Diana Effner dolls diana effner. Diana Effner dolls: description

  • 01.07.2019

Biography of the wonderful doll author - Dianna Effner. Enjoy reading! Dianna Effner. The name of this recognized master of collectible dolls became widely known to the doll community in the late 70s, when the world first saw Diana dolls at the then famous DREAMS-79 exhibition. In the United States of America, this was the time after the end of the tragic Vietnam War for the country, the time when the hippie era ended, the time when the craze for the ideas of free love and nonconformism turned into a passion for traditional family values. Now, with a smile and a slight nostalgic sadness for bygone times, Dianna Effner recalls her youthful, maximalist passion for flared jeans. long hair, tied with ribbons across the forehead, songs with a guitar in the light of a night fire near the fence of a military air base in Florida, prohibited marijuana, the hippie slogan “Make Love Not War” and hitchhiking around the country ... “Make love ...” This is exactly what young Dianna Effner (Dianna Effner) ) I learned best when the famous Woodstock festival died down, marking the beginning of the decline of an era. Where else could there be more love than in children? In 1971, Diana began working as a teacher at an orphanage for girls in Missouri (Missouri) and, as a hobby, began making dolls for her pupils. Beautiful porcelain dolls... Her passion captured her so much and the warmth of gratitude from the orphans who received Diana’s beautiful creations as a gift was so great that Diana suddenly realized her purpose in life - dolls. This is exactly what “Make Love Not War” truly means - “Makes Love, Not War”! Collectible dolls...Diana turned out to be an unusually energetic and purposeful person. From the very beginning, she accurately described to herself the path that she intended to take and firmly set foot on it. She knew exactly what she wanted - she wants to create Love, bring Love to people, teach people to make Love themselves. To achieve this, Dianna Effner spent ten years consistently mastering all the secrets of craftsmanship and technology for producing porcelain dolls. She studied the art of design, the skills of an artist, a sculptor, a potter, a tailor, a fashion designer, a jeweler and much, much more... By 1990, the works of Dianna Effner were already, without a doubt, recognized masterpieces for which doll collectors paid big money and then Diana, together with her assistant Geri Olson, opens a puppetry studio in the small quiet town of Jamestown, Missouri. This is how Diana begins the second stage of her “doll life” - the stage when she begins making collectible porcelain dolls as a business. Many beautiful models, molds, drawings, sketches came from Diana’s hands in her puppet studio in Jamestown in the next decade. Dianna Effner's business developed so successfully that in 1999 she decided that she was ready to begin the next stage of her plan - she founded the famous "Doll Dreamers Guild" - a full-fledged educational and practical institution , the purpose of which is to prepare and educate specialists who are able to independently make dolls and, most importantly, teach everyone the intricacies of this magical process. Dianna Effner, unlike many other craftsmen, makes no secret of the technologies, recipes, materials and specifics of the process of making porcelain collectible dolls, which are her inventions, finds, her “know-how” and which she herself mastered in perfection. Remember? “Make love...” Diana’s main goal during this period of her work is to transfer knowledge and skills to people... Specialists who have graduated training course in the “Guild of Dreamers-Dollmakers”, returning to their native lands, they carry in their hands and hearts a drop of Diana’s heartfelt flame and love and the secrets of her famous porcelain dolls. Their friends and like-minded people, in turn, join and swell the ranks of true connoisseurs of doll masterpieces. It was for these people in 2008 (note, again - ten years later!) Diana's students living in various parts globe, on a variety of continents, with the most different colors skin and eyes - they all unanimously agree that there is hardly one Master in the world who has done so much to disseminate and popularize the secrets of puppet production as this amazingly fragile and weak, but so strong-willed and Strong woman from a small quiet town in Missouri - Dianna Effner. Diana's dolls and the dolls of her students, many of whom began to teach and teach themselves long ago, basely become objects of admiration and envy in international exhibitions, symposia, and simply on the shelves in collectors' homes. Amazing humanity, soft lines, kindness and tenderness in the gaze, fragile and touching silhouettes, incredible precision of the details of dresses and jewelry - these are what inevitably distinguish Dianna Effner's dolls from hundreds of creations of other, no less worthy Masters. And, most importantly, when the Dianna Effner doll puts her head on your shoulder and leans towards your ear, you hear her voice completely clearly. “Make Love Not War” - “Make Love...Not War!” - the doll tells you...

Geri Uribe / Geri Uribe - student and assistant of Diana Effner. Geri has been working with Diana and creating dolls for over 20 years. Diana taught Geri everything she knew. And now Geri is a master herself the highest level. Geri thoroughly knows the technical details of each stage of making porcelain dolls, because... does this himself.

Geri Uribe produces both her own editions of porcelain dolls and dolls based on Diana's patterns. As Diana Effner herself puts it, Geri is always ready for self-improvement and new challenges in her profession. For example, Geri has now learned a complex technique for painting vinyl dolls with acrylic paints.

We present to you some of the designer's first vinyl dolls. The dolls are made with high skill, recognition of which has become their great popularity. Diana Effner states that several more releases of basic dolls from Geri Uribe are planned in the near future.

Dear doll lovers! We are pleased to inform you that in November we are expecting the arrival of Geri Uribe dolls! Only 5 types of such dolls with amazingly natural faces will come to us.

Here they are, these spontaneous girls, each of whom is fascinating in its own way.

Dakota / Dakota

A charming and naive little girl with open, light blue-gray eyes and short brown hair.

Renee / Renee

Spontaneous girl with short hair the color of a raven's wing, with naive eyes that look straight into your soul and seem to be asking you about something very important.


A gentle baby with oriental features, long black hair and radiant brown eyes.


A slightly thoughtful girl with long red hair and sparkling green eyes, whose gaze is open and pure.


A charming doll with long red hair styled in a side parting. She has radiant blue-gray fox eyes and perky freckles on her plump cheeks.

The dolls have a movable body and a hand-painted face. All dolls wear white T-shirts and panties decorated with lace

Recently I was looking through our published topics and thought, what else could I tell you about? And suddenly I realized that I didn’t show you the most humane and gentle girl dolls from Dianna Effner! Therefore, today's article will be dedicated to them.

Among doll artists there are people of broad soul and masters from God. However, it is rare that someone is able to not only embody these qualities in dolls, but also teach this amazing skill to others.

Dianna Effner began her career as a puppeteer by working in an orphanage. There she is at free time I started making dolls as gifts for my students. And after some time she suddenly realized that for her dolls were forever. For ten years, Dianna methodically studied the art of creating porcelain dolls.

Moreover, she mastered not only the skill of a sculptor, but also all related professions. After all, in order to create a doll, to endow it with a soul, you need to be able to do a lot: to be a designer, an artist, a jeweler, a fashion designer, and a tailor... Only at the intersection of these areas can a miracle be born.

And it really was born. One has only to look at Dianna Effner's girls and it becomes clear that she has become a recognized master of her craft. Her works breathe such love that they are respected by colleagues and recognized by collectors.

Then Dianna and her assistant and student Jerry Uribe (Olson) opened their own small doll company. And in the next 10 years from under magic hands Dianna made beautiful dolls. When looking at them, it seemed that they were breathing, and the porcelain radiated human warmth.

But Dianna went even further - she created the now famous “Guild of Puppeteers-Dreamers” (what a name!). This is a kind of school where you can learn how to create dolls, and then teach others to do it. In her “school” Dianna teaches all the intricacies of the process of creating a doll - from sculpting the head to sewing shoes. Unlike her colleagues, she does not keep her secrets of puppetry secret; she gives them to the world so that it becomes a little kinder.

Dianna's dolls take prizes at exhibitions, but most importantly, they occupy a very large place in the hearts of collectors. For some time now, Dianna Effner began making not only porcelain, but also vinyl dolls.

Tiffany doll

For example, in 2007, the now most famous series of vinyl dolls was created - the Little Darling dolls. The dolls are a convenient size - 33 cm. Dianna designed them herself different shapes persons

Video description of dolls

Unlike porcelain dolls, whose image is completely thought out, these dolls will come to you as soon as Blank sheet. It is often even more convenient and always cheaper. The dolls are wearing only a T-shirt and panties.

Christabel doll

Clothing and shoes can be purchased separately, or you can sew or knit yourself. You can also replace the doll's wig (size 7-8) - this is done very easily, and the effect is simply amazing! The girl is transforming before our eyes!

Belinda doll

The dolls are produced in a factory, but are painted by hand. They are painted both by Dianna herself and her students, including the oldest one, Geri Uribe, who has now become a recognized master herself.

Even sophisticated collectors, even those who don’t like baby dolls, agree that Dianna’s “Little Darlings” are surprisingly alive. This is largely due to the expression on their faces.

Katrina doll

Children's facial expressions are very mobile, but the artists were able to capture the characteristic expressions on the faces of little girls. Imagine that you are holding a baby in your hands with such touching eyes. You look at them and it seems that the doll is about to blink and say “Mommy-Mommy!”

Reni doll

But this funny girl will take another moment and hug you by the neck tightly: “I love you so much!”

Elise doll

Since the dolls are hand-painted, Dianna Effner's company is always overloaded with orders, so you have to wait quite a long time for a doll (often more than six months). We can offer you some dolls: a total of 7 girls that we have in stock right now.

Kim doll

Each doll has a very expressive, deep look - only children can look so seriously, shyly, and mischievously. Gentle and kind little girls (the language stumbles to call them dolls) are truly touching.

Doll Autumn

Look at them - they seem to understand everything. You only need to see these dolls once, and you immediately want to hug them, stroke their silky hair and tell them a fairy tale about how kindness always triumphs in the world!

Photos used in this article: supergirl.inc, glorias*garden, Imagindolls/Kinjalia.D, toonaroona, olesyaw.

When making a doll self made There are often difficulties in creating an expressive and lively look. The toy may look past or into emptiness, as a result of which something that makes its eyes “alive” is lost. Such dolls do not evoke a feeling of “contact” and warmth. But Diana Effner’s vinyl dolls are distinguished by their piercing, lively eyes and soft, kind faces. When the future handmade toy maker was five years old, she received her first doll as a Christmas gift, and while playing with it, she studied the features of the doll world. But a serious passion took hold of her only in 1971, when Diana began working in an orphanage and creating her first masterpieces for local pupils.

Skill development and business emergence

The new type of needlework turned out to be so exciting that it completely absorbed Diana Effner and determined her life purpose. The craftswoman began to actively study the basics of the profession puppet master, establish various technologies and acquire skills that could help her in making dolls. The author needed to master new professions: potter, tailor, sculptor and designer. All this was necessary to study in order to be able to create the body of the toy, design its head and make an outfit. In 1990, a workshop was created in Jamestown (Missouri) for Diana Effner dolls. The master's assistant, Geri Uribe, became a co-founder of this enterprise. Now the doll hobby has turned into a profitable business.

Handmade dolls by Diana Effner: a master class on creating a lively look

What makes these toys so unique? The peculiarity of Diana Effner dolls is their bright and expressive look. Its secret lies in a special drawing technique. If used correctly, the drawn eyes should look at the viewer with love and warmth.

The technique looks like this:

  1. At the first stage, you need to find the center in each eye and draw a thin vertical line there.
  2. Then a horizontal line is drawn that divides the eye in half so as to form a cross.
  3. For each eye you need to construct a central point. One is chosen by the leader; he will set the direction of the gaze. And the second is to follow him. It depends on which direction the toy will be facing. The center of the pupil of the dominant eye is located slightly above the central part of the cross. On the right eye it looks like this: a dot is drawn on a vertical line, just above the middle - this will be the center.
  4. The point in the left eye will be slightly higher and to the left, slightly away from the direction of the main gaze.
  5. At the final stage, the contour of the pupil and iris is applied for both eyes. Then the gaze becomes targeted, directed at the beholder.

Effner doll production

The bodies of the toys are produced in factories, but the face painting is done by the craftswoman herself or her students. How much do Diana Effner dolls cost? The cost depends on the specific baby, but on average it is about 18,000 rubles. Fans of collectible toys can wait about a year for an order, and sometimes more. Owners often create clothes for their dolls themselves or buy them separately, because they are sold in the same underwear. The cost of dresses and shoes is comparable to the price of an adult’s wardrobe. Doll wigs are also replaced, which can greatly affect her appearance and create a completely different image.

Features of Effner dolls and their benefits for children

Dianna Effner's dolls are distinguished by a very soft facial expression, a kind and gentle gaze of her eyes directed at the viewer, and touching and soft silhouettes. The details of the wardrobe and accessories for them are carefully worked out, and the decorations are selected with great taste. Handmade dolls, created by a master who takes his work seriously and puts his soul into every toy, become real family members. The owner of such a doll takes care of it as if it were a living person. If a child begins to communicate with such a toy, this develops in him important maternal qualities, responsibility, and attentiveness to the needs of others. Children often choose one or two dolls that become their favorite. They carry them with them everywhere, create clothes for them, and invent a story. Diana Effner dolls most often fall into this category.

Dolls on a metal frame: manufacturing

Another aspect of Diana Effner's work is making dolls on a flexible frame. They can be given any pose, since all parts of the body bend in the same way as in humans. The body parts are made of silicone and fabric, the arms and legs consist of two parts - the lower part is silicone, the rest is a fabric cover. The frame is made of segments, but it is solid. Assembling the doll begins with the shins - the lower part of the frame is placed in them, and the remaining empty space between them is filled with synthetic down, which is compacted wooden stick. It is secured on top with hot glue.

Decoration of the doll's legs on the frame

Then comes the turn of the central part of the frame. It is carefully wrapped in woven material, and the edges are sewn. The frame in place of the hips is coated with glue and wrapped with rolled padding polyester to create a base of the required thickness. The edge is also glued and fixed. Pieces of soft synthetic down are placed under it to make the shape of the leg more natural. Then a fabric cover is put on the thigh. From the inside it is tightly fixed with wire. The result is pants for a doll. Using a long needle, a natural-shaped knee is formed.

Doll body stuffing

Then the master designs the “soft spot” of the doll. For this, ordinary nylon socks and filler balls are used. Required amount The balls are poured into the sock, it is tied and turned inside out so that the knot is not visible. After that, synthetic fluff is used to give it “roundness” and two identical blanks made in this way are placed in the right place.

At the next stage, the design of the body begins, but first you need to slightly hem the fabric cover with a secret seam almost to the armpits. After this, the body is stuffed with synthetic fluff. The head for the Diana Effner doll can be made from various materials. To attach it to the frame, a special cord is tied.

Final assembly of the doll

The forearm is made of fabric, but it is not sewn with the main cover. To attach the arms, wire is placed inside the fabric frame, and then the sleeve and silicone blank are connected. Then it is put on the frame, but not completely, but only the silicone part, and the voids are filled with synthetic fluff. The junction of the fabric and silicone is fixed with hot glue. After this, the main part of the cover is sewn from shoulder to shoulder.

Now you need to use the rolled padding polyester again to shape the forearm. The frame is wrapped with it. Then the part of the cover with the forearm is pulled over the main part, the shoulder is formed and both parts of the fabric are carefully sewn together. The part with the neck is also made of silicone, it is put on the soft part of the body, the cord for the head is inserted through a special hole and secured with pins on the doll’s back.

There is a special hole in the head of the toy through which you can thread it and secure it tightly. The head should remain mobile - turn from side to side, sideways, down. The edges of the lace are placed inside the head. All that remains is to cover the hole with a special lid, securing it with glue. After this, a thick rubber band is put on the doll’s head so that the parts stick well to each other. Then glue is applied along the seam on the head and behind the ears, after which the wig is put on. Now you just need to choose a suitable outfit for your handmade doll.

Dianna received her first doll for Christmas when she was five years old. The girl loved her very much, constantly played with her doll, changed her clothes, fed her and put her to bed. When Dianna grew up and got a job at a girls' orphanage, she began to get interested in making dolls, making them for the orphanage's pupils. This hobby absorbed and captivated her so much that she realized that dolls were her purpose in life. Dianna’s motto in life: “Make Love Not War” - “Makes Love, Not War.”

Dianna turned out to be an unusually energetic and purposeful person. From the very beginning, she accurately described to herself the path that she intended to take and firmly set foot on it. She knew exactly what she wanted - she wants to create Love, bring Love to people, teach people to make Love themselves.

The name of this recognized master of collectible dolls became widely known to the doll community in the late 70s, when the world first saw Dianna dolls at the then famous DREAMS-79 exhibition.

Over the course of ten years, Diana Effner consistently mastered all the secrets of craftsmanship and doll production technology. She studied the art of design, the skills of an artist, sculptor, potter, tailor, fashion designer, jeweler and much, much more.

By 1990, Dianna Effner's works were already recognized masterpieces, for which doll collectors paid big money, and then Dianna, along with her assistant Geri Olson, opened a doll making studio in the small quiet town of Jamestown, Missouri.

This is how Diana begins the second stage of her “doll life” - the stage when she begins making collectible porcelain dolls as a business. Many beautiful models, molds, drawings, and sketches came out of Dianna's doll studio in Jamestown over the next decade. Dianna Effner's business developed so successfully that in 1999 she decided that she was ready to begin the next stage of her plan - she founded the famous “Doll Dreamers Guild”. “The Guild of Dreamers-Dollmakers” is a full-fledged educational and practical institution, the purpose of which is to prepare and train specialists who are able to independently make dolls and, most importantly, teach everyone the intricacies of this magical process.

The dolls of Dianna and her students, many of whom began teaching and teaching themselves long ago, invariably become the subject of admiration at international exhibitions, symposiums, and simply in collectors' homes. Amazing humanity, soft lines, kindness and tenderness in the gaze, fragile and touching silhouettes, incredible precision of the details of dresses and jewelry - this is what inevitably distinguishes Dianna Effner's dolls from hundreds of creations of other, no less worthy Masters.

Dianna’s students, who live in different parts of the world unanimously, agree that there is hardly a single Master in the world who has done so much to disseminate and popularize the secrets of puppet making as Dianna Effner.