The reason for the formation of the USSR is not. Education of the USSR: prerequisites, stages, significance

  • 14.10.2023

Ideological background. The October Revolution of 1917 led to the collapse of the Russian Empire. There was a disintegration of the former unified state space, which had existed for several centuries. However, the Bolshevik idea of ​​world revolution and the creation in the future of the World Federative Republic of Soviets forced a new unification process. The RSFSR played an active role in the development of the unification movement, whose authorities were interested in restoring a unitary state on the territory of the former Russian Empire.

National policy of the Bolsheviks. The national policy of the Soviet state contributed to the growth of trust in the central government. It was based on the principle of equality of all nations and nationalities and the right of nations to self-determination, enshrined in the Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia (November 2, 1917) and the Declaration of the Rights of Working and Exploited People (January 1918). The beliefs, customs, national and cultural institutions of the peoples of the Volga region and Crimea, Siberia and Turkestan, the Caucasus and Transcaucasia were declared free and inviolable, which caused an increase in confidence in the new government not only from foreigners in Russia (who made up 57% of the population), but also in European countries , Asia. The right to self-determination was exercised in 1917 by Poland and Finland.

The TSFSR played a major role in the formation of the USSR. The economic unification of all three Transcaucasian republics was important for all Russians. This association caused a heated debate. The main issue of the dispute was the principles of the NEP and the creation (unification) of states. The dispute was also about whether the principles of NEP were applicable to the unification of all republics. NEP demanded the restoration of state unity on the basis of a confederation. A unified management of the railways of Transcaucasia was organized. But the Bolsheviks underestimated the national question. A policy of forced rapprochement and unification of nationalities began. In July 1922, the FSSSRZ project was proposed. At the same time, the main powers remained in the hands of the republics. It was a union based on confederations. Ordzhonikidze was very dissatisfied with this. Stalin, like Ordzhonikidze, was a supporter of strict centralization. At the end of August, Stalin proposed a project in which he proposed “ adapt the form of relations between the centers and the outskirts to the actual relationships, due to which the outskirts must, of course, obey the center in everything.”

Throughout the rest of the territory of the former Russian Empire, national governments fought for national independence during the Civil War (including the Ukrainian Central Rada, the Belarusian Socialist Community, the Turkic Musavat party in Azerbaijan, the Kazakh Alash, etc.).

Political background. In connection with the victory of Soviet power on the main territory of the former Russian Empire, another prerequisite for the unification process arose - the unified nature of the political system (dictatorship of the proletariat in the form of Soviets), similar features of the organization of state power and administration. In most republics, power belonged to national communist parties. The instability of the international position of the young Soviet republics in the conditions of a capitalist encirclement also dictated the need for unification.

Economic and cultural prerequisites. The need for unification was also dictated by the historical common destinies of the peoples of a multinational state, and the presence of long-term economic and cultural ties. An economic division of labor has historically developed between individual regions of the country: the industry of the center supplied the regions of the southeast and north, receiving in return raw materials - cotton, timber, flax; the southern regions were the main suppliers of oil, coal, iron ore, etc. The significance of this division increased after the end of the Civil War, when the task arose of restoring the destroyed economy and overcoming the economic backwardness of the Soviet republics. Textile and wool factories, tanneries, printing houses were transferred to the national republics and regions from the central provinces, doctors and teachers were sent. The GOELRO (electrification of Russia) plan adopted in 1920 also provided for the development of the economy of all regions of the country.

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The policy of war communism in tandem with the consequences of the Civil War turned out to be very difficult for the state. An even greater crisis awaited the country in the future. Its first “bells” were traced in the Volga region, Siberia, Ukraine and the Caucasus with the participation of Cossacks and peasants. These and many other factors contributed to the formation of the new state of the Soviet Socialist Union of Republics. The main reasons for the formation of the USSR lie, first of all, in the economy, as well as in the foreign and domestic policies pursued by the state apparatus earlier.

The main reasons for the formation of the USSR

The main reasons for the formation of the Soviet Socialist Union of Republics include the following:
1. Foreign policy reasons.
The state, led by the Communist Party, was in dire need of the right to independence. The policies of hostile neighboring countries would contribute to an even greater deterioration of the economic situation. In addition, the small territory of the republics that would later become part of the USSR and the absence of a central government would not allow them to express themselves in the international arena. States, more than ever, needed a strong leader.
2. Economic reasons.
The geographical position of the republics that were part of the USSR determined the need to conclude trade deals and create economic ties. It should also be noted that the Civil War and Revolution significantly undermined the Russian economy. It was much easier and faster to restore it through the joint efforts of several republics. The economic foundation is one of the main characteristics of a strong state.
3.Territorial reasons.
The close proximity of the republics to one another was one of the main reasons for their unification into a single state. Thanks to this, the population has the opportunity to move freely within one large country, and the state has the opportunity to organize an uninterrupted supply of raw materials and goods between the republics.
4.Cultural and historical reasons.
For several centuries in a row, the republics that became part of the USSR adhered to almost the same traditions. The historical roots of the peoples were also similar. Thanks to this, the unification of different nationalities into one big power was painless for each of the peoples.
5.Political reasons.
The February and October revolutions in the republics led to changes in the system of the government apparatus, which had some similarities with each other. Party unity became a decisive factor in the unification process.
The prerequisites for the unification of the republics were formed over many centuries. That is why the opinion that the formation of the USSR occurred only thanks to the initiative of representatives of the party apparatus is considered erroneous. Naturally, their contribution to the formation of a single powerful state was still quite significant. National policy in Russia had one of the main meanings, since most of the citizens living on its territory had non-Russian roots. The Bolsheviks, like no one else, defended the right of nations to their self-determination.
The former Russian Empire included 185 nationalities and nationalities. Each of them had its own unique historical path. But having absorbed each other’s cultural heritage, they were able to unite into one strong state, which showed itself to be a true leader on the world stage during the period of its existence.

Date of formation of the USSR

The Soviet Socialist Union of Republics was formed on December 30, 1922. On this day, the first congress of ministers of the republics that became part of the USSR took place:
Ukrainian Republic.
Belarusian Republic;
Transcaucasian Federation.
The main documents confirming the process of merging the republics into a single state were the Declaration on the Creation of the USSR and the Union Treaty. The Treaty was based on the division of powers between the state authority and local government representatives. Everything else, except foreign policy and trade, communications, finance and defense, is entrusted to the management of the republics.
The All-Union Congress of Soviets became the highest state body of the USSR, conducting its active activities under the leadership of the newly-minted leader of the state in the person of V.I. Lenin.

1. A gift “with a secret” from Soviet schoolchildren.
Back in 1945, the American ambassador received from Soviet schoolchildren a very unusual wooden panel made of valuable wood. The image was based on the US coat of arms, which bribed the American to accept such a gift. However, the gift turned out to have a little “secret”. Neither the ambassador himself nor the schoolchildren knew that a listening device was installed in the panel. It was developed by Lev Theremin.
For eight whole years, intelligence services had the opportunity to listen to absolutely all conversations in the cabin of the American ambassador. When the bug was discovered, the device was handed over to the UN. The Americans positioned their find as clear evidence of intelligence activities carried out by the USSR. The very principle of wiretapping was unraveled a little later.
2. Hitler with a medal.
It is known that during the Great Patriotic War, the Red Army machine gunner Semyon Konstantinovich Hitler took an active part in the hostilities. For accomplishing this feat, the warrior was presented with the medal “For Military Merit.”
Subsequently, the “Feat of the People” database reported that the medal was awarded not to Hitler, but to Gitlev. It is still not known whether the fighter “changed” his last name on purpose or by chance.
3. “Plates on bones.”
Music banned in the Soviet Union was recorded on old X-rays. Fans of Western musical compositions could get the material completely free. The medical staff, on the contrary, were even grateful that they were helped to unload the archives.
4. Tax on childlessness.
From November 1941, childless men between 20 and 50 and women between 20 and 45 were required to pay a childlessness tax.
5. Belated" New Year.
The collapse of the USSR caused confusion in the political apparatus. The question of who should say congratulations on the New Year 1992 caused some difficulties. As a result, it was decided to entrust this important task to comedian Mikhail Zadornov. However, the satirist was so carried away by his speech that he finished his congratulations a minute later than the allotted time. This was the reason why the New Year of 1992 came later for citizens of the former USSR than for others.

Prerequisites for the formation of the USSR

Before the young state, torn apart by the consequences of the civil war, the problem of creating a unified administrative-territorial system became acute. At that time, the RSFSR accounted for 92% of the country's area, whose population later accounted for 70% of the newly formed USSR. The remaining 8% was shared among the Soviet republics: Ukraine, Belarus and the Transcaucasian Federation, which united Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia in 1922. Also in the east of the country, the Far Eastern Republic was created, which was administered from Chita. Central Asia at that time consisted of two people's republics - Khorezm and Bukhara.

In order to strengthen the centralization of control and concentration of resources on the fronts of the civil war, the RSFSR, Belarus and Ukraine united into an alliance in June 1919. This made it possible to unite the armed forces, with the introduction of a centralized command (the Revolutionary Military Council of the RSFSR and the Commander-in-Chief of the Red Army). Representatives from each republic were delegated to government bodies. The agreement also provided for the resubordination of some republican branches of industry, transport and finance to the corresponding People's Commissariats of the RSFSR. This new state formation went down in history under the name “contractual federation.” Its peculiarity was that Russian governing bodies were given the opportunity to function as the only representatives of the supreme power of the state. At the same time, the communist parties of the republics became part of the RCP (b) only as regional party organizations.
The emergence and escalation of confrontation.
All this soon led to disagreements between the republics and the control center in Moscow. After all, having delegated their main powers, the republics lost the opportunity to make decisions independently. At the same time, the independence of the republics in the sphere of governance was officially declared.
Uncertainty in defining the boundaries of the powers of the center and the republics contributed to the emergence of conflicts and confusion. Sometimes state authorities looked ridiculous, trying to bring to a common denominator nationalities whose traditions and culture they knew nothing about. For example, the need for the existence of a subject on the study of the Koran in the schools of Turkestan gave rise in October 1922 to an acute confrontation between the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the People's Commissariat for Nationalities Affairs.
Creation of a commission on relations between the RSFSR and independent republics.
The decisions of the central bodies in the economic sphere did not find proper understanding among the republican authorities and often led to sabotage. In August 1922, in order to radically change the current situation, the Politburo and the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) considered the issue “On the relationship between the RSFSR and the independent republics”, creating a commission that included republican representatives. V.V. Kuibyshev was appointed chairman of the commission.
The commission instructed I.V. Stalin to develop a project for the “autonomization” of the republics. The presented decision proposed to include Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia in the RSFSR, with the rights of republican autonomy. The draft was sent to the Republican Central Committee of the party for consideration. However, this was done only to obtain formal approval of the decision. Considering the significant infringements on the rights of the republics provided for by this decision, J.V. Stalin insisted on not using the usual practice of publishing the decision of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) if it was adopted. But he demanded that the Republican Central Committees of parties be obliged to strictly implement it.
Creation by V.I. Lenin of the concept of a state based on the Federation.
Ignoring the independence and self-government of the country's subjects, with the simultaneous tightening of the role of the central authorities, was perceived by Lenin as a violation of the principle of proletarian internationalism. In September 1922, he proposed the idea of ​​​​creating a state on the principles of a federation. Initially, the name was proposed - the Union of Soviet Republics of Europe and Asia, but was later changed to the USSR. Joining the union was supposed to be a conscious choice of each sovereign republic, based on the principle of equality and independence, with the general authorities of the federation. V.I. Lenin believed that a multinational state must be built based on the principles of good neighborliness, parity, openness, respect and mutual assistance.

"Georgian conflict". Strengthening separatism.
At the same time, in some republics there is a shift towards the isolation of autonomies, and separatist sentiments intensify. For example, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Georgia flatly refused to remain part of the Transcaucasian Federation, demanding that the republic be accepted into the union as an independent entity. Fierce polemics on this issue between representatives of the Central Committee of the Georgian Party and the Chairman of the Transcaucasian Regional Committee G.K. Ordzhonikidze ended in mutual insults and even assault on the part of Ordzhonikidze. The result of the policy of strict centralization on the part of the central authorities was the voluntary resignation of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Georgia in its entirety.
To investigate this conflict, a commission was created in Moscow, the chairman of which was F. E. Dzerzhinsky. The commission took the side of G.K. Ordzhonikidze and severely criticized the Central Committee of Georgia. This fact outraged V.I. Lenin. He repeatedly tried to condemn the perpetrators of the clash in order to exclude the possibility of infringement on the independence of the republics. However, progressive illness and civil strife in the Central Committee of the country's party did not allow him to complete the job.

Year of formation of the USSR

Officially date of formation of the USSR– this is December 30, 1922. On this day, at the first Congress of Soviets, the Declaration on the Creation of the USSR and the Union Treaty were signed. The Union included the RSFSR, the Ukrainian and Belarusian socialist republics, as well as the Transcaucasian Federation. The Declaration formulated the reasons and defined the principles for the unification of the republics. The agreement delimited the functions of republican and central government bodies. The state bodies of the Union were entrusted with foreign policy and trade, routes of communication, communications, as well as issues of organizing and controlling finance and defense.
Everything else belonged to the sphere of government of the republics.
The All-Union Congress of Soviets was proclaimed the highest body of the state. In the period between congresses, the leading role was assigned to the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, organized on the principle of bicameralism - the Union Council and the Council of Nationalities. M.I. Kalinin was elected chairman of the Central Election Commission, co-chairmen were G.I. Petrovsky, N.N. Narimanov, A.G. Chervyakov. The Government of the Union (Council of People's Commissars of the USSR) was headed by V.I. Lenin.

Financial and economic development
The unification of the republics into the Union made it possible to accumulate and direct all resources to eliminate the consequences of the civil war. This contributed to the development of the economy, cultural relations and made it possible to begin to get rid of distortions in the development of individual republics. A characteristic feature of the formation of a nationally oriented state was the government’s efforts in matters of the harmonious development of the republics. It was for this purpose that some industries were moved from the territory of the RSFSR to the republics of Central Asia and Transcaucasia, providing them with highly qualified labor resources. Funding was provided for work to provide the regions with communications, electricity, and water resources for irrigation in agriculture. The budgets of the remaining republics received subsidies from the state.
Social and cultural significance
The principle of building a multinational state based on uniform standards had a positive impact on the development of such spheres of life in the republics as culture, education and healthcare. In the 20-30s, schools were built throughout the republics, theaters were opened, and the media and literature were developed. Scientists have developed writing for some peoples. In healthcare, the emphasis is on developing a system of medical institutions. For example, if in 1917 there were 12 clinics and only 32 doctors in the entire North Caucasus, then in 1939 there were 335 doctors in Dagestan alone. Moreover, 14% of them were from the original nationality.

Reasons for the formation of the USSR

It happened not only thanks to the initiative of the leadership of the Communist Party. Over the course of many centuries, the prerequisites for the unification of peoples into a single state were formed. The harmony of the unification has deep historical, economic, military-political and cultural roots. The former Russian Empire united 185 nationalities and nationalities. They all went through a common historical path. During this time, a system of economic and economic ties was formed. They defended their freedom and absorbed the best of each other's cultural heritage. And, naturally, they did not feel hostility towards each other.
It is worth considering that at that time the entire territory of the country was surrounded by hostile states. This also had no less influence on the unification of peoples.

The emergence of independent republics on the territory of the former Russian Empire

In 1917, the Russian Empire ceased to exist. During the October Revolution, the Bolshevik Party overthrew the Provisional Government, beginning the construction of a dictatorship of the proletariat in the country through the power of the Soviets.

By the 20s. XX century was located on the territory of the collapsed Russian Empire. several state entities that were independent. In addition to the RSFSR (i.e. directly Russia in our usual understanding), these were the Belarusian and Ukrainian Soviet republics, as well as the Armenian, Azerbaijani, Georgian, Khorezm Soviet republics and the Far Eastern Republic, which was a democratic capitalist state entity.

Bolshevik ideas for unification

The Bolsheviks were convinced of the reality of their project of world revolution and the creation of a World Federative Republic of Soviets. That is why the unifying tendencies in the RSFSR were so strong.

Note 1

In November 1917, the “Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia” was published.

In it, as well as in the “Declaration of the Rights of the Working and Exploited People” of January 12, 1918, the equality of all peoples was declared, which was never achieved in the empire. The right to self-determination was declared, which was partly a way to unite a collapsing country. In addition, customs, beliefs and national cultures in general were declared inviolable. This affected the peoples of Siberia, Turkestan, the Volga region, the Caucasus, Transcaucasia, etc.

Note 2

Considering the world plans of the Bolsheviks, which stemmed from the theory of Marxism, the creation of an alliance to fight the world evil in the form of imperialism looks quite natural. Thus, on June 1, 1919, the Decree “On the unification of the Soviet republics of Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, and Belarus to fight world imperialism” was issued.

This meant the creation of a military-political alliance. The creation of such an alliance helped in overcoming the intervention and successfully ending the Civil War.

In theory, the Soviet republics were independent and entered into an agreement to join the RSFSR. Thus, autonomies were created on the territory of the Russian state on national, territorial and economic grounds. But already in 1922 Stalin I.V. came up with a centralization project, which Lenin rejected, considering it hasty. Lenin insisted on maintaining independent Soviet republics at this stage.

The Federal Union, according to Lenin, was optimal, because meant equal and voluntary association. In fact, the treaty federation already seriously limited independence, because Russian authorities were national, and the communist parties of the republics were included in the general RCP (b) (RSDLP (b) was renamed the RCP (b) in 1918 at the VII Party Congress).

Reasons and progress of the creation of the USSR

With the end of the Civil War, ties between the existing Union republics predictably intensified.

Note 3

The presence of the dictatorship of the proletariat in the existing republics and the introduction of public ownership of the means of production facilitated the task of creating a unified Soviet state. In addition, the unification was necessary to improve the economy, which had been in a difficult state for several years, and to conduct an effective foreign policy of the state.

All this prompted the creation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics according to the plan of Lenin V.I.

On December 30, 1922, the First All-Union Congress of Soviets opened its work. He accepted and approved the Treaty and Declaration on the Formation of the USSR. At the very beginning, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics included 4 republics: the RSFSR, the ZSFSR (i.e., the Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic), the Ukrainian SSR, and the Byelorussian SSR. At the congress, the Central Executive Committee of the USSR was elected, which was the supreme body in the intervals between congresses.

It is generally accepted that the Union was formed only thanks to the February and October revolutions, during which the tsarist government of Russia was overthrown. However, this is not entirely true, because even before these historical events, the states and territories that later became part of the USSR were not isolated from each other and developed in approximately the same direction. The reasons for the formation of the Union can be divided into several groups.


For centuries, the member states of the USSR adhered to similar traditions, in addition, they had the same historical roots. At least, a common culture united Russia, Ukraine and Belarus on the one hand, and the republics of the Transcaucasian Soviet Socialist Federation (Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan) on the other. The connecting link in this case was the multinational RSFSR.


The close proximity of the future union republics contributed to the unification, because in this way it was possible to become one state by simply opening the borders, formally preserving them. Thus, citizens of the new state could move freely on its territory, which also facilitated the transportation of goods and raw materials between the republics.


With such a geographical location, it was almost impossible not to conclude trade deals and create economic ties, but the economic foundation is one of the basic elements for creating a strong state. In addition, during the revolutions and civil war in Russia, the economy was undermined, and it was easier to restore it through joint efforts.


The rapprochement and unification was also facilitated by the similarity of the political systems that emerged after the February and October revolutions and party unity, because all the national communist parties that came to power in the republics were part of the RCP (b).

Foreign policy

States where the Communist Party won and came to power were faced with the need to defend their right to independence against hostile neighbors, something that many would not have been able to do alone due to their small territory, crippled economy and lack of a strong central government. In addition, in the current situation, states needed an authoritative diplomatic representative in the international arena.

The unification of states, thus, allowed them to solve the most important problems at that time and not go down the path of a constant violent change of power.