Territory surveying project and territory planning project. Preparation of a territory surveying project: main features and key points

  • 15.10.2019

To designate all external boundaries, as well as to draw the boundaries of special zones, so-called territory planning and land surveying projects are created. These are technical documents containing drawings of various sections and descriptions of them. Read about the stages of the procedure for developing and approving such documents in this article.

The legislative description and content of documents are given in the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation:

  • Article 42 – planning project;
  • Article 43 – land surveying project.

From a technical point of view, such documents represent the details of the Master Plan for the development of a city or other populated areas, although formally (from a legal point of view) they are not related to each other. A comparison of these types of documentation is presented in the table.

compared characteristic Territory planning project General plan
what objects are being described only a separate element of a settlement (it belongs to the so-called planning structure) - these can be separate areas, blocks, etc. the settlement as a whole (a plan for the development of the territory of a particular city is presented)
what drawings are included in the document detailed drawing that fully reflects the layout of the area
  • a map with the exact boundaries of an existing or emerging settlement (in the project);
  • map of individual functional zones - residential, industrial, natural.
what is included in the descriptive (text) part of the document
  • analytical materials justifying boundaries and possible changes to boundaries;
  • technical characteristics of territory development and their changes over time (for example, building density).
  • analytical materials justifying such boundaries, decisions on possible changes to boundaries, as well as the location of individual functional areas;
  • all technical parameters of functional areas (area, height of houses, etc.).

Thus, the documents reviewed relate to project documentation, and their main goal is to reflect the existing boundaries of the entire settlement and its individual zones (external and internal). In this case, the boundaries of all land plots are taken into account - those already developed, as well as those with planned development (in this case, the expected terms and stages of development of the territory are additionally indicated).

For example, on a city map, as a rule, several such planning zones are outlined. Each of these zones has its own names, which are usually given by the names of the regions and river banks (for example, the Right Bank of the Irtysh).

For each project, one Administration Resolution is drawn up signed by the head of the locality (in the case of a regional center - the mayor), as shown in the figure below. The document contains:

  • the content of the changes made (with further development of the territory, the formation of new areas by dividing or merging existing ones);
  • the area of ​​each zone - residential buildings, road zones, streets, green areas;
  • instructions to various Departments of the local Administration describing further actions in connection with the changes made.

The appendices to this Resolution contain a detailed description of the main indicators of the territory (technical and economic):

  • the area of ​​each zone (residential, streets, roads, etc.);
  • detailed data for each zone (areas of residential buildings of different heights - 1-2 floors, 3-5 floors, 6-18, from 18);
  • building density;
  • population size and density;
  • data on objects related to the educational sphere (locations, visits per shift, minimum areas);
  • data on healthcare facilities;
  • data on the facilities of physical culture and health centers with their areas given.

For each of these parameters, 2 values ​​are indicated - currently existing and planned.

The second part of the application is the actual layout of the territory, reflected in a diagram with symbols.

Composition of the planning project

Any project that describes one or another element of the planning structure of a city or other populated area consists of technical (drawings) and descriptive (analytical materials) parts. Requirements for maintenance are strictly regulated by law, therefore, regardless of the purpose, location and other features of the territory, one should proceed from the following sections of the planning project:

  1. The main part is the actual drawing (scheme) of the site. On it are applied:
  • all boundaries of built-up, developed areas, as well as zones where construction of residential and/or industrial facilities is proposed;
  • the so-called red lines, which highlight the boundaries of the land with linear objects.
  1. The analytical part is a detailed provision containing materials on the proposed development of the territory, as well as on the technical characteristics of development and their changes over time:
  • residential buildings;
  • industrial premises;
  • objects of any infrastructure serving the area (roads, utilities, hospitals, schools, etc.);
  • the order of introduction of objects that are supposed to be built on this territory.
  1. Finally, there is a separate section with materials substantiating the features of just such a project:
  • results and interpretation of engineering research results;
  • justification of the boundary of each zone, as well as possible changes to this boundary provided for in the development plan;
  • diagram with the location of each capital object;
  • passages to all bodies of water (artificial and natural) intended for free access;
  • a complete list of planned activities related to nature protection, civil defense measures, environmental protection of the territory (especially for those settlements that are located near nuclear power plants);
  • the so-called vertical layout of the site, as well as other materials that take into account the individual characteristics of the land plot.

An example of a real project is shown in the figure.

Composition of the survey project

  1. The main part with drawings, schemes for establishing boundaries, land surveying. Drawings and diagrams of the territory must necessarily take into account:
  • red lines and the amount of indentation from them to establish the zone where the construction of permanent buildings is permitted;
  • boundaries and description of the public easement - for example, for access to a public reservoir, for carrying out special work on the land (drainage), etc.
  1. The analytical part contains:
  • areas and methods of emergence of land plots that are formed as a result of the land surveying procedure;
  • types of use of the territory in accordance with the approved classifier (for example, for growing crops, for the construction of high-rise buildings, individual houses, etc.).

Terms of creation and approval

Any design documentation related to surveys for organizing the planning of the territory and its surveying undergoes mandatory approval of the project by the local Administration (urban planning departments). The deadlines in each case may be different, including significantly increasing due to the specifics of the territory or disagreements between interested parties, legal proceedings, etc. In the case of a standard procedure The estimated period is about 3-4 months.

In this case, all stages can be divided into 3:

  1. An order from the relevant authority, which gives instructions to begin work on the planning project.
  2. Actually development. It is carried out only by licensed companies. The estimated cost of the service is from 400 thousand to 1 million rubles.
  3. Coordination with the local Administration of the finished project, making adjustments and final approval of the documentation, after which the project comes into force and receives legal significance.

The stages and approximate dates are given in the table

Detailed review of development stages

In practice, development is a complex technical procedure during which appropriate survey work is carried out. A distinctive feature of the stages of this process is that the main focus is on the actual development of the project. While the approval stage means compliance exclusively with legal requirements for documents, correction of individual parameters in accordance with the requirements of local authorities. Each stage is discussed in detail below.

Receiving an order from the State Administration

To begin work on drawing up drawings and analytical materials, permission must be obtained from the Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture. The document performs 2 functions:

  1. Gives permission to carry out development on the designated site.
  2. Gives technical assignments for developing a project for this territory, taking into account the features of its layout.

NOTE. The validity period of such a document is 1 year from the date of its signing. However, if the deadline has expired, there is no need to re-apply - just contact the Committee for an extension.

Contacting the Administration and holding public hearings

After receiving the order of the KGA, you should contact the local authorities, where another application is submitted. In response to the application, the head of the Administration directly issues a resolution and appoints an authorized person to supervise the project. Along with this, the same employee organizes mandatory public hearings, for which presentation materials are prepared for further approval.

Participating in public hearings are:

  • owners of plots of the territory proposed for development;
  • representatives of the expert community;
  • persons whose interests may be directly affected in connection with the decision being made;
  • representatives of the local administration.

After a positive decision has been made and relevant feedback from all interested parties has been received, a protocol is drawn up and published in open sources (website, official newspaper of the region). The validity period of this decision is 11 months, i.e. It is during this period that the territory planning project must be drawn up and agreed upon in the final version.

NOTE. According to the established rules, the main source of funding for research should be the municipal or regional budget. However, civil legislation does not exclude raising funds from other sources. In practice, financing is most often provided by interested parties (investors, developers).

Preparing to create

After receiving permission to develop technical documentation, the company begins the actual creation of the project. At the preparatory stage, a detailed analysis of legal and geodetic information is carried out:

  1. Study of cartographic materials, results of topographic surveys to determine the physical features of the territory (relief, absence/presence of surface water bodies, natural areas).
  2. Obtaining comprehensive information about the legal status of the site, as well as its individual zones. Such data is contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate: owners of the site, presence/absence of encumbrances, history of changes in ownership of the site and its individual territories.
  3. Analysis of cadastral documentation for land - first of all, we are interested in the cadastral value and the corresponding conclusion of state appraisers.
  4. Analysis of specific data requested from the forest register and the surface water register.
  5. Obtaining a certificate confirming the absence of minerals in the depths of the land in question. Such a document is of great importance, since otherwise the company intending to use the subsoil may challenge the development and approval of the project.

Preparation of documents confirming the choice of site

The main task of the ongoing research comes down to justifying the selection of a land plot for pre-planned purposes (construction of capital facilities, features of their location). To do this, you must submit the following documents:

  • explication of land and individual zones;
  • results of calculating the areas of each zone and the entire site as a whole;
  • justification of preliminary calculations;
  • documents confirming the information of citizens living in this territory and all interested parties (land owners, users based on a long-term lease agreement, lessors);
  • positive conclusions from all authorized supervisory authorities;
  • approval documentation reflecting the consent of representatives of organizations whose interests may be directly affected during the development of the territory (large enterprises with underground and overhead networks);

When starting to draw up a real estate planning project, first of all, you should understand what it is and why such a document is needed. The project is an integral part of the package of documents for planning a land plot on which there is or is planned development. Also, this document is drawn up if it is necessary to clarify the boundaries of the territory, regardless of development or lack thereof.

A land surveying and planning project for built-up areas is a legal document that has a schematic representation and serves to simplify the process of constructing buildings, taking into account existing buildings.

The land surveying project, according to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, is an auxiliary document that establishes the boundaries of the territory and is provided to individuals as well as legal entities. If the planning and surveying project may affect any historical settlements, the preservation of important objects and elements of the site will be taken into account when designing and drafting it.

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Documentation development

Permissions for carrying out similar work by a private organization are presented in a package of documents authorizing this activity. For legal entities, licensing documents must have a whole list of certificates established by Russian legislation, as well as certificates of admission. Without them, the organization does not have the right to carry out activities related to urban planning.

What is

The land surveying and planning project for built-up land plots is an important urban planning document that is developed simultaneously with the work. At the management level, there are a number of mandatory details and clauses of this document that make up its structure. The planning and surveying project includes drawings and information about road lines, infrastructure elements, capital buildings, the location of premises in built-up areas, as well as engineering, technical and social support for the site.

The project must be accompanied by an explanatory note, which indicates the data of individual provisions on the protection of the territory in case of emergencies, fire safety provisions, as well as a civil defense action plan. The explanatory note contains information about the clear parameters of future buildings with all communication systems and transport access routes.

Since the planning and surveying project for a plot of land are two different documents, they must be agreed upon with each other, since the determination of boundaries is carried out on the basis of the territory planning scheme.

Project structure

The planning and land surveying project for built-up areas consists of several documents and diagrams. The following information is entered into the analytical part:

  • Research information that influences construction;
  • Features of a site of social significance;
  • Available environmental, technical and cultural values ​​and elements.

This information is important for arranging the boundaries of the territory, which is necessary for the correct preparation of urban planning plans. In connection with the above, the drawings should contain the following displays:

Preparation of documents and issues

After preparing a draft plan for the land, you will need to collect the following documents:

For real estate objects that were transferred into ownership more than a decade ago, there is such a problem as the conditional determination of the boundaries of the territory. In this regard, quite often conflicts and disputes arise between owners of neighboring plots who have conflicting papers in their hands. To resolve such issues, a planning and surveying procedure should be carried out before a claim is filed in court.

Disposition and development

The process of planning built-up real estate may have nuances, but it necessarily includes certain stages. The first is a direct order on the development of the project, which is issued by government bodies, that is, the head of local government is involved in this issue. The initiative for this can be an official appeal from local government institutions, a written request on behalf of the land tenant, as well as a statement from other interested citizens or organizations. After the decision is made, the order must be published on the official portal within three days.

After its publication, the development of the planning project begins. The executor of this process is a cadastral engineer on behalf of a government agency or a similar specialist from a licensed organization, by concluding an appropriate agreement with the municipality. In some cases, it is allowed to enter into an agreement between specialists and the tenant of the land, which is intended for construction work.

Deadlines and requirements

The approximate period for drawing up project documentation is from two weeks to one month. To do this, you need to provide time in advance. At the legislative level, the correctness of all necessary papers is checked, whether they meet the requirements, whether they include the necessary calculations for construction materials, whether all diagrams and drawings are available, whether boundaries are marked, whether technical parameters are taken into account, etc. The drafted projects must be agreed upon with all interested parties, who were notified in writing about this before the boundary determination procedure.

The main criteria for a planning project for built-up areas: providing information about the customer and the contractor, attaching an explanatory note, recording the original as well as newly created land information, data on access to the property and the presence of a schematic plan. There must be notes indicating the absence of objections from other interested citizens and legal entities, as well as the conclusion of the cadastral engineer regarding the existing objections or their absence. In addition, certified copies of documents confirming land ownership, as well as copies of notifications about land surveying, will be required.

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In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 13.1 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2002 No. 101-FZ “On the turnover of agricultural land” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation 2002, No. 30, Art. 3018; 2003, No. 28, Art. 2882; 2004 , No. 2711, No. 3993, No. 5276; 2005, No. 758, No. 3098; 20, art. 2251, no. 5748; 2009, art. 5, no. 2283, no. 32, art.

Approve the attached requirements for the land surveying project.

Acting Minister I. Manylov

by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

REQUIREMENTS for the land surveying project

I. General provisions

1. Requirements for the land surveying project (hereinafter - Requirements) establish the rules for drawing up a land surveying project (hereinafter referred to as the Land Survey Project).

2. The land surveying project is prepared in relation to the land plot (land plots) allocated on account of the land share (land shares), taking into account the requirements of the Federal Law of July 24, 2002 No. 101-FZ “On the turnover of agricultural land”.

3. The land surveying project is approved:

1) by decision of the general meeting of participants in shared ownership of a land plot (land plots) of agricultural land;
2) by decision of the owner of the land share or land shares.

4. The land surveying project determines the size and location of the boundaries of the land plot or land plots that can be allocated to account for the land share or land shares (hereinafter referred to as the land plots being formed).

The Land Survey Project, subject to approval by a decision of the general meeting of participants in shared ownership of a land plot (land plots) from agricultural land, also includes information about land plots allocated on account of land shares in municipal ownership (if any), and about land plot or land plots, the right of common ownership to which is retained or arises.

5. The size of the land plot allocated for the land share or land shares is determined on the basis of the data specified in the documents certifying the right to this land share or these land shares in the manner established by Article 13 of the Law on Turnover.

6. The land surveying project consists of text and graphic parts, which are divided into sections.

In cases provided for by the Requirements, an appendix is ​​included in the Land Survey Project.

7. The text part of the Land Survey Project includes the following sections:

1) explanatory note;
2) initial data;
3) a list of owners of the land plot or land plots from which land plots are allocated on account of land shares (hereinafter referred to as amended land plots);
4) information about the land plots and their parts being formed;
5) information about the changed land plots and their parts;
6) information about ensuring access to newly formed or changed land plots.
The text part of the Land Survey Project also includes a title page and contents.

8. The graphic part of the Land Survey Project includes the “Project Plan” section.

9. The survey project is completed in the following sequence: title page, contents, sections of the text part, sections of the graphic part, appendix.

P. General requirements for the preparation of the Land Survey Project

11. The land surveying project is drawn up on paper in at least two copies.

At the request of the customer, the land surveying project is additionally drawn up in the form of an electronic document.

12. The land surveying project must be stitched and sealed with the signature and seal of the cadastral engineer. The signature and stamp of the cadastral engineer are affixed on the title page of the Land Survey Project, on the Project Plan and on the back of the last sheet of the Land Survey Project.

13. The land surveying project is drawn up using computer graphics. When preparing a Land Survey Project, a combined method can also be used. Entering text information manually (by hand) is done legibly using ink, ink or blue paste. Typos, erasures, additions, crossed out words and other unspecified corrections are not allowed. All corrections in the Land Survey Project must be certified by the signature (indicating the surname and initials) and the seal of the cadastral engineer.

Drawing up the Land Survey Project in pencil is not allowed. All entries, with the exception of specified cases, are made in Russian. Numbers are written in Arabic numerals.

The survey project is drawn up on A4 sheets. The “Project Plan” section can be drawn up on larger format sheets.

14. The numbering of the sheets of the Land Survey Project is continuous within the document. Documents included in the application are not numbered.

If the information does not fit on one sheet of any section, it is allowed to place it on several sheets or on the back of the corresponding sheet. In this case, the following information is reproduced on each sheet or on each page of the corresponding section: the words “Land Survey Project” and the name of the corresponding section of the Land Survey Project.

If the sections of the Land Survey Project are placed on sheets of paper with the back, when filling out the details “Sheet N ___” of the corresponding section of the Land Survey Project, the page number is additionally given, separated by a comma.

The total number of sheets of the Land Survey Project, including the number of sheets of application documents, is indicated on the title page.

15. Unfilled details of sections of the text part of the Land Survey Project are not excluded; such details are marked with a “-” (dash).

16. The land surveying project is drawn up on the basis of a cadastral extract of the relevant land plot or a cadastral plan of the relevant territory.

17. If necessary, to prepare the Land Survey Project, cartographic materials and (or) land management documentation stored in the state fund of data obtained as a result of land management can be used.

18. The annex of the Land Survey Project, approved by the decision of the owner of the land share or land shares, includes:

1) all objections received by the cadastral engineer who prepared the Land Survey Project regarding the size and location of the boundaries of the land plot allocated on account of the land share or land shares (if any), drawn up in accordance with paragraph 13 of Article 13.1 of the Law on Turnover;
2) the conclusion of the cadastral engineer on the removal of objections regarding the size and location of the boundaries of the land plot allocated on account of the land share or land shares (if there are objections specified in subparagraph 1 of this paragraph);
3) the conclusion of the cadastral engineer on the absence of objections regarding the size and location of the boundaries of the land plot allocated on account of the land share or land shares, presented in accordance with paragraphs 13 and 14 of Article 13.1 of the Law on Turnover (in the absence of objections specified in subparagraph 1 of this paragraph);
4) copies of documents certified by a cadastral engineer certifying the rights to the land share or land shares for which the land plot is allocated;
5) a copy of the notice of the need to approve the Land Survey Project, provided for in paragraph 10 of Article 13.1 of the Law on Turnover (if such a notice was sent to the participants in shared ownership);
6) a copy of the page of the printed publication containing the notice of the need to approve the Land Survey Project, provided for in paragraph 10 of Article 13.1 of the Law on Turnover, and a copy of the first sheet containing the details of the printed publication (if such a notice was published in the media determined by the subject of the Russian Federation).

19. The annex of the Survey Project, approved by the decision of the general meeting of participants in shared ownership of a land plot (land plots) from agricultural land, includes an act of the relevant local government body confirming the powers of the local government official specified in paragraph 10 of Article 14.1 of the Law on turnover, or a duly certified copy of such an act.

20. In the conclusion of the cadastral engineer on the removal of objections regarding the size and location of the boundaries of the land plot or land shares allocated in the form of a coherent text, information is provided about the person who submitted the relevant objections, the reasons for his disagreement with the proposed size and location of the boundaries of the land plot being formed, as well as information on how to eliminate such causes.

The conclusion of the cadastral engineer on the removal of objections regarding the size and location of the boundaries of the land plot allocated on account of the land share or land shares is signed by the person who lifted the previously submitted objections (indicating his surname, initials and the date of signing), and the cadastral engineer (indicating his surname, initials and date of signing). The cadastral engineer's signature is certified by his seal.

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A land surveying project is necessary to conclude various transactions (purchase, sale, lease of land, etc.) or resolve disputes related, for example, to the boundaries of plots. The document is compiled by land professionals and consists of an analytical part and drawings.

What is a land surveying project?

A land surveying project is a document defining the boundaries of a land plot. In this case, there may be a permanent structure on the territory. When a territory surveying project (TMP) is being prepared, the boundaries of the plots are established in accordance with the conditions of urban planning legislation and the requirements of Federal Law No. 190, Article 43 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004.

The project contains the marking of the area where construction is planned. The document determines the actions of developers when constructing new facilities. If the site is to be divided into smaller parts, there is also a need to draw up this document.

Who does PMT?

Design work is carried out by order of administrative authorities by the following specialists:
  • local administration experts;
  • employees of the organization that performs land surveying work (the company must have a license allowing it to engage in this type of activity).

Document structure

The requirements for the structure of a linear object surveying project are specified in clause 5 of article 43 of Federal Law No. 190. Traditionally, the document should contain the following information:
  • Detailed information about the plot of land.
  • Drawings indicating plots that border the described territory.
  • List of costs for registration of documentation, its preparation, and implementation of the land surveying procedure.
The introductory part should contain:
  • explanatory note;
  • land surveying features;
  • the tools that were used;
  • justification of decisions.
The first part contains a description of the object in which the survey was carried out:
  • boundaries of the studied territory;
  • its features;
  • measurements, calculations performed;
  • result of surveying.
The second section of the project consists of drawings of the territory. They must be marked with lines that outline the boundaries of the allotment and the location of permanent buildings on the site, if any.

The structure of the graphic part contains:

  • the boundaries of the site, which are traditionally indicated by red lines;
  • offsets from boundary lines – restrictions on the construction of buildings;
  • indication of the territory where the capital structure is located;
  • land on which new structures are being built;
  • areas for which a special procedure for use has been established.

In some cases, the document also includes the boundaries of protected lands, which cannot be changed, since they are recognized as historical and cultural heritage.

How to formalize a land surveying project that has been allocated as part of a land share can be seen in the video recording of the webinar from the creators of the Polygon program:

Quarter survey project

The document that is drawn up for already built-up areas of the city is called a quarter project. The boundaries, area of ​​land, and directions of its use are also indicated here.

The size of the areas around the houses is determined in accordance with the standards that existed at the time of construction of the buildings. In general, the pattern is as follows: the earlier the house was built, the fewer floors it has, and the greater the ratio of the local area to the squares of living space.

The procedure for drawing up a land surveying project

To create a land surveying project, you need to contact the specialists who deal with this. There should be no errors in the document, because it is submitted to government agencies for subsequent registration.

The project preparation procedure includes several stages:

  • Experts provide all the necessary preparation for conducting land surveying. To do this, all available documentation on this land is being studied.
  • Based on the studied papers, a drawing is drawn up with boundaries marked.
  • The land surveying procedure is being carried out.
  • Calculations are performed and the area is determined.
  • Two parts of the project are being compiled.
  • The cost of the work performed is estimated.
  • The land surveying project is being approved.
The completed project must be approved by the local government of the locality to which the territory belongs. After approval, public hearings are held, and at the end the project must be approved by the head of the district or region. As a result, the document is either approved or sent for revision.

In total, all these stages can take from three months to one year.

Cost of the territory surveying project

The cost of drawing up the document depends on the company the customer contacts, as well as on the location of the object. In rural areas, prices are several times lower than in the city. The following factors may also affect the increase in cost:
  • size of territory;
  • unexpected difficulties in collecting materials;
  • use of expensive equipment;
  • urgency of work;
  • disputes with neighbors regarding the drawing of boundaries.

In rural areas, prices for drafting a project start from 500 rubles, in the city they range from 5,000 to 500,000 rubles.

Making changes to the territory surveying project

If technical errors are discovered in the territory surveying project, changes must be made to it. Amendments are also possible in connection with a change in the purpose of a building existing on this land, with restrictions or encumbrances applied to the site.

To make changes to the project, you need to submit an application to the administrative authorities. It must be reviewed within 30 days.

If a positive decision is made, the survey is repeated and a new project is drawn up with the changes made. The reason for refusal may be insufficient argumentation about the need for re-design.

You need to spend both time and money on drawing up a land surveying project, but without these papers it is difficult to fully manage the site and defend your interests. The document must clearly define the boundaries of the site and clearly indicate the direction of use of the land, so it is important to entrust its preparation to trusted specialists.

What is a territory planning project? This is a document that identifies the elements of the planning structure, establishes the parameters of their development, and identifies the zones for the placement of capital construction projects.

What is a land surveying project? Land surveying project - This is a document establishing the boundaries of land plots.

These documents were invented in order to highlight areas of different status and purpose in the city. Divide public spaces and lands transferred into private hands, including for development.

Allocate land for the construction of roads, pipelines, schools, hospitals, administrative buildings - everything that is needed in a modern city. Of the lands transferred to private ownership, allocate the share of each owner or group of owners.

What is the difference between planning and surveying projects?

The difference is in the level of detail. Why do you need a territory planning project? A planning project is developed for a large planning unit - for example, for a residential area or microdistrict. It establishes (or changes those established in the past) the boundaries of public territories - the road network, natural complexes, sites for the construction of various objects.

Why is a territory surveying project needed? A land survey plan is a document for a narrower task. It is done for a city block (existing or planned for construction) and consists of cutting the land for adjacent areas, areas of schools, kindergartens, other buildings, as well as courtyard driveways, parking lots, playgrounds, etc. located within the block.

The tasks of land surveying and planning are close and partially overlap. Therefore, they often make a single document - a planning project, which includes a land surveying project.

What is the neighborhood surveying project?

According to the Urban Planning Code adopted in our country, each land surveying project must necessarily include land survey drawings with plot boundaries, red lines, and boundaries of zones where easements and other land use restrictions apply.

You also need a list of existing, created and altered plots of land, indicating the area of ​​each of them and how it is allowed to be used.

If land surveying is carried out for a previously built-up area, then the dimensions of the adjacent areas of multi-storey buildings are established in accordance with the standards that were relevant at the time of construction of these houses. These norms existed since pre-revolutionary times, and during Soviet times they were gradually reduced. The general principle is this: the later a house is built and the higher its number of storeys, the less adjacent territory is allocated per square meter of living space.

Preparation and approval

The decision to write all kinds of urban planning documentation, including documents such as land surveying projects, is made by the local government authority.

Developing a territory planning project is a very labor-intensive and expensive task and requires the participation of highly qualified specialists, so city administrations usually do not do this on their own, but announce a competition among specialized design companies.

The exception is the case when there is an agreement either on comprehensive development or on the development of a previously built-up territory. In this case, the project is prepared by the company with which this agreement is concluded.

After the project is ready, it is submitted to public hearings (except for cases of complex development of urban territory and two other situations that are rare in urban conditions). This is the only stage when residents can see the project and demand changes and additions to it.

To do this, you must not miss the notification of the hearings, familiarize yourself with the draft, formulate comments and enter them in the logbook. In this case, the city administration or its authorized body (in Moscow these are city and district urban planning commissions) are obliged to consider the comments of residents. But the final decision - to approve the project, reject it or send it for revision - remains with the authorities.


Let's consider the land surveying scheme for a block bounded by Balaklavsky Prospekt, Azovskaya Street, Chernomorsky and Simferopolsky boulevards in the Moscow Zyuzino district. The sample is published on the website of the prefecture of the South-Western District of Moscow at https://yadi.sk/i/iaVJpd48h9RNe.

The project was developed by JSC Mosproekt-2 named after. Posokhin" in 2014. The customer is the Moscow City Property Department.

Justification materials include BTI data on buildings located within the block, ISOGD data on the areas of various restrictions, and field research data on actual land use. The calculation of the required area of ​​adjacent areas was carried out taking into account the standards that existed at the time when the block was being built, that is, from 1959 to the present day.

70 plots have been formed, including local areas of 28 residential buildings. For six houses (three of which are newly built 24-story towers), the adjacent areas turned out to be less than the regulatory required area.

For all houses, in addition to the standard land plots, plots “with minimal encumbrance” are allocated. This practice, introduced by the Moscow government contrary to federal legislation, is aimed at enabling residents (if they wish) to abandon regulatory sites and thereby save on taxes.

17 plots are allocated for public use. These are courtyard driveways, pedestrian paths, parking lots and playgrounds, as well as the roadway and sidewalks of Starobalaklavskaya Street, which does not have the status of an element of the road network.

Further actions

Approval of a land surveying project does not mean that residents automatically become owners of the adjacent areas of their homes.

In order to become real owners of their land, they must make an appropriate decision at a general meeting, order a boundary plan from a specialized organization and register the land with cadastral records. Only after this can you be sure that the earth will not leave.