We draw geese on the pond. How to draw a goose or gosling with a pencil step by step? White goose pencil drawing

  • 16.06.2019

What are we going to do today? Let's draw a goose.

Our goose will be domestic. Children often say that geese are scary, but no matter how many times I visited the village, how many times I looked at the geese, I didn’t feel any fear at all, only curiosity. When they see a person, geese tend to approach with their necks stretched out and hissing. But you can’t fool us, and that’s not what we’ve seen. A twig can put any bully to flight.

But we were going to figure out not how to fight back, but how to draw a goose.

Let's start with the simplest picture: a goose is standing. We have a great photo - it will serve as a cheat sheet for us. First, let's make a pencil sketch.

Unlike a duck, a standing goose is rather tall than wide, so let's place the sheet vertically. The body of the bird is large and massive. Moreover, in a standing goose it is not located completely horizontally, but rather at a slight angle.

The back is slightly arched - the folded wings are slightly hunched. The chest with goiter and belly are convex, and the belly actually sags. The neck is long, powerful at the base, slightly curved, tapering towards the head.

The head of a goose is relatively small, and the beak of some breeds with a growth at the base is narrow and elongated.

The legs of a standing goose are shifted closer to the back of the body; they are quite short, with large, strong toes. The wings are folded on the back in the same way as, for example, a person folds his arms behind his back. The tail is not clearly expressed. Let's look at the goose with its head held high. In this picture, the junction of the neck and torso clearly stands out, pay attention to this detail. By the way: don’t get me wrong, but I really wouldn’t want to instill in students such expressions as “the head and neck are connected.” You cannot do without them completely, but they should be avoided in every possible way. A goose is a goose, it does not “consist” of body parts. We call parts of the body by their names (wing, leg, eye, head) FOR CONVENIENCE, if you take a goose as a goose, as a whole living bird, then there are no body parts. After all, understand, no one connects them like parts of a machine (these are parts in the literal sense). So deal with the goose without taking it apart into its component parts.

This goose is white. But we will give it some volume and life-like appearance by adding shadows:

We have also prepared for you images of a goose with different neck positions. The bird's neck can bend very bizarrely, at a fairly large angle. I would not like to give these bends any names.

We start drawing, as usual, with a pencil sketch.

Now overall plan The future picture is clear and we begin to draw the body of the goose:

And here is our drawing - a goose is walking on the ground.

In this picture the bird is walking, slowly moving its legs, in the next one our goose is running.

    In order to draw a goose with a pencil, we need this step-by-step drawing diagram

    If such a gander is too complicated for you, then I suggest drawing this children’s version of the goose:

    Another goose diagram with step-by-step explanation

    Goose is simple. This is primarily the beak. He is the one who makes the goose. (This also applies to goslings).

    Secondly, the head and neck.

    Then the torso.

    The goose is white, there is nothing special to paint. But the beak is possible. And paws too.

    I think that many of us from childhood remember and love funny songs and fairy tales, the main characters of which were geese.

    And if you decide to draw a goose, I think it will be quite easy to do with the help of a detailed step-by-step diagram.

    You can try to draw a goose according to this scheme:

    Or with this one:

    In fact, learning to draw a goose is quite simple. Especially when you have a clear diagram at hand that will tell you how to properly sketch and complete the drawing. I just have one, you can use it to learn how to draw a goose, look here:

    I think that with the help of this simple lesson you learned how to draw a goose well and beautifully :)

    This is the sequence I drew the goose. You can draw a caterpillar using a similar scheme, but I think this is a separate question. However, not everyone can distinguish a gosling from a duckling, so we are learning to draw adults.

    There is also something like this step by step drawing goose. A goose is a little like a duck, only its neck is longer, and it is larger in size than a duck, but everything else is the same. We start drawing with the body of the oval and the head, connecting it with a large neck. It remains to draw the details, beak, wing, legs

    And in nature, there are geese like this

    In order to draw a goose or gosling using pencils step by step, we will need the following items.

    To begin, we need to find a photo or video diagram.

    I have attached a photo diagram below so that you can more easily draw a Goose or Gosling with pencils.

    First you need to draw general form Goose.

    Then you need to draw the goose's beak and tail.

    At the end you need to draw the eyes of the goose and make the drawing more distinct.

    Just in case, I have also attached a video diagram, maybe it will help you.

    I wish you good luck in your Drawings.

    In my opinion, draw a goose not easy, at least difficulties will arise in drawing its plumage, although for children's drawing You may not need to adhere to such precision of reproduction.

    Here is a diagram of drawing an adult goose, its front view:

    And here is a drawing of a small gosling (although it may be a duckling, but the external differences are not so noticeable):

    And here are a couple of video tutorials in which everything is laid out step by step:

    You can draw a cute little gosling. First, let's draw two ovals and connect them with a flexible line. There will be a neck.

    We draw the beak, eye and nostrils.

Unconventional drawing Master class for 3rd grade students: Goose

Panfilova Nadezhda Pavlovna, teacher primary classes MBOU "Razdolnenskaya school-gymnasium No. 2 named after L. Ryabika" Republic of Crimea

Master class step by step "Goose". Unconventional technique drawing for elementary school children.

Description: The master class will be of interest to primary school teachers, educators additional education, creative children and their parents.
Purpose: The work can decorate a child's room and will be a good gift or exhibition piece.
Target: creating a drawing "Goose" in mixed media.
learn to draw a goose step by step;
develop drawing skills with wax crayons and gouache paints, Creative skills;
develop horizons and curiosity;
to cultivate aesthetic feelings for beauty, neatness, love of creativity, native nature, birds and animals.
-gouache, brushes, water,
-album sheet, pencil,
-wax pencils,


Goose is one of the oldest species poultry, which was domesticated in the 8th century BC. The ancestor of the domestic geese breed is the wild gray goose, unlike which domestic geese have lost the ability to fly. The goose is the pride of every yard.
The reason for the domestication of geese lies in their lifestyle. These birds are herbivores, so they obtain food on their own. The first chicks for domestication were caught or taken from the nest by humans. Geese raised in captivity became attached to their owner.... with their intelligence. Geese tend to be faithful to both their owner and their nesting partner. These qualities of geese were already known in ancient times. The Romans compared these birds with the goddess Juno, the guardian of the family hearth and marital fidelity. Near the temple of the goddess they constantly kept a flock of geese.
It was the geese who woke up the guards at night with their cackling when the enemies attacked Rome. This is where the saying comes from: "Geese
Rome was saved."

In modern farming, there are many breeds of geese. But what they have in common is that they all cannot fly or do it very poorly. Geese are waterfowl and therefore need water. There they look for food for themselves.
Everyone knows a funny song about two geese that lived with their grandmother:
Two merry geese lived with granny,
One is gray, the other is white,
Two cheerful geese.
Breeds: Emdean, Legard, Italian and many others, their plumage is white, their beak and legs are orange, their eyes are blue or black.
Artists painted pictures, poets and writers composed poems and fairy tales, stories, sculptors created monuments.
These are our geese!

In the city of Arzamas there is a monument to a goose.

Kursk writer Evgeny Nosov wrote a story " White goose"where is the goose price own life saves his little goslings. Literary character, a monument to the family goose was unveiled in the city of Kursk.


We place the white sheet horizontally. With a simple pencil Draw an oval in the center of the sheet.

Draw the neck.

We outline the outline of the tail plumage.

Draw the beak and legs.

Take white wax pencil and shade out all the feathers of the goose, except for the beak and legs. We will paint them with an orange wax pencil.

Visually divide the sheet into two parts. At the bottom there is grass.
Use a green pencil to outline the blades of grass.

Draw clouds in white at the top of the sheet. On the left side we will add a little yellow tone.

We begin to fill the sky with a blue tone of paint.

Paint the bottom of the leaf green.

Dandelions bloom across a green field. Using the poking method, we create yellow and white circles.

For greater expressiveness, outline the outline of the goose with gray paint.

Add a little white to the clouds.

Our "Goose"

A goose has two legs
Beady eyes,
Has its own habits
Walks without looking back
Yes, and not in a hurry.
Homemade sage goose,
Thinks, reflects,
He is a brave fighter
It just doesn't fly.
Looks good-natured
But I’m ready for battle,
And he can walk
Following you.
(Borisov T.)

In fairy tales and legends, the goose is often found as a character. He can be absurd, cheerful, reasonable, cocky, stupid. In a word, he is not distinguished by an easy-going disposition. We know him as a bird with a complex character. However, there is nothing easier than drawing a goose with a pencil. A little imagination, a little skill, a bit of patience - and now there’s a bully goose in front of you.

Not everyone can boast of having seen a real goose. Therefore, before starting work, let’s define its features. To understand how to draw a goose, you need to look at the image of a real goose in a photograph or picture. We will need this in order to find out the features of its structure. The most remarkable detail is the goose's beak. It is quite large and wide. The beak begins at the top of the head. The neck is neither short nor long, it blends steeply into the chest, which is protruded forward. The body is large, the legs are strong. The color of a goose can be different: white,

Important point

Before drawing a goose, let's determine the angle in which it will be depicted. You can choose front or side view. Drawing a goose from the front is more difficult, so we chose a side view. We will draw using ovals. We will place the goose on a whole sheet of paper, in the middle.

How to draw a goose step by step with a pencil?

First, at the top of the sheet, draw a small oval in the vertical plane - the head of a goose. One end of the oval should be located slightly downward. From the oval we draw two lines down - the neck of the goose. It is slightly narrowed at the top and widened at the bottom.

At the second stage, we shape the body in the form of a large oval. It should also be located slightly downward. We connect the front line of the neck with the bottom point of the oval. This way we will form a protruding chest.

At the third stage, we add a tail to the back of the body. The tail should stick up. Erase the auxiliary lines connecting the head and neck, neck and torso, torso and tail.

At the fourth stage, draw a large beak, dividing it with a horizontal wavy line. You can also depict a beak with a peculiar bump. Then the goose will look more like This growth distinguishes domestic from wild. Let's not forget about the eye, it shouldn't be too big.

Let's move on to the final stage. Let's draw the legs. To the body, closer to its front part, we draw two semicircles next to each other. These are a kind of hips, they look like jodhpurs. From each semicircle we draw a leg. They should not be too long to maintain the proportions of the bird. One leg is pointed to the right side, the other to the left. It turns out that our goose is walking. Let's not forget to draw membranes on the paws. On the side, exactly in the middle of the body, draw one wing. You can draw feathers on the wing and tail. We trace the outline of the bird again with a pencil. The goose is ready!


Now it’s clear how to draw a goose; both an adult and any child can do it. Having mastered the skills of drawing this bird, you can learn to depict others (ducks, swans, cranes).

How to easily draw a goose with a pencil step by step for children and adults. Let's learn to draw a beautiful goose with a pencil step by step together with your child. Find out how to quickly and easily learn to draw a beautiful goose.

Every person in his life wants to learn how to draw beautifully and quickly, children especially love to draw and want to learn how to draw beautifully, they are interested in learning to draw not only nature, the sun, flowers, houses, people, but also pets and wild animals.

Today we’ll see how you can easily and quickly learn to draw one of the domestic animals, a goose. Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where a goose is drawn. Look at the position of the goose, how and where its different body parts are located.

In the center of the picture is the body of a goose, on the right is the tail of the goose, on the left is the head of the goose, and at the bottom are the paws of the goose.

Now, in the same way, mentally, divide your sheet of paper for different parts goose body

First, start drawing the goose from the body, draw the body of the goose in the form of a large oval, the right part of the oval is lower, and the left part of the body is located above. A little above the body on the left side, draw the head of the goose, in the form of a small circle. Connect the head and body with two smooth lines - this will be the neck of the goose.

Draw the goose's eye in the center of the head. On the left side draw the beak of a goose, it looks a little like two triangles, the tips of the beak are sharp.

Now draw the goose’s wing, it should be large, the end of the wing should be pointed. At the bottom, draw the legs of the goose. The goose's legs are short; draw spurs on the back of the goose.

Finish drawing the goose’s wing, draw its feathers, long and beautiful.

Look how beautiful your goose is. Paint the goose with any colors or leave it white, whatever you like.

Let's try to draw another goose

Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where a goose is drawn. Look at the position of the goose, how and where its different body parts are located.

In the center of the picture is the body of a goose, on the right is the tail of the goose, on the left is the head of the goose, and at the bottom are the paws of the goose. Now, in the same way, mentally, divide your sheet of paper for different parts of the goose’s body.

First start drawing the goose from the head, draw the goose's head like a jagged square.

At the top of the head, draw the goose's eye in the form of a small oval and fill in the pupil. On the left side, draw the beak of a goose; the nose should be small, elongated, and the tip sharp.

On the right side of the head, draw two curved lines downwards - this will be the neck of the goose.

Now you need to outline the outline of the goose’s body, draw it approximately, like an irregular rectangle, sketch the tail on the right side.

Outline the outline of the goose with smooth lines, draw a tail and the outline of the legs.

Draw the back of the goose's legs, draw spurs and draw wings and feathers.

Erase the extra lines that are no longer needed, draw a brighter outline of the goose.

Apply a small stroke all over the goose.

Look what a beautiful goose you have made. Color the goose as shown in the top picture or with any colors you like.

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Learn to draw yourself, teach your children to draw, to draw a goose step by step, it took you a little time, but now you know how to draw this magnificent domestic animal. We wish you good luck in your future works.