Betting strategies when playing at bookmakers for sporting events. The best working strategies for sports betting What strategies are best for betting on bookmaker

  • 20.06.2019

    The most popular sports betting strategies among bettors

    There are hundreds, if not thousands, of similar plans that help bettors place bets and win. But how effective are they all? Is it worth the time and money to study each plan like this and see how good it is? To make it easier for you to find the difficult task of choosing the best way to make money by making deals with bookmakers, we have collected in this article some of the best and most worthy strategies that you can use to different types sports. And we got a kind of TOP-8:

    1. Dogon. Ideal for intermediate bettors who are no longer beginners, but at the same time have not yet become real pros. It is built on the ability to keep calculations and attentiveness.
    2. Time matches. Enough simple strategy, allowing even beginners to make good profits at the most modest costs.
    3. Outcomes. An excellent betting option that beginners will definitely like due to its simplicity and simplicity.
    4. Totals. Most bettors like to use this plan for only two possible outcomes of the event, which significantly increases the chances of winning, with detailed analysis match, duel or meeting, of course.
    5. Account. Many pros call this strategy ideal for beginners, since it is not too complicated and at the same time quite profitable.
    6. Corridors. Relatively understandable and accessible (both in terms of time and time) financial costs) a strategy that can be used by absolutely all bookmaker clients.
    7. Value Betting. This mathematical strategy should be recommended to all lovers of accurate calculations and detailed analysis of the bookmaker line, odds size and other important nuances.
    8. Playing forks. This method can only be used if you place a bet in at least two bookmakers at once. But this strategy will bring stable profits due to small, but constant winnings.
    9. Express systems. The method allows, thanks to the creation various combinations express trains, bring the player closer to a positive outcome for his capital.

    However, you should not focus on the place of strategy in this rating. You can use any of them at your discretion, but remember that most of them bring good profits only in the long term.

    More detailed description each strategy:

    1. Dogon strategy

    The idea behind this plan is to bet on the same event until the outcome you predict happens. This is why this strategy is ideal for betting on live mode when the bettor constantly monitors what is happening in the sports arena.

    It works like this. For example, you are watching a football match and bet on one team to win by one goal. If everything goes perfectly, then you won’t need to use catch-up. If your favorite starts to lose, simply bet twice as much on the victory of the other team, but twice as much to cover the losses from the previous bet that no longer played. But you need to stop in time (as a last resort, you can use catch-up in another match and catch up in the next event), otherwise you risk losing your entire bank.

    2. Time Match Strategy

    This strategy is based on betting not only on the outcome of the event as a whole, but also on the completion of its first half (half, several sets, period, etc.). If you manage your funds wisely, you can hit a good jackpot, especially if you bet on a draw in the first part of the game. After all, in the same football, the first halves very often end with parity; even novice clients of bookmakers know this.

    3. Strategists Exodus

    This strategy is considered one of the simplest and is ideal for both real pros and novice amateurs. It consists of a basic analysis of the upcoming sporting event, identifying a clear favorite (or, in the absence of one, betting on a draw) and betting on his victory. The main disadvantage of this plan can be considered the rather modest odds that most bookmakers give in the presence of a clear leader in the upcoming pair of opponents.

    4. Total strategy

    The meaning of this strategy, understandable and accessible to everyone, is based on the fact that with this option of concluding transactions with a bookmaker, you don’t have to delve into analytics or mathematical calculations. It is enough to bet more on the outcome or less than that the value offered by the office.

    For example, most bookmakers give totals of approximately 2.5 for football matches, from 180 to 210 for basketball matches, and from four and a half to six and a half for hockey matches. Thus, having approximately estimated the difference in the class of opponents and their usual number of goals conceded and scored per match, you can immediately place a bet. It is worth noting that the most best odds bookmakers offer total bets to bettors before the event starts, so try to place such bets as usual, and not live.

    5. Score Strategy

    Most beginners biasedly consider the strategy of betting on the score to be very difficult, since predicting the exact result of a sporting event is very difficult even for real professionals. In fact, this is far from the case. For example, most football matches ends in a zero draw (or 1:1), or a victory of one of the teams with a lead of one, maximum two goals. So it’s enough to bet on just a few options for ending the match, based on the team’s statistics. And winning one of, say, three concluded transactions will definitely cover all expenses and leave you with a good profit. Especially considering the fact that this type of bet in most bookmakers will please bettors with very high odds.

    6. Strategy Corridors

    In some English-language sources, this strategy is usually called middles (from English middles). The meaning of corridors is to place two bets in different bookmakers on the same event, the overall result of which will lead to at least a return of the funds spent on bets. And in best case scenario will allow you to earn good money.

    For example, you place a bet at two different bookmakers on a basketball game. In one of them you have a coefficient equal to two, with a handicap of minus four and a half. And another bookmaker accepted your bet with the same odds for the other team to win, but with a handicap of plus five and a half. As a result, no matter which club wins, in the worst case, you will lose the amount in one office that you win in another. If the bets in both bookmakers work out, you get an excellent profit. The main thing in such a strategy is to calculate everything correctly and fit into this very corridor.

    7. Value Betting Strategy, also called by some domestic betters with the slang word valui.

    The essence of this strategy is to study the BC line, detailed analysis and searching for so-called underestimated events. It is on them that some bookmakers offer odds that are too high, if you take into account the probability of the outcome you want and other factors.

    In an example it looks like this. You know for sure that a certain club wins every third game away from home. And the bookmaker gives odds of 3.3 for this team to win. Now you only need to bet one dollar on three matches of this club outside the walls of your home stadium to win three dollars and thirty cents.

    In reality, everything is a little more complicated, but after gaining a little experience, you can have a stable, although not entirely large, profit from almost every cycle of several bets.

    8. Playing forks - arbitrage situations

    The meaning of this strategy comes down to searching for at least two events, betting on which you will in any case win or at least break even. Many experts call forks win-win strategy in the sense that in any case you will get more than you spend on bets. At the same time, remember that this is not quite fair play in several offices at the same time (if you bet on opposite outcomes from one account), you may be denied access to personal account forever...

    A few words about financial strategies

    In addition to those described above gaming strategies, there are still a huge number of their analogues, which are much more related to financial management. Such plans are designed for the correct distribution of the bank, calculation of the maximum permissible rates and other important nuances related to your money.

    Generally financial strategies There are almost the same number as gaming ones. And you shouldn’t disdain them either, since, for example, such popular options as flat or the Kelly system will help you save and increase your assets much faster!

    Choosing the optimal system for playing in bookmakers

    Returning to the question of strategies and tactics when placing bets in a bookmaker (previously on our resource you could read material about two out of three systems and the like), it is simply impossible not to talk about a number of popular ways to get rich when placing bets. It’s worth noting right away that some of them are not designed to generate fabulous profits, but, first of all, to reduce their own losses at the expense of those who did not place bets.

    In any case, if you want to consistently earn money from bookmakers, and not just give them your money, this material will be useful to you, regardless of whether you consider yourself a real pro or are a complete beginner in betting. Let's move on to the description and operating principles of each of the currently popular methods for playing bookmakers. And we’ll create a unique

    TOP 10 most popular tactics and systems:


    This system is based on the principles of equal bet amounts, which the better will not change under any circumstances. That is, the player must always bet on a certain fixed amount, even if he really wants to bet almost all his savings on the next sure bet. The nuance is that with capital growth you will be able to use more than one event for one event. large sums, if you learn how to properly manage your capital.

    It works as follows. Let's say you have one thousand rubles that you are ready to spend at a bookmaker's office. Place bets equal to five percent of your total capital. That is, always make a bet for fifty rubles. And as soon as your capital grows due to winnings, you can increase this same amount, but in percentage terms it should remain the same. That is, having earned five hundred rubles, you will be able to bet seventy-five rubles, the same five percent of one and a half thousand.

    Flat was originally developed several decades ago and has been successfully used in many gambling. Its main advantages include the virtual absence of the possibility of losing all the money, the presence of stability for the bettor, as well as the ability to adjust the plan and tactics during the betting process, without changing the rules of the method itself. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the low rate of capital growth and the high chances of system failure due to the desire to bet more than the established limit.

    Fixed interest strategy

    In some ways this system is similar to flat trading. It should also determine the size of the bet, but this is not done in advance, but before each specific bet. This approach gives you a chance to make a profit much faster than the same flat. But when large series of unplayed bets you will have to try hard, otherwise return start-up capital It won't be easy. But, despite the fact that before each bet you will have to spend a little time recalculating its size, this method works and helps you get a modest, but stable income.

    Fixed Income Strategy

    The peculiarity of this method is to select the same winning size for each bet. That is, when making a bet with odds of 2.0, you will need to bet a hundred to win the same amount. At the same time, to get the same hundred rubles at odds of 3.0, it will be enough to bet fifty. Moreover, all calculations take no more than a minute; just subtract one from the odds and divide the amount you would like to win by the resulting number.

    The only problem is that with this approach it is not easy to predict the growth or reduction of the starting capital, which (especially after several unsuccessful bets in a row) will decrease by an as yet unknown amount. But in good situations, you can easily determine the number of banknotes in your capital.

    Martingale method

    The main feature of this approach is to raise the amount after each failure so that the profit from a new bet won with a bookmaker covers the previous failure. Usually this method We call it Dogon. With high risks of losing all the money (if a real black streak begins), the better receives a stable income not only in the long term, but also in the medium term.

    Anti-Martingale method

    A completely opposite system to the one described above. Its meaning is to reduce all subsequent bets in case of failures, and increase them with each win. That is, the risk of losing all your savings, as can happen if you play using the Martingale method, is minimized, and with successful outcomes in the long term you can make a good profit.

    D'Alembert's method

    In some ways, this option is similar to the strategy using the Martingale method. The only difference is that after a failed bet, you need to increase the amount for the next bet by exactly the size of the previous loss. And if you win by the same amount, you need to reduce the bet. Moreover, keep in mind that we are talking about the size of the bets themselves, and not profits or losses. Taking into account the fact that you can squander all your money (if the series of losses drags on), this system is still very often used by many betters. After all, even in the case of half of the bets won, you can get a good profit, since the size of each subsequent bet will cover previous failures.

    Anti-D'Alembert method

    As the name suggests, the exact opposite of the system described above. In case of failure, the bet must be reduced, and after winning, increased. A little risky, but it can make you rich in the long run.

    Grind method

    This option is based on the D'Alembert method. But the difference is that immediately after the system turns into a plus, you reset the bet size to the initial value. Thus, if you bet fifty rubles, lost three times and increased the betting amount to two hundred rubles, if you win, you will reset the bet to fifty. With this approach, the profit will not be too large, but the risks of losing everything are minimized.

    Kelly criterion system

    This strategy is usually used only by professional betters. It is based on detailed study and determining the chance of the probability of the outcome of each individual event on which the player is going to bet. Then you need to compare them with the odds in various bookmakers and calculate whether the bookmakers overestimated or underestimated the probability of such an outcome.

    It works as follows. If your indicator of the probability of an outcome as a percentage of the bookmaker’s odds and divided by one hundred exceeds one, then the bookmaker underestimates such a bet. And on this event you can safely bet.

    Provided that the bettor is well versed in the topic and can predict most of his transactions, he will not only never lose his starting capital, but will also consistently receive, albeit small, but still a profit.

    Miller method

    In this system, bets are placed only on bets in which the chances of two outcomes are approximately equal. And, if the chances are approximately 50/50, then it is enough to win at least in fifty-one cases out of a hundred to always remain in the black.


    Remember that these ten systems are not some kind of canons. You can use other tactics and strategies you like, of which several thousand have been developed over the decades. But these are the techniques that are used by the majority of betters around the world. Moreover, many of them have long become real pros precisely thanks to the above systems.

How to do win-win bets at bookmakers

Those people who often bet do not bet very often without a specific strategy. Mostly BC strategies have already been developed by a professional player. It helps increase the chances of winning your bet. Naturally, this approach does not always work and does not work equally for every person. Not small role Luck and knowledge of statistics in a particular sport play a role here. The best way to win is to have a game plan to follow. Betting without a specific strategy will lead to financial losses. The essence of betting is, naturally, to win money. Preferably as much and as quickly as possible. Therefore, if a person placing bets also wants to constantly earn money in this business, he must develop his own plan, or rather, choose one of the existing ones, since players have many years of experience different countries makes it possible to do this.

Nowadays there are many plans used to increase winnings in bookmakers. But there is BC strategies, which are most often used in everyday life. Naturally, most potential players have doubts about the effectiveness of their choice and lack the funds to try all the methods in action. To facilitate such a task, professionals in the field gaming bets We have chosen several strategies that generate income. They can be used when betting on any sport. Among the strategies worth highlighting:

  • time matches;
  • Dogon;
  • totals;
  • outcomes;
  • corridors;
  • check;
  • bookmaker's fork.

It's worth taking a look at some of the game's most popular strategies. In a time match, the calculation is made to predict the outcome of part of the match (half, round, period, etc.). This means that with proper distribution of money and choice of game, the probability of winning is very high. In football, it often happens that the first half ends in a draw. This is what the bettor hopes for. Thus, he will be in the black.

When using the catch-up strategy, the player bets on the same event until it occurs and does not generate income. Let's say that you are watching a match, during which you bet that one of the teams will win with a minimum score. If the outcome is favorable, there is no need to use the catch-up method. But if you begin to doubt your bet, you can double the bet amount, but for another team. This way you will cover the losses from losing the previous bet. In this case, you need to remember about limited resources - you need to stop in time, otherwise you can lose everything.

With the counting strategy, you can win a lot of money more easily than most people think. Usually it is extremely difficult to predict the exact outcome of a game, but in football, for example, balls often fly into the goal only in a non-professional league. In the case of professional football, everything is much simpler: the final result reaches a minimum advantage of one of the teams (for example, 1:0,2:1) or the game is a draw. So, profit can be made quite quickly, the main thing is to know the capabilities of the players.

When using a strategy, the so-called bookmaker's fork, the calculation is to remain a winner or at least not to remain “in the red.” The essence of the method is to bet on opposite results in different bookmakers. But such an approach is not welcomed by the latter. Therefore, if you are caught playing such a game, then access to your account will be lost.

Bookmaker Strategies and their effectiveness depends on the sport, the teams playing, as well as statistics latest games– the more wins there are in one, the probability of winning will be higher.

The only drawback that all sports strategies have, in particular football, is that they are not absolutely win-win. Some effective and working methods of bookmaker betting with 4-5 losses in a row completely deplete the bettor’s bankroll. Other mathematically more advanced sports strategies with minimal risk allow the bettor to stay afloat even with 8-10 events that have not taken place.

On our website you will find best strategies sports betting, with a description of the system, examples of how to work with them, their real advantages and disadvantages. We will tell you all the secrets correct management bankroll. Let's talk about the interesting aspects that every successful sports betting tactic has. A solution about whether or not to check whether this or that tactic of playing sports betting is profitable, take it yourself.

Sports betting – profitable and not so profitable – TOP

The most best strategies on sports betting can be roughly divided into several types:
  • Financial system of the game in sports betting includes the following types of strategies - strategies for football and other sports, where the theory of money management is applied in practice.
  • Game working strategies sports betting can be as follows - sports betting methods, the profitability of which depends on sports odds and the player’s ability to predict results.
Which are the most profitable bets on the sport? No one can answer this question unequivocally.. Effective sports betting depends not only on the methodology used, but also on what forecast the better uses, how strong his desire to make money is, and whether it does not contradict common sense. In any case, each player experimentally finds what can be called a “time-tested sports betting strategy.” We can only tell you everything about what there are winning methods rates, and how to apply them most effectively in practice.

Almost every better (player who makes money on bets) makes his bets based on selected strategies. Sports Betting Strategies- this is the “almanac” of any better, the basic foundation, without which he will almost immediately turn into a beggar. If you place bets thoughtlessly and impulsively, it will only lead to bankruptcy, sooner or later. That is why even a novice bettor tries to study the tactics of playing the game on the Internet, gain knowledge from modern masters gambling business, only then developing their own bookmaker strategies. However, somewhere they need to review the initial tactics, so the main ones will be given below betting strategies in bookmakers, both financial and purely practical.

Why do you need a total betting strategy?

Most bettors try to turn their activities into permanent and stable income. Only in this way can you stop in time and not move on to “maximum” bets and gambling sickness. Therefore, they try to automate their betting process in order to reduce the probability of winning to the maximum, and this requires a certain strategy for playing in bookmakers.

However, over time, the strategy becomes obsolete, the bettor gains experience, and can make his betting process more profitable by applying a new strategy. As a result, thus, moving from one tactic to another, the bettor becomes what he strives for - a millionaire who earned his money through thoughtful and correct gaming strategies. However, all masters begin their journey as beginners, and every beginner simply needs bookmaker strategies, allowing for a quick and effective start.

TOP 7 current strategies in bookmakers

It is worth noting that all of the options below online betting on the sport have long term actions, therefore do not guarantee instant and huge winnings. For amateurs, everything at once is spontaneous bets “on luck”, for real professionals it is important A complex approach and thoughtfulness.

So, let's take a closer look at the betting options:

  • catch up. The most standard strategy involving long-term use. Its principle is to constantly bet on the same outcome until it happens. This option is most suitable as strategies live betting , because the player can control the process during the match. Example – you constantly bet on the outcome of your team winning with a certain score. If the bet works, then good, if not, bet on the same outcome, only on the other team, at the same time doubling the bank, and so on “until the winner”. It is important to stop in time so as not to “waste” the entire loan;
  • time match. It is known that most average matches take place with quite predictable results. Time-match strategy is based on betting on specific parts of the match rather than on its outcome. For example, you can bet on finishing a football half with a draw (the most standard result), rather than just the final result. If you carefully study all the moves of other players, bookmaker bets in football, more than half comes from a draw in the first half - a football classic;
  • Exodus. This option online sports betting is ideal option for newbies. You won’t earn a lot of money with this approach, but you can ensure a stable influx of money. The essence of the technique is simple - figure out the clear favorite of the match and bet on his victory. If there is none, then bet on a draw; in such outcomes you will almost certainly win. On the other hand, this betting strategy or in a BC (bookmaker’s office) will not bring significant income, since most other players will bet on the same thing, however, constant tactics will make the flow of money stable;
  • total Another simple one strategy, betting he chooses the winner for you. Just look at the odds with the highest bets and place your emphasis on this point. Although this option also does not promise fabulous winnings, but is ideal for those people who are not very knowledgeable about this sport;
  • check. This tactic requires the bettor to have little knowledge in the chosen sport, since he will have to bet on a certain score. As practice shows, most beginners consider score prediction to be something like magic or shamanism, or even higher mathematics, but this is not so. It is enough to know basic statistics. For football, for example, a fight between two approximately equal teams is 60% likely to result in a draw, 30% to a victory with one goal, and 10% to win by two or more goals. Next comes a simple calculation and a bet that can bring significant income;
  • forks. A super popular tactic that leads to sports betting to a completely different level. This is a rather complex strategy that will require you to register with at least two bookmakers, or even three. The essence of the tactic is as follows: you place a bet on three outcomes at once (win, draw, defeat), looking for the highest odds for events in different bookmakers. This is a rather complex tactic that will require skill and experience from you, but in 100% of cases it brings income, albeit relatively small;
  • Value Betting. Often called “value,” this tactic works at high odds. You “search” all the known reliable bookmakers for those odds that were specially inflated by the bookmaker to attract clients or simply due to an oversight, and place a bet on them. Finding such indicators is a difficult and time-consuming task, so most bettors use special programs. The strategy is also unsafe - BC moderators can see their flaw and close it at the most crucial moment. However, when implementing such a bet, the bettor can make a huge profit.

As you can see, there are quite a few tactics for betting, but they all involve control of your bank and methodical, long-term application.

    The most popular sports betting strategies among bettors

    There are hundreds, if not thousands, of similar plans that help bettors place bets and win. But how effective are they all? Is it worth spending time and money to study each such plan and see how good it is? To make it easier for you in choosing the best way to make money by making deals with bookmakers, we have collected in this article some of the best and most worthy strategies that can be used for different sports. And we got a kind of TOP-8:

    1. Dogon. Ideal for intermediate bettors who are no longer beginners, but at the same time have not yet become real pros. It is built on the ability to keep calculations and attentiveness.
    2. Time matches. A fairly simple strategy that allows even beginners to make good profits at the most modest costs.
    3. Outcomes. An excellent betting option that beginners will definitely like due to its simplicity and simplicity.
    4. Totals. Most bettors like to use this plan for just two possible outcomes of an event, which significantly increases the chances of winning, with a detailed analysis of the match, duel or meeting, of course.
    5. Account. Many pros call this strategy ideal for beginners, since it is not too complicated and at the same time quite profitable.
    6. Corridors. A relatively understandable and affordable (both in terms of time and financial costs) strategy that can be used by absolutely all clients of bookmakers.
    7. Value Betting. This mathematical strategy is worth recommending to all fans of accurate calculations and detailed analysis of the bookmaker line, odds size and other important nuances.
    8. Playing forks. This method can only be used if you place a bet in at least two bookmakers at once. But this strategy will bring stable profits due to small, but constant winnings.
    9. Express systems. The method allows, by creating various combinations of express bets, to bring the player closer to an outcome that is positive for his capital.

    However, you should not focus on the place of strategy in this rating. You can use any of them at your discretion, but remember that most of them bring good profits only in the long term.

    A more detailed description of each strategy:

    1. Dogon strategy

    The idea behind this plan is to bet on the same event until the outcome you predict happens. That is why this strategy is ideal for live betting, when the bettor constantly monitors what is happening in the sports arena.

    It works like this. For example, you are watching a football match and bet on one team to win by one goal. If everything goes perfectly, then you won’t need to use catch-up. If your favorite starts to lose, simply bet twice as much on the victory of the other team, but twice as much to cover the losses from the previous bet that no longer played. But you need to stop in time (as a last resort, you can use catch-up in another match and catch up in the next event), otherwise you risk losing your entire bank.

    2. Time Match Strategy

    This strategy is based on betting not only on the outcome of the event as a whole, but also on the completion of its first half (half, several sets, period, etc.). If you manage your funds wisely, you can hit a good jackpot, especially if you bet on a draw in the first part of the game. After all, in the same football, the first halves very often end with parity; even novice clients of bookmakers know this.

    3. Strategists Exodus

    This strategy is considered one of the simplest and is ideal for both real pros and novice amateurs. It consists of a basic analysis of the upcoming sporting event, identifying a clear favorite (or, in the absence of one, betting on a draw) and betting on his victory. The main disadvantage of this plan can be considered the rather modest odds that most bookmakers give in the presence of a clear leader in the upcoming pair of opponents.

    4. Total strategy

    The meaning of this strategy, understandable and accessible to everyone, is based on the fact that with this option of concluding transactions with a bookmaker, you don’t have to delve into analytics or mathematical calculations. It is enough to bet on the outcome more or less than the value offered by the office.

    For example, most bookmakers give totals of approximately 2.5 for football matches, from 180 to 210 for basketball matches, and from four and a half to six and a half for hockey matches. Thus, having approximately estimated the difference in the class of opponents and their usual number of goals conceded and scored per match, you can immediately place a bet. It is worth noting that bookmakers offer the best odds for totals to betters before the start of the event, so try to place such bets as usual, and not live.

    5. Score Strategy

    Most beginners biasedly consider the strategy of betting on the score to be very difficult, since predicting the exact result of a sporting event is very difficult even for real professionals. In fact, this is far from the case. For example, most football matches end in a zero draw (or 1:1), or in the victory of one of the teams with a lead of one, maximum two goals. So it’s enough to bet on just a few options for ending the match, based on the team’s statistics. And winning one of, say, three concluded transactions will definitely cover all expenses and leave you with a good profit. Especially considering the fact that this type of bet in most bookmakers will please bettors with very high odds.

    6. Strategy Corridors

    In some English-language sources, this strategy is usually called middles (from English middles). The meaning of corridors is to place two bets in different bookmakers on the same event, the overall result of which will lead to at least a return of the funds spent on bets. And in the best case, it will allow you to make good money.

    For example, you place a bet at two different bookmakers on a basketball game. In one of them you have a coefficient equal to two, with a handicap of minus four and a half. And another bookmaker accepted your bet with the same odds for the other team to win, but with a handicap of plus five and a half. As a result, no matter which club wins, in the worst case, you will lose the amount in one office that you win in another. If the bets in both bookmakers work out, you get an excellent profit. The main thing in such a strategy is to calculate everything correctly and fit into this very corridor.

    7. Value Betting Strategy, also called by some domestic betters with the slang word valui.

    The essence of this strategy is to study the BC line, detailed analysis and search for so-called underestimated events. It is on them that some bookmakers offer odds that are too high, if you take into account the probability of the outcome you want and other factors.

    In an example it looks like this. You know for sure that a certain club wins every third game away from home. And the bookmaker gives odds of 3.3 for this team to win. Now you only need to bet one dollar on three matches of this club outside the walls of your home stadium to win three dollars and thirty cents.

    In reality, everything is a little more complicated, but after gaining a little experience, you can have a stable, although not entirely large, profit from almost every cycle of several bets.

    8. Playing forks - arbitrage situations

    The point of this strategy comes down to finding at least two events, betting on which you will in any case win or at least break even. Many experts call arbs a win-win strategy in the sense that you will in any case get more than you spend on bets. At the same time, remember that for such not entirely fair play in several offices at the same time (if you bet on opposite outcomes from one account), you may be denied access to your personal account forever...

    A few words about financial strategies

    In addition to the gaming strategies described above, there are also a huge number of their analogues, which are much more related to financial management. Such plans are designed for the correct distribution of the bank, calculation of the maximum permissible rates and other important nuances related to your money.

    In general, there are almost the same number of financial strategies as gaming ones. And you shouldn’t disdain them either, since, for example, such popular options as flat or the Kelly system will help you save and increase your assets much faster!

    Choosing the optimal system for playing in bookmakers

    Returning to the question of strategies and tactics when placing bets in a bookmaker (previously on our resource you could read material about two out of three systems and the like), it is simply impossible not to talk about a number of popular ways to get rich when placing bets. It’s worth noting right away that some of them are not designed to generate fabulous profits, but, first of all, to reduce their own losses at the expense of those who did not place bets.

    In any case, if you want to consistently earn money from bookmakers, and not just give them your money, this material will be useful to you, regardless of whether you consider yourself a real pro or are a complete beginner in betting. Let's move on to the description and operating principles of each of the currently popular methods for playing bookmakers. And we’ll create a unique

    TOP 10 most popular tactics and systems:


    This system is based on the principles of equal bet amounts, which the better will not change under any circumstances. That is, the player must always bet on a certain fixed amount, even if he really wants to bet almost all his savings on the next sure bet. The nuance is that as your capital grows, you will be able to use larger sums for one event if you learn how to manage your capital correctly.

    It works as follows. Let's say you have one thousand rubles that you are ready to spend at a bookmaker's office. Place bets equal to five percent of your total capital. That is, always make a bet for fifty rubles. And as soon as your capital grows due to winnings, you can increase this same amount, but in percentage terms it should remain the same. That is, having earned five hundred rubles, you will be able to bet seventy-five rubles, the same five percent of one and a half thousand.

    Flat was originally developed several decades ago and has been successfully used in many gambling games. Its main advantages include the virtual absence of the possibility of losing all the money, the presence of stability for the bettor, as well as the ability to adjust the plan and tactics during the betting process, without changing the rules of the method itself. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the low rate of capital growth and the high chances of system failure due to the desire to bet more than the established limit.

    Fixed interest strategy

    In some ways this system is similar to flat trading. It should also determine the size of the bet, but this is not done in advance, but before each specific bet. This approach gives you a chance to make a profit much faster than the same flat. But if there is a large series of unplayed bets, you will have to try hard, otherwise it will not be easy to return the starting capital. But, despite the fact that before each bet you will have to spend a little time recalculating its size, this method works and helps you get a modest but stable income.

    Fixed Income Strategy

    The peculiarity of this method is to select the same winning size for each bet. That is, when making a bet with odds of 2.0, you will need to bet a hundred to win the same amount. At the same time, to get the same hundred rubles at odds of 3.0, it will be enough to bet fifty. Moreover, all calculations take no more than a minute; just subtract one from the odds and divide the amount you would like to win by the resulting number.

    The only problem is that with this approach it is not easy to predict the growth or reduction of the starting capital, which (especially after several unsuccessful bets in a row) will decrease by an as yet unknown amount. But in good situations, you can easily determine the number of banknotes in your capital.

    Martingale method

    The main feature of this approach is to raise the amount after each failure so that the profit from a new bet won with a bookmaker covers the previous failure. We usually call this method catch-up. With high risks of losing all the money (if a real black streak begins), the better receives a stable income not only in the long term, but also in the medium term.

    Anti-Martingale method

    A completely opposite system to the one described above. Its meaning is to reduce all subsequent bets in case of failures, and increase them with each win. That is, the risk of losing all your savings, as can happen if you play using the Martingale method, is minimized, and with successful outcomes in the long term you can make a good profit.

    D'Alembert's method

    In some ways, this option is similar to the strategy using the Martingale method. The only difference is that after a failed bet, you need to increase the amount for the next bet by exactly the size of the previous loss. And if you win by the same amount, you need to reduce the bet. Moreover, keep in mind that we are talking about the size of the bets themselves, and not profits or losses. Taking into account the fact that you can squander all your money (if the series of losses drags on), this system is still very often used by many betters. After all, even in the case of half of the bets won, you can get a good profit, since the size of each subsequent bet will cover previous failures.

    Anti-D'Alembert method

    As the name suggests, the exact opposite of the system described above. In case of failure, the bet must be reduced, and after winning, increased. A little risky, but it can make you rich in the long run.

    Grind method

    This option is based on the D'Alembert method. But the difference is that immediately after the system turns into a plus, you reset the bet size to the initial value. Thus, if you bet fifty rubles, lost three times and increased the betting amount to two hundred rubles, if you win, you will reset the bet to fifty. With this approach, the profit will not be too large, but the risks of losing everything are minimized.

    Kelly criterion system

    This strategy is usually used only by professional betters. It is based on a detailed study and determination of the probability of the outcome of each individual event on which the player is going to bet. Then you need to compare them with the odds in various bookmakers and calculate whether the bookmakers overestimated or underestimated the probability of such an outcome.

    It works as follows. If your indicator of the probability of an outcome as a percentage of the bookmaker’s odds and divided by one hundred exceeds one, then the bookmaker underestimates such a bet. And you can safely bet on this event.

    Provided that the better is well versed in the topic and can predict most of his transactions, he will not only never lose his starting capital, but will also consistently receive a profit, albeit small.

    Miller method

    In this system, bets are placed only on bets in which the chances of two outcomes are approximately equal. And, if the chances are approximately 50/50, then it is enough to win at least in fifty-one cases out of a hundred to always remain in the black.


    Remember that these ten systems are not some kind of canons. You can use other tactics and strategies you like, of which several thousand have been developed over the decades. But these are the techniques that are used by the majority of betters around the world. Moreover, many of them have long become real pros precisely thanks to the above systems.