How to win a large sum in the instant lottery. Stoloto, Russian Lotto – a scam? Reviews from real people

  • 20.06.2019

Gambling is an integral part of every person's character. Gambling is used as a method of distraction from everyday problems and everyday life. Only a few players around the world manage to turn their hobby into a real source of income. Lotto can be classified as a gambling game that has its own rich history. Distinctive feature this game is the minimum investment own money required to participate in the lottery. Below we suggest talking about how to win the lottery a large sum money.

One way to quickly earn a large amount of money is to win the lottery

Excursion into history

According to experts, the game of lotto has been known for more than several dozen centuries. Ancient times, this game was held in various taverns. People used small barrels made of rough wood and special playing cards. The essence of the game was that the innkeeper put the barrels in a special bag, mixed them thoroughly, and then took them out at random in a random order. Each player had cards with a certain sequence of numbers. When taking out a keg, the innkeeper pronounced the number marked on the keg. In this game, the first player to collect the entire sequence of numbers won.

According to historians, the first lotto appeared on the territory of modern Italy. It is the Italians who are considered the founders of this game. The game in question has gained immense popularity both in European countries oh, and in the Soviet Union. For decades, many families have played this game on their own.

It should be noted that on the territory of the USSR this game received the status family game, developing logical skills.

First holding TV games in the territory Soviet Union dates back to the seventieth year of the last century. The game called “Sportloto” was broadcast by Ostankino Channel One. This TV show lasted for more than thirty years. In nineteen ninety-four, “Sportloto” was renamed “Russian Lotto”. This program broadcast by the NTV channel every Sunday. It should be noted that the transmission itself has changed significantly. Today, this program offers a variety of prizes, including real estate, vehicles and large sums of money.

In order to become a participant in the game, you must purchase tickets, which are sold at newsstands and small shops. After purchasing a ticket, you should wait until the weekend and take part in the game. According to many participants, watching the program is accompanied by a strong surge of adrenaline. Every person wants to become rich in just a few seconds. According to many experts, winning the lotto is possible only with a successful combination of circumstances. However, many players claim that there are various secrets that help them win.

In order to better understand the essence of the game, you should familiarize yourself with the basic terms. The term “Scream” and its derivatives refers to the indication of the number printed on the keg. The term "Apartment" refers to a completely enclosed field on a player's card. “Closers” are special chips used in the game to cover the named numbers.

As a rule, such games are played in three stages. At the first stage, the player should be the fastest to close one of the horizontal fields, consisting of five symbols. At the second stage. The player must be the first to cover fifteen numbers. At the third stage, the player is given the task of closing thirty numbers.

To win you need faith in success and a little luck

Statistical data

Probably every person has wondered whether it is possible to win the lottery. The popularity of this issue is explained by the desire of every person to become the owner valuable prize, which is played out in such games. It is enough to imagine that it is possible to become the owner of one million rubles, a car or an entire apartment with an investment of only one hundred rubles, and the desire to purchase a lottery ticket appears. Of course, not every person becomes a winner. There are several dozen various lotteries, with various prizes. Each company conducting such games uses its own methods for determining winners.

According to statistics, every fourth ticket brings winnings to its owner. This means that there is a certain chance of winning in such a game. Regular players who have turned the lottery into their hobby use various techniques. Some people try their luck by purchasing several dozen different tickets. Others believe in numerology and place bets on numbers that are significant to them (wedding date and birthdays). Still others use different mathematical systems. Each of these categories of players has a chance of winning, all it takes is a little bit of luck.

Procedure for receiving prizes

When considering how you can win the lottery, you should pay special attention to the procedure for receiving prizes. In most cases, the period for receiving a prize ranges from one day to six months. The reference date is the day of issue of the new circulation of tickets. IN It is important to note that the method of receiving a prize depends on the method of participation in the lottery. It should also be said that “physical” points of sale of lottery tickets do not give out prizes received thanks to tickets purchased on specialized websites and terminals.

When placing a bet through a special cash desk, you can receive the prize through the nearest outlet. If, when purchasing a ticket, a person indicates his contact phone number or purchases an electronic ticket, he can receive a cash prize using an electronic transfer. When placing a bet using a special terminal, you can receive a prize using the method described above.

According to mathematical statistics, it is possible to win the lottery

To increase your chances of winning, you should buy at least a couple of tickets. This step allows you to both increase your chances of winning a prize and get more pleasure from the game. Experienced players It is not recommended to spend your last money on purchasing lottery tickets. This hobby cannot be turned into a source permanent income for very obvious reasons.

Playing the lottery can be compared to trying to catch “luck by the tail.” This hobby should bring pleasure and make the blood boil from an excess of adrenaline.. Trying to turn a game into a source of income can be frustrating due to the loss of investment Money. Constantly trying to catch luck can result in various life difficulties. The most valuable recommendation for beginning players is to be patient and believe in your luck.

Various schemes, tactics and strategies

Let's move on to the question of how to choose a lottery ticket to win. Today, there are many different techniques that are used by players around the world. Below we have compiled a list of the most interesting and common strategies:

  1. Probability theory. This statistical method is used to create a combination of numbers that can bring the coveted victory. It should be noted that not every person is able to cope with complex mathematical calculations. Often, people use special computer applications to calculate winning combination. An example is the story of American player Doug Myrock. This man had been betting on the same sequence of numbers for several years. Believing in himself and his chosen strategy brought Doug a winnings of thirty-one million dollars.
  2. Numerology. Many reputable scientists do not consider numerology as a science. However, the strategy of using loved ones and significant numbers can bring good luck. This method is quite easy to use. In order to find out your “lucky” number, you should add up the day, month and year of birth. Next, the letters of the name are added to obtain the second row of numbers. The third row is formed by adding the above combinations.
  3. The influence of the subconscious. Self-programming your mind to win can help you win the lottery. This opinion is shared by many reputable psychologists. In order to use this strategy, you need to take Blank sheet paper and, without hesitation, put on it different numbers. In order to program yourself for success, you can visualize your victory by creating a picture of the player holding a huge bag of money. This step allows you to properly tune in for the upcoming game.
  4. Influence random numbers. There is a separate category of people who pay great attention to the influence of random numbers. This could be a phone number close relative, number of the car passing by or any other sequence of numbers. It is quite interesting to note that this scheme has brought benefits to many people. In order to find a number that will allow you to win, you need to pay increased attention to various events in your life.
  5. Various superstitions. For every player, purchasing a lottery ticket is a kind of ritual. Each of this category of players uses different methods to prepare for buying a ticket. Some people dress in one color (usually yellow or red). Others say that wearing jewelry while shopping can discourage good luck.

When considering questions about how to win the Russian Lotto lottery, secrets and special techniques, it should be noted that none of the above methods guarantees a 100% result. In order to win the lottery, it is important to choose the right ticket, and in this matter you need the presence of luck.

Any ticket purchased anywhere can win

It should be mentioned that all of the above schemes are quite popular. However, there are also lesser-known strategies that are guaranteed to increase the chance of winning a prize. It should be noted that these methods slightly increase the chance of winning, and give an increase of no more than five percent. One of these methods is called the “Lottery Syndicate”. This term used to refer to a community of players who organize a small group for the purpose of purchasing the maximum number of tickets.

In case of victory, the funds received are distributed within the “syndicate” in accordance with the level of investment of each individual player. The above method allows you to “play big” with minimal investment Money. Purchasing a large number of tickets allows you to significantly increase the number of combinations, which increases your chances of winning several dozen times. Participation in syndicates allows players to increase their chances of winning in a lottery such as Gosloto 6 out of 49. When creating a syndicate, it is very important to first agree on a method for dividing the prize

. As a rule, the winning amount is divided among all members of the syndicate in equal proportions.

When joining a syndicate, a player must comply with a number of mandatory rules. Members of the syndicate are prohibited from taking money from each other for bets, as well as making payments for other players. This method allows you to spend a long period of time in the game using minor financial investments. In order to use this scheme, you must first prepare several different digital combinations. After this, you should purchase the required number of tickets and take part in the game. Using this method allows you not to think about different game strategies and winning combinations. You just have to wait until your sequence of numbers matches the winning number.

The “distributive draw” technique is suitable for games with large prize pools. Distribution circulation– a type of lottery in which the total amount accumulated over previous games is divided among the winners.

The frequency of such games is set by the lottery organizers.

It is important to note that according to established rules, such games must be held at least once a year. Winning a million in the lottery is quite possible

. To do this, you should only take part in such games. In some cases, the prize can reach several million dollars. This means that players have the opportunity to become members of the “millionaires’ club” by investing only one hundred rubles.

Next, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the “expanded bet” method of play. This term refers to a bet containing several number combinations in one field. This scheme can be used in games where the player is given the opportunity to choose different combinations. It is important to note that the cost of such tickets is significantly higher than the price of a “standard” lottery, due to the increased chances of winning.

For beginners, it is best to start with the most famous and largest domestic lotteries with simple and transparent rules There are also psychological tactics based on the use. lucky numbers When choosing lucky numbers, you should divide them into several equal parts

. The meaning of this scheme is that most people subconsciously choose seventy-five percent of the options offered. In the six out of forty nine lotto, most players choose numbers from one to thirty. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that most players use a strategy related to numerology. They bet on numbers that are associated with significant dates in their lives. It should be noted that in maximum amount days in a month - 31. This means that numbers exceeding, are used much less frequently. It is this factor that is used by players who use this strategy. It is important to note that the winning amount will be significantly higher compared to a regular bet.

Is it possible to win the Russian Lotto?

A series of losses can make you doubt the reality of your chance of winning. In order to convince players that the game is being played as fairly as possible, its organizers constantly publish a list of winners.

Quite often you can hear talk about how relatives and friends of the lottery organizers win this game. In fact, this statement is a lie. Each person receiving a cash prize is a real participant in the lottery. It should be noted that not every player receives big winnings.

. However, receiving a consolation prize is a reason to repeat your actions over and over again, wanting to achieve the desired result. You need to understand that you won’t be able to get a big prize the first time.

In order to hit the jackpot, you will need to spend a lot of time. Project administration " Russian lotto» publishes a list of lottery winners every week. This list includes people from different social and age groups

. According to many independent experts, game organizers conduct extremely honest financial activities. Otherwise, their offenses would have been stopped by regulatory authorities. Playing the lottery can help you unite with your loved ones, and remember the times when every family gathered in front of the TV, waiting for the start of a new draw. It should be noted that such a family hobby can bring financial profit if you win. Lottery players today have big choice

various methods and ways of playing. In addition to television broadcasts, such drawings are held on specialized websites, as well as through special ticket offices that distribute game tickets. The probability of winning a large sum in big lottery


Games that are popular among players In Russia, players give their preference to games such as Russian Lotto, Sportloto and GosLoto. These types of lotteries are the most popular. In addition to them, lotteries are held on a regular basis " Housing lottery " and "Golden Key". Each of these games allows players to earn several million rubles if all the numbers match.

Among foreign analogues, we should highlight such games as Euro Millions and Euro Jackpot. Huge sums of money can be won in these games. Today, the size of the “bank” of the Spanish lottery La Primitiva is more than seventy-five million euros. It should be noted that residents of Russia can take part in foreign games using the Internet. To do this, you just need to register on the website of one of the organizers of such games.

As an example, we suggest considering the European EuroMillions lottery. These games are held every Friday. This game features players from major European countries including Germany, Italy and France. In addition to them, residents of America and Russia are participating in the draw. The main prize is more than fifteen million euros. If there is no winner, this amount is doubled and played for next week. To date, the maximum amount of winnings by one person is about one hundred and fifteen million. The largest jackpot is over one hundred and eighty million. The possibility of winning this amount makes this game one of the most popular in all of Europe.

Russian lotto is the simplest and exciting game which is liked by millions of Russians

The largest prize pools and their winners

In order to make sure that winning the lottery is real, you should familiarize yourself with the list of winners. People who were able to win the largest prize funds deserve special attention. Below we provide a list of major victories in the history of these games:

  1. Albert Begrakyan– this resident of Russia managed to win an amount equal to one hundred million rubles in Gosloto. According to the winner himself, he took part in the lottery for several years. Until two thousand and nine, Albert worked in a security company.
  2. Ed Nabors and the Messners– the luckiest people on this list of winners. In the year two thousand and seven, these players from the United States won a prize of three hundred and ninety million dollars.
  3. Colin and Kristen- a European couple who won one hundred and eighty-five million euros in two thousand and eleven. This jackpot was won by EuroMillions.
  4. Evgeniy Sidrov- an avid gambler from Moscow who won thirty-five million rubles. Evgeniy used the received amount to purchase a vehicle and organize his own business.

In contact with

We will tell you about the rules for participating in lotteries on the Stoloto website. Read about what you can play and how to act to win. Find out how to check whether a ticket has won or not, as well as how to get your winnings if you played over the Internet.

08.05.2018 Alexander Fattakhov

Lotteries are national games of chance. Each of us at least once in our lives bought a coveted ticket in the hope of winning big jackpot.

All Russian state lotteries are concentrated in one place - in the Stoloto company. In this article we will analyze in detail what it is, how to play Stoloto online correctly, and what the chance of winning depends on.

What is Stoloto

Stoloto positions itself as a lottery trading house, where anyone can come and try their luck. The company sells one and a half dozen different state lotteries, including such well-known ones as “Russian Lotto” and “Gosloto 5 out of 36”.

Stoloto is not just a distributor, but an entire system that services state gambling.

Services include:

  • retail tickets;
  • online sales;
  • conducting drawings;
  • payments to winners;
  • Information Support.

Possible risks

Let's immediately add a fly in the ointment by talking about risks. The organizer always wins - this Golden Rule any gambling. Moreover, of all fair gambling games, the lottery is the most profitable for the company.

Let's compare it to a casino. The average player who came to gambling establishment, having 1000 rubles in his pocket, will leave there with 950-990 rubles. In the lottery this figure is around 50%! Enormous income for organizers.

Another risk factor is the high probability of deception. This fact has not been documented anywhere, but there are a large number of skeptics who do not believe in the fairness of the sweepstakes.

Main argument all skeptics - the draws are broadcast in recordings, and the necessary results are adjusted without showing it to the public. It sounds like a conspiracy theory, but the records of the 2259 and 2260 draws have exactly the same position of the balls at different time marks, which is unlikely from any point of view.

We don’t undertake to judge what it is, but before playing you must soberly weigh all the risks.

What can you play in a lottery supermarket?

So, you decided to try your luck and buy the coveted ticket. Let's look at what to play and how much you can win.

As mentioned above, the site offers 15 different lotteries. Conventionally, they are divided into 3 categories.

Fast lotteries

Draws are held every 15 minutes, with large sums up to 15,000,000 rubles being drawn. But do not think that such amounts are distributed left and right every circulation. Usually the maximum winning amount does not exceed 5,000 rubles.

These include:

  • KENO-Sportloto;
  • Purchase;
  • Rapido;
  • Top 3;
  • Duel;
  • 12/24.

Multi-million dollar lotteries

These are the most money lotteries. If we take the largest cash prizes, most of them came in the famous “Gosloto 6 out of 45”.

Record winnings for one ticket is more than 358 million rubles.

From one to six draws are held daily for each of them. The rules are extremely simple - you need to select a certain number of numbers and wait for the result. The name speaks for itself. For example, in “Gosloto 4 out of 20” 20 balls are loaded into the lottery drum, and the player only needs to select 4.

Gosloto has 5 varieties:

  • 4 out of 20;
  • 5 out of 36;
  • 6 out of 45;
  • 7 out of 49;
  • Sportsloto Matchball.

TV lotteries

The third type is a real show with invited guests and spectators in the hall. Circulations take place once a week, and broadcasts are broadcast on TV in live. Huge cash prizes, apartments, cars, vacation packages and much more are up for grabs.

These include:

  • Russian Lotto;
  • Housing Lottery;
  • 6 out of 36 (not to be confused with Gosloto);
  • Golden horseshoe.

How to play on the Stoloto website - basic rules

It was mentioned above that the Stoloto company is responsible for selling online tickets for its lotteries. But we did not consider this issue in detail.

We have compiled instructions for use for everyone who wants to try their luck without leaving their computer.

Stage 1. Registration on the site

The first thing you need to do is register on the site. There is nothing complicated about it - just fill out the form.

The following information must be provided:

  • email;
  • password;
  • phone number.

You will also be asked to confirm that you are over 18 years of age.

Don't try to cheat the system. For transactions with large amounts, identity verification will be required.

Phone and Email must be valid. They will ask for confirmation.

Stage 2. Buying a ticket

First of all, you need to top up your wallet. This is done from personal account or after choosing a lottery ticket.

The wallet is replenished in the following ways:

  1. A plastic card.
  2. Online banking.
  3. From a mobile phone number.
  4. Yandex money.
  5. Qiwi.
  6. Single wallet.
  7. Bank transfer.
  8. Replenishment through terminals.

The maximum amount of one transaction is 300,000 rubles. There cannot be more than 600,000 rubles in your wallet at a time.

Select the lottery you are interested in from your personal account or simply on the website. After filling out the numeric field, all that remains is to purchase a ticket.

Stage 3. Ticket verification

E-tickets are checked automatically. You can also see the results in your personal account.

If you don’t trust the system, watch video broadcasts in the “Circle Archive” tab. If any controversial situations arise, for example, your ticket won, but the system does not consider it as such, contact technical support.

The application also works for a smartphone, in which all player options are available.

Stage 4. Receiving winnings

You were lucky and became the owner of a lucky ticket that brought you money. Where can I get my prize?

The information on the website tells us the following:

  1. Up to 100,000 rubles. Such amounts are automatically transferred to your personal account. Withdraw money in a way convenient for you. To receive amounts over 40,000 rubles, go through full personal identification.
  2. From 100,000 to 300,000 rubles. Big wins are awarded at big prize centers. They are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg.
  3. From 300,000. Such huge winnings are processed only in lottery center Stoloto in Moscow.

To receive a prize of more than 1,000,000 rubles, additional examination of the ticket will be required.

Note! You have the right to withdraw only the money you have won from your personal account. If you deposited 10,000 rubles and then decided to withdraw them, nothing will work out.

Why am I not winning - 3 possible reasons

Looking at the winners of multi-million dollar prizes, you inevitably think: “Why don’t I win?” It is impossible to answer this question with certainty. The science responsible for the lottery - the theory of probability - only calculates the odds, but does not choose the winner.

Exists great amount versions, reasons. Someone believes in the conspiracy theory of the organizers and is trying to deceive them. Others go to fortune tellers and psychics to increase their chances of winning.

Let's consider the lottery as an honest game of chance, built on dry mathematics.

In this case, the reasons for failure will be as follows:

  1. Reason 1 - you don't play much. The chances of winning are in millionths of a percent. Here it is worth considering a simple example. There are 100 numbered balls in the bag. You need to draw the ball with number 17. If you have one attempt, then the chance of success is 1%. Two attempts - 2%. Fifty attempts - 50%. This works with tickets too.
  2. Reason 2 - you stopped playing. History knows many people who hit the jackpot after ten or even twenty years of participation. Don’t think that by playing once you will hit a multi-million dollar jackpot. There are cases where people have won by buying one ticket, but this is the exception that proves the rule. There are 1 in a billion such people. The winner of the largest prize in Russia claims that she has been playing Russian Lotto since the foundation of the lottery.
  3. Reason 3 - you are an unlucky person. Luck cannot be measured mathematically. But there is such a thing as “ light hand" Someone is luckier and pulls out prize tickets. And one of the 100 will pull out the only one that will bring nothing.

Should you rely on intuition - what the winners say

Intuition for many is the determining factor when buying a ticket. But what do the winners say about this? If you look at the most big wins in Russian history, you get a rather interesting picture.

There is probably not a person who has never tried his luck by playing the lottery in his life. By purchasing a ticket for a hundred rubles, everyone becomes a potential millionaire. But luck is a capricious thing, and not everyone has had the opportunity to win, but to win big prizes- the lot of units.

Lotteries are played all over the world. In Russia, only 1-2% of the population participates in lotteries, for comparison: the share of players in France is 70% of the total population of the country, in the USA - 63%. Such a small percentage of players in Russia is explained by Russians’ distrust of lotteries. But among these percentages there are also winners who large jackpots.

Most lucky winners try to remain anonymous and do not tell anyone about their winnings. And this, of course, is correct, because big money attracts many ill-wishers, as well as new and old friends, new relatives. Below are the 7 biggest lottery wins in Russia.

Seventh place. A chidhood dream

On May 29, 2015, a 37-year-old resident of the Kaliningrad region won 126 million rubles in the “6 out of 45” lottery. The winner became interested in lotteries as a child, and from the time when he and his grandfather bought the first tickets for him, he dreamed of becoming famous winner lotteries. According to him, his grandfather was very fond of lotteries, and when the prize drawing began on TV, everyone in the house fell silent.

The lucky one promised to spend his winnings on building a playground for all the children in the area and, of course, for himself - a big house.

Sixth place. Shock of victory

184 million rubles won in draw 735 dated February 10, 2014 of the “6 out of 45” lottery changed the life of one employee of a construction company from Omsk. I spent 800 rubles. He did not leave the house for three days, the shock of winning affected him so much. The dream of the winner and father of three children was to buy big house by the sea in warm regions.

Fifth place. The winner is anonymous

August 2014 and the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery brought a win of 202 million rubles to a 45-year-old resident Nizhny Novgorod, who was shocked by the victory for a month. The victory cost him 700 rubles. In his interviews, he asked to remain anonymous, because at first he did not want to tell anyone about his winnings. All that is known about him is that he is married and has two children.

Fourth place. One hundred ruble ticket

300 million rubles - such a win awaited a resident of Novosibirsk in the Gosloto 4 out of 20 lottery on May 30, 2017. His lucky ticket cost only 100 rubles on the Stoloto website. What is noteworthy is that the winnings of more than 300 million rubles in this lottery were played for the first time.

Third place. Doctor who doesn't believe in his luck

On February 27, 2016, in the “State Lottery 6 out of 45,” a doctor from Novosibirsk was lucky and won just over 358 million rubles. The bet cost him 1,800 rubles. For three weeks the winner was going to Moscow to claim his winnings; all this time it seemed like a dream to him. According to the doctor himself, he checked the ticket six times and could not believe his luck; only by calling the call center of the lottery organizer could he verify his victory. The winner himself is not new to lotteries; he has been playing for about 2 years, using his winning formula. In an interview with Stoloto, the Novosibirsk resident said that he would spend part of the money on charity, as well as on developing his business and on real estate in Moscow.

Second place. Excitement around victory

On May 21, 2017, 364 million rubles were drawn in the “6 out of 45” lottery. The winner was a resident of Sochi, who spent 700 rubles on a bet in mobile application. The newly made millionaire is a cultural worker. Due to the huge excitement that arose around the winnings, at the family council it was decided to go for the money all together, but they did not have enough money for tickets, so the winner did not collect the winnings for a long time. According to her, she wanted to contribute a third of the money to the election fund of the political party Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Until recently it was considered the last big win to the lottery in Russia. But 2017 is rich in records.

First place. Modest pensioner millionaire

The largest lottery win in Russia belongs to a resident Voronezh region, who won a fabulous sum of 506 million rubles in the Russian Lotto lottery. Such a large sum was drawn on November 5, 2017 in a draw of 1204, and today is the largest lottery win in the history of Russia.

The lottery organizers searched for the 63-year-old winner for 2 weeks, as the lucky girl could not believe her luck. “Russian Lotto for a family is the best gift for the holidays,” notes the new millionaire. The Voronezh pensioner said that she would spend this money to help her children and grandchildren, and would also donate part of the money to charity.

Money can not buy happiness

Large winnings in lotteries in Russia and abroad have not brought only happiness to everyone; there are those for whom the winnings turned out differently.

In 2001, unemployed spouses from Ufa became winners in the Bingo Show lottery and won 29 million rubles. However, winning did not bring happiness. The couple spent the entire prize within 5 years. But the main misfortune was the death of one of the winners due to alcohol abuse. According to one version, everything was facilitated by new relatives and friends who appeared from nowhere, asking for money for their needs and getting the spouses drunk.

Winner of the “6 out of 45” lottery Leningrad region Albert Begrakyan, who won 100 million rubles, after 2 years was left with debts to the state. Albert invested in real estate, expensive cars, land for building a hotel, but ended up with a debt of 4 and a half million rubles to the state.

In 2006, an incident worthy of any crime drama happened to a US resident, Abraham Shakespeare. No sooner had he won $30 million than he had many relatives. But the scammers did not stand aside either. One lady approached Shakespeare and promised to help him manage his money correctly. And she gave orders: she transferred all the money to her own account, and soon Shakespeare himself was found dead with two bullets in his chest.

Jack Whittaker was a successful businessman, family man, and philanthropist until he won a major jackpot in 2002. Whittaker became addicted to drinking alcohol gambling, abandoned his family. Within a few years, his entire fortune was spent and his business collapsed.

Jackpots in world lotteries

But even the largest lottery winnings in Russia cannot be compared with the main prizes in lotteries around the world. Residents of the United States are big fans of lotteries, because the largest jackpots are played on American lotteries such as Powerball and Mega Millions. So, the largest lottery winnings in the world belong to:

1. On August 24, 2017, an American won more than 758 million US dollars in the Powerball lottery. This is the most big win of this lottery and lotteries of the world, which fell on one ticket. Interesting feature The lottery is that the prize can be received in parts over 29 years or taken immediately, but then the winning amount will be significantly less (about 2 times).

2. On January 16, 2016, three Americans shared an unprecedented winnings in the Powerball lottery - $1.5 billion. The chance of winning was only 1 in 290 million.

3. In May 2014, a resident of the US state of Florida won the jackpot of the same Powerball lottery, which amounted to $590 million.

How to win the lottery?

The question of how to win the lottery arises for all players. There is no set way to win. Every winner has his own secret of success, but not everyone is ready to share it. Most argue that it is just luck and luck, others follow certain rules:

  • They play with an expanded bet, i.e. choosing more numbers than possible in a regular bet. Of course, an expanded bet involves more investments, but the chance of winning increases.
  • They regularly participate in lotteries and constantly use the same combination. They are waiting for the chosen combination to bring the long-awaited prize.
  • They play with friends, the so-called lottery syndicate. In this case, a group of people buys as many tickets as possible for one lottery, and if they win, they divide everything in half.
  • Various mathematical formulas are used.

There are also those who believe in happy Days, numbers, clothes, talismans. They buy tickets, choose the numbers on the ticket that are significant to them, use various conspiracies for winnings.

Statistics of large lottery winnings in Russia indicate that every year the number of participants is growing, and so are the winnings. The probability of hitting the jackpot is negligible and depends on the specific lottery. For example, the opportunity to win in the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery is approximately 1 in 367 thousand, in the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery - 1 in 8 million, in the Russian Lotto - 1 in 7 million.

If this article has inspired someone to buy a ticket, remember that the winning percentage is very small, play for fun, and maybe you’ll get lucky.

How to win the lottery? Every year, thousands of people go broke trying in vain to realize the dream of becoming a millionaire without much effort, and only a few become lucky winners. From the article you will find out whether it is possible to win the lottery, what are the chances different types these competitions and how to increase the likelihood of winning, as well as several stories about how some managed to become owners of large monetary rewards for a small fraction of the effort.

What are the types of lotteries?

The lottery has gained immense popularity among the people as the cash rewards offered attract a large number of people. Of course, under such circumstances, the development of practical jokes did not stop at all. entry level, they bought a lot different types, which are fundamentally different from each other. But what exactly is the difference between them and which lotteries do people win? Let's look at everything in detail existing species lotteries to understand this issue.


The instant lottery lives up to its name. Typically, a drawing involves purchasing a ticket, and whether you win or not depends on what is hidden in it. Typically, a ticket has one or more fields that must be erased to read the winning information. Sometimes the ticket is something like a sealed envelope that you need to open and read the information inside.

Small rewards are usually paid out directly at the same location where you purchased your ticket. To receive major awards, you must contact the competition organizer. But in instant lotteries, large draws are extremely rare.

You can also buy a ticket online, but in electronic format it doesn't instill as much confidence as a paper ticket does. After all, the organizer can easily generate results after a purchase, which cannot be verified in any way, unlike the paper method.

The advantage is that you can find out the result immediately after purchase, without waiting for a circulation. The pleasant anticipation that comes when the protective layer is erased is also pleasing.

However, instant lottery has many disadvantages. Firstly, the winnings are usually small. Secondly, you cannot choose the number yourself. Thirdly, there is no guarantee that the ticket seller is not a scammer. The latter can be avoided if you buy tickets only from well-advertised organizers. They usually have a special security code.


They are divided into two types. The only difference is that in one case you are given a choice of numbers, and in the other the numbers are pre-printed on the ticket.

In the first case, you can rely on your forecasts and calculations, reinforcing your confidence in winning with your knowledge. The chance of winning the second type of lottery seems more realistic. In such lotteries, winnings reach the largest sizes, and the drawing takes place in full view of all participants using a lottery machine, which consists of a drum and randomly rolling out balls or a random number generator.

We will look at how to win a draw-type lottery and what organizers exist below.

The main advantage is that a huge number of participants generates a large amount at stake. You can choose the numbers yourself, which also significantly increases the chance of winning. And you can play with a united group of people so that the probability is greater.

There are also some serious downsides. The numbers are completely random, and their large number reduces the probability to a minimum, and some lotteries draw once a week, or even less often.

Promotions, competitions, quizzes

This is not exactly a lottery, but the similarities are very great. It all usually starts with an advertising campaign of a large company that gives away a cash or other prize in order to attract customers. Such draws are not complete without avid lottery players who will not miss the chance to grab their piece. Even if you receive some unnecessary product as a prize, do not forget that it can be exchanged for sum of money.

You can always stay up to date by following promotions on lottery websites. There is always information about where and what draws are being held.

The prize fund is formed in advance, and you can be sure that you will not have to pay any commission on your winnings. Promotions are held frequently; as a rule, purchased goods are used instead of tickets. Goods can be purchased in large quantities, which increases the chance of winning the lottery, and these purchases, unlike a ticket, can be beneficial.

Most often, the winner is the one who bought more goods and, accordingly, invested more money. You need to find out about the reward in advance; there is a chance that you will receive some kind of T-shirt or mug with the organizer’s logo. It's hardly worth the effort. Even large brands may neglect to send the goods to the winner, citing the fact that all the prizes have already ended.

Probability of winning the lottery

Before you talk about which lottery you can actually win, you need to figure out what the probability of winning is. It is calculated using a certain combinatorics formula, so before buying a ticket, carefully consider all possible options.

Here is an example of the most famous lotteries and the probability of winning them.



Probability of winning the main prize

1 in 175 712 536

1 to 176 213 110

1 to 120 331 800

Gosloto 6 out of 45

Gosloto 5 of 36

Probability formula

The formula is quite simple if you know math. For those who don't know what factorial is:


That is, the factorial n is the product of all numbers in order up to the number n.

The formula is the division of the factorial of the number of selected numbers by the factorial of the number of selected ones, that is: probability of winning = (number of all numbers)!/(number of selected numbers on the ticket)!

For “Gosloto 5 out of 36” the formula is as follows: probability of winning = 36!/5! = 376,992.

Based on this formula, it is obvious that to win the lottery you need to choose the one in which the probability is greater, that is, with the smallest number calculation result.

How to win the Russian Lotto lottery

"Russian Lotto" is one of the most popular lotteries in Russia. Of course, this is also the most lucrative competition in which you can win a huge amount.

First of all, decide what you want - to win a small amount or hit the jackpot? The more often you participate, the greater your chance of winning. Therefore, you must firmly decide that you will not stop. So, if you are sure that victory is necessary at any cost, then the following information is for you.

You've probably already tried to play something many times, but you haven't yet dared to seriously win the lottery. Since now you intend to take a firm step towards victory, you should learn some information.

Five rules on the path to victory

  1. The organizers win anyway. And definitely their winnings will be greater than yours, it’s not for nothing that they are involved in the lottery. As for the players, the situation is completely opposite. Therefore, you should not send all your money to buy tickets; distribute your efforts evenly.
  2. Remember: winning the lottery is real. Don’t forget, judging by its popularity, the safest and most honest lottery is still the Russian Lotto. How to win with this large quantities participants, another question. A lot always depends on you, even in the lottery.
  3. Regular participation in lotteries increases your chances of winning. Don't despair, even if you have lost many times.
  4. You shouldn’t rush into all the pranks when they appear. After all, there are many different promotions and holiday increases in winnings.

This is the answer to the question of how to win the lottery. If you follow these rules, prepare mentally in advance and determine the amount of money you are going to spend, then sooner or later victory will definitely be on your side.

You can, of course, like most people, just buy a bunch of tickets and wait for one of them to be lucky, but experience shows that this is the tactic of losers. Even the lottery must be approached wisely.

And what is important is that you must participate for the sake of victory, and not for the sake of winning. You must desire the result of your actions, only then it will be positive.

Alternative ways to win

There are many alternative systems to increase your chances of winning. Some people believe that you can win with the help of mathematical calculations, while others, on the contrary, turn to the old school - magic.

It is difficult to say whether it is possible to win the lottery using such manipulations. But the fact that the Internet is full of such advice is quite obvious. There are many conspiracies and rituals to attract money. If you are a supporter of the idea that magic can help you, then you have the right to use this method.

As for mathematical calculations, the chances are much less, since the winner is determined randomly, and all you can do is show persistence and endurance. There can be no pattern between winnings, so either hope for luck or play calmly and wait for victory. In any case, you need to remain extremely careful and not get carried away too much.

Game addiction

When wondering how to win the lottery, first make sure that you do not have a gambling addiction. This disease is sometimes more dangerous than any drugs or alcohol.

Gambling addiction is a morbid attraction to gambling. Can start with the usual computer games and gradually develop into a terrible addiction that destroys everything in its path. It's more likely mental illness, unlike drug addiction and alcoholism, and should not be underestimated. Therefore, make sure that it is missing before you start participating in the lottery.


No one in our country would be confident in the possibility of winning if there were no people who won the lottery in Russia. The United States is known for its huge prizes and many winners. Sometimes even news channels often show lucky people who have made millions from nothing in a few hours. It was from the West that this popular game came to us, and our television is also not indifferent to such competitions. There are many TV versions of the lottery. Tickets for participation can be bought at kiosks or bookmakers, and the drawing process can be watched on TV. By winning such a lottery, you can not only receive a substantial amount, but also be seen throughout the country. This is one way to attract people, but there are lucky ones who still grab their piece.

Winner 2014

Let's immediately move on to the “freshest” millionaire, who is the Siberian Valery, whose last name is still unknown. The winner of the 735th Gosloto 6 out of 45 draw won 184,513,512 rubles. According to him, he did not immediately come for his winnings, since the amount of almost two hundred million rubles plunged him into a state of shock.

Valery walked towards success for a very long time. Every month, for many years in a row, he spent on lottery tickets 800 rubles each. The amount is small, especially considering his winnings, but it played a role in his life.

By the way, “Gosloto 6 out of 45” is least famous for winners with such a large winnings, in contrast to “Gosloto 5 out of 35”. However, the maximum gain in the second case is much smaller.

The state lotto attracts people most of all because you will never be deceived here, since it is a well-known game that is broadcast on television, where millions of people continuously watch its progress, and tickets cannot be faked, since each of them has its own code.

So, when asked which lottery you can actually win, any avid player will most likely say that it is “Gosloto 5 out of 35”.


The lottery is not the best The best way become rich, but the easiest and fastest. Winning can happen as soon as you buy your first ticket, or maybe after a few years, or even bypass you altogether. Before you run to the kiosk to buy hundreds of tickets and dream of winning a million in the lottery, you need to think carefully about whether your time and effort is worth it, and how much you are willing to give for just the chance of winning. But the conclusion from all that has been said is quite concrete: it is possible to win the lottery, and people become winners. Although the chances of winning are not very high, a competent approach and patience will always help much better than a one-time decision. Who knows, maybe next win will it be for you?

Many people dream of winning a huge amount of money, and have even made an endless list of expensive purchases and wishes. However, in reality, not everyone can manage the money they win correctly. Why win a lot of money if you then waste it very stupidly, and, which is not unlikely, also get bogged down in debt. Here are a few such examples when people, in the most mediocre way, squandered all their winnings, practically becoming beggars.

Want to win millions in the lottery? First, find out what awaits you.

Sharon Tirabassi. The woman won $10,000,000. There was enough money for 9 years.

Single mother Sharon Tirabassi worked as a bus driver and lived in a modest rental house before winning the lottery. When she received $10,569,000, her life changed dramatically. She bought a luxurious house, several fancy cars, wore clothes only from designers, and traveled on a grand scale. She also threw grand parties and did not skimp on gifts. Apparently the woman forgot that money tends to run out. Now she is again a bus driver who lives in a small rented house.

However, there is one point in which the mother of six children acted wisely. She deposited a certain amount of money into everyone's bank account. True, they will only be able to receive it upon reaching 26 years of age.

More than 1,000,000 for taxes.

Tonda Dickerson, a former cafe waitress, won a fabulous amount of money and decided not to share it with her employees. Apparently, she was punished for her stinginess. With the amount received, she decided to found her own corporation. Surprisingly, for some reason she transferred 51% of the shares to her relatives. After a while, for such a generous gesture, she had to pay a tax - in the amount of 1,119,347.90 dollars.

Drowned in debt.

Susan Mullins won the lottery in 1993 and received $4,200,000. She decided that she would not claim the entire amount at once, but would split the payments into several installments over several years. However, the desire for a chic and instant life turned out to be stronger. She began to go into debt, hoping that she would pay it off with her winnings, but she spent the money persistently and persistently. By the time the 4,200,000 million in the bank account had dried up, another bank sued her for $154,000,000.

A verbal agreement led to court.

A builder named Americano Lopez agreed with his comrades that he would share money with them if he won. He didn't expect it, but he actually won. Of course, Lopez did not want to share, and as an excuse he said that he was undergoing surgery. However, the builder's comrades were no less cunning than he. They found out that Lopez was not sick at all, and they brought him to trial for deception. The judge was also of the opinion that you need to share with your comrades. It is not reported what exact amount his comrades managed to win.

She won and died at the hands of her own husband.

Ibi Roncaioli won $5,000,000 in the lottery in 1991. The woman did not consult with anyone on where to spend it, not even with her husband Joseph Roncaioli. (This is a fatal mistake).
Over time, the husband learned that Ibi had transferred $2,000,000 to the account of her illegitimate child, about whom he had never heard anything. Joseph became so angry with his wife that he poisoned her with large quantities of painkillers, for which he was sentenced to prison.

I lost everything in slot machines.

Evelyn Adams in the 80s was considered the luckiest person of the century. Contrary to all theories of probability, she won huge sums of money twice in two years. Her total winnings were $5,400,000. However, she did not acquire anything worthwhile with them. She spent all the money on slot machines in Atlantic City. Former millionaire Evelyn Adam now lives in a trailer.

From scavenger to riches... And again to scavenger.

Briton Mike Carroll worked as a garbage man before winning $15,000,000 in 2002. Having received, as it seemed to him, complete control over his life, he began to drown in cocaine, expensive cars and prostitutes. There was enough money for 5 years. Now he's a scavenger again.

I prayed for money and forgot to pray for brains.

Pentecostal preacher Billy Harrpel was a staff member hardware store. For a long time he prayed that God would send him at least some amount of money. And finally, in 1997, he won $31,000,000. Deciding that all the difficulties were behind him, he began to buy expensive mansions and cars. Relatives also decided that they could count on a certain amount. In general, after a while the bankrupt preacher divorced his wife and committed suicide.

3,000,000 for drugs.

In 1989, Willie Hurt from Michigan won $3,100,000 in the lottery. The truth is that after 2 years Hurt was under investigation for attempted murder, he was also addicted to drugs and was, inexplicably, absolutely poor. Even his own children turned away from him.

Died before trial. She was alone in prison.

Alex and Rhoda Toth from Florida, won $13,000,000 in 1990. Having organized own business, and then, having failed to cope with it, after 15 years, they declared themselves bankrupt. In addition to all this, they were charged with “tax evasion.” Without waiting for the court's decision, Alex died. Rhoda had to serve her sentence alone.

10,000,000 for parties.

Canadian Gerald Masvengon, in 1998, won $10,000,000 in the lottery, which he successfully spent on parties that lasted for 7 years. When he realized he was poor again in 2005, he hanged himself in his parents' garage.

Happy to be poor.

William Post won $16,200,000 in 1988. But instead of comfort and pleasure, they brought him a series of misfortunes. First, the ex-wife showed up, who considered that she had the right to part of the winnings and filed a lawsuit. Then, relatives appeared out of nowhere and began asking for financial support. And finally brother the newly-made millionaire, wanting to take away the entire amount of his winnings, hired a killer.

After a while, absolutely poor, and with a million-dollar debt to boot, Post felt like the most happy man, since all the “bloodsuckers” lagged behind him.

I gave all the winnings to my husband through the court and...

Denise Rossi won $1,300,000 in the lottery. Since her relationship with her husband was strained, she decided not to share the winnings with him and divorce. Naturally, she did not indicate anything about the winnings in the divorce papers. The smart husband suspected some strangeness in Denise’s behavior, but did not do anything. Two years after the divorce, when Thomas had collected the necessary evidence, he filed a lawsuit for ex-wife, suing her for the entire amount of winnings.