How to draw a Maslenitsa scarecrow. How to draw Maslenitsa? Drawing a spring holiday with children

  • 11.05.2019

Often, on the eve of a holiday, children are asked to bring or kindergarten drawings - Maslenitsa, spring, fire, holiday. And if you visit a folk festival with your child, he himself will be eager to transfer his impressions to paper. But how to draw Maslenitsa? How to depict not just a holiday, not just a fire or pancakes - but a cheerful celebration of welcoming spring? We will try to help you.

Step-by-step drawing of Maslenitsa: drawing with children

Start by working with your child to think through what will be shown in your drawing. Choose the subject of the future picture and try to list and imagine all the elements that you have to depict. There shouldn't be too many of them, and they shouldn't be complicated, unless of course you are a professional artist.

Most likely, you will decide to draw a scarecrow of Maslenitsa and a stack of pancakes on a plate - after all, these are the main symbols of the first spring holiday. But do not forget that the effigy must burn. This means that you will also have to depict a fire. Fire can be drawn around the stuffed animal, but you can also just draw it next to it. And one more mandatory element of your drawing is the sun. After all, both pancakes and the Maslenitsa holiday itself have been dedicated since ancient times to the arrival of spring, and therefore to the warm and bright sun, driving away the boring winter with its cold and snowstorms.

Now you need to use a thin pencil to mark on a piece of paper where the elements of the drawing will be placed. The younger your child, the more inclined he is to fill the entire sheet with the first element of the drawing, so if he starts drawing a scarecrow, there may simply not be enough free space for pancakes and the sun. Therefore, the composition of the drawing and the dimensions of all elements must be indicated in advance. After that, start drawing.

How to draw a Maslenitsa scarecrow

How to draw Maslenitsa pancakes

How to draw a fire

How to draw the Maslenitsa sun

In the drawing for Maslenitsa, the sun is depicted differently than children usually do - it is not just a small yellow circle with rays. The sun must have a face, and the rays are drawn thick, in a folk style.

Maslenitsa in paintings by artists and in children's drawings

Many people painted Maslenitsa famous artists. Of course, no one will demand the same skill from a child’s drawings, but the pictures will help you choose a subject. These drawings can be used as slides or simply shown to illustrate a story about how to celebrate Maslenitsa.

Artists often depict a festive bonfire with a scarecrow burning on it.

You can depict folk festivities during Maslenitsa and sleigh rides.

Big festive table for everyone, with pancakes - both adults and children enjoy drawing on this topic.

Artists often depict traditional games and fun on Maslenitsa - storming a snow fortress, agility competitions, carousels and ice slides.

And finally, the scarecrow itself! After all, before it burns, the scarecrow is destined to be the main figure in the holiday, which lasts a whole week.

Cool drawings for Maslenitsa

Modern artists do not lag behind the classics and also enjoy painting Maslenitsa. Such images are not only understandable to children, they will not leave parents indifferent either; they can be used as postcards, to decorate an apartment or classroom, or simply be sent to friends. After all, Maslenitsa is one of the most happy Holidays per year.

Now that you know how to create holiday drawing, Maslenitsa will remain with you not only in memory, but also on paper. Draw, you will definitely succeed!

Maslenitsa is everyone’s favorite holiday of seeing off a long and cold winter. Even in the times of paganism, people cheerfully celebrated the arrival of spring. Orthodoxy slightly changed the meaning of the holiday, timing it to coincide with the beginning of Lent. How to draw Maslenitsa easily, but at the same time beautiful? Be sure to think over the plot of the drawing and do not forget about the most bright images this day!

How to draw a Maslenitsa effigy?

The main symbol of the spring festival is a straw effigy, which is burned at the stake at the end of the festivities. Most often, the scarecrow is depicted as a woman with a round head in elegant clothes.

In order to draw Maslenitsa with a pencil (by the way, this is the name not only for the holiday, but also for the stuffed animal itself), take Blank sheet paper, an eraser and the pencil itself. Start your sketch by sketching out the pillar. There should be a cross beam on it for the scarecrow's arms. Immediately sketch out an oval of the head. Outline general outlines clothes and headdress of the stuffed animal (it is better if it is a scarf). The stuffed animal's clothes should be worn; there is no need to paint them as new and attractive. Draw in detail the stuffed animal’s outfit, it’s very good if you use folk motifs. Add to the outfit a few patches and rips on the Maslenitsa skirt. Now it's time to show that the stuffed animal is made of straw. Draw its base: head, arms and legs.

How to draw pancakes?

The question of how to draw Maslenitsa with a pencil step by step worries many people, and especially parents whose children received a similar task at school. No one can imagine this day without pancakes, but how to draw them with a pencil? Pancakes are a traditional dish of Russian cuisine, and they are eaten at the right time for a reason!

The fact is that they are heat and home comfort. If you want the stack of pancakes you drew to look natural, then pay attention to the play of light and shadow. How to draw Maslenitsa and pancakes correctly? To begin, draw a rectangle on a sheet of paper. Now outline the top pancake. It doesn't have to be perfectly round and even. Then start drawing the pancakes in the stack; they should not be even or straight. Each pancake is individual. IN last resort Detail the drawing with a drop of honey or jam and draw shadows.

How to draw Maslenitsa with a pencil step by step: depicting fire

At the end of the festivities, the Maslenitsa effigy is necessarily burned, so there must be fire in the picture. You can depict a burning effigy or a free-standing bonfire as another symbol of the holiday. How to draw Maslenitsa step by step? It will be more convenient for a beginning artist to draw fire gradually. Outline the main flames with wavy lines.

Do not forget about the play of light and shadow - one side of the fire should be darker than the other. Hold the pencil at a slight angle and apply dense strokes with it. Then add additional flames to the main ones. Outline each of them on top with a sharpened pencil. If you want, then draw firewood under the fire.

How to draw the sun?

In the Maslenitsa drawing, the sun occupies an important place. They draw it not as usual, but using folk motifs. The sun can be shaped like flames or resemble pancakes. The sun on Maslenitsa is often depicted as a spiral or several circles, alternately inscribed within each other.

Don't forget to draw rays for your sun. They should resemble splashes of oil for frying pancakes or tongues of flame. If you want to color your drawing, use various shades of red, yellow and orange for the sun.

How to depict folk festivities?

You don't know how to draw Maslenitsa with a pencil? Don't despair, it's actually not that difficult! There is no need to think through something complex in compositional and plot-wise a picture will be enough simple plot with the obligatory symbols of farewell to winter. Take a simple one as the basis for the picture. Place a scarecrow in the center of the picture, let a fire burn nearby, and let the Maslenitsa sun be in the sky. Depict in your picture several joyful people carrying pancakes and poles with fluttering ribbons.

You can also depict active games, such as climbing a pole to get a gift and so on. If you want to depict a still life, then place a plate of pancakes and a samovar in the center of it. On the side, draw cups, bagels, candies, and so on.

How to draw Maslenitsa with children?

The youngest children also love Maslenitsa and pancakes, but they are not yet able to draw a full-fledged picture. How can we help them? A patient parent can create a very beautiful drawing together with your child. How can this be organized?

  • The parent draws a large yellow pancake on a piece of paper, and the child decorates it with berries using his fingers and scarlet paint. An older child can also use a brush.
  • The parent draws a yellow sun on paper, and the child complements it with bright and cheerful rays that warm the earth.
  • Older children can be asked to express their impressions of the past holiday and folk festivities on paper on their own.

This article describes in detail how to draw Maslenitsa. You can do this with a pencil, or you can take paints. A color drawing will better convey the joyful and warm atmosphere of this day. Use but slightly dilute them with cool shades, because contrast is also necessary. I wish you creative success!

Maslenitsa is a bright holiday of farewell to winter. It arose during pagan times. Orthodoxy, having slightly changed the timing and timed the food holiday to coincide with the beginning of Lent, included Maslenitsa in the list of obligatory celebrations. If you decide to depict festivities on canvas, then first think through the plot. Don't forget about the characters who personify Maslenitsa.

Scarecrow. The main attribute that has remained unchanged since the pagan times of Maslenitsa celebration is the straw effigy. In drawings it is often depicted as a woman in Russian folk attire with a round face. Even more often you can see a burning effigy and dances around it. In order for your drawing of the Maslenitsa scarecrow to turn out like professional artist, do everything step by step:
  • Draw a pole with a crossbar for the arms and an oval for the head.
  • Draw the outer contours of the clothing and headdress (scarf).
  • Draw the clothes in detail, highlight patches and holes.
  • Draw straw showing through the clothes. Draw the scarecrow's face roughly or don't draw it at all.
  • If you want to draw a burning scarecrow, then remember that the flame in a fire is always darker on one side. Draw the large flames first. Then add secondary, small flames that give the fire volume. At the very end, sketch out the firewood, outlining the texture and size of the wooden logs.
Sun. In the image of the Maslenitsa holiday, the sun has a central place, as it symbolizes the arrival of spring and warmth. Sometimes it is depicted instead of a stuffed head. To make the sun fit into the overall color of the Maslenitsa pattern, use repeating symbolism - rays, like flames or splashes of oil, or folk ornaments. Use all shades of yellow, orange and red.

Pancakes are a symbol of Russian cuisine. The entire week of Maslenitsa celebration is based on them. For example, on Wednesday the mother-in-law invited her son-in-law for pancakes, and on Friday the son-in-law met his mother-in-law on a return visit. An easily recognizable idea for depicting a holiday could be a still life with a samovar and a stack of pancakes in the center. To correctly depict the flour symbol of Maslenitsa, draw in stages:
  • If you draw pancakes as circles, it may appear that you have placed them straight in front of you. For a believable appearance, it is better to depict them as slightly flattened ovals.
  • To draw a stack of pancakes, make a marking - draw a rectangle (future stack). Draw the top pancake – an oval shape with uneven edges.
  • Outline the contours of the pancakes in a rectangle. They should not lie along a ruler and have perfect edges; some edges of the pancakes may hang down or be torn.
  • As you finish drawing the stack of pancakes, apply highlight shadows to the surface and edges of the pancakes.

Another idea for depicting Maslenitsa could be a crowd of merry mummers carrying plates of pancakes and poles with ribbons and the sun in their hands. The main thing is that to depict Maslenitsa you need to use bright colors that promise the joy of spring and warmth.

    You can draw a dove of peace. For example, like this

    At the bottom, draw a beautiful number 1 and write May next to it. Here we have a dove of peace for the holiday of Peace and Labor. Nearby, the child can easily draw flowers and air balloons. The drawing is ready!

    What can you draw for the May 1st holiday with a pencil step by step? Let's remember what the main symbols of the Spring and Labor holiday are:

    , (,), bright sun, green grass, everything that we have been waiting for so long after the cold winter.

    You can draw a picture

    You can see how to draw spring here

    May 1 has been a holiday of Spring and Labor for decades now. This is what you can draw about. For example, what do you associate with spring - blooming trees, the first spring flowers - in a bouquet or in a meadow, arriving birds - making nests, sitting on green branches, an awakening garden, and what speaks of labor - equipment (shovel, rake...), people working in the field - garden - dacha, a holiday - these are balloons, fireworks, flags, a parade, peace - a white dove, a planet... This is what you can draw. These are examples of such work

    You can draw such a simple drawing with your child and then color it.

    You can simply draw the balls and add an inscription - simple, of course, but it looks quite good:

    This option is also quite acceptable, and it’s also very simple to draw:

    I think for this holiday it will be relevant to depict a dove.

    Initially, we schematically depict a dove.

    Let's draw his paws in more detail and clearly.

    We draw feathers - we detail the plumage. Here our drawing takes on a noticeably improved appearance. Ready! The dove turned out to be very beautiful, although drawing it is quite quick and not very difficult.

    Let's start drawing with a circle, this is planet Earth

    Now, let's draw the number 1 text when hovering, let's start drawing flowers, as in the photo

    this is what we got

    let's finish drawing the balloons

    All that remains is to write the inscription, and you can color it with colored pencils or paints

    We draw balloons in a bunch in the foreground and two bunches in the background.

    In the lower right corner we draw 1ST OF MAY And Spring holiday!

    The drawing is simple, even a child can master it.

    We decorate the balloons in color, the background is the color of the sky, the letters with congratulations are red. The poster is ready!

    Can similar drawing also with balls in a bunch, but add an image globe with flowers. The inscription can be made differently, on the theme of May 1st.

    An interesting option would be with daisies. Balloons are already becoming a symbol of the holiday not only for birthdays, anniversaries, but also for May 1st. Serpentine will add zest and color to the picture. First we draw the balls, then the flowers. There are daisies here. They are perfect for the May 1st holiday. You can draw bells and asters. We draw the serpentine in the shape of small trapezoids. And we make an inscription on a poster or postcard.

    Draw any flowers. Symbol of the First of May There were always red tulips. Here's how to draw them step by step:

    When we finish drawing flowers, there should be a lot of them - a whole bouquet!

    Now you can color the work by first writing World Labor May!

    Tulips can be different colors, and make the inscription more modest, you can leave it in white like mine.

    You can also draw any old postcard Happy first of May. Here is a selection of postcards for inspiration:

    I offer the following drawings for consideration, which in my understanding can symbolize the workers' holiday on May 1:

    The white dove symbolizes peace throughout the world.

    Fireworks symbolize fun and joy for people.

    Previously, flowers were given to everyone on this holiday. There was a lot of color everywhere and for everyone.

    In principle, this holiday, May 1 - the day of all workers, can be interpreted differently for each person, and each person can represent it with something of their own, especially if it concerns drawings.

    On May 1st, you can draw spring and reflect symbols and blossoms in your creativity. This could be a twig or blooming flowers, inscriptions, balls, posters, words of May 1, holiday, peace, etc.

    You can also draw balloons, flags, doves, birds, etc.

    The first of May is the day of peace, labor, spring, May.

    It is customary to draw any spring flowers, budding branches, a bird with a twig, etc.

    Let's randomly draw a dove with a twig step by step on May 1: first, only the head and beak, then the outlines of the body and wings appear, then the whole bird and a twig in the beak.

    A flying dove with a twig in its beak is ready - a symbol of spring and May.

    You can create similar drawings for a holiday with your children.

    I don't draw well, so I can't tell you how to draw, but I have an idea.

    It is best to draw from your mind, and not to copy, my idea is to draw a vegetable garden, a girl working there, a mother and father, it is best to depict some kind of tree.

    The main thing is that the child draws, because the important thing is not the assessment, but how your child develops, there is no point in copying, so let him listen to my idea (under your pretext) and draw as he thinks.

Required tools and materials

But before you draw Maslenitsa, of course, you need to prepare. So, you will need to prepare the following office supplies:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. A simple pencil.
  3. Multi-colored pencils.
  4. Eraser.
  5. Markers, paints.

How to draw Maslenitsa: draw a scarecrow

The main attribute, which has remained mandatory since pagan times, is a straw effigy mounted on a pole. It is often depicted in drawings and in the form of a round-faced woman in Russian folk attire. During the festivities, you can see a flaming scarecrow and round dances around it.

To make the image of a stuffed animal look like a real artist’s, follow the step-by-step description:

  1. Draw an oval for the head and a pole with a crossbar for the arms.
  2. Draw the external outlines of the robe and headdress (scarf).
  3. Draw the clothing in detail, highlighting holes and patches.
  4. Draw straw that should show through the clothes. The face of the stuffed animal must be drawn crudely or not shown at all.
  5. The flame in the fire should be non-uniform. Contain lighter and darker areas. Draw large and tall flames first. Then add secondary, smaller tongues that give volume to the fire. At the end, draw sketches of the firewood. Label the size and texture of the wood logs.

Let's take a closer look at how to draw Maslenitsa step by step with a pencil. The described method of execution is simple and will not cause you any difficulties.

Sun of Maslenitsa

The sun can be displayed as the main object of the drawing or as an addition. It conveys the atmosphere of the holiday.">

By the way, sometimes he is depicted on a pole instead of the entire scarecrow or Maslenitsa head.
The image of the Maslenitsa sun has colorful and symbolic features:

  • Folk motifs are used for the design, and they also duplicate the symbolism of other festive attributes (flames, pancakes).
  • The sun is often depicted as several circles or spirals inscribed within each other.
  • The rays of the sun can resemble dancing fiery snakes, tongues of fire or splashes of oil.
  • Shades of red, yellow, and orange are used for the image.

Fire is an integral attribute of Maslenitsa

The most striking part of the celebration is the burning of the effigy. Separate flames or a bonfire are often depicted next to it. You can also depict a burning effigy. In this case, it is easier to draw fire in stages.

First you need to identify the main flames. Don't forget about the shadow: one side of the fire should always be darker than the other. Draw such a transition on each fiery tongue. To make the shadow look continuous and realistic, it is better to hold the pencil at an angle while working.

Add secondary flames and apply shading. If necessary, you can add fire from below, thereby increasing the volume of the fire. Using a thin pencil, trace the outline of each tongue. Draw a circle of light and highlights of the flame if you only need fire.

To depict a fire, draw a sketch of the firewood. Outline the wood grain, size and shape. Now all you have to do is draw the final shading and light and shade. The drawing can be left in pencil or painted.

Let's try to draw the Maslenitsa holiday, with pancakes

Pancakes symbolize eternity, sun, comfort and warmth. They were baked for various holidays, including Maslenitsa.

It's not easy to depict a stack of pancakes. To make it look realistic and not look like a pyramid of paper circles, focus on drawing details and light and shade:

  1. Initially, make markings and draw the future stack in the form of a rectangle.
  2. Then draw the top pancake - it should turn out oval, with uneven edges.
  3. Draw the outline of the stack. The pancakes cannot be the same; their edges must be uneven.
  4. Mark the boundaries of the plate - they should copy the contours of the pancakes. The far edge of the dish should be covered with pancakes.

The final stage is drawing out the details. The realism of the picture will be created by drops of oil or honey flowing down and a berry at the top of the stack. Mark and draw shadows to add dimension to the image.

The final stage

The provided article describes in detail how to draw Maslenitsa with a pencil, in an accessible and lightweight way.

A colored drawing better conveys a warm and joyful atmosphere holiday. Therefore, you can colorize the resulting sketch. Use warm colors in your work, but dilute them a little with cool shades, since contrast is also needed. Drawings dedicated to such a celebration as Maslenitsa, as a rule, turn out to be cheerful and bright.

You can come up with many different themes with Maslenitsa motifs, but it is better to choose ordinary themes. A festive mood It will be possible to emphasize using folk patterns.

In the territory Ancient Rus' in the tenth century paganism gave way to Christianity. Despite this, a number of holidays inherent in the old beliefs have been preserved, including Maslenitsa. Although, of course, some temporary shifts occurred and a different ideological justification appeared, subordinated to the new faith. The celebration of Maslenitsa was attributed to the beginning of Lent and was included in the list of obligatory celebrations.

For most artists, this delightful and cheerful celebration is a truly serious challenge to embody and convey the mood of Russian Maslenitsa. And if, despite the complexity of the work, you decide to depict a party, then first you will need to think through the plot. Don't forget about the characters who personify Maslenitsa.

This traditional holiday with centuries-old customs symbolizes the transition from cold to warmth, from winter to spring, from boring and dark colors to the cheerful and bright colors. The celebration is usually accompanied by performances, folk jokes, laughter, treats and games.

Drawing the Maslenitsa holiday is not easy. In order to convey its atmosphere with many details, characters, objects, the skill and experience of the artist is necessary. However, do not despair and become despondent. You can convey the festive spring mood, and drawing only the most important symbols of Maslenitsa. Thus, the main attributes of the holiday are considered to be a scarecrow, the sun, fire (bonfire) and, of course, pancakes.

Before you draw Maslenitsa, you need to imagine future drawing, think through its details and plot. Holiday symbols are the main aspect that the artist focuses on.

Required tools and materials

But before you draw Maslenitsa, of course, you need to prepare. So, you will need to prepare the following office supplies:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. A simple pencil.
  3. Multi-colored pencils.
  4. Eraser.
  5. Markers, paints.

How to draw Maslenitsa: draw a scarecrow

The main attribute, which has remained mandatory since pagan times, is a straw effigy mounted on a pole. It is often depicted in drawings and in the form of a round-faced woman in Russian folk attire. During the festivities, you can see a flaming scarecrow and round dances around it.

To make the image of a stuffed animal look like a real artist’s, follow the step-by-step description:

  1. Draw an oval for the head and a pole with a crossbar for the arms.
  2. Draw the external outlines of the robe and headdress (scarf).
  3. Draw the clothing in detail, highlighting holes and patches.
  4. Draw straw that should show through the clothes. The face of the stuffed animal must be drawn crudely or not shown at all.
  5. The flame in the fire should be non-uniform. Contain lighter and darker areas. Draw large and tall flames first. Then add secondary, smaller tongues that give volume to the fire. At the end, draw sketches of the firewood. Label the size and texture of the wood logs.

Let's take a closer look at how to draw Maslenitsa step by step with a pencil. The described method of execution is simple and will not cause you any difficulties.

Sun of Maslenitsa

The sun can be displayed as the main object of the drawing or as an addition. It conveys the holiday atmosphere.

By the way, sometimes he is depicted on a pole instead of the entire scarecrow or Maslenitsa head.
The image of the Maslenitsa sun has colorful and symbolic features:

  • Folk motifs are used for the design, and they also duplicate the symbolism of other festive attributes (flames, pancakes).
  • The sun is often depicted as several circles or spirals inscribed within each other.
  • The rays of the sun can resemble dancing fiery snakes, tongues of fire or splashes of oil.
  • Shades of red, yellow, and orange are used for the image.

Fire is an integral attribute of Maslenitsa

The most striking part of the celebration is the burning of the effigy. Separate flames or a bonfire are often depicted next to it. You can also depict a burning effigy. In this case, it is easier to draw fire in stages.

First you need to identify the main flames. Don't forget about the shadow: one side of the fire should always be darker than the other. Draw such a transition on each fiery tongue. To make the shadow look continuous and realistic, it is better to hold the pencil at an angle while working.

Add secondary flames and apply shading. If necessary, you can add fire from below, thereby increasing the volume of the fire. Using a thin pencil, trace the outline of each tongue. Draw a circle of light and highlights of the flame if you only need fire.

To depict a fire, draw a sketch of the firewood. Outline the wood grain, size and shape. Now all you have to do is draw the final shading and light and shade. The drawing can be left in pencil or painted.

Let's try to draw the Maslenitsa holiday, with pancakes

Pancakes symbolize eternity, sun, comfort and warmth. They were baked for various holidays, including Maslenitsa.

It's not easy to depict a stack of pancakes. To make it look realistic and not look like a pyramid of paper circles, focus on drawing details and light and shade:

  1. Initially, make markings and draw the future stack in the form of a rectangle.
  2. Then draw the top pancake - it should turn out oval, with uneven edges.
  3. Draw the outline of the stack. The pancakes cannot be the same; their edges must be uneven.
  4. Mark the boundaries of the plate - they should copy the contours of the pancakes. The far edge of the dish should be covered with pancakes.

The final stage is drawing out the details. The realism of the picture will be created by drops of oil or honey flowing down and a berry at the top of the stack. Mark and draw shadows to add dimension to the image.

The final stage

The provided article describes in detail how to draw Maslenitsa with a pencil, in an accessible and lightweight way.

A color drawing better conveys the warm and joyful atmosphere of the holiday. Therefore, you can colorize the resulting sketch. Use warm colors in your work, but dilute them a little with cool shades, since contrast is also needed. Drawings dedicated to such a celebration as Maslenitsa, as a rule, turn out to be cheerful and bright.

You can come up with many different themes with Maslenitsa motifs, but it is better to choose ordinary themes. And you can emphasize the festive mood by using folk patterns.