What to do in the gym to lose weight. Effective Weight Loss Techniques In The Gym - Expert Advice

  • 10.10.2019

Few women come to mind to choose a gym for weight loss. While there is still an opinion that in such a place one can only become a masculine creature, but not at all slender and beautiful. However, this is just a myth! In fact, gym workouts can be used in two modes - either to gain muscle mass or to lose weight.

Losing weight with the help of the gym is definitely possible. Moreover, you have a real chance not only to make your whole body smaller in volume, but also to gain beautiful, graceful muscles that will make your body fit and attractive. After all, just being thin doesn't mean beautiful!

The main thing is to remember the golden rule: you can lose weight in the gym if you consciously give your body a combination of anaerobic and aerobic exercise - i.e. a large number of repetitions with low weight and very small breaks between sets. It is this tactic that will allow you to successfully lose weight, exercising only in the gym!

How to lose weight in the gym?

The easiest way to lose weight quickly in the gym is to use a circuit workout. This system is very simple: you perform one set on each machine sequentially (for example, 20 light to medium lifts). At the same time, it is important to practice without stopping or taking a break - just finished with some exercises, immediately took up others. When you complete the first lap, which consisted of one set on each machine, you should immediately go to the second lap. There can be from one to five such circles, each of which includes one approach on each simulator.

It is advisable that the workout in this mode lasts at least 40 minutes and is always accompanied by an initial warm-up and an end hitch (regular stretching will do). To achieve optimal results, you need to exercise at least 3 times a week every other day!

Weight Loss Gym Program

Weight loss exercises in the gym will be different on a case-by-case basis, as each gym is equipped differently. It is important to consider that your body is a single system, and you do not need to select only some narrow area (abs or buttocks) and work only on it, even if it is the most problematic area. It is important in every workout to work out all the muscles that can only be worked out using the equipment available to you in the gym.

For weight loss, it is enough to practice three times a week. The approximate plan for your workouts should be as follows.

The first day. We start with a traditional warm-up, you can use a treadmill or exercise bike for 10-15 minutes. Then we perform a circuit training:

  1. Extension of the legs in the simulator (2 to 20 times).
  2. Romanian deadlift (3 to 20).
  3. Smith Machine Squats (3 to 20).
  4. Cable traction leg abduction (3 to 20).
  5. Row on the upper block to the chest (3 to 15).
  6. Link arm (3 to 15).
  7. One-handed dumbbell row to the belt (3 to 15).
  8. Breeding dumbbells in an incline (3 to 15).
  9. Press (3 to 20).

Second day of training:

  1. Dumbbell bench press (3 to 12).
  2. Laying dumbbells lying at an angle (3 to 12).
  3. Hand information in the simulator (3 to 15).
  4. Deadlift on the block for triceps (3 to 15).
  5. Dumbbell extension from behind the head (3 to 12).
  6. Standing biceps with dumbbells (3 to 12).
  7. Seated dumbbell hammers (3 to 12).
  8. Press (3 to 20).

Third day of training:

  1. Lunges (3 to 20 times).
  2. Squats with a barbell or with dumbbells (3 to 20).
  3. Leg curls in the simulator (3 to 20).
  4. Reducing the legs in the simulator (3 to 20).
  5. Breeding legs in the simulator (3 to 20).
  6. Seated dumbbell press (3 to 12).
  7. Lifting dumbbells through the sides (3 to 12).
  8. Any abdominal exercise (3 to 20).

After completing the strength part of the program, go back to the treadmill or exercise bike and exercise for 20-40 minutes. Do not forget that the approaches are not performed in a row on one simulator, but first the first approach on the first, then the first approach on the second, and so on.

Out of 100 people who decide to lose weight through workouts at home, only 10 achieve results. The situation changes if you buy a subscription to a fitness center: almost 50 out of the same hundred are tidying up the figure.

In the first case, there is relaxation, a large number of distractions, and a lack of control and program. Regular visits to the sports complex are subject to liability. Yes, and performing exercises in the gym is much more effective, since a huge amount of equipment allows you to make the best choice for training.


First, measure your indicators: weight, chest, waist and hips. Set realistic goals. Determine a time frame for your weight loss - this is great motivation. And only after that proceed with the implementation.

First, you need to follow the training rules.

  1. Undergo a medical examination to make sure that there are no serious illnesses that could become contraindications for losing weight in the gym.
  2. View information about all sports centers in the city to choose the best one for training, and not the one nearby.
  3. Another criterion for choosing a gym is a good personal trainer. It is better to search for it by reviews or acquaintance.
  4. Draw up a training program and strictly follow it.
  5. Start each workout with a warm-up to prepare the muscles, end with a cool down to relax and restore them.
  6. Combine different types of loads: aerobic and anaerobic.
  7. The first month to do the exercises exclusively for beginners. Then it is possible to increase the repetitions, the duration of the workouts and the selection of a more complex program for quick weight loss.
  8. Learn the technique for performing each exercise.
  9. Do not drink water during exercise.

Secondly, you will not be able to achieve results if you do not follow the rules for losing weight outside the gym.

  1. Choose the right diet, in which there will be the maximum amount of protein (for the formation of relief muscles) and a minimum of fat.
  2. Adhere to the principles of good nutrition.
  3. Get enough sleep.
  4. Eliminate stressful situations and nervous breakdowns.
  5. Provide physical activity: jogging in the morning, walking to work, etc.
  6. Drink at least 1.5 liters per day.
  7. Breathe fresh air as much as possible.

It is better to coordinate every step with a personal trainer. It is worth the money spent on it. If there is no such financial opportunity, consult with friends who have been training for a long time, or look for answers on the forums.

Exercise types

This is not to say that cardio training includes the best weight loss exercises. They will have the desired effect only in harmonious combination with power ones. Consider different types of workouts to achieve good results.

  • Power

Strength exercises are anaerobic: work with a barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, pull-ups, plank, press. They differ in intensity and complex execution technique. Equally beneficial for women and men. Very effective, especially for weight loss, as they increase muscle mass by eliminating fat, and also develop strength. They burn energy by actively consuming carbohydrates.

  • Cardio workout

The basis of weight loss workouts is cardio exercises: jumps, squats, bends, turns, work on. Refers to aerobic. Normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increase endurance, effectively reduce weight. Suggest multiple repetitions to burn more calories.

According to the trainers, in order to lose weight in the gym, it is imperative to perform the following energy-intensive exercises:

  • scraping - jumping rope;
  • squats and lunges;
  • interval training;
  • burpee;
  • squats Tabata;
  • from power - jerks with a barbell;
  • from simulators - rowing and orbitreck.

Sample program

For a gym, a training program is a must, even if there is no trainer. In this case, take a rough plan, adjust it to fit your physical data and exercise strictly in accordance with it.

For men

It involves not only burning fat, but also building muscle mass. Therefore, its goal is not to reduce weight, but to correct the figure, pumping the main muscles. There are more strength exercises and loads are much heavier than women.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

For women

The training program for women is possible for implementation not only in the simulator, but also in the fitness room, adapted specifically for more. It is dominated by cardio loads. Although there are a lot of power ones, but you do not need to be afraid: for girls they are not dangerous by building muscle mass. They will just make the figure more prominent.

A sample exercise program allows you to understand how each lesson is structured. Training scheme: 3 times a week every other day (usually Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Duration: for beginners - no more than 45 minutes. A month later: for men - about 1.5 hours, for women - an average of 1 hour.

A set of exercises

The program can be calculated on the fact that one problem zone is worked through in 1 workout. But it is much more efficient to choose a complex that evenly distributes the load.

Warm up

This is an important element in any complex. Warm-up prepares the body for the upcoming stress.

  1. General: jogging, exercise bike (3 minutes).
  2. Warming up the joints: swinging and rotating movements, bending, twisting, squatting, raising the knees, 2-3 approaches to the press (3 minutes).
  3. Stretching Exercises: Hanging on the bar, upright stance, crossover (3 minutes).

For the abdomen and sides

In the gym, it is much more convenient to do exercises for the press, since for this there is all the necessary equipment that is not at home. They contribute to slimming the abdomen, reduce the waist in volume, remove fat folds from the sides.

  • Raising the legs

Hang on the wall bars. Raise your straightened legs parallel to the floor. To fix the position - slowly lower it without bending.

  • Bottom twist

Performed on a horizontal bench. Lie down, grab the handrails. Rhythmically raise and lower your legs.

  • Incomplete twisting

On an incline bench. Since the tilt of the body is more than 180 °, considerable effort has to be made. The result is a thorough study of the abdominal muscles.

  • Twisting on the top block

Stand with your back to the block, spread your legs a little, bend at the knees. Take the upper block, exhale - tilt the body forward.

Twisting on the top block while standing
  • "Lumberjack" on the upper block

Stand sideways to the simulator, bend over to the far leg while exhaling, try to reach it with slightly bent arms.

Exercise "Lumberjack"

Data can be difficult for girls. And yet, with normal physical training, they will make the waist an aspen in a short time. Crunches on an incline bench are especially recommended. Pressing the press also successfully removes fatty layers in this problem area.

For hands

Do not forget to include in the complex exercises for the hands, for weight loss of which there are all the conditions in the gyms. Use dumbbells, barbells, resistance bands.

  • Curl biceps

Take dumbbells, feet shoulder width apart. Turn the palms forward. Bend your elbows slightly, raise your arms to your chest. Lower slowly.

  • Hammer grip

Take dumbbells, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows slightly. The palms are looking at each other. Slowly raise the right dumbbell to the shoulder - lower it. Repeat the same with the left. You cannot swing the body while helping yourself. The elbows should be tightly pressed against the body.

  • Curls with an expander

Step on the expander. Grab the ends. Stretch the ribbons as much as possible. Bend your elbows. Pull the handles towards your shoulders. Lower slowly. Keep your elbows close to your body. Extend your arms slowly, without jerking or sudden movements.

  • Back push-ups from the bench

Sit on the bench. Lean your hands on its edges on both sides. Stretch your legs forward. Bend your elbows. Slowly sink to the floor. Return to full extension of the arms. Bend your legs slightly to make the exercise easier.

4-5 such exercises in the general complex will allow you to get rid of fatty sagging, which shake like jelly with every movement: women's hands will become thinner, men will have relief muscles.

For legs

For weight loss, choose a treadmill, exercise bike, stepper, or as an aerobic exercise. Do not forget to dilute them with anaerobic weight exercises: squats, deadlifts, lunges with dumbbells and a barbell.

  1. Complex exercise: 25 swings of each leg, 20 squats, 15 lunges with each leg forward. Three sets at 1 minute intervals.
  2. Squats and bench press on the GACK machine.
  3. Deep squats.
  4. Squats, seated and lying presses, calf raises, lunges on the Smith machine.
  5. Jump rope.
  6. Strength frame exercises.


Change weekly to see faster results.

For the back

In the gym, you can and should perform special ones that burn fat layers and contribute to the formation of a strong muscle frame:

  1. "Plank" with traction (dumbbells, kettlebell).
  2. Orbit track exercises.
  3. Twisting into a T-pose.
  4. Working with a rowing machine.
  5. Deadlifts and push-ups.
  6. Swimming exercise.
  7. Deadlift.

"Plank" on kettlebells with a thrust to the stomach

Those with spinal problems should be careful. They'd better get a doctor's permission to exercise first.


  1. Hanging on the horizontal bar.
  2. Bends on straight legs.
  3. Swing your hands.
  4. Turns of the body.
  5. Mill.
  6. Lunges.
  7. Squats.

Very often people break down halfway, because they think that there are no results. In fact, it is very difficult to objectively assess the effectiveness of training. You will have to wait more than 1 month to start to be proud of yourself - your persistent character and beautiful body.

Tightened body shapes are the aesthetic side of the appearance of both women and men. To always have an attractive and slender shape, you need proper nutrition and regular exercise. Sport, in one direction or another, is an excellent way of healing, losing weight and feeling cheerfulness and strength of mind. In order to understand how to lose weight in the gym, you need to choose the right physical activity and its intensity.

The right approach to sports weight loss

Most women associate working out in the gym with masculine pumped muscles and an overly sculpted figure. In fact, if you organize your workouts correctly, then it is not possible to pump your body. The main thing is to choose a cycle of necessary physical exercises, thanks to which you can lose weight and keep your body in appropriate shape. To do this, you need to take into account a few simple rules.

Individual approach

It must be borne in mind that each is arranged absolutely individually and all processes occurring in the body, for each, occur in their own way. Therefore, the procedures that a friend or friend could have may not necessarily be right for you. You should personally choose the type of training, based on the constitution of the body, problem areas of the body.

The main thing is that physical exercises for weight loss should exclude a set of muscle mass, the girl does not need this at all. Thus, you can create an individual training schedule. It is best if a professional trainer helps with this.

Do not get carried away

You do not need to exhaust yourself with loads from the very first workout. Nothing good will come of this approach. It is necessary to smoothly introduce yourself into the sports rhythm of life. The thing is that the body is not used to increased physical activity. Overloading it will lead to fatigue or damage. The fact that you suddenly start to play sports, you will not become slimmer instantly. If you approach this thoughtfully and gradually increase the load, then very soon you will see the result.

Complex workouts

In order to get rid of extra centimeters on one part of the body, while not using other zones, it is impossible. A set of selected exercises should involve all muscle groups, but the maximum emphasis will be on the problem area. It is with this approach that a positive result is guaranteed.

Proper nutrition

If you decide to lose weight with the help of the gym, this does not mean that after training you can come home and eat up sweets or fried foods. With such a diet, the effect is unlikely to be noticeable, or it will be minimized. Despite the fact that training will be daily, it is necessary to follow a proper diet.

During active loads, it is better to give preference to protein and carbohydrate foods. An equally important point, you should not eat before exercise (1-2 hours), during exercise, the body must burn fat, and not the food consumed. But, abruptly after class, you should not start eating, it is better to wait a while. This will help avoid health problems.

How to switch to a sports rhythm

Sports activities should gradually dilute the standard rhythm of life. The optimal regimen is one and a half hours of training three times a week. The main thing is not to overdo it in the first couples. The body must be slowly brought to an increase in stress.

Every workout should start with a warm-up. This is necessary to warm up and prepare the muscles. Further, it is better to resort to cardio training - these are treadmills and exercise bikes. Such exercises are aimed precisely at breaking down fats and giving the body a tone. For noticeable results, cardio training should be at least 30 minutes, for a man 40-50 minutes.

After that, you should move on to strength exercises. These exercises target different muscle groups. These exercises are very important in the matter of losing weight. It is thanks to them that the body will tighten and strengthen. In addition, strength training stimulates metabolic processes. Consequently, the process of breaking down fats will be more intense. Such classes take 20-25 minutes.

In the final part of physical activity, it is necessary to give the muscles a rest. Stretching is best for this. In addition, it helps prevent muscle congestion.

How to lose weight quickly by exercising in the gym

In order for the desired result not to make you wait long, you need to adhere to some rules and recommendations that are provided by all the masters in this area.

Fast and effective weight loss in the gym

In order to radically change your figure, you need to devote a lot of time to visiting sports-type establishments. But, combining physical activity and proper balanced nutrition, the effect will start to please very soon. The advantages of playing sports are very obvious: body shaping, health improvement, skin tightening, rejuvenation and stabilization of body processes.

In addition, after you decide to lose weight by exercising in the gym, the acquired forms will remain with you for a long time. Sports weight loss guarantees a long-lasting effect and prevents the appearance of extra pounds in greater volume.

But, all this is only if, after active sports exercises (having achieved the desired result), one does not live in a "lying" lifestyle. To maintain the body requires activity. Then, harmony will be provided to you forever.

Among the many modern weight loss systems, fitness programs and exercise options, many girls and women choose to work out in the gym. This is a purposeful event, where each exercise, work on each simulator is aimed at working out a certain muscle group, forming a beautiful silhouette.

For many girls, these words are loosely related. It seems to them that losing weight is buckwheat porridge, kefir and apples, and the gym is biceps, pumped up muscles, masculine figures. These stereotypes can and should be destroyed, because it is organized classes that give a fit, magnificent figure.

A diet without physical activity will help to lose extra pounds, but the skin will remain flabby, the buttocks will be flat, and the tummy will have nowhere to take a beautiful shape. Exercises for weight loss and fat burning in the gym are weight loss and gaining beautiful reliefs at the same time.

The mechanism for changing the figure is as follows: fat does not just go away, it is replaced by muscles. This result can be achieved if you maintain a balance between power, triggering anabolic muscle building processes and aerobic exercise. During the latter, excess fat is consumed, these are catabolic processes. This kind of training helps the body become stronger, healthier and more resilient. It is not just thinness that is effective, but precisely the perfected forms, although it will not be possible to lose weight without a systemic healthy diet.

Coming to the gym, some girls want to save money and believe that they can lose weight without a coach, because simulators - here they are, work out and slimmer. This is a big mistake, especially for beginners. Even experienced visitors to the hall sometimes do not dare to take such an adventure. A coach is not only your guide to the world of sports, who will explain what is what, how to use this or that equipment. This person will select for you a set of exercises and a plan that will help you lose weight, will monitor compliance with the required number of approaches. He also monitors safety during the lesson, so that his client does not rip his back, strain, or pull a muscle.

Nutrition for weight loss when training in the gym

It is worth saying that no matter how much you exercise, you cannot lose weight by eating densely on sandwiches with smoked sausage and an impressive piece of cake. Weight loss is possible only in one case: if the consumed amount of calories is less than that which enters the body per day. This doesn't mean you need to starve: just reduce your portion sizes a little, replace simple carbohydrates with complex ones, store sweets with fruits, and convenience foods with real meat or fish without fat.

About an hour before your workout, eat something carbohydrate to give you energy. You can eat oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, grain bread. Close the so-called "protein-carbohydrate window" after class. If you do not do this, there will be no muscle building. That is, wanting to get a relief tummy, 30 minutes after the end of the workout, it is allowed to pamper yourself with cottage cheese with berries or a vegetable salad with a steam turkey.

Weight loss options with gym equipment

  • Alternation of power and aerobic loads. Twice a week you work out on simulators, and once - fitness, jogging, swimming. This method does not lead to rapid weight loss and requires a lot of effort.
  • Combination of both types of loads in one lesson. However, the time spent in the gym shifts somewhat towards aerobic. There are three variations of this method.

1. Circular training.

Another name is strength aerobics, a fairly effective way to lose excess. The bottom line is that the girl does a certain number of exercises on different simulators in a circle, after finishing one, she moves on to the next.

It is important to perform one circle without rest, alternating simulators one after another. It is very difficult, requires serious strength training, but weight loss will indeed happen. It will not work to build up this or that muscle, constantly alternating the load, but making them more prominent in the size in which they are is real.

  • Include exercises for all muscles and body parts in one circle. Even if you do not complete the required number of them, the study will be uniform.
  • Training for girls involves alternating the load on the "top" and "bottom". This is important in order not to be exhausted.
  • Include easy exercises for you at the beginning and end of the circle. The hardest must be in the middle.
  • Simulator exercises include rest periods. You can focus on your own pulse. The normal beat rate for moving to the next round is 120 beats.
  • This method of how to lose weight while exercising in the gym involves using the shells one by one without stopping. Therefore, try to prepare everything you need in advance, as well as choose a time when there are not so many people.

2. Superset method.

It consists in the following: an exercise is performed on any muscle group without interruption, followed by the next exercise. This is a superset - a load that allows you to lose weight and lose weight.

It is possible to use two options: training for one muscle group or, conversely, for unrelated ones (for example, biceps - buttocks). If you are deciding for yourself how to work out in the gym in order to lose weight, you should think about supersets that will help you lose fat and make muscles beautiful.

3. Combined workouts.

This is a universal method that is more effective than just fitness for weight loss, as it combines cardio and strength training on simulators. You perform one or two approaches on one apparatus, and then go for 5-7 minutes on a treadmill.

What are the benefits?

  • Firstly, the intensity of fat burning increases, losing weight as efficiently as possible.
  • Secondly, in fitness centers, where there are a lot of people, it is difficult to organize a high-quality circuit training for yourself. But during the combined exercise, the exercises can be swapped, the main thing is that there is a free cardiovascular equipment.
  • Thirdly, this type of weight loss is suitable for those who have just started practicing, and for whom other methods are still too difficult.

The total time is reduced: with the help of a combined workout in the gym, you can lose weight if you exercise 3 times a week for 60 minutes.

Fitness training program for girls

In this case, there is an alternation of exercises on a cardiovascular machine and supersets, that is, two exercises are performed without rest. The break between supersets should be 2 minutes, you need to do three approaches, and then switch to a cardio machine.

The combined program is presented in two versions.

Option 1:

  • Warm up - 5 minutes.
  • Class
  • Hyperextension and crunches - 3 sets of 12 reps.
  • On a track or ellipsoid - 10 minutes.
  • Upper block, deadlift and bent-over dumbbells - 3 sets of 12 reps.
  • On a track or ellipsoid - 10 minutes.
  • Dumbbells lying and "butterfly" - 3 sets of 12 times.
  • Hitch.

Option 2:

  • Warm up - 5 minutes.
  • Roman chair - twisting and hyperextension - 3 sets of 12 reps.
  • On a track or ellipsoid - 10 minutes.
  • Reverse Grip Dips and Rows (Top Block) - 3 sets of 12 reps.
  • On a track or ellipsoid - 10 minutes.
  • Dumbbell Squats and Leg Press - 3 sets of 12 reps.
  • On a track or ellipsoid - 10 minutes.
  • Hitch.

  • Drink clean water. During training, you can drink a certain amount of water, a few sips between sets, during the day - at least one and a half liters.
  • Be sure to consult a doctor, especially if you have chronic diseases, injuries.
  • Do not overdo it: increased training daily can lead not to a spectacular figure, but to a hospital bed.
  • Clothing should be comfortable and tight-fitting: wide trousers and T-shirts will cling to the simulator and interfere with the exercise.
  • Pay special attention to shoes: sneakers should be of high quality and comfortable, preferably with an orthopedic insole.
  • Do not forget about stretching: it will reduce the subsequent muscle pain and make them look more beautiful.
  • Even if you don't want to work with a trainer, do the first few sessions in his company, remembering which exercises and in what sequence he recommends.

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Genus. 1984 Has been training since 1999. Has been training since 2007 .. CCM in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South of Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar Territory according to IPF. 1 category in weightlifting. 2-time medalist of the Krasnodar Territory Championship in m / a. Author of over 700 articles on fitness and amateur athleticism. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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You can lose weight in the gym. But for this you need to observe several conditions and follow some principles. Now about everything in order.

I am a trainer. And when a girl (or a guy) tells me that she would like to lose weight, then I understand that she wants not just to remove fat and become skinny. But at the same time he wants to preserve or build up muscles a little so that her figure looks attractive. This is true for both women and men. The latter just want a little more muscle.

By doing only strength training, you will never lose weight. This is the first thing you need to understand. The second thing: training on simulators, as well as with dumbbells and barbells, does not have to be strength. I hope you understood that in the gym you can swing, but you can do the same aerobics, using barbells and simulators for this.

Let's go further. When you just swing, you strengthen the anabolic processes in your body. In other words, you enhance the growth of muscle and subcutaneous fat. That is, gaining weight. When you do aerobic workout, you increase the catabolic processes in your body. This means that you accelerate the breakdown of muscle and adipose tissue. That is, you are losing weight. In one case, you get a figure with muscle and fat, in the other - without fat and without muscle. I think that neither the first nor the second option will suit either men or women.

It turns out that it is impossible to gain muscle mass without fat and lose weight without losing muscle? This is possible, but only to some extent. And this degree depends on how delicately you learn to balance between anabolic (synthesis of fat and muscle) and catabolic (breakdown of fat and muscle) processes. If you learn this "art", you can create for yourself almost any body you want.

To lose weight in the gym, you just need to combine strength training with aerobic exercise!

Strength training will help you gain weight, and aerobic training will help you lose weight. As a result, you can make it so that your body weight will not noticeably change. But the quality will change! Alternatively, you can make you lose weight while maintaining your muscles. At the end of the day, it's not only a question of exercise, but also of diet (s).

Now, I hope you understand the basic principle of combining strength and aerobic training. It remains to consider the final question: how to combine them correctly? And there are two options here.

Option one... ... That is, let's say you swing twice a week and twice a week - any aerobic exercise (not necessarily running). This approach will require a lot of time and effort from you (don't be fooled, the second approach too). It turns out that you come to the gym and pump your muscles, then do aerobics and thereby force the body to lose weight.

Second option... You only work out in the gym. But train in such a way that you do many sets of light to medium weight and short rests between sets. This manner includes two methods of doing workouts: and. In addition, in one workout, you can combine strength exercises and cardiovascular equipment (cardio load). This method is called. It is worth noting that supersets are less effective at burning fat than the other two, due to their lower intensity. But this method is simpler.