The lead singer of the group “Strelki” defends her husband, who was convicted of beating his mistress. A former singer from the group “Strelki” defends her criminal husband, who started a family on the side. WHO IS OUR HUSBAND?

  • 25.06.2019

In March 2015, the ex-“Strelka” again appeared on TV screens, although now without musical accompaniment. Her husband, Sergei Lyubomsky, with whom she lived in a civil marriage for 15 years and raised two children, was accused of attempted murder of his own mistress, who recorded not only beatings, but also knife wounds. Kravtsova tried to justify her husband, but in September he was sent to prison for seven years. Already in the pre-trial detention center, the singer married Lyubomsky and continues to strive to prove his innocence, appealing one court decision after another. the site persuaded Ekaterina (which, believe me, was not easy) to openly talk about her relationship with Sergei.

“Sergei and I have known each other for about 20 years. We went to school together, although he was a class younger than me. Of course, there was no relationship then, we just communicated. Then our paths diverged - I transferred to another school. We met four years later. Accidentally. We just walked down the street and recognized each other. That’s how it all started, at that time I was already in Strelka. Later, Sergei flew to America to study. I was bound by a contract, he was bound by his studies, so for a year our relationship took place at a distance. But on weekends he could drop everything and fly to me for a few hours.

"September 11, 2001. When I found out about terrible tragedy in New York, she almost went crazy - his institute was within walking distance from the twin towers. For five days I couldn’t get through to America. These were the most difficult five days - especially with my imagination. In my head I drew the most creepy pictures what happened. When I finally heard his voice and realized that he was alive, it was the greatest happiness!”

In the same telephone conversation, he said that he was flying to Moscow. I arrived at the airport and saw him with suitcases. He decided to quit his studies and return to Russia, which was a complete surprise to me. Over the course of a year, I got used to the idea that he was there and I was here. Sergei understood that no amount of persuasion would force me to move to America - here I had my own life and career, which I did not want to give up. So he dropped everything and came himself.

So we began to live together in Moscow. In 2002, when I was fired from the group, he was there. But then no one could get me out of the state in which I was. Of course, this was not the first loss in my life, but the first one so significant. I was in an emotional vacuum and for a long time I couldn’t get out of it. She kept repeating: “You don’t understand! It’s easy for you to say - you weren’t in my shoes!” Then the presence of Sergei in my life did not change anything, but only added disappointment.

“Later, I looked at everything from the other side and went into business - I opened a culinary business. Then Danka was born. Sergei and I chose the name long before pregnancy. Danila Sergeevich is the hero from “Brother”. Then Fedka appeared. At first I called my second son Nikita. And suddenly on the fifth day Sergei said that it was Fedor (smiles)».

For many years we lived together. Conflicts have happened, but who doesn’t have them? I have not seen a single family where everything is smooth. However, it seemed to me that we were doing well. They say that when a man cheats, a woman immediately feels it. Intuitively. It’s all the more surprising to me that for many years I had no idea about the existence of another woman in Sergei’s life.

I found out about the betrayal in June 2013. By accident. Our family is not in the habit of looking into each other’s phones; we have never set passwords. But then something clicked inside me - at night Sergei received a text message, I took his phone and read the message several times, still not understanding what was written there. At first I thought it was his mother writing. I re-read it. I re-read it again. Finally I realized that this didn’t look like my mother.

Then I found a photograph of a child - it was much worse. Cheating for me is an act that you can come to terms with. We are all people - impulsive, malleable. Especially men. Most betrayals happen out of stupidity. But the presence of a child indicates the seriousness of what is happening.

“I woke up Sergei and asked who was in the photo. He immediately replied that it was his son (the boy was born in 2011, - website note). I listened to him calmly, although it was only apparent calm - completely different emotions were raging inside me. I went upstairs, somehow waited until morning, gathered the children and went to see dad.”

Sergei arrived a week later, we talked for a long time about how we should live further. He assured me that there was no relationship with this “Ksyusha” (that’s the name of Sergei’s mistress - website note) he doesn’t have one, but he will provide for the child. He said that we were his family and asked for forgiveness. And I forgave. At that time, I thought not as a woman, but as a mother - I wanted the children to live with their dad. It was decided that I was returning, and he was doing everything possible to make me forget about the betrayal.

So we existed quietly for about six months, during which time if she appeared in our lives, it was only financial matters. I don’t know if she loved Sergei, but all her manifestations concerned one thing. It seems to me that it is low to destroy someone else’s family because of money. Everything will come back to her - I believe in the boomerang effect.

“Six months later, in February 2014, Sergei left me for her. It was not easy for me to accept this, but I did not try to return him. For what? I took a step forward, but there was no response. Our breakup did not affect the children: they also saw their father, as before. At first, the sons didn’t even realize that their dad no longer lived with them.”

They lived together for about a year. Before New Year holidays Sergei decided to return to his family. I didn’t ask anything then, but simply accepted him back. I was thinking about children, which may not be entirely correct. And my feelings for him have not gone away.

We decided to get married and looked for a church that would do it without a stamp in the passport. From the age of 15 I knew for sure that I would have three children: two boys and a girl. We have sons, and we were talking about our daughter. But higher power decided otherwise.

A month and a half after Sergei’s return, his conflict with Ksenia occurred (Ekaterina talks about an incident that occurred on February 2, 2015. According to investigators, Sergei was waiting for Ksenia at the entrance of her house. When she approached the apartment, he hit her in the face, breaking her nose, and then inflicted multiple stab wounds. Before that, he had threatened to kill her mother, - website note).

“When I found out about the beating, I was shocked, because such aggression should have been visible in Sergei’s behavior all the time. But I never noticed anything like that about him. It was the other way around: I, as an emotional person, could throw keys at him, hit him, but (!) I never received anything in response.”

It is difficult to say what exactly happened that day. I wasn't there. I know that Sergei was infuriated by the appearance of Ksenia’s boyfriend (we're talking about about Pavel Pyatnitsky, - approx. website). There are bad rumors about this man; there are many unpleasant facts about his life on the Internet. They're in free access, anyone can study and form their own opinion about a person.

Ksenia is raising a child, Sergei, and it is understandable that he was concerned about such a fan of hers. She personally sent him links to information about her boyfriend. For what purpose is unclear. But from the outside it looked like a provocation. Naturally, he felt the child was threatened. I assume that during the meeting she said something that offended him manhood and thus drove me crazy.

Yes, he really beat her, but his actions were considered many times more serious than what actually happened. About stab wounds, which are attributed to Sergei, I don’t know... She had a small abrasion on her face, but it is not known exactly where it came from. There is a medical examination, the report of which says that Ksenia suffered minor harm to her health. As a result, his actions were regarded as attempted murder... This defies any logic. I get the impression that someone tried to ensure that a more severe sentence was passed. What else to think when a criminal case is initiated under Article 116 (beatings - website note) and in three days it develops into article 105 (attempted murder - website note)?..

“The trial in Sergei’s case lasted from May to September 2015. For me, the worst thing was not even the day of the verdict - the worst thing was to hear at one of the hearings that the prosecutor was demanding a sentence of imprisonment for a period of 11 years and three months. This was the first time I cried. The lawyers tried to calm me down, they said that they would figure out how to get him out. I didn’t hear anything - the numbers 11 and 3 were spinning in my head.”

In the end, he was sentenced to seven years. The fact that the deadline was missed did not make it any easier, believe me. For Sergei’s actions, a fine of 5,000 rubles is imposed. Is there a difference - 5,000 rubles or 7 years of life?.. Yes, he did something bad, he hit a woman, but it’s not worth so many years behind bars.

When the proceedings in Sergei’s case were just beginning, he made me an offer through a lawyer, and I responded positively. 12 years later. To be honest, there was no particular romance in our decision to get married. By the fact that I became his legal wife, Sergei freed my hands. Until we were in an official relationship, I was not allowed to go on dates with him, and even the presence of common children was not an argument for the investigator.

We signed on April 25, 2015. I try not to remember this day - everything was so terrible. A day before the wedding, my friend convinced me to buy Wedding Dress. I succumbed to her argument that this was my first (and hopefully last) wedding. With difficulty, we finally found a suitable outfit, and the next day I went to the pre-trial detention center. An unpleasant atmosphere reigned: a million checks, searches at every step. I remembered one corridor along which I was led for the rest of my life. It is divided by bars: building workers, lawyers and visitors walk on one side, and prisoners are led along the other, and they are there like hunted animals. The 30 minutes I spent there was enough for me to understand what circles of hell they were going through.

“I was brought to the interrogation room, where the registry office employee and Sergei were already waiting. During the ceremony, his handcuffs were removed. In addition to us, there were two more guards in the room. They allowed me to put the ring on his finger, although I later took it off. After the wedding, we were not allowed to talk; he was taken away almost immediately.”

After the court decision came into force (this happened in January 2016), Sergei was transferred (transported in custody - website note) to Mordovia. Dates with him are regulated - no more than twice a year, that is, you cannot go to him whenever you want. We write letters to each other. The fact that he is far away complicates everything. I have an eternal bustle between courts, concerts, family, so there is no romance in my letters. I briefly describe what happened during this time, how his business is progressing, how the boys are growing up.

We didn’t lie to our sons about where their dad was. Maybe someone will judge me, but I believe that children should know the truth. There is no point in creating illusions - this is life. Once I even went on a date with them to the pre-trial detention center. When the sons saw dad on the other side of the glass, the eldest became hysterical, so we decided not to bring them anymore.

20 years ago, when the original seven members of the group were selected, they could not decide on a name for a long time. We chose from many options: “Alyonushki”, “Snow White”, “Lu-lu-toys” and others. But then, quite by accident, the choreographer came up with the idea - “Strelki”. And everyone liked it.

The group's first songs did not receive much response from listeners. Only in 1998, a year after the founding of Strelok, the famous “At the Party” was released, which won the hearts of the public, and it began... Then other songs appeared: “Handsome”, “You left me.” The girls from Strelok began to be recognized, and each of their next compositions became popular.

The composition of the group has changed more than once during its existence. Let's find out what the most are doing now famous participants"Shooter."

Julia Beretta – Yu-Yu

When Yulia was a member of Strelok, she was known under the name Glebova. After leaving the group in 2002, Julia actively took up her solo career under known pseudonym Julia Beretta.

Now Yulia is 39 years old, she performs solo, plays in the theater and acts in films. Her filmography includes such films as the television series “Cursed Paradise” (2006), the comedy “The Understudy” (2012) and many others. The singer is married and has a two-year-old son, Volodya.

Maria Solovyova - Mouse

Almost nothing is known about how the life of this beautiful girl turned out. Maria left the group in 1999. Later information appeared that Maria gave birth to two children from the writer and businessman Dmitry Lipskerov, with whom they were in a civil marriage, but in the end their union broke up.

Liya Bykova

Leah was a member of Strelok for about a year (she left the team in 1998). At that time, the girl was a student and, perhaps, it was her studies that became the reason for leaving, or the realities of show business were beyond the power of the young beauty. In 2000, Leah moved to Australia, where she still lives and raises her child.

Svetlana Bobkina - Hera

Svetlana left the Strelki group in 2003 and created her own musical duet, Bridge, but the project did not last long. A little later, Svetlana went into the acting field and starred in a number of films: “Moth Games” (2004), “Fifth Watch” (2013-2016), “Women’s Consultation” (2015), etc. In 2015, Svetlana returned to the golden cast “ Shooter."

Maria Korneeva - Margo

Maria, like Svetlana, left the group in 2003, becoming a member of Bridge. Then the girl completely disappeared from gossip columns and almost never appeared in public. All we know is that she got married and gave birth to a son. Maria also developed her own brand of jewelry. Since 2015, the singer has again been one of the soloists of Strelok.

New single “Strelok”, released this spring

Last February, Katya Kravtsova decided to rent out a three-room apartment in a good area of ​​Moscow. The realtor found a woman willing to pay 180 thousand rubles a month for housing on Mosfilmovskaya. Everything was agreed upon, and three months later the locks in the apartment were changed, the woman disappeared, and the living space became the property of a real estate office.

Building 8 on Mosfilmovskaya Street, where Strelka rented out an apartment

The building manager called me to find out if I had sold the apartment. Naturally, I rushed in with such eyes, and there the new owners were there with the commandant, showing a photocopy of the certificate of ownership. From that moment on, this apartment was no longer mine, but Capital Group Plus LLC.

By the way, when the TV people arrived At the address indicated in the documents of the office that bought the apartment, there was a cold warehouse in place.

Equation with two unknowns

Selling someone else's home, it turns out, is not so difficult. All you need: fake documents and a notary who will certify them. And then it's all in the bag.

As the police later found out, the passport with which the apartment was rented (above) was listed as lost since 2010, and the passport of the “sister” with which she was sold (below) was not registered at all

In order to steal Katya Kravtsova’s apartment, Bella Moiseeva, who lives with her, acquired a passport in the name of Elena Kravtsova (either the eldest or younger sister Kati). And then a power of attorney appeared, certified by a very real notary, according to which Katya transferred the rights to sell her apartment to a realtor (whom she had never seen before). Well, the realtor took care of everything: he collected the documents and sold the apartment to his “sister,” who, before disappearing forever, resold it to Capital Group Plus LLC.

Notary against the police

Currently, the soloist’s case is being discussed in several courts at once. So far we have managed to win, but representatives of the real estate office and the notary are filing appeals. Despite the fact that the check carried out as part of the investigation proved that the power of attorney certified by the notary Irina Agafonova was fake, she not only continues to work in Moscow, but also filed a counterclaim against Strelka for the protection of honor and dignity.

In August 2015, I came to “We Talk and Show” on NTV and told this whole story, and after the program, Agafonova sued me and NTV for insulting honor and dignity. We won in the Krasnogorsk court, and in the Moscow regional court this decision was overturned. Now we are writing a constitutional complaint to the Supreme Court.

Ekaterina Lyubomskaya (Kravtsova), group “Strelki”

At first, Ekaterina tried to deal with the notary on her own, but as a result of the conversation, she had to call the police.

When this whole situation with the locks happened, I went to the notary with a statement so that she would revoke the power of attorney. She greeted me as if she had known me all my life, although I saw her for the first time. I gave her an application to revoke my power of attorney and my passport. She said that she would not revoke the power of attorney, but grabbed the passport and ran to her office. I had to call the police, and the police forced her to return my passport.

We'll roll you away anyway

According to a court decision made in July, Katya can technically return to her apartment. But representatives of the real estate office working in the cold warehouse have already filed an appeal. And the trials will take a long time not only because of appeals.

The same power of attorney that was declared invalid during an examination carried out as part of the investigation. It is a rare case when a morphological examination gives an unambiguous answer to the signature - it is in no way similar to the singer’s signature

The power of attorney, according to which the apartment was sold by unknown persons to unknown persons, according to the conclusion of the experts, was not signed by Ekaterina. This was shown by the investigative examination. And it’s not even that the stroke placed underneath it doesn’t even remotely resemble the singer’s signature. She also has a cast-iron alibi - at the time she allegedly drew up the power of attorney, she was in the police department because of her future husband, businessman Sergei Lyubomsky, who was charged with attempted murder and was eventually imprisoned for 7 years.

My husband had a mistress, I don’t know what they didn’t share, but he hit her in the nose. At that moment, this woman had a boyfriend, whom she has now married, a certain Pavel Pyatnitsky. He was at one time Zhirinovsky’s assistant and constantly hid behind the fact that he was related to the Liberal Democratic Party.

In a white dress in a pre-trial detention center, Katya married Sergei

According to Ekaterina, whom the lawyers obliged each time to add that this was “only a value judgment,” this person associated with the LDPR is behind the entire operation of taking away living space.

When I had a confrontation with the owner's representative this year, someone called him. He immediately stood up: “Yes, Vladimir Volfovich, of course, Vladimir Volfovich.” Then he jumped out and talked about something. And after that, at a confrontation in the presence of two investigators, he uttered the following phrase: “We’ll drive you away anyway.” At that moment I just had a picture of what actually happened.

Because of Katya's troubles, interest in Strelki returned

Despite the fact that Ekaterina was recognized as a victim, and the power of attorney was not signed by Ekaterina Kravtsova, nothing has changed yet. The woman who rented an apartment on Mosfilmovskaya for 180 thousand a month never showed up. The realtor who sold the apartment never attended a confrontation; notary Irina Agafonova continues to work in the capital.

The head of the investigative department first told me: “Kat, there will be an examination, there will be a confrontation, well, we’ll see. We probably won’t attract her, but at least some action will take place in her regard.” But now the examination has passed, the confrontation has passed, and the notary is working.

It turns out that notaries are not responsible for anything at all, and no one is insured against their actions. And I or you may find out tomorrow that you no longer have your property.

But something did happen in Catherine’s life between court hearings and confrontations. After participating in one of the talk shows, where she told her story, her producer received a proposal: “Everything is in the disco of the 90s, but Strelok is not. Is it even possible to collect them?”

New-old golden composition "Strelok"

He called us and somehow the stars aligned and everyone, Margot, Gera, Tolya and I, said yes. I haven’t been on stage for 12 years, but now since July 4, 2015, our group exists again.

"Strelki" has already been released new song, and in the near future they promise two more, including with the rapper Ptah. Himself to work with legendary group I liked it so much that he put their joint song on his album, which comes out in September. The song, by the way, is sad, written according to the confession of Katya, who visits her husband in prison and lives from trial to trial, from the heart.

The Strelki group is a product of Russian show business in the nineties, when similar groups appeared almost every year. The girls competed for the title Russian Spice Girls" along with colleagues from the group. But the “shooter” was distinguished by the diversity of voices and the personal image of each of the participants.


The history of the creation of "Strelok" is vague. According to one version, the participants are representatives of the “golden youth”, whose rich parents helped them realize their personal ambitions. According to the second, the girls had to go through a frantic competition. And the third one is basically a fairy tale about Cinderella. Allegedly, the girls sang karaoke at a Turkish resort, and there producers Igor Seliverstov and Leonid Velichkovsky heard them. This happened in 1997.

The first composition of the group "Strelki"

The authorship of the name, which initially, again according to the version, looked like “Strelki”, belongs to the choreographer of the group. The first lineup included 7 people: Svetlana (Gera) Bobkina, Maria (Margot) Korneeva, Ekaterina (Radio Operator Kat) Kravtsova, Maria (Mouse) Solovyova, Anastasia (Stasya) Rodina and Liya Bykova.

In the same 1997, the singers recorded their first songs and presented them to the Soyuz studio. But the studio refused further cooperation. Then the company GALA RECORDS became interested in the group and offered a contract for three albums.

In 1998, the first changes occurred in the composition. Liya Bykova left the group, intending to continue her studies. For some time, a girl named Tatyana, a member of the ballet group, performed instead of her. In September 1998, Larisa (Fox) Batulina appeared.

Subsequently, an incredible leapfrog followed with the Strelka line-up, since at the same time there was a so-called second line-up of Strelka International. Although the participants of the “core” in interviews call the understudies an independent project.

Girls from both lineups periodically came and left from the first to the second. Only true fans can figure out how to change first and last names. By the way, it is unclear exactly which “Strelki” starred in the video for the song “Sexual Revolution”.

In October 1999, Anastasia Rodina left the group. The girl got married and moved to the Netherlands. At the beginning of 2000, Maria Solovyova went on maternity leave. Then, for two years, Salome (Tori) Kitia (Rosiver) and Svetlana Bobkina could be heard in the group’s videos and albums.

In 2002, Yulia Glebova left the Strelka group. Taking the pseudonym Beretta, the singer began solo career. Soon the producers of the group fired Ekaterina Kravtsova.

The 2003 video “Yugorskaya Dolina” starred Maria Korneeva, Svetlana Bobkina and Larisa Batulina. They were joined by Lana (Lulu) Timakova, Elena (Malaya) Mishina, Natalya Deeva and. In March of the same year, Mishina left and was replaced by Galina (Gala) Trapezova. After some time, Svetlana (Gera) Bobkina and Maria (Margot) Korneeva left the group at the same time. The girls created own project called "Bridge".

In October 2003, in a new video, Strelki appeared again with a new lineup: Larisa Batulina, Natalya Deeva, Oksana Ustinova, Lana Timakova and Galina Trapezova. Later, Nastya Bondareva and Nika Knight joined the “base”. Larisa Batulina left the team due to her age.

New line-up"Strelki" group

The American tour in 2004 took place in the composition of Kovalev - Deeva - Deborah - Knight. Timakova, Osipova, Ustinova, Dmitricheva, Trapezova went to France. The latter left the group in 2005, moving to the Wild Berries group.

By 2006, which is considered the year of the collapse of the group, Strelki came together as Timakov - Kovalev - Ustinov - Knight - Deev - Osipov. It is again impossible to speak with complete confidence about the date of the group’s demise. And all because until 2012, different “second” lineups and short-term associations performed at different venues former members team.

According to the girls themselves, the main work stopped back in 2002. The tastes and preferences of viewers have changed. Required dramatic changes in the style and music of the group, but the producers did not want to invest in an upgrade.

The unofficial “Strelok” period begins in 2006. Over the next six years, Osipova, Bondareva, Simakova, Ovchinnikova, Rubtsova, Evsyukova left the group. Aida Valiakhmedova, Olesya Levites, Ellina Tokareva and Deborah Natasha Chloe took part in both the main and second casts.


The first performance under the wing of GALA RECORDS took place at the Metelitsa club. Debut clip"Shooter" called "Mommy" was released in November 1997. A year later, the first album followed - “Arrows are moving forward” with the hit “At the Party”. The song took leading positions in the charts and received 2 awards, including the Golden Gramophone.

In 1998, videos were released for the songs “The First Teacher”, “ A holiday romance", "Happy New Year!" and "Moscow". The group received the Ovation Award as the best pop group.

In 1999, Strelki presented a video for the song “You Left Me” featuring famous actor and models Olga Maltseva. The hit became business card groups. A year later, the actor was invited to shoot the “Boomerang” video. The song of the same name was included in the album “Strelki 2000”.

In the same year, the album “Everything According to ...” was released, there were tours in America and Germany, a concert at the Olimpiysky, in honor of which Strelki opened an official website. At the same time, the clips “Thorns and Roses”, “I’m Good”, “No Love” were released. Working together“Strelok” became the video for the song “I’ll be back.” A sticker album with information about the group and photos of the members has been released for fans.

In 2000, the second Ovation Award followed, along with the biographical film Strelki Go Forward, the video for The Sun Behind the Mountain, and the scandalous Lovelessness. The latest video was awarded the Golden Gramophone, and the single was released in four versions.

In 2001, the album “Megamix” was released - a collection of previously released songs, several new songs and videos. In June 2002, the premiere of the album “Love Me More” took place with the hits “Vetochka” and “Forgive me.” Some of the songs were written by Svetlana Bobkina and. The album includes solo works by Maria Korneeva and Svetlana Bobkina.

In 2003, viewers saw the clips “Veterok” and “ Best friend" A year later, a tour took place in the USA, new songs were recorded (“Valentine”, “Rain is dripping”, “Bonfire of Letters”). Work began on the album "Odyssey", but it was never released. In subsequent years, “Strelki” shot several videos - for the songs “Heat”, “Don’t Go”, “Mama”.

From 2009 to 2012, Svetlana Bobkina and Yulia Beretta worked in the duet “NeStrelki”, but did not achieve fame.

In 2015, “Strelki” (Tori, Margot, Gera and Kat) were revived to take part in “Disco 90s”. Nostalgia for past success resulted a little later in the songs “A Man in Love” and “I Want to Be Thin,” which were also played on leading radio stations.

Strelki group now

Part of the gold composition in in social networks calls itself “Ex-STRELKI Hera&Margo&Katt”, started a page on Instagram. Girls perform on radio and television, at presentations, and in clubs. Before they could return, the team suffered losses again. This time Tori left. A young mother of three children refused to appear in a candid video for the song “It’s too late to love me.”

Composition of the group "Strelki" 2017: Svetlana Bobkina, Ekaterina Kravtsova, Maria Bibilova

In the fall of 2017, Strelki presented a video for the new song “Adrenaline.” The trio of Ekaterina Kravtsova, Svetlana Bobkina and Maria Bibilova (Kat, Gera and Margot) performed at the Moscow karaoke bar "Cinematograph". Maria, in addition, created her own jewelry brand B.B.Love.

Svetlana, under the name Bobi, is simultaneously working on a solo project. He posts singles and videos on his personal channel on YouTube. Other girls have had their lives outside of Strelok.

Sali Rossiver graduated School of Music them. Gnessin and acting course at the theater. Stanislavsky. He runs his own vocal school.

Yulia Beretta is a member of the Russian Film Actors Guild, graduated from GITIS. Her filmography includes 30 films and performances. Sometimes she performs solo as a singer and has recorded two albums.

Larisa Batulina (Lisa) lives in London and is a designer.

Nastya Rodina is also a foreigner, lives in Holland, and has three sons. Works as a yoga instructor.

Liya graduated from the Moscow Linguistic Institute with a degree in English and Chinese languages and moved to Australia. There she received a master's degree in finance from the University of New South Wales.

Maria Solovyova, Dirgen, graduated from GITIS, by training she is a director of the variety department, teacher-choreographer. Lives in Turkey with her husband and 3 children.


  • 1998 - “Arrows go forward”
  • 1999 - “Everything according to...”
  • 2000 - “Strelki 2000”
  • 2001 - “MegaMix”
  • 2002 - “Love me more”


  • 1997 - “Mommy”
  • 1998 - “At the Party”
  • 1999 - “You left me”
  • 2000 - “Boomerang”
  • 2001 - “Forgive and Farewell”
  • 2002 - “Twig Girl”
  • 2003 - “Ugra Valley”
  • 2004 - “Don’t Let Me Go”
  • 2016 - “It’s too late to love me”
  • 2017 - “Adrenaline”