Ways to confess your love to a guy. Declaration of mad love to a man

  • 07.10.2023

Modern rules of society do not prohibit a woman from showing her emotions openly. If earlier it was at least indecent for female representatives to take the initiative on their own, now there is nothing unusual about this. Having gotten rid of the prejudices imposed by society, the female half of the planet's population has acquired freedom, which gives her the right to independently say something nice to a man. So, to a man? The information from this article will help you open your soul without waiting for inspiration, since a complete list of different confession options has already been prepared.

Why talk about your feelings?

Very often in life situations arise when a modest or undecided man torments his lady with anticipation, without taking any steps towards serious action. In this case, the optimal solution would be to take the initiative into your own hands and choose your own words of love. This decision will help clarify the situation and give certainty to the relationship.

Number of ways to declare your love

Each person is individual, so it is impossible to thoroughly count all the options for the manifestation of a bright feeling. It all depends on personal desire, imagination and outlook. In addition, many people use various services to declare their love. So, we can say that the budget is also important. But if you have limited funds, you can get by with just words. Maybe someone dreams about it, but doesn’t dare say it.

Possible options for brave girls

In the absence of complexes, the task is reduced to a minimum: it is important to choose the right place for confession and make it. If a woman is wondering how to beautifully confess her love to her partner, then it will be extremely useful to use the tips below.

  • It is necessary to be especially careful when choosing a location. It is possible that the couple will celebrate this particular day every year as a sentimental moment in the relationship and tell their grandchildren how it all happened. This could be a cozy restaurant or cafe, an evening walk or a romantic dinner at home. Under no circumstances should you do this while watching television or a concert event. It is important to tune in to the right mood and provide the environment so that the confession is heard and correctly perceived.
  • Put yourself in order to back up your words with your appearance, focusing on the hope of reciprocity.

How to overcome fear and admit your crush

Quite often in society there are situations when a girl says: “I’m afraid to confess my love.” In this situation, effective methods come to the rescue when it is morally difficult to express all the words face-to-face to the object of love.

Options for the shy and unsure of themselves

  • Write On paper you can express words of love without an ounce of embarrassment and without holding back your emotions. This option is most suitable for girls whose written language is better developed than oral. Being in a familiar environment and having gathered your thoughts, it is much easier to concentrate on the importance of the moment and not forget everything you want to say. Initially, you can practice on a draft, choose a soft and voluminous font so that the recipient of the message enjoys reading what is written.
  • In the age of information technology, we should not forget about mobile devices. which make life much easier and also help maintain communication at a distance. A cell phone can become a real guide. How to be the first to confess your love to a man? You can simply write him a sweet SMS that will pique his interest. During the ensuing correspondence, it is necessary to smoothly move the topic in the right direction, and then begin active actions. The result will depend on the partner’s intentions and mood.
  • Voicemail and social networks. If a girl is afraid of getting nervous during an important step, you can use various instant messengers or applications to send voice messages. It is important to think through each proposal and confidently press the “Send” button.

Examples of beautiful confessions

To make the desired impression on your loved one and answer the question “How to confess your love to a man?”, it is recommended to select a confession in accordance with the level of the relationship, the age of the partner and other individual circumstances. Below are sample options for expressing feelings to a young man or man. You can use them in their original form or supplement them with your own thoughts, as well as modify them at your own discretion.

Ready-made texts to express your feelings

  1. We haven’t known each other for long, but during this time I realized how close in spirit you are to me. This connection means a lot to me. When we part and you are not around for a long time, I go crazy from the separation and want to snuggle up to your shoulder as soon as possible. You are the dearest. For your sake, I am ready to do anything and want to walk all the roads of life with you.
  2. Before, it seemed to me that I had never truly fallen in love. But you changed the whole world around. There are kilometers of warm thoughts in my head that I want to give only to you. During separation, I go over the moments of our dates in my memory and my soul becomes so warm. You have become the closest and dearest. Thank you for beeing.
  3. At night I can’t sleep because thoughts about you don’t give me peace. I just love you.
  4. If you read this text to the end, you will find out that one good girl loves you. He loves you so much that he simply cannot imagine his life without you. This girl is me.
  5. I will always remember the day we met. It was then that I gained the wings on which I still fly today. You are my soul, my world, my breath. Thank you for making my life brighter and more interesting. I love you.
  6. I always miss you. Even when you are a couple of millimeters away from me. I will always miss the time we spend alone. Let me enjoy your presence, and in return I will give you my love and tenderness.
  7. Your kisses are space. These sensations take me to an unknown galaxy from which I do not want to return. You give me unforgettable touches, I want to experience them endlessly. I love you with all my soul and heart.
  8. I don't need stars from heaven - they are absolutely useless on Earth. I don't need a car, because I just love walking with you. Do you know what I want? Mutual love. I have already given you my heart. If you want, it will stay with you forever.
  9. There are so many words for showing love, I read a lot on the topic “how to confess your love to a man.” It's true, it's true. Yes, I take the first step and take the initiative. But I'm not afraid of being considered banal. I'll just say: you are everything to me.
  10. I want to turn into a little raindrop and quench the thirst of your expectations. I want to be the moonlight that illuminates your path. I want to be snow and melt in your tender palms. And more than anything in the world I want to be your favorite girl. I can make you the happiest man on planet Earth, I promise.

How to confess your love to an older man?

A grown man has probably already seen a lot in life and it is difficult to surprise him. Therefore, it is necessary to make every effort to ensure that your partner is delighted. To do this, it is recommended to use the surprise effect. For example, just call in the middle of the working day (after making sure that you are not distracting a busy person from important matters) and say pleasant words to him, telling him about your feelings. If the partner is focused on reciprocity, then you should expect a positive reaction that evening. You can also surprise a respectable, older person with a sudden, breathy confession in your ear during a regular dinner in a restaurant. Another option: send a courier to his office with a heartfelt message. Also a surprise could be a note carelessly left on the table (in a place where he will definitely find it as soon as possible).

Extreme methods for the experienced

Creative individuals approach their work with all responsibility and often think about how to confess their love to a man in an original way. Firstly, it should be interesting for the partner, and secondly, it should not be banal. To achieve this goal, this form of game is ideal - a quest. You can organize it yourself, or you can contact the relevant companies. The main prize and end point is a meeting with your beloved and verbal recognition or a written message in a bottle or case.

How to confess to a man? When words are not enough and the idea of ​​writing letters is no longer attractive, you can use graffiti on the walls or banners. The location should be convenient for viewing in an area where your loved one will definitely see recognition.

For those who are interested in sports, you can use a method that will be enhanced by the release of adrenaline into the blood. For example, declaring your love during a joint parachute jump or at the finish line of conquering a high mountain.

Possible mistakes to avoid

If you seriously think about how to confess your love to a man, you can find many nuances that are worth paying special attention to:

  • It is important not to worry and tune in. Embarrassment and embarrassment in such a situation are inappropriate.
  • Don't put your head down. Try to catch the eye and look directly into the eyes of your partner.
  • Don't gesticulate. Extra movements are distracting.
  • Do not examine your surroundings. Imagine that there are only two left in this world.
  • Do not laugh, so as not to give the opportunity to think that everything said is just a joke.
  • Go to the main thing, omitting the details. The masculine gender does not like unnecessary words.
  • Stand or sit straight, do not let the topic change. Sometimes a man can grab hold of body movements: “Are you cold? Let's get out of here.” To avoid this, you need to take a relaxed posture.
  • How to confess your love to a man? Think in advance about how and what to say. In case of force majeure and forgetfulness, it is important not to get confused and express feelings in your own words.

Behavior in case of a negative reaction to recognition

Situations are different, and women’s declarations of love are not always welcome. The correct position in such circumstances: gratitude for the opportunity to express your feelings and give certainty to the relationship. After this, you can think about how to change your life for the better.

My dearest little man, I want to confess to you once again my feelings. I will never get tired of confessing my love to you, because every time I find more and more words that will help me express my feelings and emotions towards you. Sweetie, over so many years of our relationship with you, I have become convinced that there is no person closer and dearer to me. I was convinced that our feelings were becoming stronger every time. It is important to me that you are happy, healthy and loved, because these three components will help you live and enjoy life. For my part, I will do everything to ensure that these three components are always in abundance. My beloved, just remember that I don’t feel sorry for anything for you, because you are the most dear person to me. I promise that your every day will be filled with love and care from me. You are the best.

My dear, it seems to me that I will never get tired of confessing my love to you, because this very love for you is becoming greater and greater every day. I want to share my happiness with everyone around me, but I try to keep silent because I want to preserve our feelings. My beloved, I want to come up with new words in order to confess my feelings in a new way every time. Believe me, for your sake and for the sake of our relationship, I am ready to do everything possible and impossible, because I want to always see you happy and smiling. I would never have thought that I would love someone so much, but you were able to awaken in me all kinds of feelings of love and tenderness. You were able to change me and my life, for which I am eternally grateful to you. Thank you for every second of my happy life. Believe that you too will be the happiest man.

My incredible and most beloved man, I want to tell you that there is no person in the world closer to me than you. You and I have been together for many years, but at the same time I still don’t fully understand how much love you have, because every day you surround me with more and more love and care. My gentle one, I want to say that I consider the day we met you the best day of my life, because that day gave me you. And I consider you the meaning of my whole life, because for your sake I am ready to do anything. I want to share every joy of mine with you, and we will share every joy of yours together. We will also overcome all sorrows and difficulties together, because you and I are a family. No cliches play a role in this life, because the most important thing is feelings. And our feelings with you are the strongest and strongest. My sincere man, I will make you the happiest.

My diamond, only with you I understood what it means to love and be loved. Only you could give me happiness and joy. Believe me, I’m ready to give you all this too, because I always want to see you happy and smiling. My emerald, I am incredibly lucky to have you, because you were able to surround me with care and love. I want to do everything to make your every wish come true. I will give you comfort and coziness in the house, I will surround you with the utmost care and love. Our family with you will be the happiest, because you and I really deserve it. My beloved, I will never forget the day when we met. But at the same time, I want to make every day unforgettable for us. But at the same time, every day will be filled only with love and joy. I want you to feel loved always.

My dear, you can’t even imagine how important and dear a person you are to me, on whom I can always count. You were able to surround me with love and care, you were able to give me happiness and joy. And I, in turn, want to say that I will do everything to ensure that you always feel happy and calm. I want to say that my love for you is simply limitless, because every day I feel that my feelings are becoming stronger and stronger. I believe that you and I met then not by chance, because we were destined to live our whole lives together. You and I will create the strongest and most friendly family that we both dream of. I want to confess my love to you in a new way every day. But they don’t come up with new words, so sometimes I find it difficult. But believe me, all this doesn’t matter to me, because the main thing is that we simply understand each other without words.

For me, real happiness is waking up next to you, falling asleep next to you and just being with you always. I want to share both joys and sad moments with you, because we are one family, one whole that cannot be destroyed. Let every day further strengthen our feelings with you. Believe me, for my part, I will do everything to ensure that this is exactly the case, because I personally am going to live my whole life with you. My beloved, I want to give you happiness, love and care. And give it all in such quantities that you couldn’t even think about. Remember that my love for you is simply limitless, so be sure that it will be enough for many years of our happy life. My beloved, I want to give you children who will simply adore you. They will be like you, they will follow you in everything, as you want.

You are the one without whom life is impossible,
You're the one without whom it's harder for me to breathe
You are my faith and dream and desire,
You are the one I can’t sleep without.

You are everything good that has happened in life,
You are joy and happiness, love and dreams,
With you, all sorrows are forgotten at once,
You give colorful and good dreams.

You are the most desired and most cherished,
And the world without you would become black and white,
I love you, I enjoy you immensely,
I want you not to forget this.

I want to confess to you
In my feelings, my dear.
I didn't think about falling in love
I'm in my recent past.

But then meeting you
Turned everything upside down in my soul,
Warmed my heart
The joy in life has returned to me.

I fell in love with you passionately!
Every day with you is happy.
I'm not afraid to admit to you -
I love you my darling!

I don't know how my life would have turned out if I hadn't met you. And not really, I guess, I want to know this, because with you every moment is filled with happiness. You managed to give the world that I dreamed of for so long, which I would never give to anyone. You allowed me to experience life, taught me to perceive, as I previously thought, ordinary things differently. You are all the best and brightest that could happen to me. Your love warms, inspires and gives me strength. I love you so much that even words cannot describe all the feelings that I feel for you. I want to live forever with you, I want to watch the happiness of our children and grandchildren, carefully holding your hand. I don’t want to imagine even a day without you, because parting with you even for a minute is like agony. You are the only one to whom I am ready to devote myself entirely, without reserve, without demanding anything in return.

My dear, I want to hug you,
You and I are gentle creatures.
I'll tell you what I love
Any distance is not scary.

You are always so caring
Affectionate, beautiful and funny.
You are the only one and only mine!
The most important one in my life!

I want to be with you
I want to touch you
I'm at a loss for words
To confess my love for you.

The ocean is huge
But the grain of sand is so small.
You are the peace of my soul,
You are the other half of my heart.

There are many stars in the sky
But I only see one.
After all, you are my star,
And you're much closer.

Yes, I love you.
And you know it.
I'm burning with passion -
You set me on fire!

Tell me about love
It's not difficult for you at all
It's more difficult when with you
It's impossible to be close.

I can't reveal my feelings
Almost unbearable
The main thing for me is to love
And know that I am loved!

When I met you,
I probably realized right away
That I didn’t know such people before,
Love pierced like an arrow!

You are gentle, affectionate and brave,
The man of my dreams!
And so easy, and so skillfully
You made me happy!

With you I am loved, desired,
I know I'm always needed!
Beloved, dear, long-awaited,
I will be faithful to you all my life!

I'm the happiest with you,
When you kiss me.
When your eyes are beautiful
They look at mine. The words are simple.

When you hug me tenderly,
And you will hide from any adversity,
The whole world around is playing with colors,
The sky shines brighter.

I love you, I love you desperately
All tenderness, all love to you
I'll give it back. You and I are firmly united.
You are my meaning in my destiny.

I won't hide my feelings for you,
Yes, for me it’s probably obvious.
I'm not afraid to admit to you,
Because there is no shame in love.

You are the closest and dearest to me.
I will endure any pain for you.
I love you, my dear!
Gently hug and kiss!

The only one, my beloved,
All I need is to be with you.
I need to breathe
Loving you and being loved.

The only one, my beloved,
I want to be your wife
Bound by fate forever
With my loved one.

My beloved, dear man,
I find my happiness with you!
You are my other half
And only I belong to you!

With you next to me, my soul blossoms,
After all, you are my bright sunshine!
And may your heart always know
That there is no limit to my love!

Nowadays, for some reason, it has become almost the norm that a girl in a relationship with a guy occupies, if not the main, but an equal role. Guys, have you moved on?

Often a girl takes everything into her own hands. She can be the first to ask for a date and the first to confess her love. But this is how it was before - a groom on a white horse, serenades under the window, beautiful declarations of love under the moon.

In a word - sheer romance for a girl. Well, if you are still in exactly the kind of relationship where the girl should be the initiator, and have decided that the time has come to open up your feelings, then read the article to the end.

In the 90s, when there were no gadgets, everyone used notes - declarations of love; now, of course, this is not relevant. You will not surprise or even convince your lover with a white piece of paper with hearts and the inscription: “I love you.”

All this is in the distant past. In the world of new technologies and opportunities, you need to include creativity. Let's look at options on how to confess your love to a guy in a beautiful and original way.

Meeting place can not be Changed

First, you need to decide where this action will take place. Places where there are always a lot of people are unlikely to be suitable. It will be much more important here - privacy, so that nothing distracts you and your boyfriend.

You don’t want your loved one to greet friends and acquaintances every now and then during a confession. Places such as a picnic in the park, a trip to the roof (in the evening), or you have your own special place are well suited here.

But it's best to invite a guy to your home. At the same time, create a romantic atmosphere there in advance.

How to make a declaration of love

In order for a guy to “get into it”, you need to turn on your imagination and creativity. Your talents play an important role.

Methods of recognition:

  1. Poetry;
  2. Quest;
  3. Romance;
  4. Written message;
  5. SMS recognition;
  6. Street banner;
  7. Striptease;
  8. Flashmob;
  9. Culinary talents.

And now, about everything in more detail.

Poetic declaration of love

If your boyfriend is an incorrigible romantic, then try to compose a poem or song just for him. To express all your feelings in this work.

At the same time, it will be original if you give romance to an ordinary balloon, which it should burst, and there will be a note in it. And it is not at all necessary that it should be written there: “I love you.”

Here you can cheat in such a way that he himself says the main words. Let’s say you write: “What do you think about this?” Or something like that.

If you can’t compose something on your own, then take a song from any artist, with a declaration of love, and say that this song expresses your feelings for him.

Quest game

If a guy loves an active and cheerful lifestyle, then the best way to declare his love is called a quest. Take, for example, a soft toy that, when pressed, speaks words of love, and hide it somewhere in the apartment.

And in order for him to find this surprise, place clues everywhere, one clue leads to another. During the search, he will have to perform certain tasks indicated in the notes - sing a song, solve a riddle or rebus, and so on.

It will be very exciting and fun, and when your loved one finds the hidden object, tell them about your feelings for it. He will appreciate it.

Romantic evening

Take your loved one on a date in the place where you met or first met. Tell the guy that you remember every detail of your meeting, his every look and movement.

And at the end of your speech, confess to him your true feelings. By doing this, you will make it clear how dear he is and how much this meeting means to you.

Message under the windows

Write your declaration of love under the windows of your loved one. Make an inscription right on the asphalt: “I love you!” and don’t forget to subscribe so that the recipient knows who the gift is from.

It’s best to write with crayons (not worth using paints), firstly, you never know how he will react to it, and secondly, it’s worth taking into account the opinion of neighbors living nearby. If a guy has feelings for you, he will appreciate your efforts with trepidation in his soul.

SMS declaration of love

Try the SMS option to declare your love. A way for a more modest girl who is shy about the atmosphere of recognition itself.

You can talk about your feelings very beautifully in it. There can be a variety of confession options, ranging from sexual confession to humorous and playful overtones.

The following examples are just a template for your future recognition, do not blindly copy them, show your imagination:

  • “I miss you very much... I miss you even when you’re next to me, I miss your tender hands, I need to feel your warmth, warm me up... in return I will give you my love. I love you";
  • “Your eyes are a bottomless sea in which I am ready to live and drown... Will you allow me this? I want to live in the reflection of your eyes, but don’t be jealous, I love you more than your eyes”;
  • “Happiness for me is to make you happy - the best guy on earth, I want to spend every minute with you and give you all my affection, tenderness and warmth. I love you".

Recognition through the media

If finances allow you, then, of course, the most chic way is to order a huge, or not so huge, banner in the city center, with a declaration of love to your boyfriend.

You can also get by with less financial expenses - sending an SMS on television is not that expensive, publishing your confession on the pages of a newspaper will also not cost you at all, calling a local radio station and talking about your feelings is completely free.

As an option, you can put your status with a declaration of love on your page on social networks, everyone around will be surprised by your courage, and your loved one will be pleased!

Striptease for a loved one

For the most liberated and self-confident girls who know how to move beautifully, such an original way of declaring their love to their boyfriend is suitable - a sexual confession.

Ask your loved one to sit in a chair, relax, and you yourself put on a revealing outfit and dance a striptease for him. Bring him to exhaustion, and at the end of your dance, cling to your man and passionately whisper words of love in his ear.

By the way, this beautiful way of declaring love is more suitable for young married couples who have problems in their relationships or their feelings have begun to cool.

It is advisable, before such a confession, to learn several beautiful movements, practice in front of a mirror to make sure that the dance looks seductive and not funny.

Flash mob for your loved one

Organize a flash mob for your beloved guy! Ask your friends to help you in this matter. It will be more colorful if you do it in a crowded place.

Dance for your man to a song where the performer declares her love! There will be no limit to his emotions, most likely your boyfriend will not be able to resist and will carry you away in his arms, away from everyone, to be alone with you.

Culinary declaration of love

If you love baking, and your chosen one loves sweets, give him a double surprise: prepare a cake and decorate it with the inscription “I love you.” You can bake buns or a cake, whatever you have enough skill and imagination for, then bake it.

Just make sure first that the confession is clearly visible so that your loved one does not accidentally eat it without reading it. Any guy with a sweet tooth will appreciate this!

Let's sum it up

Understand that there are as many different options as there are girls themselves. You just have to turn on your imagination and ingenuity. This is just a small part of the suggestions for declaring your love to your boyfriend.

The choice is yours; it is possible that the answer to the question: “How to confess your love to a guy beautifully” has already matured in your head, so all that remains is to translate it into reality.

But, finally, read a few tips that you must follow when you confess your feelings to your loved one:

  • Do not worry or be embarrassed under any circumstances, this is inappropriate in this situation;
  • Do not make unnecessary movements, as they distract the guy from the essence;
  • You should look the guy straight in the eyes, this confirms the directness and sincerity of the words;
  • Don't you dare laugh. He may think it's a joke or a joke.

Girls, good luck with your love confessions! It doesn’t matter which option you choose – the main thing is the result!

Love, but most importantly, be loved!

As you know, girls are romantic and sensitive creatures, and therefore they begin to experience attraction to the opposite sex much earlier than the guys themselves. And at any age, it all starts with simple sympathy, and ultimately develops into something more, important and significant. And then the feelings require a response on his part and some kind of certainty, but if the young man does not show signs of reciprocity, the girl has to act on her own. And here a new problem appears: guy, if you are afraid to hear the real answer, and how to decide on this? Let's figure this out together, dear ladies.

Question one: is all this necessary?

Declaration of love is not an easy matter, it requires determination and courage, balance and responsibility. Of course, before taking this step, the girl experiences enormous stress, fear, excitement, and is overcome by many emotions, and not the most pleasant ones at that. However, since the guy forces you to take decisive action, think about whether you should be the first to declare your love, is all this worth such efforts on your part? Firstly, young ladies often mistake light infatuation for deep feelings, they say loud words that they cannot live, breathe, etc. without this young man. They often ask for a pen pal. There is nothing stupider than admitting to not knowing him personally for a long time.

First, try to test yourself: look at other guys, be alone for a couple of days and evaluate everything soberly. Imagine that your loved one will reciprocate your feelings, what then? Do you want a relationship with him, how long will it last? And if you really decide that your feelings are deep and not far-fetched, let's move on to the next stage: is this young man worth it?

Question two: is he the one?

You suffer for weeks, wondering how to confess your love to a guy if you are afraid to take the first step. The heart is ready to jump out of feelings, but in the end it may turn out that he is not at all your cup of tea. Most often, a girl decides to do this precisely because the guy seems to be showing signs of reciprocity, but either they are somewhat unclear, or the lady notices that he himself wants to confess his love, but is shy. However, even here, ladies, there is one small problem: we know how to invent those very “signs” for ourselves, especially if we diligently look for them in every glance of our loved one. It’s quite simple to check this: disappear for a couple of days, or even a week, or play the “snow queen”. Let his feelings surface and don't do anything on your own.

Drawing conclusions

If he doesn’t even notice your absence or doesn’t start an active search, without regretting anything, turn around and move on with your life without him. You don’t even have to think about how to confess your love to a guy if you’re afraid, because it’s clear that he’s clearly not worth it, and for him you are just one of many. But if you notice that he is worried and worried, if he starts asking you what happened, what he did wrong, then act decisively, because your feelings are really mutual. Don't forget that your recognition is a treasure that should only be given to someone who can appreciate it.

Question three: how to do this?

If the previous questions have passed the test, it's time to turn to the most important stage: how to confess your love to a guy correctly. Everything here, firstly, depends on the situation, because it makes a big difference whether you are already dating this young man, or whether everything can only begin after recognition. In the first option, everything is much simpler, since you are already in a relationship, and you only need to choose the right moment. So, first, think through the situation. You need to choose a place for a date where there will be a suitable romantic atmosphere, and no one will disturb you. A park in the evening or a quiet, cozy cafe may be suitable for this. You can invite him over for dinner. You need to create a situation so that you can talk calmly, and he is relaxed and ready for dialogue. Then you must prepare, namely, come up with an attractive, but not provocative image, gentle and romantic. You need him to think only about you and your feelings, and a short skirt or open neckline will clearly create a different impression of you.

Question four: what to say?

If you are afraid of rejection? Think through your text carefully. The confession should not be too drawn out and should provide specific information about your intentions. However, it’s also not worth saying three precious words directly, it can dumbfound and frighten him. A short introductory speech, ending with a logical conclusion and, in fact, recognition, is ideal. For example, it may sound like this: “You know, we have known each other for quite a long time, and during this time I managed to understand how dear you are to me. Next to you I feel very comfortable, without you I feel lonely. You are so dear and I love you. How do you feel about me? Of course, you must choose a speech specifically for your situation, but you need to be guided by one rule: everything said must be true.

Question five: friendship or relationship?

A particularly delicate situation is if you start to have feelings for a guy with whom you have been thinking for a long time. Should you be the first to confess your love in this situation? In this context, the most difficult question will be the choice between maintaining this relationship or moving to a completely different level. Ask yourself if you are willing to risk everything and put what you have now on the line for something that may not come. After all, such a confession in any case will undermine your friendship and his attitude towards you, and if your feelings turn out to be true, then you will not be able to return everything as it was. How to confess your love if you are afraid? Think about whether you are sure that your attitude towards him is romantic. It is also possible that after spending a lot of time with him, you became attached to him, and thus it seemed to you that this was something other than friendship. And finally, think - can you be together if your feelings turn out to be mutual? After all, in a relationship, a guy always behaves differently than in a friendship, just like a girl. Therefore, make every decision carefully. Be happy.