In which theater is Kysya playing with Nagiyev? Performance "Kysya" variety theater with Dmitry Nagiyev based on the book by Kunin

  • 02.07.2019

It so happened that at the end of the last week I had the chance to watch three performances in 24 hours - “Tartuffe”, “Gulliver” and the play “Kysya” with Dmitry Nagiyev based on the book by Kunin. I thought for a long time, read reviews, watched excerpts from the play, consulted with knowledgeable people... and still decided to buy tickets to Kysya. Well, what can I tell you - for the first time in my life I did not watch the play to the end and left the theater during intermission...

“Nagiyev means the production was a success!”
"There are no shortcomings!"
"Why did I go to this performance? But one was enough famous surname- Nagiyev. The performance is staged superbly: a non-trivial plot, but very easy to watch. Good game actors - and Nagiyev’s charisma - well, it’s hard to describe..."
"Great acting, catchy"

Oh, what reviews there were about this performance on the Internet! About the actor's transformation into a cat, about cat plastic surgery, about incredibly funny lines... The hall was jam-packed, there were even people sitting on the steps. I am a very grateful viewer, everything is good to me and everything is funny, and my tastes are the most primitive... Well, at least I thought so! The hall was lying around, laughing and grunting, and only one person in this hall sat in tragic bewilderment. It wasn't funny to me! It was vulgar, vulgar and very base. Just think, the day before the maid Dorina in Tartuffe seemed vulgar to me! I haven’t seen Kysya yet!!! The actors on stage swore, not even because of their role, but just because. Nagiyev awkwardly sat down on the boards and said: “Oh, I’m going to fall, damn it!”, and the truck driver laughed and turned away from the audience to laugh, and the audience laughed with him, and the driver tried to continue the scene, but could not stand it and laughed , and the audience laughed too. And I looked at all this and suffered literally every minute. We corresponded with a friend with whom we were at Tartuffe yesterday, she really sympathized with me and asked - what kind of people are sitting in the hall? I looked at the people, they were completely ordinary, carefully and smartly dressed, very similar to those who had been in the theater the day before at Tartuffe. But among this hall I felt like an alien. Why is it funny for them all, but not for me? Why don't I like this toilet humor? And I didn’t go there just like that, I checked the reviews on the Internet, and everyone there also spoke glowingly about the performance. The play has been on stage for 18 years!!! What is wrong with me?! Why am I such a snob? You know, the play “Amsterdam”, which I didn’t like so much, was a masterpiece in comparison with this performance! Why, all the performances in my life that I didn’t like - they were all masterpieces compared to Kysya! Nothing could be worse than Kysi! It was pure water the standard of vulgarity, stupidity and vulgarity!

During the intermission I still hesitated. I have never done this, I have never left in the middle of a performance, I always watch everything to the end. The ticket to the performance was expensive, it was a terrible waste of money. But I thought - what new can I see in this comedy about the life of a truck driver and a bartender stuck in the 90s and their cats? I know the plot, I can’t see catharsis like my ears, it won’t get any better, every minute of the performance gives me unbearable suffering, why should I wait until the end?

It seemed to me that after such a fiasco, the entire auditorium was simply obliged to get up and leave. And he actually got up and went for a break. But then all the spectators returned, and I got up and left. I walked through the parking lot past members of the troupe who were smoking on the back porch, they looked at me with puzzled looks. Leave Kysi? She probably just got lost. Some grandmother called out to me and said that the back door was closed - the audience went out through it to smoke, but could not return to the hall and walked around. I couldn’t find what to say to her, she and I were too different. If the audience of Kysi is the people, then who am I? Have I become too disconnected from this very people, so much so that I even stopped understanding them? Is it possible to be such a snob? But I don't want to have anything to do with people who like Kysya. I'm afraid of them.

Then, after the performance, I looked for reviews again. Surprisingly, this time I came across a completely different Internet, and all the reviews on it were radically different from the previous ones.

"It is recommended to watch only after breastfeeding"
“Disgusting! Porn! Even if the tickets are free, don’t go! I spat in disgust. Don’t be fooled by the Nagiyev brand. A performance for “perverts”. There is plenty of this pornographic spam on the Internet. Spare your money.”
“They left after the first act, they should have immediately - they thought, what if they give something away! Vulgar, senseless, unwitty... The scene of intercourse between a cat and a lap dog is especially disgusting. I can hardly imagine who might like this. Even the main bait doesn’t save productions - Dmitry Nagiyev."
“She didn’t come alone, they sat down decorously and nobly. And away we go...
After about 10 minutes I realized that I shouldn’t have been drinking. You had to come here drunk. Although no, crawling drunk up to your eyebrows. I was terribly uncomfortable that I brought with me a person who came to the theater for the first time. I could not predict that my first acquaintance with the theater would be so gloomy.
I don’t know, I’m an avid theatergoer, I constantly go to plays, I especially love productions by visiting Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents. And during all this time, some performances were weaker, some more boring, but this one was simply unsuccessful.
First of all, mate. It sounded so often that sometimes it seemed to consist of obscenities most of dialogues.
Secondly, some scenes of the play were riddled with vulgarity. Throughout the first act, I tried to understand the director’s plan and solve the riddle, but I couldn’t manage it. I read the review after, and the lady there, too enthusiastic, shouted that the film was about love... and those who didn’t appreciate it were fools. So be it.
Dumb plot. About cats and people. About cats and cats.
We didn't make it to the second act. And I never left performances, even such strange ones as those of Roman Viktyuk. "
“I’m 28 years old, I haven’t read the book, I saw the play. I go to the theater quite often for our generation - 4-5 times a year. I went to the play because of good marketing. I went with friends: 3 men and a girl. I don’t think so ourselves to the “intelligentsia”, with the same friends we “drink” and have fun and swear, so everything we see is not alien to us! the limits of decency and what is permitted in society. In connection with this, being sober (and this is how I go to the THEATER), I was not delighted with these flat jokes “below the belt.” I was not impressed by the rather primitive plot (I watched both acts). whoever says that this is LIFE, I can only “envy” the carelessness and modesty of the problems of their LIFE.
It was very unpleasant when the audience laughed after separately uttered obscene words, or, for example, after a word meaning male masturbation. Sorry, this doesn’t impress me even when I’m fairly drunk. It seemed that I was either in the backyard of the school, where 15-year-old youth were hanging out. Or they brought “downs” into the hall. In short, I for a long time I doubted the existence of a problem with fools in our country, but this “performance” opened my eyes to the realities!
And for the money that the “play “KYSYA”” takes from the public, it was possible to stage a more colorful show!”

By the way, Kysya and Tartuffe were brought to Israel by the same producer. According to insider information, tickets for the “crap with Horseradish,” as an insider put it, were sold out very quickly, while the magnificent performance Tartuffe did not pay for itself. This is the truth of life.

The performance Kysya celebrates its fifteenth anniversary. This production by the talented director Lev Rakhlin never ceases to attract full houses of spectators - in the world modern theater this is an absolute record. Based on the story of the same name by Vladimir Kunin, it reveals the amazing, touching story adventures of the cat Martyn. The role of a thunderstorm in the streets is always played by one of the most popular artists modernity, showman, presenter Dmitry Nagiyev. Today it is impossible to imagine the performance without him - he fit perfectly into the role of a yard cat who loves to philosophize and reflect on the amazing realities of life in his spare time.

This hero becomes the continuer of literary traditions. Cats could not go unnoticed by the classics. Therefore, in Martyn one can see something that brings him closer to Hoffmann’s cat Murr, Bulgakov’s Behemoth. All the passions of a cat's life are not alien to him and he behaves in accordance with cat instincts. He poses a threat to the neighbors' cats and, of a somewhat different nature, to the neighbors' cats. And in this one senses something very close, familiar in human nature. A kind of romanticism, calling, beckoning to something unknown, dangerous, secret, forbidden.

In addition to difficult relationships with his relatives, Martyn is close to people. The driver, like the cat, is free and independent. But sometimes he, like a cat, wants to feel warmth, love, affection and care. The role of Driver is played by talented actor Igor Lifanov, who, almost the same as Nagiyev, has been consistently appearing on stage in this production for fifteen years. Director Lev Rakhlin himself compared the story to Tolstoy's "Kholstomer". The gelding's story, told in the first person, very vividly and figuratively depicts the characters of the people he met along the way. The viewer sees the same in Rakhlin’s performance.

This is life in all its manifestations - with dirt, crime, betrayal. In the speech of the characters, sharp, sparkling phrases appear, sometimes “seasoned” with profanity. But all this wealth native language does not spoil, but rather complements the color of the action, giving it more realism. The actors give themselves completely to the game, which makes the production expressive, unforgettable, very lyrical and emotional. You need to hurry in order to buy tickets for Kysya’s anniversary performance, because there are a lot of people who want to attend it.

In big concert hall Oktyabrsky is sold out today. All these people came to the anniversary of the legendary play “Kysya”. IN leading role- actor, TV presenter and showman Dmitry Nagiyev. The production is already 15 years old, but it is still in the center of public attention. It is no coincidence that this performance is called a theatrical hit, and not only in the Northern capital.

The BKZ is filled to capacity. For 15 years, “Kysya” has been the highest-grossing performance. And today there is still a continuous flow of people wanting to see Nagiyev’s charismatic performance live.


“I went to the same play 10 years ago at the Vyborg Palace of Culture, I really liked it.”
“If a play has been going on for so many years, then, of course, there is something to see.”
"First time at Kys. I read the book - it was written directly for Nagiyev."

The roofs of St. Petersburg, its courtyards-wells - Detective story about a cat-adventurer originally from the Northern capital has already spread throughout all million-plus cities in Russia and former countries CIS, the performance has been on tour more than once in Germany, America, the Czech Republic, Belgium, and Israel. As the actors themselves admit, this is no longer just a production, but a whole life.

Dmitry Nagiyev, Actor:

“You know, the size of a minute depends on which side of the toilet door you are standing on. Therefore, 15 years for those who are sitting in the audience, maybe it flew by. For us, who have been standing on stage for 15 years, this huge period life, a huge stage, huge joys, suffering, losses, deaths of people who started the performance, the arrival of new people, the birth of new people, salary increases, crises and collapses of everything that could be earned. That is, the country lived for us and our performance, like a prism, reflected everything that is happening on earth today, so for us this is a long, very long time."

“Kyshu” has been played on stage more than 500 times! In the production, the actors changed from time to time, and only the leading actor remained permanent. By the way, it was because of Nagiyev that this performance was born 15 years ago,” recalls director Lev Rakhlin.

Lev Rakhlin, Director:

“We had just finished one work with him, and we already had our alliance. I already knew what I could ask and what this artist was capable of, what I could ask and demand from him. And so it happened, in general, it was ours common desire, were looking for unusual material and found it."

Igor Lifanov, Actor:

“In the theater there is always an element of improvisation, an element when we joke at each other, tease each other, play pranks. I tell Nagiyev that if he ever puts a piece of fur in my boot, and I have to quickly put on the boot, then I’ll probably , I’ll scream so hard that the curtain will come down.”

The role of Brunette went to to the young actor Dmitry Blazhko. His fate was connected with production even before entering the theater institute.

Dmitry Blazhko, Actor:

“At the age of 15, I watched this performance for the first time, and now 11 years have passed, and suddenly I’m playing it with everyone on stage, I have the honor - it’s amazing!”

In modern theatrical life the audience's love is expressed not only in flowers, but also in reviews on the Internet. For example, Tatyana Ivanovna from St. Petersburg writes that the reason for the tremendous success of the performance is the pace set by Dmitry Nagiyev.

Dmitry Nagiyev, Actor:

“The pace that I set with the performance has nothing to do with my sports background, it has to do with the fact that I just really want to go home quickly. In general, I adore two moments in my profession: at the end - the applause of the audience, the next day - a knock through the accountant's window."

Laughter, happiness, tears and excitement. What is lived by the actors on stage and experienced by the audience in the hall is an incredible unity of emotions. Isn’t this the secret of the success of “Kysi”? The whole palette of feelings and the meaning of life, like a little life in two and a half hours.

Yulia Mikhanova, Oleg Podyachev, Alexander Druzhinin, Linda Cherkasova, Alexander Vysokikh and Andrey Klemeshov. First channel. Petersburg.

Age limit: 18+

The legendary play “Kysya” will take place on the stage of the Moscow Palace of Youth; the production, which has broken all conceivable and unimaginable records for sold-out crowds, will take place on October 16, 2017. Starring the brilliant and inimitable Dmitry Nagiyev and the brutal Igor Lifanov.

Both have not needed any special introduction for a long time, since they are recognized stars of the first magnitude in cinema, television and theater. Dmitry and Igor have been friends since their student days. And together they are busy in many successful projects. But the most unexpected and even in many ways sensational record was set by the play “Kysya”, the audience excitement around which has not subsided for 16 years!

When you come to the performance, you will plunge into the abyss of sparkling humor and positivity with the master of improvisation and his recognized stage partners. Here, subtle irony and light sarcasm are intertwined with Hoffmann's horror stories and Gogol's mysticism. Perhaps the reason for its success is that the phantasmagoria “Kysya,” although it has a certain deliberate scandalousness, essentially contains an extravagant but very personal story about friendship, love and hatred, bright and undisguised feelings. “Kysya” is a production based on the story of the same name by Vladimir Kunin. Director Lev Rakhlin and the actors created on stage a funny, mischievous and adventurous story of a St. Petersburg garbage cat from the Don Juan breed. Dmitry Nagiyev has perfectly mastered the plasticity, habits and complex philosophy of a cat. The main character, the cat Martyn, has a hard time. However, everything that Kysya sees makes his little mind seriously think about the most important human values.

On the domestic stage, there are few entrepreneurial performances that can compare with “Kysya” in terms of audience attention over all the years of its existence. The production was probably watched by all the stars: from Alla Pugacheva to Leonid Yarmolnik. “Kysya” toured in the most prestigious halls both in Russia and abroad. She visited many cities several times. “Kysyu” is played in theaters, recreation centers, and sports palaces. In Moscow, the performance was shown on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, the Vakhtangov Theater, Satyricon, Satire, Variety Theater and others. The tour schedule is planned for a year in advance. Due to the employment of Dmitry Nagiyev and Igor Lifanov in cinema and television.

The performance also includes: Nikolai Dick, Dmitry Bystrevsky, Dmitry Vorobyov, Eric Kenya, Marina Domozhirova, Daria Perova.

Based on the story of the same name by Vladimir Kunin
Production: Lev Rakhlin
Cast: Dmitry Nagiyev, Igor Lifanov, Nikolai Dick, Eric Kenya, Dmitry Bystrevsky, Dmitry Blazhko, Valery Smekalov, Daria Perova, Elena Vershinina
Duration: 3 hours


May 1 and 2, 2019 on the stage of the Palace of Culture. The Leningrad City Council of St. Petersburg will show an adventurous comedy about the St. Petersburg garbage cat Don Juan, always preoccupied with the search for carnal love - the play KYSYA, based on the story of the same name by Vladimir Kunin.

KYSYA performances are held to full houses and it is recommended to buy tickets in advance. Limited number of seats.

KYSYA is an adventurous story of a St. Petersburg garbage cat-Don Juan, always preoccupied with the search for carnal love. And despite all the apparent obscenity of the production, profanity and description of the harsh realities that the cat Martyn faces in the process of his search, ultimately this phantasmagoric story tells about love, which knows no obstacles and which exists in spite of everything.

During the course of the action, the actors perfectly convey the cat's plasticity and animal habits. The cheerful, interesting and mischievous entrepreneurial performance “Kysya” is one of the record holders for the number of sold-out shows among modern theatrical productions.

One of the brightest theatrical hits recent years, a long-term record holder for sold-out shows, the play “Kysya”, after a powerful rebranding, began its victorious path in the homeland of Dmitry Nagiyev in St. Petersburg and continues to captivate audiences! All shows of this performance are dedicated to the 25th anniversary creative activity Dmitry Nagiyev!

Dmitry Nagiyev: “This is a tragicomedy about the adventures of a cat - a sex terrorist during perestroika. In “Kysa” I play a cat suffering from the same problems as a person. Of course, I somehow watched cats before playing this role. I started from the plasticity of the animal, and not from some cat’s character. It turned out to be a very bantering and mischievous performance. There is even profanity in it, but here, in a particular scene, it is organic and does not hurt the ear. I am a showman and I must be sure that many spectators will come to the play in which I play, and they will like it!”