Personal life of the “night hooligan”: Dima Bilan and his family secrets. Why Dima Bilan is still single

  • 07.05.2019

Today’s article will tell our readers about the life of a popular Russian performer. Dima Bilan and his work are interesting to many listeners of different ages. We will describe a success story - how a simple boy managed to conquer Russian show business.

The singer gained greatest fame after winning the international song competition in 2008. This can really be called a breakthrough point in a musical career - before that, performers from Russian Federation did not win such honorary titles. In order not to mark time, let’s begin to consider the biography and other aspects of Dima’s life.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dima Bilan?

Before the story life path of this or that star, many admirers will be interested in learning some data about appearance. Of course, sometimes it’s enough to look at photos on the Internet, but the most sophisticated fans want to know what the singer’s height, weight, and age are. How old is Dima Bilan, music lovers may ask. We asked - we answer. The performer's approximate height is 181 centimeters, and his weight is just over 73 kilograms. Relatively recently, the news read something like this: “Dima Bilan lost 8 kg in 2016, reasons.” A little later, the singer himself said that this was due to a stomach disease, which was overcome thanks to treatment.

Last December, Dima Bilan celebrated his 36th birthday. There is no particular point in comparing photos in his youth and now - he is still young. The only thing that can be studied is how Dima Bilan’s style changed in different periods of his life.

Biography of Dima Bilan

The biography of Dima Bilan begins in 1981, in a small town in Karachay-Cherkessia. It is noteworthy that at birth, the future singer received the name Victor Belan. Father Nikolai worked as an engineer, and mother Nina worked in social spheres.

Dima's first musical inclinations began to appear back in early age. Already, being in the fifth grade, he began studying at a music school. He successfully completes it, learning to play the accordion. Of course, various competitions where you can show your talent do not bypass Dima. In 1999, he goes to Moscow, where he participates in a children's festival. Certificate of honor, was presented to the future singer by Joseph Kobzon himself, which was a serious achievement for the young talent.

After receiving secondary education, Dima continues his studies at the State Music College. Everything went well, and after receiving his diploma, he also studied acting at GITIS.

Real music career begins after Bilan meets Yuri Aizenshpis. At that time, he was quite a popular producer. By the way, it was after his recommendation that the singer took the pseudonym by which he is still known. Collaboration with a music manager brought fourth place in the New Wave competition. 2003 was marked by the release of the singer’s debut album, which was called “I am a Night Hooligan.” After some time, the compositions gained some popularity in the Russian Federation. Of course, with the advent of new works, interest in Dima is only fueled.

The next album, released in 2004, was warmly received by critics and the public, and radio stations began broadcasting them on their airwaves. The fall of 2005 was marked by tragedy - Yuri died. Dima began to receive a large number of invitations from other producers. It is noteworthy that until 2008, the conflict with Aizenshpis’ company over the brand continued. But everything was resolved peacefully, and the singer changed his name in his passport - since then, Dima Bilan is no longer a creative pseudonym.

The next manager was Yana Rudkovskaya. This tandem also brought positive results - two Golden Gramophone awards in 2006. Musical compositions gained more and more popularity, and clips appeared on TV channels.

Surprisingly, every new song- a new hit. Separately, it is worth noting “Dreamers” - this single was loved by the majority of Russians. year 2009 - new album. This is now an English-language work recorded in Miami. A large number of awards only cemented the success.

Several times in a row, Dima Bilan tried to get into Eurovision. In 2006, he received second place, and two years later he won the victory. It was an event for everything Russian show business– no other performer has achieved such success. In addition to the presented song Believe, the audience saw an unforgettable ice performance.

Since 2012, the singer has taken on the role of jury in the popular TV show “The Voice”. This is enough successful project on Russian territory. In 2016, the performer performed at “New Wave” - musical number turned out to be one of the best.

In the same year, Victoria Daineko and our hero voiced the main characters in the film “Trolls”. The premiere of the work attracted a large number of spectators and admirers. It is noteworthy that Dima Bilan has proven himself well in cinema.

In 2017, various rumors began to appear, allegedly Dima Bilan had cancer or even died. The fans were made nervous by photographs where the changed figure was clearly visible. A little later, the singer himself spoke about health problems.

Latest news 2017: Dima Bilan has cancer? He is dying?

We dare to repeat that in 2017, the singer made his fans worry. It all got to the point where the headlines of the publications repeated the following: “Latest news 2017. Dima Bilan has cancer.” He is dying? – questions rained down from fans. The yellow publications even started talking about death, saying that we would no longer see our beloved singer. As soon as official information appeared, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It is known that doctors found several hernias in Dima’s spine, which pinched the nerves and caused discomfort. It all came down to the fact that the performer could not do basic things. Fortunately, thanks to medicine and a long course of treatment, the disease was overcome and Dima Bilan returned to duty. After his illness, by the way, he changed his image - a shaved head and formal clothes. The media assessed this as a challenge for those who spread rumors about a fatal disease and irreparable loss.

The singer notes that after such trials, he began to take care of his own health. In addition, it supports healthy eating and continues to delight fans with new musical works.

Personal life of Dima Bilan

Of course, Dima Bilan’s personal life cannot go unnoticed, especially for the female part of his fans. For a long time, the singer had an affair with Elena Kuletskaya, to whom he promised to propose if he won international competition. However, there was no wedding, and the young people, after a short time, separated.

Now it is impossible to say for sure whether he is a member of any romantic relationships Dima Bilan. He often appears in front of cameras with various representatives of show business, and fans are already rushing to “create” a romance. The most famous rumors are about Julia Lima, who performed songs with Dima for some time. The performer himself does not comment on his personal life.

As is already becoming clear, the press could not leave it like that, and published several publications about the “unconventionality” of the singer. Again, he simply ignores such statements. Fans are waiting for Dima to choose the lady of his heart and get married.

Dima Bilan's family

As for famous relatives, the singer had no creative roots. Therefore, Dima Bilan's family had almost no connection with art. Of course, family trips to the movies or listening to music cannot be ruled out. But already in school years, he became seriously interested in this type of creativity and began to develop in in this direction. As we can judge now, the singer made the right choice.

The father of the future performer was a mechanic, and by education he was a design engineer. Mom was engaged in greenhouse farming, and later went to social sphere. Also, Dima Bilan has two sisters. Elder Elena fashion designer by training. After the wedding, I decided to keep it for myself double surname. The younger sister, born in 1994, was named Anna.

Children of Dima Bilan

As you already understand, it is pointless to talk about this topic - this moment, the singer was not even married. This situation haunts most fans, and, with various sides. Some create unjustified rumors, others doubt Dima Bilan's orientation.

He himself does not comment on his personal life, but from his words one can understand that the singer strives to develop and try himself in various creative manifestations. Therefore, fans are looking forward to Dima Bilan’s children being born. We recommend following official news, and not to believe various rumors that have no basis.

Dima Bilan's wife

When it comes to talking about who future wife Dima Bilan - various disputes arise here. Some time ago, all the newspapers were talking about the upcoming wedding of the singer and model Elena Kuletskaya. However, the young people never legalized their relationship. Many even began to doubt whether there was an affair at all. Fans suspected that all this was to attract attention to their own personalities and PR.

After breaking up with Elena, fans attributed great amount novels for the singer – as soon as new photographs appeared on the Internet. Some even claim that Dima has returned to ex-lover. It is not possible to say this for sure - the Eurovision winner avoids questions about his public life in every possible way.

Photo of Dima Bilan before and after plastic surgery

It is difficult to find a famous person who openly admits to using the services of a plastic surgeon. The first reason to think about whether today's hero had Plastic surgery– comparison of youth photographs. Fans immediately noticed the “surgical” marks. In particular, many note the changed shape of the nose, which has only improved.

It is impossible to say for sure whether the singer used the services of surgeons and changed his appearance. Therefore, a comparison of photos of Dima Bilan “before and after plastic surgery” - favorite hobby a certain circle of fans who follow the life of the star in every possible way.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dima Bilan

It is not surprising that Dima Bilan’s Instagram and Wikipedia are extremely popular. In the first case, more than two million people subscribed to the singer’s page. The free encyclopedia contains a huge amount of information about life and his work. In particular, you can study the extensive list of awards that Dim Bilan received for his musical talents.

  • Name: Dima
  • Surname: Bilan
  • Date of Birth: 24.12.1981
  • Place of Birth: Ust-Dzheguta, Karachay-Cherkessia, Russia
  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn
  • Eastern horoscope: Rooster
  • Occupation: singer, actor
  • Height: 182 cm
  • Weight: 75 cm

The biography of Dima Bilan is a story about how an ordinary boy from a small provincial town overcame all obstacles on the way to his dream and became a star not just of the Russian, but of the world stage. Dima is the first singer from Russia to win the Eurovision Song Contest. He is a multifaceted and versatile person, a workaholic and strives for perfection in everything. He remains one of the most successful and sought-after singers, and his life is closely followed by millions of fans.

Photo by Dmitry Bilan

On the way to a dream

In 1981, in the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia, a boy, Vitya, was born into a simple working-class family. Back then, parents didn’t even think that they would be raising not just a talented child, but a future world leader. famous singer. Soon after his birth, Nikolai Mikhailovich and Nina Dmitrievna Belan, together with their daughter Lena and son Victor, moved to Naberezhnye Chelny. But the journey music world their son began when the family settled in Kabardino-Balkaria five years later.

At school, Dima (and then Viktor) was always a participant various events and holidays, performed at music competitions. His talent was noticed when he became an accordion student at a music school. The first large and very important competition the Chunga-Changa festival became his life. The guy remembered the trip to Moscow in 1999 for the rest of his life; at the festival Belan was awarded a diploma by the master Soviet stage Joseph Kobzon.

Bilan proved: the impossible is possible

During his school years, Victor realized that he would connect his life with creativity. Therefore, when he had a diploma of secondary education in his hands, he went to Moscow towards his dream. First of all, I enrolled in Gnesinka. Having successfully mastered academic vocals, in 2003 he immediately became a sophomore at GITIS.

First works

As a student, Victor was lucky enough to meet the talented producer Yuri Aizenshpis. And after some time Russian stage a new name appeared - Dima Bilan. Aizenshpis seriously took up the promotion of the project, but thanks to the talent and hard work of his ward, success came to them instantly. During his collaboration with Aizenshpis, the following events occurred in the career of the aspiring singer:

  • fourth place at the “New Wave” in 2002;
  • album "I night hooligan"(2003);
  • album “On the Shore of the Sky” (2004);
  • shooting several video clips, including “I am a night hooligan”, “I love you so much”, etc.;
  • re-release of the first two albums;
  • working on an English-language album with Diane Warren and Shaun Escoffery.

New turn

In 2005, the rapid ascent to big stage turned out to be questionable. Yuri Aizenshpis passed away, and the management of his company (headed by his wife) began to demand that Dima change his pseudonym. But Bilan firmly stood his ground, very opportunely then Yana Rudkovskaya came to his aid. It was with her that he continued to collaborate, continuing to remain Dima Bilan. And in 2008, he officially changed his name in his passport.

During the period 2005-2006, Bilan won 2 “Golden Gramophones”, a Channel One prize at the project “New Songs about the Main Thing”, and also performed at the “Golden Sharmanka”. In the Ukrainian capital at the “International Music Awards” he was declared singer of the year,” and the next step on the path to world fame was Eurovision.

Two Eurovisions

Bilan did not succeed in becoming the winner of the main European music competition right away. In 2006, he beat his competitors in the Russian selection and went to Athens to conquer Europe. With the song “Never Let You Go” he made it to the finals of the competition, but he fell just short of the top spot. The result is second place. At that time he became the second of Russian performers after Alsou, who was able to show such a high result.

But Dima Bilan, accustomed to achieving his goals, could not stop there. His desire to do everything perfectly and be the first served as the impetus for another trip to Eurovision. In 2008, armed with the support of millions of Russians, as well as the company of two talented artists(Hungarian violinist Edwin Marton and figure skater Evgeni Plushenko) Bilan went for first place. And he took it. His performance of the song “Believe” turned out to be the best, Dmitry became the first Russian to win the Eurovision Song Contest.

Eurovision 2008 – victory


Victory at the main European music championship made Bilan practically national hero, his person was discussed everywhere. From all music awards he walked away with an award, his songs took first place in the charts, and his tour schedule seemed to have no end. The artist only moved forward and continued to work to the delight of his fans.

The number of nominations and awards for Dmitry’s music awards can hardly be counted. He was repeatedly nominated and won in the categories “ best artist», « best performer», « best song"at the MTV Russia Music Awards, MUZ-TV, He is also the owner of several Golden Gramophones and the winner of the Sound Track Award.

From the moment she began her career until now, Dima Bilan has been working tirelessly, creating, and realizing creative ideas. In 2012, he even returned to his real name. However, later producer Alesey Cherny joined Victor Belan and the project was renamed Alien24. The singer often collaborates with Russian and foreign artists, recording duets and filming videos.

Bilan's girls

Personal life Dmitry was always under the radar of cameras. The paparazzi vied with each other for new photos in order to be the first to publicize the star’s relationship. Bilan was always surrounded by crowds of fans, but several times he was in serious relationship with girls.

By 2016, the artist had not started a family. The high-profile affair with model Elena Kuletskaya lasted about four years, but the wedding never took place. However, Lena became the only girl, who claimed to be the singer’s wife.

Later he was noticed in the company of model Yuliana Krylova, then Adelina Sharipova. Your relationship with former member Dima, one might say, “advertised” the group “Tatu” by Yulia Volkova. They openly hugged, kissed and made love in public. Whether it was a PR stunt or a real feeling, one can only guess.

For now, Dima remains an eligible bachelor. The singer himself admits that his constant immersion in work does not allow him to build personal relationships. However, it’s probably not worth thinking that he’s flaunting everything. Therefore, the truth about his personal life remains a mystery.

New projects

In 2012, Dima Bilan appeared before the audience of Channel One as a mentor music show voice. For three seasons in a row, he worked with his students on performances that were always very bright, heartfelt, and emotional. After missing one season, in 2016 he returned to the mentor's chair.

In 2015, Dmitry starred in leading role in feature films. The film “Hero” introduced the audience to a new facet Bilan's talent.

  • Dima Bilan was awarded the titles of Honored Artist of Chechnya, Ingushetia and people's artist Kabardino-Balkaria;
  • few people know, but in 2012, Dmitry’s duet with Yulia Volkova competed for participation in Eurovision, but took second place;
  • in 2007 he became a member of the LDPR party;
  • in 2012, an exclusive perfume from Dima Bilan “dB” appeared;
  • performed the Paralympic anthem in 2014;
  • in 2014 he was recognized as the most famous Russian-speaking singer of the decade;
  • voiced the cartoons “Frozen” (2013), “Trolls” (2016).

Bilan Dmitry Nikolaevich - famous Russian artist, film actor and dubbing master, as well as the author of many songs that have become real hits.

It should be clarified that he is an incredibly persistent guy, since he tried to represent the country at the international Eurovision contest twice and finally achieved first place for Russia.

The guy took the first and last name of his beloved grandfather and therefore believes that he is his guardian angel. Dmitry says that he is calm about gossip and gossip about him, because he knows what he really is like.

A large army of fans are haunted by such physical parameters of the young and handsome singer, like height, weight, age of Dima Bilan. However, none of the above parameters are stable; they depend on the characteristics of the role or clip.

Victor was born in 1981. He was thirty-six years old. According to the zodiac sign, the guy is endowed with all the character traits characteristic of Capricorn. Namely, resilience, stability, perseverance, perseverance, artistry.
The eastern horoscope gave Bilan the sign of a bright, impressionable, creative, artistic, shocking and talented Rooster.

Dima Bilan: the photos in his youth and now have changed a little, since the guy changed his haircut and lost a lot of weight. His look in later photos and videos became more serious and sad.

At the same time, the young man’s height reached 180 centimeters, and his weight reached seventy-five kilograms.

Recently, information circulated on the Internet that Dima Bilan lost 8 kg in 2016, the reasons for this are unclear. They were considered either unhappy love for Pelageya or nervous exhaustion. However, everything was much simpler, since the guy developed gastritis from his nomadic touring life. Bilan decided to eat right, promoting a raw food diet, and also took up sports.

Biography of Dima Bilan

Dima Bilan's biography is simple incredible story, which happened to a boy who was named Vitya Belan at birth. He was born in Karachay-Cherkessia, but lived all his childhood years in Kabardino-Balkaria.
His father, Nikolai Belan, worked as an ordinary mechanic and designer at the KamAZ plant, and his mother, Nina Belan, helped elderly and needy citizens in the social service.

My sister, Elena Zimina, is older than my brother, she first washed dishes in restaurants, and now works as a fashion designer, happily married to a promising lawyer.

Sister - Anna Belan - the most beloved and youngest. She has lived in America for a long time, and dreams of becoming opera singer. The baby was constantly raised by Dima, because the parents constantly worked and returned home late. Now my brother considers Anechka his daughter. He films her in his videos, sings a duet and even sometimes goes to tours. Currently, brother and sister see each other infrequently because they live in different countries.

Little Dimka had a thin ear for music, he was given to music school accordion class. The boy constantly participated in music competitions and took first places. At the same time, the nimble boy had nowhere to take him, so he went to first grade with older sister when he was six years old. Dima was an excellent student and also took part in school amateur performances.

The guy entered Gnesinka, from which he graduated three years later, after which he changed his name to his grandfather’s. This happened when the guy’s producer Yuri Aizenshpis advised him to take a sonorous pseudonym, after which Dmitry released his first album in 2003 and took part in the “New Wave”.

After this, Bilan began to collect first prizes at international competitions, his albums became popular, and the singer himself was recognized official ambassador in Sochi - 2014.
Currently, Dmitry is constantly shooting new videos and writing hits, twice participating in the international Eurovision competition from Russia, finally taking first place. He is also a dubbing actor, as he gave his voice to the characters. animated films"Frozen" and "Trolls".

For almost three years, the young man has been a participant in the talent shows “The Voice” and “The Voice. Children" he does a dizzying career to the cinema.

Recently, the news spread all over the Internet that Dima Bilan had cancer because he lost weight, cut his hair bald and began to hide from the cameras. These rumors were not confirmed, since the actor and singer explained that he lost weight due to constant exercise and a balanced diet. A strange haircut was needed in order to get into a new movie, and he was actually in the hospital because he was operating on a hernia that had suddenly become strangulated.

Personal life of Dima Bilan

Dima Bilan’s personal life is constantly hidden from prying eyes, so he tries not to reveal secrets to anyone, except perhaps his sisters and parents. Fans often talk about how Dmitry showed them signs of attention and made unambiguous proposals, however, these facts remained at the level of gossip and rumors.

The next rumor was the news of an unconventional sexual orientation young singer, since fans began to notice that Bilan happily wears an earring in his ear and jewelry that emphasizes the “blueness” of his owner. And in response to all the questions about orientation and strange jewelry, Dmitry only smiled in response.

Journalists claim that Bilan himself fueled interest in his possible gay. The guy said that he has a positive attitude towards holding a gay pride parade in the Russian capital. He sincerely wished happiness and success in relationships for these kinds of couples.

They also said that Dmitry Bilan has a soul mate, and her name is Rowens Pritula. This young man constantly appears next to the singer. They even vacationed together in hot countries. Then these gossips faded away, as interest in them disappeared completely.

But Dima is constantly surrounded by young and incredibly beautiful girls, novels were attributed to Yulia Sarkisova and Natalya Samoletova, Oksana Grigorieva and Anna Moshkovich, Yulia Volkova and some Lyalya.

It was often said that Bilan had an affair with a colleague on the program “The Voice” and “The Voice. Children" Pelageya, but the singer dotted the i's by simply giving birth to little Tayusha from her common-law husband.

The brightest page in Dmitry’s personal life was his “romance” with producer Yana Rudkovskaya, who was next to him for many years, helping him and pushing him forward along the musical ladder. The young people never revealed the ins and outs of their relationship, although they did not recognize it as an ordinary PR campaign.

At the same time, Rudkovskaya says that Bilan is creative project, in which a huge amount of financial resources was invested.

Dima Bilan's family

Dima Bilan's family currently consists of parents and sisters, since the singer does not yet have his own wife and children. The guy constantly talks about how he was born into a very ordinary, Soviet, working-class family. Dima claims that a craving for art, music, and perseverance in achieving one’s own goals can help one get out of any hopeless situation and lift one to the top of the creative Olympus.

Parents are those people for whom Dima constantly allocates a few minutes of free time, he remembers what they did for him and is ready to pay a hundredfold. At the same time, the singer often recalls grandma Nina, who saw creative possibilities boy and brought him to the choir.

Children of Dima Bilan

Dima Bilan’s children have not yet been born either, although fans constantly talk about the fact that they gave birth to a child from their idol. The most interesting thing is that the famous singer and TV presenter does not have children, and their birth is not planned in the near future.

Bilan claims that he is not yet thinking about noisy children, because he will not be able to find time from his busy schedule. tour schedule in order to at least conceive a future heir. At the same time, the guy does not have a life partner who would be ready to love him and give him a baby. Currently, there are several purebred dogs next to Dmitry.

Dmitry Bilan adores his godson Sashenka Plushenko, who is the son of Yana Rudkovskaya and the famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko. It is the blond angel with blue eyes that fans most often mistake for Bilan’s natural child, because Instagram and social networks are full of photographs and videos of Alexander.
Journalists also often mistake his sister Anya for her over-aged daughter, who often appears next to him and even sings a duet.

Dima Bilan's wife

To the delight of many female fans, Dima Bilan’s wife has not yet appeared for the singer; she is not even in the near future. The thing is that the young man is busy with his career and does not have free time to start a love affair.

On the contrary, there are a huge number of rumors on the Internet that relate to Dima’s marriage. And also, his chosen ones. The most popular of them directly relate to the person Elena Kuletskaya, who was a model and simply a beauty.

The whole country watched with interest as Dmitry film set The Eurovision show announced to the whole world that he was ready to give her his hand and heart. Fans were upset when they realized that their favorite had found his soul mate. And they began to wait for wedding photographs, but the miracle did not happen. The worst thing is that at one of the conferences, young people laughingly admitted that they had never loved each other. The whole wedding idea is nothing more than a skillful PR move by their managers.

They specified that the guy lived in a civil marriage with two girls, but this turned out to be ridiculous rumors. Yulianna Krylova reported that she is not a wife, but a friend and an active fan of the singer, and a certain Lyalya, about whom Bilan and his sister spoke, remained somehow mythical creature, which no one has ever seen.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dima Bilan

Dima Bilan’s Instagram and Wikipedia have long been available to the famous and incredibly talented singer. Which in a short period of time received the love of millions of fans and, of course, fans. The young man has profiles in all in social networks, including Instagram.

More than two million admirers of his talent have subscribed to his officially confirmed page. Numerous photos and videos from personal archive The singer's songs are of high quality, they are provided with comments by Bilan himself, and are dedicated not only to concerts, but also to photographs of his sisters or mother.
At the same time, on Instagram you can find latest news, to know creative plans. And also, discuss how the concert tours went.

Wikipedia also has an article dedicated to Dima Bilan, which contains verified facts about his childhood, school studies, as well as family and personal life. There is information directly related to music videos and discography of the young singer.

For the first time, the media started talking about Dima’s serious romance in the context of Elena Kuletskaya. The singer met the model on the set of his video, and since then they have been in a relationship for several years. Many were We are sure that the matter will end in a wedding, but this did not happen.

It is known that this romance did not end in anything, and the couple broke up. It is unknown who owns the heart of the eligible groom. Fans often attribute the man to relationships with prominent representatives of show business, and some also suggest that the singer has returned to ex-girlfriend, but does not report this publicly.

Maybe Bilan is trying not to deviate from the style of a favorite of women. Maybe his heart is already taken? Most recently, the singer was seen in a campaign for the charming model Leila. But still Dmitry denies all kinds of novels. And at 31 years old, the musician is already ready for family life, all that remains is to find your favorite one.

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but I like Dima Bilan and I love him sometimes I dream of how to grow up quickly and at least hug him, I haven’t seen him live, I want him to come to our city and sing songs for his birthday in the city of Raduzhny in the Neftyanik cultural center

Rumors were spread about Bilan that he was having an affair with model Lena Kuletskaya. But it turned out to be PR. Sometimes the singer appeared with Krylova. He filmed his “Safety” video with her. However, Dmitry stated that they were just friends.

Little is known about the personal life of 34-year-old Bilan. For a long time he dated model Elena Kuletskaya, but it later turned out that the romance was fake. In 2012, Dima was also credited with tender feelings for Yulia Volkova, but the couple quickly broke up. Now, according to the artist, he puts all his strength into his work. Dmitry emphasizes that no matter how much he dreams of a strong relationship, he understands that he is not yet ready for such responsibility.

Personal life of Dima Bilan. News today 02/27/2018

And if many fans thought that this photo was taken solely as part of joint creativity, it soon became clear that this was not entirely true. It turns out that the young people went to America, where had fun time. In particular, they visited a flea market together, which, according to Bilan, they were “defeated.”

Dima Bilan was born on December 24, 1981 in the family of an engineer and a social worker. On appeared in small town Ust-Dzhegut (Karachay-Cherkessia). Dima Bilan's real name is Viktor Nikolaevich Belan. In addition to Victor, the Belan family had two daughters - Anna and Elena. Later family future star moved to Kabardino-Balkaria and settled in the city of Maisky.

Dima Bilan's health status. Main news today 02/27/2018

Dima Bilan gets along well with children, which is confirmed by his participation in the show “The Voice. Children". The singer admitted that he really wants to start a family and become a father, but is not ready for this yet.

Despite the fact that 35-year-old Dima Bilan is considered one of eligible bachelors domestic show business, nothing is known about the singer’s personal life. The last novel, who is known to the press, was with model Elena Kuletskaya back in 2011: then the couple promised to get married, but the matter never came to the registry office. Over all these few years, Dima appeared in public only with girlfriends, but now the media are sure that his heart popular singer busy.

Journalists claim that Bilan himself fueled interest in his possible unconventional orientation. The guy said that he has a positive attitude towards holding a gay pride parade in the Russian capital. He sincerely wished happiness and success in relationships for these kinds of couples.

2016 was a fruitful year for the singer. The artist is touring with solo concerts throughout Russia, as well as abroad, acts in films, and still participates in many festivals and television projects.

The next rumor was the news of the young singer’s unconventional sexual orientation, as fans began to notice that Bilan happily wears an earring in his ear and jewelry that emphasizes the “blueness” of his owner. And in response to all the questions about orientation and strange jewelry, Dmitry only smiled in response.

Later, Dmitry Bilan's songs appear quite often on music channels and fashion radio stations, consistently becoming hits. Singer participates in music competitions New wave" and "Eurovision", where he took first place the second time.

A real sensation on the Internet was caused by a video depicting how Alla Pugacheva and Dima Bilan performed the hit “Loving Do Not Renounce.” The performers received applause from the guests of the evening and enthusiastic comments from users. But fans paid attention not so much to the song and its original presentation, but to the photo where Bilan’s trousers are too tight.

While still a student, Dima Bilan met his future producer Yuri Aizenshpis, he had talent and began working with him. In 2002, Dima Bilan made his debut on the stage of the Russian festival in Jurmala - “New Wave”, where he presented his composition “Boom” and took fourth place. After the competition, the shooting of a video for this song followed, and then also for the compositions “I am a night hooligan”, “You, only you” and “I was wrong, I got caught”. The video for the song “I love you so much” featured the daughter of Igor Krutoy.

In 2013, answering a journalist’s question about his attitude to the events at Euromaidan, Bilan said that he had not yet understood what was happening: “It would be enough to understand what is happening in Russia, and then open my horizons wider. I can not say anything. I’m probably sorry, right?” In 2016, the singer performed at the “We Are Together” concert-rally, dedicated to the anniversary of the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Later, due to his touring activities on the peninsula, he was included in the database of the Myrotvorets website, which compiles lists of citizens accused of “illegally crossing the border of Ukraine.”

For the last few years, his personal life (35) has remained a secret under seven locks: the singer was not seen in relationships with girls, and refused to comment on it. But in the interview " Izvestia“he admitted: the status of a free man now suits him quite well.

He stated: “I can say with absolute certainty that now I will enjoy absolute independence. Both in creative and personal relationships. I like my current status - “free.”

In September, Dima said the same thing. In an interview with the portal " StarHit“He admitted that he has too much to do and is not yet ready to be distracted by relationships: “I would call myself happily retired. It took me a long time to achieve this and now I value the feeling of lightness. “...” Today for me to be left to myself is happiness. Don’t call anyone, don’t report to anyone, don’t worry about anyone...” And in 2013, Dima generally said: I don’t like weddings: “It was always a shock for me. Such cosmic happiness is expected, but in reality - face down into salad and drunken dancing on tables.”

But once Dima almost got married. He had a five-year relationship with a model (34) - this is the most high-profile romance singer during his 14-year career. They met in 2006 at a French airport. Charles de Gaulle”, but then they did not pay attention to each other, and a month later they met again - already on the set of the video “It Was Love”. A dizzying romance began between the singer and the model. In 2008, Dima even promised to marry Kuletskaya: “I’ll be back with” Eurovision“And I’ll marry Lena!” But in 2011, their “relationship gradually faded away,” as Lena said in an interview, and the couple broke up.

Since then, Dima has not spoken to the press about his relationship and has led a secluded life in his country house in outskirts of Moscow.