Singer Andrei Davidyan: biography, photos and interesting facts. Continuation: Prosecutor's Office will deal with Davidian's sudden death From what Davidian died

  • 21.06.2019

Davidian ended up in a hospital bed with appendicitis shortly before his death. Then the operation was performed under general anesthesia. After that, Davidyan went to Riga in full health and, according to Denisov, returned from there "full of creative plans." The musician's stroke was a complete surprise, but the singer's representative believes that the operation to remove the appendix could provoke further tragic consequences.


“We will find out why, at such a respectable age, doctors did not apply to him, for example, a gentle anesthesia? After the surgery, Andrei was worried about pain, so the doctors did another cleaning for him,” Denisov said in a commentary to Moskovsky Komsomolets.

Denisov also noted that Davidyan in the last days of his life was connected to a ventilator. "He spent several days in intensive care. He came to himself. We visited him, he even talked to us, but the speech was very" floated ", every word was given with difficulty. Unfortunately, his condition worsened - he fell into a coma" - said Denisov ...

Now Denisov is preparing for Davidyan's funeral. Tentatively, the farewell will take place on Wednesday, November 16.

Let us remind you that earlier Dni.Ru wrote that Andrei Davidyan, a member of the music project "The Voice", died in a Moscow hospital this morning, November 13. Before that, he fell into a coma after a stroke. Andrei Davidyan has been professionally involved in music since childhood. In 1973 he was the vocalist of the Leap Summer group. Davidyan stood at the origins of Russian rock. He performed with the groups "Victoria", "Alterego", "SV", "Voluntary Society" and "Rock-Atelier". In 1993, Andrei Davidyan founded the group "Sound Cake". In 2013, Davidyan performed as part of a blind audition on the show "The Voice". He performed the song "Georgia on my mind" and was recognized as the "star of the evening".

The representative of the artist is surprised that gentle anesthesia was not applied to the star of "Voices"

One of the brightest participants in the "Voice" TV project, 60-year-old Andrei Davidyan, died in the Botkin hospital on Sunday morning. In recent days, the musician has been desperately fighting for his life, but all efforts have been in vain. As the representative of the artist Yuri Denisov told "MK", ​​at the end of October, Davidyan was already in a hospital bed with appendicitis, while the operation was performed under general anesthesia.

We will find out why, at such an advanced age, doctors did not apply, for example, gentle anesthesia to him. After the surgery, Andrei was worried about pain, so the doctors did another cleaning for him. He managed to go to Riga for a few days. He returned from there full of creative plans. And suddenly on November 5 he had a stroke. Thank God it happened at home, with my family. He was urgently hospitalized at the Botkin hospital. At first we thought it was a stroke. But heart problems were found. Doctors diagnosed ischemic stroke. He spent several days in intensive care. I came to my senses. We visited him, he even talked to us, but the speech was very "floating", every word was given with difficulty. Unfortunately, his condition worsened - he fell into a coma. Recently I was connected to a ventilator. We really hoped that he would be able to defeat the disease. But all the efforts of the doctors were unsuccessful.

His companion Victoria Kolos wrote about the death of the singer on her page on the social network, who posted a joint photo with him and wrote: “Sleep well, my boy ...” The winner of “Voices” Sergey Volchkov also remembered the performer with a kind word: “Today my dear has passed away man, friend, great artist ... "

Andrey was born into a musical family. His father, Sergei Davidyan, is an opera singer, Honored Artist of the USSR, performer of hits by Arno Babajanyan, his mother is a pianist. Andrei himself began to sing at the age of three. It so happened that Davidyan studied at a school with in-depth study of literature and art together with other children of musicians, actors, writers and artists. There he became friends with the son of Bulat Okudzhava Igor. Together they formed an amateur group in which they sang and played on a homemade drum kit.

After school, Andrei tried to enter the theater school. By the way, Efim Shifrin wanted to get into the same course with him, and both of them did not pass the competition. Then, before being drafted into the army, the singer was a member of the Leap Summer group, founded by Chris Kelmi and Alexander Sitkovetsky, and after serving, he immediately became a member of another musical team - the Voluntary Society, where he performed cover versions of the hits of Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin and Grand Funk Railroad. In 1977, together with other musicians, he created the Victoria group, which performed Russian funk. Later he studied at the Institute of Asian and African Countries, traveled to Egypt and Algeria, and after returning home - work in the State Variety Orchestra of Russia, where Andrei got thanks to Maxim Dunaevsky.

Davidyan was a member of the "SV", "Alter-Ego", "Rock-Atelier" groups. The latter collaborated with Lenkom, and it was she who performed the music of the legendary opera Juno and Avos. In 1987, Andrei, along with many celebrities, took part in the filming of a video for the famous song "Closing the Circle", written by Chris Kelmi and Margarita Pushkina. Since 1993, the artist has had his own project "Sound Cake". In recent years, he sang in soul, funk and jazz-rock clubs, performing both world hits and his own compositions.

Davidian loudly reminded of himself to a mass audience in 2013, when he became a participant in the second season of the popular TV competition, and, despite the fact that he dropped out of the show after the quarterfinals, as if he had experienced a second creative youth. In his creative baggage there were various projects, genre experiences. In 2014, he even performed with military bands at the Spasskaya Tower international festival. Alas, now this voice is silent forever.

In the fall of 2013, Andrei Davidyan became one of the brightest participants in the second season of the "Voice" project on Channel One, where he performed in the third blindfold audition and performed the song "Georgia on my mind".

The musician unconditionally became the "star" of the evening - from the very first notes Pelageya and Dima Bilan turned to him, and Alexander Gradsky, who is famous for his intuition, decided that an African American was singing behind him.

However, when all the mentors chose Andrei Davidyan, it became obvious that the masters of the Russian stage were not at all surprised to see an old acquaintance on the stage. Alexander Gradsky said that he had known Andrei Davidyan for many years, and it was extremely offensive for him to realize that such talent was lost on the scenes of smoky restaurants and nightclubs. Leonid Agutin also admitted that he has been communicating with Andrei Davidyan for a long time, and is glad that he decided on such a difficult step, and appeared on the air of the television show "Voice" on Channel One.

Andrey Davidyan was born on January 30, 1956 in Moscow into a musical family. Mother is a famous pianist, father is a tenor Sergey Davidyan.

From the age of three, Andrei became interested in music, already at school he performs popular foreign hits. In 1972, he became a soloist of the legendary rock group Leap Summer, whose members, in addition to him, were Chris Kelmi, Alexander Sitkovetsky, Yuri Titov and Igor Okudzhava. Andrey performed cover versions of Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Grand Funk songs.

After serving in the army, Andrei Davidyan creates the "Voluntary Society" group, continuing to perform cover versions of classic rock hits. With the arrival of twin brothers Pavel and Alexander Smeyan in the group in 1977, the name of the group changed to "Victoria", and the musical style - to funk. In 1979 "Victoria" broke up, and an old acquaintance Chris Kelmi, who did not forget the unique vocalist, invites him to his new project "Rock-Atelier". The group collaborates with the Lenkom theater and is the first performer of the cult rock opera Juno and Avos. Fame "Rock Atelier" brings a song written by Chris Kelmi "Closing the Circle", performed in 1987 with the participation of the stars of Soviet pop and rock music. Later Andrey with several musicians "Rock-Atelier" briefly joined the legendary group "SV" and closed his decade with a Moscow rock group "Alter ego".

In 1993 Andrey Davidyan created his own project "Sound Cake", performing funk, jazz-rock and soul. The project still exists and has its loyal fans. On regular live performances, the band performs classics of these styles and their own original works.

Today Andrei Davidyan regularly gives concerts that are more reminiscent of recitals. Each performance is a special atmosphere, virtuoso playing of musical instruments and amazing vocal improvisations. The repertoire includes not only famous compositions, but also author's songs.

On November 13, 2016, Andrei Davidyan died of a stroke in a Moscow hospital at the age of 61. We love. Remember. We grieve ...

On Channel One.

Andrey Davidyan born in the winter of 1956 into a family famous opera singer Sergey Davidyan and a talented pianist. Andrey graduated from the prestigious Institute of Asian and African Countries with a degree in translator. He worked by profession: he traveled all over the former USSR, lived and worked in Africa for more than two years.

Since childhood, Davidyan was fascinated by musical activities. In 1973 he became the vocalist of the Leap Summer group: Andrei literally took part in the birth of Russian rock. He performed in the groups "Victoria", "Alterego", "SV", "Voluntary Society", "Rock-Atelier" and others.

Group " Rock Atelier"Collaborated with the Lenkom theater, and its soloists were pioneers in the performance of compositions accompanying the rock opera" Juno and Avos ".

The creative path of Andrei Davidyan / Andrei Davidyan

Andrey Davidyan was little known to the townsfolk, but it was he who was among those who were the first to present the legendary composition "Closing the Circle" to the Soviet Union. In 1987 Chris Kelme offered to record it based on USA for Africa, and Soviet rock musicians left an impressive mark on the history of Russian music.

In 1993 Andrey Davidyan founded the group Sound cake and devoted twenty years of creative activity to her. He preferred to play jazz-rock, soul, funk. Vocalists worked with Davidyan in the group Ekaterina Shemyakina and Anna Abramchikova, bassist Anton Davidyan, guitar player Fedor Dosumov, keyboardist Arthur Akilov and drummer Leonid Khaikin.

In the fall of 2013, the second season of the television show "The Voice" was launched on Channel One. Andrey Davidyan took part in the third blindfold audition, and performed the composition Georgia on My Mind.

The musician unconditionally became the star of the evening - from the very first notes Pelageya and Dima Bilan turned to him, and Alexander Gradsky, who is famous for his intuition, decided that an African American was singing behind him. However when Andrey Davidyan were chosen by all the mentors, it became obvious that the masters of the Russian stage were not at all surprised to see an old acquaintance on the stage.

Alexander Gradsky said he knew Andrey Davidyan for many years, and he was extremely offended to realize that such talent was disappearing on the scenes of smoky restaurants and nightclubs. Leonid Agutin also admitted that he has been communicating with Andrey Davidyan, and I am glad that he decided on such a difficult step: he appeared on the air of the television show "The Voice" on Channel One.

This happened to the surprise of the mentor herself, since she sincerely said that she did not know what she could teach the person who was at the origins of the birth of Russian rock music.

In 2014, Andrei Davidyan, having learned that Channel One was launching the show “Voice. Children ”, invited his daughter Katya to pass the casting. Katya successfully passed the selection: the girl graduated from a music school with honors, and, as Andrei said, very strong, delivered voice. However, during the recording of the first issue, during blind auditions, the last member of the team was taken before the performance of 14-year-old Katya.

On November 11, 2016, Andrei Davidyan was taken to the hospital due to poor health. Doctors diagnosed him with an ischemic stroke. Despite the efforts of doctors Botkin Hospital, it was not possible to save the artist: he died without regaining consciousness. The death of the singer was confirmed by his companion, the designer Victoria Kolos... The singer was married three times, in recent years he lived with Victoria.

On November 13, 2016, 60-year-old Andrei Davidyan passed away. On her Facebook page, Victoria Kolos posted a joint photo with Davidyan and wrote: "Sleep well."

Bright vocalist Andrei Davidyan became widely known after participating in the “Voice” TV show. However, a narrow circle of musicians, especially rock lovers, has long and well known this man, who was among the founders of a large number of groups that made up the glory of Russian rock, jazz and funk.


On January 30, 1956, in Moscow, in a musical family, a boy was born - Andrei Davidyan, whose biography was largely predetermined. Andrey's father is a famous opera and pop singer, tenor Sergey Davidyan, and his mother is a professional pianist. Music was constantly playing in the house, and the boy began to sing at the age of three. In the future, he was greatly influenced by the environment. They were constantly visited by creative people, discussed and listened to musical novelties. The family lived in the area of ​​the airport, where representatives of the creative intelligentsia settled, so even in the courtyard and at school No. 152, Andrei talked with children from a bohemian and creative environment. The guys inherited the taste of their parents, had the opportunity to listen to records brought from abroad, were aware of fashionable novelties in all areas. All this formed the boy's creative, independent and freedom-loving character. So Andrei first felt the joy of creativity and later could no longer give up the pleasure of playing live music.

Youthful experiments

In high school, Andrei Davidyan becomes close to Igor Okudzhava, they are united by an interest in Western music, together they create a group and enthusiastically drum on a homemade

During this period, interest in music and the stage is dominant. After graduating from school, young Davidyan decides to enter the theater institute. At the entrance exams, he meets Efim Shifrin, but both young men fail to pass the tests at the university. Andrei was not very upset and, together with Igor Okudzhava, created the Leap Summer group, which quickly reached popularity. They were joined by Alexander Sitkovetsky, a little later Yuri Titov came, the gold team worked until 1974, when Titov and Davidyan were drafted into the army.


Andrei got into the airborne troops and, returning from the army, made a serious decision - to go to college. But not in the theater and not even in the music, but in the Institute of Asian and African Countries at Moscow State University. helped Andrey learn three languages: English, Arabic and French. During his studies, Davidyan did not leave music lessons, he no longer fit into the new composition of "Leap Summer" and creates a new group with his comrades - "Voluntary Society", which plays songs of cult Western rock bands. Later they were joined by brothers Pavel and Alexander Smeyan, and the group began to be called "Victoria". She works in funky style and sings songs by Andrey Davidyan.

After graduation, Andrei works as a translator in Egypt and Algeria, but when the times of perestroika came, there was no work for him. And it's time to become a professional musician.

Return to music

Maxim Dunaevsky invited Andrey to the State Pop Orchestra of the Russian Federation, well-known at that time. The collective toured a lot, many famous musicians worked in it: Irina Ponarovskaya and her husband Weiland Rodd, Pavel Smeyan. With them, Davidyan traveled all over the country, but the team could not withstand the transition to market relations and fell apart.

Davidyan's creative path was rather winding, he was able to work in a huge number of teams: "Rock-Atelier", "Alter-Ego". In 1987, the musician took part in the filming of a video for the later cult song "Closing the Circle". And Andrey again creates a new group called "SV", which stands for "together again". The group includes Yuri Titov, Pavel Smeyan, Vadim Golutvin. Old friends did not last long together, and already in 1993 Davidyan again created a group - Sound Cake, in which he continues to play to this day. The group performs songs by Andrey Davidyan, plays soul. The collective has many fans who are captivated by Davidyan's unusual vocals. Today Sound Cake plays at the Moscow club "Forte" on Bolshaya Bronnaya, and the band's live concerts gather full audiences.

The path to the "Voice"

For many good musicians, despite their undoubted talent, only television brings fame; Andrei Davidyan belongs to this category. "The Voice" is a TV show that opened up the singer's talent to the general public. The musician came to the show and became the brightest star of the evening. At a blind audition, all the mentors turned to him. later talked about his confidence that he hears a black singer, what was his surprise when he saw an old acquaintance! He greeted Andrey with the words: "Finally he came!" and said that he always felt sorry for Davidyan, who was losing his talent in the smoky restaurant halls. Leonid Agutin admitted that he had known Davidyan for a long time and was glad that he had decided on such a difficult step. The singer chose the team of Pelagia, which surprised her extremely, she said that she did not even know what she could teach such an experienced musician. Andrei Davidyan was able to show his bright talent and breadth of talent on the show. "The Voice" became a real finest hour for him. At the end of the season, Andrei continues to lead his usual lifestyle, but the group has more concerts, and new concert venues have opened for the musicians.

Andrey Davidyan: personal life, wives and children

The musician was married three times, he has four children, one of his daughters took part in the children's "Voice". Two daughters live abroad, and the son works in the father's group. Today Davidyan is happy in a relationship with the outstanding interior designer Victoria Kolos.