Vegetable stew: calorie content and benefits. How many calories are in vegetable stew? Vegetable stew: calorie content and benefits Useful properties of vegetable stew

  • 30.08.2024

And as a result, you get a bright and varied table. Today we want to talk about how many calories are in vegetable stew. Why did you decide to consider this particular dish? Because it is very tasty, inexpensive and quick to prepare. If you don’t have certain vegetables, it doesn’t matter. Feel free to change them for others and the result will be a new dish that is in no way inferior to the original in taste.

Preparation for calculations

If you are on a diet, then the calorie content of a dish is a very important indicator. In this case, the most advantageous option is stewed vegetables. You can afford a large portion of delicious food at any time of the day without worrying about your waistline. Today we will consider how many calories are in great detail so that you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Classic stew

We will have to give several recipes, since the final result depends quite strongly on changing the components. Therefore, it is impossible to definitely answer the question of how many calories are in vegetable stew. This is calculated based on the components of the finished dish per 100 g. Not only the calorie content of raw vegetables is taken into account, but also the method of preparation. Even boiled with salt, they become a little “heavier”.

The classic recipe uses zucchini and eggplant, onions and tomatoes. With such a mixture, it is easy to calculate how many calories are in vegetable stew. There are 25 kcal per 100 g, that is, even if you allow yourself a large portion at night, it will still not affect your figure.

Choose for yourself

Indeed, the nutritional value of a dish depends primarily on the request. You can easily calculate how many calories are in a vegetable stew without meat by adding all the ingredients together. We will present average figures, based on which we can already draw conclusions. 100 g of eggplant contains 24 kcal, white cabbage provides 28 kcal, broccoli - 33, green peas - 73. Zucchini is an ideal filler, as it contains only 27 kcal. Sweet peppers contain 25 kcal, carrots - 22, and onions and tomatoes - 17 each. Collect a whole pan of vegetables and you will have about 2.5 kg of delicious stew. The calorie content of the dish will be only 800 kcal. For every 100 g there are 36 kcal.

Do you like stewed vegetables? Many people prefer to sauté onions, carrots and other ingredients to enhance the flavor of the dish. However, then you have to add 900 kcal per 100 g. As a result, the dish becomes “heavier”, and accordingly the portion will have to be reduced somewhat.

Including broccoli in the recipe

All nutritionists advise consuming this unique vegetable as often as possible. It contains many macro- and microelements, improves digestion processes, and is an indispensable assistant during a diet. The thing is that broccoli, like chicken breast, has negative calories. What does it mean? And the fact is that from 100 g of product the body receives 20 kcal, and spends about 40 kcal on digestion. This is where the famous expression “eat and lose weight” lies. But we’ll talk about it a little lower, while we look at the side dish options.

We offer a very tasty, nutritious and satisfying recipe that is perfect as a side dish for lunch and as a substitute for dinner. Take green beans and broccoli, onions and cauliflower and vegetable oil. It is recommended to lightly sauté the vegetables and then simmer them in a deep saucepan. Let's calculate how many calories are in vegetable stew with broccoli. Depending on the degree of roasting, or more precisely on the amount of oil, calorie content per 100 g varies from 40 to 118 kcal.

Zucchini stew

If you are interested in the easiest side dish option, then you can assume that you have already found it. How many calories are in a vegetable stew without meat and butter can already be calculated quite accurately. The basis here is zucchini, they are peeled and then stewed together with tomatoes, eggplants, onions, carrots and spices. A thick-walled frying pan set over low heat is best suited for these purposes. Cooking time is about 40 minutes. The calorie content of the finished dish is 25 kcal per 100 g. It is perfect for dietary and therapeutic nutrition.

Stew with potatoes

On the one hand, such a dish has a richer taste, and on the other hand, it has almost twice as many calories. There are about 60 kcal per 100 g, and this is provided that there is no oil. But it fills you up faster, meaning it can be used as a stand-alone dish for lunch or dinner.

To prepare, you will need to take white cabbage and potatoes, onions and carrots, tomato paste and seasonings. First add the onion to the pan and add a drop of oil to give it a golden color. Now add all the other ingredients, add water and simmer until done. If you are wondering how many calories are in vegetable stew with blueberries, then we can easily answer you. It all depends on the availability of potatoes. With it, the calorie content rises to 60 per 100 g; if removed, it drops to 30 kcal.

Chicken stew

Not every man agrees to sit down to dinner without meat. To find a compromise between a dietary and a substantial dish, you can add chicken breast to the classic recipe. It's tasty, satisfying and very healthy. How many calories in If you use breast, then the dish turns out very light - about 50 kcal per 100 g. Legs and wings will add a little more. Then again everything depends on you. Stewing is a more dietary method, and when frying, the number of calories increases.

Cooking in a slow cooker

How do you feel about the dish preparing itself, without your participation? This is very easy to do; all you need is a kitchen aid such as a multicooker. You can add all the ingredients in the morning, turn on the delay timer - and she will prepare dinner for you when you arrive.

To prepare the stew, you will need to chop the onion and chicken fillet, lightly fry everything in a frying pan. Now put the meat in a slow cooker, add carrots and zucchini, cabbage and potatoes, seasonings and a little tomato paste. The dish will be prepared in the “stew” mode. It will take about 30 minutes and you can enjoy a delicious lunch. How many calories are in? By adding potatoes, you get a hearty dish that contains about 100 kcal per 100 g. By removing the starchy ingredient, you can lighten your lunch or dinner by about half.

Instead of a conclusion

Vegetable stew is a very healthy, simple and tasty dish. It will definitely be loved by all members of your family. Depending on your goals, you can independently adjust the calorie content of the finished dish. However, in any case it will be low. This means that vegetable stew should be on your table as often as possible.

Stew is one of the simplest options for both lunch and dinner, which does not require special culinary skills, and also does not have a single recipe or set of ingredients. At its core, pieces of vegetables, mushrooms, meat or fish are simply fried and then stewed with sauce, and all the ingredients depend only on the taste of the person cooking. Even the consistency is chosen at will: beef stroganoff, thicker roast, and even goulash - these are all stews. You can make it in a frying pan on the stove, in a slow cooker or even in the oven. Due to the various combinations, the taste of each recipe, as well as the aroma, is unlike any other. Vegetable stew is one of the best ways to include vegetables in your menu if you don’t have the strength to eat them raw or separately. And also if it is necessary to disguise certain foods that someone does not want to eat. Stew with meat is a lunch classic. Stew with fish is a little less common, but is highly valued by seafood lovers.

High nutritional value and the possibility of constant variety make this dish popular all over the world, transforming it into the traditions of national cuisine in each country. For those who are worried about their figure, it will be useful to know how many calories are in vegetable, meat, fish and mushroom stews, how to cook it correctly, what combinations are the most advantageous and how to make the calorie content of the stew safe for the figure.

How many calories are in stew

Due to the great variety of recipes, it is not possible to give a universal figure for the calorie content of a stew - vegetable, meat or any other. It floats in the range from 180 to 420 kcal, and how to calculate here? For at least some specifics, it is worth considering in detail the most familiar recipes, finding out the patterns of the main categories, and then, composing it to your taste, calculating the individual energy value of the dish.

Among meat stews, beef stroganoff is especially prized, consisting of beef, onions, butter, flour, low-fat sour cream and sauce. The calorie content of the stew in this case is 355 kcal, of which almost 70% is allocated to fats, 24% to proteins, and only 6% to carbohydrates. Moreover, as it becomes clear from the composition, the main “weight” comes from meat, followed by butter and sour cream. In general, most of the calories in the stew can be called healthy, given the beneficial effects of beef on the body, due to the high content of iron, which prevents anemia, potassium, phosphorus and sulfur. But given the level of cholesterol in it, as well as the butter and sour cream present among the ingredients, it is recommended that people suffering from vascular problems, especially those with hypertension, be careful with this dish. Usually beef stroganoff is served with potatoes, but this combination is difficult for the body to accept, and those who want to lose weight should give it up altogether. To protect yourself from the high calorie content of stew, it is better to combine it with broccoli or cauliflower, which speeds up metabolism and breaks down animal fats.

Fish and vegetable stew will clearly be less in calories than beef stroganoff. Seafood in general is much lighter than red meat, and given the presence of plant foods, the dish is easier to digest and convert into energy rather than excess fat. A significant share of the energy value comes from pink salmon or salmon, which form the core of the fish and vegetable stew: their calorie content is about 170 kcal per hundred grams. The rest is distributed among the selected vegetables: for example, you can take zucchini, red pepper and tomato, add a spoonful of vegetable oil, salt and onions to this. The calorie content of the stew in this case will be 142 kcal per hundred grams, and the energy value will be dominated by proteins and a small proportion of carbohydrates.

As for how many calories are in vegetable stew, without any additives, the question depends only on the preferred plant products. In addition to the already familiar ingredients “onion, butter, salt,” you can take potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, cabbage, parsley root, garlic, bay leaf and red sauce. As a result, you will get a mixture weighing 102 kcal per hundred grams, and in terms of reducing them, this figure is not the limit. And given the presence of pumpkin and cabbage, as well as garlic, there is no need to worry about metabolism and digestion. These products should always be present in the diet of a person who wants to gain or maintain slimness. And an almost record caloric value for stew is 50 kcal. It refers to the option without adding potatoes, consisting of zucchini, carrots, tomatoes and onions, with a spoonful of vegetable oil, salt and pepper.

Stew in the diet of those who watch their figure

After finding out how many calories are in a stew - vegetable, meat or fish - it seems that you can complete the topic, but that’s not all. The average numbers have been announced, the idea of ​​creating a menu is approximately clear, but what exactly is the best way to select ingredients for a dish in order to follow the ideal phrase for every woman: “eat and lose weight”?

Since the vegetable version of the stew has the lowest calorie content, preference should be given to it during weight loss. Ideal here are zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, and cabbage. It is better not to get carried away with potatoes, since they are quite heavy both in terms of the number of calories and in terms of their absorption by the body. To better combat fat, it is useful to add garlic or red hot pepper, and to normalize digestion - black peas. The highlight can be sesame seeds. If you really want meat, it is better to choose white poultry meat, it is most conducive to the process of losing weight. Potatoes, again, are not recommended to be added to it, but vegetables like pumpkin, eggplant or cabbage are a must. Then you don’t have to worry about the calorie content of the stew: the vegetable addition will do its job.

An excellent option, for example, could be roast in pots, which also belongs to the class of these dishes. Cut skinless chicken breast, one medium carrot, onion rings and zucchini into pieces. Add a teaspoon of sour cream to avoid excess dryness, salt and pepper, and pass the garlic through a garlic press. Those who want a very light dish can replace sour cream with a small amount of cold water. Due to its easy digestibility and high nutritional value, this variation on the theme of stew can be both a hearty dinner and lunch.

And you can even create an equally protein-rich recipe that doesn’t contain a single gram of meat. The whole point is in the red beans. It includes a potato, a couple of tomatoes, carrots and onions. There is no need to even add butter or sour cream: without them, the calorie content of vegetable stew with beans is lower, and nothing is lost in taste, nor is there any dryness. In addition, it is suitable not only for a diet, but also for a fasting table.

The most interesting thing is that 50 kcal is not the limit for the calorie content of stew. Vegetables with mushrooms can reach 29 kcal. It consists of asparagus, a little vegetable oil, water, zucchini, tomato and porcini mushrooms. You can cook either in a slow cooker or oven, or in a frying pan with a lid. This variation does not contain heavy foods, but it is no less filling than the previous version, and does not harm the figure at all. If desired, you can add seasonings to taste.

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Stew is called a dish of French cuisine. The principle of preparing this dish is quite ancient, and it is impossible to determine who prepared it first. Stew has a rich history and first appeared in ancient times, when people began to cook meat over fires, namely stewing it. Soon, various herbs and spices began to be added to the meat.

There are several types of stew:

  • vegetable;
  • meat;
  • fish (seafood);

But among these types there are also regional types of stew.

The most popular and widespread of them:

  1. Classic stew(French cuisine), prepared from chicken fillet;
  2. Exquisite stew. It is made from several types of meat, which are mixed in bechamel sauce. The stew has become popular not only in France, but also in many other countries around the world;
  3. Traditional stew(or fricassee);
  4. Zurich stew. National dish in Switzerland;
  5. Bolognese stew. This is an Italian dish that uses not only meat, but also a lot of vegetables;
  6. English stew prepared from vegetables and meat;
  7. German stew cooked with sausages, vegetables and legumes;
  8. prepared from vegetables with a small addition of meat;

In restaurants, the stew dish is served with meat at a ratio of 1 to 1. The food is quite thick due to the high content of sauce in it. The stew combines beans, kidney beans, mushrooms and chickpeas. Meat is often used in cooking, but you can do without it.

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Ingredients and preparation of vegetable stew

The cooking time for vegetable stew depends on what ingredients are present in it.

What you need to make zucchini stew:

  1. 2 medium zucchini;
  2. one large carrot;
  3. 300 grams of cauliflower;
  4. one head of onion;
  5. three small tomatoes;
  6. five cloves of garlic;
  7. four tablespoons of olive oil (sunflower can be used);
  8. chop dill;
  9. add salt and pepper to taste;

Vegetable stew can be a complete baby food, as it contains little fat and is low in calories.

Method for preparing vegetable stew with zucchini:

  1. Wash the cabbage and chop into thin pieces;
  2. Pour vegetable oil into a thick-bottomed pan, then heat it and add cabbage. Fry for ten minutes;
  3. Peel the zucchini, cut into small cubes and add to the cabbage;
  4. Cut the onion into half rings and grate the carrots on a coarse grater;
  5. Fry the onion in a frying pan with oil for five minutes, then add the carrots. After ten minutes, add the fried onions and carrots to the pan with cabbage and zucchini;
  6. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, then peel the skins, cut into small cubes, then add to the pan with other vegetables;
  7. Finely chop the garlic and add to the mixture;
  8. Add salt to taste and stir;
  9. Add any greens;

While cooking, you need to stir it constantly to prevent the vegetables from burning.

Variations of vegetable stew:

  1. Zucchini and eggplant. They make up the majority of the dish. One to one relationship;
  2. Potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots and onions. Tomatoes can be replaced with tomato paste. The dish is available at any time of the year;
  3. Beans. This is an additional dish. You can add onions and garlic;

Useful properties of vegetable stew

Vegetable stew is not only tasty, but also healthy! First of all, the benefits affect the state of the digestive system (stomach, intestines).

Useful properties of vegetable stew:

  1. Easily absorbed by the body;
  2. Improves intestinal function;
  3. Useful for gastritis and impaired intestinal motility;
  4. Rich source of vitamins and dietary fiber;
  5. Contains minerals:
  6. It is a therapeutic food for people who are overweight or obese and have diabetes;

Vegetable stew contains large quantities of fiber and B vitamins, nicotinic acid, ascorbic acid and vitamins A and E.

The dish not only saturates your body, but also cleanses the intestines of toxins. It is useful to eat vegetable stew with meat, it facilitates digestion and absorption of proteins.

Vegetable stew - calories and nutritional value

On average, vegetable stew contains 80-170 kilocalories, 5 grams of protein, 15 grams of fat and 6 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams. The dish is low-calorie and low-fat. Vegetables are the most beneficial source of energy for the human body.

Calorie content depends on what ingredients it contains.

Energy value of products per 100 grams:

  1. Potatoes – 78 kcal;
  2. Carrots – 31 kcal;
  3. Pumpkin – 20 kcal;
  4. Greens – 50 kcal;
  5. Cabbage – 35 kcal;
  6. Green peas – 45 kcal;
  7. Whole garlic – 150 kcal;

Vegetable stew contains 3 grams of dietary fiber, 130 grams of water and 0.5 grams of organic acids.


  1. Vitamin A – 2.7 mg;
  2. Vitamin PP – 1.4 mg;
  3. Vitamin A (VE) – 2260 mcg;
  4. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 0.2 mg;
  5. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – 0.2 mg;
  6. Vitamin B5 (pantothenic) – 0.9 mg;
  7. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) – 0.4 mg;
  8. Vitamin B9 (folate) – 17.1 mcg;
  9. Vitamin C – 14.3 mg;
  10. Vitamin E (TE) – 1.1 mg;
  11. Vitamin H (biotin) – 2.4 mcg;
  12. Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) – 1.9964 mg;
  13. Choline – 17.3 mg;

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Microelements found in vegetable stew:

  1. Iron) – 1.9 mg;
  2. Zinc) – 0.6477 mg;
  3. Iodine) – 3.8 mcg;
  4. Copper) – 154.9 mcg;
  5. Manganese) – 0.2828 mg;
  6. Selenium) – 1.1 mcg;
  7. Chromium) – 4.2 mcg;
  8. Fluorine) – 41.9 mcg;
  9. Molybdenum) – 12.7 mcg;
  10. Boron) – 165.6 mcg;
  11. Vanadium) – 70 mcg;
  12. Silicon) – 6.2 mg;
  13. Cobalt) – 3.9 mcg;
  14. Lithium) – 19.7 mcg;
  15. Nickel) – 21.4 mcg;
  16. Tin) – 1.3 µg;
  17. Rubidium) – 224.2 mcg;
  18. Titanium) – 13.6 mcg;
  19. Strontium) – 5.9 mcg;
  20. Zirconium) – 0.8 mcg;
  21. Aluminum) – 468.9 mcg;

Vegetable stew is a treasure trove of nutrients, an excellent dietary dish that has no contraindications. Vegetables contain a huge range of useful substances. The stew is ideal for those who are on a diet and consume a low amount of calories. Seasonal vegetables will be the best option for preparing this dish.

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Many modern people pay a lot of attention to their health, nutrition and figure, which is why they are interested in the energy value of their dishes. Vegetable stew with chicken, which is often not too high in calories, is a healthy lunch based on fresh vegetables and meat, and therefore mainly proteins predominate in it. Let's find out what the nutritional value of this dish is and how much it can vary due to the ingredients included.

How many calories are in vegetable stew with chicken?

The classic version of the stew usually consists of potatoes, young zucchini, fresh herbs, onions, bell peppers, seasonings and chicken. In 100 grams of such lunch you will count about 85 kilocalories - not so much, if you take into account that this includes vegetable oil.

A multicooker or double boiler will help reduce the calorie content of vegetable stew with chicken - you can not include vegetable oil in this method of cooking or reduce its amount to a minimum. In addition, steamed stew retains all the vitamins and nutrients.

But in a saucepan or cauldron they can be actively destroyed under the influence of high temperatures and boiling oil.

If you take 300 grams of vegetable stew with chicken per serving, then it will contain about 21 grams of protein, 15 grams of carbohydrates and approximately 12 grams of fat. Moreover, the most high-calorie ingredient will be vegetable oil - almost 770 kcal per 85 ml of product.

The second highest calorie content is chicken meat - about 690 kcal per half kilo of product. And, oddly enough, zucchini and potatoes close the top three most nutritious components: at least 180 kcal in the starchy vegetable (per 200 grams of product) and an average of 100 kcal in 400-500 grams of zucchini.

Chicken stew, calories

Product name Calorie content of the product (per 100 grams)
Eggplant 24 kcal
Zucchini 27 kcal
Potato 83 kcal
Polka dots 72 kcal
Cauliflower 29 kcal
White cabbage 28 kcal
Onions 43 kcal
Carrot 33 kcal
Bell pepper (green) 23 kcal
Radish 20 kcal
Parsley 45 kcal
Tomato 19 kcal
Dill 30 kcal
Garlic 106 kcal
Young green beans 32 kcal
Beans (cereals) 309 kcal
Sunflower oil 899 kcal
Chicken meat 165 kcal

According to this table, finding out the exact calorie content of vegetable stew with chicken will be quite simple: measure the volume of each ingredient using a kitchen scale and calculate the total nutritional value.

The benefits of vegetable stew with chicken

Stewing is a more correct heat treatment of food than frying. During simmering under the lid, vegetables are not exposed to such high temperatures, and therefore many nutrients and vitamins are retained in them.

At the same time, poultry stew, prepared by stewing, contains less vegetable oil, and therefore fewer calories.

Also, a dish that has been stewed or steamed is easier to digest by the digestive system and does not burden it as much, and therefore stew with vegetables and chicken can be offered even to preschool children.

In addition, proteins are the leaders in such a dish - this is a building element of our body, but compared to proteins, this stew contains almost half as much fat. If you prepare lunch taking into account the principles of proper nutrition, you can achieve an almost dietary stew with vegetables and chicken, which will contain no more than 45 calories per 100 grams of the finished dish.

Delicious stewed vegetable stew is a frequent guest on the table of a modern person. Vegetable stew is prepared by vegetarians and vegans; it can serve as a side dish for some kind of meat supplement. The main advantages of this dish are that you can cook it with almost anything, and it will turn out tasty, inexpensive and not harmful.

Calorie content of vegetable stew

The calorie content of vegetable stew will be calculated depending on the components of the finished dish per 100 grams. Not only the calorie content of raw vegetables is taken into account, but also how much higher it becomes when cooking some food. Even if you simply cook the product without salt, it will still slightly increase its calorie content.

When preparing a classic vegetable stew from zucchini with eggplant, onions and tomatoes, the approximate nutritional value and amount of kcal will be as follows per 100 g:

  • 24-25 kcal.
  • 0.7 g protein.
  • 0.3 g fat.
  • 4.8 g carbohydrates.

Energy value and calorie content may vary depending on how the stew was prepared. If the vegetables were pre-fried in vegetable oil (or it was added to the dish itself), the calorie content will be significantly higher than in a simple lean and absolutely light dish.

Calorie content is presented per 100 grams of the finished product, but one average serving per adult usually contains 170-200 grams. The nutritional value per serving doubles, but how many kcal it contains still remains acceptable for a dietary or simply healthy diet.

Stew with potatoes

The number of kcal in a dish prepared with potatoes will be twice as much as that prepared without it. So per 100 grams there are about 57 kcal. This vegetable stew will fill you up faster and can be used as an independent dish for lunch or dinner.

In order to cook, you will need to take:

  • white cabbage;
  • potato;
  • onions and carrots;
  • tomato paste;
  • seasonings and spices (herbs, black pepper, bay leaf);
  • frying pan with high walls for stewing.

The onion, together with coarsely grated carrots, is fried in sunflower oil until soft golden brown. Potatoes and cabbage are cut and added to carrots and onions. After 5-10 minutes, add tomato paste (two tablespoons are enough), and with it water. The fire is reduced to low, the mass is covered with a lid and simmered for 40-45 minutes until cooked. During the stewing process, spices and salt are added. After the mixture is ready, it should stand a little longer under the lid. After 5-10 minutes it will be ready to serve.

How many ingredients to add by weight or quantity depends on personal preference. Some people will like a mixture with a lot of potatoes, but others won't. Cooking time is also optional; you can simply check the degree of doneness periodically. It is the potatoes that will take the longest to stew, so it is recommended to check them.

Zucchini stew