Map of the Leningrad region. Detailed satellite map of the Leningrad region

  • 24.09.2019

The territory occupied by the region has an area of ​​83.9 km². The number of officially registered residents in the region is 1.8 million people. You need to look for the Leningrad region on the map of Russia in the area of ​​60°0’0 north latitude and 32°0’0 east longitude.

Geographical location of the Leningrad region

Most of the region's territory lies on the plain known as the Russian Plain. The main part of the lakes and rocks are located in the area on the Karelian Isthmus, which is part of the Baltic crystalline shield. The largest rivers in the region: Neva, Svir, Volkhov. The main lakes of the region are Ladoga and Onega. The shores of the region are washed by the Gulf of Finland.

On online map The Leningrad region marks the borders of the region with EU countries and neighboring regions. The region has an international border with Estonia and Finland. The region has internal borders with the regions: Vologda, Novgorod, Pskov and the Republic of Karelia.


The Leningrad region is located in the continental Atlantic climate. It is characterized by mild winters with frequent thaws and cool winters. The average annual precipitation is 600-700 mm.


Urban residents account for more than 64% of the total population of the region. Basis national composition are Russians. Their number exceeds 92.7%. They are followed by Ukrainians - 1.98% and Belarusians - 1.05%.


Among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the volume of the region’s economy is in 21st place. The most developed industries in the region are: mining, manufacturing and energy. Sea freight transportation plays a significant role in the regional economy.

Transport links, roads and routes

The Leningrad region has a well-developed network of roads and railways. The following highways of federal and republican significance pass through the region:

  • M10 "Russia";
  • P21 "Cola";
  • R23 "Pskov".

Three border automobile checkpoints: “Trofyanovka”, “Scandinavia” and “Brusnichnoe”. There is a Narva checkpoint on the Estonian border. 4 cargo seaports were built on the Baltic coast of the region:

  • Ust-Luga;
  • Vyborg;
  • Vysotsk;
  • Primorsk

In addition to maritime shipping in the region, there is also river transport of goods and people along rivers and lakes. There is an international airport in Pulkovo.

Leningrad region with cities and villages

The map of the Leningrad region with its districts shows 63 urban and 136 rural settlements. The region is divided into 17 districts. Among the largest cities in the Leningrad region:

  • Gatchina - 95.2 thousand people;
  • Vyborg - 78.5 thousand people;
  • Vsevolozhsk - 70.3 thousand people.

The population density in the region is 21.36 people/km².

The Leningrad region is the largest Russian region, the administrative center of which is the city of St. Petersburg, formerly Leningrad. As shown satellite map Leningrad region, the region borders Finland and Estonia, which provides residents of the region with the convenience of easier travel outside the border for the purpose of entertainment and recreation.

The largest cities in the region, in addition to St. Petersburg, are Gatchina, Vyborg and Sosnovy Bor. The map of the Leningrad region shows that it is in these cities that the construction sector is very developed. More than 50 new buildings are put into operation in the region every year.

A distinctive feature of the region is its unique climate. The region is always quite cool, with no more than 70 sunny days a year. As a rule, it is always cloudy and damp throughout the region, but this does not worsen the mood of the residents or the economic positioning of the region. Every year more than 3 million guests come to St. Petersburg and the largest cities; the number of the Leningrad region is constantly growing. This is also due to the history of the region, which has left many landmarks and historical places, and the rapid development of the region in the economic sphere.

The region is rich in fossils. Limestone, phosphorites, peat, and oil shale are mined here. As can be seen on the interactive map of the region, a huge part of the territory is occupied by forests. The Google map also shows the water fund of the region, which consists of large rivers: Neva, Volkhov, Syas, as well as lakes, most of which is located on the Karelian Isthmus.

What to see on a map of the Leningrad region from a satellite online?

When planning a trip to the Russian Federation, be sure to look in advance interactive map Leningrad region in real time. It shows all the cities that make up the region. If you zoom in, you can see the location of streets and houses, which are marked and numbered. Also on the satellite map Leningrad region marked places of interest, the largest supermarkets and buildings of social heritage (theatres, museums) and public use (pharmacies, hospitals, etc.) The Google satellite map on our website represents free service. You can also download a map of the region with cities and streets to your smartphone, wherever you are.

is a territory located in the north-west of Russia. The region is part of the Northwestern federal district and today it is one of the most economically successful in terms of production of gross product per population. The economic map of the region has numerous industries: manufacturing, construction, agriculture, etc. Moreover, agriculture is quite versatile: dairy and meat farming, potato growing and vegetable growing are developed here.

The region has a very developed transport infrastructure - located close to Europe, map of Leningrad region has territorial connections with Finland and Estonia. In this regard, the region has significant cultural ties, being a kind of connecting link, a “window to Europe”. Historically, this region is rich in architectural monuments - this applies not only to the capital of the region - St. Petersburg - but to numerous cities and towns. As you know, part of the territory of the region previously belonged to Finland - today a mass of material cultural artifacts testifies to the past of the region. All this attracts thousands of tourists every year to the Leningrad region.

Everyone, young and old, knows that Russia is the largest (and best) country in the world. Naturally, such a large territory is divided into parts, into subjects and regions. This article will provide you with map of Leningrad region 2012, so that you can better understand what parts our Motherland consists of. Well, if you are planning a trip to this part of Russia, then detailed map The Leningrad region from a satellite will be more useful to you than ever! The administrative center of the Leningrad region is .

Is great amount cities and towns located in the vicinity of St. Petersburg. Cultural and historical value many of them are priceless. Magnificent palaces and parks, estates and monasteries, fountains and fortresses are located throughout the region. People from all over the world admire the splendor of Peterhof and Tsarskoe Selo, Pavlovsk and Gatchina.

Diverse animal world Leningrad region. Here you can see martens, squirrels, hares, and rodents. Less common are sika deer, wolf, roe deer, weasel, and muskrat. Locals They collect blueberries, cloudberries, wild strawberries, bearberries, lingonberries and cranberries in the forests. On map of Leningrad region Several reserves and wildlife sanctuaries, a dendrological park, geological, hydrological and complex natural monuments are noted.

The basis of the economy is production. There are machine-building enterprises in the region, and the aluminum, chemical, petrochemical, and pulp and paper industries are developed. Agriculture represented mainly by livestock and poultry products. Agriculture is typical for household plots. Currently, in the Leningrad region they are breeding fur-bearing animals - mink, arctic fox, muskrat.

Electric power industry is represented by all types of power plants. IN Sosnovy Bor The Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant is operating. Thermal power plants were built in Kirishi and Kirovsk, hydroelectric power stations are located on the Volkhov, Svir and Vuoksa rivers.

Below you will find a map with cities in JPG format.

And now you can see what it looks like.

, but also maps of rivers, lakes, cities and much more.
The Leningrad region is influenced by the Atlantic-continental climate, with characteristically cool summers and relatively mild winters. Europe's largest Lake Ladoga is located in this region. More than half of the region is occupied by forests; the flora is also represented by a variety of berries and medicinal herbs. There are many nature reserves, federal and regional reserves, natural monuments and parks. The area has rich history

. During the Second World War, the famous “Road of Life” ran through the territory of the region. Among the region's special awards are the Orders of Lenin and the October Revolution.

  • Borders:
  • in the north - from
  • in the east - from Vologda
  • in the southeast - from
  • in the south - from

s (semi-enclave)

  • with the European Union:
  • in the west - from

in the northwest - from





The Leningrad region is part of the Northwestern Federal District, the administrative center of which is the city of St. Petersburg. In the Leningrad region there are 62 cities and 141 rural settlement . Most major cities

The Leningrad region borders Estonia and Finland, so residents of St. Petersburg and the region often visit these countries for recreation and shopping. Ivangorod is located on the border with the Estonian city of Narva: if you wish, you can cross the border on foot.

Historical reference

In 750 the city of Ladoga (Old Ladoga) was founded. In the 12th century, the center shifted to Novgorod and the Novgorod Republic. In subsequent centuries, Novgorodians fought constant battles with the Swedes and knights Livonian Order. In 1240, the famous Battle of the Neva took place on the Neva River. For guard Novgorod land Fortresses and forts were created: Koporye, Oreshek and others. In 1478, the Novgorodians were conquered by Ivan the Third. In 1708, the Ingermanland province was formed, and the capital Russian Empire was moved to St. Petersburg.

In 1927, the Leningrad region was created. During World War II, most of the Leningrad region was occupied by German troops. The “Road of Life” played an important role, along which people were evacuated from besieged Leningrad.

Must Visit

In the Leningrad region, it is recommended to visit the Shlisselburg fortress, palace complexes in Gatchina and Ropsha, burial mounds and an ancient fortress in Staraya Ladoga, the Ivangorod fortress, Vyborg Castle and Monrepos Park, the Mother of God Assumption monastery in Tikhvin and Koltushskie Heights.

Satellite map of the Leningrad region

Map of the Leningrad region from satellite. You can view the satellite map of the Leningrad region in the following modes: map of the Leningrad region with names of objects, satellite map of the Leningrad region, geographic map Leningrad region.

Leningrad region is located in the northwestern part of Russia. This region has access to the Baltic Sea and is also washed by the waters of the Gulf of Finland, Lake Ladoga and Onega. The central city and administrative center of the region is the city of St. Petersburg, which is often called the northern capital of Russia.

The climate of the Leningrad region is very similar to the climate of other coastal regions. The coastal climate is characterized by changeable weather. Winter in the Leningrad region is mild, characterized by moderate frosty temperatures. weather conditions. The coldest month is February, in which the air temperature drops to an average of -9 C. Summer is warm, with average temperature+17 C.

The Leningrad region is one of the richest regions in attractions. In total, there are about 3,900 historical and cultural monuments in the region. Most of these monuments were built between the 9th and 19th centuries. The most remarkable historical monuments are the Monasteries of Staraya Ladoga, architectural complexes of cities such as Gatchina, Peterhof, Pavlovsk, Ivangorod, Shlisselburg and, of course, the unique sights of St. Petersburg, which attracts the most a large number of tourists.

The Leningrad region has enormous opportunities for various types of recreation and tourism. In the Leningrad region, both lovers of relaxing and extreme tourism will find a vacation to their liking. There are many resort areas in the Leningrad region. One of the best and most popular holiday destinations is the coast of the Gulf of Finland. In this area of ​​the region there are about 20 boarding houses and more than 10 sanatoriums.