My coffee shop walkthrough. Bavarian coffee: recipe, ingredients

  • 26.02.2022

True lovers and connoisseurs of the aromatic invigorating drink know many of its interesting recipes, which are the property of national cuisines, their unique “calling card”. Bavarian coffee occupies a worthy place among them.

Don't ignore this amazing drink. Essentially, this is a delicate dessert with coffee-flavored whipped cream. It is so airy and light that it won’t hurt even diet fans.

His recipes have a number of differences from each other. The ingredients can be changed, giving the treat an original, unique taste. Each experimental confectioner has the right to change them, but it is important to preserve the basis and adhere to the special rules for preparing coffee in Bavarian style.

  • The main requirement is the quality of the grains. To make the dessert taste richly coffee, you need to use freshly ground natural beans, because only they have a pronounced taste and aroma.
  • One of the exclusive components is whipped with powdered sugar, heated in a steam or water bath. To prevent any protein that accidentally gets into the mixture from curdling when heated, they should be separated from the protein mass with special care.
  • You can make your own powdered sugar using a coffee grinder.

Cooking classics

The dessert is served chilled, but be sure to pour hot syrup over it immediately before eating.

  • freshly prepared coffee – 200 ml;
  • low-fat milk – 400 ml;
  • yolks – 6 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar – 125 g;
  • brown (cane) sugar – 100 g;
  • heavy cream – 300 g;
  • water – 500 ml;
  • oranges – 500 g (about 3 medium fruits);
  • coffee liqueur – 60 ml;
  • gelatin – 30 g.


  1. Brew coffee, strain, separate from the grounds, add hot milk (t – 80°C).
  2. Mix the yolks with the powder, whisking continuously, heat on steam until the mixture turns white.
  3. Stirring quickly, pour the coffee and milk into the yolk mixture in a thin stream and simmer in a water bath for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Dissolve gelatin in ½ cup of cold water in advance, stirring, pour the resulting coffee cream into it.
  5. Add liqueur, whipped cream, mix everything carefully until smooth, pour into molds or wide glasses, and put in the refrigerator.
  6. Grate the orange zest on a fine grater, squeeze the juice out of the fruit, dilute it with water, add sugar and cook until the latter is completely dissolved over low heat.
  7. Then add the zest, stirring occasionally, until the mixture thickens.

If the syrup has cooled down, then before serving the dessert you can heat it up and pour it over the coffee cream. The taste of this amazing delicacy will more than justify the time spent on its preparation.

Spiced dessert option

The ingredients of this recipe are different from the previous one, but its taste is no less unique and will surely please everyone.

  • ground black coffee – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 0.2 l;
  • fat milk (not lower than 3.2%) – 0.2 l;
  • yolks – 2 pcs.;
  • brown sugar – 80 g;
  • gelatin – 15 g;
  • one cinnamon stick;
  • a pair of star anise.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Pour gelatin with water (50 ml), leave to swell for half an hour.
  2. Pour the remaining water (150 ml) over the coffee with spices, bring to a boil, strain the drink through a strainer, pour in the milk and stir.
  3. Beat the yolks with brown sugar, heat in a water bath, stirring continuously with a whisk, slowly pour in the coffee-milk mixture.
  4. Stirring, cook in a bathhouse until thickened.
  5. Add swollen gelatin to the prepared cream, mix thoroughly, pour into molds (cups, glasses, bowls), refrigerate for 3-4 hours until completely set.
  6. If desired, before serving, the dessert can be decorated with whipped cream and grated chocolate.

Brown (cane) sugar has an original caramel taste, so it is perfect for a Bavarian dessert.

Bavarian style with vanilla

The main ingredients of the treat are coffee, milk, and yolk. Flavorful seasonings and the choice of alcohol - rum, liqueur, cognac, brandy - depend on personal preferences.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • skim milk – 150 ml;
  • liquid vanilla – 10 ml (or 0.5 g of dry powder);
  • sugar – 40 g;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • strong black coffee – 200 ml;
  • rum – 20 ml.


  1. Beat the yolk with sugar in a saucepan, add milk and vanilla, stir.
  2. Pour in the coffee and place the mixture over low heat.
  3. Continuously whisking the creamy mass, heat it until thick, transfer to a blender, add rum, beat for 1 minute until thick foam is obtained.

Bavarian coffee is ready!

And another interesting option for coffee dessert: beat the yolk with 1 tsp. Sahara. Pour 100 ml of freshly brewed strong coffee, 100 ml of hot pasteurized milk and 30 ml of warm brandy (can be replaced with rum) into the mixture in a thin stream. Serve in preheated mugs.

With sour cream

There is no alcohol in this recipe, but the taste of the Bavarian coffee dessert does not suffer from this: the aromatic, delicate cream is a real gourmet delight.

  • milk – 500 ml;
  • powdered sugar – 120 g;
  • gelatin – 2 tbsp. l. without slide (25 g);
  • – 150 g;
  • yolk – 5 pcs.;
  • black coffee – 125 ml.

How to cook: beat the yolks with sugar, gradually pour in the milk, cook the cream. Add coffee and swollen gelatin to it, mix thoroughly, place in a water bath, cook until thickened. Cool the sour cream, beat it, add it to the warm cream (before it turns into jelly). Divide the resulting mass into molds and cool.

Each of these recipes is unique and original in its own way. But perhaps you will invent your own inimitable dessert by adding your favorite aromatic spices or one of the refined alcoholic drinks.


Bavarian coffee is not just a drink, but a real dessert that is eaten with spoons. In order to try the delicacy, it is not at all necessary to visit a cafe, because it can easily be prepared at home.

In general, coffee appeared in Germany in the 17th century and was initially considered an aristocratic drink. Each country has its own unique coffee recipe, in this case Bavarian style.

Some call it “coffee with eggs”, and this is incorrect, since we are talking about a completely different dessert. Until a certain point, the drink with this name was practically no different from others, but it was the Bavarians who were the first to try adding gelatin to it and got a coffee dessert.

Bavarian coffee ingredients

The ingredients for Bavarian coffee are very simple and can be easily found in any store. If you decide to make a cream dessert, then stock up on good ground coffee, eggs, sugar, gelatin and milk. And, of course, time and patience.

Classic recipe for cream dessert

Despite the many different variations of this drink, it is recommended to start getting acquainted with it only with the classic recipe.

Let's look at how to prepare Bavarian coffee the traditional way.

Ingredients for the drink:

  • about 75 grams of sugar or powdered sugar;
  • two yolks;
  • 200 milliliters of milk;
  • 0.2 liters of strong brewed coffee;
  • teaspoon of gelatin.

Cooking process:

  1. Place two yolks in a container, preferably enameled, add powdered sugar there and grind the mass thoroughly. You can also use sugar, but powder is better, so the dessert will definitely turn out without lumps.
  2. Brew ground coffee in a 200 milliliter cup. It should be very strong, like espresso.
  3. Heat the milk. It should be quite hot, but not boiling.
  4. Pour milk and coffee into the yolks, heat this mixture again, without bringing to a boil and stirring constantly. As soon as it gets hot enough, pour gelatin into it.
  5. We wait for it to completely dissolve and pour the dessert into molds. Place the cooled cream in the refrigerator and serve after it has completely hardened.

Cooking option with spices

If you want something even more unusual and aromatic, then try making coffee with the addition of various spices.

Ingredients for the drink:

  • 200 milliliters of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of ground coffee;
  • 0.2 liters of milk;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • 80 grams of sugar;
  • two star anise;
  • two yolks;
  • 15 grams of gelatin.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the specified amount of gelatin into 50 milliliters of water and leave for some time to swell.
  2. Mix the coffee with spices, add the remaining water and bring to a boil.
  3. After this, strain so that there is no coffee sediment left, combine with milk and mix thoroughly.
  4. The yolks with sugar should be placed in a water bath and kept until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  5. Pour in the coffee and milk and continue cooking, stirring constantly and bringing to the desired thickness.
  6. Add gelatin to the cream, mix everything very thoroughly until smooth, pour into molds and put in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Cooking with vanilla

Ingredients for the drink:

  • 40 grams of sugar;
  • 0.5 grams of vanilla;
  • 200 milliliters of strong black coffee;
  • one yolk;
  • a teaspoon of gelatin;
  • 150 milliliters of milk;
  • 20 milliliters of rum - optional.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour sugar into an enamel container, beat in the yolk, mix thoroughly.
  2. Pour milk in there and add vanilla. Add coffee, bring the mixture to a hot, but not boiling, state.
  3. Add the gelatin and, constantly stirring the contents, wait for it to thicken.
  4. Pour in the rum if you decide to cook with it, and beat the dessert for a minute until foam forms. Refrigerate for several hours and serve

Bavarian coffee with sour cream

Required ingredients:

  • 125 milliliters of strong coffee;
  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • two spoons of gelatin;
  • 120 grams of powdered sugar;
  • five yolks;
  • 150 grams of sour cream.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour gelatin with a small amount of water and set aside for a while to swell.
  2. Beat powdered sugar with yolks, combine with milk and heat.
  3. Then pour coffee and gelatin into it, place the container in a water bath and cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture becomes thick, similar to cream.
  4. Before it gets cold, put sour cream in it. It must first be kept in the refrigerator and beaten with a mixer.
  5. Transfer the dessert into the chosen forms and refrigerate for several hours.

As you can see, Bavarian coffee is easy to prepare, but to make sure it turns out delicious and rich, you should listen to some tips.

  1. Do not use instant coffee for preparation. To make the drink soft and aromatic, you need to take only the ground version. Better yet, grains that you can grind yourself.
  2. Carefully separate the yolks from the whites. If the white part gets into the drink, it will most likely be spoiled, because when heated, the protein coagulates.
  3. Use powder instead of sugar. You can buy it ready-made or make it yourself. In this case, the dessert will come out without crunchy sugar lumps.
  4. To give a brighter taste, add additives to the powder. For example, you can use vanillin or cinnamon.
  5. Buy only fresh and high-quality products. This is especially true for milk, and it should not be very fatty.
  6. Before serving the dessert, it must be cooled. This usually takes about 3-4 hours.
  7. Gelatin is only suitable in powder form. The leaf version is not suitable for this coffee.

In establishments, Bavarian coffee is also served with hot citrus syrup. This method is considered complete. Of course, this increases the cooking process significantly, but if you want to enjoy the full taste, then be sure to try this option.

It is known that in the world there are many classic recipes for preparing the drink of vivacity - coffee. How many of them are national?! The preparation of different types of this aromatic drink has already become a kind of calling card for individual countries. And it’s not difficult to guess by which people each of them was discovered to the world; just look at its name and plunge into the dizzying and enchanting aromas. One of them - Bavarian coffee recipe.

DifferenceBavarian coffee recipe from other species. Its features

National recipes for preparing any type of this invigorating drink are distinguished by the uniqueness of the ingredients included in them and the methods of preparation. Here are just a few of them. So Turkish coffee was born in the east, and it is prepared in a Turk on hot sand. In Bedouin style, it is boiled for several hours on hot sand and presented to guests in Saudi Arabia. Armenians add a drop of their famous cognac to this drink.

And what can they add to the classic recipe for making aromatic vigor in the homeland of chocolate - Brazil? Of course, chocolate pieces! Well, what can cheerful but cool Ireland offer for this hot, invigorating drink? Of course, even hotter vodka. The great inventors of the Japanese suggest mixing black aromatic grains with cocoa in equal parts and adding a little cream at the end. The sophisticated French offer an even more unusual recipe - they salt this drink. Italians cook it not with water, but with milk. Spices (cinnamon and cloves), lemon and orange zest are added to Caribbean coffee, and all this is topped with alcohol (rum and cognac). In Sicily, lemon juice is added to it. As you can judge, all these methods radiate a special national flavor and have their own specific tastes and aromas.

However, there is one very special way to prepare this famous drink. Prepared according to this Bavarian coffee recipe They don’t drink it, but eat it with spoons, so it can be called a Bavarian dessert. After all, due to the use of gelatin and egg yolks in it, a delicate, airy and aromatic coffee mousse is obtained. And yet, invented at one time by the Bavarians, it is popular among real gourmets.

IMPORTANT: Since in the process If egg yolks are used, they should be carefully separated from the whites, otherwise the whites will curdle when heated.

Required ingredients according to Bavarian coffee recipe

According to the classic retzI'll have coffee in Bavarian style The following ingredients are needed:

A serving of freshly brewed black coffee – 200 ml

A serving of warm milk – 200 ml

Egg yolks – 2 pieces

Powdered sugar or granulated sugar – 75 grams

Gelatin – 1 teaspoon

You can add vanillin, cinnamon or other spices to taste.

IMPORTANT: This amount of ingredients is designed for 2-3 servings. For larger quantities, increase products proportionally.

For an original dessert, you can prepare orange syrup.

It will require:

Oranges – 2 pieces

Squeeze the juice from the oranges, add water and sugar. Peel the zest and boil in boiling water for 5 minutes, and then transfer it to the syrup. Cook over low heat until it thickens.

In addition, you can use cream, nuts or fruit to taste to decorate the finished dessert.

TIP: The dessert can also be prepared using barley or chicory, however, the taste in this case will be less rich.

Method for preparing dessert Bavarian coffee recipe

At first glance, this cooking method seems complicated. However, in reality it turns out to be as simple as shelling pears and takes no more than 15 minutes.

To do this, you need to dissolve gelatin in 50 ml of brewed coffee, and combine the remaining amount with a cup of warm (no more than 80 degrees) milk.

Grind the yolks with sugar in an enamel saucepan.

Carefully pour the egg-sugar mixture into the milk mixture and heat slightly, stirring constantly so that the mixture does not boil.

Add the gelatin mass to the resulting mixture, stirring vigorously.

After this, all that remains is to pour the dessert into molds and leave to cool. Cream dessert Bavarian coffee recipe Looks beautiful in margarita glasses and just ice cream glasses.

IMPORTANT: The dessert should be cooled in the refrigerator, not in the freezer.

It should be served cold, but with hot syrup. You can use alcoholic chocolate syrup for an evening treat or simply decorate with cream, nuts, fruit, powdered sugar, and grated chocolate to taste.

No matter how many interesting and unusual ways there are in the world for preparing this aromatic invigorating drink and desserts from it, learning to prepare such a variety on your own is as easy as shelling pears. Try making your own delicious dessert in Bavarian. And you will be convinced that you can study the traditions of other countries and travel around the world while sitting in a comfortable chair with a cup of your favorite drink, tasting an unforgettable delicacy.

Level 10

The local postman will come to you - Kevin. Will ask you to buy "Green Lava Lamp" and will reward you with 3 diamonds for this. They will also ask you to buy "Maneki-neko".

Elsa will request “Oriental coffee with cardamom” and will give 3 diamonds. During the level it will give you 3 more diamonds.

The Queen asked to install "Table for four Techno" (the request depends on the style you choose!) and will reward you with 3 diamonds.

Petrovich will ask you to give him something to drink "Coffee in Bavarian style" and will give 1 diamond, then he will want "Megacappuccino" and will reward you with 2 diamonds.

Prokofy has asked you to purchase and install "Fireplace" and will thank you with 3 diamonds.

Watson will order "Chocolate Americano"- reward 1 diamond. Also, during the level he will reward you for your help and give you 15 diamonds.

Margaret will want "Cupcake with chocolate" and will give you 1 diamond as a reward.

Bill will order "Hot chocolate with ginseng and lemon" and will give 3 diamonds for it. Then he asks for “Italian-style hot chocolate.”

Mary will thank you and give you 5 diamonds and Pink gift.

The reward at the end of the level is 1,000 gold coins.

Costs per level:

  • Green Lava Lamp - 1,500 gold coins.
  • Grated chocolate - 14,500 gold coins.
  • Maneki-neko - 7,500 gold coins.
  • Table for four Techno - 4,700 gold coins.
  • Hot chocolate - 16,000 gold coins.
  • Fireplace - 13,000 gold coins.
  • Cardamom 1 piece.
  • Ginseng 1 piece.

Total: 57,270 gold coins.

The reward for completing level 10 will be 46 diamonds (diamonds), 1,000 gold coins, 2 Rose gifts (Fernando gives at the beginning and Mary at the end) and 1 Simple gift from the Queen.

Level 11

Prokofy requests a recipe “Caramel Frappe”, “Caramel Latte”, “Spicy Chocolate”, for each recipe gives 1 diamond ().

Ben requested "Summer raspberry cake". Ben will request an expansion of coffee shop No. 3 and will award 3 diamonds.

Kevin will give A simple gift.

Thanks from Ron 3 diamonds.

Mary will ask you to treat her "Tea with galangal, milk and caramel."

The Queen asks to cook "Caramel latte" and will give 3 diamonds.

Bill asked "Frappe with caramel" and will reward you with 1 diamond.

Petrovich wants "Spicy Chocolate"

Mary will reward you with 3 diamonds.

Costs per level:

  • Raspberry cake display - 23,500 gold coins.
  • Cabinet “Grace” – 70 gold coins.
  • Expansion of coffee shop No. 3 - 10,000 gold coins.
  • Caramel syrup - 23,000 gold coins.
  • Kalgan 1 piece.

Total: 56,570 gold coins.

The reward for completing level 11 will be 17 diamonds, 1,000 gold coins, and a simple gift from Kevin.

Level 12

We have a new visitor, Clyde Bowen.

Prokofy requests a recipe “Vanilla cappuccino”, “Mint frappe”, “Vanilla tea”, Americano “Sweetness”, Strawberries with cream, “Mojito” cupcake, “Paradise” glass, Frappe with vanilla, Lemon mint latte, White chocolate, Peppermint tea, Peppermint Americano for each recipe gives 1 diamond ().

Elsa will ask you to cook "Tea with mint" reward 1 diamond.

Clyde Bowen will want "Invigorating tea" and will give 3 diamonds.

Margaret will request Cupcake "Mojito" and will reward you with 1 diamond.

Kevin will need "Mint Frappe" will also give away 1 diamond.

Mary Ditt requests "Strawberries and cream" reward 3 diamonds.

Clyde Bowen will ask "Iced latte".

Watson Holmes will demand "Vanilla Frappe"

Margagret will want "White chocolate" and will reward you with 5 diamonds and A simple gift.

Bill will order "Espresso Mojito" reward 3 diamonds.

Watson Holmes wishes "Vanilla cappuccino" will reward 1 diamond.

Mary Ditt will ask you to purchase expansion of coffee shop No. 4 and will reward 3 💎.

Clyde Bowen will want "Musical apparatus" will give 3 💎 for it.

Costs per level:

  • Mint - 35,000 gold coins.
  • Vanilla syrup - 45,000 gold coins.
  • Expansion of coffee shop No. 4 - 25,000 gold coins.
  • Musical device - 10,000 gold coins.

Total: 115,000 gold coins.

The reward for completing level 12 will be 36 diamonds, 1,000 gold coins, and a simple gift from Margaret.

Level 13

To maintain the image of a successful cafe, Fernando will advise you to purchase a Globe and give you 3 diamonds.

Clyde Bowen will request Muffin. You will need to buy display case for muffins.

Watson Holmes will want "Cinnamon Muffin", reward 1 diamond.

Clyde Bowen will present "Pink Gift" and 5 diamonds.

Elsa will order a muffin "Black and white". In Mary Ditt's conversation with Elsa, Elsa asks to tell Mary Ditt that she is her mother; if you keep silent about this, Elsa will give Pink gift and 5 diamonds for keeping your secret.

Bill will give you 3 diamonds. Elsa will give you 3 diamonds.

The reward at the end of the level is 1,000 coins.

Costs per level:

  • Globe - 25,000 gold coins.
  • Muffin Display - 65,000 gold coins.
  • Polar Lights - 4,800 gold coins.
  • Cube tree 3 pcs. - 3,600 gold coins per piece.

Total: 105,600 gold coins.

The reward for completing level 13 will be 26 diamonds, 1,000 gold coins, 2 Pink gifts.

Level 14

There are no Gifts at this level.

The mayor of the city, Donald Manson, will come to you. He will ask you to treat him "Ice cream with nuts" and will reward you with 3 diamonds. To do this you will need equipment - "Hazelnut".

Prokofy will tell you to unravel new recipes: “Espresso con panna”, “Nut cappuccino”, “Ice cream with nuts”, “Aroma chocolate”. For each correct recipe you will receive 1 💎. ().

Holmes will want

Prokofy will ask you to lend him 250 diamonds. You will need to talk to Donald. Donald will agree to put in a good word for Prokofy, provided that you prepare "Chocolate Aroma".

The queen will want a cup "Espresso con panna" and will reward 1 💎.

Petrovich will want "Nut cappuccino" and will give 1 💎.

Clyde will ask you to cook "Americano with saffron and cardamom."

Donald Manson will award 3 💎.

The reward at the end of the level is 1000 coins.

Costs per level:

  • Hazelnut - 75,000 gold coins.
  • Parcel shelf - 150 gold coins.
  • Grandfather clock - 55,000 gold coins.
  • 2 pcs. Cardamom
  • 1 PC. Saffron

Total: 130,150 gold coins.

The reward for completing level 14 will be 18 diamonds and 1,000 gold coins.

Level 15

A new visitor to the coffee shop will come to you - Jennifer. She works as Donald Manson's secretary. Jennifer will ask for a treat "Tiramisu." "Tiramisu display."

Donald Manson will award 3 💎.

Ron will ask you to cook "Tiramisu with lemon", reward 1💎.

Jennifer will award 3 💎.

Bill will ask "Tea with saffron, galangal and anise". Will reward 3 💎.

Margaret will give "Pink Gift" and 5 💎.

Jennifer will want Tiramisu “Magic”.

Mary Ditt will order "Bahraini coffee with rose, cardamom and saffron."

Jennifer will ask you to install it in the cafe “Table for four Provence” and will give 25 💎 .

At the end of the elections:
They will hand it over Blue gift, if you selected a measure Donald Manson
They will hand it over Pink gift, if chosen Jennifer.

At the end of the level there are 1000 coins.

Costs per level:

  • Tiramisu display - 95,000 gold coins.
  • Table for four Provence - 15,000 gold coins.
  • 2 pcs. Saffron
  • 1 PC. Kalgan
  • 1 PC. Anise
  • 1 PC. Rose petals
  • 1 PC. Cardamom

Total: 110,000 gold coins.

The reward for completing level 15 will be 18 diamonds, 1,000 gold coins, 2 pink gifts or 1 pink and 1 blue gift, depending on the choice.

Walkthrough of the game my coffee shop

Level 16

Jennifer makes us happy A pink gift.

Prokofy request recipe "Shocomocco", will reward 1 💎.

Emily will ask Aquarium "Northern Lights" and will give 3 💎.

Mary will ask you to make “Chocolate Saffron Ice Cream” and will give you 3 💎. This will require "Chocolate ice cream display"

Margaret will want "Tapioca tea with milk and ice."

Watson will give 5 💎.

Petrovich will ask you to cook "Oriental coffee with cardamom."

Kevin will demand a cup "Bahraini coffee with rose, cardamom and saffron."

Donald Manson will want "Shocomocco" and will reward 3 💎.

Clyde Bowen will give 5 💎 for your help.

Reward for completing the level is 1000 coins.

Costs per level:

  • Northern Lights Aquarium - 111,000 gold coins.
  • Chocolate Ice Cream Display - 120,000 gold coins.
  • 2 pcs. Saffron.
  • 1 PC. Tapioca
  • 2 pcs. Cardamom
  • 1 PC. Rose petals

Total: 231,000 gold coins.

The reward for completing level 16 will be 20 diamonds, 1,000 gold coins, 1 pink gift.

Level 17

Donald Manson will ask "Chocolate cake". You will need "Showcase for chocolate cakes."

Bill will want it.

Kevin will need “Eastern tea with star anise”- this will be a quest Scent notes (Kevin's Smell). You can see more details about the quest

Kevin will demand “Ice cream with rose petals and cream”, Then "Tea with anise, cinnamon and lemon", Further "Americano with nutmeg and cream" and will reward you with 5 diamonds.

After completing the opening of four recipes from Prokofy, Watson will give "Pink Gift" and 3 diamonds. ().

Jennifer will ask you to purchase "Wallpaper Crystal" And "Paul Crystal"- reward 5 diamonds.

You have to negotiate with Watson Holmes to save 200💎. Watson will request "Chocolate cake with nuts".

Bill will start asking questions, quest "Searching for Alice in China"

Fernando will want "Oriental coffee with cardamom."

Prokofy will express his gratitude to you for finding Alice and give you "Pink Gift" and 25💎.

Watson Holmes will be grateful for the assistance of the police and will present 5💎.

You will meet Alice Carroll.

Reward 1000 gold coins at the end of the level.

Costs per level:

  • Chocolate cake display - 130,000 gold coins.
  • Wallpaper Crystal - 39,000 gold coins.
  • Paul Crystal - 25,000 gold coins.
  • 2 pcs. Muscat
  • 1 PC. Star anise
  • 1 PC. Cardamom
  • 1 PC. Rose petals
  • 1 PC. Anise

Total: 194,000 gold coins.

The reward for completing level 17 will be 43 diamonds, 1,000 gold coins, 2 pink gifts.

Level 18

A new guest comes to the coffee shop - Henry Dugan, he is a private investigation specialist. Henry will ask you to cook "Tea with mint, honey and cinnamon." You will need equipment "Honey".

Prokofy will ask for the recipe "Cupcake honey cake" and will reward you with 1 diamond.

Karl will demand "Honey cappuccino", will award 1 diamond.

Donald Manson will order Latte “Bee” and will give 1 diamond.

Henry Dugan will order “A cup of tea with guarana, cinnamon and lemon.” Later he will reward you with 5 diamonds for your assistance.

The Queen will order a cup "Tea with galangal."

Elsa will need "Tea with saffron, milk and honey."

Emily will ask you to cook it and give it to her Hot chocolate "Romantic".

Prokofy will reward you with 5 diamonds as gratitude.

After the show starts, Clyde Bowen will thank you and give you "Pink Gift"

The reward at the end of the level is 1000 gold coins.

Costs per level:

  • Honey - 175,000 gold coins.
  • 1 PC. Guarana
  • 1 PC. Saffron
  • 1 PC. Kalgan

Total: 175,000 gold coins.

The reward for completing level 18 will be 13 diamonds, 1,000 gold coins, 1 pink gift.

Level 19

There's a new visitor to your cafe Felicia Sturm. She is the editor of the most popular and fashionable magazine in the world.

Emily will want a cup "Americano Marshmallow", for this you will need to buy "Marshmallows."

Watson Holmes will order "New Year's Latte." Reward 1 diamond.

Petrovich will want to try "Cappuccino super marshmallow" and will reward you with 1 diamond.

Mary Ditt will need to give Felicia Sturm the cup. "Tea of ​​Aphrodite with nutmeg, roses and cinnamon". Felicia will give you 400 gold coins for the Tea.

More details about the quest at level 19 "Mary Ditt's Wardrobe" for a job as assistant magazine editor Felicia Sturm.

Mary Ditt will award 5 diamonds.

Clyde will promise to tell you where the stain on his hat came from over the cup. "Tea with ginseng, guarana, lemon and mint."

Alice Carroll will order Hot Chocolate "Winter evening" and will give 5 diamonds. Then he will give you 5 more diamonds.

Bavarian coffee is a rather original way of preparing coffee, which is often called “coffee with eggs.” In fact, a recipe for coffee with eggs also exists, and it is a completely different, albeit similar, way of brewing an invigorating drink. Bavarian coffee is a recipe that includes ground coffee, milk, egg yolks, gelatin and powdered sugar. Obviously, such a drink (it’s not even a drink anymore, but a cream) simply cannot be tasteless! It is easy and uncomplicated to prepare, although you will have to wait a while for the liquid to harden. This coffee is loved all over the world, but it is especially popular in Bavaria, where it originally appeared.

How to make coffee the Bavarian way?

Now that you have a brief idea of ​​the recipe, let's walk through it step by step. Using this short instruction, you can prepare Bavarian coffee at home, without using a coffee machine or any other equipment.

Cooking steps:

  1. Take an enamel pan, place 2 egg yolks there (after separating them from the whites) and 70-75 g of granulated sugar or powdered sugar. It is recommended to take powder, as it is easier to grind, and there are guaranteed to be no crunchy crystals in your drink.
  2. We brew regular black coffee. This should be a strong drink with a volume of 1 glass (200 g or a little more). We also heat the same amount of milk.
  3. Add hot coffee and milk to an enamel pan and put on fire. The mixture must be stirred constantly, but should not be brought to a boil. When the mixture becomes hot, you need to add gelatin to it.
  4. With constant stirring, the gelatin will quickly dissolve, and you can immediately pour the resulting cream into molds. Let them cool to room temperature, and then put them in the refrigerator!

Bavarian coffee will be ready when the cream has completely hardened. Of course, the delicacy resulting from this unusual recipe must be eaten with a spoon. “Jelly” retains a rich coffee taste, and therefore not only pleases those with a sweet tooth, but also perfectly invigorates.

Important! To make the gelatin dissolve faster, you can first dilute it in a couple of tablespoons of warm coffee. And after that, add the resulting liquid to the pan where the remaining ingredients are cooked.

In order not to make a mistake with the volume of gelatin, you should simply follow the instructions indicated on its packaging. You can add more, but then the taste will be less rich and the consistency will be thicker and more marmalade-like. The main thing is not to add too little gelatin, because the cream may simply not harden. The instructions on the packaging are not only the norm, but also the acceptable minimum.

Of course, you can make Bavarian coffee from a larger volume of products. You just need to keep the proportions. So, for 3 glasses of coffee you will need 3 glasses of milk, 6 yolks and 225 g of powdered sugar. You will have to measure the grams of gelatin yourself, taking into account, again, the instructions on the package.

Helpful Tips:

  • This type of coffee will taste better if you add a little vanilla to the powdered sugar;
  • you can take coffee raw materials without caffeine, the taste will not become worse;
  • gelatin should be used in powder form - this recipe is unlikely to work with sheet gelatin;
  • You can treat yourself to Bavarian coffee even without a coffee machine, just by hand.