Nastya Chernobrovina biography personal life. Biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina - famous TV presenter

  • 03.07.2019

May 27, 2016 No comments

Many people want to know last news, and where is Anastasia Chernobrovina (host of Good Morning Russia) now? Career, as well as some points related to the personal life of the presenter, will be discussed in this article. Anastasia is a rather extraordinary person, she has many admirers and has succeeded in her professional activity. Like many public people, she tries to hide any information about her personal life.

Russian journalists regularly notify the public that Anastasia Chernobrovina is married and pregnant. So far, all these statements have turned out to be unconfirmed rumors.

The famous TV presenter, based on official information, did not get married. She also tries not to mention her novels. Anastasia Chernobrovina has no children.

Many viewers at one time expressed the opinion that Anastasia Chernobrovina and Andrei Petrov ( for a long time working together on the Rossiya TV channel) are no longer just colleagues, but are in closer relationships. On the other hand, the presenters themselves refute such assumptions. In addition, Andrei Petrov is married. It seems like there really is just a good, professional understanding between them.

Still, the mysterious husband of Anastasia Chernobrovina does not give journalists peace. They regularly published information about the presenter’s affairs with a variety of men. Subsequently, these rumors turned out to be false. As already mentioned, Anastasia Chernobrovina herself is not particularly frank with media representatives. All that the journalists managed to get from the presenter were vague hints about a close designer friend living abroad. It is still difficult to say how close the TV presenter’s friendship is with this mysterious foreigner.

Anastasia Chernobrovina famous Russian TV presenter, and a talented journalist. A positive and sophisticated careerist every day gives her sincere smile to viewers of the Morning of Russia program.

Difficult childhood in a provincial town

Anastasia Chernobrovina was born in small town Glazov. Natalya is the mother of a girl; she gave birth to a daughter at a young age. She broke up with the child's father before her birth, and never met him again. Little Anastasia was raised and raised by her grandmother. To adequately provide for her daughter, Natalya worked a lot and hard.

Chernobrovina has a younger sister, Olga, who was born in her mother’s next marriage. The future TV presenter raised her independently, taught her to walk and read. Anastasia loves her very much and still takes care of her.

The future television star lived with her grandmother until graduation. IN free time she took her granddaughters and went with them to the forest, where they picked berries and mushrooms. In addition, the grandmother instilled in the girls an interest in reading literature.

At school, Anastasia was timid and shy child, she did not have the makings of a leader. At home, alone with herself, she recorded her voice and practiced tongue twisters. Thanks to her grandmother, Chernobrovina developed conversational talent, her speech became beautiful and well-spoken.

Wrong choice of profession and first steps on TV

After receiving a diploma in basic education, Anastasia Chernobrovina entered the Izhevsk College faculty practical psychology. An open and good-natured girl wanted to master the profession of a psychologist. She strived to help people find the right answers to difficult questions, teach how to manage anger and emotions.

Anastasia Chernobrovina host of the program "My Planet"

By chance, Chernobrovina ended up on local television, where she was offered the position of TV presenter. After studying for literally half a semester, the girl left psychology without hesitation and worked for three years at the Izhevsk news channel.

Anastasia Chernobrovina on the set

Then Anastasia set off to conquer the capital. First of all, she entered MSUKiI. After training, she got a job on the Rossiya channel, the leading information and entertainment program Vesti at 11. At the same time, the young journalist prepared informative reports for the Vesti Pro program.

Anastasia Chernobrovina, host of the Good Morning Russia program

Presenters of "Morning of Russia"

For three years Anastasia Chernobrovina was the permanent presenter morning show"Day after day" on the capital's channel. Then she was invited to the TVC channel to host the program “Big Swimming”. This collaboration lasted a little less than a year, and Anastasia returned to her beloved and dear channel “Russia” in the project “Good Morning, Russia”. The presenter traveled to many countries in search of interesting material for the program “All the Mornings of the World.”

Anastasia Chernobrovina, winner of the "Tefi" award

Anastasia Chernobrovina took part in the show "Dancing with the Stars"

In 2009, the journalist launched an author’s project on the “My Planet” channel, where she was also the host. The audience fell in love with her for her soft, open and friendly image. Anastasia Chernobrovina is an award-winning and extraordinary journalist. She has been repeatedly awarded for her informativeness and non-standard approach to presenting information. The most significant award for Chernobryvina is a diploma for documentary"Tiksi - territory permafrost", presented personally by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The most mysterious woman in the Russian media space

Anastasia Chernobrovina has never been married and has no children. He prefers to remain silent about his personal life. She does not give the yellow press any reason to discuss her. All that is known is that Anastasia has a beloved man with whom she has been dating for more than ten years.

In her free time from work, Anastasia Chernobrovina travels around the world

But the couple never lived under the same roof. It can be assumed that the reason for this is the presenter’s busy travel schedule, which does not allow her to concentrate on everyday life and housekeeping.

About the lives of famous people public figures read

Anastasia Chernobrovina appeared on the air of the Morning of Russia program, where colleagues reported that the presenter had become the mother of a son named Artem.

Famous TV presenter Anastasia Chernobrovina gave birth to her first child at the age of 40. This happy event happened a month ago, in July 2017.

And only a month later, having already gone on air, Anastasia Chernobrovina confirmed that she had a son.

The TV presenter did not go on maternity leave and is already working again.

There is generally little information about Chernobrovina’s personal life, since she carefully hides it. According to some reports, Anastasia Chernobrovina got married in the summer of 2014.

This ceremony took place secretly, and only relatives and close people of the family were present.

Before her marriage, Chernobrovina allegedly lived with her chosen one for several years. He is reported to be a designer by profession. Anastasia’s husband was often on the road, and most he spent his time in France. Whether this is true or not is unknown.

Who Anastasia Chernobrovina’s husband remains a mystery; perhaps he is a very high-level person.

Anastasia Chernobrovina was born on April 10, 1977 in Izhevsk. After graduating from school, I entered Izhevsk College at the Faculty of Psychology. Six months later, she came to regional television, where she worked as a news service journalist for three years. At the same time, she hosted her own program with the participation of stars Russian show business and cinema, which came to Izhevsk on tour.

In 1996 she entered the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts (specialty - Film and TV Management).

Then she worked in information entertainment program“Vesti at 11” on the “Russia” TV channel, prepared special reports from Russian cities for the “Vesti PRO” program.

From 1998 to 2001 she worked in the information and entertainment program “Day by Day” (TV-6). I was the host for a year national competition“Girl 2000” - together with the country, searched for the most interesting, beautiful, smart girl of the century.

From 2001 to 2002, together with Anatoly Kuzichev, she hosted the information and entertainment program “Big Swimming” on Channel Three (TRVK Moskovia), which occupied part of the airtime in Moscow on the TVC channel.

Since 2002, she has been one of the presenters of the Morning of Russia program on the Russia-1 TV channel.

Since February 2012 - Assistant to the Russian President Geographical Society on media projects.

On June 25, 2015, she became a laureate of the TEFI-2015 award (together with Vladislav Zavyalov) in the “Host” category morning program» category “Day broadcast”.

Anastasia Chernobrovina is one of the most popular TV presenters. She hosts the program with such enthusiasm that she charges viewers with cheerfulness and energy for the whole day.

But suddenly the popular TV presenter disappeared from television screens. What's happened? This question was often asked by fans of Anastasia’s talent. They looked for the answer to it in in social networks, but were not satisfied with the search results.

The woman herself answers that she is cooking now new TV program, which will soon be released on the screens of the country and will show her in a slightly different role than before.

Anastasia Chernobrovina, whose photos in her youth and now are presented with only one photo, amazes numerous television viewers with her enthusiasm, beauty and ability to approach everything from a humorous point of view.

At the beginning of the new millennium, she was able to gain a leading position among the most sought-after TV presenters. Already at that time, the television audience was asking questions: what is the height, weight, age, how old is Anastasia Chernobrovina?

It's hard to imagine that this amazing young woman has already crossed the forty-year mark. With a height of almost 170 cm, she weighs 50 kg, remaining the same beauty who first appeared on television screens.

Anastasia Chernobrovina answers questions about her youth that every woman must be happy in order to be beautiful.

Biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina

Nastenka was born in one of the Izhevsk maternity hospitals. Who the girl's father is is still unknown to the general public. The mother became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter at the age of 17. Nastya has a younger sister, Olga, whom she raised almost independently, since her mother devoted all her time to work. IN school years the girl began to live with her grandmother, who patiently taught her granddaughter everything she knew.

Anastasia studied straight A's. She especially loved literature and history. But I didn’t want to participate in any clubs. At the age of 15, the girl began to develop her speech apparatus. She could study for hours, repeating tongue twisters many times. The diligent graduate's certificate only shows a B in physics. In other subjects she has straight A's.

After graduating from school, the girl decided to become a psychologist. Having entered without problems, she began to study at a local institute. In her first year, she was invited to come to a casting that took place on Izhevsk television. From now on it begins television biography Anastasia Chernobrovina. At the beginning of the new millennium, a popular TV presenter in her hometown decided to go to the capital Russian Federation, because there are much more opportunities for career growth here.

Soon the girl was invited to host the “Good Morning” program on the First Russian TV Channel. Since then, for almost 14 years, Anastasia Chernobrovina has invariably appeared on the country's television screens in the morning, charging those around her with her enthusiasm and originality.

In parallel with this, the woman travels a lot; she reports on her trips in her author’s program “My Planet”.

In addition, Anastasia often appeared in various concerts. Professionals began to say that if Chernobrovina hosts an event, then success is guaranteed.

In 2015, the TV presenter stopped appearing on the Good Morning program, which caused bewilderment and even anxiety among admirers of her talent. There are a lot of rumors about this on social networks, but there was and still is no reliable information.

Personal life of Anastasia Chernobrovina

Since the stunning TV presenter first appeared on air, nothing has been known about her personal life. You could often read on social networks that a woman became a wife, but this is not true.

In 2015, a rumor appeared that Anastasia Chernobrovina got married; a photo from this event never became public. Officially, the TV presenter is not a married woman, nor is she a mother of children.

The personal life of Anastasia Chernobrovina, according to some media reports, became happy in 2016. But so far no one has been able to confirm or refute these data.

Family of Anastasia Chernobrovina

As has already been said, until a woman becomes a wife and mother. Anastasia herself says that the reason for her such a free status is her incredible busyness at work. Not every man can expect his beloved to constantly disappear at work. But we can still expect that someday there will be a moment when Anastasia Chernobrovina’s family appears.

The popular TV presenter has a mother and younger sister who live in their native Izhevsk. When a woman visits her homeland, she invariably visits the grave of her beloved grandmother, who did a lot so that Nastya could find her place in this world.

In 2006, the TV presenter found her father. But after communicating with him once, the woman broke off all relations with this man, a stranger to her. Anastasia doesn’t even want to say his name.

Children of Anastasia Chernobrovina

Until the woman became a mother. This can be judged from the words of the TV presenter herself, Wikipedia data and information posted on the channel’s website.

The children of Anastasia Chernobrovina are her godchildren, of whom the popular TV presenter has four. But more detailed information can't be found on social media on this issue.

Anastasia calls her children the children raised in one of the orphanages in her native Izhevsk, where the woman often comes to visit her charges. The TV presenter often takes part in charity concerts dedicated to collecting Money children who need expensive treatment, because, in her opinion, there are no other people’s children.

Husband of Anastasia Chernobrovina

Officially, the TV presenter is not married. Since 2010, it periodically began to appear that she had become happy wife. There was no reliable information about whether Anastasia Chernobrovina has a husband, and there is no one to this day.

Since 2008, the TV presenter has invariably appeared on Good Morning in the company of Andrei Petrov, which became the reason for the spread of rumors about their relationship. And the TV presenters themselves fuel the rumors by jokingly saying that they go to bed and get up together, so many TV viewers believed that Anastasia Chernobrovina and Andrei Petrov are husband and wife.

In 2016, information began to appear that the TV presenter was in a relationship with a man named Stas, who is a designer. Whether this is true or just another canard invented by journalists is unknown to this day. Most likely, wishful thinking is being passed off as reality, because it cannot be that a popular TV presenter is alone. Anastasia Chernobrovina, whose husband, according to rumors, appeared in 2015, has not yet confirmed, but does not deny, all the information arising on this matter.

Recently, information appeared on social networks that Anastasia Chernobrovina is pregnant; photos from 2016-2017, which depict this stunning TV presenter, gave rise to suspicion. The woman is shot in half a turn. Journalists immediately spread the information that Anastasia would soon become a mother. Fans began to write congratulations to her on this joyful event.

Chernobrovina herself denies all the rumors that have arisen in this regard. She says that it was just a bad angle, and her colleagues were simply wishful thinking.

Fans believe that the woman is simply trying to hide all data on this matter so that no one knows that she is having a child. After all, for a public person like Anastasia, it is important to ensure the safety of her child. If Chernobrovina gives birth to a baby, then this fact cannot be hidden from numerous colleagues and admirers of her talent.

Where did Anastasia Chernobrovina disappear from the air of “Good Morning”

Since the beginning of the new millennium, the talented TV presenter began hosting a program with which many residents of the Russian Federation began their day. But in 2015, another TV presenter took the woman’s place. Did Anastasia Chernobrovina get sick, why did she disappear from the air of “Good Morning”? Letters with such questions literally bombarded the editors of the program.

Where the popular TV presenter disappeared and where she is now is unknown to this day. Fans are constantly waiting for their favorite to appear on television screens again at the usual time. They want to find out where Anastasia Chernobrovina went, looking for any information on social networks.

You can find several answers to Anastasia Chernobrovina’s question - why doesn’t she host “Morning of Russia”. According to some reports, the woman became a mother and is currently in maternity leave for child care. According to others, she is preparing for release new program, which will be released on Russian screens at the end of 2018. Wait and see.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anastasia Chernobrovina

Instagram and Wikipedia of Anastasia Chernobrovina do not fully satisfy fans of the talented TV presenter.

Wikipedia talks about how Anastasia was born, grew up, and came to television. But information about her personal life and children cannot be found at all. But these facts are invented by fans. They don’t want to believe that such a beauty is not married and has not become a mother.

The woman does not have her own accounts on social networks. There is no page for her on Instagram either. Fans in letters to the TV channel are very sorry about this. They again return to Wikipedia to find at least some information about this amazing woman.

Anastasia Andreevna Chernobrovina - loved by many morning Star Russian television. Her biography is full of mysteries. She became known to a wide television audience after viewers saw the cheerful girl Nastya in the studio of a program aired daily in the morning on the Rossiya TV channel. Working day large quantity residents of Russia began with a sweet smile from the host of the Morning of Russia program.

The birth of a future star

Nastya Chernobrovina was born on April 10, 1977. From her hometown Glazov to the capital Udmurt Republic almost two hundred kilometers. Glazov is a small town in the Russian outback. The mother of the future TV star, Natalya Gennadievna, gave birth to a daughter as a result of an unplanned pregnancy, when she herself had just turned 17 years old. And only thanks to her grandmother, who insisted on the birth of a child, Nastenka was born.

The girl was not lucky enough to live in a full-fledged family. Her parents divorced almost immediately after her birth.

That is why in her entire life the daughter saw her father only twice:

  1. The girl saw her parent for the first time when she was 14 years old. She decided to find her father herself.
  2. But after the long-awaited meeting, they saw each other the next time only 19 years later.

The future TV star was mainly educated by her grandmother, under whose supervision the sisters grew up. Being the eldest, Nastya replaced both her father and her mother for her younger sister, because her mother was forced to work in several places at once in order to provide her daughters with a decent existence. Nastya early felt responsible for younger sister, saw her take her first steps, taught her her letters.

The girls lived with their grandmother and the TV presenter recalls with tenderness and a smile these times when she and her grandmother were very close. She instilled in her granddaughter a love of reading books and laid the foundations for the character of a growing girl. With their grandmother, they often went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

Nastya really enjoyed drawing and listening to her voice recorded on a tape recorder. In the lower grades, the girl was no different from her peers. She was modest and shy, distinguished by her kindness and desire to help others.

Later, in high school, already a teenager, Nastya unexpectedly begins to feel the desire to stand out from the crowd of her peers. She changes her hairstyle, begins to dress at her own discretion, not paying attention to the opinions of teachers.

After graduating from school, Anastasia independently decides to enter Izhevsk College at the Faculty of Psychology. This choice was due to the fact that as a schoolgirl she wanted to help everyone morally, to support them in moments of despair and hopelessness.

But, after studying for six months, student Chernobrovina suddenly drops out of school and, without hesitation, decides to get a job at a regional television channel. There she worked for about three years as a journalist for a local news service. In addition, Anastasia hosted her own program. The guests in the Izhevsk studio were talented film actors and stars national stage coming to the city for concerts.

In 1996, the girl was so inspired by the atmosphere of television that she decided to move to the capital, where she began studying at the Moscow State University. state university culture and arts, majoring in Film and Television Management.

Studying at a prestigious university was easy for the student, so she simultaneously worked on the Rossiya TV channel, from which Nastya received an offer to work in the information and entertainment program Vesti at 11. The young journalist traveled to different cities of Russia, creating exclusive reports for the Vesti PRO program.

Since 1998, Chernobrovina worked for about three years on the TV 6 channel in the entertainment program “Day by Day.” In 2000, the launch of an all-Russian competition, “Girl 2000,” was announced on television, and Nastya received an invitation from the organizers. She had to search for participants. She had to travel a lot settlements in many regions of Russia in these searches.

Since 2001, she has been involved in several projects:

  1. In conjunction with Anatoly Kuzichev, he hosts the information and entertainment program “Big Swimming” on Channel Three (TRVK “Moscovia”).
  2. At the same time, Anastasia creates her own project called “Working Afternoon”. In it, she tried to comprehensively show viewers the everyday life of ordinary workers in the industrial facilities Russia.

The year 2002 becomes significant in Anastasia’s life - she is invited to work on the Rossiya-1 TV channel as a presenter on the popular morning show « Good morning, Russia". Every morning, Anastasia Chernobrovina wished the people of Russia good morning from the TV screens.

Her work as Russia's morning presenter made her popular and recognizable throughout the country.. She had to radically change her daily routine, because the recording of the program took place at 2 am. And for many years, Anastasia had to go to bed no later than six o’clock in the evening in order to look cheerful and well-rested when recording. According to her, it was not at all difficult for her to adjust herself to the new schedule and she quickly got used to it.

A pleasant bonus for the presenter was the trips to different parts of the world that the journalist made as part of the “Morning of the World” column. In it, Anastasia Chernobrovina told viewers about how the population of other countries greeted the new day. Inspired by the diversity and beauty of the world she saw, since 2009 Anastasia has become the author and host of the “Alone on the Planet” program on the “My Planet” TV channel.

Natural curiosity, the desire for something new, has always helped Anastasia in life and forced her to move forward and not get hung up on one thing, but try herself in different areas activities:

  1. In 2007, Anastasia Chernobrovina, working as a reporter, received an award for a film about participants Junior Eurovision. This work was appreciated not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world.
  2. In 2009, she became a participant in the program “Dancing with the Stars” together with Denis Kasper. She really enjoyed dancing, and the audience highly appreciated her grace, beauty and smooth movements.
  3. After some time, Nastya already participates in the Russian version of the Fort Bayard program, where she fully demonstrates her a strong character and the will to win.

Career continuation

In 2009, the My Planet TV channel invited Anastasia to create and run her own project. It was the “Alone on the Planet” program. In addition, the presenter simultaneously took part in several more programs about tourism and travel. She liked to work on those projects that were related to the geography of our planet.

And it is not surprising that in 2010, at the next congress of the Russian Geographical Society, Anastasia Chernobrovina was awarded an honorary diploma for her author’s project - the documentary film “Tiksi - the territory of permafrost.” This film was included in a series of programs about the east of Russia. The film tells the story of a journey to Eastern Yakutia, where the depth of permafrost reaches two hundred meters.

In 2011, Chernobrovina was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd degree.

In 2012, having appreciated Anastasia’s contribution to covering the vast geography of the country, she was invited to take the post of assistant to the president of the Russian Geographical Society for media projects. While occupying this position, Anastasia continues to work on her own projects.

In 2015, TV presenter Chernobrovina and her colleague Vladislav Zavyalov were awarded the TEFI Prize in the “Morning Program Host” category.

The TV presenter endears viewers to her unconventional individual approach to submit information. She does it unobtrusively and easily. Thanks to her accumulated experience, impeccable diction and attractive appearance, Anastasia is a frequent participant various events and show programs, acting there as a presenter. Thus, she increases the number of fans and connoisseurs of her talent and beauty.

Today she is among the most famous Russian female TV presenters, such as Tutta Larsen, Lera Kudryavtseva or Daria Spiridonova.

It is hardly possible to find such a mysterious representative of the media space as Anastasia Chernobrovina. Biography, personal life, husband, child - there are only rumors about all this, but there is no reliable information.

The TV presenter believes that personal life should not be in the public eye, but should remain “behind the scenes.” It is a fairly common belief that Anastasia lives by work, here she rests her soul and feels like a fish in water.

The TV presenter is actively involved in sports to maintain her slim figure. At the same time, as she herself claims, she has never followed any diets and eats whatever she wants.

In addition to work, the TV presenter prefers active recreation, likes to relax with friends in nature, go fishing and pick mushrooms. For everyone else, she is the mysterious Chernobrovina Anastasia, whose personal life is a closely guarded secret.

Presenter Anastasia Chernobrovina does not show off her personal life. Therefore representatives yellow press TV personalities come up with their own novels. There was a moment when journalists attributed her relationship with Maxim Galkin.

There are rumors that Anastasia still has a loved one, whom she mentioned on the eve of her 35th birthday. However, nothing more is known about him. According to unverified information, he is a successful landscape designer and, due to his work, is forced to live in France most of the time.

Meanwhile, the journalists composed a whole romantic story. According to this story, despite the fact that Nastya and her chosen one love each other very much, they rarely got to see each other and spend time together. When they managed to be together, they spent this time traveling and on vacation.

The couple hesitated for a long time to formalize their relationship. They lived separately all this time. But, despite frequent separations and short dates, the relationship between them did not subside, but only became stronger. And yet, a miracle happened and in the summer of 2014, Anastasia Chernobrovina got married.

Despite the prevalence of this version, there is not a single reliable evidence that TV presenter Anastasia Chernobrovina is married.

However, those who like to speculate about marital status stars make even bolder assumptions. At one time there were many rumors in the press that Nastya was pregnant. Later it turned out that this was just gossip.

However, in August 2017, after a short absence, the TV star, again appearing on air, confirmed rumors that she had a son, named Artyom.

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