Picking up a key, or how to find an approach to a girl. About the state when approaching Approach to the girl

  • 04.07.2023

How quickly time flies: just yesterday, my mother was braiding her beloved daughter's braids and taking her to kindergarten. And today, the little princess has turned from an angel into a beautiful young lady with a navel piercing, a bright make-up and a biker guy, most likely 5 years older than her, who meets her at the entrance to the school.

The transitional age of a girl-teenager is rich in rebellious acts, acts of self-affirmation, searches for oneself as a new personality. Rejection of all the rules and dogmas of society, denial of accepted rules and rebellion against the restriction of personal space and freedom. How to smooth out this period of growing up? To become a close friend, adviser to a child, to harmonize relations in a mother-daughter pair, the advice of psychologists will prompt.

First you need to calm down, leave the panic aside and understand one truth. For a daughter, the best ideal is her mother. She perceives her mother in different age intervals in different ways. She can be proud of her, elevate her like an idol. But also, it can be repulsive due to the restriction of personal freedom, encroachments on independence. It seems to the child that they are exerting excessive pressure on him, or, conversely, they show coldness, alienation and indifference. The range of feelings between a daughter and a mother has no boundaries. This is love, and rebellion, and excessive emotionality of characters, a clash of interests. This conflict of interest, similarities and differences between them are passed down from generation to generation. To build the right line of behavior and communication with your daughter, psychologists advise you to follow certain rules. Of course, everything is purely individual, because only a mother knows her child, and will be able to find that special approach to him that no specialist can tell. The heart and maternal intuition are the best assistant in this matter.

Appearance problems

So, the most painful issue of transitional age for every girl - a teenager - problems with appearance. A mother should develop self-confidence in her daughter, in beauty, never criticize flaws. Give more compliments. Of course, everything should be in moderation, too much praise is also not worth it. So that later the girl does not turn into a narcissistic person. When she wants to try cosmetics, let her try. Better yet, take her to a consultation with a professional makeup artist and teach her how to choose the right color scheme for an individual color type in decorative cosmetics. Daughter will definitely appreciate it. It is worth instilling the right taste already at this age.

Support from the mother is very necessary if the child is overweight. For a teenager, this problem is catastrophic. You can visit the gym together with your daughter, and she will not be bored, and the mother will have the opportunity to get to know her child better, get closer to him. Mom should become a close friend for her daughter, from whom you can ask for advice on what to wear on a date, or where to get a good and stylish haircut.

Surrounded by love, care and attention

The second step on the path of rapprochement with the child is the environment of love, care and attention. Parents should tell their daughter more often how much they love her, pamper her, make small pleasant surprises. The child will feel the atmosphere of love in the family and subconsciously, when he grows up, he will try to create the same in his own.

A mother sets an example for her daughter with her actions and views, attitude towards people. It is necessary to educate a child in kindness and mercy, to teach him to help people in need. Compassion is a rare commodity in this world.

Help around the house

Psychologists advise to attach the child to help around the house and around the house. Already in adolescence, one should instill a love of cleanliness, order, and teach how to cook deliciously. After all, the girl will very soon live separately, and the skills and habits acquired at home in the family will serve her well.

Any child needs maternal support in any of her endeavors. She is a person who can be completely different in both views and tastes from her mother. It is necessary to respect her choice, whether it is the desire to engage in horseback riding, or go to study as a flight attendant.

Respect for the choice of friends of the daughter and her boyfriend is a very crucial moment. You can arrange a small party, invite friends of your daughter and her young man to get to know the company in which the child spends time better.

And most importantly, come up with a family tradition. Let it be a trip once a month with your daughter to the pool or Sunday breakfast in a cafe. Fantasy is limitless here. A loving maternal heart will prompt the answer to any question. It knows everything without words.

Meanwhile, understanding how to raise a girl will help to avoid problems in the future, build the right behavior model and raise a happy and successful woman who is able to love herself and loved ones.

Girls are more accommodating, calm and soft compared to boys. They are suggestible, friendly, responsible and it is easier to find a common language with them. But first, there are always exceptions. Secondly, mistakes and gaps in education can lead to disastrous consequences.

To prevent this from happening, try to find the right key to raising a girl at every age, not forgetting to build a line of behavior on the three main pillars: love, boundaries and patience.

Raising a girl from birth to 3 years

Do not think that it is pointless to develop any qualities in a child before the age of three. Yes, freedom is needed, but within reasonable limits. Remember that it is at this age that the baby begins to explore the world and how positive this experience will be for her depends on her parents.

Until the age of three, a girl needs to be surrounded by care, affection and love, at the same time, unobtrusively helping her to practically master elementary skills of behavior and self-service. Be patient and conquer new heights with your daughter every day.

The first steps, the first word, the rules of behavior at the table, independent dressing (undressing) - all this the child must learn to do on his own at the age of three years with his parents. Feeling their support and attention, he will be able to quickly get used to unworked and still unfamiliar actions.

The formation of the personality of a girl aged 3 to 5 years

At the age of three, communication with her daughter begins to take on new colors, becomes more intense, interesting and sometimes unpredictable. On the one hand, it seems that there is nothing difficult in raising a baby who is already able to clearly express thoughts and correct behavior, on the other hand, new problems appear.

Girls at the age of three learn to manipulate adults, clearly realizing their uniqueness. Grandparents most often fall under the spell of the crumbs, mom and dad are at risk.

During this period, it is important for parents to teach their daughter to use charm for their own good without having to bend under their adult tricks.

Appearance of a little princess

The girl begins to clearly realize her individuality from the age of three. Your task is to support her in this matter not only with endless compliments, but also by instilling a sense of taste. Teach the baby to follow clothes, face, hair, this will in no way harm her.

Love and affection - a panacea for girlish troubles

Remember about the emotionality of girls, which will only grow with age. Feel free to show feelings, tell your daughter about love, do not neglect bodily contact - strong hugs, kisses are necessary for a girl like air. Do not be afraid to spoil your daughter by openly expressing feelings and emotions.

There cannot be much love, and the lack of its manifestation will only lead to the child withdrawing into himself. Show love in relation to your loved ones - your daughter's husband, brother or sister, thereby demonstrating the correct model of behavior in the family, which will become an example for her in the future.

Caution and responsibility for actions

Girls aged 3 to 5 are extremely careful. This is not about cowardice, just babies are already able to assess the danger and consequences of their actions.

Talk to the girl about the danger of certain actions, trying not to intimidate her, but only to prepare for the fact that not everything in this world is as good as we would like. It is important to teach the girl reasonable caution, and not to cultivate in her a sense of inertia.

Homework for fun

Wanting to raise a hostess from a baby, many mothers have been trying since the age of three to shoulder mountains of homework, thus accustoming them to women's work. This approach is wrong, because an overabundance of things can cause a baby to protest against any housework in one case and unshakable confidence that a woman’s fate is endless housework in another.

Household duties should not become boring and uninteresting for girls.

If you are determined to accustom your daughter to the household, then make sure that she really likes this activity. Choose only a game form of training. Teach your daughter to sculpt from dough, make sandwiches for dad for breakfast, or cook healthy fresh juices.

Believe me, at this age, the baby will appreciate such “entertainment” in the kitchen much more than boring sweeping the floor or wiping dishes.

Mutual understanding and trust is the key to becoming a holistic personality

Listening and hearing a child at this age is another important rule. By nature, girls are flexible, gentle creatures with a share of cunning, so the task of parents is to develop personal qualities in their daughter without depriving her of flexibility.

Reconsider your views if you have to be too hard to influence your daughter. It is possible that the protest of the child is just a reaction to the unshakable will of the parents.

Remember that you are raising a successful and happy woman. Remember yourself at this age more often in order to understand your own mistakes and desires of your daughter, because most of the secrets are kept in your own childhood.

The subtleties of educating a schoolgirl of elementary grades

Correctly raising a girl between the ages of 6 and 9 is not so difficult, given that during this period, girls are just prone to being accurate, friendly and patient.

Girls of primary school age most of all need the approval, encouragement and support of adults, so they try to behave in such a way as to get it to the fullest.

Schoolgirls: in pursuit of praise and approval

At school, in the classroom, the girls are accommodating and diligent, they are happy to make contact with the teacher, receiving encouragement for their work in the lesson.

At home, they happily talk about their achievements to their parents, getting satisfaction from their reaction. The task of parents at this age is not to disappoint the girl, supporting her good undertakings.

Friendship at school age: delicate control and support

Girls at the age of 6-9 begin to value friendship especially strongly, choosing a girlfriend who can tell the most intimate secrets. Relations with a girlfriend at this age are of great importance for a girl, so in no case should you interfere with friendship.

All that parents can do is to learn more from their daughter about her friends, correcting her behavior towards them as delicately as possible. It is important to teach your daughter not to depend on the opinions and behavior of close friends, to maintain her adequate self-esteem with the help of praise and manifestations of love.

A girl needs to understand what true friendship is, what to expect from her friends, and how to strengthen this bond. Even if childhood friendship issues seemed minor to you, take the time and opportunity to talk about it with your daughter.

Support her in a difficult situation and tell her how to react correctly in certain situations, saving face and not offending her friends.

Romantic hobbies: first experience

At the age of 6-9 years, girls already begin to be interested in boys. Although this interest is still childishly naive, it exists and we must not turn a blind eye to it. If the daughter liked the boy and he reciprocated (there was an exchange of gifts, notes, or something else of that kind), you should not panic, scoff or be ironic.

The daughter tries on the role of a woman, modeling relationships in the adult world and this is normal. Tell her how to behave with the boy, help choose a gift for him and be sure to support if all this is followed by love disappointment.

Sports and active lifestyle

School, girlfriends, sympathy - all this is very important for a girl aged 6 to 9, but do not forget about healthy physical development. Come up with an activity for your daughter - sign her up for the sports section. Tennis, dancing, swimming are great options for gentle and sensitive girls.

Daughters with a share of adventurism and boyish mischief in character can be invited to try themselves in typically male sports: volleyball, football, martial arts.

In Search of Harmony: Raising a Teenage Girl

Girls can be safely considered adolescents from the age of 10. At this age, it is most important for them not to differ from their peers. That is why parents should try to ensure that their daughter has all the things that are significant for this age, from clothes to gadgets.

Appearance care as a prevention of the appearance of complexes

If a girl has problems with her appearance: her teeth, hair or skin have deteriorated, it is necessary to make an effort to fix it, otherwise she will have complexes.

Proper motivation and interesting leisure

If a teenage girl is interested in dancing, music, sports, parents, for their part, will have to do everything to stir up this interest, for example, you can invite your daughter to go to competitions in another city or take part in a competition.

Secrets of friendship between a teenager and parents

For a teenage girl, the authority of parents is very important. Find time to communicate with your daughter, share secrets with her and in return get the opportunity to be initiated into her secrets. If your daughter trusts you, then under no circumstances should you be tempted to tell anyone about her secret. Only in this way will you save your friendship.

Balanced assessment of a teenage girl

High or low self-esteem in a teenage girl is normal. Teach the girl to adequately evaluate herself, without praising, but also without blaming or speaking with disdain in her address.

Keep a balance, maintaining parental authority, instilling in your daughter the basic rules of behavior in a relaxed, friendly manner without moralizing.

Stories about your life at this age, about possible misunderstandings with friends, parents and teachers, have an excellent effect. A teenager will definitely appreciate frankness and the reward for this to parents will be almost unconditional trust in them.

Duet of mother and daughter: the right work on the image of the father

It is difficult for a mother to raise a girl without a father, at least because it is in her father that the girl should feel the main support and protection, which in the future will help her build happy relationships with the opposite sex.

Nevertheless, if it turned out that the family broke up, you need to remember the main thing - the daughter should not take on the negative of her mother's disappointment in her father. This behavior will cause the girl to form a negative attitude towards boys and men.

The task of a mother raising a daughter without a father is to create in her daughter's imagination a positive image of a strong, decent and reliable man. And first of all, the father who left the family should become positive. In the eyes of the girl, he should not become bad, and whether it will be so or not depends on the mother.

In order to fix the image of a positive man in the girl's head, psychologists recommend paying her attention more often to good examples in normal full-fledged families.

Hosting friends who are happily married, watching movies with happy spouses - all this will help the daughter learn to hope that she will not follow the example of her mother and be able to create a happy and strong family with the man she loves.

Dad's Pride: Growing Up Without a Mom

Cases when a girl is brought up by one father are rare, but they do exist and require attention. A man without a wife with a daughter must not only fulfill the basic duties of a woman around the house, but also replenish tenderness, warmth and affection to the extent that a daughter would receive them living with her mother.

The lack of communication with mother, with a woman is especially acutely felt by girls in adolescence, which can negatively affect the formation of personality.

Dad can influence the situation in two ways:

  • become a true friend for your daughter;
  • find an adult friend for her (sister, aunt, coach).

If this is not possible, it is worth trying to push the girl to an adult friend, which can be a coach, teacher, close relative.

There are things that it will be easier for a girl to tell a woman, and the dad’s task is to make sure that such a woman is there at the right time.

In general, if a girl and dad have established contact, their life is colored with bright colors and filled with positive, it is very good for her to form a positive image of a man, based on which she will choose her life partner.

So, you are parents and your task is to raise a child. It would seem that everything is clear, but the question is how do you do it? You negotiate or shout, push with authority or let everything take its course, open your hands or look for points of understanding.

If you haven't figured out your parenting strategy yet, or if none of the ones you've chosen have worked before, don't worry. There is an exit! About how to find an approach to the child and remove the issue of obedience from the agenda - in our today's material.

Parents in search

A bit of history. Perhaps every parent remembers the stories about how earlier, when there were many children in the family, they were not, in fact, particularly on ceremony with them. The head of the family was the parent, his word was indisputable, and his authority was beyond doubt even in his thoughts.

Now everything has changed exactly the opposite - the child has become the main value in the family, and we, the parents, invest in it to the maximum. We try to give all the best, develop talents, not limit his choice and in no case put pressure on him.

Is it easy for us to do all this? No, because at any age, when you need a child to just obey. But how can this be achieved?

Family Relations Specialist François Sengli tells: “In the modern family, the concept of parental authority has been devalued. In our families, they don’t say “As I said, so be it,” and on the one hand, this is good. But what to do with impulsive children's emotions and desires? Some parents, who are rightly sure that shouting, threatening and spanking the problem are not solved, simply do not know how to stop the child in another way.

Indeed, in an era of free education, it is not so easy to achieve obedience from a child. In the combat arsenal of parents there are various:

  • appeasing “Come on, you are now collecting your toys, and I am giving you candy”;
  • trade “Either you are now eating everything to the last crumb or I will not buy you a new toy”;
  • blackmail "If you don't do your homework, you can forget about computer games";
  • persuasion "Please, I beg you, clean your room."

Having become a teenager, a child brought up in such unconstructive conditions will feel his indisputable power and begin to use his special position with might and main.

Education methods

The search for a golden mean and balance are the basic rules for success both in life in general and in education in particular.

Your assistants are benevolence and constructive. Your opponents are senseless prohibitions and coercions.

We have also prepared 6 simple rules-helpers for you:

1. Clear Requests . “Clean the room” is a very vague requirement, and if the child is not in the mood for work (and most often it is), he may not pay attention to him, because he does not understand where to start. Build a cleaning schedule: first say "Pick up the books off the floor" and then ask (or demand) to do something else.

2. "I-statements" . “You are a terrible lazy person”, “It’s impossible to talk to you”, “You don’t want to do anything” - such remarks in no way motivate the child and do not help you establish communication at all. At first he will be offended, and then he will completely stop paying attention to them. Magical “I-statements”, for example, “I’m having a hard time with you”, “I’m tired today, could you ...”, sound more respectful, so the child will be able to hear them and try to change something in himself.

3. Emphasis on the positive . Saying "I wish you had more respect for your parents" is better than saying "I want you to stop arguing with us." In the phrases “don’t scream” or “don’t cry”, the particle “not” is poorly perceived by the brain and you get the exact opposite result - even more screaming or tears. Correctly form phrases and always do it!

4. sincere praise . Both children and adults want to be loved, respected and recognized. Notice for his actions, choices, decisions, this will allow you not to lose his trust. And see item 3 - focus on the positive. You should not think, let alone say - “there’s nothing to even praise him for”! I got up on time, spent less time at the computer, didn’t get my clothes dirty, smiled affectionately, and didn’t grumble at you in response - all this also counts! The less often you do it, the less real reasons there will be for this.

5. Embrace .Children need tactile contact. If a child avoids hugs - this is, he is afraid of you or offended by something. Be sure to talk frankly about the reasons for this behavior, and if the child has no problems and negativity - hug in plenty! Even if the child has grown up and does not want to be squeezed, touching his hand, patting on the shoulder, ruffling his hair is always acceptable, always pleasant and always helps communication.

6. Personal example . None of our advice or your moralizing will work if you yourself do not do what you require from your child. It is you who are the main example for your son or daughter, he will do what he sees, and not what you say. If you want him to eat right, be interested in studies or play sports - do it yourself! If you want him to be attentive and open - communicate respectfully with a small person from childhood, ask for his opinion, listen to his advice.

Do you have any educational tricks of your own? Share your findings in the comments to the material.

Before approaching a girl, one must learn that a person has a past on the left, and a future on the right.

When you approach the girl on the left, you seem to be in her past, that is, you are her old one.

Therefore, on a subconscious level, a trust is formed in her towards you and acquaintance acquires a positive background.

In today's publication, we will look at original ways to get to know a girl using non-standard templates, including different options for approaching a girl.

When communicating with a girl, try to avoid any wording with a “not” particle. For example, to “Girl, do you want to go to the exhibition with me?” usually followed by a response.

A question like this should be replaced with the phrase: “How would you feel about going to an exhibition together, where we can have fun and get to know each other better?”

Thus, the question takes on an affirmative form.

Try to tie your phrase and your approach to the current place and time of the event.

Or vice versa - ask a girl to save you from an unearthly waterfall or dive under her umbrella without asking.

In general, it is good to get acquainted with an umbrella both without rain and indoors.

Other options for approaching a girl

When next to a girl:

  • inflate a balloon, write or draw with a marker what you want, and solemnly hand it over;
  • brush off her shoulder, sleeve, back (but not the back) and say: “Now you look even better. I am Alexander";
  • give the girl a piece of paper with the words "Read, please, otherwise I can't see well." On a piece of paper the text: “I really like you, and I suggest that we get to know you. My name is...";
  • coming close to the chosen "girl", you can stand for a minute or two with the air of a person thinking about something of his own, and then dumbfound the unfortunate innocent question: "Is it okay that I am silent?" This phrase encapsulates everything: depth, mystery and a request for forgiveness;
  • send a kiss, and then say: “It seems that I missed, I need to try closer ...”;
  • you look at the girl and smile, trying to provoke a response. If she doesn't smile, show and smile again;
  • you make eye contact with the girl, you smile, you pass by. Then you come back: "No, I can't help but get to know you";
  • you buy soap bubbles, and blow them towards the girl, not forgetting to smile. Then you can come up and give them to her with the words: "Now it's your turn";
  • you ask the question: “Girl, what is the matter with you?” After her surprise: “Now, here ...” You take out your mobile phone, take a picture of her and show her the picture. "See?" She will be even more surprised. You answer, smiling: “HOW??!?? There is no smile on your face!?!!”;
  • uproot a simple flower, approach a girl or a group of girls and say: "This is a flower, and I'm Sergey."

Approach to a girl in transport and other places

In transport:

  • "Didn't you just pinch me?"
  • “I can’t reach the handrail - can I hold on to you?”
  • “When I get into rush hour, I have only one consolation: the fact that in Beijing the crushes on trains are twice as bad ... Now I seem to begin to understand why they have an increased birth rate ... You know, there are even special workers who get paid for stuffing people into wagons. If we had paid such work, I would probably already be a millionaire ... "
  • “I saw such a crowd of people three times in my life: at the carnival in Rio de Janeiro, during student unrest in Cambridge and in Bondarchuk's film War and Peace.
  • “They don’t put much pressure on you?.. Do you know why? Because I keep them all. Now I know how fish feel in a tin.”
  • "Please punch my brains with your name and phone number."
  • “You know, today is a big holiday, just an anniversary! A holiday is that I have the pleasure of riding in the same tram with you, and an anniversary is the tenth time. How about to celebrate this cause, go to "..."? (go for a walk...)
  • "Is it okay if I stare at you up close instead of across the bus?"
  • “Do you want me to give you a ride with the breeze on the escalator?”
  • “Listen, if I get on the first carriage, will I get to the Borovitsky Gate station? What if I sit in the last one? What if it's with you?"
  • “Can you tell me where the dining car is?”

At the bus stop:

  • “What do you think, which door of the trolleybus is better to enter (in which tram car to go)?”
  • “Can you tell me which bus is better to take?”
  • “I suggest not to miss such a wonderful moment and get to know each other right now!”
  • “Why do you always get off at the same stop as me? Are you following me?"

In the shop:

  • “Can you recommend me a book for a friend in the hospital?”
  • “Listen, you probably know. I bought pasta, but I have no idea what to do with it ... Can I always consult with you?
  • “Can you tell me where they sell tights with holes for hair?”
  • “Can you tell me where I can buy frozen raccoon?”

In the cafe:

  • “I have a little problem here. Do you see that table over there? .. There are too many lonely chairs around it. How about compose me?"

In the museum:

  • “Would you hang this picture in your house?”
  • "If I had a million dollars, I would buy you this painting."
  • “I think this is a portrait of your great-great-great-grandmother.”

In the elevator:

  • "Aren't you afraid of being stuck in a stuck elevator with a maniac like me?"
  • “Do you know if this elevator goes to heaven?”

In an institution:

  • "Do you believe in love at first sight or should I enter again?"
  • I had my passport with me for the entrance exam. I show it in expanded form, run my finger over my first name and patronymic: “Now it’s your turn ...”


  • “We are writing an article about meeting girls and conducting a survey about ways to meet. Do you remember your most original acquaintance?”
  • “Hey girls, will you change? Trading our society for your mischievous smiles. Room dog for a two-room. Dear friend for a cheaper one with a surcharge, in addition I can offer a children's cast-iron panama hat with a hole for a pigtail. High-heeled fins. Kettle with one handle, two spouts and three mouths. Straitjackets or a size 44 straitjacket in a fun color.”
  • “Girls, are you going to the subway or will you take you?”
  • “Girls, you are so charming that we are speechless and the air stuck in our throats. Tap on the back, please."

The use of banal phrases in a frank attempt to get to know a lady, at best, will not cause any response.

What to consider when approaching a girl

It is necessary to take into account the circumstances that may adversely affect the upcoming acquaintance.

You should not get acquainted with a lady if she is annoyed by something. It is better to wait out this moment.

If a girl is talking on the phone, at least it will not be tactful of you to come up and start an acquaintance.

The option of dating a girl, which I will describe below, prepares the future for acquaintance. Before you start dating, you will already be interested in her ...

A pretty person walks ahead of you, you stage a telephone conversation as if the conversation is already going on:

I understand this, you sing beautifully, but you never said - who are you? (Pause)

Which exactly??? (Pause)

Oh yes, Marin, how could I forget ... you, I see, the number has changed ... (Pause)

Fine! I wonder how you only manage to do everything? .. (Pause)

I would like to meet too. (Pause)

If you want, call me tomorrow evening, and we will agree. (Pause)

OK! Bye then. Talk to you tomorrow! Bye!

The girl walking in front naturally heard the telephone dialogue, your social status has already been declared, namely: girls are interested in you, you have so many of them that it was not easy to remember which Marina is calling you.

"If you want, call me tomorrow evening, and we will agree" - the magic of words. When you use this phrase: "if you want ...", thereby emphasizing your independence and unobtrusiveness.

“...Call me tomorrow evening...” - with this you set dominance in the conversation, which is typical of real “MACHOS”, who decide when they should be called.

Girls note for themselves such qualities in guys and really appreciate them.

Having previously caught up with the girl and established visual contact with her.

Acquaintance with a girl on the street has certain advantages due to its versatility and simplicity, the naturalness of the situation and provides a wide scope for creativity.

In addition, due to the abundance of options, it is on the street that there is a considerable probability of meeting that one and only.

But there are a number of girls who do not meet on the street. For an advanced person, this is not a problem.

How else to approach a girl

Some interesting options for dating a girl:

. You appear in front of a girl sitting at a cafe table or on a bench and say: “I will come soon” and leave. Then, you appear already as her old acquaintance.

. Come close to her and, carefully looking around, introduce yourself as an FSB officer.

Say that you need to watch that man over there, but so that he does not notice the "tail", she needs to pretend to be your girlfriend and walk around the store together.

Women are in the soul of an actress, and they will play along with pleasure.

. Ask the girl to tell you the time, the location of the store or the street.

. Another option for dating a girl is “breaking the banal pattern”. A curious way to meet an impregnable girl.

You see her, for example, in a bar, self-confident, with an arrogant and cold look, sitting alone at a table.

You liked her, but you see how she looks at you indifferently, because she is guided by a protective reflex (but in fact, she is lonely).

If you approach her and express all your admiration, trying to please her and creating a positive background, it is not certain that it will work.

She will most likely “send” you to the same place as the previous guys, boring and uninteresting.

It is much better to “prick” her with a phrase like: “I will not be charged with negative energy from you” or “And you are pretty, but without makeup you would be much better.”

There is no need to offend here, you just need to shake her excessive confidence in her beauty.

Plus, it will allow you to stand out from the rest of the opponents who have tried in vain to capture her attention.

She will probably think: “What the hell?! What did he think of himself?! Now we will put him in his place! ..” and will try to take control of the situation.

You just need to try not to make concessions to her and try to control the situation imperceptibly for her.

Gradually, you can translate acquaintance and communication in a direction that is favorable for you.

Imagine that you accidentally saw the girl of your dreams. On the street, in a cafe, in a nightclub or library - anywhere. It's time to get to know each other and strike up a conversation. But you don't know how to approach a girl on the street, what to say to her, and how she will react to it? Let's look at a few simple but key rules.

On the Internet, you can now find a huge variety of first phrases, prepared templates and all kinds of situations. I suggest you give up all this rubbish and act on the basis of your individuality. Believe me, most girls identify memorized patterns and patterns at once, so when you meet you will rely only on your abilities, act impromptu and make a decision in the moment.

Confidence and calmness

Suppose that you saw an attractive girl on the street and wanted to meet her. To protect yourself from unforeseen situations, for a start I recommend making sure that now she is not accompanied by her boyfriend or husband. Be able to visually distinguish her gentleman from acquaintances or friends. If the girl you like was alone, then you just need to approach the girl and start a conversation under any pretext. Do it the way you would do it with your girlfriend or old acquaintance, that is, confidently.

Yes, yes, the most important and important rule here is confidence and determination. As soon as you caught yourself thinking that you want to get acquainted - take it and do it, without any hesitation. Never ask her permission. In this case, you are the master of the situation and choose the outcome of the event yourself. Therefore, any

“Girl, can I meet you?”

discarded immediately. I saw it, decided and went.

Rookie Mistakes

Okay, let's look at a specific situation and analyze typical mistakes. The most basic and most important rule in how to properly approach a girl on the street is positive motivation and good intentions. Let's say you're walking down the sidewalk and you see a wonderful girl walking towards you. First of all, you need to establish non-verbal contact with her, that is, catch a look, smile, wink. In general, turn her attention to yourself. After contact is established, you can start getting to know each other and start thinking.

Since the girl is coming towards you, you guessed it, you need to either stop her or adjust to her movement. Here, as your imagination tells you. The main thing is not to make common mistakes.

  • In no case should you go towards the girl directly along her trajectory. Then she may be afraid of you, and she will definitely not have a desire to meet you. Make non-verbal contact, and when you're level, you can tell her, "Stop, wait a second," or something like that, and stop. If at this time you do not touch her with your hands and look with a hostile look, she will most likely stop. If a girl does not go towards you, but in the same direction as you, of course, you need to catch up with her. You can not go out suddenly from behind. So you just scare the girl. You need to catch up with her from the side, overtake her a little, literally one or two steps forward, turn to her, smile and say “Hi”.
  • As you understand, at the moment of the beginning of your communication, a girl can be in both good and bad mood. If the mood is good and she smiles, everything is clear, you can continue. But if it’s bad, in no case do you need to jump in front of her and build a clown out of yourself. This strategy is obviously not working. Your task is to adjust to her inner state and gradually bring her into a light positive.
  • You need to stand in relation to the girl at an angle of 45 degrees, at arm's length, not closer. It is this arrangement that is considered the most successful and socially acceptable when communicating with strangers. Each girl has her own personal space, violating which, you fall into a kind of category of “enemies” and it will be much more difficult to restore the previous level of comfortable communication. Each fortress must be taken gradually, starting with the smallest and ending, you know.
  • After you approached and started a conversation, try to continue this conversation in a way that is comfortable for you and her.. If for several minutes she continues to communicate with you easily and reacts positively to your jokes, then be sure that you are on the right track.
  • Of course, if during the acquaintance you have not lost your interest in the girl, at the end of the conversation do not forget to take the phone number. After all, you approached the girl not in order to have a nice chat, but in order to make something more out of this acquaintance. If she doesn’t want to give her number, but invites you to leave yours, then most likely you didn’t interest her enough. In that case, you can really leave her your number or business card. If everything went well and you have her phone number, you can already think about how and where you will hold your next meeting with her.

Most important snack

Summing up, I want to tell you one more important thing. Admit it to yourself, even if you still do not know how to approach a girl on the street, this is not the first article on the topic of seducing women that you read. Now you will probably close it, and everything will remain as it was before reading it.

In life, if you want to get to some point B, you first need to fully realize your current location, that is, point A. In seduction, everything is the same. If you want to be surrounded only by the best and most beautiful girls, first admit to yourself where you are now. Admit to yourself what kind of girls surround you lately and with whom you sleep. Take off all the masks and finally allow yourself to be yourself. This will be your starting point and your start. Believe me, truly successful dating and beautiful seduction begins with self-acceptance.

On the Internet, you can now find a huge variety of first phrases, prepared templates and all kinds of situations. I suggest you give up all this garbage and act on the basis of your personality, such examples can be seen on. Believe me, most girls identify memorized patterns and patterns at once, so when you meet you will rely only on your abilities, act impromptu and make a decision in the moment. And only after that you will have a chance.