The temperature of the mash during fermentation. What should be the temperature of the mash? Thermometer and temperature controller are important components of a distiller

  • 16.02.2022

How much mash wanders and what does it depend on?

In my practice, mash matured over time intervals from 4-5 to 60-70 days. Yes, yes, do not be surprised - this is a unique case when in the fall I collected a plum carrion - about 40 kg, cleaned it, kneaded it, added a little water and forgot about it for 2 months. At the same time, she stood in the basement at a temperature of about +7 ... +12 C o. Many will now say - yes, nonsense, perished! And I will say - the pipes, not only survived, but also fermented in a chic way for alcohol due to natural yeast - I did not add them to this mash.

So what does the rate of fermentation depend on? Let's look at all these factors point by point:

  • External conditions - temperature and rest. I never tire of repeating that the mash is alive, and therefore it requires appropriate treatment. Not only the temperature, the optimal range of which is +22 ... +28 C o, affects the intensity and speed of fermentation, but also rest. Remember when mom or grandmother puts the dough to come up, then puts it in a warm room and asks not to run there? Vibrations can "frighten away" the yeast, and the dough may fall. So is Braga - ideally, it should stand in a quiet and dark place. That is why in my cellar, even at the minimum temperature, it completely fermented without the addition of yeast and sugar, however, over a long period of time, like wine
  • Chemical composition - we are talking about both the quality of water and the type of raw materials. So, for example, fruit brews ferment faster than cereals, since the sugars in them are more easily accessible to yeast. And to stimulate a good fermentation of pure sugar mash, I use a little secret that in the summer allows me to achieve optimal gassing of homemade kvass, which I also want myself. I add some raisins to it. For 20 liters of mash, 50 grams of raisins are enough. The trace elements contained in it are a natural top dressing for yeast, so fermentation proceeds more actively.
  • Type of container - remember - never, under any circumstances, use containers made of non-food metals for making mash! In such a container, it does not turn sour, but it is filled with metal oxide, acquiring a disgusting taste - this is my personal experience, and I did not even distill such a mash. Optimal types of containers - glass, food stainless steel, aluminum, copper. These types of metals interact very weakly, and glass does not interact with liquids at all. Food grade plastic is also fine, but is less preferred over glass.

How to achieve optimal results and what to focus on?

Optimal fermentation time

If you do not take into account exceptional cases, my mash, regardless of its composition, wanders on average 8-10 days. Pure sugar mash ferments about the same at the proportions of 1 kg of sugar per 3 liters of water and 50 grams of live baker's yeast. In principle, it is possible to distill it (especially summer) already on the 7th, 8th day, but I try to achieve the maximum output. Most often I drive from what grows in the garden, and in my case it is plum, apple, quince, pear, apricot and grapes. Yes, yes, quince is added solely for the sake of aroma, since its yield is small. Most of all I have plums, so mash is more often from it. Braga I prepare as follows:

  • I collect carrion - fallen fruits
  • I clean from stones (if not laziness)
  • I load it into a forty-liter aluminum flask (it’s also my distillation cube), I crush it in mashed potatoes
  • For 15-20 kg of pulp I add about 15 liters of water
  • I add to this volume 2 kg of sugar and 100 grams of baker's yeast
  • Mix well and put under water seal
  • I let it ferment for 8-10 days - during this time, the fermentation process at a temperature of +25 C o completely stops

And then, attention! I take out the silicone tube from the water bottle, which acts as a water seal, and put the flask on the gas burner. Yes, yes, without pulp separation, without clarification - just on gas! And I connect the pipe to the refrigerator through my homemade steamer. Nothing burns on me, everything is perfectly distilled, and I talked in detail about how I distill mash for moonshine in another article.

When I make whiskey mash, and the main ingredient is corn grits, I let it ferment for at least 14 days! I will say more, you can safely leave it for 17-20 days - the main thing is that the water seal and the container are airtight. Even after digestion into wort, corn starch is quite difficult to process with yeast (both baker's and wine yeasts). Therefore, 15 days is the optimal period for which the sugars are completely processed, and the aroma will open properly.

Many people make alcohol at home. Braga preparation? an important matter that requires vigilance, attentiveness and scrupulousness. You will spend labor and time, but you will gain experience, an exciting activity and a finished high-quality home product. It is important to observe the subtleties: fermentation temperature and recipe. The result will not keep you waiting.

Yeast? These are microorganisms, to be more precise, fungi. They live in water and eat sugar. At the same time, in the process of reproduction, they emit heat, carbon dioxide and alcohol. With their help, home craftsmen prepare moonshine.

Temperature readings: the importance of process compliance

Fermentation temperature? this is the indicator that must be followed with all rigor. By average standards, the norm is 24-30 ° C. But in this case, the need for yeast in future moonshine cannot be discounted. It should be noted at what temperature they will begin to ferment. Only in this case they will give off heat. And this? determining factor in the preparation of mash.

As soon as the yeast starts to work, the mash will heat itself up. Overheat? an unacceptable oversight that would jeopardize the entire operation. It is important that during fermentation, the thermometer does not have an indicator above 40 ° C. Once the temperature reaches dangerous levels, the yeast will die. Moonshine will not be distilled from anything and everything will have to be started anew.

How? hurry up? mash? We accelerate fermentation

Thermometer and thermostat. Features of operation in distillation

During the fermentation process, it is necessary to prepare the necessary technological attributes that will help to overtake the mash into moonshine. At this stage, the temperature regime? the most important indicator that cannot be ignored. To support it, you need a thermometer.

The thermometer measures the temperature inside the moonshine still. We need a mercury unit, which has a scale of up to 120 0 C. As a rule, we are talking about a glass device, with which extreme care must be taken.

If there is a logistical possibility, you can mount a bimetallic thermometer. A multimeter is also suitable for our purposes. These devices can be used to determine the exact temperature at the distillation stage of moonshine. They make it possible to determine the exact time of collection of a high-quality product.

Under the thermostat, you need to understand the unit that allows you to maintain a stable temperature in a container with mash. The power of this device directly depends on the volume of the vessel with mash. If there are up to 50 liters in a barrel, buy a unit with a power of at least 100 watts. The operation of this unit is cyclical, so it does not require a lot of electricity.

Please note that the feedstock is mostly heated from above. In order for the temperature regime to be uniform throughout the volume, mash needs to be stirred from time to time.

Installing the thermostat is easy. You don't need to drill holes to mount it. Bend the wire over the edge so that the body of the device is dipped into the wash. There should only be a sensor on the surface so that you can monitor the temperature. Press the wire of the unit with a cover, but do this very carefully so as not to damage the wire. It is important not to twist the wire, in order to avoid breaking it.

The importance of temperature

Each moonshine has a completely unique taste. The secret of this uniqueness lies in the original recipe of each individual mash.

In the classical sense, mash is prepared according to the following canons.

Distillation or boiling temperature

When the mash reaches a temperature of 65 ° C, the evaporation of light harmful fractions occurs. The resulting moonshine is called "pervak". Experts say that pervak? it is a dangerous poison. It must be collected in a separate vessel and disposed of or used for technical needs.

Until the temperature reaches 63 ° C, the future moonshine is heated and boiled over the highest heat. Then the heating rate is sharply removed to slowly reach 65-68°C. If this is not done, hot mash will flow into the refrigeration part of the unit. The color of the drink will be fusel. The quality will drop. The only way to improve the situation is by re-distillation.

Gradually, the temperature of the distillation of the mash will increase, and the intensity with which moonshine is driven,? fall. The collection of moonshine is stopped when the mixture is heated to 85 ° C. From this moment, fusel oils begin to evaporate, making the moonshine cloudy and degrading its quality.

When? Pervak? comes out, you should substitute a container for collecting moonshine. Gradually increase the heater power. This is necessary for the mash to reach a new temperature regime - 78 ° C. After a while, the output of the main product will begin.

Once the temperature has reached 85°C, the distillate is collected in a new vessel. The so-called? tails? add to a new portion of mash to increase the strength.

The quality of moonshine is more than half dependent on water. It seems to many beginners that there is nothing difficult in choosing water, it is enough to pour in any available one. But experienced moonshiners approach this process with all responsibility, paying attention not only to temperature, but also to the quality of the water itself. Otherwise, the mash may not ferment, or the taste of the finished moonshine will unpleasantly surprise you.

Water requirements for mash:

1. Hygienic standards. Water for moonshine must be clear, without foreign smell (taste) and comply with the standards for drinking water. This is a standard, but at the same time the most important requirement.

2. Rigidity. The hardness of water is the totality of its physical and chemical properties associated with the content of alkaline earth metal salts (mainly potassium and magnesium). Too high hardness inhibits fermentation, low hardness prevents yeast from developing normally, since there are not enough trace elements in soft water.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to know the degree of water hardness, since this indicator is measured in the laboratory. For mash, water of medium hardness is needed - 2-10 ° F according to the national standard of the Russian Federation (GOST R 52029-2003).

At first, yeast bacteria actively multiply, and after oxygen is pumped in, they begin to process sugar into alcohol. In turn, distillation removes almost all the necessary trace elements from the water, which, in addition to sugar, feed on useful microorganisms.

Water for mash should be spring (from a well) or tap water. Before preparing moonshine, I recommend to defend the selected water for 12-24 hours so that all harmful impurities (primarily chlorine and heavy metals) sink to the bottom. Also, water can be purified by passing it through special filters.

Tap water is fine too.

Water temperature for mash

Yeast is added to water heated to 20-30°C. It is considered optimal for mash temperature 23-28°C which should be constantly maintained. At lower values, fermentation slows down, and when it drops to 18 ° C and below, it may stop altogether. Therefore, in the cold season, it is often necessary to heat the mash with aquarium heaters or other devices.

In too hot water (above 30°C), most yeast bacteria die before they can be useful. During active fermentation, the temperature of the mash rises by several degrees on its own (relevant for containers with a volume of 20 liters or more), so sometimes moonshiners have to cool the mash.

All of the above tips are relevant for any mash recipes, regardless of the raw materials and cooking technology. Poor quality water worsens the taste and reduces the yield of moonshine.

Yeast is quite a popular product, it is often used in various products that people consume every day. Many probably believe that they are only in bread, buns and other similar products. However, in fact, the range of their application is much wider than it seems to an ordinary person, they can be: in wine, beer, alcohol, moonshine. But if the product is used improperly, namely when overheated, the yeast dies. At what temperature this happens, not everyone knows.

Bread yeast

There is a fairly large number of yeasts that are used to bake bread, they all differ in their structure and living conditions. In most cases, housewives use fresh or dry yeast, but there are also granular and fast-acting ones. All of them affect baking in different ways and there is a certain temperature, after which they stop working. Therefore, it is extremely important to know at what temperature the yeast dies so that the flour products are not spoiled.

fresh yeast

This is the most popular type of this product for baking bread. In most cases, they are sold in small cubes of 50 or 100 g. Thanks to this yeast, baking is the perfect color and has a pleasant texture.

It is believed that such a product causes the strongest fermentation, due to which the pastries are lush and do not have a strong specific smell. The moisture content of this yeast is 70%.

This product is well preserved. It is worth noting that fresh yeast can be stored in the refrigerator for up to twelve days. The storage temperature should not exceed 10 degrees, 0...4 °C is recommended.

At what temperature does yeast die in bread?

Conducting many experiments, scientists have proven that when bread or other flour products are baked, the yeast is not destroyed, they remain in the product, only they are overgrown with gluten capsules.

It is worth noting that even at high temperatures, fungi cannot be completely destroyed; they can withstand up to 500 degrees. However, this only applies to thermophilic yeasts. They also cause quite a lot of harm to the body. In the finished product, in 1 cubic centimeter of it, there are more than 120 million yeast cells that survived after baking.

All of them negatively affect health, when fungi get to a person, they begin to actively develop. Due to this, active destruction of cells occurs, which leads to a fairly frequent formation of benign, and sometimes malignant tumors.

As for ordinary live yeast, the situation is completely different here. When baking flour products inside the crumb, a temperature of approximately 95 ... 98 degrees is formed. Ordinary yeast cannot withstand such temperatures and simply die, leaving only a small percentage of the fungus, which practically does not cause any harm to human health.

Brewer's yeast

The optimum temperature for yeast activity in beer is approximately 32°C. But at what temperature does brewer's yeast die? In this case, they are very heat resistant, they are completely destroyed when the degree in their habitat rises above the 38 mark.

It is worth noting separately the factor that brewers do not infuse their product at the optimum temperature for yeast of 32 degrees. The thing is that at 32 ° C this product actively ferments, due to which a very large number of complex substances appear, and they have a very unpleasant odor. At the optimum temperature, a large amount of acetaldehyde is produced, which makes the beer undrinkable (very pungent and unpleasant smell).

alcohol yeast

This type of yeast is quite tenacious and has a very wide temperature range suitable for their vital activity. At what temperature alcohol yeast dies, not everyone knows, it is about 50 degrees, only after overcoming this mark, the production of alcohol becomes impossible.

For this product to function properly, the temperature of its environment should be around 29...30 degrees. This is considered the ideal temperature. However, they can also develop at temperatures from +5 to +38 °C. In the range between 38 and 50 degrees, the yeast is still alive, but they simply stop their activity, if the degree drops, they become active again and will perform their function. Therefore, it is highly desirable to observe the temperature regime so that the quality of alcohol is not extremely low.


A large number of people are faced with products that would not be made if there were no such simple microorganisms as yeast. Therefore, it is extremely important to know when yeast dies, at what temperature they can exist, and when they simply stop their vital activity.

In most cases, baking yeast survives at a temperature of 42 ... 48 degrees, when this indicator is exceeded, they do not continue to exist. If a person makes wine, then he should know that for normal fermentation, the temperature should be 26 ... 30 degrees, and when it goes beyond 34 degrees, the yeast dies.

The same applies to brewer's yeast, only in this case they survive at temperatures up to 38 degrees and are more stable.

Separately, it is worth noting thermophilic yeast, they are very harmful to the human body, so it is highly advisable to simply exclude products made using such an ingredient from your diet. In most cases, this product can be found in bread and pastries, which are industrially produced and have a very low cost compared to other products in the same category.

Many people make alcohol at home. Braga preparation? an important matter that requires vigilance, attentiveness and scrupulousness. You will spend labor and time, but you will gain experience, an exciting activity and a finished high-quality home product. It is important to observe the subtleties: fermentation temperature and recipe. The result will not keep you waiting.

Yeast? These are microorganisms, to be more precise, fungi. They live in water and eat sugar. At the same time, in the process of reproduction, they emit heat, carbon dioxide and alcohol. With their help, home craftsmen prepare moonshine.

Temperature readings: the importance of process compliance

Fermentation temperature? this is the indicator that must be followed with all rigor. By average standards, the norm is 24-30 ° C. But in this case, the need for yeast in future moonshine cannot be discounted. It should be noted at what temperature they will begin to ferment. Only in this case they will give off heat. And this? determining factor in the preparation of mash.

As soon as the yeast starts to work, the mash will heat itself up. Overheat? an unacceptable oversight that would jeopardize the entire operation. It is important that during fermentation, the thermometer does not have an indicator above 40 ° C. Once the temperature reaches dangerous levels, the yeast will die. Moonshine will not be distilled from anything and everything will have to be started anew.

How? hurry up? mash? We accelerate fermentation

Thermometer and thermostat. Features of operation in distillation

During the fermentation process, it is necessary to prepare the necessary technological attributes that will help to overtake the mash into moonshine. At this stage, the temperature regime? the most important indicator that cannot be ignored. To support it, you need a thermometer.

The thermometer measures the temperature inside the moonshine still. We need a mercury unit, which has a scale of up to 120 0 C. As a rule, we are talking about a glass device, with which extreme care must be taken.

If there is a logistical possibility, you can mount a bimetallic thermometer. A multimeter is also suitable for our purposes. These devices can be used to determine the exact temperature at the distillation stage of moonshine. They make it possible to determine the exact time of collection of a high-quality product.

Under the thermostat, you need to understand the unit that allows you to maintain a stable temperature in a container with mash. The power of this device directly depends on the volume of the vessel with mash. If there are up to 50 liters in a barrel, buy a unit with a power of at least 100 watts. The operation of this unit is cyclical, so it does not require a lot of electricity.

Please note that the feedstock is mostly heated from above. In order for the temperature regime to be uniform throughout the volume, mash needs to be stirred from time to time.

Installing the thermostat is easy. You don't need to drill holes to mount it. Bend the wire over the edge so that the body of the device is dipped into the wash. There should only be a sensor on the surface so that you can monitor the temperature. Press the wire of the unit with a cover, but do this very carefully so as not to damage the wire. It is important not to twist the wire, in order to avoid breaking it.

The importance of temperature

Each moonshine has a completely unique taste. The secret of this uniqueness lies in the original recipe of each individual mash.

In the classical sense, mash is prepared according to the following canons.

Distillation or boiling temperature

When the mash reaches a temperature of 65 ° C, the evaporation of light harmful fractions occurs. The resulting moonshine is called "pervak". Experts say that pervak? it is a dangerous poison. It must be collected in a separate vessel and disposed of or used for technical needs.

Until the temperature reaches 63 ° C, the future moonshine is heated and boiled over the highest heat. Then the heating rate is sharply removed to slowly reach 65-68°C. If this is not done, hot mash will flow into the refrigeration part of the unit. The color of the drink will be fusel. The quality will drop. The only way to improve the situation is by re-distillation.

Gradually, the temperature of the distillation of the mash will increase, and the intensity with which moonshine is driven,? fall. The collection of moonshine is stopped when the mixture is heated to 85 ° C. From this moment, fusel oils begin to evaporate, making moonshine cloudy and deteriorating its quality.

When? Pervak? comes out, you should substitute a container for collecting moonshine. Gradually increase the heater power. This is necessary for the mash to reach a new temperature regime - 78 ° C. After a while, the output of the main product will begin.

Once the temperature has reached 85°C, the distillate is collected in a new vessel. The so-called? tails? add to a new portion of mash to increase the strength.

Yeast is quite a popular product, it is often used in various products that people consume every day. Many probably believe that they are only in bread, buns and other similar products. However, in fact, the range of their application is much wider than it seems to an ordinary person, they can be: in wine, beer, alcohol, moonshine. But if the product is used improperly, namely when overheated, the yeast dies. At what temperature this happens, not everyone knows.

Bread yeast

There is a fairly large number of yeasts that are used to bake bread, they all differ in their structure and living conditions. In most cases, housewives use fresh or dry yeast, but there are also granular and fast-acting ones. All of them affect baking in different ways and there is a certain temperature, after which they stop working. Therefore, it is extremely important to know at what temperature the yeast dies so that the flour products are not spoiled.

fresh yeast

This is the most popular type of this product for baking bread. In most cases, they are sold in small cubes of 50 or 100 g. Thanks to this yeast, baking is the perfect color and has a pleasant texture.

It is believed that such a product causes the strongest fermentation, due to which the pastries are lush and do not have a strong specific smell. The moisture content of this yeast is 70%.

This product is well preserved. It is worth noting that fresh yeast can be stored in the refrigerator for up to twelve days. should be no higher than 10 degrees, recommended 0...4 °C.

This yeast of good quality should be creamy in color, and when pressed with a finger, it should break and crumble. If they just smear, then this is not real yeast, but simply their fake.

Vital conditions of fresh yeast

This product is a living organism, and all living things must breathe. The same goes for yeast. The packaging is given special attention, it is strictly forbidden to close them in a sealed space. When air is not supplied to the product, it quickly begins to deteriorate, in just a few hours it becomes unusable.

As already mentioned, yeast should be stored in the refrigerator at a sufficiently low temperature. But if this is not possible, then you can use a fairly good folk method: sprinkle the product with flour or fine salt, thanks to which the yeast will not deteriorate in a couple of days, but will live another 3-4 days longer.

As for the direct use of yeast, here one must not overdo it and not overheat it, because yeast dies from high temperatures. At what temperature? The answer is quite simple - fresh yeast cannot be diluted in a liquid heated to above 42 ° C. Otherwise, the dough fermentation process will not be as effective, and if the temperature is greatly exceeded, then there will be no effect at all.

Granular yeast

This type of yeast is also intended for baking bread and other flour products, but their main difference is dehydration. In the manufacture of this product, it undergoes a special treatment, after which only 24% moisture remains. Due to this, it has the form of small granules. Many do not know at what temperature granular bread yeast dies. Everything is quite simple, in fact - it's all the same yeast, only dehydrated, so you should not expose them to a temperature of more than 42 ° C.

However, the shelf life of this product is much longer than the previous one. the same (not higher than 10 ° C), but the shelf life is increased to six weeks.

The advantage of such yeast is that it does not need to be dissolved in water or other liquid. This product can be immediately mixed with flour, which results in an even distribution of the product throughout the dough.

Dry yeast

This product is even more dehydrated, leaving only 8% moisture. It is recommended to put much less dry yeast on the same amount of flour than ordinary pressed yeast. It is worth noting that the packaging does not indicate at what temperature dry-type baker's yeast dies. According to official data, such a product ceases to function at a temperature of more than 55 ° C.

Dry yeast granules are very undemanding to storage, they are already in vacuum packs. The shelf life increases dramatically to two years. At the same time, they need to be taken much less than ordinary pressed ones. For 100 g of ordinary live yeast, only 30 g of dry yeast is required.

It is worth noting separately that a fairly large number of people confuse this product with fast-acting yeast and mix it immediately with flour, but this cannot be done. This product should be sprinkled on warm water (recommended temperature 30-45 degrees), then wait until bubbles appear on the surface of the liquid, this procedure generally takes 10-15 minutes. After that, you can knead the necessary dough. The main thing - you need to remember at what temperature the yeast dies.

Fast acting yeast

This type of product is the latest development of the industry. Their shape is quite unusual (small vermicelli). Fast-acting yeast does not need to be diluted in water, it is better not to come into contact with liquid, sugar and other impurities at all. This product is added directly to the dough. Therefore, the question of the temperature regime disappears by itself.

At what temperature does wine yeast die?

It is worth noting that in this case this product is very different from ordinary bakery products. Wine yeast is the smallest microorganisms that feed on sugar, and the released alcohol is a by-product of their vital activity.

In this case, the optimal temperature for their action is 26 ... 30 degrees, in this state they can function normally. If the temperature is 30 ... 34 degrees, then they simply stop and do not ferment, but if the temperature returns to normal, they again lead a full life. When the temperature still rises, the yeast dies.

Yeast in Braga

A very large number of people prefer to use moonshine instead of store-bought alcohol. The process itself is quite interesting, but at the same time quite complicated, it is necessary to take into account many different factors, for example, at what temperature the yeast in the mash dies.

It is worth noting that during sourdough, the water temperature may be slightly higher than the fermentation process itself. The maximum allowable temperature is 40 degrees, if it is higher, the yeast will die. At what temperature the mash should be infused, almost every experienced brewer knows, it should be about 24 ... 30 degrees. Approximately the same as in wine, if the temperature is slightly higher, then the process simply stops, if it rises to 40 ° C and above, the product will be spoiled, and the fermentation process itself will not be fully completed, which will seriously affect the quality of the product.

Thermophilic yeast

The industry every year invents new products that have a lower cost and at the same time have nothing to do with the natural origin of the ingredients. Thermophilic yeast is a prime example of this. The technology of their manufacture has nothing natural - it is a purely chemical mixture. Therefore, answering the question about the temperature at which thermophilic yeast dies, we can say that they are the most stable and produce a fermentation process even at 95 ° C. However, they are very harmful to the human body.

At what temperature does yeast die in bread?

Conducting many experiments, scientists have proven that when bread or other flour products are baked, the yeast is not destroyed, they remain in the product, only they are overgrown with gluten capsules.

It is worth noting that even at high temperatures, fungi cannot be completely destroyed; they can withstand up to 500 degrees. However, this only applies to thermophilic yeasts. They also cause quite a lot of harm to the body. In the finished product, in 1 cubic centimeter of it, there are more than 120 million yeast cells that survived after baking.

All of them negatively affect health, when fungi get to a person, they begin to actively develop. Due to this, active destruction of cells occurs, which leads to a fairly frequent formation of benign, and sometimes malignant tumors.

As for ordinary live yeast, the situation is completely different here. When baking flour products inside the crumb, a temperature of approximately 95 ... 98 degrees is formed. Ordinary yeast cannot withstand such temperatures and simply die, leaving only a small percentage of the fungus, which practically does not cause any harm to human health.

Brewer's yeast

The optimum temperature for yeast activity in beer is approximately 32°C. But at what temperature does brewer's yeast die? In this case, they are very heat resistant, they are completely destroyed when the degree in their habitat rises above the 38 mark.

It is worth noting separately the factor that brewers do not infuse their product at the optimum temperature for yeast of 32 degrees. The thing is that at 32 ° C this product actively ferments, due to which a very large number of complex substances appear, and they have a very unpleasant odor. At the optimum temperature, a large amount of acetaldehyde is produced, which makes the beer undrinkable (very pungent and unpleasant smell).

alcohol yeast

This type of yeast is quite tenacious and has a very wide temperature range suitable for their vital activity. At what temperature alcohol yeast dies, not everyone knows, it is about 50 degrees, only after overcoming this mark, the production of alcohol becomes impossible.

For this product to function properly, the temperature of its environment should be around 29...30 degrees. This is considered the ideal temperature. However, they can also develop at temperatures from +5 to +38 °C. In the range between 38 and 50 degrees, the yeast is still alive, but they simply stop their activity, if the degree drops, they become active again and will perform their function. Therefore, it is highly desirable to observe the temperature regime so that the quality of alcohol is not extremely low.


A large number of people are faced with products that would not be made if there were no such simple microorganisms as yeast. Therefore, it is extremely important to know when yeast dies, at what temperature they can exist, and when they simply stop their vital activity.

In most cases, baking yeast survives at a temperature of 42 ... 48 degrees, when this indicator is exceeded, they do not continue to exist. If a person makes wine, then he should know that for normal fermentation, the temperature should be 26 ... 30 degrees, and when it goes beyond 34 degrees, the yeast dies.

The same applies to brewer's yeast, only in this case they survive at temperatures up to 38 degrees and are more stable.

Separately, it is worth noting thermophilic yeast, they are very harmful to the human body, so it is highly advisable to simply exclude products made using such an ingredient from your diet. In most cases, this product can be found in bread and pastries, which are industrially produced and have a very low cost compared to other products in the same category.

What fermentation temperature for moonshine is considered optimal, and how does going beyond the permissible parameters affect the quality of the final product? In order to answer the question posed, it is necessary to understand in detail what processes occur in the mash during fermentation.

What is yeast in mash for?

Braga is not just a mixture of water, yeast and other ingredients used to provide a comfortable environment for developing organisms. It is a small, closed ecosystem that has created an optimal breeding ground for microscopic fungi that convert complex carbohydrates into alcohol and fermentation by-products.

Ethyl alcohol is released in the presence of sugar

Under normal conditions, with free access to air and sunlight, fermentation products prefer to receive energy through primitive respiration ─ processing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide into the environment.

This method of development is considered more efficient, since it allows you to quickly increase the number of individuals in the population.

For the first time, the relationship between the concentration of oxygen in the experimental mixture and the rate of cell division of fungi was discovered by the world-famous scientist Louis Pasteur in 1857. The Pasteur effect partly explains the rapid adaptation of fungi to various conditions, and therefore they can survive in almost any environment. For more information about the fermentation of mash, see this video:

When significant impurities of glucose, sucrose or other carbohydrates appear in the habitat, the yeast dramatically changes its nutrition cycle, starting to process sugar and release ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide.

At the same time, anaerobic conditions do not interfere with the development of unicellular organisms, which is another evolutionary advantage of yeast over other types of bacteria and fungi.

In nature, the most suitable habitats for wild yeasts are substrates with a high content of sugars ─ the surfaces of fruits and leaves, as well as soils within which carbohydrate-rich phytomass grows.

Over time, mankind has learned to use the unique properties of yeast for their own benefit. The first finds indicating that people used fermentation products for personal purposes (mainly plant and fruit juice, honey, rice and wheat) date back to the Neolithic era. In addition, the remains of vessels with the likeness of modern wine were found on the territory of Georgia ─ carbon analysis showed that the age of such finds is about 8 thousand years.

For the fastest maturation of mash, provide it with optimal conditions

Modern winemakers and spirits producers use the same ancient technologies, because yeast cannot be ordered to work faster ─ all that can be done is to provide optimal conditions for their proper development.

What temperature does yeast need?

The release of alcohol by yeast is nothing more than a simple chemical reaction aimed at converting one molecule of glucose into 2 molecules of ethyl alcohol and is accompanied by the release of two more molecules of carbon dioxide. In addition, during the course of the reaction, a rather active release of energy occurs - sometimes such a process (with insufficient free space and the absence of artificial or natural heat removal) leads to excessive heating of the mixture, which leads to the death of the entire population.

During fermentation, a large amount of gases is released

It is believed that the optimum temperature of the mash should be maintained at a level of 24 to 30 ° C. Too cold conditions entail the deactivation of the entire colony, as a result of which fermentation slows down to a complete stop. What threatens such a phenomenon?

First of all, Braga contains not only yeast, but also other microorganisms ─ lactic acid bacteria and fungi of various types, which, having felt the absence of natural competition, begin to actively multiply.

As a result, instead of alcohol, acetic and lactic acid are released into the environment, the presence of which has a sharply negative effect on the organoleptic properties of the final product. In addition, if normal yeast mash is able to be completely processed within 5-6 days, then a supercooled mixture works from several weeks to months. Passive fermentation of the part is used in winemaking ─ in this case, the low metabolic rate of the yeast avoids the increase in the concentration of foreign substances (fusel oils, esters, etc.), which give the mash a characteristic smell. To learn how to make the right sugar mash, see this video:

Overheating of the mixture poses a great danger for the mash - in this case, the yeast not only stops the processing of sugar, but also begins to actively die. Just a few hours of such a critical temperature regime is enough for the colony to completely cease to exist. That is why a particularly important task is the timely removal of heat from the container with mash and compliance with the mode of its preparation. On average, irreversible negative effects begin when the mixture reaches a temperature of about 40 °C.

How to provide optimal conditions for fermentation?

The temperature regime of fermentation is one of the stumbling blocks among experienced moonshiners. Dozens of articles, notes and even books are devoted to this issue, but there is still no universal solution to the problem.

Strictly monitor the concentration of sugar in the initial mixture

The thing is that in order to calculate the most acceptable parameters, many factors should be taken into account, the list of which includes:

  • the volume of mash;
  • container material and wall thickness;
  • the concentration of sugar in the initial mixture;
  • yeast type;
  • the presence or absence of a water seal;
  • the sequence of preparation of mash;
  • temperature in the room where the container is stored.

To maintain the temperature of the mash at an optimal level, additional devices are often used. The simplest and most accessible method for monitoring fermentation conditions is to install a remote electronic thermometer, the sensor of which is placed directly into the container, and the part with the display is taken out of it. In addition, in stores for aquarists you can buy a compact glass heater of low power - such a device is turned on as needed, while simultaneously controlling the degree of heating. It makes sense to provide the optimal amount of heat in the tank with mash in the cold season or in cases where the mixture for moonshine is stored in a cold room. About how much sugar you need for mash, see this video:

In order to prevent hypothermia of the mash, it is recommended to isolate the surface of the fermentation tank as much as possible from the influence of external factors. The available material used for insulation is foiled polypropylene ─ due to the optimal combination of insulating properties and cost, it is used not only to provide comfortable fermentation conditions, but also to speed up the distillation itself.

The walls of the distillation cube, improved by this method, store heat much better and speed up the process of obtaining a strong alcoholic drink by 1-2 hours.

Sheets of polypropylene with a thickness of 5 - 10 mm are wound in 1 or 2 layers, after which they are fixed with adhesive tape or household glue.

Temperature while cooking

In order for the fermentation to proceed in the normal mode and end on time, it is necessary, first of all, to properly prepare the initial mixture.

Initial cooking temperature 3 - - 40 degrees

Many novice moonshiners do not pay due attention to this issue, which leads to unforeseen results, or even complete spoilage of the entire product. What rules should be observed during the preparation of mash?

  1. The initial water temperature for mash should be about 30 - 40 ° C. The thing is that the preparation of yeast for work does not occur instantly, and while the operations of stirring sugar, awakening dry or pressed yeast are taking place, the water will have time to cool to acceptable values ​​(24 - 30 ° C).
  2. During the dissolution of sugar in water, its crystal structure is destroyed with the simultaneous absorption of a significant amount of heat. It is not necessary to make accurate calculations based on the existence of this feature, but you should be aware that after adding sugar to the mixture, the temperature may drop by 1 - 2 ° C.
  3. The utmost attention is paid to the state of the mash in the first few hours after the start of fermentation ─ during the activation of the yeast, a noticeable jump in temperature occurs, and the voluminous cap of foam that forms on the surface plays the role of a kind of thermos.

After the mash has completed its fermentation, the container must be placed in the cold for several days ─ upon sensing a sharp change in temperature, the yeast will hibernate, and the liquid itself will noticeably lighten, which will allow it to be more effectively separated before distillation.

Is it possible to speed up fermentation by changing the temperature of the initial mixture?

All processes taking place in the fermentation tank are characterized by a high level of complexity and require additional control. Braga itself, being a relatively closed ecosystem, is quite capable of independently regulating its own temperature regime, taking into account the peculiarities of the fermentation process.

If the amount of heat released by the yeast exceeds the allowable parameters, the rate of reproduction of microorganisms gradually decreases, which entails cooling the mixture.

In order to accelerate the production of ethyl alcohol, it is necessary not to heat or cool the fermentation tank, but only to maintain its internal temperature within acceptable limits. For more information about the fermentation temperature of the mash, see this video:

In most cases, additional cooling of the mash becomes a necessary task. A good fermentation tank should be designed so that excess heat from its surface can be freely transferred to the environment. In industrial conditions, the mixture is often forcibly cooled by pumping the mash through a system of coils or immersing special refrigerators inside the tank.

Equipment used for home brewing can also be supplemented with similar devices, but the feasibility of such an upgrade remains in question.

Experience shows that a properly made mash ripens for 5-7 days, while not only the temperature regime is of great importance, but also the presence of top dressing, the tightness of the vessel and the type of yeast. Any manipulations with an increase or decrease in temperature without preliminary accurate calculations can lead to the fact that the mixture will become the optimal breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria, and all beneficial microorganisms that process sugar into alcohol will simply die.

Where and how to put the braga?

Fast and complete fermentation requires optimal conditions in the room where the mash container will be located. Considering the fact that the maximum temperature of the mixture should not exceed 30 °C, the place for its storage should be chosen based on these parameters. E

If in a private house the mash can be placed in a heated basement, the microclimate of which is maintained within relatively stable limits throughout the year, then for residents of city apartments such a way out of the situation is not possible.

Most often, the fermentation tank is installed near the radiators, which can lead to excessive heating of the mash. In order for the tank to receive the necessary amount of heat and at the same time not overheat, it is recommended to protect it from the battery with wooden shields, and wrap the container itself once a day with the reverse side.

As for the light regime, the optimal conditions for yeast reproduction are almost complete darkness ─ in the absence of light, not only the activity of beneficial fungi increases, but also the risk of exposure to pathogenic microorganisms on the final product is minimized.

The fermentation temperature is one of the main parameters that determines not only the rate of ripening, but also the taste of moonshine. Too high a temperature has a sharp negative effect on the general condition of the yeast and can lead to their death. The reverse conditions are also unfavorable for fungi, since in cold mash their life processes slow down, and the aging period of the initial mixture increases markedly.

Not a single moonshiner will forget to mention that the temperature regime when preparing mash is one of the most important points. Why do you need to follow the rules, and why do manufacturers indicate temperature indicators in the instructions? First you need to understand what yeast is, and what problems arise from the mistakes of novice moonshiners. What should be the temperature for mash during fermentation?

Why do we need yeast in mash for moonshine?

Yeasts are unicellular organisms. They are as alive as algae and bacteria. Fungi are actively involved in human life. The production of alcohol, bakery products and some other products is simply impossible without them. In brew for moonshine and in winemaking, they are responsible for the fermentation process. A certain amount of alcohol is produced.

Allocate cultural and natural yeast. The first group includes strains bred in production. And natural organisms live in nature in some quantities, they can be seen on grapes in the form of a thin matte layer, as well as on other fruits. That is why there are recipes for wine and moonshine without yeast and sugar. All these components are in the composition of the main ingredients - berries, fruits. However, you can use this recipe at home. Large manufacturers, on the other hand, do not risk their income by preferring artificial strains. The number of wild organisms may not be enough to ferment mash.

Important! Baker's yeast can spoil the taste of moonshine. It is recommended to choose a special alcohol yeast.

What happens during fermentation?

It is the understanding of the essence of the process that allows you to correctly put the mash, determine its readiness, and correct the mistakes made.

How is alcohol obtained from a single-celled organism:

Important! Each yeast is able to absorb sugar and live at its own temperature. Indicators vary depending on the type of organism.

What determines how much sugar mash ferments?

In all recipes for sugar mash for moonshine, different fermentation times are indicated. Usually the gap can be a week. But why such a difference? Fermentation time depends on many factors.

What affects the readiness of mash:

  1. The type of yeast is the main reason for long or too fast fermentation. Most recipes indicate that by adding cultural yeast to the mash, the process can be accelerated several times. Fermentation ends when organisms die from a certain amount of alcohol. Alcoholic yeast lives up to 18% release, baking yeast - 14%, natural - 11%.
  2. The number of living organisms relative to other ingredients also affects the rate of fermentation. Therefore, it is not recommended to change the ratio yourself. If only then it will be possible to accurately determine the end of the process.
  3. Even when preparing cheap homemade moonshine, you should not save on ingredients. This rule applies more to yeast. If they are not fresh, or simply spoiled, of poor quality, fermentation may not start or go too slowly.
  4. The temperature of the fermentation of mash from sugar and yeast also affects the intensity of the process. With an increase in the allowable rate, the yeast dies, with a decrease, they are not activated.
  5. Yeasts may lack the necessary substances to release alcohol, so it is important to introduce top dressing for an intensive process.

At all stages, the yeast must be provided with a comfortable temperature. Drops are also not allowed. Regardless of the strain, there are indicators at which organisms are not activated, die, act most intensively, and produce alcohol more slowly. At what temperature does yeast die in mash?

Yeast has a fairly large temperature range at which they are able to survive - 18-38 degrees. However, the most favorable conditions that optimally affect nutrition are 30-35. If the indoor thermometer shows above 30 degrees, you need to be prepared that there will be a lot of impurities in the moonshine. Then you need to bring the temperature indicator to 28. At values ​​\u200b\u200bbelow 18, the yeast still lives, but is not active. The thermometer showed less than +5 - which means that the yeast has completely died, this is an extremely low figure. The same thing happens at +40 degrees.

Yeast needs to ensure not only the correct temperature in the room with the container, but also make sure that there are no drops. Jumps negatively affect the activity of fungal cells. The required temperature can be uncomfortable for a person. If the room is cool, then you can take the following measures:

  1. Wrap the container with blankets, clothes.
  2. Put the heater near the container.
  3. Apply thermal insulation materials.
  4. It is imperative to install a thermometer near the container in order to lower or raise the temperature to the desired mark in time.

Water temperature while cooking

Before adding yeast to the main mass, they need to be activated. This is done by adding them to water. Liquid is an equally important ingredient, and in order to start fermentation, it must also be of certain parameters. The water in the container should immediately be at the right temperature, and not subsequently warm up from the heat in the room. Its maintenance is very important.

What should be the water temperature for mash? Before use, the water is heated to 20-30 degrees. The value at which yeast nutrition is most intensive is 23-28. Water above 30 degrees must be cooled. 31 degrees - the risk of death of organisms. Braga can independently reach such indicators, because an intensive process is accompanied by the release of heat.

How to speed up the fermentation of mash for moonshine?

Many do not interfere in the fermentation process. But sometimes it's worth it. If the mash comes to readiness longer, this does not mean that more alcohol is produced. On the contrary, harmful substances are formed in the mass.

What can be done to speed up:

  • invert sugar;
  • feed;
  • raise the temperature to acceptable levels;
  • properly activate yeast;
  • add sugar in batches.

Sugar in mash can be poured in the form of sand. But even in warm water, it may not dissolve. The product will fall to the bottom. Yeast will consume less glucose, produce less alcohol. Therefore, experienced moonshiners brew syrup. If the sugar is inverted, not only can the fermentation speed be increased, but the taste of the resulting drink can also be improved.

It is important to observe the proportions:

  • water - 3 l;
  • sugar - 6 kg;
  • water for mixing - 24 l.

Invert Recipe:

  1. Sugar and water are mixed, achieving a homogeneous mass.
  2. The syrup is boiled over very low heat.
  3. Remove foam periodically.
  4. Add 20 g of citric acid. This must be done very slowly and carefully, as the syrup begins to foam.
  5. The syrup is boiled for another 1 hour.

top dressing

Yeasts are living organisms, and their nutrition is at the heart of the fermentation process. And the necessary components for it may not be enough. In this case, they resort to applying fertilizers that will support nutrition.

Important! If moonshine is made from cereals or fruits, top dressing is often not required. It must be added to sugar mash.

Feeding options:

  1. Ammonia can be a good fertilizer to speed up the fermentation process. For 10 liters you need 5 g of the substance.
  2. It is advisable to use organic top dressing, these include brown bread. For 10 liters you need a third of a loaf.
  3. Tomato paste can act as a fertilizer. 100 grams of the product must first be diluted in a small amount of liquid.
  4. The most proven way is to pour a glass of real fruit juice into 20 liters of mash.
  5. If you boil 250 g of malt in sugar syrup, fermentation will become more intense.

Braga fermentation temperature

If the process is slow, but the temperature for the yeast in the mash is acceptable, then it can still be increased by a few degrees. But it should not lead to the death of organisms. To do this, use heaters, warm clothes.

Important! At the optimum temperature, not only the fermentation process goes on continuously, but also a high-quality drink is obtained.

Sometimes yeast is added to the container right away, not knowing that they need activation. Also, only natural fungi are used, which may not be enough. These are typical mistakes of beginner moonshiners.

How to activate:

  1. If wild yeast did not provide sufficient fermentation, it is worth adding cultural ones to the wort.
  2. Alcoholic yeasts may not ferment actively if not "revive" before pitching. To do this, the powder is mixed with warm water and sugar before adding all the ingredients.
  3. Fertilization also activates fungi.
  4. Installing an aerator is another way to speed up fermentation and keep it going. For the first few days, oxygen must enter the container, on which the process will depend.

Adding sugar in batches

Adding the entire portion of sugar at once complicates the nutrition of the yeast. A large amount of sugars makes the mash too dense. Granulated sugar is correctly applied in several stages. The first half intervenes at the installation stage of the mash. And the second part should fall into the container after a day. It can also be divided into two parts and make the rest every other day.

Where and how to put the braga?

When all the ingredients are selected and properly mixed, you need to install a container with mash.

Some installation rules that will help you get delicious moonshine:

  1. The room should be dark, and direct sunlight should not be allowed on the container so that the temperature can be maintained.
  2. The best container for mash is ceramic or glass.
  3. The water seal must be installed very tightly.
  4. It is necessary to leave a safe place for the heater, which will provide the proper temperature and warm the room.

The fermentation process may stop, but this does not mean the complete end of fermentation. Sometimes you can fix everything, you just need to know the reason.

Why the mash does not roam:

  1. Too much sugar inhibits fermentation. If the ratio is not met, then you need to add a little water.
  2. When fermentation has stopped, it is worth making sure that the temperature meets the requirements. You can increase the reading with a heater.
  3. Poor quality or spoiled yeast may not work. Will have to add others. Just before sending them to a container, you need to dilute the powder in a small amount of water and check their viability.

Thermometer and temperature controller are important components of a distiller

It is difficult to independently regulate the correct temperature regime. It is impossible to follow the exact indicator. And mash on yeast can stand for 2 weeks. To do this, you need to purchase a thermometer and thermostat. You should not skimp on devices, they will help to make a good drink of high quality, not to transfer used products. A thermometer is a mandatory request, it will help determine at what temperature the mash is fermenting. But not everyone uses a thermostat. Although this device greatly simplifies cooking. The device measures the temperature. You can specify the desired indicators that it will adhere to.

The temperature of the fermentation of the mash is an important indicator, its observance is an indispensable condition for good alcohol. The whole process depends on it. Yeasts are very vulnerable living organisms. They are able to be active at a certain temperature. Failure to follow the rules leads to their death or slow nutrition and the production of alcohol. It is necessary to determine the temperature depending on the choice of yeast strain. On average, the optimum temperature for mash fermentation is 28 degrees.