Business selling toys. Search for premises for an educational toy store

  • 21.09.2019

Open own store children's toys, no more difficult than any other point of sale, and if you have had experience in this, it will help you a lot. The steps to achieving the goal will be approximately the same, although the children's goods store has its own specifics.

Is it profitable to open a toy store?

It's really very profitable business, which does not depend on the season and does not suffer from fluctuations in demand. No matter how pretentious it may sound, Russia, which is experiencing currently The rise in the birth rate requires not only kindergartens and schools, but also good stores for children. Moreover, those where you can buy not only toys, but also everything necessary for babies: strollers and booties, school uniforms and stationery.
It is these outlets that attract greatest number buyers.

How much does it cost to open a children's toy store?

We can talk about the numbers very roughly, since the decisive role is played by the location of the store (the capital, a large peripheral city, a regional center, etc.), its dimensions, the range of goods and other factors.

On average, to open a toy store with an area of ​​200 square meters, you need to stock up on capital in the amount of 2-3 million rubles. Moreover, 1.5-2 million will be spent on toys, and the rest will be invested in renting premises, furniture, a security system, hiring staff, etc.

The payback period for this business is on average 1 year.

What to do to open a toy store?

Opening a toy store is a great idea, however, the time and place for its implementation may be chosen incorrectly. To avoid mistakes, opening a store should start with marketing research area where the retail outlet will be based.

Conduct analytical work You can do it yourself or entrust it to professionals. As a result, you should have a report on consumer demand for a given product in the area, the number of competitors, product sales volume, average bill, and walrus. Based on the data obtained, a decision must be made on the advisability of opening a store in this particular location.

Next, you need to decide on the form of organizational and legal ownership and submit documents for registration of a legal entity. To open a store, it is often enough to open an individual entrepreneur. To do this, you will need an application in form P21001, certified by a notary, a passport, TIN and their photocopies, as well as a receipt confirming payment of the state fee.

An individual entrepreneur is registered by the city tax authorities within 6-7 working days. Make sure to open a bank account in advance; you will need it to pay for goods by bank transfer.

Depending on size starting capital, choose a room. It’s good if there is space not only for a sales area and utility rooms, but also for organizing a mother and child room, a pharmacy, and a cafe.

This Additional services, which will attract customers to the store and bring profit.

When choosing premises, many entrepreneurs pay attention to areas in shopping and entertainment centers. This is an excellent option, and even the proximity of other outlets selling children's goods in the same complex will not hurt. After all, buyers love when there is plenty to choose from.

Product selection and supplier search

A report compiled based on the results of marketing research will tell you which product (which toys) is represented the least in other similar stores and is in demand. You may even have to completely reconsider the range of goods that you originally planned to sell. Since opening a store of educational toys for little ones is a fairly popular idea, it may be worth considering options such as selling radio-controlled models of helicopters and ships.

Having decided on the assortment, you can begin searching for suppliers. If the store plans to sell a large number of variety of products for children, there may be several suppliers. Picking up Stuffed Toys and dolls, remember that these products for children are chosen primarily by parents.

They often focus not so much on the bright appearance of the product, but on its practicality and developmental functions. Toys made in the form of characters from popular cartoon series are always in great demand among children.

Don't forget to personally check the certificates for all toys. Harmful goods on the shelves good shops there shouldn't be.


Decoration of the trading floor. Products that are more likely to be noticed by adults should be installed higher.

On the lower shelves it is worth laying out toys that children can take themselves. You can put large toys on the floor that children can take for a test drive: rocking horses, large cars, strollers for dolls, etc.

Near the cash register, so-called “impulse demand goods” are usually laid out, that is, all sorts of little things: balls, key rings, souvenirs and the like.

What documents are needed to open a toy store:

1. Certificate of registration of a legal entity and assignment of a TIN.

2. Letter from the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation on the assignment of codes to a legal entity (OKVED);

3. To formalize the conclusion of the State Fire Supervision: application letter, property policy, rental agreement retail space, certificate of registration of the enterprise, building plan from the BTI, agreement on the installation of a fire alarm;

4. Permission for a sign;

5. Conclusion of the SES;

6. Permits for cash registers.

Trading children's toys is a relevant and quite profitable business. And with an increase in the birth rate, the demand for goods for children will only increase. How to open a children's toy store? First, we draw up a business plan, save up start-up capital and understand the intricacies of this profitable business.

Store registration

How to open a toy store from scratch? First of all, you should take care of the legality of your business and register it. To do this, you need to decide in what capacity to register - as an individual entrepreneur or entity ().

If a store is opened by one person, it is preferable to register an individual entrepreneur. A business with several partners can be registered as an LLC. In terms of registration and reporting, the individual entrepreneur form is much simpler than the LLC form.

Therefore, it is better to start your own business with an individual entrepreneur. This will eliminate the cost of an accountant’s services and facilitate communication with the tax office.

You must register your commercial enterprise with the local tax authority (IFTS). No licenses are required for a toy store. However, a “Certificate of Compliance with Safety and Quality Standards” is required for each batch of goods.


Within five days after registering a business, you must submit an application to apply one of the taxation regimes - (single tax on imputed income) or (simplified taxation system). Both regimes require filing a quarterly return and annual reporting, which does not require professional knowledge. The entrepreneur himself can handle this task, thereby saving on the services of an accountant.

For a small store, it is best to choose UTII, which is the most common tax regime and, perhaps, the most profitable. With UTII, the tax amount depends on the retail space of the store, its turnover and the coefficient established by local authorities.

For a store with a large retail area, the simplified tax system is considered more profitable. Both modes have both advantages and disadvantages. After the business begins to generate tangible profits, you can, with the help of a specialist, make calculations and choose the most profitable tax system for the store.

The final stage of registering a toy store is registration with Pension Fund. Now you can start your entrepreneurial activity legally.

How to open a toy store and where to start

Trading activity begins with finding a location for a store. 50% of business success depends on a good location. Ideal option placement may become a department in mall or a retail outlet on the main street of the city, near a transport intersection or close to child care facility. The cost of rent in such places is quite high, but due to good traffic, turnover covers expenses and provides profit.

The store area should be sufficient for parents with strollers to move freely around the sales area. With a modest starting capital, an area of ​​25 to 40 square meters will be quite enough. Important point— for the convenience of mothers with children, it is advisable to place the store on the ground floor.

Space for a store can be purchased or rented. For a novice entrepreneur, the purchase is hardly justified. Renting a retail space will allow you to look around, check your capabilities and, if the choice of location is unsuccessful, change it to a more profitable one. There is no need to rush into choosing a location - it is better to wait until opening a store and wait until an acceptable option is found.

Once the retail space has been found, you should think about an attractive store design. It is important to remember that the main buyer of toys is children. The interior should be bright and colorful. The walls of the store can be decorated with scenes from cartoon characters and fabulous animals.

If the space allows, it would be nice to install a play structure (tower, labyrinth or castle) in the hall that will attract kids. It is also advisable to take care of mothers by installing a small sofa for them. In front of the store entrance, you can place funny figurines of your favorite children's characters.

Access to toys should be free. Practice shows that self-service trading significantly increases sales. It is important for a small buyer to touch the toy himself, experience vivid emotions and persuade his parents to buy.

Purchase of goods

Before purchasing toys, it is important to study the market in this segment: demand, new trends, manufacturers’ offers, what is in short supply and what is in excess. For the first batch, it is advisable to purchase the most varied assortment. In fact, it will become clear what type of toys will be in great demand.

The choice of toy supplier plays an important role in business development. The modern consumer is discerning. Among the current abundance of goods, he has plenty to choose from. Toys must be of high quality, otherwise the buyer will prefer another store.

Most often, goods are purchased from wholesalers via the Internet. When looking for a wholesaler, you should pay attention to three factors: the price of the product, its quality and delivery conditions. It is worth establishing contacts with toy manufacturers. This will reduce the cost of the product and attract more buyers.

How much money is needed to open a store?

How to write a business plan to open a toy store? First of all, you need to calculate the costs of purchasing equipment, the first batch of goods and other needs.

  1. Store equipment. You will need display cases, racks, shelves, economy panels, furniture for staff, decorations, cabinets and rugs for the play corner. It is best to order equipment via the Internet, which will save about 30% of money. To purchase equipment, 40 thousand rubles will be enough. In the future, anything missing can be purchased.
  2. Purchase of goods. For the first batch of goods you will need from 150 to 300 thousand rubles. Next, you need to order the product weekly.
  3. Renting premises. The rental price depends on the area of ​​the store. It may vary in different regions. Average prices range from 1 to 2.5 thousand rubles per square meter, and in Moscow and St. Petersburg they are significantly higher. So, the cost of renting a store with an area of ​​about 40 square meters at an average price of 1.5 thousand rubles per square meter will be 60 thousand rubles per month.
  4. Cash machine. With a simplified taxation system (STS), you will need a cash register with fiscal memory. A minimum of 15 thousand rubles will be required. With the UTII taxation system, a cash register is not needed, but it is worth purchasing a check printing machine without fiscal memory (FMM). Its cost is 6 thousand rubles.

In total, according to our calculations, to open a small toy store you will need a maximum of 415 thousand rubles. This means that 500 thousand rubles as starting capital will be quite enough. The rest of the amount will be useful as a safety net.

It is worth noting that in Moscow and St. Petersburg the costs will be two or even three times higher.

Monthly expenses

In addition to the initial costs of opening a store, the entrepreneur incurs the following monthly expenses:

  1. Rent of retail space. As already calculated above, the cost of renting 40 square meters is 60 thousand rubles.
  2. Salesperson salary. On average it is 15 thousand rubles. To ensure shifting trade, there must be two sellers. At first, in order to save money, an entrepreneur can work as a salesman himself.
  3. Taxes. According to the UTII system, the tax amount is within 10 thousand rubles. However, this amount is very approximate. It depends on the turnover of goods, the area of ​​the store and the coefficient, which is different in each region.
  4. Contributions to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund. To pay them, about 3 thousand rubles are required.

Total monthly expenses in our store are 73 thousand rubles, excluding salespersons’ salaries.

How to attract customers to the store

Most effective method attracting customers is advertising, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate. There are several ways to advertise your store that are worth paying attention to.

  1. If your budget allows, you can advertise on radio and television.
  2. Distributing colorful advertising brochures in places where parents and children most often visit (parks, cinemas, playgrounds, etc.) works great. At the same time, it is a good idea to distribute leaflets through the mailboxes of residents of nearby buildings.
  3. You can order business cards to give to each customer.
  4. An original and memorable interior also works as an advertisement.
  5. Good way store promotion means holding various promotions. For example, you can provide discounts to little birthday people or organize children's parties.
  6. Discount cards are great for attracting regular customers.
  7. Your own website on the Internet also works well as advertising.
  8. Advertisements in free newspapers are considered ineffective. Among huge amount information about the opening of a toy store may simply get lost.
  9. It is best to schedule the opening of the store on a weekend and accompany this event with a loud promotion with gifts, games, lotteries and other holiday attributes.

Expenses and income

So, we found out how to open a toy store with a minimum starting capital of 500 thousand rubles. The cost of opening a store will be about 400 thousand rubles plus 70 thousand rubles of monthly expenses.

With a markup on toys from 30 to 200%, you can soon achieve a net profit of 70 to 100 thousand rubles per month. And the more an entrepreneur invests in his business, the more profit he will receive. According to experts, the payback period for a children's toy store is from 6 to 8 months.

It is worth noting that all the figures in the given business plan are approximate, and in each individual case the figures may differ. However, a reasonable approach to business and proper work with customers will increase sales and contribute to the prosperity of your store. Good luck with your business!

Trade is the engine of progress, and the country loves to trade; retail trade remains the most popular business idea in Russia; what exactly to implement is another matter.

Among the many areas, the business idea of ​​a children's toy store stands out. Products for children, as well as food products, are included in short list not elastic demand. This means that parents spend even their last money on food and children's toys. To critics of this statement, I can say that in times of crisis, people began to buy cheaper goods, but only a few people refuse “amenities” for their children (sons, daughters).

Opening a children's toy store is a profitable and promising business, subject to a number of mandatory conditions.

To take into account all the nuances, we will draw up a rough business plan for a children's toy store.

How to open a children's toy store, choosing a location

The third option - compared to the first two, has only one significant advantage, the absence of reports, while the amount of taxes payable is an order of magnitude higher.

Equipment, assortment and sellers for a point with toys for children

When calculating a business plan for a children's toy store, special attention must be paid to the equipment for the store. Distinctive feature exactly this type retail is the presence of simply a huge number of different products. Moreover, it is not necessary (to be precise, it is not necessary) to buy a lot of each product, it is enough to have 2-3 copies of a particular product, but there should be variety.

Example on dolls:

— 4 different series (Barbie, Winx, Monster High, fairies), in each series there are 7-8 different heroines, in total we have 32 units.

— 2 different sizes(we take small and medium ones) - in total the number of dolls increased to 64 units.

As you can see, the minimum range of dolls for girls already takes up an entire stand, and if we take the same cars for boys, we get no less, but plus soldiers and swords.

All this variety must not only be purchased, but also placed so that parents and children can see and touch them. Practice shows that if a child picks up a toy, there is a 90% chance that parents will buy it, if not immediately in the near future. That is why, after choosing a location for the store, we begin planning stands and shelves. Main condition, Free access and visibility of the entire range of children's products. By the way, be sure to pay attention to such a concept as merchandising (display of goods); it is optimal to buy equipment for a store, taking into account the “scientific” and advice.

How much does it cost to open, fixed costs of a retail outlet

When calculating approximate children's toys, we proceed from:

For the purchase of initial goods will need to be invested at least 500 thousand rubles. This amount can be reduced by purchasing not the entire assortment or purchasing exclusively Chinese products, but remember that a small assortment and low-quality toys are a death sentence for the store. Parents care about their children (it’s not for nothing that the demand for children’s goods is inelastic), they simply “will not understand” your efforts.

Shop equipment– in many ways, the price of racks and display cases depends on the approach of the businessman himself; you can buy everything ready-made and not bother, or you can look for it. The same metal racks and hangers can be ordered on the Internet, searched on ad sites and bought used. And cabinets, display cases, which will cost at least 20% less than factory analogues. Total costs for store equipment will amount to at least 80 thousand rubles.

Total in approximate business plan for a children's toy store opening costs point of sale will amount to about 600,000 rubles.

In addition, you must be prepared for fixed costs, which includes:

  • — rent (50 thousand rubles)
  • — taxes 19,400 rubles (when working on imputation)
  • — communal apartment 5000-6000 rubles

Total monthly expenses for the store will be about 75 thousand rubles.

We don't take into account wages for hired personnel, payments from the Pension Fund to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, they are covered by UTII.

Store promotions and advertising

Advertising brochures- By this channel store advertising has both positive and negative experiences. It largely depends on the choice of distribution location; if the booklets end up in the right place, they work with a bang, if you simply distribute them at an intersection or put them in mailboxes, returns 0.

Posting advertisements, ordering banners, television– practically does not work for small retail outlets. The exception is holding a big discount campaign, however, you shouldn’t deceive, clients won’t come a second time at all.

The simplest and most importantly working promotion option is availability of bonus or discount programs. Moreover, discounts must be both cumulative and special (for example, in honor of a birthday). It must be remembered that parents buy toys for their children more than once or twice, and if the first purchase was successful, then they will definitely return to your store.

Little secrets of opening a successful store

It’s worth taking into account a few more small nuances when drawing up a business opening plan. children's store toys:

  • — it is necessary to provide a separate department (rack) with products for children's parties (hats, pipes, candles, napkins, tablecloths, etc.). Such products do not take up much space, and the profitability is high.
  • — simultaneously with opening a real store, create an online store. This is especially true for big cities.
  • — Be sure to add your (real) store to all catalogs in your region, indicate your positioning on Google and Yandex maps. Please provide all information. Including phone.
  • — you shouldn’t spread yourself too thin and try to sell children’s clothing in a store. It is much more cost-effective to expand the range of toys.
  • — you just need to allocate space for a separate department (display case) for children's books, as well as books on raising children, the latter are often bought by parents.

SWEDEN: Child's world... toy store... Stockholm Sweden

Children's World... a toy store, how it works in practice

Upload date: 2013-10-16

In terms of popularity, the toy store can compete with pharmacies and food stalls.

As you know, parents are ready to do anything to make their child happy, so they will not skimp on gifts. If you decide to open your own business, then a toy store business plan will come in handy.


As you know, the birth rate is increasing every year, and therefore, along with it, the demand for children's products is also increasing. Therefore, many entrepreneurs choose this direction for their investments. If you organize and implement all your ideas correctly, you will have enough profit.

In addition, as a child grows, there is a demand for various types of toys, from rattles to educational options. Beautiful and interesting trinkets bring joy not only to the baby, but also to his parents.

You should not think that the business plan for a toy store is quite simple and easy to implement, since this activity also has its own problems and pitfalls. The most important task is to learn how to attract young buyers and inspire confidence in their parents. If you want to reach heights in this business, you will need to take into account all the nuances.

How to open a toy store from scratch?

In order for a business to be successful and bring the desired profit, it is necessary to take into account and solve some problems. You need to start with market analysis. Despite the fact that new stores are opening every day, it cannot be said that this niche is oversaturated.

If we analyze several departments that sell children's goods, then in principle we can conclude that they offer a similar assortment, moreover, the quality of some items leaves much to be desired. Therefore, you have a chance to take these shortcomings into account and carve out your niche in this business.

An important aspect in organizing a children's store is the correct location. The most important thing depends on this – the number of visitors, and therefore buyers.

Do you have several possible options. For example, this could be a department in a large shopping center or its own premises, which is located on the main street of the city.

If you couldn’t find a similar place for a store, then there is an alternative - premises that are located in residential areas near entertainment centers and so on. In addition, you can organize your business directly near kindergartens and schools, in which case the flow of buyers is simply guaranteed.


Many people don’t know how to open a toy store from scratch, where exactly should you start? Don’t worry, we’ll look into this issue now. To become a private entrepreneur, you need to register your business. It is recommended to give preference to the “individual entrepreneur” category.

In this case, you will have simplified accounting reporting and reduced taxes. To save a little on taxation when starting your business, you can apply to use a simplified system or to switch to paying UTII. If you use these options, you can submit only one declaration per quarter, and an annual report.

Deciding on the direction

The business plan for a toy store should be based on the choice of the format of your enterprise. Today, the option of supermarkets for children is very popular. In this case, parents have the opportunity to purchase everything necessary for their baby, from regular food and pacifiers to logical toys that help in the development of the child.

Thanks to this option for organizing a store, children and parents have the opportunity to freely examine and choose items that they like. Supermarkets are based on self-service, which increases profits through the possibility of unplanned purchases. This is the main advantage of such business options. In addition, it is recommended to divide the department into sectors, for example by age or by purpose of goods.

If you decide to open a narrow-profile store, for example, only with educational toys, then in this case you can place your products according to the principle “from simple to complex.” To attract and entertain potential buyers, and if the area of ​​the outlet allows, organize a play area where kids can play. In this case, your business will become very popular, since you will definitely get regular customers. Now you know how to equip a toy store so that it is not only convenient, but also profitable.

Decoration and equipment

The toy store business plan you have developed must necessarily take into account the future interior and the equipment used. Let's start with decorating the room.

If you decide to develop a design yourself, then you should definitely take into account that the store should attract not only children, but also their parents. Enough for kids bright colors, such as various designs and paintings on the walls, also install some play structures.

It could be a labyrinth, slides, castles, etc. To decorate the room, use various figures fairy tale characters, with whom children will be able to take pictures if they wish.

Don’t forget about the exterior design, as this is a very important condition for attracting buyers. Don't forget about the sign and shop windows. To decorate the windows, use various toys that will make children and parents want to go into the store. Now you know how to attract customers to a toy store.

As for equipment, these are mainly various racks. Certain requirements must be set for them, since there will be children in the store. It is important that the furniture in the store is safe, durable, but at the same time looks beautiful. Shelves for storing goods should have hooks, nets, hanging shelves, etc. In addition, so that everything can be seen clearly, lighting is very important. In general, the equipment of a children's store should consist of display cases, shelves, furniture for the cashier, and, of course, the cash register itself.

What do you call the ship...

Much attention should be paid to the question of what to name a toy store. To come up with a name, use your imagination and advice from friends. It is very important that the name is catchy and bright and associated with childhood and happiness. We offer several options: “Kapitoshka”, “Mowgli”, “Tots”, “Strong Kids”, “Children’s Things”, “Winnie the Pooh and Everything, Everything, Everything”, etc. Remember that the name should not be too long and memorable.

Selection of assortment

Before opening a toy store, it is important to decide on the product and the manufacturers who will supply it. If you want to find your buyer and gain a good reputation, then the toys you sell must be of high quality and safe.

In this case, there is no need to save, since responsible parents choose only good goods. It is recommended to give preference to manufacturers in Europe and America. Before concluding an agreement, check the quality certificate and, if possible, agree that at first you will take the goods for sale, that is, if suddenly the toys do not sell, you will return them without any problems.


The number of employees in your store depends on the size of the business. But even in a small store there must be an administrator who will solve all current issues, accept goods, etc. In addition, we need sellers, the number of which again depends on the size of the business.

Also, do not forget about the accountant, because someone must monitor the profit and keep records of the store. You can also hire a cleaner who will periodically clean the premises.

Costs and profits

Now it’s time to decide whether it’s profitable to open a toy store or not. Let's consider an approximate calculation of the costs of opening such a business in Moscow:

  • for renting the premises you will need to pay about 10 thousand dollars a year;
  • you will have to pay about 3 thousand dollars for the equipment;
  • Initially, purchasing goods will cost you about 10 thousand dollars;
  • their employees will have to pay approximately $16 thousand for the year.

To summarize, the cost of opening a store will be about 40 thousand dollars. Depending on the product, you can make a markup from 30 to 200%. Based on statistics, the average net profit may be approximately $96 thousand annually. Based on the data obtained, we can conclude that a children's goods store will pay for itself in six months. You should not be afraid of the considerable costs, since such a business is profitable and quite promising.

I accidentally saw a picture of a handmade fabric book on the Internet, and I was fascinated by it (even though I’m not a fan of handicrafts):

This is just some kind of masterpiece!

Each page is both a fairy tale (even theater, because you can come up with a plot yourself), and tactile sensations and development of skills (lacing, zipping, etc.):

And a tool for intelligent learning:

How much work has been put into one such book (I grab my head)!

Is it worth it to suffer so much (it’s one thing to make such beauty as a gift for someone, another thing to make money from it)?

Will anyone buy it? Will the costs be worth it?

How much can you sell for?
educational soft book

The author of this masterpiece (and many others), Evgenia Savelyeva from the city of Votkinsk (Udmurtia), works tirelessly, making such books to order, so much so that she never gets around to giving it to her own daughter. Everything she creates, she sells from her blog (and maybe also from

Books for 2500, 4500, 7000 rubles - all sold.

On trading platform Russian handicraftsmen I found several craftswomen who make similar soft books. Among them is needlewoman Elena from Dnepropetrovsk:

She sells soft books for 6,000 rubles, and developmental sets (the same books, only with separate pages, in a larger volume and in a special bag) for 10,000 rubles.

And they buy such expensive products! (she has 339 appreciative reviews)

How to sew a toy book

How to sew such a toy book, read the page of another talented needlewoman Tatyana Petrenko from Ukraine, on which she kindly posted her master class:

She makes wonderful books (so she doesn’t accept new orders until the summer):

How to start a business

On Elena’s page from Dnepropetrovsk on it is written that she does not make such books alone, but with a team of young and creative mothers:

In other words, in short approximate diagram business.

1. Master the production of children's educational books made of fabric (if, of course, you are interested). Including establishing channels for the delivery of materials for needlework (the above sites have links where you can buy these materials, plus you can find them yourself).

2. Gather together women needlewomen or just schoolchildren (who have free time and the desire to make these beautiful books - for yourself or for sale). Conduct master classes.

3. And you sell finished products: in your city, on, on, on

As a result:

1. Teach other people useful, beautiful and practical needlework.

2. You will help talented handicraftsmen earn money (especially those who do not know the Internet, especially in English).

3. Help our children develop and appreciate beauty.

4. Let the whole world know that Russian handicraftsmen are among the best in the world (on the Dnepropetrovsk handicraftswoman has no competitors).

5. You will make money yourself from beauty and benefits for other people.

Of course, this business is not for everyone (if you want to buy a Ferrari in 6 months, please don’t worry). But for everyone else, it’s quite real.