Where does Olga Kokorekina work now? Olga Kokorekina, husband

  • 24.06.2019

Olga Kokorekina- famous Russian TV presenter and radio presenter. Olga Kokorekina was born in Moscow, into a family of chemist scientists. Olga Kokorekina graduated Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University named after Mikhail Lomonosov. Olga Kokorekina’s grandfather is a famous Soviet graphic artist. Alexey Alekseevich Kokorekin, author of posters with the slogans: “Be ready for work and defense!”, “Above the class of Soviet football!”, “Glory to free labor!”, twice laureate Stalin Prize. Olga Kokorekina since 1993 she worked in a television company VGTRK editor, then program correspondent "News." Since 1997, Olga Kokokrekina has hosted newscasts "Vesti" on the TV channel "Culture". Soon Olga Kokorekina was entrusted with conducting daytime news broadcasts on the TV channel "Russia". Since 2002, Olga Kokorekina has been presenting news on " Channel One. Leads jointly with Alexander Karlov radio show "Lighthouse". For a long time she was married to her colleague Ilya Kopelevich, who heads the department of Moscow correspondents Channel One. Olga Kokorekina divorced him and in April 2008 married businessman Vadim Bykov. In August 2008, Olga Kokorekina and Vadim Bykov had a daughter, Daria. At the moment, Olga is raising her daughter alone.

The beginning of the journalistic career of Olga Kokorekina / Olga Kokorekina

Olga Kokorekina developed an interest in the profession of journalist back in her school years.

Olga Kokorekina: “When I was still in school, at some point I decided to go to the journalism department. Although there were some attempts to work in the newspaper. Despite this, I believe that journalism education does not exist. This is a profession that can only be understood by practice... This is a craft that can only be felt at your fingertips.”

After graduating from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, Olga Kokorekina has been working on television since 1993. At first it was a television and radio company VGTRK, where Olga worked as an editor. Later, Olga Kokorekina became closely acquainted with the profession of a correspondent - she was hired to work as a correspondent for a news program " News". Just four years later, Olga Kokorekina appeared on air in the presenter's chair - in 1997 she was entrusted with hosting news broadcasts "Vesti" on the TV channel "Culture". A little later, she tried herself as a presenter and second in importance and audience federal channel. Olga Kokorekina began hosting daytime news broadcasts on the Rossiya TV channel. The transition from the second button to the first did not take long. Already in 2002, Olga Kokorekina became the presenter of news releases on Channel One.

Olga Kokorekina on radio and on Channel Five

Having worked on Channel One for about eight years, in 2009 Olga Kokorekina changed not only the TV channel, but also the specifics of broadcasting. In 2009, Olga Kokorekina made her radio debut. At first - paired with Vadim Tikhomirov V morning show on the radio " Lighthouse". On this moment Olga Kokorekina hosts a radio show "Lighthouse" together with a famous radio host Alexander Karlov. A variety of people come to visit the hosts and discuss burning and current topics live. In 2010, Olga Kokorekina also changed her broadcast channel. Now she appears as a host on Channel 5 in a programme "Now".

Olga Kokorekina: “After the birth of my daughter, I was offered to work on economics, but this is not my topic. And I decided to finish my maternity leave. However, the status of a housewife did not suit me - I wanted not only to work, but also to earn money. I tried myself as a radio presenter, and when an offer came from Channel 5, I immediately said yes. Although, I admit, living in two cities is not easy.”

For the sake of airing on Channel Five, Olga Kokorekina often has to travel along the Moscow-St. Petersburg route and back.

Olga Kokorekina: “The first day in a new place was a nightmare. I was just shaking, wildly worried. Everything is unfamiliar - the studio, the people, and besides, I’m unaccustomed to live broadcast, after all whole year did not work on camera. The editor-in-chief told me: “Olya, what’s wrong with you? Why are you widening your eyes like that? Let's calm down. Everything gonna be alright!" In general, the first broadcast was chaotic, it went somehow crumpled. But then everything settled down quite quickly, and I began to enjoy my work. Although the pace of my life is crazy now. I have never worked so much!”

Personal life of Olga Kokorekina/Olga Kokorekina

In 1991, Olga Kokorekina got married and was married to her colleague for nine years. Ilya Kopelevich, who headed the department of Moscow correspondents Channel One. Olga Kokorekina divorced him and in April 2008 married a businessman Vadim Bykov. In August 2008, Olga Kokorekina and Vadim Bykov had a daughter, Daria. In 2010, the couple separated. At the moment, Olga Kokorekina is raising her daughter alone, from comments on the topic personal life refuses.

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In 1997 she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.

Since 1993 she worked at VGTRK. Editor, then correspondent for the Vesti program.

Since November 1997, she hosted newscasts “Vesti” on the TV channel “Culture”, then - daytime newscasts on RTR.


  • Father - Petrosyan Vladimir Anushavanovich (b. 1939) - Doctor of Chemical Sciences, professor. Head of the Laboratory of Organic Electrosynthesis of the Federal State budgetary institution Science Institute organic chemistry them. N.D. Zelinsky Russian Academy Sciences, Moscow.
  • Mother - Kokorekina Valeria Alekseevna (b. 1940).
  • Maternal grandfather - Kokorekin Alexey Alekseevich (1906-1959) - graphic artist, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1956).


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By information program « Now" on Fifth, finally got the opportunity to see her in a different role. Changes also occurred in the presenter’s personal life: on December 3 last year, she gave birth to her second daughter.

“I’m glad I returned to them and they can now watch.” Voting right».

– Living in two cities for two and a half years is not easy...

– Thank God, the distance from Moscow to St. Petersburg is covered quickly. However, I would like to live closer to work (laughs).

– Have you fallen in love with St. Petersburg?

– I have an ambivalent attitude towards him. As a city, it is amazing and incredibly beautiful! But the energy is not mine: melancholic, measured. But I’m used to speed, to frantic city life. But St. Petersburg is also wonderful people who reconciled me with the city and helped me fall in love with it. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to walk around St. Petersburg to my heart’s content: I came to work in the morning, got to the hotel in the evening, watched the news - and the sidebar. But I think I’ll catch up!

– Only on December 3 you gave birth to your second daughter Anastasia and you are already at work! Are you afraid of falling out of the cage?

– I took into account the experience of my first maternity leave. I went on maternity leave early with Dasha, and went back to work when my daughter was already five months old. It is difficult to return to our profession after a long break. Besides, I can’t sit at home, I’m starting to cling to my family.

With daughter Nastya

- How do you like it? fragile woman, manage to conduct such a polyphonic, predominantly male, choir?

– At first it didn’t work out. Talk shows are a new genre for me: before this I only broadcast news on TV (Olga worked as a news presenter. – Ed.). I remember how, during the filming of the first episodes of the show, our editor-in-chief Dina shouted in my ear. (Headphone of the presenter. – Ed.)): “Olga, hold them! Everything has gone wrong for you!” How to hold it? Grab the ties and tape your mouth shut? (Laughs.) Then, of course, I learned. Sometimes I say “Break!” in a loud voice, and recently I started tap dancing. Everyone immediately fell silent!

– While mom is at work, who takes care of the children?

“A nanny helps manage Nastya, who, as it turns out, was on the set of the “Right to Voice” program as a spectator. And the eldest, five-year-old Dasha, goes to kindergarten. She has a wonderful teacher, Diana Alexandrovna, who agreed to look after Dasha when my contractions started at night. Thank her very much!

– Was Nastya’s dad on a business trip? Your current husband is an athlete?

- Yes, Ivan is an athlete. He initially wanted to be present at the birth, but I didn’t really believe him... Only two and a half hours passed between the first contractions and birth. During this time, we took Dasha to Diana Alexandrovna and rushed through Moscow at night at a speed of 130 kilometers to Perinatal Center... In general, they were already carrying me into the hospital. The husband held on steadfastly and, according to him, experienced a huge “uplifting” feeling when he saw how a person was born before his eyes - his daughter! It turned out that he belongs to the amazing male minority who are not afraid of the birth process. He even cut his daughter’s umbilical cord himself!

With daughter Dasha

– And now he’s helping to look after Nastya?

– He is very gentle and caring. He walks with my daughter, bathes her, and can replace me at night - prepare formula and feed her, change her diaper. In a word, well done father!

– How did Dasha, your daughter from a previous marriage, perceive Ivan’s appearance in the family?

– At first with some wariness: how, new person takes her mother's attention away from her! And Vanya immediately accepted Dasha with an open heart. My good friend, psychologist Alexander Tesler, advised us: Ivan must show Dasha that he is her protector. That same evening I heard Vanya say to Dashka: “I will protect you. I am your protector." And, surprisingly, the word “protection” became the key word! Dasha was replaced. Now he and Vanya have complete understanding. She posts all her news not to me, but to Ivan. Sometimes he complains to him about me!

- Isn’t he jealous of his little sister?

- No, her daughter was waiting for her to appear. We talked a lot with Dasha, she stroked my belly, “talked” with my sister. Now we try to divide attention equally between our daughters, we even bathe them at the same time. Vanya - Nastya, and I’m Dasha. Besides, Dasha is my assistant. When Ivan goes on business trips, she will give her a pacifier to her sister and hold a bottle of baby detergent while I bathe Nastya. My daughter is proud that she helps along with everyone else. She likes to feel like an adult.

Interviewed by Olga Klimova

“I understood that it was no longer possible to live the way we were living. Several times I started a conversation with Vadim about the fact that we needed to break up. And he urged: “You shouldn’t make hasty decisions, every family has difficulties, difficult periods, temporary problems.” But I felt that our marriage was doomed; unfortunately, we didn’t have a family,” she says Olga Kokorekina, news presenter on Channel Five and Mayak radio.

- Olya, a little more than two years ago, 7 Days correspondents attended your wedding.

Photo: Elena Sukhova

It was an amazing, unforgettable holiday, you and Vadim literally glowed with happiness. Then you had another reason for great joy- you were expecting a child. And now you and Dashenka are hosting us together. Vadim is not around...

Yes, difficult changes took place in my family a year ago - last summer, or rather on July 11, Vadim and I decided not to live together anymore. And although we are still not officially divorced, this is just a formality. It’s just that neither I nor he have time to draw up divorce papers... And the wedding, the expectation of Dasha and all the good things that we had - now it seems that this happened a very, very long time ago, in some other life.

In that life, we walked towards each other with leaps and bounds, we were in love, blinded, sure that an ocean of happiness awaited us ahead. A rather naive point of view, considering the modest length of our acquaintance. But it was like that... Having met, we - two adults - behaved like Romeo and Juliet. (Smiles.) Soon after the novel began, the two of us went to Vienna for Christmas, and a month later I found out that I was pregnant. Two weeks after this, Vadim proposed to me. We immediately began to prepare for the wedding, were expecting a child... And yet I remember once experiencing a prick of doubt. We were in Dubai celebrating my birthday. We were lying on the beach, and suddenly the pink veil fell from my eyes for a moment, I looked at Vadim and thought: “This is the person with whom I am going to connect my life, almost without knowing him.”

Later she started a conversation: “Listen, aren’t we in too much of a hurry to formalize our relationship?” Vadim then said: “What will change if we wait a year or two? Do you think we will love each other more?” - “I don’t know, but somehow everything is very fast.” Vadim insisted, assured that everything would be fine. And who wants to think about bad things when a fairy tale is blooming around? And then, he talked so much about his love, constantly made pleasant surprises, showered him with gifts, gave huge bouquets almost every day... Well, and of course, he pushed us to this step most important event- my pregnancy. Although at that time I had no desire to get married at all - and in general at that time I was not yet divorced. (Olga lived with her first husband, television journalist Ilya Kopelevich, for nine and a half years.

Note ed.). I thought that Vadim and I would have an open relationship of mature people - I was 35 years old at the time, and he was 41. But everything turned out differently. Because Dasha said: “Wait a minute, I’m ready to be born!” (Laughs.) You know, I believe that it is children who choose their parents and decide when they will make us happy with their birth. For seven years I wanted a child, but nothing worked out. I know exactly the day and hour when she settled inside me new life. In those moments, I had a feeling of such tremendous emotional fullness - some kind of space opened up inside. The thought even flashed through my mind that, probably, children are conceived at such moments. My intuition did not deceive me. When I was expecting a child, I had only a positive attitude and a reinforced concrete confidence that I would give birth easily, quickly, and the baby would be strong and healthy.

Olga Vladimirovna Kokorekina is a famous Russian radio and television presenter who managed to realize her 100% creative potential. A beautiful presenter with a sweet smile was able to win the love of the audience, but in her personal life for a long time everything didn't work out very well. Only after several attempts she was lucky to create a strong happy family, becoming the mother of two charming daughters.

Biography of Olga Kokorekina

The girl was born in one of the capital's maternity hospitals in 1973 on International Women's Day - March 8. The girl's parents were chemist scientists and believed that their daughter would follow in their footsteps, but she decided to devote herself to journalism.

Olga has always been capable and intelligent, and therefore, without any problems, she entered the evening department of the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. During this period, the student worked part-time as a museum caretaker and interned at the newspaper of the famous confectionery factory “Red October”.

In 1993, Olga Kokorekina got a job at VGTRK as an editor, but soon went to work as a presenter for the Vesti news program, first on the Culture channel, and then on RTR.

In 2000, viewers could already see the attractive presenter on Channel One. At first she led morning editions"Novosti", and then began to appear more and more often in daytime and evening editions, replacing colleagues in the evening editions of the "Time" program. Also while working on Channel One, Olga participated in the entertainment television shows “Cruel Intentions” and “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”

The birth of a child in 2008 forced Kokorekina to leave Channel One, to which she devoted more than seven years. Soon she tried herself in a new role - as a radio presenter at the Mayak station, where she hosted exciting shows.

A couple of years later, Kokorekina got a job as the host of the “Now” program on Channel Five, and then went to work on the TV-Center channel, where, together with Mikhail Plotnikov, she hosted the “The Young Lady and the Cook” program.

Personal life of Olga Kokorekina

If everything went well in Olga’s career, finding happiness in her personal life turned out to be much more difficult.

The first marriage with television journalist Ilya Kopelevich lasted nine years, but completely exhausted itself. In addition, during this time the couple never had the children that Olga so passionately dreamed of.

Perhaps she would have decided to adopt if it had not been for her acquaintance with businessman Vadim Bykov. A persistent admirer managed to win the love of a beautiful journalist and obtain consent to become his wife. In this marriage, Olga finally learned the joy of motherhood, giving birth to her daughter Dasha. However, with the birth of a child, serious disagreements began in the young family: Kokorekina wanted to get a job, but her husband was categorically against it. As a result, not even a year had passed since they broke up.

In 2013, Olga became the mother of a girl for the second time, whom she named Anastasia. The third marriage with Ivan Maximov turned out to be more durable and happy.

Latest news about Olga Kokorekina

Olga tries to devote all her free time from work to her loved ones and close people, raising her growing daughters. She tries not to let anyone into the intimate world of her family, preferring not to advertise the details of her personal life.

With great pleasure he goes in for horseback riding, skiing, and visiting the bathhouse. He tries to avoid social events, where he is frankly bored. Now for her the most great value– her family and children, whom she had to wait for so long.