Govorukhin's new film with Khodchenkova. Young lovers of Stanislav Govorukhin

  • 25.06.2019

Stanislav Govorukhin is one of the few masters of the Soviet director's workshop who continue to actively work. The creator of the films “Vertical”, “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” and “The Voroshilov Shooter” releases films every two years, the appearance in which is an honor for any Russian actor.

Stanislav Zelvensky, "Afisha": “You can say whatever you want about Govorukhin, but at 80 he is a living person who has not lost his profession, and one must think about compromises, knowing where more than many."

The basis of his new film was “Compromise” - a collection of short stories by Sergei Dovlatov about the life, work and work of Dovlatov’s alter ego, a Leningrad journalist who left for Tallinn in search of greater freedom for creativity.

Ivan Kolesnikov, performer leading role : “This is a film about love and freedom. It has no beginning and no end. Everything in it is clear and simple, because nothing has changed since then: journalists and writers are still struggling with existing rules. Dovlatov was humiliated, trampled into the mud, but he stood up, dusted himself off and moved on. This is the right attitude towards life!”

The first full-fledged film adaptation of Sergei Dovlatov

Now there is a wave of popularity for Sergei Dovlatov. To mark the 80th anniversary of the writer’s birth, films about him are being made, both documentaries (“Written by Sergei Dovlatov” by Roma Liberov) and feature films (“Dovlatov” by Alexei German Jr.). However, oddly enough, there are practically no paintings based on Dovlatov’s own books. Apart from the “High Security Comedy” with Viktor Sukhorukov in one of the main roles, “The End belle époque"is the first film adaptation of Dovlatov’s work.

Stanislav Govorukhin: “The film “The End of a Beautiful Era” cannot be called an adaptation of “Compromise.” There's a lot taken from notebooks Dovlatov, from my own memories... This picture is based on the works of Dovlatov. Just “Compromise” - that’s what was written in the contract, and I didn’t change it. This is not about Dovlatov. The hero is a certain journalist. Half of the texts there were written by the screenwriter.”

Indeed, of the 12 stories of “Compromise”, only two made it into the film - about a report on the birth of the 400,000th resident of Estonia and about a milkmaid who was a leading producer.

Larisa Malyukova, Novaya Gazeta: ““The End of a Beautiful Era” - Dovlatov-light.”

Image © Mosfilm, Film Studio "Vertical", LLC

Return of Svetlana Khodchenkova to Stanislav Govorukhin

One of the main roles in the film - the romantic interest of the main character, editor Marina - is played by Svetlana Khodchenkova. Her career was started by Stanislav Govorukhin, who invited the first-year student to play the main role in his film “Bless the Woman.” However, after the painting “Not by Bread Alone” they creative ways separated - Govorukhin publicly criticized Khodchenkova for changing her image and choosing roles, and Svetlana has not appeared in his films for the last ten years. “The End of a Beautiful Era” brought the actress and director together again.

Stanislav Govorukhin: “She turned out to be more right than me. Another generation is growing. And if it had remained within the same parameters, perhaps they would not have filmed it. You see what heroines are on the screen now.<…>She is a talented artist - she has good school. I don’t even mean the Vakhtangov School, but her first film, “Bless the Woman,” in which she worked with Irina Kupchenko, Inna Churikova, Alexander Baluev... Working with such partners is a good school.”

Image © Mosfilm, Film Studio "Vertical", LLC

Debutant in the lead role

The search for the leading actor, Leningrad journalist Andrei Lentulov, took a very long time; over the course of a year, more than 500 actors auditioned.

Stanislav Govorukhin: “I wanted him to be from that time - I don’t know if it worked out.<...>I was looking for a person completely different from Dovlatov. And he also turned out to be large and black-haired.”

A large and black-haired man is TV series actor Ivan Kolesnikov, for whom the role in “The End of a Beautiful Era” is his debut in a big movie.

Ivan Kolesnikov: “I came to the audition in a terrible state, after a friend’s birthday. Stanislav Sergeevich asked: “Are you drinking?” I honestly admitted - yes. I lived in St. Petersburg and walked a lot around the hot spots and wine bars. "Do you smoke?" I've been smoking since I was 13 years old. These qualities brought me closer to the main character, and after the audition I was immediately approved for the role.”

Image © Mosfilm, Film Studio "Vertical", LLC

According to critics, Kolesnikov played the role of Dovlatov-Lentulov convincingly and freshly.

Stanislav Zelvensky, "Afisha": “A dapper handsome man in the role of Dovlatovsky lyrical hero at first it’s somewhat disconcerting - but there is a suspicion that a two-meter Armenian with a beard would raise many more questions.”

Natalia Grigorieva, Novaya Gazeta: “The performer of the role of Lentulov, Ivan Kolesnikov, plays his character as complex and ambiguous. With an eternal grin on his lips, as if he were a frivolous goofball and a drunkard, whose inside - and in his texts - is suddenly Nekrasov’s, incomprehensible to everyone around him: “who lives without sadness and pain, does not love his Fatherland.”

Black and white picture

Refusal to shoot on color film is not uncommon in modern cinema; Michel Hazanavicius’s black-and-white “The Artist” even won an Oscar in 2011 for best movie. In Russia one of latest works in this style - “It’s Hard to Be a God” by Alexei German.

However, in the hands of Stanislav Govorukhin it is rather not specially chosen artistic technique, but following your own preferences.

Stanislav Govorukhin: “First of all, I love black and white cinema. Secondly, I have more confidence in him. Let's say, I can't watch color films about war at all. And the filmmakers themselves feel this and sometimes turn down the color. They would also shoot in black and white, but the customer, the producer, demands color - then many people turn down the color when they print copies. And my film is retro, it’s the 60s - and I wanted to create the impression that the film was shot in those years, only without censorship.”

Image © Mosfilm, Film Studio "Vertical"


Director: Stanislav Govorukhin

Scenario: Stanislav Govorukhin based on the story “Compromise” by Sergei Dovlatov

Cast: Ivan Kolesnikov, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Fedor Dobronravov, Boris Kamorzin, Dmitry Astrakhan, Lembit Ulfsak, ​​Sergey Garmash, Alexander Robak, Elina Pyahklimägi, Kärt Tammjärv, Tynu Kark, Dmitry Endaltsev

Operator: Gennady Karyuk

Composer: Artem Vasiliev

In the new film by Stanislav Govorukhin, “The End of a Beautiful Era,” the director cast Svetlana Khodchenkova, an actress whom he once discovered and whom he once publicly condemned after she radically changed her image.

In Govorukhin’s drama, based on Sergei Dovlatov’s “Compromise,” Svetlana plays the wife of a disgraced writer who went to work for a Tallinn newspaper. Before the premiere of the film, Khodchenkova gave an interview to RG.

IN last time you starred with Govorukhin ten years ago, after which many directors and films happened in your life. Has this decade changed you in any way?

Svetlana Hodchenkova: I hope that I have grown and become a better actress. Overall, I'm glad to be back. film set to Stanislav Sergeevich - every actress dreams of finding “her” director who would take her under his wing.

You said that during the filming of “Bless the Woman,” Govorukhin was a tough director. It turns out that you are a supporter of a “firm hand” on the set?

Svetlana Hodchenkova: And who said that the years have somehow changed Govorukhin? He is still one of the most demanding directors. If I suddenly forgot the text, I immediately received a scolding. But all this does not matter, because the main thing in our profession is trust. If you believe the director, then you like any of his working styles - both tough and liberal. And I trust Stanislav Sergeevich as much as I trust myself. Another thing is that over the years I have become more confident in myself. My voice has emerged - now I can argue with Govorukhin.

Govorukhin wanted to force him to change his last name. How beautiful, she says - Svetlana Yesenina

In which cases?

Svetlana Hodchenkova: This concerns acting - it can’t be explained that easily. But directors like Govorukhin love and know how to put pressure on actors - most often this is beneficial, but it also happens that it doesn’t. So, now I know how to stand up for myself if I feel that the master is wrong.

That is, earlier in the Govorukhin-Khodchenkov tandem, the female part did not have the right to vote?

Svetlana Hodchenkova: I was a debutante who received the first role in my life - and immediately the main one. There was only one moment when I was stubborn - Stanislav Sergeevich wanted me to change my last name. It’s impossible, they say, for an actress to have the last name Khodchenkova - you’ll break your tongue, and no one will remember where to put the emphasis. He even came up with a pseudonym for me - Yesenina. How beautiful, she says - Svetlana Yesenina. But this idea didn’t warm me up at all. And it seems I was right when I told him that I would not take a pseudonym under any circumstances.

At one time, your departure from Govorukhin was widely discussed in the press - he said that he would not film you because you had lost a lot of weight and “became like everyone else.” Were you surprised when he called to ask for an audition?

Svetlana Hodchenkova: I was delighted! Although everything was a little different - there were no auditions, he immediately gave me a role in his new film. Apparently, now he needs me with such a figure. (Smiles). Although the weight loss story is greatly exaggerated. Before “Bless the Woman,” I was a model, and Govorukhin knew about my thinness. The real reason leaving for free swimming there was a fear of getting stuck in one role - and this is by no means the role of “Govorukhin’s muse”. I read the scripts and realized with horror that the directors were offering the same image.

And you went to great lengths, acting in everything without much consideration?

Svetlana Hodchenkova: Let's just say that many of the items in my filmography seem unnecessary to me today; I could easily live without them. It's mostly comedy, but after serious dramatic roles comedy genre seemed like salvation. I made mistakes, but now it’s too late to regret it - in any case, it’s an experience.

Do we need to understand that now the actress Khodchenkova will stop endlessly appearing in new Russian comedies?

Svetlana Khodchenkova: Of course, I now select projects more carefully. And I wish there were more films like “The End of a Beautiful Era” in my career. But I'm afraid to guess anything. I am sure of one thing - if Govorukhin suddenly offers me a role in his film, then I will agree without hesitation.

"The End of a Beautiful Era" is a film adaptation of Dovlatov's "Compromise", around whose figure controversy suddenly began to arise - whether he is a classic or an average writer. What point of view do you adhere to?

Svetlana Hodchenkova: Before and while working on The End of a Beautiful Era, I rediscovered it for myself. He is amazingly modern - and now we are talking not only about his characters, but also about realities. I don’t know how one can argue with this; just re-read “Compromise”.

This work should be close to the actors - it is about how a person hides behind poisonous irony under the guise of good-natured cynicism in order to protect himself from disgusting reality. And this is perhaps the only way to exist in conditions of endless compromise with oneself.

Svetlana Hodchenkova: But this is not only about actors, but about everyone in general. Artists are no more likely than others to make moral and ethical compromises. At the beginning of my career, I made many statements in the spirit of “I won’t do this”, “I won’t appear on the screen in this form.” In the end, she did it and showed up. And this was not always the result of a deal with oneself. As I grew up, I realized that some taboos, like nude photography, were an issue not worth serious discussion. If it’s necessary for a role, I’ll undress on screen. It's just a matter of the actor's maturity and the director's ability to justify his position.

In Moscow, at the Oktyabr cinema, the premiere of the film directed by Stanislav Govorukhin “The End of a Beautiful Era” based on the works of Sergei Dovlatov took place.

Leonid Yakubovich, Nikolai Valuev, Alexander Buinov with his wife Alena, Vera Glagoleva with their two daughters and many others came to congratulate their colleagues. The famous architect Zurab Tsereteli gave Stanislav Govorukhin his painting depicting St. George the Victorious and, at the request of the eminent director, left his autograph on it.

The film was presented by the actors who played the main roles - Ivan Kolesnikov and Svetlana Khodchenkova. Svetlana was wearing an overly revealing dress that emphasized all the curves of her figure. And with this evening dress, Svetlana killed two birds with one stone. Firstly, she reminded the audience that she is, in two minutes, a Hollywood diva ( Russian actress recently starred in the American blockbuster “Wolverine: Immortal”), and secondly, she made it clear that rumors about her pregnancy are just rumors.

“I have to tell one story related to Svetlana,” Stanislav Govorukhin said from the stage. - When she starred in my film “Bless the Woman,” I suggested that she take a pseudonym. But she didn’t listen to me... And the actress’s last name is difficult to pronounce... And now that Sveta has become famous and people constantly make mistakes in her last name. You should have agreed with me then!

Before the start of the film, Stanislav Sergeevich, in an ironic manner, wished the audience not a pleasant viewing, but “bon appetit.”

Valeria Khvashchevskaya, photo by Alexey Rodchenko

(IA "Stolitsa")

It’s not for nothing that Svetlana Khodchenkova is called Stanislav Govorukhin’s favorite actress. From the very beginning, he recognized a great actress in the modest blond girl with clear eyes. Govorukhin immediately invited her to audition for the main role in the film “Bless the Woman.” Then followed next picture- “Not by Bread Alone”, in which Khodchenkova also played the main role. Today, Svetlana is one of the most sought-after young actresses in Russian cinema and a happy wife.

- “Sveta, you have been married for four months already. Married life Doesn’t it tire you?”

(Svetlana bends her fingers and smiles) - Exactly, the fifth month has begun. No, it doesn’t tire me, but it makes me happy.

- “After you got married, did your life change significantly?”

Absolutely nothing has changed, and I am very happy about that. If something had changed, perhaps I would have gotten a divorce. But thank God my present life I'm completely satisfied. There is complete harmony and mutual understanding in our family.

"Got married. Why play spillikins?

You have been married for more than four months. Aren't you tired?

(Khodchenkova shrugged her shoulders in surprise) Yes, indeed, it’s already been the fifth month. Why should I be tired? I’m not sitting locked up at home waiting for my husband to get home from work. I continue to live the way I lived before marriage.

Are you saying that nothing has changed since your marriage?

Exactly. Although... some changes have certainly occurred. Life has changed slightly - new household appliances have been added to the kitchen, from an iron to a refrigerator. They were among the wedding gifts, and now my concern is to find a use for them. It's not working yet. We don’t have our own nest yet, and for now all these items now live with mom. And we are thinking hard about this issue.

You haven’t known Vladimir for long, don’t you think your marriage is too hasty?

As my husband says: “Why play with spillikins?” He's right, why bother if that's what we both wanted.

Are you already thinking about children?

I don't think about it at all. As God willing. I don't want to plan this in advance anyway. I am lucky that Volodya does not smoke or drink, so in this regard I am calm about the health of my future children.

For everyone who knows you, the transformation of Svetlana Khodchenkova into Svetlana Yaglych came as a surprise.

What's wrong with the name Yaglych? In my opinion, it is quite euphonious. For all my fans in films I remain Sveta Khodchenkova, but according to my passport I remain Yaglych. It was mine and my husband's common decision. There was no coercion here.

At first, your future husband’s mother didn’t seem to like you very much?

When she watched the film “Bless the Woman” with my participation, Vova told her that the actress in the title role was his beloved. To which she answered him: “What are you talking about! She’s twice your age!” At the end of this film, I actually play a middle-aged lady. However, I don’t hold any grudges against my mother-in-law; what happened was what happened. Now I’m even pleased that she thought so then - it means that I perfectly fit into the image of an elderly woman.

Does your mother-in-law have a habit of lecturing you?

Sometimes she can advise something, I listen to her - she’s older, more experienced. She recently taught me how to cook cauliflower with cheese and mayonnaise. When I prepared this dish for my husband, he praised it very much. Yes, I liked it myself, I’m generally a food lover.

But you can’t tell by looking at you.

It turned out that I am not very prone to being overweight. For some filming I even had to gain weight on purpose. When I was a first-year student, I was invited to audition for the film “Bless the Woman” by Stanislav Govorukhin. After I was approved for the main role, I suddenly decided that I urgently needed to lose weight. And she stopped eating. The costumers were the first to sound the alarm when they saw that all my clothes were already dangling as if on a hanger. I had to drop this idea and start eating. I recovered with difficulty - I actually had to eat a lot of fried and fatty foods in order to regain my former shape.

You are young and beautiful, and Govorukhin, in turn, is also good-looking, and also famous...

If you think that we had something with him, then we will have to disappoint you - we did not have intimacy.

This is not my opinion, this is what they write in the newspapers.

Are you really ready to believe everything they write in the newspapers? Of course, when I was suddenly given the main role, rumors began to spread. Of course, a young student of the Shchukin School suddenly gets the main role from Stanislav Govorukhin himself - that means something is fishy here. However, we have always had only a business relationship with him. When they started writing about us, I fell into hysterics, even asking Stanislav Sergeevich to sue them. However, he quickly brought me to my senses. He reacted to all this so calmly that I began to follow his example. And now I am deeply indifferent to what they write about me.

Despite his outward harshness in life, Stanislav Sergeevich was a warm, sincere person. He loved his actors, and they loved him. Especially actresses. He gave many a ticket to the big screen. For example, by his own admission, he “gave birth” to Svetlana Khodchenkova. Here's what the actresses who starred with him said about the director.


I was already quite famous thanks to the film “On the Seven Winds” when Stanislav Sergeevich invited me to his debut film“Vertical,” recalls Larisa Luzhina. - I was approved for the role immediately, but problems arose with Volodya Vysotsky. The management of the film studio categorically objected. But Govorukhin insisted: only Vysotsky and no one else. Of course he took a risk. Who is he? Debut director. He could have been removed from the painting. But it was not removed. Moreover, he managed to ensure that Volodin’s songs were played in the film, which also caused protest among the film bosses. It was for “Vertical” that Vysotsky wrote “If a friend suddenly turned out to be...” and the wonderful “Climber”, which, alas, did not make it into the film. “Vertical” is a picture about courage, courage, real male friendship. Just as tall human qualities possessed by Stanislav Sergeevich. He had his own principles, which he did not betray. He was in love with the mountains. He was engaged in mountaineering - he had a second adult level. He infected us with his passion. We filmed in Kabardino-Balkaria, on Elbrus, Cheget. We went hiking with backpacks. Govorukhin is a wonderful, principled person. Not to mention he was very witty.


Larisa Udovichenko met Stanislav Sergeevich at the Odessa film studio, when she was still a schoolgirl studying acting studio and starred in her first film “Happy Kukushkin”. It was then that Govorukhin noticed her and invited her to his film “Life and amazing Adventures Robinson Crusoe." Either for the role of a maid or Robinson’s lover. During editing, a tiny role was cut out. But Govorukhin remembered the lively girl. And seven years later he called me to “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” for the role of the positive heroine - policeman Sinichkina (Sharapov was in love with her). But Udovichenko liked the bright Manka-Bond more. The actress insisted that Govorukhin give her this particular role. After which Udovichenko became one of the most popular actresses in the USSR. And Larisa maintained a warm relationship with Govorukhin for the rest of her life.


The distribution of roles in the film "Bless the Woman" was originally different. The stern captain was to be played by Alexey Guskov, his young and reverent wife - Maria Mironova. But on minor role younger sister main character 19-year-old student of the Shchukin Theater Institute Sveta Khodchenkova came to audition. And Govorukhin’s heart trembled. He decided to film her, and not Mironov, in the title role. Moreover, Guskov did not fit Khodchenkov’s type. And he was replaced by Alexander Baluev.

Two years later, Govorukhin directed Svetlana in the film “Not by Bread Alone.” They say that Stanislav Sergeevich was fascinated by the young actress not only as a director. But, fortunately, the passions subsided in time. Khodchenkova lost 20 kilograms: from an appetizing Russian beauty she became a girl from the catwalk. “She turned from a beauty into a herring,” Govorukhin once said about her in disappointment. Perhaps it was the resentment of a rejected man. But he still didn’t forget about Khodchenkova and filmed her in his last picture- “The end of a wonderful era.”


Govorukhin also opened Anna Sinyakina, the granddaughter of the “Voroshilov shooter” Mikhail Ulyanov, to the cinema. She told us:

Stanislav Sergeevich saw me in a small role in Karen Shakhnazarov’s film “Full Moon Day” and invited me to audition. But my first meeting with him happened 8 years before that. I was about 9 years old. I sat at home and switched channels looking for cartoons. I came across some movie. There, an imposing man in a cap came out of the carriage. He said: this train could have gone somewhere, but instead it sits and rusts. And... I joined his monologue and began talking to him through the screen. She said that we also have a train at our dacha, once green, but now rusty. So, while talking with the “man from TV,” I finished watching the film “You Can’t Live Like This.”

On the set of “The Voroshilov Shooter” I turned 17, I studied at the Gnessin Music College. I'm new to cinema. And Govorukhin is a mature director. But he listened to the opinions of the actors, including debutants like me. Therefore, I felt equal to everyone. We were meeting in Stanislav Sergeevich’s room. We cooked dumplings. And the three of us - Govorukhin, Ulyanov and I - devoured them. This scene ended up in the film.


Tatiana DRUBICH:

He could be my brother, uncle, dad


The actress starred with Govorukhin in Sergei Solovyov’s masterpiece “Assa” and in his detective story “Ten Little Indians”.

Stanislav Sergeevich was absolutely wonderful person. He seemed complex and obstinate, but in fact he was very gentle and touching. I don't know why he always wanted to hide these qualities of his. This is a very big loss for me. For me this is a very loved one, almost a relative. Stanislav Sergeevich could be a brother, uncle, father for me. Somehow it doesn't feel right that he's gone. And his age didn’t really go well with him. No matter how old he was according to his passport, he was always a real man. What explains most about a person in general is how he leaves. I know first hand how it was last six months. His departure explained more about him than his life, all his activities. He was a very courageous man. I look at him now and cry.


Stanislav Govorukhin - “ Komsomolskaya Pravda": I just wanted to run away and not talk about this anniversary at all!

- Hello, Stanislav Sergeevich, hello. This is Sasha Gamov from Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Greetings, Sasha.

- I know that you refused everyone, and everyone is crying.

Galina Govorukhina, wife of the classic: I love Slava so much that even 50 years with him is not enough for me...

You know, I think this is also all written in heaven. The Lord God, if he wants to reward a person, he gives him great love. This is something from above, such an extraordinary feeling. I speak only for myself now. I don't know anything about him, I can't tell you. But the Lord God rewarded me with this feeling of extraordinary love. And then he is still such a person. For example. As a wife, I can testify that we have such an atmosphere in our house... - cats, dogs, cozy. After all, Slava at home means felt boots, and if it’s cold, a robe. And with him it’s always interesting, not boring