Rooster: description and characteristics. Types of rooster according to the eastern horoscope Years of the wooden rooster

  • 16.08.2024

A person born in the year of the Rooster is a deep thinker, a gifted person, a dreamer. He loves to work, is devoted to his work, tries to fulfill any obligation, even one that is beyond his strength.

When is the year of the Rooster?

Years of the Rooster: 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017.

The Rooster is considered the guardian of progress and internal self-improvement, the personification of exaggeration of one’s own strengths, as well as a symbol of the repeatability (cyclicity) of natural processes.

As is clear from the behavior of their winged brothers, people of the Year of the Rooster often “get cocky” and are not shy in their words or actions. They are frank and very eccentric, extremely sensitive and at the same time very enterprising.

In the Year of the Rooster, know how to spin: unemployment will increase this year. Watch your behavior: law and order are clear.

The year is good for Rats, Dragons, Horses, Roosters and Pigs; bad year for Tigers, Rabbits and Snakes; neutral for Oxen, Goats, Dogs and Monkeys.

Rooster according to the horoscope: what kind of person is he?

According to the horoscope, the Rooster man takes himself too seriously, loves flattery, loves to show off. Failure can throw him out of balance.

Sometimes he does not mince words, says what he thinks, is aggressive, straightforward, and is always confident that he is right. His frankness and straightforwardness are most likely associated with selfishness.

The Rooster is indifferent to the vulnerability of others and believes that there is no need to spare others. In a word, the Rooster and diplomacy are incompatible things.

Roosters are often lonely and withdrawn, sometimes giving the impression of decisive people. If necessary, the Rooster is capable of showing bravery and even courage; he would make a good warrior. However, he boasts more than he does.

He loves to be noticed, does not trust anyone, relies only on himself. The man of the year of the Rooster always has many fantastic plans that are rarely realized.

He seems like an adventurer, but this is far from true. The Rooster is a conservative to the core, loves to dream and contemplate.

The Rooster must work to make a living, and if the field of activity is favorable, he can become rich. Always finds what he's looking for.

But if suddenly the Rooster allows himself to indulge in daydreaming and laziness, as he loves to do, then he can become one of the funny vagabond philosophers.

But this is ultimately also one of the ways to attract attention. Can make a career in the field of agriculture and those professions where you need to deal with people.

The Man of the Year of the Rooster does not know how to save and constantly spends everything he earns. Because of this, he may suffer ruin, bankruptcy, or disaster - as a reward for his excessive dreaminess and wastefulness.

Those born in the year of the Rooster will have ups and downs during all three phases of their life. This applies to both the material sphere and the sphere of relationships.

His path will go from poverty to wealth, from ideal love to its most disgusting manifestations. But his old age will be happy. In the East they note that two Roosters in one house make life unbearable.

Character of the Rooster according to the horoscope

Such people, both men and women, are ready to endlessly “circle in one place,” forgetting not only about diplomacy, but also about the basic rules of decency, just to achieve their goal.

There are many paradoxes in their character. To attract attention, they are ready to play the role of a lazy person and a parasite, although in reality they would like to work for seven people.

Despising the vain pursuit of sharp fashion, they nevertheless, as a rule, dress very provocatively and even loudly.

Most Roosters adhere to clearly expressed conservative beliefs, but this does not prevent them from being courageous, desperately brave and very adventurous in the most risky situations.

These people perceive any failures extremely painfully and, at the slightest opportunity, hold others responsible for their loss.

If they happen to fall into a persistent streak of bad luck, they prefer to give up everything and go wherever they look, covering their decision with a supposedly irresistible desire to see what is happening in other lands.

He has a brilliant intellect, so he is ready to try himself in a business that does not correspond to his natural abilities. The more this overgrown chick experiences the world, the greater his desire to achieve excellence in what it has to offer.

The Rooster knows how to make a very good living and is ready to demonstrate both theoretical and practical skills. He is talkative, kind, persistent, but sometimes a little picky.

Confidence is not a hallmark of this sign, and Roosters are usually much less calm than they would like to appear to others. Most people like the rooster, and some are simply delighted with it. What type are you?

Years of the Rooster and their elements

Time of domination

Yang or yin

Rooster element Fire

  • In the case of the Fire Rooster, a lot depends on the individual, and besides, regardless of the element, it is quite difficult for the rooster to change his natural character.
  • If we talk about the fiery rooster, then a number of its features in this combination give way to a more direct reaction to the events happening to it.
  • This makes him more cheerful and sociable and less demanding. This bird is as practical as all the others, although it is more willing to hand over responsibility.
  • It is also said that the Rooster of the Fire element is more likely to be willing to accept your reasonable proposals.
  • He will never be careless, but still, of all the roosters, he is the one that comes closest to this characteristic. As a bonus, you will receive this sign's traditional devotion, good organizational skills and loyalty to family values.
  • The Fire Rooster is supposed to be one of the greatest lovers on earth, as it has integrity and physical energy.
  • Add to this the flexibility and openness that sets him apart from other roosters, and perhaps the rumors regarding his skill will turn out to be true.
  • You will experience pleasure while being around him, and you will definitely not be able to find a more reliable and constant partner in any circumstances.
  • Take care that habits do not turn into routine, and - who knows - perhaps this Rooster will turn out to be the best of all!

Rooster element Metal

  • Do you want your home to be clean, your clothes ironed, your saucers washed, and your life scheduled by day and hour? If you immediately answered “yes” to all these questions, then it would be wise for you to enter into an alliance with the Metal Rooster.
  • The problem is that you will be living with a person who expects a lot, not only from himself, but from you too, and you may not be able to withstand such pressure.
  • All roosters are rather indecisive and therefore are not ready to immediately enter into a relationship, although the Rooster of the Metal element is certainly different from his brothers.
  • While he's unlikely to sweep you off your feet with confessions, he'll almost certainly tidy up your apartment and show his affection through practical actions.
  • At the same time, the Metal Rooster is quite talkative, even if he cannot say anything important.
  • In terms of his abilities, this most practical of the zodiac signs is unlikely to yield the palm to anyone. Success in business is guaranteed for him, and it should be noted that even with this, the metal rooster will always have time to help you.
  • The Rooster of the Metal element, both a woman and a man, is ready to take care of the whole world, and, like a real rooster from a farm, will keep order from morning to evening.
  • Meanwhile, he is very kind, rarely aggressive, a passionate and inventive lover, whose vital energy knows no bounds.
  • And if he starts crowing, it will only be out of joy, and since you have become a part of his life, he will probably stay with you if you don’t get tired first.

Rooster element Earth

  • This Rooster is very charming, has integrity and is simply happy to be what nature created him to be. This is not bad, because most roosters are much less confident in their own abilities than earth roosters. To a large extent, what you see is what you get.
  • The Earth Rooster is usually less talkative than other members of his family and is unlikely to make a fuss about anything, except perhaps clothes scattered around the house or a mess in the bathroom.
  • Here we meet a natural homebody. It usually has a sophisticated appearance. The Earth Rooster is often teased at school as a "crammer" or a "fashionist."
  • In fact, this is just his natural appearance, although those around him may think that he is just posing.
  • The Earth Rooster loves to host dinners for a small circle of friends, who often remain his friends for life. Ups and downs do not affect his well-being too much, so those around him always enjoy his company.
  • But all that glitters is not gold. Everything written above is true as long as circumstances develop the way the Rooster wants. This person may constantly grumble and bother others if reality does not meet his expectations.
  • He can be quite materialistic and usually expects only the best. In love, the Earthly Rooster is constant, sincere and quite ready to make some sacrifices. The character of this rooster is full of paradoxes!

Rooster element Tree

  • This is probably the most successful and calm combination of sign and element for the rooster, it should make this bird even more pleasant to communicate with. However, for whom is it “pleasant”? Probably not for you if you partner with a Wood Rooster.
  • Although he is very funny and capable, unusually caring and successful, he can drive almost any other sign of the Chinese zodiac into hysterics.
  • Why? The fact is that the Rooster of the Wood element knows the best way to do almost any task, and will not forget to tell you about it. The only problem is that you may not want to do something at all!
  • The fact is that when it comes to the practical side of life, the Wood Rooster has no equal, so here is the only big problem with his character: not only does he consider himself a luminary in any matter, he is actually right in his rightness!
  • His every glance tells you: “But I was right!” - and this look will anger you much more than any of his words. Indeed, your home will be clean and comfortable, your car will be spotless, and your children will always be supervised, but will you be happy?
  • There are many people with different personalities in the world, and it is fair to say that the Wood Rooster is the most consistent and reliable person you will ever meet.
  • The relationship will undoubtedly last a lifetime, as his devotion knows no bounds.
  • Many simply cannot dream of a love of such depth and strength, and you will also see that he is able to earn money with almost no effort.
  • Only a certain type of person suits the Wood Rooster. If you don't feel instinctive closeness, look further.

Rooster element Water

  • He is a very useful and very cunning bird and, all things considered, he can stand out in a whole coop.
  • Of course, a rooster will always be a rooster, so you should understand from the very beginning that you are dealing with an extremely restless type. Once you understand and accept this fact, life with a Water Rooster will not seem so bad.
  • From the very beginning, the Rooster of the Water element will be willing to help you. He is probably the most flexible of all the roosters. In a practical sense, and especially in matters related to the household, the Rooster is more or less guaranteed to be a professional.
  • Of course, he may have his own idea of ​​​​what is happening and may not change his opinion in favor of yours, but at least the work will be completed.
  • The Water Rooster is very intelligent, can be very charming, and is unlikely to bother you in public like most other Roosters prefer to do.
  • Any rooster is not prone to impulsiveness, although Water gives the rooster originality and gives him a sense of humor, usually black.
  • One thing that sets him apart from other Chinese zodiac signs is that he definitely knows his inner nature very well and can laugh at his own shortcomings.
  • Few of us are capable of this, and this trait can be a great addition to any relationship.
  • The Water elemental Rooster is imaginative and is likely to be a good lover as long as the sheets remain clean and the bedroom tidy. Consistency is his hallmark, so with him you can forget about cheating.

People born in the year of the Rooster

Nero, Alexander Kolchak, Catherine II, Emperor of Japan Akihito, Rabindranath Tagore, Peter Ustinov, Valery Bryusov, Andrei Voznesensky, Yuri Shevchuk, Yuri Nikulin, Joan Collins, Vladimir Dahl, Andrei Sakharov, Nancy Reagan, Baron Guy de Rothschild, Evgeniy Yevtushenko, Gennady Khazanov, Niels Bohr, Katharine Hepburn, Somerset Maugham, Nicholas Roerich, Steve Martin, Stanislav Lem, Enrico Caruso, Giuseppe Verdi, Richard Wagner, Johann Strauss.

In 2005, the Green Monkey was replaced by the tenth sign of the Chinese Zodiac - the Rooster. Chinese name for Rooster: Ji. This is a proud, vociferous, brightly colorful, cheerful creature. He is a symbol of a new, pre-dawn beginning; he is the first to rush towards the coming day and loudly notifies us about it. His best traits are the ability to keep promises, reliability and a sense of dignity. The coming 2005 Year of the Rooster will be blue. The color of the year depends on the primary element of the Universe that rules this year. In this case we mean Tree.

People born this year are distinguished by elegance, eloquence and charm. They dress with great care and may spend a lot of money on their outfits. At the same time, they are quite conservative both in fashion and in their habits. These are born leaders, although they have great difficulty establishing close relationships. They are very accurate in their assessments, as they are very observant; They are simple and straightforward, but they cannot be fooled, since they are endowed with caution, a sharp mind and insight.

They love to be the center of attention, to be flattered and given compliments. Sharp-tongued, resourceful and enterprising, the Rooster loves to dream, and can spend his whole life searching for his ideal. He is brave and enthusiastic, very intelligent, never cries, does not complain, and is picky about acquaintances and friendships. And if he really loves someone seriously, he can sacrifice a lot for the happiness of his loved one.

The rooster, according to the Chinese, is a bird that loves flattery and often behaves aggressively. He is selfish, boastful and arrogant. Therefore, in the coming new year, you should behave boldly and persistently, not allowing the Rooster to get the better of you. However, the Rooster is open. He says that he thinks that this will make it unlikely that you will have any misunderstandings or misunderstandings during the year. Everything will be clear and understandable, without hints or unnecessary words.

Another feature of the Rooster is constant activity. Therefore, this year the Rooster will be more loyal to hard workers, and will push lazy people into the background. Work, create, act, but under no circumstances take risks! And the Rooster will be on your side! The Rooster can achieve the greatest understanding in the new year with the Ox, Snake, and Dragon.

Success will be achieved by those who have determination, rely on their own strengths and are ready to selflessly fight for their rights and intentions. To provide yourself with a “living wage”, you will have to work hard - nothing will just fall into your beak. But even dull everyday life can be turned into a holiday, and there will be enough adventures, flirtations and external forms of self-expression in such a year. This is a good time for sports achievements and a military career.

The Year of the Rooster will gather under its banner people for whom marital ties, collective relationships and social sustainability are not empty words, but concrete and important concepts. Many of those for whom the experience they have gained have helped to see how necessary support from people is in life, try to do everything themselves to become useful, achieve recognition and earn authority in the eyes of others.

Women will have the opportunity to show their best feminine qualities, which are so valued by men - patience, reliability, faith in the result of common efforts and the ability to provide support in difficult times.

Here's what the Year of the Rooster promises for other signs:

adapts well to the accelerated pace of life and orients himself in any circumstances. Everything is going well, and changes in society do not affect her much. Her interests will expand, new hobbies and interests will appear. In the foreground there will be material issues that the rat will resolve persistently and successfully.

The Ox will be happy to plunge into work, which he will have more of this year, and will not pay attention to the bustle and squabbles in his immediate environment. His confidence has returned and he will get back to work with zeal. He will have the opportunity not only to maintain his main positions, but also to make significant progress. And his natural honesty will be duly appreciated this year.

The tiger will be at the center of the struggle for some rights and goals. This year will be a year of real rebellion. He will continue to fight. His energy will be comparable to a tightly drawn bowstring, and problems await those who stand in his way. Still, it is worth remembering that it makes sense not only to take, but also to give; then many issues will be resolved by themselves, and problems will not arise.

The cat will constantly calculate the best options for the development of events and try to maintain stability in a rather tense environment. All this irritates him a little, since he finds the Rooster funny. It will be easier for him to understand what is happening than for others, and it is likely that the cat will be able to take advantage of this more than once.

Will find a way to shine and be creative in any business. His determination and wisdom will help him take on leadership functions in difficult situations and achieve success in any area. The ability to foresee the course of events will keep you from acting rashly, and ambition will lead you to your goal.

He will get what he wants if he is patient and waits for the most opportune moment to take decisive action. She will need intuition and sensitivity to the trends that will develop in society. For the team in which the Snake works, it can turn out to be an invaluable find, because... will find a way to move the overall project forward.

He will openly declare his intentions and will readily take part in profitable affiliate programs. Her enthusiasm and hard work will earn the respect of others. It is important to reliably provide rear support and build relationships within the framework of mutual interests and trust.

The Goat will often be nervous, but, as always, it will cope with current affairs better than anyone else. Without failing to complain about the unfair workload and insufficient profits. Personal life and entertainment will still bring a fresh spirit to her everyday life and delight her with surprises.

I must gather all my prudence and realize that now is not the time to be in the forefront. She will be able to do a lot while remaining in the shadows and indirectly directing the development of events. It is important for her to maintain safe relationships and make informed decisions.

The Rooster will be in favor and will finally be able to realize his wildest dreams! Success awaits him in his career and personal life. But it is still worth remembering that no one will cancel the need for him to work hard and hard in order to provide himself with a foundation for the future.

The dog will often be in opposition to the decisions and intentions of the majority. But faith in her own strength and sense of justice will help her find like-minded people and new friends. The ability to keep secrets and generosity are a trump card for attracting sympathy and skillful leadership.

The Pig will be pleased with the opportunities that arise when the work promises good profits. You can afford an independent position, pleasant acquisitions and new pleasures. But it’s better not to relax and take advantage of every opportunity to increase what you already have and expand your prospects for the future. Work will bring a lot to the Pig this year. Everything works out for the better. Life is wonderful!

If earlier preparations for New Year's Eve consisted only of purchasing a Christmas tree and food for the festive table, now we, residents of Russia, strive to celebrate the New Year according to the calendar of distant China. Long before the holiday, you need to think about your outfit, which will depend on where you will celebrate the New Year and with whom.

The Rooster loves bright clothes, so astrologers recommend celebrating the New Year in clothes of bright, flashy colors. And definitely in a fun company or in a romantic setting!

By the way, it is not at all necessary to celebrate the Year of the Rooster in all blue or green. It is quite appropriate to mix styles in a suit and bright colors - orange, pistachio, light green, lemon. The most fashionable color is orange. The second most popular is bright green. Third place is shared by blue and purple. On New Year's Eve, you need to think about putting together a harmonious ensemble of things that no one would think of wearing together!

In the year of the Rooster, even a completely bald person must have a comb in his pocket. And representatives of the fairer sex, at the arrival of the Year of the Rooster, force everyone present at the table to crow three times and jump on one leg.

A. Vladov

, Earth Rooster, Metal Rooster, Water Rooster.

The Wood Rooster almost always succeeds, even in very difficult matters. He is characterized by such character traits as honesty, thoroughness, pride and the ability to work with people. For him, there is nothing more important than his family, loved ones and friends. He loves everything, is happy with everything, everything works out for him. He would still learn to take on only what he is really strong in, and not to be scattered over trifles - then there would be no value for him.

The Wood Rooster is more open to the world, more attentive to others and has broader views than other Roosters. While not at all as stubborn and self-confident as they are, he still tends to complicate things and create problems for himself. He needs to learn to curb his enthusiasm and try not to overestimate himself. In addition, one should not expect that everyone is endowed with the same tenacity and dedication to the goal that he himself is endowed with. Despite all his good intentions, the monotonous mechanical work he gives to his subordinates and the routine he sets for them can turn people away from him.

The element of Wood makes him move forward, and if this is combined with his natural honesty and integrity, he reaches the heights of success, and the graphs and diagrams of his results are amazing. He is an open-minded person, fair and sociable, who unselfishly invests in the well-being of others. He tries to correct and improve the situation in society.

Because he values ​​an atmosphere of warmth and intimacy, he tries to get along and become friends with the people he works with, and they trust him very much. And yet he is a Rooster, and will never miss the opportunity to make a caustic remark if he doesn’t like something. At the same time, he always strives for safety. Life will smile on him, he will not take on too many ambitious projects at once.

Wood Rooster according to Chinese Horoscope

Cheerful, sociable, open, the Wood Rooster knows how to show his best side and instantly win people over. He knows how to find an approach to everyone. This Rooster respects traditions, values ​​the family hearth and true life values. Of the Roosters, he is the calmest. Despite the fact that the Wood Rooster is a pugnacious and boastful sign, he does not succumb to the influence of the moment, but remains true to his beliefs and ideals.

Since this sign is ruled by Wood, it gives it the ability to cooperate. He communicates with people respectfully, demonstrating good manners, and at the same time very subtly imposes his principles on his interlocutor. Thanks to all these qualities, the Wood Rooster has a good chance of occupying leadership positions. He is calm and therefore pleasant to work with. In a high position, he takes care of his subordinates.

Wood Rooster Man

An energetic man with great desire and eagerness takes care of the affairs of his loved ones. He is a very devoted person; the interests of his friends and family come first. At work, he proves himself to be a responsible employee, always full of ideas for improving labor productivity. The Wood Rooster is an active man, sometimes he overburdens himself with public affairs, which harms his personal life. He is an intelligent, highly educated person, it is pleasant to communicate with him, he is a real storehouse of knowledge. However, he can be too stubborn and persistent in defending his interests, which causes bewilderment among others. In general, the Wood Rooster is a pleasant man in all respects, worthy of respect.

The Wood Rooster is a charming man; women endlessly admire his casual manner of conversation. Dating with him leaves the most pleasant memories, he is a generous gentleman, what is important: with a rich imagination. Having created a family, he faithfully serves the interests of loved ones. He strives to devote all his free time to his wife and children; it is impossible to convict him of betrayal and deceit. His head is busy with everything, but not flirting with women. He loves to surprise his loved ones and constantly gives them surprises. The Wood Rooster is a sentimental man and reacts sensitively to quarrels and scandals. He considers his family a reliable fortress, suffers painfully from inattention, and longs to hear words of love.

Wooden Rooster Woman

For a woman born in the year of the Wood Rooster, there are no impossible tasks. This is a purposeful, persistent and energetic person, capable of turning the world upside down for the sake of her plans. Moreover, those around her speak of her as the kindest and noblest person. The Wooden Rooster is a sociable woman, there are a lot of people around her and she is sincerely friendly with everyone. She is distinguished by her light, cheerful character, and most importantly: honesty. He will not intrigue in order to achieve a goal, but if necessary, he can take advantage of his feminine attractiveness. Thanks to his resilient character, he easily overcomes life's difficulties. In addition, he tries to help his loved ones, at least with advice.

In a love relationship, the Wood Rooster is an enthusiastic woman who sincerely adores her chosen one. Believes in a strong marriage, dreams of family life. This is a faithful and devoted partner, ready to devote herself to caring for her husband and children. A cheerful, always positive woman is a real gift for a timid man. She can easily cope with all everyday problems; her enthusiasm and energy are enough for two. Although she can be demanding and impatient. The Wood Rooster works tirelessly for the good of the family, but loved ones should also provide all possible assistance. Even minor family quarrels deprive her of peace of mind. She is not able to be offended and sulk for a long time, she is the first to reconcile.

  • 1909 January 22 - element of the year earth
  • 1921 February 8 - element of the year metal
  • 1933 January 26 - element of the year water
  • 1945 February 13 - element of the year tree
  • 1957 January 31st - element of the year fire
  • 1969 February 17 - element of the year earth
  • 1981 February 5 - element of the year metal
  • 1993 January 23 - element of the year water
  • 2005 February 9 - element of the year tree
  • 2017 January 28 - element of the year fire

The Metal Rooster is prone to thinking. He has the talent and ability to analyze, classify and reason. His mind sorts and examines everything in detail. He is hardworking and pragmatic, and all this together makes him a true treasure in any business, no matter what business he starts.

In addition to their intellectual interests, these people enjoy leading a rich and varied social life. Although he may retain his fighting qualities, he knows how to cooperate and get along with people. He can also be a close friend, faithful and sincere. Only his companions and relatives know about his desire for leadership and emotional poverty. Since these people were born in the sign of the Rooster, they are characterized by a share of narcissism and selfishness. However, they sincerely want to contribute to the common good and help alleviate the world's problems.

People born under the sign of the water rooster have a rich imagination and a magnificent imagination. They are much more flexible than their counterparts (lucky for them). They are able to put themselves in the shoes of others, and this makes them likable individuals. But still, it is sometimes difficult for them to resist the temptation to seem more significant than they really are. They love to charm their interlocutor.

This watermark is not as dreamy as its other counterparts. These people are obsessed with the pursuit of excellence and strive to make a professional career in life. They are not as strict and sacrificial as others. These individuals are very contactable and excellent conversationalists. These qualities, coupled with his initiative and perseverance, make this sign an excellent leader.

Wood Rooster Sign

Cheerful, sociable, open, the Wood Rooster knows how to show his best side and instantly win people over. He knows how to find an approach to everyone. This Rooster respects traditions, values ​​the family hearth and true life values. Of the Roosters, he is the calmest.

Despite the fact that the Wood Rooster is a pugnacious and boastful sign, he does not succumb to the influence of the moment, but remains true to his beliefs and ideals.

Since this sign is ruled by Wood, it gives it the ability to cooperate. He communicates with people respectfully, demonstrating good manners, and at the same time very subtly imposes his principles on his interlocutor. Thanks to all these qualities, the Wood Rooster has a good chance of occupying leadership positions. He is calm and therefore pleasant to work with. In a high position, he takes care of his subordinates.

Thanks to the Fire Heat, this Rooster is energetic and very temperamental. He demands from others as much effort as only he himself can give. He is a born leader; can be authoritarian, hot-tempered, harsh and intolerant. Lack of flexibility and a mania for examining other people's shortcomings under a magnifying glass lead to his alienation from the team, despite the fact that he does this with the best intentions.

The Fire Rooster is tireless, ambitious and plays big. He has great organizational skills, knows how to lead and relies only on his own strength, finding his place in the world. This is a persistent and tireless person.

In matters of the heart, the Fire Rooster is selfish, demands fidelity, but does what he wants. He plays a double game in order to avoid answering at any convenient moment.

This Rooster is ruled by the Earth, so he is attracted to security and comfort. He has a talent for solving practical issues, and he is a committed and efficient worker. At any job he is highly valued for his ability to make decisions and maturity of judgment.

The Earth Rooster rejects innovation, strives to adhere to established rules and traditions, and clings to them like a drowning man to a life preserver. He doesn't like useless or temporary things.

In the Chinese ancient tradition, there are basic five elemental elements - fire, metal, earth, wood and water. The ancient Chinese believed that the generation of the five elements gives rise to everything that exists in heaven, on earth and in man. Each element has its own special character, which determines its interaction with other types of elements. The element of fire is studied, earth is collected, metal is compressed, water sinks down, and wood expands upward. The interaction of the five elements determines the balance in nature, in our everyday space and in ourselves.
Each year is controlled by one of the five elements, influencing the character and destinies of people.
The strength of influence of each element affects differently at different times of the year, with the exception of the Earth, whose influence persists throughout the year. The strongest influence of Wood appears in the spring, Fire - during the summer. Metal - in autumn and Water - in winter.

Influence of 5 elements on the year of the Rooster

Elements of the Year of the Rooster. Each of the elements has a number of initial characteristics and is associated with special colors and shapes.

Years of birth from 01/31/1957 - 02/17/1958 (element fire, color red)
Years of birth from 02/17/1969 - 02/05/1970 (element earth, color yellow)
Years of birth from 02/05/1981 - 01/24/1982 (element metal, color white)
Years of birth from 01/23/1993 - 02/09/1994 (element water, color black)
Years of birth from 02/09/2005 - 01/28/2006 (element wood, color blue)
Years of birth from 01/28/2017 - 02/15/2018 (element fire, color red)

Wooden Rooster years of birth: 1885, 1945, 2005. This is a Rooster who loves to sing. He is very spontaneous, able to speak or sing even when he has nothing to talk about. Wood Rooster women love their home. The Wood Rooster loves to work in a team, which, in turn, trusts him: he is honest and reliable. Sometimes distracted by impossible tasks. Has a wide range of interests, loves travel, values ​​sincere human relationships. The Wooden Rooster is still a Rooster, and his high demands and criticism can infuriate anyone. He needs to learn not to spread himself thin.

Metal Rooster years of birth: 1861, 1921, 1981. This is a Rooster born in a cage. He is both intelligent and active. He enjoys arguing and people respect his honesty. Metal Rooster women are talented and lucky. The Metal Rooster is confident, persistent and purposeful. He can be too harsh and does not accept compromises. He is well versed in his business and is an authority for those around him. He is a passionate and ambitious workaholic, sometimes striving for fame and fortune. At the same time, the Metal Rooster can devote himself to social work, wanting to somehow help humanity. But he is too picky and critical of the mistakes of others. He tries not to show his feelings, and if he doesn’t learn to meet people halfway and relax, no one will need their talents.

Fire Rooster years of birth: 1897, 1957, 2017. This is the Rooster who wants to do everything his own way. He is sensitive and sociable and is always happy to meet influential people. Fire Rooster women are talented, elegant and happy. The Fire Rooster has exceptional willpower, the qualities of a leader and organizer, but sometimes underestimates the importance of personal human relationships and is overly straightforward and harsh. They make good leaders and managers. Fire Roosters have high goals and noble intentions. An insufficiently developed sense of tact prevents him from implementing his bold projects.

Water Rooster years of birth: 1873, 1933, 1993. This is a Rooster born in a barn. He is direct and fair. However, he loves to talk and cannot keep secrets. The Water Rooster is a fan of speaking from the podium, arguing until he is hoarse and conducting endless discussions. He has inexhaustible energy and endurance, which help him achieve his cherished goal. Sometimes he is inclined to take small things unworthy of attention as serious obstacles. They are compassionate and often gain support through persuasion rather than intimidation. Water makes Water Roosters more sensitive. They easily adapt to changes and, unlike other Roosters, are not so power-hungry.

Earth Rooster years of birth: 1849, 1909, 1969. This is the Rooster who crows and shows the way. You will enjoy a good life, although there may be complications in family relationships. You are smart and understanding. You will have children late. Women - Earth Roosters are calculating and fickle. The Earth Rooster is persistent and hardworking, respected by friends and colleagues. He does not waste time on trifles and is faithful to the once chosen goal. He takes his work seriously, takes notes, records data - he is very systematic. But he does not like to fight and tries to avoid problems and conflicts, hiding his head in the sand like an ostrich. This is a philosopher who prefers not to share his thoughts with others. But if he speaks, then his words will be direct and coming from the heart.