Bodyflex for weight loss morning exercises. What is bodyflex? History of origin, features of this type of training

  • 11.10.2019

It is logical and understandable when a variety of weight loss complexes are developed by fitness instructors or other specialists. But one of the most successful and sensational methods around the world was created by a mother with many children, who was simply tired of wearing large-sized clothes. This .

The benefits of bodyflex breathing exercises

Its essence lies in special aerobic respiration, which allows the structures to be more fully supplied with oxygen. Against this background, reproducible various movements become much more effective. It's no joke, 10 minutes of bodyflex training can take as much energy as an hour of jogging.

Bodyflex breathing exercises work not only the leading muscle groups with problems, but even the facial ones. This allows you to tighten your contour and refresh your skin color.

It is better to exercise without absenteeism - every day, but do not devote too much time to it. Of course, longer sessions will burn more calories, but they will also make you so tired that the effect may well be reversed. Optimally – 20 minutes a day. Half an hour is the maximum.

A special condition that is very important to observe is that you need to start classes with an empty stomach. It is optimal to exercise after waking up in the morning. However, if this is not possible, then after the meal you need to wait at least a couple of hours.

The results will not be as quick as many would like. But after a week, initial changes in the waist will be visible. In general, it should be noted that at first the volumes will go away in general. And only after that the metamorphosis and relief of the muscles will become more obvious. Bodyflex, like many other breathing exercises, creates a very long-term effect. Well, if you make this complex a daily habit, you can forget about problems with excess weight, and also prolong your youth.

Thanks to this system, tension goes away, flexibility and lightness appear. In the process, the capacity of the stomach decreases due to muscle contraction. This means that less food will be absorbed until satiation.

In addition, bodyflex breathing exercises help prevent seasonal colds and are useful for problems with the lungs, heart, and digestive system.

You can exercise in the gym or at home. This does not affect the result, but makes the complex more accessible.

Contraindications for bodyflex breathing exercises

What everyone has in common is following strict diets. A lot of energy will be consumed, so nutrition should be as complete as possible. Although, of course, it wouldn’t hurt to give up buns and sugar.

You should consult with your doctor about the possibility of practicing this method if you have the following diseases:

  • severe heart disease;
  • brain vessels;
  • acute inflammatory nature (limitation is not permanent);
  • chronic (avoid during exacerbations);
  • with tumor spread;
  • threatening the possibility of bleeding.

Pregnancy is also a reason to postpone classes for a certain period of time.

How to breathe during bodyflex gymnastics

Mastering the breathing technique is perhaps the most important thing. Therefore, this should be done even before gymnastics itself. Don't forget to ventilate the room before starting. Initial pose: knees bent, hands resting on them. Look and head forward.

  1. Exhaling through the mouth.
  • It is important that the entire air is released from the lungs. Try to “squeeze” it out as much as possible.
  • Make the lips into an “O” shape.
  • Pull them out as if to whistle.
  • Start exhaling. Slowly, at a calm pace.
  • When it is no longer possible to squeeze out air, the lips close.
  1. The stage of bodyflex breathing exercises, which includes inhaling air through the nose.
  • Roth is not involved. Tightly closed.
  • Loud, short inhalation through the nose. To do it right, imagine that you have emerged from the water. Inhale sharply and briefly. But take in as much air as possible while doing this.
  • Inhale in the same way again and again.
  • When there is no longer room for air, stop breathing.
  • Mouth closed. It's like there's no nose.
  • Let's keep the air inside.
  1. Exhaling through the mouth.
  • Open your mouth, rounding it wide.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles and diaphragm.
  • A sharp exhalation should be accompanied by sounds like “puff”.
  • Push the contents of the lungs out to the limit.
  1. Holding your breath. This stage is key in bodyflex breathing exercises..
  • The mouth and sinuses are not included.
  • Lower your head a little.
  • The abs begin to tighten into themselves.
  • Pull the internal organs together with the abdominal muscles inward and upward.
  • When the stomach “sticks” to the vertebrae, stop (it is optimal to count to 8).
  1. Inhalation through the nose.
  • When you no longer have patience, there is not enough air, inhale through your nose.
  • At the same time, the muscles relax.

Bodyflex breathing exercises

"Diamond". Directed towards the forearms and shoulders.

  1. Spread your legs.
  2. Bend your knees.
  3. Place your hands on your knees.
  4. Breathe as described above.
  5. Stick your belly to your spine.
  6. Straighten your spine.
  7. Place your fingers against each other, hands in the ring.
  8. Elbows raised.
  9. Holding your breath, begin to press your fingers against each other. Arm muscles are tense.
  10. Inhale and relax your muscles. Duplicate three times.

"Boat". Bodyflex breathing exercises perfectly correct the hips.

  1. Sit on the floor.
  2. Straight legs spread wide.
  3. Place your hands behind your back and rest them on the floor.
  4. Bow your head to your chest.
  5. Breathe until your stomach is drawn in.
  6. Move your hands forward and begin to stretch them along the floor as far as possible.
  7. Inhale, return your hands behind your back. Three takes.

"A lion". Face, neck.

  1. Lips in a surprised circle.
  2. Look up with your eyes.
  3. Pull your lips down along with your tongue sticking out to the limit.
  4. All this is at the stage of a retracted abdomen.
  5. 5 takes.

"Ugly grimace." Another bodyflex breathing exercise for the face (neck, chin).

  1. Pull out the lower jaw and stretch out the lips “for a kiss.”
  2. Pull your neck in the same direction to the limit.
  3. Raise your head up, feeling a strong tension under your chin.
  4. As usual, the stomach is pulled. 4-5 takes.

"Side stretch." Belly and waist.

  1. One leg is bent at the knee joint.
  2. The second one is pulled back.
  3. The elbow rests on the bent leg.
  4. Reach in the opposite direction with your other straight arm, extending it above your head.
  5. 3 takes for each side.

"Martin". Bodyflex for the hips: forming the outline with breathing exercises.

  1. Lean on your knees and elbows.
  2. Extend one leg back, toes pointing down.
  3. Breathe until the abdomen is drawn in.
  4. Raise your leg as high as possible. The toe is still down.
  5. 5 takes.

"Scissors". Belly from below.

  1. Lying position. Arms and legs are extended.
  2. Breathe until the abdomen is drawn in.
  3. Raise your legs 10 cm.
  4. Traditional scissors with wide strokes.
  5. 4 takes.

"Cat". Bodyflex breathing exercises are also useful for the back.

  1. Support on your knees and palms.
  2. The head looks forward.
  3. Breathe until your stomach is drawn in.
  4. Bow your head and arch your back as much as possible.
  5. Breathe, relax. 5 takes.

"Abdominal Press".

  1. Lie down on your back. Bend your knees. Feet on the floor.
  2. The arms are straight and pointing upward.
  3. With your stomach pulled in, raise your shoulders and chest as much as possible.
  4. 3 takes.

"Seiko." Hips in the “breeches” zone.

  1. Support yourself with your knees and palms.
  2. Move one leg to the side, trying to create a right angle with the body. Foot on the floor. The knee is straight.
  3. With your stomach pulled in, move your leg up to hip level.
  4. Pull it straight towards the head as much as possible.
  5. 3 takes on each leg.

"Pretzel". Hips, waist.

  1. Sit on the floor. Legs crossed at the knees. Right top.
  2. Right hand behind your back. Left on the right knee.
  3. The left leg is like a string.
  4. Tighten your stomach and shift your weight to your right hand.
  5. With your left, pull your knee up and to the left.
  6. 3 takes for each leg.

Bodyflex breathing exercises are essentially elementary. Once you master the exercises, they will not take much time. Their order can be changed. And some can be completely ignored if there are no problems in certain areas. However, for preventive purposes, in order to remain healthy and attractive all the time, it will also not be unnecessary.

Bodyflex is considered one of the most effective breathing exercises, as a result of which you can lose extra pounds. This technique combines different types of exercises with specific types of load. Read about what it is, how it works and what it affects.

Bodyflex was developed on the basis of special aerobic breathing, which helps saturate the body with oxygen and break down fat cells.

All exercises are performed in certain poses, as a result of which all the necessary muscles and muscles are trained, they become firmer and more elastic, the skin becomes toned, and cellulite and wrinkles gradually disappear ( if they were there before).

What is bodyflex: features and principles

Bodyflex with Marina Korpan is a fairly easy-to-use and very practical program aimed at losing excess weight and tightening flabby muscles. You only need to spend 15 minutes a day on this gymnastics, so you can easily include it in your main regimen.

Bodyflex exercises for weight loss were divided into several main groups.

Namely three:

  • Isometric. Such gymnastics is aimed exclusively at one specific muscle group. For example, you clench your hand into a fist, and at this moment only the muscles in the hand area are tense.
  • Isotonic. When performing such exercises, you use several muscle groups at once. For example, you press with one hand on the other. At the moment, you are using both hands in the exercise.
  • Stretching. This group of exercises is aimed at training muscle elasticity. Having pumped up muscles is not enough. It is necessary that they are still elastic and elastic. Then the spine will not wedge, and the body will be more mobile, and cramps will not torment.
Breathing exercises go well with stretching exercises; they give excellent results and are highly effective. Breathing exercises are very relaxing and significantly increase the access of oxygen to different parts of the body.

This helps keep the body healthy and strong. After all, most people breathe shallowly, and as a result they get a huge number of different diseases.

It is also worth noting that bodyflex exercises make the abdominal and abdominal muscles much stronger, massage them, and this whole complex greatly helps to avoid constipation and various intestinal diseases. This kind of gymnastics also helps to cope with cellulite, it is an excellent solution to combat wrinkles, and has a very positive effect on the human body and well-being in general.

Bodyflex enriches the human body with oxygen. For example, if you hold your breath for about ten seconds, carbon dioxide will accumulate in your blood. As a result, your arteries will dilate and gradually prepare to absorb more oxygen. And a large amount of oxygen helps not only to cope with excess weight, but also with poor health.

Benefits of bodyflex exercises:

  • With their help, your waist can decrease by about ten centimeters in five to seven sessions.
  • A set of such exercises will not take much time, just fifteen minutes a day.
  • You can do bodyflex at any time and anywhere (at home, at work, in classes with a trainer).
  • Bodyflex has no age restrictions.
  • Bodyflex is the only gymnastics that not only trains the body, but also promotes facial rejuvenation.

Features of bodyflex:

  • Significantly speeds up the metabolic process.
  • Breaks down fat deposits by saturating the body with a large amount of oxygen.
  • Strengthens lymph flow, due to which impurities and toxins are removed from the body.
  • Bodyflex works simultaneously in two directions - it breaks down fat and can modulate individual problem areas (hips, buttocks, and so on).
  • Has a beneficial effect on the stomach.

Bodyflex for weight loss: how does it affect you and how much weight can you lose?

The effect of bodyflex exercises is to burn excess fat cells, stretch muscles and rejuvenate the skin. Such breathing exercises help the body receive more oxygen. It, together with the blood, enters the muscles and begins to actively break down fat deposits, as well as remove all toxins and waste from the body. Even a 15-minute morning routine will help you use energy efficiently and keep yourself in great shape.

What is the mechanism for saturating the body with the necessary amount of oxygen during bodyflex training? So you hold your breath for eight to ten seconds. At this point, carbon dioxide builds up in your blood, your arteries dilate, and your body gradually becomes more prepared to more efficiently absorb large quantities of oxygen. This additional oxygen helps the human body get rid of excess weight, chronic fatigue, bad mood, lack of energy and so on.

Photos before and after

It should also be noted that a morning set of bodyflex exercises perfectly strengthens the abdominal muscles, massages the abdominal organs, eliminates stomach upsets (if any) and prevents constipation. So, we can safely say that bodyflex gymnastics can have a beneficial effect not only on your muscles and weight, but also on some internal organs.

When “extra” oxygen appears in the body, the body needs to use it somehow, and it creates new capillaries.

With the help of a set of bodyflex exercises, you can easily lose weight by five sizes in three months. This has already been proven by the woman who is the founder of this type of gymnastics. Greer Childers lost weight from size 52 to size 42 using bodyflex.

If you do breathing exercises regularly, you will be able to see the first results within a week or two of classes. While fitness and exercise in the gym bear fruit after about a month and a half of intensive training. You cannot take a break for more than one or two days, since you will have to start everything from scratch. The main principle of this gymnastics is consistency. And anyway, why skip classes? After all, studying for fifteen to twenty minutes a day is not so difficult. Moreover, you can do this at work, at home, or in classes with a trainer. In general, wherever you feel comfortable.

And one of the main advantages of the bodyflex exercise set is the fact that you don’t have to exhaust yourself with long-term diets. On the contrary, they should not exist at all. In this case, oxygen will do all the work for you. But this does not mean that you can regularly eat buttered buns, chocolates, cakes and too fatty foods.

In order to see results, you need to eat right. Yes, you don’t have to crunch cabbage and eat diet sweets all day long. You can allow yourself sweets, but in moderation.

And one more nuance: in the case of bodyflex, you do not need to increase the duration of classes. You may want to achieve the necessary results as soon as possible, but believe me, you won’t do anything better for yourself if you exhaust yourself with long-term exercise for an hour a day, or even longer. This will only harm your body.

Basic principles and rules of bodyflex training

Bodyflex exercises have several rules that must be followed in order for the workout to be truly effective. So, the main ones are:

  • Regularity. Results will only be achieved if you practice systematically. Omissions in this matter are strictly prohibited. The main feature of breathing exercises is precisely that classes should never be skipped. The main thing here is not the load, but consistency. As an example, we can give the following: if you lift a barbell once a week, you will achieve much less effect than if you lift your arms without any load every day. A one-time effort will remain an effort, and regular loads can produce results in a short amount of time.
  • Training all muscle groups. Breathing exercises can have a beneficial effect on all muscle groups. If you have problems with weight, then excess fat cells are not present in a specific area, but throughout the body. In this case, you need to reduce the total volume. And if you have specific problems with your waist, buttocks or thighs, you can try bodyflex exercises aimed specifically at this area. But most often, excess fat deposits are distributed evenly throughout the body, and then working on a certain area will not achieve anything, and you need to work on the whole body, and then correct specific areas if the need arises.
  • Exhaustive diets are not required. In the case of breathing exercises, you just need to eat right. It will not work if you exercise regularly and eat a lot of calories. You can eat everything, but in moderation. And the main disadvantage of any diet is that it cannot be maintained forever. And when you break after another hunger strike, you will gain even more weight than you had before you started the diet.

This whole set of exercises is suitable not only for overweight people. After all, those with a slender figure may also have certain defects. And bodyflex will help correct them.

In addition, such gymnastics will help you become healthier. So, with its help you can cleanse your lungs, strengthen your stomach, and cleanse your body of toxins and waste. Every day your body will receive more and more oxygen, and therefore you will want to smoke less (if you previously had such a habit).

A set of basic exercises

There are many different exercises in breathing exercises. The main ones:

1) a lion. Take the starting position (spread your legs no more than 30 cm). Place your hands on your feet slightly above your knees. Start doing a breathing exercise. Hold your breath for a moment and draw in your stomach strongly, and then take the “lion pose.” Open your eyes as wide as possible, curl your lips into a ring and lower this ring down, stick out your tongue, while your cheeks and lips should be as tense as possible.

2) Grimace. The starting position is the same as in the lion pose exercise. Only in this case it is necessary to push the lower jaw forward, stretch the lips forward and stretch the neck. You should feel tension in your neck. Then raise your head and point your chin toward the ceiling. In this case, you need to stand straight, throw your arms back (as if you were about to jump from a springboard). Under no circumstances should your heels be lifted off the floor. You need to stay in this position for eight seconds. Repeat all five times, and before each time perform a breathing exercise (holding your breath and retracting your stomach).

3) Side stretch. First, perform a special breathing exercise, and then stand in the following position: bend slightly at your left knee and place the elbow of your left hand on it, while putting your right leg to the side (it should be straight, and the foot should not leave the floor). Weight on your left side, stretch your right arm overhead until you feel tension in the side muscles. The hand should be near the head in a straight position. Stay in this position for eight seconds. You need to repeat three times, just remember to take a breath before each time.

4) Pulling the leg back. Starting position: you should be on your knees, put your elbows on the floor, and your palms should rest on the floor. One leg should be extended back with the toes pointing down, the knee does not bend, and the toe is on the floor. At the same time, your head should be raised and look forward. Remember to hold your breath, look forward and perform the main pose. The buttocks should be as tense as possible. The pose must be maintained for eight seconds. Repeat three times.

5) Seiko. You should also be on your knees. Pull one leg slightly to the side. It should be straight and at a clear right angle, place your foot on the floor. Do a basic breathing exercise. Then lift your straight leg up. It should rise as high as possible. Hold this position for eight seconds, rest for a couple of seconds and repeat the exercise three times.

6) Diamond. Sit on your knees and clasp your hands in front of you, fingers should be extended, and elbows should be as high as possible. Round your back. Do a breathing exercise. Press your fingers firmly against each other. In this case, the muscles from the elbow to the wrists, as well as the chest, should be as tense as possible. Hold this pose for eight seconds and repeat three times.

For beginners, bodyflex can help you get rid of not only excess weight. This technique can also correct the following:

  • Incorrect posture.
  • Sagging skin.
  • Swelling.
  • Feeling tired.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Drowsiness.

This technique may seem attractive to beginners because it absolutely does not require any additional physical training, grueling diets, is performed in only fifteen to twenty minutes a day, and can be performed anywhere. All this can be attributed to the undeniable advantages of bodyflex gymnastics.

In order to master this technique, you need to learn to breathe correctly. The technique of deep diaphragmatic breathing will help you with this. The chest remains almost motionless. This is how all newborn babies breathe. But with age, nervous tension increases in a person, and the diaphragm muscles and internal organs begin to strain more and more. As a result, the breath begins to gradually move to the middle of the chest. Thus, it can be argued that an already formed person breathes only from the upper part of the lungs. In this case, the latter are used only by 20%.

Deep diaphragm breathing has been used by people since ancient times. With its help, our ancestors could significantly improve their health. Using this method of breathing, the cells of the human body are cleansed, the volume of the lungs increases, the lymph flow is activated and the functioning of the cardiovascular system is significantly improved.

It is best to do such gymnastics on an empty stomach. Before class, you can drink a glass of water, juice or green tea. Start with this pattern: exhale – inhale – exhale strongly – hold your breath. In this case, the head should be lowered down.

If you do everything correctly, then after a week you will already see the first results.

Friends, in this material we will understand what bodyflex exercises are. Here you will find the history of the appearance of this system, a complete list of exercises included in the bodyflex complex, and in conclusion - conclusions about whether this system is effective, who it can be intended for and, of course, whether bodyflex is dangerous to health.

How did bodyflex appear?

Bodyflex exercises are a system of exercises invented by the American housewife and mother of three children Greer Childers. Greer gained enormous weight after giving birth to her third child. Faced with problems in her personal life, low self-esteem, and the inability to choose a wardrobe, Greer tried many different things, but none of them brought tangible results. The reflection in the mirror continued to inspire hatred, I didn’t want to leave the house, and around my husband, who worked as a surgeon in the clinic, there were young girls nurses hovering around, which also couldn’t help but infuriate Greer.

Desperate to achieve results using traditional methods, Greer, on the recommendation of a neighbor, went to San Francisco to take classes with a certain sports physiologist who taught weight loss to wealthy American ladies. The physiologist turned out to be a petite girl in her twenties, who began to talk about how to breathe while doing exercises.

Greer was disappointed. Give fifteen hundred dollars for some girl who doesn’t even have children of her own to teach her, a forty-year-old “heroine mother,” some nonsense? However, Greer nevertheless began to study, rather wanting to rub the nose of the arrogant girl and prove that her system (Rolls-Royce-level exercises) does not work than hoping for a real effect. There was nothing to do, the money had already been paid, why not just return home? You should at least try to use what you already paid for.

However, after a few days of training, Greer discovered that doing breathing exercises no longer caused her irritation. On the contrary, I have more energy and my well-being has improved significantly. Well, okay, Greer thought, if I don’t lose weight, then at least my health will return to normal. And she continued to study.

After finishing the course, Greer couldn’t believe her eyes. In 10 lessons, she managed to lose 1-2 centimeters in various parts of her body. In total, adding up all the lost volumes, Greer counted 26 centimeters. Of course, this is not very much, but before this the dimensions did not go away at all! She was happy, accepting what happened as a real miracle.

Bodyflex is the result of G. Childers’ work on a Rolls-Royce level exercise system, which she became familiar with in San Francisco.

However, there was one problem - average American women do not buy limousines. Most overweight housewives simply do not have $1,500 to pay for miracle courses. Greer went to San Francisco again. Having met with a female physiologist who taught courses at the Rolls-Royce level, Greer received an answer that it was impossible to reduce the price, since the system was originally intended for wealthy Americans and was designed for the elite.

Then Greer made the second fateful decision in her life. She decided to convey to average American women the miraculous method that made her slim. She did not understand at all why it was so effective and did not understand the principles of its influence, but she knew one thing for sure - this method works. This means that everyone who needs it so much should know about it!

The book in which G. Childers talks about his system is called “Great Figure in 15 Minutes a Day!”

This was the beginning of the creation of Greer Childers’ own system of exercises, based on the method of special breathing. Greer has significantly shortened and simplified the program, choosing the most effective and efficient exercises in her opinion. She traveled extensively throughout the United States and consulted with various specialists and doctors, wanting to understand the principle of the program that allowed her and her neighbor to lose weight. Convinced that the effectiveness of the technique had a scientific explanation, Greer began giving lessons herself.

After receiving positive feedback from clients, the enterprising housewife recorded several videotapes and appeared on local television. The apotheosis was the book written by Greer Childers - “Great Figure in 15 Minutes a Day”, where Greer outlined the entire program in a simple and most intelligible form. She called her own exercise system “Bodyflex”.

The main idea of ​​bodyflex

The main marketing idea of ​​bodyflex is that any average person without physical training, having learned to breathe correctly while performing simple exercises, can get rid of extra pounds in just 15 minutes a day. This sounds truly fantastic, but the system has gained spontaneous popularity all over the world, especially in the author’s homeland – the USA.

Bodyflex exercises are initially designed for people without special training. Thus, Greer Childers' main audience was American housewives.

Reviews of the effectiveness of bodyflex exercises vary from the enthusiastic cries of “fanatics” who claim that miracle training helped them get rid of incurable diseases, to the indignant cries of those who claim that bodyflex caused serious harm to their health.

Let's not judge the system based on the words of unknown people, but let's break the system down and analyze its pros and cons. This will allow us to make a reasonable conclusion regarding the effectiveness of the bodyflex exercise system and its safety.

Bodyflex technique

Breathe like a baby - diaphragmatic breathing

The main condition for obtaining the effect, as Greer Childres says, is special breathing. It is with its mastery that classes begin. Bodyflex exercises for weight loss will not bring tangible benefits without diaphragmatic breathing.

Explaining what “diaphragm breathing” is, Greer gives the example of babies. When newborns breathe, their belly rises as they inhale, and not their chest at all, as in adults. The bodyflex technique also involves breathing from the stomach. In order to control yourself, Greer suggests lying on the floor and placing a small book on your stomach. With the usual method of breathing, the book remains practically motionless. But with diaphragmatic breathing, the book will rise and fall with each inhalation and exhalation.

Particular attention in bodyflex is paid to the so-called “diaphragmatic” breathing - breathing from the stomach.

How to master this technique?

To begin, take a series of deep and even breaths. Concentrate on the movement of your chest and imagine how your lungs open and fill with air.

  1. Exhale forcefully through your mouth, completely emptying your lungs of any air in them.
  2. Inhale quickly and forcefully through your nose, strongly inflating your belly. This will help spread the lower ribs and increase the filling of the lungs with oxygen.
  3. Exhale sharply through your mouth, completely emptying your lungs and pulling your stomach inward. To get a better feel for abdominal work, Greer Childress recommends practicing in the “volleyball player” pose—feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bent, body tilted forward, palms resting on your legs just above your knees.
  4. After exhaling, hold your breath, continuing to draw in your stomach, for 8-10 seconds. This is training the so-called “natural pause”. Retract your stomach as much as possible, while the ribs will move again and the air will escape from the lungs.
  5. Relax and take a breath.

The main condition for safe bodyflex exercises is gradualness. Listen to your body and take your time. It is recommended to devote the first few classes exclusively to developing breathing techniques, and only then begin bodyflex exercises.

The main breathing pose in bodyflex is the “volleyball pose.” And indeed, comparing the illustration from the book by G. Childres and the photo of a real volleyball player, you can find a lot in common.

The bodyflex breathing technique can be schematically represented as follows:

  1. Exhalation.
  2. Inhale.
  3. Exhalation.
  4. Pause.
  5. Relax.

Bodyflex exercises

There are twelve exercises in total in the Bodyflex method. Greer Childress herself says that she included isotonic and isometric exercises in her system. Bodyflex exercises for weight loss are designed for untrained people. In fact, the main audience for the author of the system was American housewives.

1. Leo

Area affected by the exercise: face, areas around the mouth and under the eyes, neck.

Bodyflex exercise “Lion” for the face and neck.

Initial position. Take the so-called “Volleyball Pose.” Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and bend your buttocks back. Place your palms on your legs a couple of centimeters above your knees. After completing the breathing cycle, hold your breath (stage 4 - natural pause) and begin the exercise.

Doing the exercise. Bring your lips into a narrow circle, tense your face and try to lower this circle down. Open your eyes wide and look up. Stick your tongue out through the tight circle of your lips as much as you can. Hold the pose for 8 counts and relax, inhaling air.

Number of repetitions: 5.

Note. Be careful not to scare your husband who accidentally enters the room.

2. Horrible grimace

Impact area of ​​the exercise: neck, area under the chin.

This exercise is called "The Horrible Grimace." When performing it, the area from the sternum to the chin should be tense.

Initial position. Get into the “volleyball pose.” Protrude your lower jaw so that your lower teeth are in front of your upper teeth, stick out your lips as if for a kiss, and stretch your neck as hard as you can. Raise your head up, as if you intend to kiss the ceiling with these same lips. You should feel tension from your chin to your sternum. Take a breath cycle and hold your breath.

Doing the exercise. During the breathing pause, move your arms straight back and hold in this position for 8 counts. Keep your mouth open, feet on the floor. Breathe and relax.

Number of repetitions: 5.

Note. Like the previous exercise, this pose got its name for a reason.

3. Side stretch

Impact area of ​​the exercise: waist and sides.

Exercise "Side stretch".

Initial position. Get into the “volleyball pose” and take a breath cycle before pausing.

Doing the exercise. Place your left hand on your elbow (so that not your palm, but your elbow rests just above your knee). Raise your right arm straight and extend it out to the side above your head, above your ear. You should feel the entire side surface of your body stretch. Hold this position for 8 counts. Take a breath and relax. Repeat on the other side.

4. Pulling the leg back

Area affected by the exercise: buttocks, back of the thigh.

“Pulling the leg back” (G. Childers term) or “classic abduction” strengthens the muscles of the buttocks and hamstrings.

Initial position. Stand on the mat - on your knees and elbows. Stretch one leg back. The foot should be contracted, the toes resting on the floor. Perform the breathing cycle until the pause.

Doing the exercise. Raise your straight leg up and hold for 8 counts. Lower your leg and inhale.

Number of repetitions: 3 on the right side and 3 on the left.

5. "Seiko"

Area affected by the exercise: buttocks.

Exercise "Seiko" to tone the buttocks.

Initial position. Stand in a knee-elbow position, move your straight leg to the side at an angle of 90 degrees to the body. The foot is on the floor. Do a breathing exercise.

Doing the exercise. During the pause, lift your straight leg up and hold it for 8 counts. Lower your leg and inhale.

Number of repetitions: 3 on the right side and 3 on the left.

Note. Greer called this exercise "Seiko" because the word translates to "flame" in Japanese. The gluteal muscle will “burn.”

6. "Diamond"

Impact area of ​​the exercise: the inner side of the arms.

The bodyflex exercise “Diamond” is so called because the figure formed by the fingers resembles a precious stone.

Initial position. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Touch the fingers of one hand to the fingers of the other hand, bringing your hands together in front of you. The elbows need to be raised to parallel with the floor, the back can be slightly rounded. Perform the breathing cycle until the pause.

Doing the exercise. Press the fingers of one hand against the fingers of the other as hard as possible, do not lower your elbows. You should stay in this position for 8 counts. Then breathe in the air and relax.

Number of repetitions: 3.

7. "Boat"

Impact area of ​​the exercise: inner thighs.

Exercise “Boat” - bending forward with legs apart.

Initial position. Sit on the mat, spread your straight legs as wide as you can. Pull your socks towards you. Rest your arms back and perform the breathing cycle until the pause.

Doing the exercise. Move your arms forward and stretch them as far as possible, trying to lower your body to the floor. Stretch for 8 counts. Then inhale and relax again, moving your arms back.

Number of repetitions: 3.

8. "Pretzel"

Area affected by the exercise: waist, lower back, outer thigh.

Exercise "Pretzel". Try to look back.

Initial position. Sit on the mat, cross your legs so that your left knee is over your right. Try to keep your right leg as straight and horizontal as possible. Place your left hand behind your back, and with your right hand grab your left knee. Do a breathing exercise.

Doing the exercise. Shift your weight to your left hand, use your right hand to pull your left knee up and toward you, and twist your body to the left until you can look behind you. Stay in this position for 8-10 counts. Exhale and relax.

Number of repetitions: 3 on the right side and 3 on the left.

Impact area of ​​the exercise: area under the knees, back of the thigh.

Hamstring stretch for beautiful legs.

Initial position. Lie on the mat on your back and lift your straight legs up, “pulling” your socks towards you. Use your hands to grab your calves. Perform a breathing cycle without raising your head.

Doing the exercise. During the breathing pause, pull your legs towards you until a “pulling” sensation appears under your knees. Hold for 8 counts.

Number of repetitions: 3.

10. Abdominals

Area of ​​influence of the exercise: abdominal muscles.

Exercise to train the abdominals.

Initial position. Lying on your back, bend your legs and place your feet on the floor at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. Stretch your arms up to the ceiling perpendicular to your body. Do a breathing exercise.

Doing the exercise. Stretch your arms up and lift your shoulder blades. At the same time, the head is slightly thrown back, the neck is relaxed. Arms and chest reach towards the ceiling as high as possible. Hold for 8-10 counts.

Number of repetitions: 3.

11. "Scissors"

Area of ​​influence of the exercise: abdominal muscles, emphasis on the lower part.

The “Scissors” exercise is also aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles.

Initial position. Lie on the mat on your back, legs together. Place your hands, palms down, under your buttocks. Head on the floor, lower back pressed to the floor. Perform the breathing cycle until the pause.

Doing the exercise. Raise your legs 8-9 centimeters above the floor and begin to make energetic swings, placing one leg behind the other and vice versa, as if you were working with scissors. Work for 8-9 counts. Then breathe in the air and relax.

Number of repetitions: 3.

12. "Cat"

Area of ​​influence of the exercise: core muscles, spine.

“Cat” strengthens the core muscles and works the spine.

Initial position. Get on all fours (on your knees and hands). The head is raised up, the gaze is directed forward, the back is straight. Do a breathing exercise.

Doing the exercise. Lower your head and arch your back as high as possible. Stay in this position for 10 counts. Breathe in and relax.

Number of repetitions: 3.

So, bodyflex is a system of weight loss and health improvement based on a special breathing technique. The exercises, according to the author of the method, will deeply saturate the tissues with oxygen, drive away stress and activate metabolism. They can be used on their own or as an aid to any physical activity. If you find yourself in a situation where active movements are contraindicated, bodyflex exercises can be performed at any level of training.

So, have you decided to study using this system? Bodyflex exercises for weight loss will bring, according to the author, maximum benefit if you follow the following rules:

  1. Don't exercise immediately after eating. The ideal time to exercise is two hours after a light meal.
  2. Never do exercises in stuffy rooms. Always open a window if possible.
  3. Beginners should not do breathing exercises while walking.
  4. Stay in the main position for 8-10 breathing cycles.
  5. Train every day and perform each exercise 3-5 times.

Bodyflex exercises will help you quickly get in shape and improve your health. To track your progress and get extra motivation, regularly measure your waist and hips. After a month of training, you will be pleasantly surprised by the results, notes Greer Childress.

Is hyperventilation dangerous to your health?

The essence of bodyflex training, as Greer Childers writes, is that training in this system allows you to increase the saturation of body tissues with oxygen and, accordingly, speed up the metabolism in them. According to her, the therapeutic effect of bodyflex exercises is comparable to aerobics.

Be careful - hyperventilation can harm your health. Before starting classes, read the contraindications.

During aerobic exercise, active movement forces you to consume more oxygen, which the body needs to break down carbohydrates and fats and produce energy.

During bodyflex exercises, due to a special breathing method, you force the body to receive more oxygen than it receives under normal conditions, forcing it to use this oxygen.

Thus, Greer Childers claims that by purposefully saturating your body with oxygen, you can significantly speed up your metabolism and launch the fat burning mechanism. And if you simultaneously perform exercises for different muscle groups, creating an increased need for energy in certain areas, you can direct this oxygen exactly there, to those problem areas where fat burning is especially necessary. It is by improving the supply of oxygen to tissues and accelerating metabolism that excess volumes will be lost.

In medical terms, the theory of bodyflex is built on the effect of hyperventilation of the lungs. By alternating intense deep breaths and periods of holding your breath, a person receives 30-40 percent more oxygen than he consumes in normal life.

Contrary to the promised positive effect, this phenomenon can have very dangerous consequences for the body. Hyperventilation of the lungs leads to a decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood, which is a necessary component for many metabolic processes. Trying to maintain the amount of CO2 in the blood, the body tries to protect itself. Spasms of blood vessels and bronchi occur, blood pressure decreases, and the permeability of cell membranes decreases.

In turn, all this complicates not only the loss of CO2, but also the supply of oxygen to the body. The opposite effect occurs - oxygen starvation, which has a lot of negative consequences. Up to the death of brain cells, if the process becomes uncontrollable.

Based on all of the above, you should not fanatically and thoughtlessly rush into the maelstrom of bodyflex training. Just like any other practice.

In what cases should you stop practicing bodyflex? Exercise saturates tissues with oxygen and accelerates blood circulation, which does not always have a positive effect on well-being. Symptoms such as nosebleeds, dizziness, sleep disturbances and headaches are an absolute reason to stop training.

Before you begin, there are a number of precautions you must take.

  • Make sure you do not have the following diseases and conditions:
    • problems with blood pressure (high, low – it doesn’t matter);
    • diseases of the respiratory system, including asthma, allergic phenomena;
    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • head injuries, intracranial pressure;
    • vision problems;
    • high temperature, bleeding, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • pregnancy.
  • Begin classes only in the presence of another person who can help you in case of loss of consciousness.
  • Even if you are absolutely healthy or do not find your disease on the list of contraindications, be sure to consult your doctor!

In order to avoid unnecessary disappointments, remember that bodyflex exercises are designed for people who are overweight and initially slow. The therapeutic effect of these activities is based on the idea of ​​accelerating metabolism in obese and sedentary people, which causes body weight to return to the biological norm. However, this norm is determined not by you, but by your body. And your weight will not drop below the biological norm, even if it seems to you that you are still overweight.

Love your body and take care of your well-being! Good luck!

If you don’t have extra pounds and you lead an active lifestyle, bodyflex will not help you, since your metabolism is already at the proper level. I hope you found this article informative and useful. Successes and good luck in the sports field!

The article uses illustrations from the book by G. Childers “Great Figure in 15 Minutes a Day!”

Bodyflex - examples of video classes

is a set of exercises based on proper breathing and aimed at stretching certain muscle groups. Bodyflex gymnastics focuses on breathing, which is fundamentally different from normal breathing. A set of bodyflex exercises was developed by the American Greer Childers, who claims that numerous body problems associated with an unhealthy state arise from a lack of oxygen in the tissues. In her opinion, it is possible to replenish the supply of oxygen and saturate the body with it by creating a temporary artificial delay in ventilation - that is, by holding your breath (this is based on bodyflex breathing).

As the creator of bodyflex assures, with the help of the so-called hyperventilation of the lungs, which allows the body to absorb more oxygen during the next breath after holding your breath, you can improve your figure and restore health.

Followers of bodyflex are sure that ordinary people living in modern ecology and smoking excessively are sorely lacking oxygen. Additional oxygen introduced into the body through a set of bodyflex exercises helps burn fat, which is a high-quality fuel, and thereby cures many diseases. By doing bodyflex exercises for 15 minutes every day, you can change the volume of your figure by several sizes downward in just three months. Only in the first week of proper exercise is the effect of reducing body volume by 10, or even 30 centimeters, promised. And regular and systematic exercises can reduce the volume of problem areas of the body such as hips, legs and abdomen.

Why do you need bodyflex?

There is an opinion that the result of bodyflex exercises occurs three to five times faster than when jogging. When breathing bodyflex, the cells of the body, enriched with oxygen as a result of breathing exercises, work more efficiently, and various microbes, viruses and cancer cells die. In addition, the main thing that attracts women’s attention to bodyflex exercises is the relatively quick loss of body weight and the acquisition of shapes that are pleasing to the eye.

The program has a general tonic and healing effect on the body as a whole. Bodyflex breathing exercises can be recommended to a wide range of people, as well as to young mothers who are regaining their figure after childbirth, including those who are breastfeeding. As a result of exercise, not only the muscles are tightened, but also the skin, because oxygen saturation does not go unnoticed for the body. And, unlike shaping, aerobics and other similar sports, fatigue after exercise is less noticeable. During bodyflex classes Systematicity is very important. Bodyflex does not require strong physical activity; breathing takes a central place in this system, which is why it takes time to achieve results.

Restrictions for practicing bodyflex.

Those who should not engage in bodyflexing should be warned. There are few contraindications for classes:

  • this is any stage of pregnancy;
  • postoperative period;
  • periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • various other health problems are not a contraindication, but rather a feature of your training regime.

Bodyflex breathing is the correct technique.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Now imagine that you are about to sit down on a chair. Bend forward, resting your hands on your legs, slightly bent at the knees. The buttocks are set back. Your palms are about two and a half centimeters above your knees. Look straight ahead. Now you are a little like a volleyball player who is waiting for his opponent to throw. In this position, it will be easier for you to perform the last part of the exercises, retracting the abdomen.

Five stages of bodyflex breathing.

  1. Exhale all the air from your lungs through your mouth.
  2. Inhale quickly through your nose.
  3. Forcefully exhale all the air from your diaphragm through your mouth.
  4. Hold your breath and pull in your stomach for eight to ten counts.
  5. Relax and breathe.

Stage 1. The first thing to do is to exhale through your mouth all the air that has stagnated in your lungs. Pull your lips together as if you want to whistle, and slowly and evenly let out all the air without a trace.

Stage 2. After emptying your lungs, stop and purse your lips. Without opening your mouth, inhale through your nose as quickly and sharply as you can, filling your lungs with air to capacity. You smoothly draw in all the air in the room with one breath - and the sound should correspond to this. Imagine that you have been underwater for a very long time and finally come up for a breath of air, and now you inhale through your nose as quickly and forcefully as possible. Imagine how you draw air deep into your body, how it fills your lungs from top to bottom. Inhale aggressively. Inhalation is the most important part of this exercise, because it speeds up the aerobic process. And in this case, the inhalation should be very noisy. If you make sounds similar to a vacuum cleaner running at the highest speed, you are most likely doing the exercise correctly.

Stage 3. When your lungs are filled to capacity with air and you feel that you are no longer able to inhale, raise your head a little. Purse your lips and bite them as if you were spreading lipstick over them. Now you will sharply exhale all the air, and as low as possible in the diaphragm. Now open your mouth wide and start exhaling. You should end up with something like a “groin!” sound, but the sounds should come from the diaphragm, not from the lips or throat. This deep exhalation is quite difficult to master, and it may take you more than one attempt to get it right. For the first time, you may even want to cough (from your lungs, not from your throat) and try to imitate the correct sound, as if it were actually coming from the depths of your lungs. You will understand when the exhalation is done correctly - “groin!” it will turn out whistling.

Stage 4. After exhaling all the air, close your mouth and hold your breath. Continue to hold it throughout the entire stage, do not let a single molecule enter you! Tilt your head, pull in your stomach and lift it up. Imagine your stomach and other abdominal organs being literally shoved under your ribs. This is called "stomach retraction" and is part of every bodyflex exercises, making the stomach flat. In addition, pulling in the abdomen massages and stimulates the internal organs. Many people with irregular periods or poor bladder control report significant improvements. If you put your hand on your stomach at this moment, you will feel that it is completely sunken, as if there is a cup under your ribs. This is explained by the fact that you created a vacuum inside yourself - that’s why you exhaled all this air. If you tilt your head towards your chest, it will simply be easier for you to pull your stomach up, because the abdominal muscles are often very weak. Keep your stomach pulled in, without inhaling, for eight to ten counts, counting “one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three...”. It is while retracting your abdomen that you will perform isotonic or isometric exercises, which will be listed below.

Stage 5. Now relax, inhale and release your abdominal muscles. As you inhale, you should feel the air rushing into your lungs and hear something like a sob. Think about the vacuum cleaner.

If you cover the hose with your hand and then remove it, you will hear a sharp sucking sound. You should hear the same sound now because your lungs are filling. While you were holding your breath during the previous stage, you may have felt pressure as air tried to fill the vacuum in your lungs. That’s why bodyflex exercises are so difficult! Not everyone practicing at this stage produces such a “sucking” sound, although they do everything correctly.

In order to master bodyflex breathing, it will take practice. You won't do the exercises 100% correctly the first time, so don't get discouraged. The muscles you use while sucking in your belly may have never been exercised—they may well feel like spaghetti. And they have been inside you for - well, as many years as you have already lived. So you need a little patience. Continue your studies, improve day by day. Here are a few important points that require breathing exercises bodyflex:

  • always inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth;
  • If you do bodyflex breathing incorrectly, you will not be able to pull your stomach in. The gear will not rotate unless all the teeth form a mesh. During the first stage, you need to exhale forcefully to make room for the air that you will inhale into yourself during the second stage. If in the third stage you do not exhale strongly enough, you will not be able to create a vacuum sufficient for a good retraction of the abdomen. So don't mess around at any stage. Yes, it's just breathing, but, believe me, it's real work if you do it correctly!;
  • starting to say “groin!” while exhaling, you may cough. This shouldn't come as a surprise. You clear your lungs. This will only last a day or two. However, with second-hand smoke, air pollution and other irritants in the air, your lungs need a thorough cleaning. You may even experience wheezing, mucus, and other nasty things, especially if you smoke. But you know what? After a few days, your lungs will become much cleaner. Deep breathing bodyflex will help you restore even lungs damaged by tobacco. (I hope “Bodyflex” will help you get rid of this habit. I have already said that it naturally reduces the desire to smoke.);
  • — when you do bodyflex exercises for the first time, you may feel a little dizzy. This is completely normal - your body needs to get used to the increased amount of oxygen. If your head feels too dizzy, stop and sit down. Breathe evenly until it goes away. I don't need you to fall!;
  • At first, most likely, you will not be able to hold your breath for long - this is how you will find out what a sad state your cardiovascular system is in. Some will last two or three seconds, others five or just one. And only a few will last eight to ten seconds the first time. But you will notice how every day you begin to hold your breath longer. After two to three weeks, this time will increase to fifteen to twenty seconds. When you first start perform a set of bodyflex exercises, you may experience shortness of breath in the middle of a fifteen-minute complex. This is also completely normal. Keep doing bodyflex exercises to build strength and endurance, and soon you will be able to perform the entire complex without stopping. One of the first results that people report to me is that they feel less short of breath after walking or climbing stairs for a long time. This is a sure sign that the cardiovascular system is strengthening;
  • When you begin to master poses that combine with bodyflex breathing, you will find that it is a little more difficult to breathe while lying down. This is because you do not have the strength that, when standing, you do not tilt your head to your chest and constantly have to make sure that your head does not rise from the floor. In general, the more difficult the pose, the more difficult the breathing portion will be. It's interconnected. But, again, with practice everything will become much easier;
  • The best time to do bodyflex is early in the morning when you have just gotten up. Your stomach was empty for the longest period of time. When you eat, all the blood (which carries fat-burning oxygen) is sent to the digestive system. Besides, how can you pull a full stomach under your ribs? Therefore, exercise before meals is 40% more effective than after breakfast. The blood goes where it needs to go without being distracted by food digestion.

If you want to perform bodyflex exercises When you come home from work until dinner (this is a great boost of energy for those who need to pay attention to children or do something else important), you should not eat for at least two hours before that. But I must warn you: during the day you will always have some food in your stomach, which is why bodyflex breathing exercises are still more effective in the morning.

Bodyflex gymnastics uses isotonic, isometric and stretching poses for breathing exercises so that you can tighten muscles while burning fat. Isometric bodyflex exercises tighten one muscle group relative to another group or a stationary object. Isotonic exercises use the body's own resistance. These types of exercises have proven their effectiveness and safety many times.

Extend your hand and clench your fingers into a fist. Press as hard as possible. You should feel the muscles throughout your arm tighten. This is an isometric exercise.
Now clasp your hands in a large circle in front of your chest. Connect your fingers, raise your elbows so that they are at the same level as your shoulders and palms. Place the fingertips of one hand on the fingers of the other hand. You should feel the tension from your fingertips running throughout your arm - especially in the biceps area, as well as across your chest. You use the equal tension of both hands pressing against each other and create tension in the inside of your hands. This is an isotonic exercise.


Remember: a set of bodyflex exercises should be performed in the morning, on an empty stomach, you can drink a glass of liquid.

It is important to remember how five-stage bodyflex breathing is performed: exhale, inhale, exhale forcefully, hold your breath, lower your head (if the exercises are not done lying down), pull in your stomach - and as soon as you pull in your stomach, you should immediately take the desired position, holding your breath and remaining in this position for 8-10 counts. Later in the program, this five-step process before taking the desired pose will be indicated by the words “perform a breathing exercise.”

Well, now the set of bodyflex exercises itself:

1. “Lion” - bodyflex exercises

This exercise trains not only the body, but also the face and neck. This is very important: what is the use of the fact that your body looks twenty-five years old if your face can be considered seventy years old - loose skin, double chin, sagging cheeks? You need to tighten your face and neck at the same time as your body. The first two bodyflex exercises are dedicated to this.

Starting pose: This is a common pose, standing, legs 30-35 centimeters wide, hands resting with the palms on the legs two and a half centimeters above the knees. Like you're about to sit down. Do a breathing exercise, hold your breath, pull in your stomach and take the main pose.

Basic pose: Designed to work on the face, cheeks, area under the eyes, wrinkles around the mouth and nose. It is taken from the yoga “lion pose”, but is done slightly differently. In a yoga pose, you simply open your mouth wide, relaxing your lips - you get the “wide mouth of an old lion.” We need something else, because exercise in this form increases and deepens wrinkles on the face. First, we will gather our lips into a small circle. Now open your eyes very wide and lift them (this is how you tighten the muscles under the eyes). At the same time, lower the circle of your lips down (tightening your cheeks and nasal area) and stick your tongue out to the limit (this works on the area under the chin and neck), without relaxing your lips. Hold this pose for eight counts. The pose is performed five times. Don't forget about bodyflex breathing!

  • Don't open your mouth too wide. The circle should be very small, as if you are surprised;
  • when you stick your tongue out as far as possible from the low small circle of your lips, you should feel the muscles stretch from the area under your eyes to your chin - when doing this exercise, you can either remain in the initial breathing position all the time, or straighten up after retracting your stomach. While standing, perform the main pose for eight counts, and as you exhale, return to the starting pose.

2. “Ugly grimace” - bodyflex exercise.

The neck is the most eloquent part of the body, and it speaks about age. Some people also have problems with neck wrinkling. In addition, all people over thirty-five begin to worry about a double chin. The area under the chin is the first to respond to exercise. Usually there is not much fat there - just loose skin. So, if you want to become beautiful, start with an “ugly face”.

Starting pose: You may be better off doing the exercise without doing bodyflex breathing first. Stand up straight, put your bottom teeth behind your front teeth (a dentist would call this an overbite) and stick out your lips as if you're trying to someone. While protruding your lips, stretch your neck until you feel tension in it. Now raise your head and imagine that you are about to kiss the ceiling. You should feel a stretch from the tip of your chin to your sternum. Don't be surprised if your neck hurts the next morning. It’s just that these muscles have never worked before. Once you have mastered the exercise (and realize how well it lives up to its name), combine it with the rest of the exercise.

Basic pose: neck and chin in the position described above. Stand straight, arms thrown back (as if you are on a springboard - this is to maintain balance), and chin rises to the ceiling. The soles must touch the floor completely. Do the exercise five times, each time holding your breath for 8 counts.

Dos and don'ts:

  • do not close your mouth - cover your upper teeth with your lower teeth and stick out your lips like a monkey - do not rise on your tiptoes when you reach for the ceiling. Not only can you lose your balance, but you can also overextend your muscles;
  • Between repetitions, be sure to return to the main breathing pose. Catch your breath and continue;

3. “Lateral stretch” - bodyflex exercise.

Strengthens the muscles of the lateral surface of the body.

Starting pose: Take the basic breathing pose - feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, palms two and a half centimeters above the knees, buttocks in a position as if you are about to sit down, head looking forward. Do a breathing exercise, pull in your stomach and take the main pose.

Basic pose: lower your left arm so that your elbow is on your bent left knee. Extend your right leg to the side, pointing your toes, without lifting your foot off the floor. Your weight should be on your bent left knee. Now lift your right arm and extend it above your head, above your ear, and pull it further and further until you feel the muscles stretch at the side, from your waist to your armpit. The arm should remain straight and close to the head.

Hold the pose for 8 counts, take a breath. Do the exercise three times on the left side, and then three times on the right.

Dos and don'ts:

  • Don't bend your elbow when you lift it to properly stretch. Just stretch and stretch your muscles;
  • the toes of the outstretched leg must be pulled back for the stretch to be really good;
  • maintain correct posture. Don't lean forward;
  • if the posture is correct, you will look a little like a discus thrower.

4. “Pulling the leg back” - bodyflex exercise.

Starting pose: lower yourself to the floor, resting on your hands and knees. Now lower yourself onto your elbows. Extend your leg straight behind you without bending your knee, keeping your toes pointing down and resting on the floor. The weight should be on your elbows and hands, which lie directly in front of you, palms down. Your head is raised and you are looking straight ahead. Complete the entire five-step breathing exercise: exhale, inhale, powerfully exhale, hold your breath, lower your head, pull your stomach in. Having pulled in your stomach, hold it and take the main pose.
Basic pose: lift your straight leg back as high as you can, with your toes still facing you. Tighten and connect your gluteal muscles. Hold the position and breath, squeeze and unclench your buttocks, perform the exercise for 8 counts. Free your breath and lower your leg. Do the exercise three times with one leg and three times with the other.

Dos and don'ts:

  • Do not pull your toes down during this exercise. This will change the path of the blood (which carries fat-burning oxygen) and direct it to the calf area. And now we need to work not on the calves, but on the gluteus maximus muscles. Your toes should always be pointed towards you;
  • keep your leg completely straight. Don't let your knee bend. This helps create tension specifically in the gluteal muscles;
  • never do this bodyflex exercise unless you are resting your elbows on the floor. If you do it on your hands and knees, you may injure your back;
  • As with all of the following exercises, don't waste valuable time getting into the right position after pulling your abs in. The countdown begins only when you take the main pose. Take the main pose after drawing in your stomach faster.

5. “Seiko” - bodyflex exercises.

Starting pose: get on your hands and knees and extend your right leg straight out to the side, at right angles to your body. The right foot should be on the floor. Do a breathing exercise, hold your breath, pull in your stomach and take the main pose. The main thing is not to write it off, perform bodyflex breathing correctly.

Basic pose: Raise your extended leg until your leg is parallel to the floor. Pull it forward towards your head. The leg should remain straight. In this exercise, the toe may be pulled out or bent - it does not matter. Just hold for 8 counts. Take a breath and lower your leg into a starting position on the floor. The exercise should be performed three times on each side.

Dos and don'ts:

  • do not bend your raised leg at the knee. This relieves tension from the inner thigh;
  • try to raise your leg as high as possible. The first time most people manage to lift it only 9 centimeters above the floor;
  • When raising your legs, keep your arms straight. You can lean slightly to the opposite side to maintain your balance, but try to stay as straight as possible.

6. “Diamond” - bodyflex exercises.

Starting pose: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, close your arms in a circle in front of you. Keep your elbows high and clasp your extended fingers. Round your back slightly to keep your elbows up, but your hands should only touch each other with your fingers, not your palms. Perform bodyflex breathing, hold your breath, draw in your stomach and take the main pose.

Basic pose: Now press your fingers against each other as much as possible. You will feel muscle tension running from both wrists throughout your arm and chest. Hold the tension for 8 counts. Now catch your breath. Repeat the exercise three times.

Dos and don'ts:

  • Only the fingertips should touch each other;
  • don't drop your elbows. Otherwise, the pressure will not be on the upper arms, but only on the chest.

7. “Boat” - bodyflex exercises.

Starting pose: Sit on the floor with your legs spread as wide as possible in an inverted "V" shape. Without lifting your heels off the ground, pull your toes toward you and point them out to the sides to further stretch your inner thighs. Place your palms on the floor behind you. Keep your arms straight and do the five-step breathing exercise. Bend your head and draw in your stomach, hold your breath and take the main pose.

Basic pose: move your arms forward from behind your back, bend at the waist and place your hands on the floor in front of you. Without taking your fingers off the carpet, “walk” forward, gradually bending down, lower and lower. You will feel a stretch in your inner thighs. Hold for 8 counts. Exhale, place your hands behind you and start again. Repeat the exercise three times.

Dos and don'ts:

  • stretching should be careful. When leaning forward, do not make sudden movements - this may cause injury. Just stretch. Stretch forward and stay in this position, then stretch a little more and wait again, lengthening and stretching the muscles. Do the stretching in a relaxed manner, without straining;
  • This exercise can be done using a table leg. Place your feet on either side of the table leg as wide as possible. In the initial pose, hold the table leg (which should be approximately thirty centimeters from the chest) with both hands, and after performing the breathing part and holding the breath, pull your chest forward with the help of the table leg and hold for 8 counts;
  • If you don't feel the stretch on your inner thighs, it means your legs aren't wide enough. If you haven't stretched for a long time, it will be quite difficult for you to do this. Don't lose your persistence!;
  • try not to bend your knees. This reduces stretching.

8. “Pretzel” - bodyflex exercise.

Strengthening the muscles of the outer thigh, shaping the waist.

Starting pose: sit on the floor with your legs crossed at the knees. The left knee should be above the right. Keep your leg below the knee as straight and horizontal as possible. Place your left hand behind your back and with your right hand grab your left knee. Do a breathing exercise, hold your breath, pull in your stomach and take the main pose.

Basic pose: the weight is on the left hand. With your right hand, pull your left knee up and towards you as close as possible, and bend your torso to the left at the waist until you can look behind you. You should feel the muscles of the outer thigh and waist stretch. Hold this position for eight to ten counts. Exhale and start again. Do this exercise three times with your left leg on top and three times with your right leg so that your right hand is behind you, your right knee is pulled up by your left hand, and you rotate to the right.

Dos and don'ts:

  • pulling your knee up and forward, do it as close to your chest as possible;
  • bending at the waist, try to look as far behind you as possible. You will feel how this affects the stretch.

9. “Hamstring stretch” - bodyflex exercise.

Starting pose: lie down on your back. Raise your legs perpendicular to the floor. Pull your socks towards you so that your feet are flat (if you have back problems, you can put a pillow under your buttocks). Reach down to your feet and grab the top of each calf with your hands. Don't drop your elbows. (If you cannot reach your calves, it is enough to hold your hands behind your knees.) Without lifting your head and back from the floor, do a breathing exercise: exhale, inhale, exhale strongly, hold your breath, draw in your stomach (remember that when you lie in front retraction of the abdomen does not lower the head). Having pulled in your stomach, immediately take the main pose.

Basic pose: Keeping your legs straight, use your hands to gently move them closer and closer to your head without lifting your buttocks off the floor to stretch your hamstrings. You will feel a stretch there that you have probably never felt before, because you have never worked on this area. Hold this position for 8 counts. Exhale and return your legs to the starting position, toes toward you, hands around your calves. The exercise is performed three times.

Dos and don'ts:

  • try not to bend your knees, although at first you will have no choice, because you are not as flexible as you thought. Let your goal be a straight, thin line from your feet to your butt. Every day you will do better and better;
  • do not lift your buttocks off the floor, as this will negate the benefits of the exercise. You need to stretch your hamstrings, and if you lift your butt, that's not where the stretch will occur;
  • Always keep your head on the floor. Don't let it rise while you're counting;
  • keep your feet straight.

10. “Abdominal press” - bodyflex exercises.

Strengthening the abdominal muscles.

Starting pose: lie on your back, straighten your legs. Now raise your legs so that your knees are bent and your feet are on the floor, 30-35 centimeters apart. Stretch your arms up. Keep your head off the floor. Perform bodyflex breathing, pull in your stomach and take the main pose.

Basic pose: Keeping your arms straight, extend them upward, while at the same time lifting your shoulders and lifting yourself off the floor. The head should be tilted back. Look at an imaginary point on the ceiling behind you. Try to get off the floor as much as possible. Let your shoulders and chest rise as high as possible. Now lower yourself to the floor - first your lower back, then your shoulders, and then your head. As soon as your head touches the floor, immediately get up again. The head should remain tilted back. Raise your hands up. Pull yourself up and hold in this position for 8-10 counts. Do the exercise three times.

Dos and don'ts:

  • in the basic pose, keep your head tilted back with your chin raised to avoid injuring your neck. Find a spot on the ceiling behind you to look at as you pull yourself up. This way the head will take the correct position. By keeping your chin on your chest, you will
  • deceive yourself - instead of the abdominals, all the work will be done by the head and shoulders;
  • never swing or push off. You need muscles to work, not physical laws. Imagine yourself pulling yourself up by your arms and lowering yourself down again. Don't rest once you're on the floor. Let your abdominal muscles work constantly. Just lightly touch the floor with the back of your head and rise again.

11. “Scissors” - bodyflex exercises.

Strengthening the lower abdominal muscles.

Starting pose: lie on the floor, stretch and close your legs. Place your hands, palms down, under your buttocks to support your back. Keep your head on the floor, do not raise your lower back. This will help avoid back problems. Do a breathing exercise, pull in your stomach and hold your breath. Now move into the main pose.

Basic pose: Raise your legs together 8-9 centimeters above the floor. Make as wide a scissor-style swing as possible so that one leg ends up above or below the other. Socks should be elongated. Do this for eight to ten counts. Exhale. Repeat three times.

Dos and don'ts:

  • Always keep your palms under your buttocks and press your lower back into the floor to avoid injuring your back. Don't let your back arch;
  • During scissoring, the feet should be no higher than 7-9 centimeters above the floor. This puts the most tension on the abdominals;
  • always point your toes out to add stress to your abdominals and thighs;
  • keep your head down;
  • swings should be made as wide and fast as possible.

12. “Cat” - bodyflex exercise.

Starting pose: get down on your hands and knees. Palms should be on the floor, arms and back straight. Keep your head up and look straight ahead. Do a breathing exercise, hold your breath, pull in your stomach and take the main pose.

Basic pose: tilt your head. At the same time, arch your back, raising it as high as possible to look like an angry cat. Hold this position for eight to ten counts. Exhale and relax your back. Repeat the exercise three times.

Dos and don'ts:

  • If this exercise is performed correctly, it looks like one smooth rolling movement of the body from the stomach to the back.


Breathing gymnastics bodyflex– a set of exercises based on breathing exercises and relatively little physical activity. Bodyflex breathing must be performed strictly correctly! No errors, because This is the main part of all bodyflex exercises.

A set of bodyflex exercises will help You can maintain your vigor and beauty of your body. Bodyflex breathing has a beneficial effect in the treatment of many diseases associated with the throat, bronchi, lungs, etc. But if you want to use bodyflex exercises for medicinal purposes, consult your doctor.

Many women know superficially what bodyflex is, but only a few practice this system correctly. By spending only 15-20 minutes on regular training using the bodyflex technique, a woman acquires the desired shape and gets rid of health problems.

The founder of the system explains that Bodyflex is a specially designed set of exercises for proper breathing, combining diaphragmatic breathing techniques, various stretching poses and isotonic stances.

The main role in the classes is given to the work of oxygen and carbon dioxide. While holding your breath, the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood increases. The arteries immediately react to this process. They expand, preparing to accept oxygen, its remains are utilized, and the brain sends a signal to break down fat.

If a person increases physical activity, then he needs additional air.

In other words, as much oxygen as a person inhales, the same amount of fat cells is burned.

Bodyflex (what it is should already be clear) helps burn calories, eighteen times more than aerobics or shaping. You can learn it yourself and do the exercises at home. Thanks to this complex, the figure becomes slimmer and health is stronger.

Bodyflex - pros and cons

Pros of bodyflex:

  1. The immune system is strengthened.
  2. With regular exercise there is no feeling of fatigue.
  3. Irritability and headaches go away, because Bodyflex involves deep breathing. Such exercises relax, and this stabilizes the nervous system.
  4. Stress, migraines, and depression are reduced.
  5. Fat is burned.
  6. Muscle mass becomes toned.
  7. Energy increases.

The disadvantages of breathing exercises include the following:

  1. If you stop regular exercise, the previous weight will return along with an increase in it.
  2. The time allotted for classes cannot be increased.
  3. You cannot approach classes fanatically, this leads to overwork.
  4. You need to eat only healthy foods and avoid overeating.

Who is it suitable for?

The exercises are suitable for men, women, and older people in the absence of contraindications.


Contraindications include:

  • pregnancy;
  • recovery period after abdominal surgery;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • taking birth control pills and contraceptives;
  • taking sedatives;
  • slow metabolism;
  • systemic vascular resistance;
  • hypertension;
  • complications after vision diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • problems with the spine: hernias;
  • period of exacerbation of diseases.

In the third week of classes, a slowdown in weight loss is observed.

Bodyflex for weight loss - features

The undeniable advantage of Bodyflex is that the same weight loss result as in the gym can be achieved in a short time, with a minimum of effort, and this saves time and money. The main thing is to breathe properly and do the exercises.

It is very important to record your weight and dimensions before starting Bodyflex gymnastics. This will encourage you to continue studying. For this you will need a pen and notepad.

The start date of classes and other data must be indicated:

  • how much weight;
  • breast volume;
  • waist;
  • circumference under the waist;
  • hip girth;
  • legs width;
  • shoulder girth.

It is important to record daily changes, especially weekly ones. At the same time, you need to remember about your well-being.

To strengthen bone tissue, bracelets are placed on the arms and legs, continuing to do racks with stretch marks. After preparation, move on to the main poses. To improve the result, you need to gradually add load to the muscles.

How many kilograms can you lose by doing Bodyflex?

Experts say that bodyflex removes volume, i.e. centimeters, not kilograms. For example, in a week of training you can remove 7 cm from your waist, but it all depends on the initial weight.

If breathing or postures are incorrect, then the weight will not go away.

Results may be affected by poor diet. Bodyflex does not require a strict diet, but there are restrictions. You should not eat flour, sweet, fatty or harmful foods to the body.

Even if the weight stays the same, you should not give up breathing exercises. If you give up exercise, you can not only gain your original body weight back, but also kilograms beyond that.

Bodyflex classes: rules

The exercise begins in the morning to improve metabolism and get a boost of energy for the whole day:

  • If desired, you can reduce the number of classes (2 times a week).
  • Before doing Bodyflex, do not eat for two hours.
  • After class you cannot eat for 30 minutes.
  • They drink only water and that without sugar or gas.
  • Avoid junk food.

Breathing exercises for weight loss bodyflex

In Bodyflex there are five main stages of breathing:

  • With the mouth folded into a tube, at the same time as the abdomen is drawn in, located as close as possible to the spine, a smooth exhalation is made.
  • The lips are tightly compressed and the stomach is protruded. A deep breath is taken through the nose until failure occurs.
  • A deep exhalation from the lungs must be done with the pronunciation “Groin”, keeping the stomach stuck to the spine.
  • You should hold your breath for a period of 8 to 10 seconds and at the same time keep your stomach tucked under your ribs so that it looks like a kind of cup.
  • Take a normal breath.

What should be the correct breathing when doing bodyflex?

To perform gymnastics correctly, you need to monitor your breathing rate. You can check this like this: placing your hand on your chest and stomach, record the movement of the diaphragm.

If you perform breathing exercises well, breathing will become deep, and weight will decrease, because the secret of bodyflex lies precisely in oxygen, which helps burn fat deposits.

How does oxygen affect the human body?

  • metabolism is activated;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • nutrients are quickly absorbed;
  • toxins are eliminated.

When pulling your stomach under your ribs, you need to lower your head to achieve a greater effect from the massage of the internal organs. After this, you need to breathe for 8 to 10 seconds while doing the exercises. In this case, you need to try to contract your abdominal muscles to a slight trembling.

If you need to breathe, then you don’t have to be patient and wait for time.

After some time, your lung capacity will increase, and doing exercises will be much easier. Dizziness after performing exercises is considered normal, but if the state of weakness does not go away for a long time, then it is better to be examined by a doctor and stop exercising.

When cramps appear, you need to completely relax, clench and unclench your hands, shake your legs.

Bodyflex and Oxysize: what are the differences?

When starting to practice according to the bodyflex system, it is important to determine for yourself exactly what it is, since bodyflex has a number of contraindications. There are no contraindications or restrictions for Oxysize breathing exercises.

Oxysize fights the problems of excess volume in the abdomen and waist, removing excess fat in these areas. By doing bodyflex, you can solve the problem with your hips by reducing their size.

You cannot perform Bodyflex breathing exercises if:

  • have hypertension;
  • heart problems;
  • retinal detachment is observed;
  • there is pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

There are no such restrictions for oxysize classes.

The oxysize technique involves inhaling a large volume of oxygen, but the exercises are performed silently, which is very convenient for young mothers - you can perform the exercises while the baby is sleeping. Bodyflex exercises are performed with loud sounds. While holding your breath, the muscles tense.

It will take from 4 to 10 seconds to complete one exercise using the bodyflex technique. The time to complete the exercise using the oxysize system is 30-35 seconds.

Oxysize breathing exercises are not accredited in the country because additional tests have not been carried out. But this system allows you to achieve success twice as fast. Bodyflex has a time limit (25 minutes), but Oxysize does not.

Oxysize provides not five, but four stages of breathing:

  1. First, take a deep breath through your nose and stick out your stomach.
  2. Afterwards there are three short breaths through the nose, the stomach is pulled in.
  3. Exhale through the mouth with a smile, the stomach is pulled in as much as possible.
  4. With three short exhalations, the abdominal muscles do not relax, the stomach remains retracted.

All steps must be completed in order 4 times. This will amount to one breathing cycle through this system.

Bodyflex pose

There is a special pose in Bodyflex - this is a stand:

  • You need to spread your legs wide – up to 30 cm.
  • Bend at the knees.
  • Lean forward.
  • Wrap your arms around your legs above knee level.
  • The gaze should be directed straight.

What is Bodyflex - this is a specially designed set of exercises for proper breathing, combining diaphragmatic breathing techniques, various stretching poses and isotonic stances.

This pose looks as if you want to sit on a nearby chair. When performing this exercise, the back remains straight throughout all stages of breathing.

A set of bodyflex exercises. Exercises for weight loss in pictures

There are three main groups of exercises in the bodyflex system:

  • isometric – one muscle group works;
  • isotonic – several muscle groups are involved;
  • stretching – develop muscle elasticity.

The first stage of Bodyflex begins with the main pose.

Main pose

You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart, bending them slightly, and rest your hands on your knee joints, keeping your head straight. From the outside, you can imagine a person after a long run.

The pose is completely natural and does not cause discomfort.

The exercise should be combined with deep breathing. You first need to exhale deeply, freeing the lungs from excess air, then make the letter “o” with your lips and press them tightly.

By regularly performing this technique, you can strengthen your abdominal muscles and improve your figure.

Side stretch

With this exercise you can remove all excess from the sides and improve your spine.

The exercise is performed as follows:

  1. You need to lean on one hand, raise the other up and put your leg to the side. It is important that the foot, knee and palm are in the same line. The pelvis is above the knee. You need to perform this exercise with slow breathing. When you inhale, inflate your stomach, when you exhale, pull it in. When performing breathing cycles, you should stand in the starting position, trying to stretch your torso. At the same time, you need to count in your mind until you have the strength to stand.
  2. Repeat the same on the other side.
  3. Then repeat this exercise three more times, after which you can rest.


Helps reduce fat in problem areas such as:

  • hips;
  • buttocks;
  • waist;
  • legs.

Hands clenched into a fist should be extended forward. In this case, the elbows are parallel to the floor. The back can be slightly rounded if it is not possible to support the weight of the elbows. You need to start the exercise with deep breathing, controlling yourself with your fingers, pressing them against each other. You need to pay attention to the position of your elbows. They need to be held in front of you.

Pulling your leg back, you need to stand on your knee joints and rest your elbows on the floor, placing your palms down. Then they stretch out one leg, resting their toes on the floor. It is important to keep your head straight and look forward. Then they inhale, tighten their abdominal muscles and lift their legs very high. You need to pull the sock towards you, trying to squeeze your buttocks.

Abdominal Press


  1. You should lie on your back, bend your knees, spread your legs to the sides.
  2. Raising your arms up, without lifting your head from the floor, you need to inhale and pull your arms up.
  3. The head is left thrown back, raising the shoulders with shoulder blades from the floor.



  1. Take the starting position - lying down.
  2. They stretch their legs.
  3. Hands must be held under the buttocks so that the lumbosacral region is pressed to the floor.
  4. You need to take a breath and raise your legs about 10 cm from the floor.
  5. Horizontally, you need to make cross swings with your legs very quickly.



  1. Standing on your knees and hands, your left leg should be set aside at a right angle (ninety degrees).
  2. Afterwards, perform one breathing cycle, lift your leg high up and pull it towards your head.
  3. Each time the amplitude of raising the leg should be increased.

Important! It is necessary to keep your stomach pulled in as you exhale, and do not bend your knees.



  1. You need to sit down with both legs spread apart to the maximum.
  2. You need to pull your toes towards you.
  3. Place your hands behind your back and rest on them.
  4. You need to do one cycle of correct breathing and tilt your torso towards the floor.
  5. Afterwards, you need to walk forward with your arms, while stretching the thigh muscles as much as possible without bending the knee joint.



  1. It is necessary to take a sitting position on the floor and bend both legs at the knees.
  2. You need to cross your legs so that your right knee is located under your left.
  3. This exercise must be done alternately in different directions.
  4. The lower leg must be kept straight. For convenience, you should rest your left hand on the floor, holding it behind your back.
  5. And you need to put your right hand on your left knee. While inhaling, you need to pull in your stomach and hold your breath, making the transition to the main pose.

Hamstring stretch


  • Step 1. The stretch is performed while lying on your back with your legs raised ninety degrees.
  • Step 2. Pull your socks out and point them down so that your feet are straight.
  • Step 3. Wrap your hands around the outer calf area. The head remains motionless on the floor while performing this exercise.
  • Step 4. Perform a breathing cycle, slowly, pulling the legs towards the chest. Repeat the exercise three times.


You need to kneel down, lean on your hands, keep your back straight, and look straight ahead. After breathing, you need to lower your head, while simultaneously arching your back as if your body was being hung by a hook.

For beginners, this complex is quite enough.

All these exercises should be performed 3 times.

Exercises for the face and neck

a lion

Aimed at ridding the face of a double chin. Regularly performing this exercise will significantly improve the condition of the skin and give it elasticity. The oval of the face will become more expressive.


  1. Hold the breath.
  2. Raise your head, open your mouth with a straw.
  3. Stick your tongue out to the very root. The eyes should be wide open.

Ugly grimace

This exercise tightens the neck muscles, making facial skin young and beautiful.


  1. Hold your breath and raise your head to look at the ceiling.
  2. Pull the lower jaw forward, close the lips into the letter “o”.

Option 2:

  1. Stand up straight and hold your breath.
  2. Repeat the sequence of the exercise from the first option, only here you need to move your arms back so that they are parallel to the floor.
  3. You need to slowly raise your arms as high as possible.

Bodyflex exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and thighs

Bodyflex can only act on the areas necessary for weight loss.

For example, if you need to remove your stomach and thighs, you need to perform the following exercises:

  • side stretch;
  • abdominal Press;
  • scissors.

If desired, you can make another pretzel. But experts advise performing exercises on all zones simultaneously, and when the desired shape is achieved, move on to areas that require adjustments.

Important! The main thing in Bodyflex is proper breathing., which is an integral part of such a system. The inhalation should be deep and make a hissing sound. If you neglect rest, then when performing the next approach there simply won’t be enough oxygen and you won’t be able to tighten your stomach well. The longer the stomach is held in, the more fat cells will be burned.

How to enhance the effect of Bodyflex exercises

For greater effect from the exercises, you can use leg weights weighing two kilograms each when performing it. They can be bandages or bags filled with sand or earth.

Weights are great for the Seiko exercise.. After such a workout, you feel muscle pain. This is fine. This means they are growing, and the process of losing weight has begun.

This breathing technique not only promotes rapid weight loss, but also improves the health of internal organs and ventilation of the lungs.

Possible complications and negative consequences

The peculiarity of the Bodyflex system - what it is and why it is usually called yogi breathing or a full breathing cycle - is a 10-second breath hold. It is not recommended to practice Bodyflex for too long, because this system is built mainly on short breath holds in combination with exercises.

Medical experts recommend doing this exercise after waking up., on an empty stomach. Before this, you should drink a glass of warm water to start the work of the internal organs and the body as a whole. Throwing Bodyflex is not recommended. It should become a necessity, like brushing your teeth in the morning.

With periodic exercise in Bodyflex, lung volume increases sharply, blood circulation improves and the blood is enriched with oxygen, which will allow you to burn accumulated fat cells as quickly as possible. But if you interrupt classes, the weight will not only return, but can also increase significantly.

Bodyflex with Marina Korpan 15-minute complex: video

Bodyflex with Tatyana Korneeva: video tutorials

Bodyflex with Greer Childers: video in Russian

Bodyflex results: before and after photos

What Bodyflex is and what results can be obtained if you practice this technique correctly and regularly are described in detail in our article. By following the recommendations of specialists, you can not only put your body in order, but also improve your health and well-being.

Bodyflex. What is it: video

What is bodyflex and why does it help you lose weight, find out in the video:

TOP 10 questions about the Bodyflex and Oxysize techniques, watch the video: