Description of early morning in the city in winter. Composition on the topic: “Winter morning

  • 17.01.2022

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The essay “Winter Morning” is simple because in the process of compiling it, the student can use a variety of methods of description and reasoning. After all, the field for creativity is quite large. This may be an essay based on the painting "Winter Morning", for example. Or their own feelings from landscapes. Or maybe a description of the view from the window, which seems special on an early winter morning. In general, the list of possible topics is wide.


Many students experience what is known as a first paragraph crisis. When you don't know where to start. Well, this problem can be solved by inserting a quote, which is traditionally called an epigraph. A quote chosen according to the topic will immediately make it clear to the reader what will be discussed further, and will set the author himself on a certain wave.

You can start with this phrase: “One Belarusian writer said: “Winter is a wonderful time. Frosty, tough, but magical.” And it is impossible not to agree with this. Cold is nothing compared to the beauty that we can observe in winter. Especially in the early morning. You come to the window awake, wrapped in a blanket, look through the window, and the ground, trees, cars are covered with a thick layer of untouched snow. And the snowflakes are slowly spinning, sparkling in the glare of the moon that has not yet set. There is a feeling of absolute solitude. It seems as if nature is sleeping.

So it is quite possible to begin the composition “Winter Morning”. The main thing is not to make the introduction too big.

Main part

The introduction then flows into the content. The composition “Winter Morning” may well reveal the author’s personal attitude to the topic and reflect his emotions. You can continue the above example introduction as follows: “It’s hard to convey how much I like the winter morning time, despite the fact that sometimes I can’t get enough sleep.

There is something special about this atmosphere. It's still dark, and it looks like there's a very long day ahead, during which you can do a lot of things. Especially magical is the morning on the eve of the holiday. It's like the beginning of a fairy tale. It is still dark outside, but enthusiastic people go out to finish all the pre-holiday fuss - they buy gifts, someone runs after the Christmas tree, others go to visit. And all under the falling snowflakes.

Feel free to use various artistic means to decorate the text. An essay on the theme “Winter Morning” allows them to abound. Since it is artistic means that help to create a certain image of what is described in the text and present it in reality.


You can complete the composition “Winter Morning” in different ways. For example, a quote. But if this technique was used in the introduction, it cannot be used a second time. However, the conclusion should not be particularly difficult. We just need to sum up what has been said so far. It might look like this: “Of course, someone may not be delighted with the morning time in winter. Some do not like cold, snow, and in such weather you need to go to work or study. But personally, I think it's a magical moment. Winter is the time when nature sleeps, and in the morning you realize this especially clearly.

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Winter. It is at this time of the year that the morning seems especially magical. Everything around is motionless, everything is frozen. The culprits are frost and cold. It was they who covered the trees with ice crusts so that they cannot even move. It only seems as if the birches from time to time weakly shake their thin icy twigs, and a barely audible ringing is heard.

Winter mornings are also unusually quiet. There are no people, no birds, no street animals. Everyone is sleeping, everyone is cold. Even the sun is not yet visible, it has not yet rolled out from behind the horizon. He also feels that it is early, and that he can sleep sweetly for a few more minutes.

Here the horizon line begins to redden. This means that the sun still decided to wake up. Finally! Now the winter morning will be illuminated by the magnificent light of its first rays. The line becomes brighter and thicker, the outlines of the forest somewhere in the distance become clearer. Here, finally, the first beam appears, similar to the light from a huge flashlight. He will not be alone for long, in a second other rays will join him, the same as the first. And it will take another couple of minutes, and the sun itself will roll out from behind the horizon, huge, slept and shining. There is a feeling that it has just washed, it shines and sparkles so brightly. With its brightness, the sun infects everything around: trees, snowdrifts and paths, houses. Now they, too, begin to shine and sparkle, shimmering and blinding everyone who dares to approach them.

I don't feel like sitting at home on a morning like this. I want to go out and walk on this shining snow, which looks like a huge collection of tiny diamonds. It does not look soft and fluffy, on the contrary, it seems that it is a dense carpet of small pieces of hard ice. A deafening crunch is already heard in my head, which will definitely appear when you step onto the path or go into a snowdrift. And even the sun seems so warm, warm. Because it shines so brightly!

All this beckons to itself, calls to the street. But not everything is so perfect and rosy! It's just unbearably cold outside at this time. The sun does not warm like in summer, and it should not warm like that. But blinding, of course, immediately. It seems as if the air has frozen, does not move. It's hard to even breathe. Cheeks immediately become bright pink, almost red. It was the biting frost that transformed them. The nose also turns red in a minute. The fingers on the hands, if they are not moved, immediately turn into naughty wooden sticks. But if you dress warmly and run through the crisp, creaky snow, it can even get hot.

Winter mornings are a great time. Neither the terrible cold nor the painfully blinding sun will spoil it. With such beauty, which happens only in the early morning, sometime in January or February, nothing compares. I love such cold, almost lifeless, quiet mornings. It's nice to watch the sunrise, to watch how everything around is changing, how people leave their warm apartments and rush to work. As a rule, the morning in winter, in such a frost, is cloudless, so you can also follow the play of sunlight for a long time.

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This is my typical morning that starts with breakfast and a run to school. But today it is quite unusual: I saw through the window that snow had finally fallen and covered the boring gray roads. Even yesterday he was gone, a week in the snowless city lived severe frosts, all the people went blue and angry, wrapped in various warm clothes and did not warm themselves at all. But today everything is different: I went out into the street and saw that people had become different, they cheered up, rejoiced at the new, snowy winter morning. Snow fell, the sun broke through - and it got warmer, the frost became light, no one freezes from this. This is the morning everyone has been waiting for.

The trees in the park and around the school were covered with a thin layer of snow and hoarfrost, thousands of silver rains sparkled in the air, even if you take it off and save it for the Christmas tree! School children are trying to make snowballs, but the snow is not wet yet, it is quite “young”, snowballs are not obtained. But how much joy and fun! Someone has already been taken on a sled, but the sled clings to the asphalt and grinds with iron, but this is not the main thing - but it snowed!

But there are those who do not like snow at all. For example, the janitors angrily rattled their snow shovels, although the layer of snow is only five centimeters thick and can be swept away with a broom. The owners of the cars came out to clean the snow from the cars, shuffled busily with brushes: here is this snow, why did it just fall out, so much trouble with it. Most of all, he interferes with the pigeons: they will not sit down on the offended window sills in any way and take off unhappily on the roofs. Cats bypass their favorite benches because it is uncomfortable and cold to sit on them.

But this is in the city, but how cool it is now in the forest! Tree crowns are covered with a white light fabric, they sparkle under the sun, like in a fairy tale. Birds and animals write their traces-lines on the white pages of the meadows, by which those who know can determine who, why, where they went. Hawthorn looks elegant under the snow, red clusters of berries attract birds and squirrels. Spruces are bristling with needles of branches with small cones. Pine giants proudly stand under snow-covered caps and guard order and silence. Only the alder trembles with displeasure - she does not like that snow has fallen on the branches. There is a magical silence in the forest, which is occasionally broken by the distant cry of a crow and the crackling of old tree trunks.

With pleasure I would like to get into the morning forest, admire the beauty of snow-covered nature, but we must hurry to school. And after the lessons with friends we will go to the park to admire the snow-covered trees and breathe in the frosty air.

Source: seasons-years.rf

Winter mornings are extraordinarily beautiful, especially when the sun is shining. Hoarfrost covers the trees and bushes, giving them a bluish tint, and they stand motionless, as if enchanted. When sunlight hits this decoration, it begins to flicker. The bright, albeit cold winter sun makes the landscape look fabulous.

In winter, it gets lighter later than in summer, and therefore, when you wake up for the first lesson, it is still dark outside. While you are getting ready, the sky is gradually brightening, and when you leave, it is already completely light. Frost stings your cheeks, and snow crunches under your feet. Sometimes on the way to school you come across "sledges" - small areas of rolled ice. And you, accelerating, drive a couple of meters on your feet. Few can resist and pass by. The kids are taken to the kindergarten on a sled, and they sit warmly wrapped up, only a small nose peeps out of a pile of clothes.

Life in the city is waking up. The owners of the cars come out into the yards and begin to sweep the snow off them and clean the ice from the windows. Janitors clear paths and sprinkle them with sand or salt. Yard cats are not visible, they are warming themselves somewhere. And the pigeons are sitting on the wires, they are uncomfortable in the snow. Feeders with bread and grain hang on some trees and window sills. Birds fly there to profit and arrange a funny fuss.

Coloring the morning sky, the sun prefers cold tones, you will not find yellow among them, mostly white, blue, purple. This has its own charm. The air is cold and fresh, they want to breathe deeper, but they are afraid - they can get sick. If the wind rises, it sweeps away the top layer of snow from trees and houses, and then a silver haze appears in the air.

Mornings are short in winter. It is replaced by a short day, and already at five o'clock it gets dark again, the stars light up in the sky, and again you have to wait for the next morning.


In winter, the sun rises late. But watching it rise is just wonderful. To see how the darkness gradually recedes, how everything wakes up from sleep, how the birds, not yet warmed up after the night cold, go in search of food - all this is very interesting.

But most of all I like the winter morning after a slight thaw. Here you can only appreciate the mastery of Mother Winter, see winter in all its glory. Imagine that you are leaving the house. It hasn't dawned yet. Everywhere lies the darkness of the night. Only in the east the sky begins to gradually brighten. But a few minutes pass, and the sun rises over the horizon.

You are breathtaking from the opened picture. The trees that had stood like dark giants the night before were now transformed. There are no dark gloomy trunks and branches. All of them are decorated with silver. Each branch sparkles in the rays of the sun, each bend shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.

And look at the pine or spruce. Where is their green outfit? It turned into silvery green. Each needle has acquired an incredible shade. And what fir trees have become fluffy. It seems that they are covered with a warm blanket. Mighty pines have acquired some kind of girlish fragility and defenselessness.

Here is a small tree. You know very well that it is unremarkable. But looking at it today, you can't take your eyes off it. The tree suddenly became crystal. Where did his usual branches go? Where is the brown unsightly bark? Nothing remains of the former freak. The winter sorceress turned him into a handsome little man with crystal branches. They look so fragile that it seems that if you touch them, they will ring and shatter into thousands of sparkling fragments.

You walk down a familiar alley and you don't recognize it. It's like you're in a fairy tale. Everything is so incredibly beautiful. Snow drifts sparkle with millions of lights. Tree branches sparkle, fence. Silver is even scattered underfoot, as if someone is meeting a dear guest and decorating the path for him. And if you accidentally hit a branch, then silver rain will immediately fall on you.

It is impossible to convey all the splendor of a winter morning. You need to see it with your own eyes. Only then can you understand how beautiful winter is. How much magic she gives people, with what love she decorates the world around her. And the frosty air is incomparable. It is so fresh, pure, like water in a spring. I like winter. I love patterns on glass, snow caps on trees, sparkling frost. It's just great!