of a sequential image (often denoted by the symbol KB, according to the German term "Lacill") is as follows: if you present a simple stimulus to the subject for a while, for example, ask him to look at a bright red square for 10-15 seconds, and then remove this square, then the subject continues to see in place of the removed red square a print of the same shape, but usually blue-green (in addition to red) color. This one is from-

the signet sometimes appears immediately, sometimes after a few seconds and persists for a certain period (from 10-15 seconds to 45-60 seconds), then gradually begins to fade, lose its clear contours, as if spreading, then disappears; sometimes it appears again only to disappear completely. For different subjects, both the brightness and clarity and duration of successive images may vary.

The phenomenon of sequential images is explained by the fact that irritation of the retina has its own aftereffect: it depletes that fraction of visual purple (the color-sensitive component of the cone), which provides the perception of red color, so when you look at a white sheet, an imprint of an additional blue-green color appears. This kind of sequential image is called negative sequential image. It can be regarded as the most elementary type of storage of sensory traces or the most elementary type of sensitive memory.

In addition to negative sequential images, there are also positive sequential images. They can be observed if, in complete darkness, you place an object (for example, a hand) in front of your eyes, and then illuminate the field with bright light (for example, a flash from a light bulb) for a very short time (0.5 seconds). In this case, after the light goes out, the person will continue to see for some period a bright image of the object located in front of his eyes, this time in natural colors; this image persists for some time and then disappears.

The phenomenon of a positive sequential image is the result of a direct aftereffect of short-term visual perception. The fact that it does not change its color is explained by the fact that in the coming darkness the background does not excite the retina, and a person can observe the immediate aftereffect of the sensory excitation caused at one moment.

The phenomenon of sequential images has always been of interest to psychophysiologists, who saw in this phenomenon an opportunity to directly observe the processes of those traces that are stored in the nervous system from the action of sensory stimuli, and to trace the dynamics of these traces.

Consecutive images primarily reflect excitation phenomena occurring on the retina of the eye. This is proven by simple experiment. If you present a red square on a gray screen for a while and, having removed this square, get its sequential image, and then gradually move the screen away, you can see that the size of the sequential image gradually increases, and this increase in the sequential image is directly proportional to the distance of the screen (“Emmert’s law ").

This is explained by the fact that as the screen moves away, the angle that its reflection begins to occupy on the retina gradually decreases, and the sequential image begins to occupy more and more space on this decreasing area of ​​​​the retinal image of the moving screen. The described phenomenon serves as clear evidence that in this case we really observe the aftereffect of those excitation processes that occur on the retina, and subsequent

The physical image is the most elementary form of short-term sensory memory.

It is characteristic that a sequential image is an example of the most elementary trace processes that cannot be regulated by conscious effort: it can neither be extended at will nor voluntarily evoked again. This is the difference between sequential images and more complex types of memory images.

Consecutive images can be observed in the auditory sphere and in the sphere of skin sensations, but there they are less pronounced and last a shorter time.

Despite the fact that sequential images are a reflection of processes occurring on the retina, their brightness and consistency significantly depend on the state of the visual cortex. Thus, in cases of tumors of the occipital region of the brain, successive images can appear in a weakened form and persist for a shorter time, and sometimes are not evoked at all (I. N. Zislina). On the contrary, with the introduction of certain stimulating substances they can become brighter and longer lasting.

More on the topic Sequential images:

  2. Short-term memory: sequential imagery and iconic memory.
  3. Chapter 7 Secondary phenomenological model of hypnosis based on the neurophysiological model of visual sequential images
  4. 7.2. Comparison of the phenomenology of color sensations reproduced in hypnosis and visual sequential images

The most elementary form of sensory memory is represented by the so-called sequential images.Οʜᴎ manifest themselves in both the visual, auditory and general sensory spheres and are well studied in psychology.

The phenomenon of a sequential image (often denoted by the symbol NB, according to the German term ʼʼNachbildʼʼ) is as follows: if at some time the subject is presented with a simple stimulus, for example, asking him to look at a bright red square for 10-15 seconds, and then remove this square, then the subject continues to see in place of the removed red square an imprint of the same shape, but usually blue-green (in addition to red) color. This imprint sometimes appears immediately, sometimes after a few seconds and persists for a certain period (from 10-15 seconds to 45-60 seconds), then gradually begins to fade, lose its clear contours, as if spreading, then disappears; sometimes it appears again only to disappear completely. For different subjects, both the brightness and clarity and duration of successive images should be different.

The phenomenon of sequential images is explained by the fact that irritation of the retina has its own aftereffect: it depletes that fraction of visual purple (the color-sensitive component of the cone), which ensures the perception of red color; therefore, when looking at a white sheet, an imprint of additional blue appears. e-green color. This type of sequential image is called in a negative sequential manner. It must be regarded as the most elementary type of storage of sensory traces or the most elementary type of sensitive memory.

In addition to negative sequential images, there are also positive consistent images. They can be observed if you place an object (for example, a hand) in front of your eyes in complete darkness, and then illuminate the field with bright light (for example, a flash of a light bulb) for a very short time (0.5 seconds). In this case, after the light goes out, the person will continue to see a bright image of the object located in front of his eyes for some period, this time in natural colors; this image persists for some time and then disappears.

The phenomenon of a positive sequential image is the result of a direct aftereffect of short-term visual perception. The fact that it does not change its color is explained by the fact that in the coming darkness the background does not excite the retina, and a person can observe the immediate aftereffect of the sensory excitation caused at one moment.

The phenomenon of sequential images has always been of interest to psychophysiologists, who saw in this phenomenon an opportunity to directly observe the processes of those traces that are stored in the nervous system from the action of sensory stimuli, and to trace the dynamics of these traces.

Consecutive images reflect primarily the phenomena of excitation occurring in retina of the eye. This is proven by simple experiment. If you present a red square on a gray screen for some time and, having removed this square, get its sequential image, and then gradually move the screen away, you can see that the size of the sequential image gradually increases, and this increase in the sequential image is directly proportional to the removal of the screen (ʼʼlaw Emmert').

This is explained by the fact that as the screen moves away, the angle that its reflection begins to occupy on the retina gradually decreases, and the sequential image begins to occupy an increasingly larger space on this decreasing area of ​​​​the retinal image of the moving screen. The described phenomenon serves as clear evidence that in this case we really observe the aftereffect of those excitation processes that occur on the retina, and the consistent image is the most elementary form of short-term sensory memory.

It is characteristic that a sequential image is an example of the most elementary trace processes that cannot be regulated by conscious effort: it can neither be extended at will nor voluntarily evoked again. This is the difference between sequential images and more complex types of memory images.

Consecutive images can be observed in the auditory sphere and in the sphere of skin sensations, but there they are less pronounced and last a shorter time.

Despite the fact that sequential images are a reflection of processes occurring on the retina, their brightness and consistency significantly depend on the state of the visual cortex. Thus, in cases of tumors of the occipital region of the brain, sequential images may appear in a weakened form and persist for a shorter time, and sometimes are not evoked at all. (N.N. Zislina). On the contrary, with the introduction of certain stimulating substances they can become brighter and longer lasting.

Sequential images - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Sequential images" 2017, 2018.

Consistent image (English afterimage, letters, afterimage)- a sensation that occurs after the cessation of the stimulus, a “trace” of irritation. For example, if you look at a bright light source and then close your eyes, then a bright P. o. will be observed for some time. (positive Sequential image). If you then turn your gaze to the white wall, then P. o. This light source will be visible darker than the rest of the wall (negative. Consistent image). With more accurate self-observation, it turns out that the process of attenuation of P. o. more complicated: in the irritated area there is a rapid change of lightening and darkening, which is then replaced by a slower change with a gradual attenuation of all phenomena. If the source of the initial irritation is bright, then the duration of P. o. can reach ten minutes. By. affects the brightness and color of the objects we see.

Intensity, duration and rhythm of change of positive P. o. (the same contrast as the previously observed object) to negative. The sequential image depends on the brightness, contrast and duration of the previously observed object. After each eye jump, P. o. disappears, then appears again during visual fixation, but already weakened. Apparent size of P. o. proportional to the apparent distance of the background surface against which it is observed (Emmert's Law). If P. o. observed in the dark, then when active movements the eye phenomenally moves with them, but with passive movements (for example, when pressing a finger on the eye through the eyelid), it seems stable (which is consistent with Helmholtz’s efferent theory of stability of the visible world). Color negative. By. is complementary to the color of the chromatic object. Under normal conditions P. o. are not observed due to their “erasing” by saccadic movements and masking by other objects of perception; the exception is very bright objects (the Sun, electric welding flames, etc.), which cause strong P. o.

Editor's addition: Some phases in the development of P. o. assigned anthroponyms: 1st, 2nd and 3rd positive P. o. named after the famous explorers - "P. O. Goering", "P. O. Purkinje" and "P. O. Hess" respectively.

Ordinary visual images undoubtedly represent subjective sensory phenomena, but consider them to be full-fledged images that have the properties of objectivity, constancy, etc. it is forbidden. In this regard, A.N. Leontyev drew attention to the accuracy of the internal form of the term “afterimage” (English afterimage and German nachbild) - “following the image”: “No one tries to catch the P. o. or act with it.” This is the same as ringing in the ears ... This is a product of organization, a product of the eye itself, the visual system itself" (Leontiev A.N. Lectures on general psychology. - M., 2000, p. 196). However, unlike tinnitus, P. o. (subjective ) have a completely obvious extrasomatic localization (external objectification).

A sequential image can be observed without a clear vision of the original (direct) image. This is shown under conditions of image stabilization relative to the retina. The brightness of the stabilized image increased more slowly than the speed of eye adaptation. At the same time, the subject saw an empty field. When the light source was turned off, the subject saw a clear P. o. matrix (6 x 6), which had 36 letters, and during the first phase of P. o. managed to read any 2 lines or 2 columns assigned to him before turning off the light source (Zinchenko V.P., Virgiles N.Yu., 1969).

Syn. for P. r.: standard, reference or background stimulus. (K.V. Bardin)

Great encyclopedia of psychiatry. Zhmurov V.A.

Consistent image- a perceptual image (usually visual), which appears immediately after the stimulus causing it is removed. The appearance of sequential images is associated with the activity of sensory memory. Synonym: Afterimage.

Dictionary of psychiatric terms. V.M. Bleikher, I.V. Crook

Consistent image- a sensation that lingers after the stimulus has ceased to act on the visual analyzer. Cm . Eidetism .

Neurology. Complete explanatory dictionary. Nikiforov A.S.

no meaning or interpretation of the word

Oxford Dictionary of Psychology

Consistent image- a perceptual image that appears after the original source of stimulation has been removed. Consecutive images are most often encountered in visual perception. Other known forms of sequential images are mentioned in the following packs.

subject area of ​​the term