Drawing on the theme of space in pencil. How to draw space with a pencil step by step

  • 24.04.2019

There is no doubt that any person, thinking, so to speak, about the eternal, imagines the depths of space with its unexplored expanses and tries to express his feelings in the form of a painting or drawing. Let's see how to draw space using various tools and techniques.

What do we associate outer space with?

The primary association of outer space, even on a subconscious level, for any person is reduced to infinity, although not everyone imagines what it is.

If you approach the question of how to draw space step by step, you should pay attention to some elements that are most often depicted in paintings. First, a spatial structure is created. These can be galaxies or nebulae with rarefied gas, then stars visible to the naked eye or through modern telescopes are included here.

Only then can we assume the presence of a planetary system, although in most cases the question of how to draw space comes down to depicting objects known to us in the solar system, because we do not know what the surfaces of planets in other star systems look like (the nearest distance is 4 light years - Proxima of the constellation Centaurus).

And, naturally, to depict his view of what may be there, even a novice artist uses absolutely different instruments, most suitable to his imagination.

If you look at all the drawings and paintings, you will notice that most often they depict stars (constellations), nebulae, galaxies and planetary systems.

In the first, second and third cases, the question of how to draw space is solved quite simply. On any dark background (even black or gray) inclusions are applied in the form of stars, varying in size and light activity. This is the easiest way.

As for nebulae, they often appear colored not only in the ultraviolet or infrared spectrum, but also in the visible to the human eye range. It is from this perspective that it is worth considering the question of how to paint space in watercolors. It is best suited for this due to the fact that when mixed with water, you can obtain smooth shades and transitions that are inaccessible to, say, gouache or oil paints. But more on that later.

How to get inspired?

If you’re really thinking about how to draw space, or rather, get some kind of charge that can give impetus to an outburst of emotions, first you should just look at the night sky in clear weather.

Alas, in our hemisphere the sky looks only like darkness interspersed with stars. Another thing is the Southern Hemisphere, where the Milky Way (that’s the name of our galaxy) looks in all its glory.

On the other hand, music is quite a powerful tool for activating thoughts. If previously so-called space music was associated with bands like Space or Zodiac, today it is enough to listen to compositions in the Ambient, Chillout or Downtempo style, which use complex sound effects.

How to paint space with paints?

Now about the colors. Based on the above, the most decisive question will be how to paint space in watercolors.

Here it is worth paying attention to the colors themselves. First you need to apply a dark background to the sheet, let the paint and paper dry a little, and then dilute the depth by adding water as usual. You understand that outer space cannot be equally dark.

After this, you can begin drawing images of galaxies or planets. By the way, it is with the help of watercolors that it is best to depict colored gas nebulae. But you can specify some elements using additional means in the form of gouache or oil.

How to draw space with a pencil?

With pencils the situation is somewhat worse. The fact is that it will not be possible to achieve the blurriness inherent in space.

Here it is better to use vertical, horizontal or oblique shading with a long stylus. In addition, even drawing some global elements requires knowledge of additional effects.

Additional effects

In the case of paints, everything is clear. Regular dilution with water gives a fairly powerful effect. But few people know what else is in Soviet times a method was invented to obtain smooth transitions when drawing with a pencil.

You just need to grind off the lead a little onto a separate piece of paper, then take the powder and smear it over the image on the paper. The effect is simply amazing. By the way, this applies not only to simple pencils, but also to colored pencils. This is called retouching.

Separately, it is worth noting that when it comes to the question of how to draw space, some authors of paintings do not limit themselves only to using standard means. For example, adding sparkles to symbolize stars is quite a hot topic.

Which is better to use?

Now a few words about what is better: a computer program or hand drawing? Both. Of course, applications for creating and processing graphics have their own quite powerful capabilities, but many people first record their flight of thoughts on paper, after which they scan the drawing and convert it into the desired format.

However, programs like Adobe Photoshop or the same Corel Draw package offers to use complex gradient fills as templates, which are simply not possible to achieve with regular drawing.

Based on this, we can simply advise you to initially make a sketch of the future drawing or painting, and only then decide whether it is worth processing it in computer program or leave it unchanged. In principle, both options are acceptable. Although the solution to the question of how to paint space in the usual way seems preferable.

It’s another matter if the artist does not want to digitize the painting. This is understandable, because a sheet of paper or canvas looks natural. Unlike computer images, when viewing, you can touch the painting and see the paint application technique used by the author of this or that masterpiece.

On a dark night, when we look up, we see a black, bottomless sky and many sparkling small distant points. These are the stars. And somewhere between the stars, even further away and practically invisible to us, distant planets rotate around their axes and in their orbits.

Mysterious space... This little-explored and little-studied world beckons us, attracts us with its secrets and does not allow a person to calm down, asking him the same question: what is there, in the distant distance? A world of stars, planets, nebulae, asteroids, comets... Will we ever know the whole truth about you? The theme of space is very loved by artists: both experienced and beginners. Now let's pick up pencils and try to draw space step by step. So, let's get started!

Stage 1. First, draw a circle approximately in the middle of the sheet. This is the center of our universe - a Star called the Sun. You can draw a circle using a compass or by circling some round object that suits your size.

Stage 2. Then, from the circle - the Sun, we begin to draw elliptical circles. To put it simply, these are ovals of different sizes: from the smallest around the Sun. They gradually expand, increasing to the largest. These circles are the orbits of the various planets in our Universe that revolve around the Sun.

Stage 3. On the nearest elliptical circle we draw the planet Mercury. Next - Venus, then - Earth, and then - Mars. On our planet Earth we will show the wavy lines of the oceans and continents, and also draw a small satellite of the Earth - the Moon. In the foreground we depict with clear lines the interplanetary spaceship.

Stage 4. Add large circles - the planets Jupiter and Saturn with rings around their axis. Let's add another front part to the spaceship.

Stage 5. Now the turn of the most distant planets has arrived: Neptune, Uranus and Pluto.

Stage 6. Using small dots throughout the picture between the planets and their axes of motion, we show cosmic dust.

Stage 7. It wasn’t at all difficult for us to draw space. Namely, our Universe with the center - the Sun Star.

Stage 8. Color the drawing. We do this carefully so that it turns out picturesque and believable.

Well.. While I’m loading the movie, I’m doing a lesson on drawing space.. It might come in handy.

How to draw space with a pencil step by step

Step one.

Draw a round shape for the planet and the outline of the landscape.

Step two.

Let's correct the contours of the planet and its satellite. In the foreground we draw two men, these are astronauts sent to the moon.

Step three.

Let's add some touches.

Step four.

Let's draw a starry sky. Or more precisely, it is outer space. In the middle of the lunar landscape we will draw several craters.

Step five.

All that's left to do is add some shadows. In the end it turned out like this space picture:

How to draw the Earth with a pencil step by step

Step one. Drawing a circle by hand is very difficult. First we need two squares, divided in half, so that we can fit the colo into them. Of course, you can take a compass and draw a circle. But this is not a royal matter.
Step two. As mentioned above, we make the outline of our planet, draw four arcs at the corners of the square.
Step three. Now it will be easier to draw smooth circle. We combine the arcs so that everything turns out as clear as possible.
Step four. Now we sketch all the continents, oceans, islands and peninsulas on our ball. Anything that will fit and be noticeable.
Step five. We remove the auxiliary lines. We stick dots around the planet - an image of distant stars, move the pencil, depict space so that the planet does not look lonely.

How to draw the planets of the solar system with a pencil

Step one

Drawing the orbits of the planets. Their shape is an ellipse, close to a circle. But, if we look from one point, then visually we see not circles, but arcs, parts of ellipses. Such as in the picture. On the lines we outline the positions of the planets.

Step two

We draw circles - planets. We start with small Mercury, then larger Venus and Earth, again a small circle is Mars and further, as in the picture. In the lower left corner we will show the edge of the Sun.

Step three

Let's erase the auxiliary lines - the axes of the circles. Let's make the orbits brighter.

Step four

Let's add others celestial bodies: comets, asteroids. Let's draw “rings” to the large planets.

Step five

Let's do the shading. With its help we must turn our circles into a sphere. We remember that we have the Sun in the center, and light falls from its side. But the opposite side of the planet will be darkened. The result should be something like this:

How to draw an astronaut with a pencil step by step

There are four steps ahead.

Step one.

Place a round circle at the top of the sheet big head. She's big because she's wearing a helmet. Let's draw two curved lines down - this is the outline of the body. We will draw an astronaut in zero gravity. And this immediately sets his position. Let's draw the contours of the arms and legs. The spacesuit has a belt. Let's outline the backpack behind our shoulders.

Step two.

We begin to draw out the details: the helmet, fingers, all sorts of bells and whistles on the “suit”. Moreover, all the elements are quite large.

Step three.

On the helmet we will outline an opening for the eyes, making it three-dimensional. Let's start drawing shoes. Let's show a pocket-bag on the belt. Look carefully at the picture and fill in what is missing on your sheet. Rivets, bends on the fingers, etc.

Step four.

We will show horizontal shading on the belts. Let's draw the shoes: the pattern on the sole, the clasp. The astronaut wears a small electronic device on his hip. Now let's outline the main elements of our drawing. Almost done. You can use shading to “revive” our hero, or add color using paints!

How to draw a space rocket with a pencil step by step

Step one. Our rocket is not just some kind of device with an engine, but an entire spaceship. We draw two oval figures - this is the hull of the ship. Below we will notice one wing of the rocket, and behind it is the tail.
Step two. Connecting the ovals. The structure of the rocket, its structural parts have complex shape, which makes no sense to describe. Therefore, try to repeat it as you see in the picture, or you can come up with your own rocket.
Step three. The ship should have many different parts on the hull, plates, guns, portholes.
Step four.
Step five.

How to draw a lunar rover with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's divide the device into structural parts, depicting them on paper in the form of rectangles.
Step two. Let's sketch a sketch of an astronaut sitting in a car.
Step three. Add a small antenna in front of the vehicle and outline the person behind the wheel in more detail.
Step four. Let's remove the auxiliary lines and outline the contours more clearly.
Step five. To show the effect of movement, we will make shadows under it, and also add shading to the wheels, the astronaut and other parts. Here:

How to draw a spaceship with a pencil step by step

Step one. Sketching a template with geometric shapes for the ship, we will display the hull and places for the engines.
Step two. Let's draw the jet turbines, adjust the lines of the hull a little and add a small cannon underneath it.
Step three. You need to highlight the borders with a pencil with a thicker line, add a lot of details to the wing, outline them, and also add number 09 for appearance.
Step four. Light movements Let's shade the entire area of ​​the ship horizontally, and completely shade out the windows, turbine outlets and the cannon.

How to draw the moon with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's mark the location of the moon on paper using a square.
Step two. Let's draw a circle, preferably an even one. Although the surface of the moon is not smooth, it will appear different from afar.
Step three. Let's add craters, mountains and depressions to the surface.
Step four. Let's add some shading.

So the month of April has come... with hope for warmth and bright sunshine, with flowers and joy... Very soon the world will celebrate Cosmonautics Day. This is a holiday that includes important events And greatest discoveries, achievements of human civilization and the discovery of inaccessible secrets and worlds.

IN different time The children and I conducted various activities on the topic of Space; links to some of them will be at the end of the article and in. And today I invite you and your children to arm yourself with pencils and paints and go paint space!

Hooray! I announce the opening new section “Learning to Draw” and I invite you to meet the artist Julia, who shared her drawing skills with us.

How to draw space step by step

Drawings on the theme of space are a common April assignment in schools and kindergartens. Julia offers us two options space theme on different ages: for preschoolers and primary school students.

I know that many parents are categorically against templates and examples in drawing. But I am also convinced that in order to learn to draw, sometimes you need a push, an example, which, when embodied, the child will believe in himself and begin to reveal his capabilities and talents. Shall we try?

Drawing “Rocket in space” for children 4-5 years old.

The drawing is so simple and easy that it seems to me that it does not need additional descriptions. However, if you prefer the video format of the lesson, then watch this video:

Drawing on the theme “Space” for children 6-7 years old.

And here is the video MK of the rocket’s drawing, posted on ours:

These are the simple and accessible drawings about space that the artist Julia offered us today. And I am grateful to her for her beautiful creativity.

What do you think of these drawings about space? And what do you and your children like to draw on a given topic? By the way, you can send your drawings for this MK to me by email, I will post them in this article.

Summary: Children's drawings on the theme of space. How to draw a picture for Cosmonautics Day.

On the eve of Cosmonautics Day, it will be important to talk about children's drawings on the theme of space. In this article we want to tell you how to draw space using unconventional drawing techniques. Here we will look at drawings on the theme of space, made in the techniques of grattage, passe-partout, and “spray”. You will also learn how to draw unusual drawing for Cosmonautics Day using shaving foam or bubble wrap. The techniques for drawing space described in the article are easy to implement and accessible, including to children of preschool and primary school age.

1. Drawings on the theme of space using scratch paper technique

The word “grattage” comes from the French gratter - to scrape, scratch, so another name for the technique is the scratching technique.

To draw a drawing on the theme of space using the scratchboard technique, you will need:

Heavy weight white paper (or cardstock)
- colored wax crayons
- black gouache paint or ink
- dishwashing liquid
- tassel
- any sharp object (wooden skewer, toothpick, knitting needle, etc.)

Work plan:

1. Color the paper with colored wax crayons in free style. Don't skimp on the crayons; they should cover the paper with a thick layer. Note: even a small child can handle this part of the job.

2. Mix 3 parts black gouache paint (ink) and 1 part dishwashing liquid. Cover the paper with the resulting mixture in an even layer.

3. Let the paint dry completely. You can speed up this process using a hairdryer. Now comes the fun part! Take any sharp object and scratch your drawing on the theme of space with it. The result will be original work for Cosmonautics Day, made in the unconventional drawing technique of grattage

2. How to draw space. Drawing using the "passepartout" technique

This is very unusual and fascinating technique drawing. First, as in the previous technique, you need to color a sheet of paper with colored wax crayons. The result is a bright, colorful rug. After this, draw templates of planets, flying saucers, space rockets, stars, etc. on cardboard. Cut out the templates. On a thick sheet of black paper, lay out the cut out templates in the form of a composition. Trace them with a pencil, then cut out the silhouettes using nail scissors. Note: This step of the job must be performed by an adult. Now place a black sheet of paper with cut out silhouettes on the “rug” painted with crayons. The drawing of space using the passe-partout technique is ready. Link to the original source.

3. Children's drawings on the theme of space. Drawing with shaving foam

For children in creativity, the process itself is more important than the result obtained. We, adults, are interested in the final product of our activities. Today we want to offer you a type of play with colors that will satisfy the needs of both children and adults. The website games-for-kids.ru describes interesting way creation of the so-called "marble paper" using regular shaving foam and paints (or food coloring). Taking advantage detailed instructions By making “marble paper” described on this site, you can make beautiful drawings on the theme of space for Cosmonautics Day.

4. Drawings for Cosmonautics Day. Drawing space to music

In 1914-1916, the English composer Gustav Holst composed symphonic suite"Planets". The suite consists of 7 parts - according to the number of planets solar system(excluding Earth) known at the time of writing. We suggest you do the following with your child: interesting activity, dedicated to the topic space, on the eve of cosmonautics day.

Give your child a large piece of paper and paint. Ask him with a simple pencil Divide the sheet into four equal parts. Now let him listen to any 4 parts of the suite in turn (for example, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus). Listening to every part piece of music, he must depict on canvas the emotions and feelings that this music evokes in him. Children, as a rule, really like this kind of work. This is what one of our students drew.

From the resulting abstract paintings Then you can cut out the planets and stick them on a sheet of black paper. The drawing for Cosmonautics Day is ready!

5. Drawings on the theme of space. Drawing space with a toothbrush

We invite you to make a drawing on the theme of space in the so-called. spray technique. Using a toothbrush, splatter white paint on a piece of black paper. You will get a starry sky. Planets can be drawn with a sponge by smearing paint on it different colors. Look what beautiful drawing We got it on the theme of space!

6. Children's drawings on the theme of space. Unconventional drawing techniques

If you happen to have a piece of bubble wrap lying around your house, now is the time to use it to children's creativity. After all, with the help of this wonderful material you can very simply paint the planet. You just need to apply paint to the film and attach it to the drawing in the right place.

The planet in the picture below is also made using this technique. unconventional drawing. Additional prints were made using a cardboard roll from toilet paper and a plastic tube. Also, when drawing this picture on the theme of space, the so-called. spray technique.

7. Drawings of space. Drawings for Cosmonautics Day

An interesting project for children for Cosmonautics Day was prepared by the website MrBrintables.com. On this site you can download and print a drawing of the Moon. The moon comes in three sizes: large (22 sheets), medium (6 sheets) and small size(1 sheet). Print out the drawing and stick the sheets on the wall in the correct sequence.

Now invite your child to imagine who lives on the moon. Let him draw its inhabitants, their houses, transport, etc.

8. Drawings on the theme of space. Children's drawings on the theme of space

These charming aliens are drawn using this unconventional technology drawing like blowing paint through a straw (plastic tube). What is this technique?

Using a brush (or pipette), apply paint diluted with water onto a sheet of paper to create a spot of paint on the sheet. After this, we blow on the paint through a straw, it spreads into different sides and we get a weirdly shaped spot. When the paint is dry, we add all the necessary details to our alien.