A man who loves red. Determining character by favorite color

  • 19.10.2019

Shade is one of the main criteria that guides people in various matters: choosing pieces of furniture, clothing, etc. In this regard, psychologists have a statement: depending on color preferences, you can calculate a person’s psychotype, find out what is at a given stage of life happens in his soul.

Blue color in psychology

If you know what the color blue means, you can understand at first glance what kind of person is in front of you. First of all, the character of such people often becomes the source of their own problems. Those who have a favorite blue are melancholic, modest, and most try to avoid conflicts at work or at home. Individuals need frequent rest, because people whose favorite color is blue get tired quickly. It is worth noting that a person will acquire inner comfort only after receiving the goodwill of others.

What does the color red mean?

For those who want to learn how to determine character by their favorite colors, you need to consider the meanings of scarlet shades. Individuals who wear mostly red clothes or accessories can be said to have tremendous willpower, which is why they achieve great heights in their careers. People whose favorite color is red are hot-tempered, domineering, but also courageous, impatient and stubborn.

If you know how to determine character by your favorite colors, then you know that lovers of these shades strive to achieve success in all areas of life, and routine depresses them. Such individuals need frequent changes of environment, travel, and adventure. It is worth noting that the “Reds” have a special gift: to encourage people to action, and this quality does not repel others from them; on the contrary, the masses are drawn to them.

Yellow color - meaning

If you see a woman or girl wearing yellow clothes, then know that she feels free, calm, and full of optimism. All people whose favorite color is yellow easily adapt to the unusual and new, know how to direct their forces in the right direction, and communicate with others easily and naturally. If you determine character by color, then yellow lovers are not particularly responsible, because they prefer freedom not only in thoughts, but also in actions. However, such individuals enjoy well-deserved recognition from friends, because by nature they are open and generous.

What does black mean?

The shade can symbolize denial, uncertainty. Black color in psychology means that people for whom it is a favorite are distinguished by their determination and temper, but at the same time, the majority are unsure of their abilities, constantly feel unhappy or even become depressed. Those who like to wear black clothes are often unable to cope with the surging emotions, therefore, if they love, then with all their souls, they also hate with all their hearts. Some people try to attract the attention of others with dark colors or make their image mysterious.

The lightest shade of black – gray – is the most neutral, which is identified with tranquility. Gray is the color of rationality and symbolizes that the one who chose it feels protected and lives guided by the mind and not the heart. Those who have this favorite shade are very responsible, capable of solving even the most complex problems, while such people do not do anything at random, but calculate every step.

What does pink mean?

People whose favorite color is the lightest shade of red prefer an orderly life and value comfort and homeliness. Pink color in psychology means that a person really needs protection, sometimes he tries to appear fragile in order to receive even more care. Lovers of pink are distinguished by tenderness, charm, and softness. Many who want to feel love, like in fairy tales, or who live in a dream world, are immersed in their inner fairy-tale world. However, there is no point in “rescuing” dreamers from there: this way it is easier to react to harsh realities and endure the blows of fate.

The meaning of purple

Kohler may appeal to extraordinary individuals: those who are drawn to mysticism are attracted to everything mysterious. In psychology, the lilac color means that a lover of the shade is an artistic, witty person by nature, has a different temperament, and can sometimes be mischievous. People who like purple value the spiritual side of life, but some may be overly emotional. For such individuals, there is nothing more important than freedom and independence.

What does green mean?

The shade a person chooses can tell a lot about their character or emotional state. For example, those whose favorite color is green are open, sincere, calm and sociable individuals. Often, lovers of this color are socially active, only occasionally they are modest and patient. Those who prefer green strive for a calm atmosphere around them.

People who, for certain reasons, like light green are distinguished by their friendliness, gentleness, openness, and tenderness. Each of the lovers of light shades of green could become a diplomat, because such people have a sharp mind and sometimes even excessive punctuality. The disadvantage of individuals is that they practically do not know how to refuse others, even if this action will benefit them.

Turquoise color in psychology

The shade may appeal to balanced individuals, those who are reserved and self-confident. A person whose favorite color is a person has strong energy and a strong-willed character. If you want to know the meaning of the turquoise color, then it is worth noting that its lovers are people who know their worth and know how to use their capabilities to the fullest, directing them in the right direction.

White color - meaning

“Dream Color” can appeal to people with completely different personalities. Thus, white color in psychology means that the one who prefers it is distinguished by insight, excessive accuracy and caution, but may be somewhat fussy. White speaks of innocence, self-sufficiency, and a diligent pursuit of self-realization. Such people are full of new ideas, but they lack practicality for successful implementation.

The meaning of blue color

It’s easy to determine a person’s character by his favorite colors; for example, blue means that the individual is calm, has a hard time with separation from loved ones, and strives for stable relationships with others. The symbolism of blue also means that the one who has given his preference to this color is a romantic, friendly, sociable person who loves to travel. Often, blue lovers love their mothers infinitely, and in personal relationships they prefer the emotional and spiritual side of life.

What does brown mean?

The shade symbolizes human health and physical strength. If we decipher the meaning of brown, then we can say about people who prefer it that they are conservative, independent, and have patience. Their character is characterized by persistence, while many prefer peace and quiet. Those whose wardrobe is dominated by this kind of shades are silent and good-natured, but can sometimes be stubborn and tactless. They strive to be obeyed, love to read, do not act rashly, calculate every step, and put everything in order.

What does the color orange mean in psychology?

Specialists of this relatively young science have learned to determine what their favorite color says about a person. For example, if we consider the meaning of the color orange, then about the person who prefers it to everyone else, we can say that he has developed intuition, loves and constantly craves to be the center of attention. Lovers of orange shades have many abilities and are distinguished by their originality. Often those who like this color are fickle: even in love, they are always ready to look for a new partner.

Burgundy color in psychology

Research has shown that a person's favorite color and character are closely related. So what does burgundy mean? The shade formed from red and brown is chosen by strong business people who have such qualities as conservatism, solidity, and confidence. Burgundy personifies power and strength, so those who wear clothes of this shade develop even more assertiveness, perseverance, and determination. Individuals who prefer burgundy are stingy with emotions, but at the same time many are good as energetic organizers.

How to determine a person's character by his favorite color

Some people prefer cool, dull shades, while others prefer warm, bright colors. All the colors that people surround themselves with, be it clothes, accessories, furniture or even wallpaper in the apartment, can tell others about your inner state, experiences and thoughts. Your favorite color may change throughout your life, but you choose the shade that prevails at a given stage of life for a reason. A person’s character can be easily determined by color, then you will know what feelings fill his soul.

Psychology of color in clothing

Men's favorite colors are often very restrained: black, brown, gray and all their various shades. Determining a woman’s character by her preferred color scheme is much easier, because there is a very wide field of activity here. Thus, the meaning of colors in clothing and their decoding allows you to more accurately learn about the emotional makeup of a particular person, her character, attitude in life, and sometimes even possible diseases.

Psychological test with flowers

Today, characterizing a person by their favorite color is a whole section in psychology, because thanks to this knowledge it is possible to create an emotional portrait of a certain person. For example, testing according to Max Luscher’s 8-color chart is an objective express diagnosis of a person’s condition. By passing the favorite color test, everyone will be able not only to find out the main traits of their character, but also to identify the causes of many diseases and determine what professional qualities they possess.

Video: color and character

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The way we react to this or that color, the analysis of these reactions and associations help us to know ourselves and determine our attitude to the world around us. Favorite color can also tell a lot about a person. That is why leading psychologists and scientists are actively studying the topic of color, including experts from the Pantone Color Institute, a world authority in this field.

website I decided to figure out exactly how basic colors and their shades affect us from the point of view of psychology and physiology.


The color red is never timid, no matter what its shade. Warm red shade - passionate and romantic. Cold is associated with maturity, power and authority. Red stimulates appetite, improves the sense of smell, sharpens taste, and can increase sexual and hormonal activity. Research suggests that the color red has an stimulating effect on the brain.

Personality and red. Red is preferred by self-confident, powerful, active people with strong energy, courage, and a thirst for life. Lovers of the color red are, as a rule, extroverts; they constantly need to solve new problems and tasks.

People, those who reject red, experience a lack of vital energy, and this irritates them. All this can be a consequence of fatigue, physical weakness, and in some cases even heart failure.


Pink combines passion with purity, it is touching, it is associated with love and innocence. Light pink tones are perceived as soft and gentle, romantic. The exception is bright shades: fuchsia, phlox. They can be classified as defiant, they are persistent and more aggressive, perceived as energetic and attention-grabbing.

Observations by Alexander Schauss, a doctor at the American Institute of Biological Research, showed that the color pink can significantly reduce the level of human aggression, lower blood pressure, pulse rate and heart rate. His research was adopted in a Seattle prison, where newly arrived prisoners were held in a pink cell for 15 minutes before being sent to the main unit. During this time and at least for the next half hour, the prisoners did not show aggression.

Personality and pink. People who prefer pink are not as energetic as those who like red, but this does not mean that they are slow. They combine both passion and purity, they are gentle, romantic, soft, talented, but devoid of ambition. Pink lovers are extremely fickle.

Of people, who don't like pink, irritates the naivety and sweetness that he conveys. They consider such qualities to be a sign of weakness; they lack the assertiveness and passion that is found in red.


In Jungian psychology, yellow is a symbol of intuition. As shown by research, the results of which Dr. Max Luscher published in his book, yellow is most often associated with fun, freedom, open expression of feelings, light, self-realization, it is perceived as friendly, energetic and open. This is a color to lift your spirits.

Although yellow is associated with fun, joy and energy, it can also have the opposite meaning. This applies to greenish and dirty sulfur shades of yellow; in many cultures they are associated with deception, betrayal, and guilt.

Personality and yellow. Yellow lovers have original thinking, rich imagination and excellent intuition. They have a highly developed creativity. Connoisseurs of yellow are charged with optimism and activity, they are attracted to everything new and unusual, they are impulsive and strive for joy. These are people who know how to keep other people's secrets. They are reliable friends.

Usually, don't like yellow realists, practical people who are skeptical of new ideas and prefer the bird in the hand. Denial of the color yellow can indicate that a person feels alienated, his hopes and dreams have collapsed.


Orange combines red and yellow, so this color carries the characteristics of both. Orange is the only color that does not have cold undertones. This color is strongly associated with the most delicious juices and fruits.

Bright shades of orange are associated with energy, sociability, and fun. Many people consider this color flashy and vulgar. But deep brownish-orange tones look more acceptable.

Orange increases appetite, which is why it is often used in food packaging design. It has the ability to instantly attract attention, evoke joy, and stimulate activity, making it an ideal color for decorating fast food restaurants. Delicate shades of orange are used by owners of expensive restaurants.

Personality and orange. People who like the color orange are great enthusiasts, prone to adventure, they are almost always in a good mood and regularly come up with original ideas. Orange lovers are equally good at working and relaxing. They are stubborn, persistent, love to be among people, easily compromise, and are non-aggressive. Charming, cheerful fans of orange have no problems achieving success at work.

Those who doesn't like orange, often have a reputation for being unsociable, they avoid noisy companies, do not show off their personal details, and find it difficult to get along with people. If they find a friend, it is for life, and their circle of acquaintances consists of a small number of close people.


Blue color is perceived as comfortable, safe, reliable, and calming. It evokes a sense of harmony in people, gives them a sense of control and responsibility. At the same time, an excess of blue can cause melancholy and mild depression.

Blue has a calming effect: blood pressure decreases, heart rate and sweating decrease. Of the entire blue range, only its brightest shades do not have a calming effect.

Personality and blue. Love for the color blue is often fanatical and lasts a lifetime. Blue lovers are trustworthy and can be relied upon. Vulnerability is often hidden behind external confidence and coldness. People who love the color blue value trust, sincerity, and loyalty. They have a heightened sense of responsibility, they strive for excellence and can be overly demanding.

Those, who doesn't love blue, usually energetic and restless, cannot stand routine and monotony. They seek variety and hate it when the burden of responsibility falls on them. For such people, the color blue symbolizes melancholy and depression.


Green color has a wide range, so it can evoke a wide variety of associations - positive and negative. This may be due to the fact that the human eye perceives green tones most of all.

Most people associate green with nature, green leaves, the color of the forest, fresh mint and lime. The least popular of the green family is a dirty, yellowish-green, sulfurous hue that most often causes a negative reaction, as it is associated with nausea and poor health.

Green color soothes the eyesight, especially after prolonged contact with red. That's why surgeons' uniforms are often green. Green also has a calming effect on the psyche of people. This is well known to casino owners - tables are usually covered with green cloth, which helps reduce the level of excitability of players.

Personality and green. Most often, green lovers are stable, balanced people, kind, generous, reliable, and scrupulous. He values ​​the respect and admiration of others. They prefer proven methods of action, they are distinguished by a high level of intelligence and the ability to quickly grasp new concepts.

The same, who doesn't like green, not very sociable, unfriendly, they do not like to look and act the way the majority does. You rarely see such people at a party, this is not for them.


Purple is the most complex and mysterious of all colors. It combines the passion of red and the cold calm of blue. The mood that it will convey depends on which of these colors predominates in the composition of the purple hue. It is not surprising that purple is the color preferred by artists, designers, performers - creative, eccentric people.

Color therapists claim that violet light helps cure coughs, lower blood pressure and eliminate insomnia problems. Purple has an ambiguous psychological meaning; people find it difficult to perceive its shades. This causes ambivalence and reaction to it.

Personality and purple. Like the color violet itself, its lovers are mysterious, have a developed creativity and are very receptive to various kinds of spiritual ideas and mysticism. It is preferred by people who consider themselves different from others. Lovers of purple are generous by nature, they can be very charming, they are witty, observant, but at the same time they are characterized by mood swings, vanity and increased sensitivity and secrecy.

Those, who doesn't loveviolet color, feel the need for sincerity, honesty, these are open, fair people who expect the same attitude from others.


Brown has a deep psychological effect on the human mind. Even those people who claim that they do not like this color easily surround themselves with brown furniture, make wooden floors and feel quite comfortable surrounded by this color. And all because brown symbolizes refuge and allows a person to feel calm and safe.

He also has an irresistible associative connection with chocolate and other luxurious confectionery products: pastries, cakes, fondants.

Personality and brown. Brown lovers have a sense of duty and responsibility. They are stable and reliable, loyal friends, understanding, at the same time decisive and ready to defend their point of view. These people love and value comfort, simplicity, harmony, they are attached to home, and safety is important to them. Carelessness and spontaneity are not characteristic of brown lovers, but at the same time they often rebel against dullness and routine. Losing control over the situation, such people become very nervous and stressed.

The same, who doesn't like brown, love to fantasize and get involved in risky situations, they are generous, witty and impetuous. Routine, like homebodies, drives such people crazy.


Depending on the shade, gray can symbolize detachment and suppression of feelings, be elegant and sophisticated, boring and neutral, calm and safe, a symbol of longevity and strength, intelligence. Gray serves as an excellent background for bright, rich colors.

Personality and grey. People who prefer gray to all other colors are absolutely neutral in life. For such people, the priority is calm, safety, and balance. They prefer to contemplate what is happening rather than actively act. They often make compromises, try not to attract attention to themselves, and are ready to work hard and persistently, doing routine work. They are focused, conservative and reliable people.

Personality and white. True lovers of white color are very neat, they are distinguished by ideal taste both in clothing and in the design of their home. Such people are characterized by scrupulousness and excessive criticality.

Those, who doesn't like white, are not slobs at all. But this is a clear sign that order is not the main thing for them. These are balanced and calm people with whom it is pleasant to spend time.


Some people think black is a magical and ominous color, while others are sure that there is no more refined color. In any case, black is unlikely to be ignored. It contains enormous inner strength; now it is the color of chic and good taste. Black looks best in elegant combinations and on expensive textures.

Residents of big cities often prefer black both in clothing and in home decoration. They believe that it helps them feel less vulnerable, protected, and provides some privacy. But psychologists are sure that abandoning the rest of the colors of the rainbow in favor of black often leads to depression.

Personality and black. The essence of black lies in the negation of color as such. Therefore, lovers of black are extremely contradictory and prone to rebellion. Such people can be sophisticated, conservative and simple, or they can consider themselves serious intellectuals or extremely sexual people. Black lovers have a complex but noble character, most of all they value intelligence, wit, personal security and prestige.

For those, who doesn't like black, this color is a symbol of mourning and death, an eternal mystery, a road to nowhere, it is uncomfortable for them.

At different periods of life, the attitude towards a particular color may change. What color is your favorite today?

The color palette we choose for clothing and interior design can tell a lot about our character. Since ancient times, people have learned more about each other by the color scheme that a person prefers.

This is not just a matter of taste - subconsciously we strive for colors that reflect our essence. Every color and shade carries a message, and once you learn to read it, you can easily determine your character by your favorite color. Let's look at the main colors and shades preferred by women and men.


People who prefer the color red have a number of contradictory qualities. On the one hand, they are purposeful, success-oriented natures. On the other hand, they are impatient and hot-tempered.

The character of a person who loves the color red attracts others - such an individual easily becomes a leader. The desire to rule and get the most out of life is not alien to lovers of scarlet shades. They are successful in their careers and ambitious.

The downside is that those who choose red are impatient and often intolerant. In general, these are bright, memorable people.


Is your favorite color orange? This means you are an extraordinary person. Those who choose orange love to be the center of attention and are quite talented. They are believed to have well-developed intuition.

Among the disadvantages of lovers of this color is inconstancy. This interferes with the harmonious development of your personal life and can also harm your career.


Everyone who loves the color yellow is distinguished by an easy attitude to life and self-confidence. Such people easily get along with other people, successfully communicate on work issues and do not experience difficulties in communicating with loved ones.

Like orange lovers, yellow fans are flighty and will never give up freedom. Thanks to this inconstancy, they easily adapt to new conditions. If you prefer this color, you are an open and generous person who is a pleasure to be around.


If the favorite color is green, this indicates the sincerity and openness of the one who prefers it. Green lovers can be the life of the party or show organizational skills.

Green in psychology is the color of calm and harmony. Therefore, everyone who loves him strives for a light, pleasant atmosphere. They are also punctual, smart and friendly. Among the disadvantages is the inability to say “no”.


From the point of view of psychologists, in some respects blue is similar to green: it is preferred by kind, open and friendly people. The blue color reflects the romanticism of nature and the desire for stability in life.

People who love this color are spiritual and honest. Like green, blue symbolizes calm.


The character of a person who loves the color blue often becomes the source of his problems. Blue lovers are not always self-confident, often melancholic and prone to worry. They are modest and rarely enter into conflict - no matter at home or at work.

By choosing shades of blue, you are telling the world that you need rest - blue is the color of fatigue. This color in clothing or accessories also speaks of a desire for public recognition.


Know someone who prefers purple? This is an extremely unusual person. This color is chosen by original people, with a craving for the mystical side of life and creative potential.

Lovers of purple have a difficult character; they can be overly emotional and hot-tempered. Like yellow, purple speaks of a strong desire for freedom.


If you want to determine a girl’s character by her favorite color, and she chooses pink, know that she strives for comfort and coziness. Those who prefer this color are calm and need attention.

These people are soft and charming, often with their head in the clouds. Daydreaming makes it easier to endure unpleasant life events - they simply hide in dreams and wait for the storm to subside.

In love, such people are weak, because care is very important to them.


Those who love burgundy are confident in themselves, they always achieve their goals and have leadership abilities. They are conservative, serious and assertive. It is easier for them to explain things by appealing to reason rather than feelings.

They are stingy with emotions, but at the same time brilliantly organize the activities of other people. Those who love burgundy are born leaders. They draw strength from victories and achievements.


The aqua color is preferred by strong people who know their worth and know how to achieve what they want. They are spoken of as having an unshakable character and powerful energy.

If you have a lot of turquoise items in your wardrobe, you probably have willpower and always go towards your goal. When describing a person whose favorite color is turquoise, we talk about strength, concentration and thoroughness.


White is the color of purity, freshness, a new beginning. He is chosen by honest people who have nothing to hide. The desire to prove oneself and achieve a lot is inherent in almost all white lovers. However, some of them lack the practicality that burgundy fans have.

Those who choose white are self-sufficient, neat and thrifty people.


Psychologists believe that black is often chosen by insecure people with complexes or other problems. Black color acts as a veil behind which you can hide from the world.

Black is also loved by those who strive to create a mysterious image. By choosing black, you declare to the world that you have a sharp character and a quick temper.

You are capable of strong feelings, be it love or hate. For people who like black, everything in life is often divided into black and white, without compromise.


Gray is the color of responsibility, a reasonable approach to life and constant calm. It is chosen by those who are used to listening to their reason and operating with facts.

Lovers of gray do not have spontaneous impulses - in their lives everything is calculated down to the smallest detail. If you want to determine the character of a man by his favorite color, and this color is gray, know that next to you is a serious and thoughtful person.


Conservative and prudent people prefer brown color. They know how to wait, have their own opinions and often demonstrate conservatism. Such people love peace, they themselves are not very talkative. They like to lead, but sometimes their temper interferes with their ability to work with people.

In general, brown lovers are very good-natured.

How to determine a person's character by his favorite color

You can't always determine your character by the color of your clothes. Men often choose strict colors: black, gray, brown - but not because these are their favorite colors, but because they are embarrassed to wear bright things. Ask a man a question about his favorite color, and you will almost certainly see that it is not represented in his wardrobe.

With women the situation is simpler. You can find out what a girl is like by her dress, shoes, bag, and accessories. Also, the color scheme for the interior can tell a lot about those who live in the house.

If you set out to learn how to determine character by colors, you can learn a lot of new things. Make observations, start with people close to you. Perhaps some of their features will become more obvious and noticeable to you.

Psychology of color in clothing

Throughout life, favorite colors change, because character is also subject to change. Did you love bright colors as a child and later started wearing black? Perhaps not everything in life goes smoothly.

Depending on the events around us, we reflect them with the color of the things we wear. In addition, color etiquette in clothing has existed for centuries. So, girls get married in white (a symbol of purity), and mourners wear black (a symbol of loss).

The color of clothing can tell a lot about the psycho-emotional state of a person, reveal his weaknesses and show his strengths. Favorite color and character are closely related - take a closer look at the clothes that the person you are interested in chooses.

Or go the opposite way - if a person puts some color in last place, it means that a certain set of psychological characteristics is definitely not characteristic of him.

Color chart testing

Psychologists make a portrait of a person, depending on their favorite color. For these purposes, the Luscher test is used.

Max Luscher's eight-color table allows you to quickly assess the current state of an individual, determine his inclinations and abilities, and learn more about his character, pros and cons. There is a more thorough approach to the study - an extended version of the test, consisting of 7 color tables.

As part of a short test, a person determines which colors are pleasant to him. On this basis, the specialist draws conclusions about his psychological state and character traits.

This summer, the ELLE editor simply couldn't pass up the striped pocket edition of Fortune Telling. Book of Colors" at the Los Angeles Book Fair. There was a serious stir around the gilded volume - a tiny copy first went on sale in 2014, then the circulation was sold out, and since then the manual has not been reprinted. Although, we are sure, it could serve as an excellent service (and make money) for local clairvoyants and fortune tellers. Fortune was on our side - the book flew from California to the Russian editorial office. Based on this collection by researcher KC Jones (not to be confused with the basketball player), we decided to prepare a series of “the most colorful and mysterious instructions” for controlling your destiny.

Pale pink


Such a person strives for a balance between passion and tenderness. Caring, sensitive to the needs of other people, with a strong maternal (or paternal) instinct, every minute she yearns to receive no less love in return. However, you do not intend to demonstrate your romantic mood publicly, preferring more elegant ways of showing feelings. The sweet and friendly nature of pale pink can at times result in naivety and immaturity in judgment. In addition, you rely too much on the help of others - it would be nice to believe in yourself and rely on your own strengths. Among the valuable advantages are excellent organizational skills. Work related to guardianship and care, or teaching is the optimal occupation.

Words that describe personality: hospitable, generous, friendly, kind, methodical, naive, caring, romantic.

If you don't like this color: Pink may be too soft and limited for an ambitious and daring character. As a rule, strong-willed, dominant individuals who are in a constant state of excitement exclude this shade from their lives. Planning is not your strong point.



A truly free spirit who views the world through a completely different lens. Artistry, artistic and musical talents - fans of this shade have quite a few hidden and obvious abilities. Friends often, lovingly, call you “crazy” and at the same time cannot imagine company without you. Despite your rather extravagant and eccentric “surface,” deep down you are a strictly organized person, you gravitate toward beautiful things, and strive to create harmony and unite people. By empathizing and paying attention to others, you do not waste yourself, but, on the contrary, you are nourished, so you should choose a profession in the social sphere.

Words that describe personality: attentive, outgoing, creative, impulsive, innovative, motivated, optimistic, spiritual, supportive.

If you don't like this color: too strong energy of this spectrum does not nourish, but suppresses your nature. You prefer to run away from a problem rather than solve it. You are a clear planner who is alien to acting, succumbing to a fleeting desire or impulse.



You openly express your feelings and express your own opinions without thinking. You often act imprudently, but your immediate “combat readiness” and impatience stem from the desire to achieve your goal at any cost. The “red personality” does not suffer from procrastination and rarely delays in making a decision. Such representatives are usually endowed with colossal physical strength, an unlimited supply of energy and a passion for life. Friends and relatives consider you a “pioneer” in any business: you love adventure, are not afraid to try new things and boldly take the unknown path. A career promises success in finance, consulting or property management.

Words that describe personality: aggressive, assertive, determined, competitive, impatient, impulsive, strong, optimistic, passionate, spontaneous.

If you don't like this color: Red is a high-energy color, and if you're keeping it away at the moment, it could be due to illness, stress, or simply a need for peace and quiet. Such people are not characterized by excessive “self-confidence”; they are afraid of any confrontation or manifestations of anger.





Those who rely on turquoise fit the epithet “soul of the party” - the people around you enjoy your company, find them sensitive, interesting and friendly. The combination of actually two colors in one leaves its mark: you have the altruism inherent in green and the conscious nature of blue. You are accustomed to speaking directly and from the heart, strive to create balance in your life and really do not like to be alone. You think clearly and logically. Chances are you are an excellent manager who leads by example and knows how to motivate your team instead of barking orders and using draconian methods.

Words that describe personality: charming, idealistic, impractical, narcissistic, organized, self-confident, self-sufficient, sensitive, spiritual.

If you don't like this color: You are closed from the outside world and never show your feelings in public. They are usually called “lone wolf”. At the same time, in your work you avoid the established order and behave a little absent-mindedly.



A holiday man who thrives in the spotlight. He constantly demands admiration, surrounding himself with numerous fans. Orange is a harmonious combination of red and yellow, and your personality reflects this: you are both assertive and friendly. Such people easily take risks, in any field. Loyalty and devotion are not their strong point; they constantly strive for new things, exciting adventures and unexpected acquaintances. They thrive in work that requires maximum effort. A career in law enforcement or sales is worth considering.

Words that describe personality: adventurous, enthusiastic, fickle, friendly, optimistic and tolerant.

If you don't like this color: Quite reserved, feeling comfortable only with a small group of friends. Social responsibilities and the attention of a large circle of people make them terribly nervous. You hate criticism and avoid any value judgments.


Greens (predictably) worship nature and strive to spend as much time outdoors as possible, especially in the spring and early summer. Gentle and serene. Loved ones often turn to you in times of crisis, and you always help them, often to the detriment of your own interests and needs. Such people are more likely to act as outside observers rather than active participants in events, which is why they often become victims of rumors. Because blue (a cool color) and yellow (a warm color) are combined in equal proportions in green, so are you balanced in most areas of your life. A career in money management or sales will suit your temperament.

Words that describe personality: calm, compassionate, emotional, generous, patient, stable.

If you don't like this color: then, as a rule, they are not restrained and are quite hot-tempered. You cannot be classified as one of the people who blindly follows the crowd. You are freedom-loving and constantly change your situation and even your country.



You strive for excellence in everything and almost always achieve success. They are quite reserved and always think a hundred times before expressing their opinion. Supporters of the highest ideals, you believe that you simply must constantly control yourself. At the same time, they are quite trusting. And the “blues” are obsessed with a thirst for knowledge. You are conservative in your manners and actions; and this nature serves you well. Usually such people are excellent for working in high academic circles.

Words that describe personality: confident, conservative, reserved, loyal, deeply emotional, responsible, tough, sensitive, sentimental.

If you don't like this color: You may be very worried about something in the current situation or trying to get rid of excessive anxiety. They are freedom-loving and cannot tolerate minimal boundaries and restrictions.



You always put others before yourself, and it is very important for you to be constantly needed by someone. Free, open to all ways of understanding the world. You can be so enigmatic and mysterious that even close friends cannot say with certainty that they really know you. The color purple is a mixture of red and blue, and you are constantly trying to balance these two aspects of your personality. This can lead to internal conflict - part of you wants excitement and adventure, while another part craves stability. Meditation can help overcome contradictions. Working in the religious sector or consulting would be a great fit for you.

Words that describe personality: seductive, artistic, compassionate, creative, mysterious, generous, visionary.

If you don't like this color: You do not consider yourself a creative and innovative person. You live in the present and are not inclined to “have your head in the clouds.” Purple may be too melancholic for your nature.



You are in complete control of any situation and believe that those around you certainly need your protection. In times of conflict, you are strong in your beliefs and usually get what you want. You crave power and a high position in society, you are respected and appreciated by others. You lock your emotions deep inside and keep people at a comfortable distance. In order not to fall into a prolonged depression, you should at least bring at least a little color to your home environment. A momentary love for black can also mean the process of finding the true color of your life, just a stage in which you need to work hard. Try a career in banking or teaching sector, it suits your temperament.

If you don't like this color: It is not your nature to be serious. You may find black too dark, or it may symbolize a fear of dark places. You have a trusting and optimistic character.



You are afraid of turmoil and chaos (external and internal) and in any circumstances you try to maintain calm and balance, even if you have to sacrifice your ideals and desires for this. You don't like to draw attention to yourself. On any issue, you have your own firm position and a lot of arguments in its defense, but in any dispute you would rather maintain safe neutrality or agree with the status quo. Excellent qualities for corporate, research or accounting work. Your reliability makes you a loyal partner and spouse. Your main dream is to live a calm and measured life.


Just like white is the purest color in the spectrum, your home is always spotless. You love minimalism and simplicity; including in terms of appearance: everything is elegant, restrained, neat, hairstyle is hair to hair. It sometimes seems to those around you that you emanate coldness and a certain detachment and artificiality. In fact, you always carefully weigh your every decision and word before taking specific actions. The craving for white usually corresponds to life transitions, big changes, and a readiness to take a new course. Take a closer look at professions related to computer programming and interior design.

Words that describe personality: cautious, inflexible, innocent, practical, reasonable, wise.

If you don't like this color: Mess never bothers you, you can exist perfectly in chaos. You prefer to give in to momentary whims rather than make long-term plans.

One of the simplest and at the same time most accurate psychological projective techniques is the determination of character traits based on a person’s color preferences. When choosing a color, a person does not think, but is guided by emotions, that is, the choice, although carried out independently, bypasses consciousness and critical assessment. When choosing a favorite color, a person does not take into account how socially desirable and acceptable this choice is.

In the article you can find a description of the primary colors, which are more often than others identified by people as their favorite colors.

The color red is associated with passion, fire, and danger. People like him who are active, energetic, brave, and determined. Such people like to take initiative, take action, go on adventures, are not afraid of danger and often take risks. They do everything with passion: they love, make friends, work, strive for goals, develop, learn new things. These people also actively relax. They can also be aggressive, hot-tempered, tyrannical, and rude.


The color yellow is associated with sunshine, joy, and energy. This color is liked by optimists, sociable, generous, and ambitious people. Calm but not passive, they value freedom and independence. Those who love yellow adapt well to circumstances, willingly learn new things, and like to be the center of attention. Yellow color appeals to creative people. The disadvantages of such people can be: irresponsibility, frivolity, inconstancy.


Green is the color of nature and harmony. Calm, good-natured, gentle, sincere people love him. They are open to communication, socially active, but also modest, patient, and love solitude. For them, internal harmony, stability and tranquility are valuable. They strive to maintain both internal and external balance. Among the shortcomings of green lovers may be: the inability to stand up for themselves, excessive modesty, and the inability to resist manipulation from the outside.


The color blue is associated with water, peace, and tranquility. It is liked by people who are balanced, calm, responsible, loyal, caring, compassionate, and patient. The inner world of such people is deep and full, they are wise beyond their years. Individuals who prefer the color blue sometimes have to suffer from melancholy, excessive sensitivity, caution, and distrust.


The color of mystery and mysticism. People who like purple are mysterious, extraordinary, love everything secret, mystical, spiritual. These people are creative, artistic, and out-of-the-box thinkers. They are dreamers, thinkers, visionaries with well-developed intuition. Among lovers of the color purple there are also arrogant, vindictive, cold-blooded individuals.


Pink is the color of romance and tenderness, naivety and youth. People who love pink are kind, romantic, and value comfort and homeliness. These people are gentle, vulnerable, charming, soft in character. Among them there are dreamers living in their own personal “fairy tale”. Often girls and young girls like this color. The color pink expresses their helplessness, the need for protection and care. Negative character traits of pink lovers can be: frivolity, touchiness, immaturity, suspiciousness.


White color is associated with purity, naivety, and a new beginning. This color is liked by idealists and perfectionists, people striving for simplicity and tranquility, spirituality, and harmony. Since white contains all the other colors of the rainbow, it can appeal to a person with an equally multifaceted character. People who prefer white can be either too indifferent and detached from the world, or overly religious and altruistic.


The color of night, fear, denial. Those who like the color black, people who think outside the box, non-conformists, rebels, anarchists. Such people see the world in black terms; they are pessimists. At the same time, they can express themselves as active, passionate, emotional, risky individuals. Black color is often chosen by people who want to emphasize their dissatisfaction with life and society, strict, demanding, despotic, fatalists and skeptics, as well as people who are depressed.


Gray is the color of averageness and compromise. It is preferred by business, stable, hardworking, reliable people. Gray color is liked by calm, conservative, uncommunicative individuals who love privacy and order. Such people can be either overly reserved and reserved, or very impressionable and timid.

The range of colors is extremely diverse, just like the diversity of human personality traits. Knowing another person's favorite color will allow you to better understand him, understanding the meaning of your favorite color will allow you to better understand yourself.

Those interested in the psychology of color will be interested in reading:

  1. Max Luscher “What color is your life. The law of harmony in us. Practical guide"
  2. Lyudmila Sobchik “Method of color selections - modification of the eight-color Luscher test”
  3. Anna Belaya “Color in nature, business, fashion, painting, education and psychotherapy”
  4. Elena Egorova “Color for Healing”
  5. Anna Belaya “What color is surprise?”

What's your favorite color?