Open your own nail salon. Manicure business: how to open a manicure salon

  • 21.09.2019

Do you have serious intentions to start providing nail services (manicure, varnish, extensions) at home? All the cards are in your hands.

Competition among manicurists and prospects

Although the business is full of competitors, the latter will be happy to make room: even if all your girlfriends and housemates are already doing manicures, there will always be a client. Of course, if you try hard enough.

Don't be under any illusions, this is not entertainment.

This job is not for you if you don't like it. However, there is hardly anyone who will say: “How can you not like this kind of work?” After all, this profession seems uncomplicated, creative, almost at the level of entertainment, from which you can make money. In practice, it is a routine that squeezes all the juices and energy out of you. To earn money, you have to work like a draft horse.

Easy start

Manicure training

Congratulate yourself, because you don’t have to study for 5 years at university and then work as a slave for a low-paying job in one of the city offices. A couple of months - and you can start earning money. Express courses are cheaper (about 100 USD), and will take no more than 2 weeks (usually a week). Any reasonable courses will cost a little more (about 200-300 USD), will take at least a month, but will become a much more reliable foundation.

The ability to use a search engine will give you addresses and phone numbers, prices and descriptions of dozens of training centers ready to make you a professional. The ability to think soundly will allow you to make the right choice and will protect you from the risk of giving money to “ Sharashka's office" Practical training is a priority, pay attention to this.

Diploma, certificate from a prestigious training center? It's not needed at all, like grades at school and university. Your clients are not inspectors, they will not check you, otherwise, kick the arrogant bitch in the neck, away from you. Economy class cabins, if you want, will accept you with any piece of paper. Premium salons will not accept you with any diploma until you gain a couple of years of experience. There is no point in overpaying for nail service training courses.


The cost of training is an investment and, believe me, a pittance, but very profitable, especially when you consider the income potential of a manicurist, in comparison with the earning potential of those who studied for 5 years as an economist in order to work as a cashier in a bank for a salary that is almost below yours.

However, in addition to a manicure, you will have to invest in tools and consumables - an amount comparable to no more than the average monthly wages, or the cost of a budget smartphone, but unlike the latter - a useless device, a manicure tool is your main asset that will help you make money.


A couple of hundred dollars, a month or two of training, and you can start “chopping cabbage” by working from home. Still, not so fast. You can’t do without practice, and that’s what we’ll discuss now...


The practice gained in training courses is nothing. You need girlfriends. If you are a sociopath and you don’t have girlfriends, our compatriots are unlikely to refuse a free manicure; finding them won’t be difficult. Take money for materials and get better at it: many dozens of hours of practice are what you really need.

You can get a job at a nearby beauty salon for a pittance; money is not a priority for you at this stage. First of all, you need to learn how to do a manicure, at least so that the client’s hands after you don’t look like a bloody mess.

The option of getting a job in a salon is more preferable. Here you will gain experience and gain new knowledge that will allow you to subsequently work for yourself, providing services at home.

Organizing a business from home

Official registration

Don't worry about it. You don't need registration. Tax office, sanitary and epidemiological station... Do you really think that they even care about you? They don't know about your existence, they are not interested in you. Your clients don’t care whether you have a state statement. registration as an individual entrepreneur. In the future, if you realize that you need this, contact any law office, they will help you register without unnecessary hassle for a nominal fee.


In your apartment - a good option if you have a couple of square meters of free space to organize a workplace. If you have the appropriate conditions and you don’t mind “strangers” at home, there’s no need to invent anything extra. Another option is to visit the client’s home. Tools and materials are placed in a small stylish chest.



So, mentally and physically you are ready to rush into battle. Perhaps you already have some clients. If not, it’s time to address this issue and the arsenal of tools for this is more than sufficient. The scheme is classic...

First of all – your loved ones, friends, acquaintances. It's time to start charging money for your time. Any work must be paid!

The second is the Internet. Notice boards, city websites and forums. Oh yes, social media– an excellent source of finding clients.

All this is absolutely free, does not take much time and... this is quite enough, there will hardly be a need to resort to other methods of attracting clients. However, there are also leaflets on lampposts, entrance doors, mailboxes, etc.

Regular customers

You do not grocery store. In order to make a profit, you don’t need thousands of buyers every day, and your main resource, time, is limited. Of course, the basis of business is nail service– loyal regular customers.

If your hands grow from the wrong place, you will very quickly earn a reputation as a master from whom you should stay away - it will be quite difficult to find clients. Otherwise, having once used your services, a satisfied client will probably stay with you for many years and begin to recommend you to his girlfriends.


There is hardly any point in writing about pricing. There is an average market price - you should focus on it. If you consider yourself a high-class professional, we take it more money; If you are not confident in your abilities or cannot find a client, we dump.

Your income depends on the level of your skill and ability to sell yourself, on how much you are willing to work. With a sufficient level of persistence, in the future, earning money from providing manicure services at home may be enough to good level provide for yourself or even your family together with a clueless and unemployed slacker husband.

Small concept nail salon(they are also called nail bars) have become popular in conditions of a shortage of premises for rent and due to the fact that many women often need the procedure urgently. Typically, smaller nail salons may also provide pedicures and offer a cup of coffee to the customer while they wait.

There are several chains of nail salons operating in Moscow and other cities that offer to purchase their own franchises. So, for example, a franchise of Lena Lenina’s network will cost 3 million rubles, a franchise of the “Fingers” salons, taking into account the down payment and investments in opening, will cost approximately 2.7 million rubles. A great partner will relieve you of the need to select equipment and materials for the salon (you will work with wholesale supplier networks), will help with promotion and finding clients. On the other hand, by opening your own salon, you can, firstly, save money, and secondly, you will not be bound by numerous obligations and instructions.

According to H&F estimates, opening a small manicure salon may require about 500,000-800,000 rubles; these costs can pay off in about a year.


You have to decide how many craftsmen will work for you, and, based on their number, look for premises based on 8-10 m2 per workplace for one manicurist. Pay attention to non-standard options - pavilions in shopping centers and premises on the first floors of business centers. It is in these buildings that your clients often spend time. Sanitary standards prohibit working in basements. Renting a room of 30-60 m2 can cost 40,000-90,000 rubles per month.


For lamps for extending and drying nails, as well as for various cutters, you will have to make several additional sockets for each workplace. Your salon should be clean and comfortable, but there are no special requirements for the renovation of the manicure studio premises.


You do not need to obtain a special license to operate a nail salon; you just need to register an individual entrepreneur and complete SES documentation. Rospotrebnadzor employees will help with the latter when they come with an inspection. All instruments used by craftsmen must undergo a sterilization procedure; departments can inform you about this and the procedure for carrying it out. You will also need to conclude an agreement on the disposal of fluorescent lamps.

Other expenses


As a rule, nail salon technicians work for a percentage of the cost of the procedure. Depending on the agreements, the salon itself may receive less than 50% of the price of each manicure. Everyone wants to get famous artists with an established client base, so that they don’t have to recruit clients from the street. Meanwhile, the manicurists themselves are reluctant to get a job in an unknown salon. Personnel costs should include payment for the work of an administrator (or two) and a cleaning lady.

Small equipment and fixed costs

The price of a manicure table ranges from 3,000 rubles to 50,000 rubles. It’s also not difficult to find tables that are even more expensive. For the table you will need to purchase cutters, lamps for nail extensions, hand baths, various stands for varnishes, creams and tools, and you may also need a manicure cart for storing other cosmetics. The cost of large equipment can cost approximately 100,000 rubles.

You will have to agree with the craftsmen on who will buy small consumables: varnishes, hand creams, oils, powders, antiseptics, napkins and nail files. If they want to work with your funds, their purchase will cost almost 100,000 rubles.


We would like to thank for their help in preparing the material: , the chain of nail salons “Palchiki” and the Nail bar company

Illustrations: Natalya Osipova

Looking for ready business plan nail salon with calculations? Then have you come to the right place? But first, a short introduction.

Is there a strict division of business into men's and women's? This question cannot be answered unequivocally - after all, for example, representatives of both sexes can open a grocery store with equal success. But there are also purely male activities - organizing a car service or car wash (a woman is unlikely to do this), and exclusively female activities - opening a beauty salon or a developmental children's center.

By the way, the beauty salon is the most popular destination among businesswomen today. Independence, stable income, a lot of free time - every woman dreams of this. But. Unfortunately, not everyone can make their dreams come true. After all, organizing such an institution will cost several million rubles. Does this mean that the path to this business is closed for those who now earn up to 40-50 thousand rubles a month? Not at all. After all, visiting a beauty salon today is an expensive pleasure for ladies, so many try to tidy up their appearance where such services are provided cheaper.

What if you take the services provided by a beauty salon, choose one or more of them, and open your own highly specialized center, where you can be your own boss and worker? For example, a nail salon. The time has come to realize your fantasies - below you will find a standard business plan for a nail salon with calculations, by adjusting which you can implement this project and achieve success.


This project is a business plan for a nail salon with a payback period of 3 to 6 months.

Project goals:

  1. creating a highly profitable enterprise;
  2. organization of obtaining a stable profit;
  3. satisfying the consumer market for the provision of nail care services.

Project funding source: own funds or bank loan

Form of reference entrepreneurial activity: IP

Total cost of the project: 200 - 400 thousand rubles (subject to rental premises)

Payback period: 3-6 months

Built into the calculations interest rate: 25 %

The total interest payments will be: 12.5 - 50 thousand rubles

The investor's income will be: 12.5 - 50 thousand rubles

Payments of loan funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of project implementation.

Main stages of the project implementation

The start of the project implementation is immediately after the acceptance of the business plan by the Customer, or after receipt of loan funds.

The main stages of the implementation of this project, the conditions and deadlines for their implementation are presented in Table No. 1:

Stage nameCondition to be fulfilledDeadline
Conclusion of an investment agreement1 month
Receiving credit fundsavailability of a package of necessary documents1 month
Business registration, preparation of necessary documentsavailability of a package of necessary documents1 month
Selection of premises 1 month
Construction or finishinggetting a loan1 month
Purchase and installation of necessary equipmentgetting a loan1 month
Hiring staff 1 month
Implementation of marketing policy 3 - 6 months + throughout the entire period of work

General characteristics of the project (description of the company and services provided)

Almost every woman, regardless of her age, strives to look, if not beautiful, then at least well-groomed. Let's think about what are the main criteria that determine a woman's well-groomed appearance?

  1. hair – cutting, styling, cleanliness;
  2. facial makeup – eyes, clean skin, lips;
  3. figure – slim, fit, energetic;
  4. hands – manicure, skin elasticity.

The negative impact of external factors is reflected in all of the above parameters, but the hands suffer the most. Cracked loose skin, broken nails with a “mourning” border around the edges, peeling varnish or the absence of it at all - all this indicates that the woman has stopped taking care of herself, and will definitely “scare off” the male representatives. But when “beautifying” a woman pursues three main goals:

  1. being liked by men (and all of them without exception) is inherent at the genetic level;
  2. surpassing other women is an exclusively female psychology;
  3. liking myself is a kind of “consolation prize”, like, I know that I look good!

Remember these factors - they will be useful to you in developing a marketing strategy to attract customers.

There is some opinion that due to the crisis that began in 2014, beauty salons have lost some of their clients. Is it really? Unlikely. This does not mean that women have stopped taking care of themselves. It’s just that, most likely, many of them moved to a “different price category”, that is, they began to use the services of either salons offering services at a cheaper price, or they abandoned comprehensive care and began to turn to specialized centers - separate manicures, separate hairdressing salons, makeup Many people apply it themselves.

This is why nail salons are now beginning to take clients away from beauty salons, which prefer that clients order comprehensive care. By the way, according to statistics, from 5 to 10% of visitors in major cities Those who want to have well-groomed nails are men.

Range of nail salon services

What types of nail care are most in demand among women today?

  • firstly, these are all types of manicure - classic, medical, European, American, Brazilian, French, Japanese, Spanish, SPA, hardware, hot, etc.;
  • most nail extensions different ways– tips (overlays), on forms, gel, acrylic, etc.;
  • coating with varnish and gel polish (or shellac);
  • care for nail cuticles and hand skin - circumcision, paraffin therapy, fish peeling, advice on the use of care products, etc.

Average prices for services in a nail salon (for Moscow) are shown in Table No. 2:

Type of serviceCost, rub
classic manicure (edged, without coating)500
European manicure (without coating)400
paraffin therapy400
men's manicure600
polishing nails300
removing nail thickness50
Shellac coating (plain)1000
design Shellac French1500
nail polish extensions1800
art design150 (one nail)
SPA manicure (hand skin treatment)350

A parallel direction in the business could be the sale of cosmetic products for hand and nail care, tools for self-care of nails, etc. In addition, with the development of technologies that make it possible to equip so-called mini-salons, many provide services, for example, nail printing, or other similar ones, at home - either at their place or at the client’s. In the capital, for example, mobile beauty salons () have now become popular - for extremely busy women.

Potential nail salon visitors

As noted above, all women without exception strive to look good. Another question is that not everyone can afford even the cheapest cosmetic procedures, preferring to do it at home. Therefore, you still have to determine the target audience of your salon.

Who will be your main clients?

  • the first age category is young girls from 17 to 22 years old - students at universities, “girlfriends” of rich guys, etc., who prefer something bright, catchy, that makes them stand out from other girls. Due to their youth, hand skin care is rarely ordered.
  • women aged 23 to 30 years, working. Prefer strict business style, classic manicure, skin care - occasionally.
  • women from 30 to 38 years old. Such visitors prefer “calm” tones; there is usually a large influx before the holidays; approximately every third person orders hand skin care.
  • women from 38+. They prefer comprehensive care for hands and nails.
  • men from 18 to 50 years old. The appearance of male persons in a nail salon in small town unlikely. In large cities it is either wealthy people, or non-traditional persons sexual orientation. Preferences: comprehensive hand care.

The registration procedure will be carried out either by telephone or when the client appears in person at the nail salon - in any case, competent advertising of the establishment is necessary. When registering visitors, it is necessary to take into account the nuances that some of them may not come or be late at the appointed time. Such moments and types of compensation for them must be discussed with clients, and the rules for rescheduling or canceling a session should be posted on the client information stand in the salon.

Salon status

Despite the fact that both elite manicure salons and salons for visitors with an average income level provide mostly similar types of services, their prices differ by an order of magnitude. Pricing is mainly influenced by the following factors:

  • salon location;
  • finishing and external design;
  • availability of personnel with different levels of training and skill;
  • the difference in hand care equipment (it is this factor, and not the professionalism of the masters in Lately is the main advantage and difference between categories of nail salons).

This project involves the organization of a nail salon for visitors with an average level of income - these are the ones who make up the largest volume of visitors in medium-sized (with a population of up to 500 thousand people) and small (up to 100 thousand people) cities.

Market analysis

According to experts in this field, the market for manicure services is currently no more than half full, and the greatest competition occurs in the “premium” and “elite” classes. This fact greatly facilitates entry into the manicure services market for entrepreneurs targeting clients with average incomes.

But even despite the fact that there are no serious players in this service market yet, there is a strong tendency to increase the number of nail salons - promising business rarely left without close attention those around you.

Marketing plan

As tools for attracting customers to your establishment, you can use a “standard” set consisting of:

  • creating a creative, memorable name and a bright, attractive sign;
  • distribution of leaflets and advertising booklets;
  • distribution business cards clients;
  • introduction of a discount system;
  • periodic promotions and discounts;
  • creating your own website and groups on social networks;

An undoubted advantage will be the initial reduction in prices for services in comparison with competing establishments. After increasing the flow of visitors and creating your own base of regular customers, you can gradually increase the cost of services. But it is very important to do this smoothly and motivatedly so as not to lose guests.

Production plan

The main asset required to organize a nail salon is the premises. The location has great importance for client traffic, so there is no need to argue about the price of a suitable area, otherwise they will simply find a more accommodating tenant.

Important factors to consider when selecting premises are:

  • first floor;
  • first line of houses;
  • convenient access;
  • availability of parking;
  • availability of cold and hot water supply, toilet, and heating.

The status of a salon for people with an average income allows it to be more flexible in determining its location than a premium class salon - a residential area or a business center has its own advantages and disadvantages for a manicure salon, which, in principle, balance each other out.

Ideal room option for this project– 2 or 3 room apartment on the 1st floor of an apartment building.

You will also need appropriate manicure equipment. Based on the experience of successfully operating salons, the purchase of everything the necessary tool and organizing one manicure place will cost 30-45 thousand rubles.

Organizational plan


When drawing up a work schedule, it is necessary to take into account the time allocated for each procedure. On average it takes from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. If you plan to work alone, this means that the manicurist is able to serve 5 to 12 people per day during an 8-hour working day (taking into account a lunch break, a short rest, and recovery from natural needs).

If you plan to hire 1-2 employees, the number of possible clients will increase accordingly. We also cannot refuse the option in which one or two equipped workplaces for manicurists will be rented to those who have work experience, but do not have the opportunity or desire to open their own salon.

Taking into account that during weekdays the majority of potential clients are at work, and have the opportunity to visit the nail salon only on weekends and after 5 pm, it would be advisable to make any days of rest for yourself during the week, and start the working day after 12 pm and finish at 20-21 hours.


In fact, almost all masters undergo the same training. The difference is that some studied better, some worse, some had more experience, others less. Some completed an internship in an elite salon, others took this job out of despair.

Although, with the search for personnel, if there are intentions to hire one, there will be no problems - the number of manicurists today is such that it is quite possible to arrange a selection on a competitive basis. However, it is strongly recommended that you work independently for the first few months (for which you take appropriate training courses), or with one employee.

Financial section

The forecast for the volume of services provided to the population and the expected revenue from their sales for the billing period is presented in Table No. 3:

Assessment of possible risks

All possible risks when doing business can be divided into two categories: external and internal. The first include:

  • increased competition;
  • deterioration of the economic situation in the country;
  • tax increases and changes in legislation.

To internal:

  • incorrect work of the staff (rudeness to customers, incompetence, lack of experience);
  • increase in rent for premises.


Based on the analysis of the project, we can confidently say that this business idea is currently very promising, has an average degree of risk during implementation, which can be minimized with appropriate control over the work of personnel and legally competent execution of the lease agreement. It is recommended that the proposed business plan be accepted for execution.

(votes: 2, average: 5.00 out of 5)

After deciding which method of doing business is best for you, you need to decide on the location of the future nail salon and the types of services that are most needed in the area.

For example, near the business center of the city, a nail bar with an accelerated mini format is in greater demand. Having looked at the premises for rent and agreed with the owner, conduct a survey of the population and research competitors for negative and positive aspects in this area. You need to enter into a lease agreement after registering and registering your business.

Investment size

Step-by-step instruction

The location most suitable for rent is selected. A meeting is held with the landlord and further cooperation is discussed. The most popular types of manicure and hand care are studied. There are quite a few of them, and the choice of a master when recruiting personnel will depend on what is the main demand.

For example, a salon near a student dormitory or university should focus on creative and trendy youth manicure. If there are many administrative and medical institutions nearby, the emphasis will be on classic and French manicure. Choosing prestigious areas, you need to be prepared for a lot of VIPs, accordingly, choose staff capable of doing manicures highest quality and be able to work with this category of clients.

After this, you need to issue registration, permits, correct the license and make repairs to the premises. It should be stylishly decorated and furnished with comfortable and beautiful furniture. After this, you need to purchase materials, tools and equipment, and do not forget to take the appropriate certificates so as not to have problems with the SES.

Equipment and materials

  • Paraffin furnace.
  • Ultraviolet or LED lamps.
  • Frasers with attachments.
  • Pedicure chairs.
  • Chairs for manicure.
  • Plastic baths.
  • Manicure tools (files, bars, brushes, tweezers, spatulas, scissors, brushes, etc.).
  • Towels, napkins, cotton pads.
  • Rollers under the arms.
  • Container for sterilization.
  • Gloves.
  • Slippers, bags, separators for pedicure.
  • Hanger for outerwear.
  • Varnishes, gels, acrylics, rubbing, degreasers, foil, rhinestones, stickers, etc.


When everything is ready to receive clients, you need to recruit employees. When starting your business, you should save on staffing, since revenues may still be small. A nail salon with 2 jobs requires: 2 technicians, an administrator, a cleaner and an accountant. You can hire 2 good craftsmen and a cleaner; the position of administrator can be occupied by a novice entrepreneur himself. It is easier to outsource accounting services to a third party company. For a certain fee, its specialists will conduct your accounting and tax reporting, and you will not have to pay contributions for an extra employee. Cleaning duties are often taken on by the cleaners themselves for an additional fee. Thus, the number of employees is reduced to 2 people. The wages of the craftsmen are calculated as a percentage equivalent from each client (from 30 to 50% by agreement).

If you decide to open a manicure salon in a rented area, it should have good traffic, and you need to focus on ladies and girls who are accustomed to taking care of themselves. The building must have good access roads, a public transport stop, parking nearby or the ability to park a car near the entrance.

The hairdressing salon or shopping center itself should be well-known and promoted, so as not to get into trouble and not engage in promotion yourself, since this is quite expensive and time-consuming.

It is advisable that there be a cafe, restaurant, tea house, coffee shop or, at worst, a pizzeria nearby. If there is no catering establishment, you need to consider the option of treating your clients with coffee or tea. This is an additional expense, but also a big plus for your competitiveness. Customers' expectations can also be brightened up with bright, current magazines about fashion, manicure and stylistic innovations. The following are suitable for opening a salon: sleeping areas; places close to business centers; trading platforms, where there are many shops and boutiques.


To open a nail salon from scratch, you need to register a business and open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Most often, they open an individual entrepreneur and use the simplified taxation system (STS) or the unified tax on imputed income (UTI). You will need to open a bank account and pay state fees. List of documents and permits:

  1. Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  2. License to carry out this activity.
  3. Permission from the SES.
  4. Permit from the fire department (if the landlord does not have one).
  5. Registration with the tax office.
  6. Registration with the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund as an employer.

The last point concerns hiring employment contract- this is the best option. Unlike most types of business activity, to open a nail salon large number no documents are required, but you need to be prepared for SES inspections, monitor employees’ medical examinations, have certain conditions in the salon area.

According to existing standards, the requirements for nail salons are as follows:

  • Each workplace must be allocated at least 6 square meters. meters.
  • All masters must have medical records and marks of regular examination by medical specialists (once every six months).
  • The salon must have a sterilizer and a sink or cooler.
  • At the end of the appointment, the master must disinfect instruments and furniture.

If the landlord has not taken care of drawing up contracts for the disposal of fluorescent lamps, solid waste, garbage removal, etc., you will have to do this. As a rule, such documents are in hairdressing salons, shopping centers or beauty salons, where you will rent an office, these agreements are concluded by the owners, these worries will not fall on the tenant. This circumstance serves as another advantage of renting versus buying your own premises, at least for the first 2-3 years.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

Beauty services invariably remain in demand, because ladies want to have an impeccable appearance, regardless of the crisis. Therefore, the provision of manicure services often attracts female entrepreneurs. Of course, open large-scale project Not everyone will be able to do it due to a simple lack of capital, but working at home does not require significant capital investments and, at the same time, brings good income. In this article we will look at how to get started nail business, is it profitable?

Real business project opportunities

Considering a large number of potential clients, doing home manicures is unlikely to be a loss-making business. The success of the business depends on how well the master masters the techniques and on the level of his qualifications. Another important point- a creative, non-standard and informal approach to nail design. You also need to know about all the classic and modern trends, which we described in detail in the article. Otherwise, even your favorite job will become a banal routine over time. Given the highly competitive market, you simply will not be able to stay afloat.

Over time, if things go well, you can develop and expand your business. And you need to start small, increasing volumes and rates gradually. The main thing is to form a client base. Provided you perform well, your network of clients will constantly expand. Gradually you will gain a reputation as an excellent craftsman.

According to reviews from entrepreneurs, the nail business is profitable and does not require significant initial costs. Now let's look at the standard algorithm for developing a business project.

First investments

Before you start a home manicure business, you still need to fork out a little money. The very first point is acquiring professional skills and training. You can gain initial skills at specialized nail service courses. Primary courses are usually two weeks long. The average cost of training is about 15-16 USD. e. A more in-depth “introduction to the specialty” will take several months and will cost you about 35-40 USD. e.

Important! When choosing a teacher, pay attention to the balance between theory and practical exercises. Naturally, practice and working with people is always a priority.

After you have acquired the necessary knowledge, you need to pay attention to honing your professional skills. Of course, you can do this at home, but find a job in a professional salon in your settlement- this is real luck. Firstly, you will be able to learn from more experienced professional craftsmen, and, secondly, you will be able to create a reputation for yourself as responsible, polite and good master, which fulfills orders “excellently”. Here you can meet your potential clients.

If you are planning your nail business exclusively at home, offer home manicure services to relatives or friends. Nail service is exactly the type of business activity that is good to promote through word of mouth.

Important! You can attract potential clients using ads in social networking groups.

Now your task is to fulfill orders beautifully, accurately and creatively. This will be your further activities. Now - about organizational issues nail business at home.

How to start a nail business from scratch? Legal issues

Build a profitable and growing business without registration individual entrepreneurship hardly possible. The best option would be to purchase a business patent.

The most difficult moment is completing all the necessary paperwork to open a nail business:

  • Practice shows that the most difficult thing is to obtain permission from the SES.
  • Legal business activities will also require the purchase of a cash register.
  • In addition to the conclusion of the sanitary station, you will need permit document from Potrebnadzor.

Important! As a rule, for the design of all necessary documentation it takes more than a month. You can use the services of professionals who will help you with the decision organizational issues in the nail business.

We equip the workplace

When planning to start a nail business, first of all, decide what is more profitable for you: going to a client’s home or accepting orders at home? Of course, it is best to combine both options. However, if you are satisfied with only one of these practices, this is completely acceptable.

For a home reception, designate one of the rooms as your workspace. A work table for manicure will be placed here, equipped with everything necessary equipment. Consumables can be conveniently stored in drawers and on shelves. It’s not bad if the client sees your arsenal of tools and materials and chooses the type of manicure himself.

Important! Required condition— allocation of an area for instrument sterilization. This is one of the conditions for obtaining permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station. However, obtaining permission from the SES to operate in an apartment is difficult.

If you are planning a nail business in the format of going to a client’s home, you will need a folding analogue of a manicure table and a locker for storing tools, accessories and consumables. A well-thought-out portfolio that will help the client make a choice will not hurt.

Purchasing tools

So, the ability to travel or receive clients at home eliminates the need to rent premises and associated costs ( wage staff, utility bills).

But no matter how hard you try, you can’t escape one investment: the purchase of tools. It is important that the tools are professional grade and of the highest quality.

Important! Remember: under no circumstances should you turn a tool into an article to save money. The entire result of your work, and therefore your competitiveness, depends on it.

You will need:

  • Ultraviolet lamp for gel and acrylic manicure.
  • Sterilization technology.

Important! We have also prepared a detailed article about this type of device with all the necessary information.

  • Hardware nail treatment systems.

In addition, you will need:

  • tools - tweezers, nippers, scissors, spatulas, scalpels;
  • consumables - shellacs, tips, gels, primers, varnishes, disinfectant liquid.

Important! Buying equipment for manicure at home will cost you approximately 1100-1150 USD. e. The cost of monthly replenishment of consumables will be 150-160 USD. e.

We form a client base

Advertising is an important point both when starting and promoting a business. First, offer free services to your friends. If everything went well, good feedback information about your work is guaranteed, and the word of mouth effect will begin to work for you.

Place advertisements on the Internet with real photos completed orders. Over a short period of time, you will be able to acquire enough clients to fill your work schedule. Both promotion methods are simple, affordable and do not require funding.

Important! Take the time to study the prices on the market. It is quite logical for a beginning master to set the cost of services slightly lower than the market average to begin with. The first clients can be served free of charge. Practice shows that this marketing trick works great.

Once you earn enough money, you can think about advertising flyers and advertising in the media. But think about the fact that it is unlikely that you will be able to serve more than 5 customers during the day. Therefore, when the number of orders begins to exceed your physical capabilities, this is a signal to expand your business. Of course, expanding the business will require new investments (renting premises, equipment for a nail studio), but the profits from a nail bar or small salon will far exceed the profits from individual activities.

Naturally, any business has its secrets and nuances. Here are some tips that experienced craftsmen share with beginners:

  • Try to create the most comfortable conditions for clients. Buy a few fashion magazines in case there is a line or there is a scheduling conflict.
  • Develop a good portfolio so that customers can choose the option that they like best.
  • Don't skimp on discounts. A system of discounts for regular customers will help you have your own customer base.
  • Improve your professional level. Continuously learn, monitor trends in the world of manicure. It is useful to start parallel development of hairdressing, makeup and even massage.

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