New team: success from the first day. How to join the team at a new job

  • 11.10.2019

The psychological atmosphere in the team is of great importance. It affects the general condition of people and the level of their interaction. Often, employees leave a good place of work only because relationships with colleagues do not work out, and students move to another school because they cannot establish contact with classmates. It is often difficult to join a new team, because a stranger is treated with caution, and he has to fit into the already established environment. This problem is faced by those who start working in a new place, studying or doing creative work. How to establish good relationships with colleagues, classmates, and relieve tension? It is important to know some of the features of joining a new team, remember advice and purposefully establish emotional contact with others.

We are joining a new team. Some features of establishing contact
  1. First of all, you need to adapt to new working and study conditions. Start establishing the desired psychological atmosphere by working on yourself. Even if you were forced to work or study in a specific place, but you yourself did not feel the desire to change the situation, try to develop a positive attitude towards everything around you. You will need to convince yourself of the rationality of your actions, the advantages of the new team, and the merits of change. When you are able to look around positively and demonstrate sincere goodwill, you will develop inner self-confidence, and people will sense your favorable attitude and reciprocate.
  2. For your positive attitude to be truly genuine, you will need to justify it. Analyze the situation carefully. Take a pen, a piece of paper and write down point by point all the advantages of the new place, colleagues, management, and your position. Even if you can get up half an hour later, you spend 10 minutes less on travel; at school, large, bright corridors are already an advantage. Any pleasant detail should take its place in your analysis. Be sure to note the positive character traits and appearance of each member of the new team. Think about it, they will definitely be there.
  3. After your first day in a new place, think about how well you communicated with your colleagues and how your acquaintance went overall. Write down everything that was successful, indicate your mistakes. Outline a plan: how best to behave, what approach is needed to specific people, what you need to fix, what to work on.
  4. Decide in advance what you will answer if you are asked about your previous place of work or study. It should be noted that it is very important to refrain from negative characteristics of the former team, superiors, and the situation as a whole. You can note some external reason, for example, the desire to reduce the time spent on travel, or the desire to broaden your horizons, take a more interesting position, or start working in a more promising direction. Try to find and identify positive reasons for your move to a new place.
  5. A friendly attitude towards others, a sincere interest in the affairs of the company, university or school, and internal corporate relations will help you to join the new team. Always say hello to your colleagues and smile when you meet them. Avoid conflicts, do not take part in disputes, even if the topic is interesting to you, you have your own opinion on this matter. Do not take sides in quarrels, try to maintain a neutral position. It’s great if you can find a compromise solution and delicately offer it.
  6. Show composure, be careful and punctual. Remember that the level of your work and study will also affect your relationship with the team. Try to keep up and not reduce your overall performance.
  7. Refrain from demonstrating your advantages and skills. If you immediately stand out, even in a positive way, your colleagues will not like it. When you succeed in something, you have skills that the members of the new team do not have; try to help your colleagues, give advice in a timely manner, correct correctly and clearly explain what is unclear. In this case, your support will certainly cause a positive reaction, those around you will really appreciate your abilities and will be happy about them.
  8. Even if you don’t really like noisy companies, entertainment and parties, you don’t need to refuse to participate in corporate events at the first stage of work or study. Such behavior may be perceived as a manifestation of your negative attitude. Later, when you get to know your colleagues better, can gradually express yourself and talk a little about your preferences, you will be able to explain why you are not very keen on becoming a partygoer. It is important to do everything slowly and delicately.
  9. The workplace is your unique business card. Remember that it should reflect your composure, responsibility, and ability to keep order. It is important to keep the workplace clean, not leave unnecessary things, and keep everything in strict order. It is advisable not to place photographs, various souvenirs, or personal items on the table at first. In this way, the isolation of man is also emphasized. Then you will gradually give your workplace a “personal” look, but do not rush into it.
  10. Make every effort to fit into a new environment, work or school process. Remember: at the initial stage you will need to work harder, try not to make mistakes and keep up with your colleagues in order to join the new team. Of course, at first it will not be easy for you, because you not only need to show all your abilities, but also get used to the new environment and requirements. But in the near future, you will see that your efforts are bearing fruit: you cope with your work faster, remember more and more important information, and are gradually approaching the performance of your experienced colleagues. For now, you need to strive to create the necessary base for further activities in a new place.
  11. Business relationships in a team should not be mixed with personal ones. It is important for you to establish business contacts, so try not to pay attention to the individual qualities of people who are not very pleasant to you. Keep a small distance, especially at first. If you get too close to someone right away, it will be much more difficult for you to maintain smooth relationships with others.
How to join the team? Simple methods and tricks for beginners
Once you find yourself in a new team, it is very important to really feel like a part of it, act thoughtfully, follow the rules of politeness and etiquette, and treat people attentively. Then you will succeed.
  • Be polite, friendly, considerate.
  • Build relationships gradually, do not put pressure on others, behave naturally.
  • Be genuinely interested in everything that happens around you.
  • Establish business relationships, try not to turn them into personal ones, at least at first. You need to communicate well with all colleagues.
  • Be mindful of your activities in the new location. Don't lag behind your colleagues.
  • Avoid criticism and excessive demonstration of your advantages.
    Do not discuss colleagues or participate in disputes.
  • Seek advice if necessary. If necessary, help your colleagues, but do it delicately, without emphasizing your superiority.
Think about your behavior in a new team, analyze every day at first, note what you still need to work on, what qualities to develop, what to pay special attention to. Have a positive attitude towards others, be sincere: you will be able to integrate perfectly into the new team.

Changing workplaces brings with it a lot of impressions, acquaintances and opportunities.

To enjoy the opportunities that open up and feel like a duck to water in a fresh place, you will have to join a new team.

Some may think that relationships with colleagues are not that important. Or - that you can always catch up, and the search for comrades in a new place can be postponed. Both of these versions are wrong.

It is better to establish contact with employees immediately, making it clear what kind of character you are. Otherwise, expect jokes, intrigue and whispers behind your back.

Bullying colleagues can turn into an unbearable burden for a newcomer: it is because of discord in the team that many interns leave promising positions.

The first impression is a foundation for the future

It is important how you are perceived in the first minutes of the meeting.

Don't do yourself a disservice by forgetting about dress code, smiling, neatness, openness and appropriate appearance.

It will take a long time to convince disappointed colleagues that you, in general, are not dirty and you also have a business suit in your closet.

Appearance plays the main role in creating a pleasant impression.

Follow the dress code established in the office, without allowing yourself bold experiments.

Immediately discard the idea of ​​showing up in a frivolous lavender dress, beach shorts or lace miniskirt. Ripped boyfriend jeans are also not appropriate.

Opt for a strict version - a knee-length skirt and a turtleneck, a shirt and a trouser suit. After going to work for a week, you will find out whether jeans, sweaters and chiffon blouses are acceptable here. In the meantime, it's better to play it safe.

The word is not a sparrow

Don't talk too much in the first seconds of meeting someone.

Like in cop shows, anything you say can be used against you in a class action court.

In addition, the image of a gossip, chatterbox or intriguer does not suit anyone.

Sitting like an owl in the back seat is also not your option. Answer questions modestly and with restraint, dosing out information.

You are allowed to clarify where you worked before and who you studied for at the university.

But it’s better to keep silent about scandals at your past job.

The white flag is your salvation

Offering peace is more effective than starting hostilities.

Some managers love to say right out of the gate: “Now we’ll change everything here, fix it, redo it. You will learn what clear guidance is. Otherwise, we relaxed, missed all the deadlines, and didn’t fulfill the plan!”

Agree, such behavior does not inspire either friendship or respect.

Be polite and ask for help. Get to know your colleagues, ask how to behave with your superiors.

Learn about local customs and laws of survival. Even if you have your own opinion on everything, listen to others.

To a strange monastery with your cockroaches

The new team is an established microcosm, with its own rules, traditions and quirks.

Do not avoid corporate parties, business lunches, coffee breaks, Friday get-togethers at a pizzeria and other get-togethers if you are invited.

There is no need to become “one of the people,” but it is also unpleasant to be an ascetic hermit.

Observe the traditions established in the team. In some places, candy-pie bribery is not appropriate.

In other groups, on the contrary, they communicate very cordially, celebrate anniversaries together and treat employees to homemade baked goods.

How to make friends at work

Ask questions, but avoid being intrusive: a character who sticks like a bath leaf to a busy person evokes pity.

Friendliness and apparent friendliness work wonders. Choose a couple of pleasant colleagues, exchange a few words with them at the buffet - about corporate culture, rules, smoking areas, snacks in the workplace.

While the adviser is advising you, he will, willy-nilly, become imbued with sympathy.

Most likely, at the end of the conversation he will say: “If anything happens, contact me, I’ll help.” This is the first established contact at a new job.

Listen carefully to all the advice, thereby you will stroke the self-esteem of your old-time colleagues.

To join a new team, try:

Don't snitch. Complaining to your superiors about jokes and unprofessionalism of colleagues is bad manners.

Don't be offended by stupid things. You know that they “carry water” on the offended and inflated?

Don't start with vulgar, frankly boorish and provocative behavior.

Don't flirt with colleagues and senior in rank. This is a low way to strengthen your position; local matrons will be happy to wash your bones.

Do not discuss past work in a negative way, don't gossip about other people's personal affairs.

Do not aggravate conflicts, and especially do not provoke them. Bullies do not take root in strong teams.

N don’t be arrogant and don’t show off your connections, relatives and acquaintances in high circles.

And most importantly, don't forget to work. Joining a new team can add hassle and discomfort to your regular life.

But don't forget why you came here in the first place. Show yourself as a responsible professional and an irreplaceable employee, and people will be drawn to you.

Let me start by saying that I never liked changing jobs, but sometimes I still have to. There are layoffs, there is simply a thirst for new activities - I think every person faces this sooner or later. And the most difficult thing with a new job is not the new position, responsibilities, or anything like that. The most difficult thing (after the interview, of course) is to become part of the team.

I am a sociable person by nature, and problems with colleagues are unknown to me, but the time spent on maternity leave with the baby has erected some kind of barrier between me and other employees. I was nervous, didn’t know what to do, and in the end I decided to figure out how to adapt to the new team.

My search led me to a friend - she is a management psychologist by profession, and was able to give me some valuable advice on how to join a new team and recommended a couple of good books on this topic.

Where to start

The first impression is made only once. This became my golden truth, and I thought through in detail how my return to work would go. People form their first impression literally in one or two minutes of communication, so it is important to pay attention to your appearance, mental attitude and behavior.

Appearance must comply with the accepted official or unofficial dress code. At the interview, I was wearing a pullover and tight trousers, but I noticed that all the girls were wearing suits.

Having found a suitable jacket and skirt in the bins of my wardrobe, I mentally checked the box - the issue with appearance was generally resolved. Neat low-heeled shoes, some tasteful jewelry, a good haircut and competent makeup completed the image of a new specialist in my (I must say, very attractive) face.

The internal mood had to be worked out in detail. Initially, it seemed to me that the new company was a friendly team, and I would be a stranger in it. But then I realized that I had already been approved. My new manager approved, and the HR specialist approved. This means that in fact I am one of them, and if I behave correctly, then the question of how to adapt to a new team will disappear by itself.

HR professionals are increasingly using a good onboarding method called Welcome Training. As a rule, this training lasts from a couple of hours to several days, during which the new employee has time to get to know the company, his colleagues, and get to know the entire work process better.

One of the advantages of this method is the opportunity to build contact between the newcomer and each of his colleagues.

How to behave correctly

It took me a little time to formulate the basic rules of behavior.
  1. Positivity is the key to success! You shouldn’t pretend to be a cheerful person, but an open smile and a winning appearance will help you get closer to your colleagues quite quickly.
  2. Ready for anything. Newcomers are treated with some suspicion - I remember this from myself, when new employees came to our friendly team, everyone felt some awkwardness. So, awkwardness is absolutely normal. The wariness with which the team greets a newcomer is also in the order of things. After a few days this goes away.
  3. Calm, just calm. Perhaps the new team has adopted familiar relations. Perhaps, in their free time from work, the entire team is addicted to gossip. You shouldn’t react sharply to something; at the very least, you can smile and politely ask about what has led to bewilderment - is this really the way it is done here?
  4. Each monastery has its own charter. When changing jobs, the most problems arise in cases where a newcomer tries to criticize a well-established team. It is possible that he is right in some ways, but there is another aspect - the newcomer does not have sufficient authority and level of trust for his criticism to be received adequately.
  5. Curiosity and a thirst for knowledge have never hurt anyone. A newcomer has the right to ask questions - even if he is a good specialist, there are certain specifics of working in this company, and you can always ask something. When colleagues help a newcomer, they become more loyal to him.

What to look for

To understand how to join a new team, you need to become observant. Observing the team can open the key to the heart of your colleagues. What to pay attention to:
  • names and addresses that are accepted among colleagues. You should not use diminutives or nicknames;
  • traditions and small rituals that are common to others. The first person to come to the office opens the window? Do this and you will earn a few words of gratitude. Does a person going to lunch bring some small snacks to busier workers? When going out to lunch, ask who should take what.
  • It would be good to identify the informal leader of the team in the first days and establish some kind of contact with him. This will help you get comfortable, establish relationships with other employees and answer the question of how to easily join a new team.

I acted according to this plan, and joined the team in just a few days - by the end of my first working week we were already meeting with colleagues outside of work, went to billiards together to celebrate my employment, and one of the girls lives at the same metro station as and I - now we often see each other on weekends.

So now I can give advice from my own experience - you don’t need to be afraid of your new colleagues, you need to try to behave naturally. People love sincerity, and always react positively to it - this attitude will be easy to get used to. How to behave in a new team? So that I would like to communicate and work with you.

Adaptation is not the easiest thing, but with proper preparation, it can be dealt with. Don't try to please everyone - you are not a brand new five thousand dollar bill. You should not ingratiate yourself or become an “errand girl” - this does not make a person beautiful.

But if you show friendliness, attention to work and human responsiveness, then colleagues will not remain indifferent - the positive attitude of one person is transmitted to others, and after a few days, colleagues themselves will begin to be interested in the newcomer, offer him help and participate in every possible way in his adaptation process. By the way, you shouldn’t change the tradition of celebrating employment - an informal atmosphere helps people relax and make friends.

Changing jobs: how to join a new team?

When changing jobs, a very important point is the employee’s adaptation to the new place - not only to new responsibilities, but also to people. Psychological adaptation in a team is the most important thing, since the effectiveness of his work in the future depends on how a person feels in a new place at first. Below are recommendations that will help you quickly adapt to a new team:

1. You can't make a first impression twice. When joining a new team, remember that 50% of a stable opinion about a person is formed during the first minute and a half of communication; in this regard, everything matters: your appearance, how and what you say, and your inner mood.

  • Be on time. If it is still difficult to adapt to the route to work, it is better to have some extra time at first.
  • Dress appropriately the position and organization in which you ALREADY work. You ALREADY correspond to this organization, since the employer has chosen you, so preserve and maintain this image.
  • Listen more. This will allow you to quickly understand how the internal “kitchen” of the company works - any information you receive will help you to one degree or another.
  • Be confident and calm. You have ALREADY been accepted into this organization, now your task is to study the internal structure in order to adapt faster; remember those moments when you felt calm, imagine some pleasant image for you and periodically restore it in your imagination - this will help you cope with difficulties at the beginning.
  • Gather information about traditions. If it is customary in a given organization to celebrate the arrival of a new employee, this cannot be ignored. In addition, in an informal setting, communication will be more comfortable.

2. Applicants, remember: we cannot please everyone. This is the norm. Despite the fact that we really want to please the employer even during the interview, and especially in the first days of work, remember that you are still an individual, and trying to please everyone with your behavior is not only utopian, but also stupid. Such behavior may even alienate the employer.

  • Be friendly and open, smile.
  • Be natural (both your excitement and “special observation” towards you on the part of new colleagues will be natural).
  • Learn the “rules of the game.” What was acceptable in the previous organization may not be suitable in the new one. You need to earn the authority and attention of your colleagues, and this requires both effort and time. Avoid evaluating the performance of new colleagues.
  • Choose an appropriate communication style. Speak to colleagues in their language. Use the words and expressions of your new colleagues, subconsciously they will perceive you “as one of their own.” · Ask questions. The support of a new employee from experienced colleagues in solving work issues shows that you are a good employee who is focused on the work process.
  • Find your “adviser”. This could be a person who is authoritative and experienced in the company. Having his support, you will feel more confident.

3. In order to adapt to something new, it takes time, and it is different for everyone. It is absolutely certain that one person can join the team in a week, another will need a month. On average, one month is enough for both the employer and the applicant to understand whether they are suitable for each other or not.

Give yourself time to look around. This applies not just to job responsibilities, but also to the general environment, people, and company rules and regulations. Excessive zeal can play a cruel joke on you. Thus, dear applicants, remember the most important thing: