The main activity of the Rassvetovsky rural cultural center. Project for improvement of the territory of a rural cultural center

  • 08.04.2019

1st floor plan

1st floor plan (option with library)

Cut 1-1

Cut 2-2


The total estimated cost (in base prices) is 1,650.861 thousand rubles.


The outer walls are two-layer: the inner layer is 400mm thick masonry made of small cellular concrete blocks of grade IV-B2.5 D 500 F25-2 (GOST 21520-89) with glue; outer layer – cladding made of colored sand-lime brick of grade SUR-100/25 (GOST 379-95) on M100 mortar, 120 mm thick. Accepted thermal resistance: Rreg.=2.91 m2°C/W;
Floors and coverings– wooden flooring along the lower chord of the trusses;
Partitions - in bathrooms made of solid ceramic bricks of the KORPo 1NF/100/2.0/25/GOST 530-2007 brand with M50 mortar; in other rooms - from partition blocks XB2.5 D 600 F25-2 (GOST 21520-89) 100 mm thick with plaster on both sides with a mortar 15 mm thick on a mesh;
The roof is pitched: wooden rafters, wooden sheathing. Insulation Tekhnoruf N, Tekhnoruf V (TU 5762 – 015 – 17925162 – 2004). Corrugated sheeting grade NS 57-750-0.7 (GOST 24045-94). Accepted thermal resistance: Rreg.=3.3 m2°C/W;
Floors – Porcelain tiles, ceramic tiles, linoleum, GOST 8242-63 boards;
Windows – Plastic windows according to GOST 30674-99, GOST 11214-2003;
External – individual metal insulated; stained glass window of the Tatprof system.
Internal doors – wooden paneled doors in accordance with GOST 6629-88;
Exterior decoration-Facing with colored sand-lime bricks of “straw” color with decorative inserts of crushed sand-lime bricks gray. Basement – ​​facing with tiles with imitation rubble stone.
Interior decoration
Walls: plaster, water-based paint; in the vestibule and pantry - adhesive painting; in the bathrooms – facing with glazed tiles; in the boiler room - matte enamel painting; in the auditorium - decorative plaster, acrylic painting. Ceilings: auditorium – suspended “Armstrong” type; in the boiler room there is a suspended ceiling made of gypsum plasterboard, in the bathrooms there is a suspended ceiling made of aluminum slats.

Water supply - combined utility and drinking fire water supply system;
Hot water supply pipeline. The boiler room provides water supply to F15mm boilers.
Cold and hot water supply systems are installed from galvanized steel water and gas pipes in accordance with GOST 3262-75*, F 15-65mm;
Sewerage – Domestic sewerage system made of polyethylene pipes F50, 100 in accordance with GOST 22689-89, discharge from pipes F110 in accordance with GOST 18599-2001/ “technical”.
Heating devices – bimetallic radiators “Santekhprom BM”, smooth pipes in accordance with GOST 10704-91.

Heating - Heating devices – bimetallic radiators “Santekhprom BM”, smooth pipes in accordance with GOST 10704-91.
Heating devices are equipped with automatic thermostatic valves. Heating pipelines should be made of steel water and gas pipes in accordance with GOST 3262-75;
Ventilation - Exhaust with natural impulse and air flow through windows with the possibility of micro-slit ventilation.
Ventilation of the boiler room is provided with natural impulse. The air flow into the boiler room is carried out through the louvered grille Fl.s. = 0.05 m2.;
Electric power equipment and electric lighting-In terms of the degree of ensuring the reliability of power supply, the building's electrical receivers belong to category 3, emergency lighting, electric valves and fire alarm devices belong to category 1.

The party project, aimed at developing and updating the material and technical base of rural clubs and cultural centers in cities with a population of less than 50 thousand people, appeared as a mechanism for executing the orders of voters received during the 2016 election campaign. Houses of culture in small populated areas most often are the only center additional education children and adolescents, leisure of the population, conservation and development folk art. More than half of all facilities (and there are about 35,000 of them in the country) are in need of repair, updating of outdated or lost material and technical base.

Despite this, creative groups, libraries, and club work are maintained and operate on the basis of these institutions. Therefore, the Party initiated the allocation of funds from the budget for the modernization of these facilities and offered the public a mechanism collaboration on the project, which makes it transparent, targeted and takes into account the opinions of residents.

Project implementation timeline: 2017 - 2019

Objective of the project:

Implementation of voters' orders to improve the quality of leisure and accessibility of cultural goods for all groups of the population
. Increase in the number of participants in cultural events
. The growth of club formations and circles aimed at development creative potential children and youth
. Preservation cultural heritage and local traditions

Creation modern conditions for organizing leisure time for rural youth

Project objectives:

Repair and modernization of local cultural centers

Ensuring the participation of the population in the processes of forming plans for the repair and modernization of local cultural centers and public discussion of their implementation with the involvement of experts, public activists, representatives creative teams and local population

Exercising public and parliamentary control over the progress of work and expenditure of funds

Resource support for project implementation:

Federal budget funds - 1.4 billion rubles. per year for the period 2017 - 2019, as well as financial resources of regional and local budgets, attracted extra-budgetary funds.

It is planned to allocate more than 30 million rubles for the implementation of the project in the Kirov region in 2018.

"Center of Culture and Leisure" Afanasyevsky District, Kirov Region

Municipal state-financed organization"Center for Culture and Leisure" Afanasyevsky District, Kirov Region / Afanasyevsky Urban Settlement, Afanasyevsky District, Kirov Region.

Will be held the following types works:

Repairing ceilings, floors, covering walls with plasterboard, painting, installing plumbing, laying internal sewer pipes

Cost of work:

Federal budget - 425,315 rubles.

The subject's budget is 22,385 rubles.

Local budget - 26,064 rubles.

  • "Center of Culture and Leisure" Afanasyevsky District, Kirov Region
  • "District House of Folk Art" of the Sovetsky District
  • "District Center for Culture and Leisure" of Slobodsky district, urban-type settlement Vakhrushi
  • "Podosinovsky District House of Culture" Podosinovsky District
  • "Centralized club system" of the Nolinsky district Tataurovsky rural house of culture
  • "Darovsky regional center of culture and leisure" of the Darovsky district
  • "Belokholunitsky House of Culture of the Kirov Region" Polomsky House of Culture of the Belokholunytsky District
  • “District club association “Leisure” of the Verkhnekamsk district Kirsinsky paradise. Leisure center"
  • “Sanchur centralized club system” Sanchur District House of Culture
  • "Tuzhinsky District Cultural and Leisure Center" Nyrovsky Rural House of Culture
  • "Tuzhinsky District Cultural and Leisure Center" Grekovsky Rural House of Culture
  • "Sunsky District Leisure Center" Sunsky District
  • "District House of Folk Art" of Yaransky district
  • “Verkhoshizhemskaya Centralized Club System” Punginsky Rural House of Culture
  • "Center for Culture and Leisure in Demyanovo Township" Podosinovsky District
  • "District Center for Culture and Leisure" of Bogorodsky District
  • "Falensky Central House of Culture" of the Falensky district

The object of study in this diploma work is the territory of the Petrovsky rural house of culture.

Purpose of the study. To develop a concept for the improvement of the multifunctional territory of the Petrovsky rural house of culture, which would meet modern trends and serve as a kind of urban space, having a modern appearance, not standing out from the general background of the rural landscape, and would attract young people to cultural life village

Objectives of the work: study and analyze analogues; divide the territory into functional zones; develop a scheme for moving around the territory of the complex, access routes, and placement of parking lots; provide for the arrangement of the territory with small architecture objects ( Street lights, trash cans, benches, sport equipment, children's complexes); change appearance facade.

The landscaped area has a flat topography, therefore it has a radial-ring system of paths. The building of the cultural center dominates the landscape. The design of the paths divided the territory into functional zones. To determine the functional content of the site, we started from the functional purpose of the cultural center building itself. The following zones have been formed: a mass entertainment zone, a free walking recreation zone, a children's zone, a sports zone, and a utility zone. Car parking is provided.

The mass entertainment zone is located in the western part of the site. There is a stage here that can serve as a concert and dance platform, as well as spectator seats.

In the southern part there is a free walking recreation area, where there are places to relax: outdoor chairs and sun loungers, which have long been used in parks and gardens in Europe.

In the south-eastern part there is a sports and children's area; the building of the cultural center will prevent winds blowing from the north. The sports area has a place for roller skating and skateboarding, a basketball court, a board games, a place for free sports games.

The utility area is located at the back of the building, where there is a public toilet for visitors.

The building of the cultural center needs reconstruction. The main material for the reconstruction of the cultural center is wood. The use of natural materials is typical for general image. The plastic form of the building is emphasized by arched structures. They carry several functions: load-bearing structures for street lighting, structures for climbing plants, places for rest - benches. The arches highlight the main alleys and form the entrance group to the house of culture. Children's play complexes, benches, tables and benches, arches, as well as stage paving and an auditorium are made of wood. The perimeter area is fenced for the safety of children and adults spending time on the premises.

Municipal educational institution "Grafovskaya secondary comprehensive school Shebekinsky district, Belgorod region"

Let's improve

House of Culture

School project

Leaders: Miroshnichenko G. I.

Novoseltseva V. A.

Shcherbakova N. A.

Participants: Belikov A., 10th grade student

Gridchina E., 10th grade student

Grafovka, 2014

    Introduction to the subject area (description of the “As Is” situation). Relevance of the project.

    General model of project implementation.

    Goal, tasks.

    Participants and partners. Project working group.

    Method of solution.

    Project implementation timeframe.

    Stages of project implementation.

    Expected results and their social significance.

    Available necessary resources.

    Project budget.

    Project risks.

    Factors and signs successful implementation.

    Project implementation timeframe.


Subject: Let's improve the House of Culture

Introduction to the subject area

(description of the situation “As is”)

Relevance of the project

“...The environment where we live, work, study, and relax is a powerful educational factor. It forms the foundations of cultural, spiritual and moral behavior of people, the feeling that we figuratively call “love for small homeland».

E. Savchenko

In our village, everything should be permeated with the desire for beauty, therefore, currently, much attention is paid to landscaping. Everything must be done to make the premises of the House of Culture and its territory attractive, somewhat magical. In and around the recreation center, every square meter should be used for education.

The area around the recreation center covers an area of ​​1 hectare. There is an unfinished building on it. The peculiarity of the location of our establishment is that it is located in the center of the village. Therefore, the condition of the territory of the House of Culture is always in the field of view of fellow villagers. This places great responsibility on the team to educate students, their parents and village residents careful attitude to the richness of the region, aesthetic taste and the ability to appreciate beauty.

The recreation center is located on the territory of the park, so the problem of landscaping the territory is urgent.

Work to improve the territory of the House of Culture acts as an effective means of forming ecological culture the younger generation.

Territory improvement activities are a universal means that simultaneously perform a number of functions: cognitive, developmental, spiritual and moral, civic personality development, and the function of designing one’s own activities.

By becoming participants in the project, schoolchildren try themselves in various social roles, which contributes to their successful socialization in society. The project is an effective means of developing an active civic position among schoolchildren and their environmental culture.

Project goals and objectives.

Objective of the project:


Disseminating knowledge among students about landscape design;
- mastering the skills of communicative culture, teamwork;
- development of analytical and critical thinking skills;
- formation of a sense of civic responsibility in decisions current problems local community.

When starting work, we analyze the situation on this moment in order to determine the most important issues that require a prompt solution.

After the problems are identified, work is carried out on the artistic design of the yard.

The presented mini-projects can determine the main directions for landscaping the yard:

Creating flower beds using modern elements landscape design;

Equipment for recreation areas;

Tree beautification;

Area lighting.

Based on mini-projects, the initiative group developed a project for improving the territory of the recreation center. The practical implementation of the project should be carried out in April-May 2014 by village residents, the administration of the rural settlement, a school, an outpatient clinic and other institutions. In the fall of 2014, the results will be summed up and tasks for the future will be determined.

General model of project implementation

Target project “Improving the territory of the recreation center”:

    comprehensive landscaping of the courtyard of the House of Culture;

    creating conditions for comprehensive development and youth recreation through the organization of patriotic activities for improvement and landscaping of the territory.


    develop and implement a plan for landscaping and landscaping the yard;

    create conditions for the active inclusion of students and pupils of all ages and their parents in social practice, in socially significant, feasible service activities through the holding of various competitions and events for landscaping;

    develop communication culture skills and teamwork;

    deploy modern technology creating flower beds, flower beds, vertical gardening, aesthetic design of the territory;

    disseminate knowledge about landscape design among students.

Participants and partners

Project working group

Area of ​​responsibility

Job title

Project curator

Krivoguzova N. A.

Deputy head of administration s/p.

Project Manager

Miroshnichenko G. I.

Novoseltseva V. A.

Shcherbakova N. A.

Teachers of MBOU “Grafovskaya Secondary School”

Project Administrator

Polyakova E. V.

Deputy school director for water management


Village administration, school, community, population.

Without the help of working youth, without the support of the school administration, the settlement, the village community, the population, parents, the head of the cultural center, sponsorship, we cannot cope, but still, we are aimed at final result and we hope it will be like this:

The territory of the village cultural center will be landscaped;

Favorable living conditions will be created in our village;

A humanistic developmental environment for the life of children and youth will be created, they will be provided with additional opportunities for self-development, self-affirmation, and self-expression;

Conditions will be created for the possible organization of a process of spending time together, contributing to the spiritual rapprochement of children and adults, the birth of common interests and hobbies.

Project implementation timeframe

Project stages

1. Preparatory (

2. Design (

3. Practical (

4. Analytical and correctional

5. Final(Comparison of actual and desired results of work. Transition to the next level of development), September 2014.

    Conducting an analysis of the ecological state of the territory.

    Start of the competition for the best mini-project for landscaping a recreation center.”

    Drawing competition “My Dream House of Culture”.

Action plan for the design stage

    Development of a collective project for improvement of the territory of the recreation center.

    Creation of a project team.

    Drawing up a plan for landscaping and landscaping.

    Labor landing for improvement.

    Tilling the soil and planting seedlings of flower crops on the territory of the recreation center.

    Creation of a recreation area (production and installation of benches).

    Fountain care.

Expected results and their social significance

Available required resources

To implement the project, we analyzed the availability of necessary resources. It turned out that we already have a certain part of them in the cultural center, and the rest needs to be purchased.

Water is an integral part of almost any harmonious landscape. Its attractive power is such that even a miniature pond, fountain, artificial waterfall or spring can decorate the landscape and bring a special spirit of peace and tranquility into the landscape. However, the role of water in landscape design is not limited to the aesthetic function. The microclimate of the site largely depends on the presence and nature of reservoirs. Water, moving or standing, increases the level of air humidity, which at any time of the year benefits both plants and people relaxing on the territory of the recreation center.

We decided to take advantage of this and studied the main types of landscape water features: ponds, pools, swamps, streams, canals, waterfalls, cascades, fountains, springs. And we settled on creating a fountain.

When studying paving coatings, we considered such materials as: natural stone, decorative tiles, clinker bricks, decorative and ordinary concrete, wood, grass, concrete slabs, ground cover plants. Wooden paving seemed more suitable for us, because... with its help we will create a common compositional solution.

One of the tasks of external improvement is to increase diversity and artistic expression open green spaces. The design element that solves these aesthetic, functional and utilitarian problems is small architectural forms. Their artistic qualities, careful manufacturing, expediency of placement techniques and composition influence the final result - the creation of a harmonious spatial environment.

On site there is:

    Unfinished building;

    Free space for placing flower beds, benches, a fountain, etc.

To implement the project we still need:

    purchase seeds and plant seedlings;

    purchase paving slabs;

    purchase benches and architectural elements.

Project budget

Name of materials

price, rub.

Number of packages. PC.

Cost, rub.

Petunia seeds

Salvia seeds

Morning glory seeds

Eschscholzia seeds

Thuja large


Maple Bordeaux


Name of materials

price, rub.


Cost, rub.


Architectural elements

Sidewalk tile

Requirement for petunia seeds

Central flower bed No. 1 75 m2, length 50 m, width 2 m

50 m x 2 =100 m

For 1 linear meter you need 7 plants.

Total required 100 m x 7 = 700 pieces

700 pieces: 15 = 40 bags.

25 rub. x 40 = 1000 rub.

Requirement for salvia seeds

For 1 linear meter you need 5 plants.

Total required 50 m x 5 = 250 pieces

250 pieces: 25 = 10 bags.

12 rub. x 10 = 120 rub.

Project risks

    Low student activity in working on the project

    Insufficient upbringing of children in the family, indifference of parents

    search for new sources of financing;

    carrying out work by students.

Factors and signs of successful implementation

Signs of successful implementation

    awareness by adults and children of the need for improvement and aesthetic design of the territory;

    awareness of the importance of the problem by parents and interest in the activities of most families.

Factors for successful implementation

    readiness to participate in project activities;

    desire and readiness of village residents and the public to participate in the work on the project.

Expected results

Project result

    Providing safe and comfortable conditions for recreation and development.

    Comprehensive improvement of the territory of the House of Culture.

    Formation of skills and specific skills in practical activities for improvement.

    Increasing interest among children, parents, and the population in protecting and preserving the natural environment.

    Organization of socially significant social activities schoolchildren.

    Creating conditions for the possible organization of a process of spending time together, promoting the spiritual rapprochement of children and adults, the birth of common interests and hobbies.

Result requirements

    Contributing to the improvement of the environmental situation through the organization of landscaping and landscaping work in the institution.

    Socialization of students through familiarization with specialties related to working with plants: floriculture, agriculture, soil science, garden design, floristry.

    Study of the main directions of work on the improvement of institutions.

    Study of modern domestic and foreign landscaping practices.

Users of the project result

All residents and guests of the Grafovsky rural settlement.


Results of the survey

300 residents of the village of Grafovka were interviewed:

    Would you like to take part in the improvement of the territory of the House of Culture?

75% of respondents wanted to participate.

    What landscaping elements would you like to include in the school grounds?

100% would include flower beds and flower beds in the appearance.

95% would place benches and architectural structures.

60% would pave the yard with paving slabs.

    Do you support the improvement initiative by diversifying flower beds and flower beds?

Everyone answered that, of course, yes.

    Do you think that a comfortable recreation area is needed on the territory of the House of Culture?

All survey participants believe that, of course, yes.

List of used literature

    Grigoriev D.V. Extracurricular activities schoolchildren. Methodical designer: a manual for teachers / D.V. Grigoriev P.V. Stepanov. - M.: Education, 2010. – 223 p. - (Second generation standards).

    Gospodnikova M.K. Joint educational projects.-Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.-152 p.

    Lebedev O.E. Competence-based approach in education // School technologies. – 2004. – P. 3-13

    Goryachev A.V. I’ll find out everything, I can do everything. A manual for project activities.-M. Balass, 2010.-64 p.

    Sapelin Yu.A., Lessons in garden design. Garden compositions, Publisher: Fiton +, 2008

    Lerner P.S. Engineer of the third millennium (evaluation criteria) - M.: Academy, 2005. - P.232-233.

    Intel@ "Training for the Future." Project activities in information educational environment XXI century: Textbook. manual - 10th ed., revised - M.: NP "Modern technologies in education and culture", 2010. - 168 pp. + CD

Internet resources:

    "Children's" flower bed

2. Project evaluation Improving the quality of education

View presentation content

School project

Leaders: Miroshnichenko G. I. Novoseltseva V. A.

Shcherbakova N. A.

Participants: Belikov A.

Gridchina E.

“...The environment where we live, work, study, and relax is a powerful educational factor. It forms the foundations of people’s cultural, spiritual and moral behavior, that feeling that we figuratively call “love for our small homeland.”

E. Savchenko

Basic goals and objectives

Objective of the project :

Creating conditions for the implementation of civil - patriotic education youth through the organization of patriotic activities of schoolchildren in landscaping and landscaping;


Development and implementation of a plan for landscaping and landscaping of the yard;

Dissemination of knowledge about landscape design among students; - mastering the skills of communicative culture, teamwork; - development of analytical and critical thinking skills; - developing a sense of civic responsibility in solving pressing problems of the local community.

Participants and partners





1-11 grades




  • carrying out sociological research, condition monitoring environment in the courtyard of the recreation center;
  • holding a competition “Let's improve the territory of the House of Culture” for the best mini-project for improvement and landscaping of the courtyard of a recreation center for students in grades 8-10;
  • holding a drawing competition “The House of Culture of My Dreams”;
  • attracting parents to assist in setting up flower beds and flower beds, purchasing seeds, growing seedlings and the public to provide charitable assistance;
  • acquiring the knowledge necessary for the successful implementation of the project;
  • dissemination of information among the population;
  • organization and conduct practical work for improvement and landscaping of the territory of the recreation center.

Project implementation timeframe

Social institution project


Mono project




(around the cultural center)



Long term


Project stages

1. Preparatory ( Motivation, goal setting of the project), September 2013

2. Design ( Construction of an indicative activity diagram), September 2013.

3. Practical ( Project implementation), April – September 2013

4. Analytical and correctional(Analysis of intermediate work results and making changes), May – August 2014.

5. Final(Comparison of actual and desired results of work. Transition to the next level of development), May-August 2014.

Plan events preparatory stage

  • Conducting an analysis of the ecological state of the territory of the House of Culture.
  • Start of the competition for the best mini-project for the improvement of the House of Culture.”
  • Drawing competition “My Dream House of Culture.”

Plan practical stage events

  • Purchasing seeds and growing seedlings.
  • Labor landing to improve the territory of the recreation center.
  • Tillage and planting seedlings of flower crops.
  • Creation of a recreation area (production and installation of benches).
  • Caring for planted flower crops.
  • Autumn work: collecting seeds, preparing seeds for storage, autumn tillage.

Expected results and their social significance

  • Comprehensive improvement of the territory of the recreation center;
  • Organization of socially significant public activities;
  • An integrated approach to the education of citizenship, patriotism, environmental and aesthetic culture, labor education;
  • Creating conditions for the possible organization of a process of spending time together, promoting the spiritual rapprochement of children and adults, the birth of common interests and hobbies;
  • Joining healthy image life as an important component of ecological culture;
  • Creating a humanistic developmental environment for the life of students, providing them with additional opportunities for self-development, self-affirmation, and self-expression;
  • Creating favorable living conditions.

Possible obstacles and ways to overcome them

1. Low activity of students in working on the project

  • carry out work to explain the need and importance of this problem; through various assignments, attract passive people to work; using the method of suggestion and persuasion to attract more participants to project activities.
  • carry out work to explain the need and importance of this problem;
  • through various assignments, attract passive people to work;
  • using the method of suggestion and persuasion to attract more participants to project activities.

2. Insufficient upbringing of children in the family, indifference of parents

  • at school-wide and class meetings, conduct conversations about the need to educate the child’s civic qualities; involve parents in participating in school-wide activities to improve the territory.
  • at school-wide and class meetings, conduct conversations about the need to educate the child’s civic qualities;
  • involve parents in participating in school-wide activities to improve the territory.

3. Inability of financially interested parties to finance the project sufficiently

  • - search for new sources of financing;
  • - carrying out work by the population.

Project budget

Name of materials

price, rub.

Petunia seeds

Number of packages. PC.

Salvia seeds

Cost, rub.

Morning glory seeds

Eschscholzia seeds

Thuja large


Maple Bordeaux


Name of materials

price, rub.


Cost, rub.


Architectural elements

Sidewalk tile

Cost of the improvement project: 191,180 rubles.

  • creating conditions for the comprehensive development and recreation of youth through the organization of patriotic activities of schoolchildren to improve and green the territory of the House of Culture;
  • students' acquisition of knowledge about landscape design;
  • acquisition by students of practical skills in landscaping and aesthetic design of the territory, skills of communicative culture, and teamwork.

We wish all participants in the competition for landscaping and landscaping projects to create beauty, convenience and comfort on the territory of the House of Culture, thereby realizing all your landscape fantasies.