​Andrei Grizzly declassified the star's mother. “The Voice” participant Andrey Grizzly about his creative and personal life after the project Andrey grizz lee biography

  • 07.08.2019
Andrey Grizzly is a singer who writes music himself, and not only for himself. He has been performing on stage as an independent performer for a long time. Viewers could see him in such shows as “Hipster Show” and “The Voice”.

Childhood and family of Andrei Grizzly

Today Grizzly considers Moscow his hometown. His mother is Ukrainian, and his father is Greek. He was born in Ukraine in the city of Zaporozhye. Only when Andrei turned fourteen did the family move to Moscow. The mother of the future composer and performer noticed her son’s penchant for music. As a three-year-old child, he diligently sang songs that he listened to many times on cassette tapes - these were Queen and Stevie Wonder collections brought by his father from the USA. What was surprising was that the boy even imitated improvisations and losses. When Andrey went to music school, then immediately began studying piano, followed by violin and guitar. He had no dream of becoming a musician in an orchestra, so he never completed any of the courses.

Music became more serious at the age of fifteen, when Grizzly became interested in rap and hip-hop. It should be noted that both hip-hop and rap remain an integral part of Andrei’s work to this day. The young man wrote his first songs at about the same age.

At the age of eighteen, the future performer became a student at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, from which he successfully graduated in 2010.

The beginning of the musical career of Andrey Grizzly, “New Wave”

In 2011, Grizzly took part in the New Wave competition and won in three categories. It must be said that this success was not the only one for Andrey in 2011. Around the same period of time, the Russian music label GALA RECORDS signed a contract with the promising performer.

In 2011, the singer accepted the invitation of the Russia 1 channel to take part in Maxim Galkin’s project called “Hipsters Show.” Andrey became a finalist on this show.

In 2013, Grizzly released a video, in which Alexander Revva played the main role. The name of this clip is I love you baby. Almost all music channels appreciated the video with its Latin American motifs. Millions of listeners also liked it. In the same year, the singer with a powerful velvety voice was chosen by the Coca-Cola company as the performer of the New Year's hit. The video “The holiday is coming to us” is known to almost all of us. In 2013, it was performed by Andrei Grizzly.

Andrey Grizzly on the show “The Voice”

Andrey once again appeared before TV viewers, becoming a participant in the third season music show"Voice". According to him, he came to this show to popularize his music. At the “blind” audition, the singer presented a cover version of the song “You Know.” The first to turn to the talented performer was Dima Bilan, with whom Andrei had once collaborated.

The second to turn his chair towards the Grizzly was Leonid Agutin, who was chosen by the singer as a mentor. According to his recollections, he remembers Agutin’s songs from childhood; they were often heard in his house. It was a dream for Andrey to meet, and even more so to work with, this person.

In a duet competition, a rival young man was Marie Njipuakuyu. The mentor made a choice in favor of Andrey. According to a participant in the show, in the first minute after the result was announced, he felt upset that Marie would be forced to leave the project. During filming, the performers became friends. Andrey supported her by hugging her right on stage. Only after some time did Grizzly feel the joy of the victory he had won at this stage.

The stage called “knockouts” also turned out to be successful for the singer; he again remained on the show. Andrey considers his mission on “The Voice” completed.

Andrey Grizzly today

Andrey has grandiose plans for the future. In the near future he will release a disc and hold a presentation of it. Most likely, viewers will be able to appreciate more than one music video by the performer and composer.

Another step that Grizzly strives to climb is the Eurovision Song Contest. The singer’s bold plans include not only participation in the competition, but also victory in it. Andrey believes that between him solo albums there should not be a long break, so no later than a year after the release of his first album, he plans to record and present the second.

Personal life of Andrey Grizzly

Andrey proves himself not only as a composer and performer, he also succeeded as a presenter. He was repeatedly invited to hold events of various sizes - from weddings and corporate events, to presentations and large concerts. Andrey's concerts radiate the most powerful energy. As you know, he writes his songs himself. He doesn't have an arranger or producer. It is possible that the reason for such success is precisely that Andrey does everything completely himself.

As a sound producer and composer, Grizzly has collaborated more than once with such famous performers, How Dima Bilan,

» Channel One.

Andrey Grizzly performs as an independent singer at club venues. Plays the piano. He writes music not only for himself, but also for other performers.

Andrey Grizzly. Biography

Andrey's talent was first noticed by his mother Tatyana ( Lyubasha), when he was only three years old. Once Andrey’s father brought all the Stevie Wonder and Queen cassettes from America. They were heard so well that Andrei could sing any song by heart, even playing instruments and improvisations. Soon Andrei began studying at a music school, studying violin, piano, and guitar, but did not complete a single course, since “there was no particular zeal to become a musician in an orchestra.”

Take music more seriously Andrey Grizzly became already at the age of 15. Then he liked rap and hip-hop most of all, which to this day are an integral part of his life and work. In 2004, Andrey entered the Institute contemporary art, which he successfully graduated in 2010.

In 2011, the largest music label in Russia, GALA RECORDS (S.B.A. Music Publishing), believed in Andrey, concluding a contract with him. In the same year, the Russia 1 TV channel invited Grizzly to take part in the television project “Hipsters Show with Maxim Galkin,” where Andrei became a finalist.

In 2013, Andrey released a video I love you baby with Alexander Revva V leading role. The minimum program for Andrey for the next year is to release an album, hold its presentation, shoot several high-quality videos, “then beat Eurovision and consolidate his success with a second album.

Andrey Grizzly on the show Voice, season 3

At the blind auditions Andrey Grizzly performed a cover of the song “You Know,” and when Dima Bilan turned to him, he recognized the singer with whom he had worked. I chose Grizzly as a mentor

Andrey Grizzly is a Russian pop singer, winner of the competition “ New wave"in three nominations (2011), finalist of the second season of "Hipsters-show with" (2011) and participant in the TV show "The Voice - 3" (2014). Son of a singer and composer (Tatiana Zaluzhnaya).

Andrey Zaluzhny was born on October 6, 1989 in the Ukrainian city of Zaporozhye. There he lived with his parents until he was 14 years old. Then the family moved to Moscow, where my mother’s career developed rapidly. Andrei’s mother is Ukrainian Tatyana Zaluzhnaya, better known to pop music fans and show business connoisseurs as the singer and composer Lyubasha. Not only Ukrainian, but also Greek blood flows in Andrei Zaluzhny’s veins - from his father.

Musical ability My mother noticed her son when Andrey was 3 years old. Then dad brought cassettes and the Queen group from the USA. After some time, the parents noticed that their son knew all the songs recorded on cassettes. The kid could not only sing these compositions, but even play instrumental passages between songs.

A couple of years later, Andrei was taken to a music school, where the boy learned to play several instruments: violin, guitar and piano. But the future performer and composer Andrei Grizzly began to study music more thoroughly at the age of 15. The young man especially liked the emerging hip-hop and rap. Andrey constantly returns to these styles today.

In 2004, Andrei Zaluzhny became a student at the Institute of Contemporary Art. The singer successfully graduated from this university in 2010. Andrey has a younger brother, Gleb, who was born in Tatyana Zaluzhnaya’s second marriage in 1998.

TV projects

In 2011, Andrei Grizzly became the winner of the New Wave competition, in three categories at once. One of the largest music labels in Russia, GALA RECORDS, signs a contract with him.

Also in 2011, the central TV channel "Russia 1" made Grizzly an offer to take part in television project"Hipsters show with Maxim Galkin." Of course, the young performer accepted this offer and soon became a finalist.

Once again, Andrei Grizzly tried his hand at the 3rd season of the TV show “The Voice,” which was broadcast in the fall of 2014 on Channel One. The performer admitted that he came to the project to popularize own creativity.

Grizzly debuted in the competition on October 3. For the blind audition, Andrey prepared a cover version of the song “You Know.” The first to press the button. The second to turn was whom the contestant chose as his own mentor.

In the duel competition, Andrei Grizzly performed the hit “Bad girls” in a duet with singer Ntentiye Marie Nzhipuakuyu and advanced to the next stage. In the “Knockouts” competition, which took place on November 21, the artist performed the song “Let’s Fly.” Andrey’s rivals were Samvel Vardanyan (“Historia De Un Amor”) and Georgy Yufa (“Path to the Light”). The mentor again left Andrei Grizzly in the project.

At the quarterfinal stage, which was recorded on December 12, Andrey competed with (“I Love You More than Nature”) and Arthur Best (“Late Evening in Sorrento”). Having received a total of 44 points for his performance of the hit “Counting Stars” from his mentor and TV viewers, Andrey took third place in the competition trio and dropped out of the project. Andrey Grizzly was pleased with the result, considering the mission of the project completed.


In 2013, the video “I love you baby” by Andrey Grizzly and Vakhtang was released. The Latin American motifs of this composition and humor were highly appreciated by the audience. In the same year, Andrei performed the New Year’s advertising hit “The Holiday is Coming to Us,” commissioned by the Coca-Cola company for the musician.

IN last years Andrey Grizzly performs at club venues as an independent performer. The artist writes songs and music for himself and for colleagues. The singer periodically participates in joint projects. In a duet with Vakhtang, Andrei Grizzly sang the musical composition “The Sky Above Us.” The song premiered in 2015 Russian rap artist“Caravan”, in the creation of which Andrey Grizzly, Ika & Art Force Crew participated.

Creative biography Andrei Grizzly is just at the beginning of his journey. The singer plans to release his debut album and record several good videos. The dream is to get to Eurovision and immediately record the second album after the first album.

Andrey Grizzly performs at the Lyubasha Song Theater and continues to develop solo career. The singer became the author of 30 songs, among which “This Music”, “Wash Her Deceit”, “The Soul Breaks Off the Chain”, and “Not a Word about You” became popular.

Personal life

At the New Wave 2011 competition, a romance broke out between participants Andrei Grizzly and Masha Sobko. Young Ukrainian singer lost first place to US singer Jayden Felder, scoring only one point less. Additionally, the girl received an award as the sexiest performer of the competition. Andrey could not resist the charms of the bright and cheerful girl. The relationship was short-lived, as both performers had no intention of giving up their careers. Together, the artists also participated in the filming of the show “Hipsters.”

Andrey loves nature, solitude and silence. The artist claims that this is why he chose the pseudonym “Grizzly”. The personal life of Andrei Grizzly is music. The singer says that art is for him main woman, which the artist does not want to change. The singer is really busy. Andrey is a composer, performer and successful presenter. The artist is often invited to host holiday events– from corporate events to big concerts. The artist also works as an arranger and sound producer. Andrey’s credits include collaboration with Dima Bilan,

Andrey Grizzly, commissioned by the creators of the film “Save,” wrote the soundtrack for the film called “The Top”. Above creation musical accompaniment The musician’s mother, composer Tatyana Zaluzhnaya, worked on the comedy film.

In March 2017, in the Altai mountains, the artist completed filming of a full-scale music video, for the creation of which video director Rustam Romanov (RR production) was invited. In June, the new single “No Harmony” by Andrey Grizzly feat Velka was released.

In May 2017, at the Moscow club “16 tons” Andrei Grizzly performed with solo concert. At the performance, the singer announced his upcoming debut album, which is expected to be released in the fall of 2017. Now the musician is finishing the mixing work musical compositions and disc design.

I want to sing, but I don't want to study

Andrey was born in 1986. Musical biography Andrey Grizzly (Grizz-lee) can immediately be considered early. At first, his mother noticed his vocal talents. The boy was only 3 years old. And then the boy’s father brought tapes of Queen and Stevie Wonder from the USA, which the boy had not listened to, but listened to in the full sense of the word. According to the official website of agent Andrei Grizzly, the boy did not just know all the songs by heart. He accurately reproduced instrumental parts and performing improvisations. With such data, he had only one way - to a music school. He entered three classes at once: piano, violin and guitar, but never completed his studies in any of them, explaining that he did not plan to work as a musician in an orchestra.

After rap I wanted music

At organized events with Andrei Grizz-Lee, the singer himself says that, willy-nilly, he had to return to music at the age of 15. He then became interested in rap, and read the lyrics until he realized that he wanted to sing, and not hone the rhythm. And Andrey began to write his own songs. Andrey finally came to understand the need to get an education. He went to college. As a student, the guy continued to create music that is heard at all ordered performances by Andrei Grizzly. And he gives all his concerts only live!

Here it is, his ladder of success

“New Wave 2011” is a competition for young performers, at which Andrei “grabbed” all imaginable and inconceivable prizes and awards. The most successful gift was from the MUZ-TV channel: they gave him a rotation of the clip on air. Thus began the ascent young performer and composer on the ladder of success. In the same year, another well-known TV channel invited Andrei Grizz-Lee to events and holidays that took place as part of the “Hipsters Show with Maskim Galkin” project, and Andrei Grizz-Lee became its finalist. Andrey was also offered a contract with the most famous recording company in Russia.

The start has been given. We work with Agutin

Now Andrey Grizz-Lee works as a sound producer with many popular musicians - Laima Vaikule, Valeria, Vladimir Presnyakov and others. They also book Andrei Grizzly for corporate events and weddings as a host. But talented singer and the composer decided to go further and higher. He tries his hand at the “Voice” project and, after blind auditions, ends up on Leonid Agutin’s team. Well, the start was promising. Let's see what the two musicians have in store for us and see if our admiration is premature.

A talented musician, participant in season 3 of the show “The Voice,” Andrei Grizzly has always believed in his inner “I,” and his songs confirm this. In conversation with OK! Andrey told how his music emerged from coffee, traffic jams and love

Photo: DR

Andrey, tell us the story of your pseudonym« Grizzly» ? Why did you choose this, I’m not afraid of this comparison, totemic?

Grizzly is nature, it is my reflection in nature. Your very best music I wrote outside the city, near the forest. It was there that such songs as “Ocean”, “There are more good than evil”, “Hero” were born - spiritual, powerful ones that will never be played on the radio, but which will definitely give people hope and light. Grizzly is my inner feeling. And my music is my perception of the world.

If you were asked to name just one word that could reflect you, what would it be?

Did your first song, “This Music,” really come from “coffee, traffic, and love”?

Yes, that is right. It happens that you are driving around the city, and the weather is cloudy and gray. And if you believe the statistics, then the mood should deteriorate. But even in the rhythm of the large, sometimes dull city in which I live, you can find inspiration. You just need to look from the right angle. This is where happiness lies. People are just lost in the metropolis and watching life with their tired eyes. And the world is wonderful, it is something that arose “from coffee, traffic jams and love.”

How are your music and poems usually born? Does this happen more often in happy moments of your life, or does the creative impulse coexist with sadness?

At all moments of life. Feelings are multifaceted, and I am inspired by both happiness and sadness. Experiences, joy – these are my emotions, my life. And when I write, I don't invent anything. My feelings become songs.

It was the end of summer. Nothing much was happening in my life. As often happens with artists... Summer is a low season. I was bored. I cannot rest and sit idle for a long time. I found out about the casting for season 3 of “The Voice” and immediately decided to go. I was invited to season 1 and 2, but I didn’t take it seriously – just a new show. And by the 3rd, I already realized that there were really talented and serious musicians there. And I wanted to be in this “ring”. So, this decision was not the goal - with me everything is always spontaneous, everything is unexpected. Fate itself arranges our paths. And you need to listen to her voice. Although plans are sometimes important.

After participating in such projects, the lives of the contestants, as a rule, change dramatically. Usually everyone talks about a new life, bright impressions...

I don't think we should expect limitless possibilities after the show. If you rely only on this, you will remain “the guy from the Voice.” My life has remained moderate, as before: I rely only on myself, I am working on an album that will be released in the fall, in the music studio Papa Music, founded together with my friends. I'm doing what I love. There is fire in the eyes, desire in the soul. Everything is going as usual.

Have your goals and dreams remained the same, or has “The Voice” changed your plans?

“The Voice” didn’t change my plans. I still want to make a strong album that brings together the best of my creative activity in ten years. This will be my first album. And from the global? The goal is to become a recognized musician who has something to say to people without relying on formats.

Your music really has its own unusual style. Did you purposefully come to such an original performance?

I purposefully moved towards doing what is close to me and what I like. What I truly feel, what my soul and my musical disposition strives for. And this is important. I always wanted to do something special.

Andrey, what is the most important thing in your life?

The most important thing is to find your niche in life, which will allow you to feel peace of mind. Family happiness, creative happiness... And stay true to your inner “I”.

Do you believe in dreams?

I think dreams are our fears and anxieties. Dreams steal information from the subconscious, not allowing us to hide childhood dreams, plans and thoughts about the future - everything that we run from or simply don’t dare. It seems to me that dreams can be prophetic.

I recently read somewhere that you went to " tennis”, precisely thanks to dreams. Tell us about this part of your life: is it just a hobby, or are you seriously thinking about sports career?

Yes it's true. It happens like this - dreams revive our old dreams and push us to the first, and, important step. That dream reminded me of what I always wanted to do since childhood - play sports. I didn’t waste any more time and went to tennis. I can’t call myself a professional yet, but I try very hard and take a responsible approach to training.

We'll have it soon new star In sports?

Yes, may be. (Smiles). It would be nice: to become a famous musical athlete.

Music, of course, takes up the most time for artists. In your case, this is also serious sports. Do you have any other hobbies?

I like to do household chores. I love experimenting with the interior of my apartment. I love to travel, I love cars, I love to play football with friends. I quickly become interested in different sports. I even have professional paintball equipment.

What do you believe?

I believe in God. I am a baptized person. I don't go to church every Sunday. But I recently defended my service – my first service. In general, if I talk to God, it’s one-on-one. I believe that we may not be alone in the Universe. And the most important thing is to simply believe in something, only for this belief to make you good man.

Andrey, is love important for a musician?

Sometimes relationships can slow down work. This is the case when they say at the end that feelings were a deception. But, if true love is a powerful artifact that can lift you to the skies. And you don’t have time to control the surge of inspiration, you just create.

Is there a way to please you? What do you value in girls?

It so happened that in appearance I like brunettes with thin arms and long hair. But what is more important is wisdom and the ability to be yourself without hiding behind masks.