“Very spicy program”: Saakashvili became a presenter on a Ukrainian TV channel. “Very spicy program”: Saakashvili became a presenter on the Ukrainian TV channel Ten steps back

  • 21.06.2019

ZIK is a Ukrainian TV channel. Began work on September 1, 2010. The channel's projects come out of two studios - ZIK-Kyiv, which was opened on May 25, 2014, and ZIK-Lviv. At the beginning of October 2016, the official presentation of the new central studio "ZIK" took place in the capital's International Center for Culture and Arts "October Palace". The channel focuses on the topic of investigative journalism.

Another Ukraine with Mikheil Saakashvili

ZIK TV channel - Watch on Live our website

This is the first experience of the ex-president of Georgia and the former chairman of the Odessa regional state administration Mikheil Saakashvili as a TV presenter. He calls the announcement of his project on ZIK a conscious and balanced choice. The goal of the project, according to Saakashvili, is to show a Ukraine like no other channel shows it.

“The main thing I want to convey is the problems and voices of millions of Ukrainians who are not heard on any channel. I travel around the country a lot and clearly know that there are two Ukraines: one is a smug company of a rotten political class, which has merged with the oligarchs and their media, who are trying to maintain their status quo of the last 25 years, and another Ukraine, very talented, interesting, but rightly dissatisfied. The second Ukraine has neither money nor media, but it is the absolute majority and it will definitely break through. From the very beginning I decided to move from the first Ukraine, refusing to accept its rules of the game, to the second, where I feel at home, among my own, but here I, like everyone else, am also very dissatisfied and want to change everything...” wrote Mikheil Saakashvili on his Facebook page.

TV channel video - Update

He said that on March 27, the first episode of the talk show “Another Ukraine” was recorded on the ZIK TV channel.

“We recorded the first program of “The Other Ukraine” on Zika, and it came out very sharp. Every week in this program I will show you a Ukraine that no other channel shows,” Saakashvili noted.

Judging by the photographs posted by the politician, the guests of the program were people's deputies Vladimir Parasyuk, Alexander Briginets and Sergei Shakhov, as well as ex-Minister of Housing and Communal Services Alexei Kucherenko and former Minister of Energy Ivan Plachkov.

Let us recall that after his resignation from the post of head of the Odessa regional administration, Saakashvili began to harshly criticize President Petro Poroshenko. At the same time, he complained about the “information blockade” by the authorities.

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Former governor of the Odessa region Mikheil Saakashvili again became a media hero, announcing his unexpected decision to become a TV presenter on the Ukrainian channel Zik. He reported this on his Facebook page.

“We recorded the first program of “The Other Ukraine” on Zika, and it came out very sharp. Every week in this program I will show you a Ukraine like no other channel shows it. And for the evening I was invited to “Freedom of Speech” ICTV, and if in the next couple of hours Poroshenko does not call there again, like last time, I hope there will also be an opportunity to talk with you about a specific program,” Saakashvili said.

But the former Odessa governor calls the main event “a partial breakthrough of the information blockade.” Saakashvili's Facebook followers greeted his statement with moderate optimism. Supporters call him "Mr. President" and wish him luck in "propaganda" and promoting the political party.

Saakashvili is really not averse to returning to power in Ukraine - even in such an unusual way, with the help of his television program. Political scientist and journalist Alexander Asafov stated this in a conversation with RT.

The former Odessa governor and ex-president of Georgia cannot return to his homeland, because criminal prosecution awaits him there, the political scientist recalls. But also in political field In Ukraine, Saakashvili does not have many options for maneuver.

“In fact, Saakashvili does not have many opportunities. Despite his impressive political experience, he cannot return to his homeland - a criminal case awaits him there. It is not in demand anywhere else. Among the Ukrainian political elites, ex-Minister of Finance Natalya Yaresko went all the way to Puerto Rico to boost the economy—the pinnacle of her political career. Saakashvili can no longer apply his strength anywhere; in his homeland he rightly fears a prison term, as well as a certain possibility of being extradited to Georgia at the request of another country. All he can do is political all-in,” the expert said.

Electoral capital

Ahead of the elections in Ukraine, the media is monopolized, including by Poroshenko and other oligarchs, Asafov adds. Poroshenko is pursuing a consistent policy of seizing television channels and clearing the Internet with the help of the Ministry of Communications, the political scientist emphasizes.

Asafov believes that Saakashvili and his party are going to create a democratic coalition and take at least some positions.

“To do this, he needs electoral capital and recognition. From this point of view, the decision to become a talk show host does not look so stupid,” emphasized Alexander Asafov.

The political elite of Ukraine has long written off Saakashvili, the expert adds.

“He is not their man and does not belong to any clan. In fact, he has the fewest opportunities, and no one seriously expects him to occupy any positions. Mostly political elite he was unpleasant in his post,” explains Asafov.

Ten steps back

However, despite certain meaning in such an act to recruit the electorate, Saakashvili now faces a longer path to return to active political life in Ukraine.

“For him, this is not one, but ten steps back. It’s one thing to be a serious politician invited to the post of governor of Odessa, but now you are a foreigner, albeit with a Ukrainian passport, without support and political prospects. He understands that he has no other options - he’s not even invited to teach in the USA anymore,” the expert concluded.

Let us recall that earlier Saakashvili announced a “great unification” of the democratic forces of Ukraine. According to Ukrayinska Pravda, the politician made the corresponding statement during a forum in Kyiv organized by the Volya party.

“I think we will find a formula. There will be a big unification in the near future,” he said.

According to Saakashvili, political forces whose representatives also participated in the forum will unite: “Rukh of New Forces”, “Khvylya”, “Demalliance”, “Volya” and others.

In case of new parliamentary elections Mikheil Saakashvili will draw votes away from Poroshenko’s main competitor, the head of the Batkivshchyna party, Yulia Tymoshenko. If we talk about Saakashvili’s presidential ambitions, then even in next elections the head of state, he de jure will not be able to take part. According to the norms of the Ukrainian Constitution, for this you need to live in Ukraine for at least ten years. Saakashvili received Ukrainian citizenship on the eve of his appointment to the gubernatorial position - in May 2015.

Mikheil Saakashvili will become a TV presenter - the first episode of the program “The Other Ukraine” has already been recorded, which will be broadcast on the Zik TV channel - “Western Information Corporation”.

Union of sword and ploughshare. Saakashvili discovered the 401st method of taking money from the populationThe ex-president of Georgia and the ex-governor of the Odessa region is inexhaustible. It seems that he even outdid the “great schemer” himself, who knew 400 ways to relatively honestly take money from the population.

Saakashvili’s career developed rapidly: Georgian minister, president, ex-president, Ukrainian governor, former governor. It's time to try yourself in something new. Television has loved him for a long time, bright image alive and loved by many to this day. And it doesn’t matter - with a tie in your mouth or in your pants backwards. In general, it’s time to monetize this popularity.

He could, perhaps, choose any program for himself: even " Fashionable verdict", even "Lose weight like crazy." Yes, even popular Ukrainian show“Pregnant at 16” would have looked much more interesting with him. But Mr. Saakashvili rejected these tempting ideas and promised to “show a Ukraine like no other channel shows it.”

Laughter with tears. Odessa region is selecting a new governorThe standards of Odessa residents for the new governor will be clearly higher than in the official conditions of the competition for filling a vacant position. Therefore, whoever replaces Mikhail Nikolozovich will clearly not be bored.

To warm up the audience, he even published a few photos from the shoot. In one, he is standing in his pants (to fit), leaning on some kind of hut from a children's fairy tale, or a doghouse. You'd think it would be a new version"House-2", but there is a more likely explanation. This could be a maneuver in the controversy with Petro Poroshenko. Although Saakashvili promised that the first episode of the program would be sharp, only the lazy did not joke about the booth and Poroshenko. The severity has worn off since the beginning of March, when the president came to the Kharkov Tractor Plant and accused those who “didn’t even build a booth” and were already trying to destabilize the situation in the country.

To the pond, to the frogs? Saakashvili in search of the golden keyHomeless, unemployed. And now, perhaps, also without a passport. The Odessa region threatens to become for Mikheil Saakashvili what the “Field of Miracles” became for the wooden boy Pinocchio. A trap.

Apparently, Saakashvili is gracefully hinting that he built the booth, and not the prop master, and now has every right“to rock the boat,” as Poroshenko put it. One can only envy the optimism of the former Georgian president and the former Ukrainian governor. Having lost all the positions that really allowed him to change the lives of as many as two countries, he does not give up. He builds booths, rushes to television and promises to become not just a president, but even higher. Surely Napoleon - no less.

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