A way to read other people's thoughts. Why can these people read minds?

  • 25.09.2019


From the point of view of physics, every thought creates an energy fluctuation in space. It was experimentally established that every thought has its own frequency, and the human brain, being the most powerful “biological computer,” can capture it. This problem has been studied very little. Many mechanisms of this process remain unclear, but one thing is clear - this process is possible under certain conditions.

If you want to learn from a distance, then be prepared for persistent and painstaking work on your own consciousness. First, you must learn to bring your consciousness into a state of absolute peace through relaxation techniques. You can also practice various types meditations.

When you learn to enter a state of rest, you will find that, despite the complete relaxation of the whole body, the brain continues to work actively. The flow of a wide variety of thoughts does not stop for a second. To hear your thoughts, you must learn to control yours.

To do this, perform an exercise that can be described as “complete silence” in the mind. You must stop thinking altogether. Block out all thoughts. At first you will be able to free your consciousness for just a couple of minutes, but over time you will improve your results several times over.

The third stage of preparation includes the exercise itself. Ask someone with whom you have quite a lot of shared experiences to focus and think about one of these events. Make sure that your partner sits comfortably in a soft chair, free him from extraneous noise and other distractions. Settle yourself nearby.

Use a progressive relaxation technique. But do not delay this process, because yours is not prepared for this kind of event and may simply fall asleep if you take too long to prepare.

Then clear your thoughts and try to catch what your experiment partner is thinking. After you see fragments of some event, you realize for sure that this is not a figment of your imagination, but some kind of signal from the outside, you can end the session. After the experiment, compare your guesses with the other person's thoughts.

On initial stages the planned event should be familiar to you - this is very important. It won't matter in the future. As you improve, you will be able to move further and further away from the person whose thoughts you are reading.

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  • is it possible to learn to read minds

Reading on distance- This is telepathy. It is used by parapsychologists and mediums. Any person can develop telepathic abilities. For this you need regular workouts, perseverance and self-confidence. There are a number of exercises that can help you learn to recognize thoughts on distance. They should be performed daily.


Exercise .
Ask absolutely different people any notes. Get some privacy. Relax. Try to stop your train of thought and not think about anything. Apply each one to your forehead one at a time. During this process, mental images of these people will begin to appear in your head. The essence of the task is that you must accurately imagine which note. This exercise helps to reveal telepathic abilities.

Exercise with an object.
Take an object that belongs to the person whose thoughts you want to know. Hold it in your hands. After some time, you should have images relating to this person. Over time, mental images of the person you are interested in will begin to come into your head. You will learn thoughts.

Exercise with .
It is aimed at training clairaudience, i.e. you can find out thoughts on distance, developing an unusual hearing. Take the watch. Retreat to a quiet place. Gradually move the watch away from your ear until the ticking sound is barely perceptible. Listen for a while, but no more than 10 minutes. By doing this activity regularly, you will increase the range of your auditory perception. Each time you must move the clock further away from you.
Gradually you will learn to pick up sounds that no one else can hear. you will listen thoughts.

Develop everywhere. You can train wherever you want. After all, the activities are completely harmless to others and are even invisible. If you are traveling on public transport, try to “read” who is getting off. Or, while walking along, mentally ask the person in front to turn around. You must do everything by force alone thoughts without performing any physical actions.

Sending a letter.
This is a rather complex exercise that requires concentration and energy expenditure. It must be carried out in a calm environment. Don't be distracted by foreign objects. Relax. Imagine an image of a person in front of you. Write him an internal message, i.e. you must clearly formulate the text of the letter. Now focus on the message and imagine that it has been received by the recipient. The main thing is to concentrate all the time on the letter and the image of the person. Remember that only constant hard work will bring success.

Who wouldn't want to learn to read? thoughts interlocutor? Such a skill, if feasible, would open up endless possibilities for effective communication. You can read a person like a book if you know the secrets of sign language.


Body movements and gestures almost always silently accompany human behavior. IN to a greater extent Gesticulation is characteristic of a communication situation. As a rule, each of us is not able to fully realize and fully control our nonverbal, nonverbal behavior. That is why body language becomes a powerful tool that allows, to a certain extent, "" other people's thoughts.

Of course, we are not talking about literally reading the thoughts of the interlocutor. However, research shows that the feelings a person experiences in at the moment, internal motivations, secret desires very often they break out in the form of unconscious movements, postures, and even in the timbre of the voice.

The widespread dissemination of interests in the area of ​​the unknown in our time cannot but ignore such a phenomenon as mind reading. Surely there is hardly anyone among people who does not periodically want to become the owner of this ability. In fact, a person who reads people’s thoughts is always protected from deceivers at home and at work, from various kinds of scammers, and is always able to give the correct answers to questions, win the lottery, and so on. But, unfortunately, most people are deprived of this ability. At the same time, there are those who claim that such a useful skill as mind reading can be developed with the help of various kinds of exercises and techniques. So people?


Transmitting thoughts is not easy oriental tale, is a phenomenon studied by scientific and parascientific organizations, parapsychologists, physiologists, physicists and other enthusiasts. There were experiments and research initiated even government authorities and carried out in the most modern laboratories. Accordingly, there is a special, specially developed terminology for this phenomenon. The very phenomenon of transmitting thought images, according to her, is called telepathy, and a person who reads thoughts is called a telepath. This is a narrow concept. In more in a broad sense A telepath is someone who can not only read someone's thoughts from a distance, but also put his own into someone else's head. Therefore, it is necessary to learn two more terms - inductor and percipient. An inductor is a person who is the source of thought. He can actively instill it in others or simply scroll it through his head - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the inducer is the one whose mental images are perceived. A person who reads people's thoughts is called, accordingly, a percipient - a perceiver.

For this article, these three terms will be sufficient.

The existence of telepathy

Many people doubt the existence of such a phenomenon as telepathy and similar phenomena. Moreover, they deny the opportunity to learn to read other people's thoughts. A person has the right to choose what to believe. This article does not aim to convince a skeptic of the reality of the phenomenon, and therefore various arguments regarding the question of whether it is possible to read people's thoughts will not be presented here. Let us assume a priori that it is possible, and devote further research to finding an answer to the question of how. This is the most productive approach to solving a problem: try and find out.

The nature of telepathy

Firstly, we must deeply understand the simple truth that today this has been practically proven by experiments. Therefore, we will not be far from the truth if we imagine a mental image as a series of waves emanating from a person’s head, like from a radio transmitter. Of course, the statement that thoughts literally float in space is technically somewhat simplified, but, in essence, it is quite true.

Secondly, if not from natural gullibility, then at least for the benefit of the matter, the existence of a common information field should be stated. Some scientists, for example Nikola Tesla, assigned this role to the ether, which supposedly fills the entire universe invisibly to humans. Others proposed even more fantastic hypotheses. The majority preferred to remain silent. One way or another, the general information field stores and displays, as in a mirror, the entire amount of information that is present in the world. Among other things, the thoughts of every person fall into this great universal archive. Interesting, isn't it? Let's move on.

From here theories are born about how you can read people’s thoughts - either by connecting to this universal information field, or by learning to directly record and process the flow of mental images emanating from the inductor’s head, or in some other way. There are arguments and supporting facts for each of these versions. But let psychics, parapsychologists, esotericists and others argue about this. Most likely, the truth is closest to the statement that in parallel there are several ways to make telepathic contact, as is the case with any other type of communication.

Unintentional telepathy

Most of us have unintentionally made telepathic contact more than once. More likely, most of We simply did not notice such episodes in our lives, because we did not have the opportunity to recognize the phenomenon. Think about times when you and your friend or spouse, or maybe someone else with whom you have a good close relationship, suddenly uttered the same words and even entire phrases at the same time. Or how exactly the same answers came to your mind when asked a question. Or suddenly a thought appeared in your head out of nowhere, and a moment later it was voiced by the person next to you. All this applies to cases of unintentional telepathy, when the consciousnesses of two people connect, vibrations and subtle mental rhythms are tuned to each other and a process of partial synchronization of two people, two minds occurs.

Attentive attention to such manifestations of the psyche and a detailed, scrupulous study of them is the key to success if you have a desire to learn how to learn to read people's thoughts consciously, intentionally and at the right time.

Preparing for Telepathy

It’s worth saying right away that there is no magic wand or pill that would allow you to transform overnight from ordinary person into a telepath. Anyone who wants to acquire mind reading skills will have to seriously work on themselves - on their body, on their mind, on their speech. At this stage, it is important to understand the fact that all mental processes in a person (like all life processes in general) are provided by subtle energy, called, in accordance with Eastern terminology, prana, and among domestic psychics called bioenergy. A person who reads people's thoughts is no exception. And the more prana accumulates in the body, the easier and faster the process of mastering paranormal abilities, such as telepathy, will be. And on the contrary, the less prana, the slower this process will go, if it even gets off the ground. Therefore, the first thing to do is to learn to spend as little prana as possible and collect as much of it as possible in the surrounding space.

Rules for accumulating vital energy

What does it mean to accumulate prana? It's simple. This means doing less of what consumes it, and more than that, which contributes to its accumulation. To be more specific, this means that you need to conduct healthy image life, avoid unnecessary sexual impressions and contacts, eat right (preferably a vegetarian menu, since meat poisons and burdens a person, taking away a colossal amount of vitality), spend more time in nature, don’t give in negative emotions, breathe deeply, talk less, refrain from emotional outbursts, study exercise etc., observing the principle of moderation in everything.

Order in your head

The next step is to put your thoughts in order. Since the process of thinking also takes away prana, meaningless muttering inner voice and you need to learn to turn off the dialogue with him. Regular practice of meditation and relaxation will help us with this, as well as exercises to develop concentration and concentration, for example, looking at one point or at a candle flame for a long time.

Affirmations and self-belief

Believing in yourself, in your own strengths, is a necessary condition to help you achieve success. If you do not sincerely convince yourself that you are a person reading thoughts at a distance, then your brain simply will not be able to remove the block and allow itself to consciously perceive information from someone else’s head. Therefore, every day, as often as possible, imagine that you have already achieved success, that you already know how to perceive and inspire mental images. Imagine this figuratively, as clearly as possible, and be sure to say some formula, like this: “I am a telepath. I read people's thoughts." You can choose the words yourself. The main thing is that the phrase should sound in the first person, in the present tense and without negative prefixes, that is, without any “not”, since the subconscious does not catch them.

Exercise to develop telepathy

Here's an exercise to help you understand how to read other people's minds. Choose a partner who will take the matter seriously. Choose a room where no one and nothing will disturb you. It is better if it is dark there (so that attention does not wander). Next, take a comfortable position with your back straight and relax. Inhale and exhale deeply several times. Your partner must also do all this. Then clear your mind of thoughts, stop internal dialogue. Focus only on your partner, give your brain the setting to perceive his thoughts. And let the assistant, in turn, think intensely about something. And then just wait. Over time, with regular persistent training, you will learn to exchange biofields with your partner and perceive his thoughts. There is no need to guess them - a clear vision will come on its own when you are ready for it.


There are other techniques for learning to read people's thoughts. They were developed in ancient times and continue to work on this issue today. There is no need to jump from one method to another if the first attempts did not bring visible success. Regular practice, unbreakable will and confidence in the result will ultimately ensure victory. Therefore, once you have found your method, be persistent and persistent in its practice. Who knows, maybe in the near future you will realize that you are also a person who reads people's thoughts.

The ability to read a person’s thoughts would also be very useful in the business sphere - to know what a business partner or boss at work is thinking about. It is believed that reading thoughts at a distance is a branch of extrasensory perception, an ability from the realm of the supernatural. But there is also an opinion that telepathy is an information exchange of energy, so with some training you can develop this ability.

1. Energy storage

To learn telepathy, you must first feel the internal forces of your body, accumulating energy. To do this you need to do the following breathing exercises:

  • Completely relax in a comfortable position.
  • Place your hands on your stomach to feel the location of your pulse.
  • At 4 heartbeats, take a deep breath, hold your breath for 2 beats, for the next 4 beats, exhale, then pause for 2 beats.
  • At the same time, you need to concentrate and imagine the flow of energy. Try to mentally see how a stream of solar rays rushes from space and is absorbed by your body, and then spreads over it.
  • If you perform the exercise correctly, you will soon feel a warmth or slight shiver spreading from the abdomen and lower back throughout the body.

2. Mental breathing training

This concentration technique is aimed at sharpening perception and developing sensitivity.

  • Take a deep breath and mentally imagine how oxygen penetrates the smallest pores of the skin, carries along the hairs on the body and forces them to press against the skin.
  • As you exhale, imagine how the air in the opposite direction slightly lifts your hair.

By training your perception, you will notice how you learn to see the world around you in a new way and respond to the slightest changes in the mood and thoughts of your interlocutor, as well as tune in to the flow of information coming from people.

3. Switching consciousness

The next stage will be training to manage your own emotions. For development telepathic abilities complete internal self-control is necessary, otherwise the acquired energy can escape out of control under the influence of emotions and will have a destructive force.

  • Concentrate your thoughts on a neutral object or phenomenon that does not evoke any emotions - the weather outside the window, a flower in a vase, philosophical reflections.
  • Then turn your thoughts to something that is pushing you into stormy emotional reactions– problems at work, a quarrel with a loved one, the loss of your favorite team, a noisy neighbor.
  • After a few minutes, try to suppress your emotions and think about a neutral subject again.

By doing this exercise, you will learn complete control over your emotions, which will be useful in any life situation.

4. First experience of mind reading

  • Choose the person closest to you spiritually from your environment.
  • Imagine that you want to help him and mentally ask him what he needs now.
  • Visualize in your mind the image of your friend as accurately as possible, imagine as if you are calling him, and he is listening. Once you feel a connection has been established, you can reach out to your interlocutors and receive responses.

5. Develop yourself

The capabilities of the human brain are limitless. Information can be received not only from other people, but also from the accumulated energy information field of the earth. Develop meditation techniques and various ways concentration. By freeing the stream of consciousness, you will gain access to information from the world around you.

If you want to master the basics of telepathy and learn to read a person’s thoughts even from a distance, then you will need several simple exercises which will allow you to achieve excellent results in this matter. Anyone can learn to read minds. To do this, it is not at all necessary to have any unusual abilities. The only thing you need is patience, determination and constant training. This is the only way you can learn to read minds.

Before you start training, you need to learn to focus on your emotional state and completely relax your thoughts. If you want to learn how to read minds, then you will first need to learn how to get rid of your thoughts. Otherwise, you will have no way of knowing what the other person is thinking. To do this, meditate daily.

Take a comfortable position, completely relax your muscles, close your eyes. Try to abstract yourself from everything outside world and from the thoughts that overwhelm you. Try not to think about anything for at least 10 seconds. Each time, try to move further and further away from your problems and what bothers you so much. In order to learn to read minds, you must be able to quickly enter a meditative state. Meditation will not only help you learn the art of telepathy, but will also in a good way relaxation and restoration of energy and vitality.

Once you learn to relax and let go of your thoughts, you can move on to exercises. They are not particularly complex. But one way or another, you will need endurance, perseverance and self-confidence.

Exercise one. Pick up any object that belongs to another person. Try to ignore all thoughts and focus only on this subject. Close your eyes and try to catch the person’s energy through this object. Images that are associated with the owner of this item should appear in your thoughts. If you use this exercise regularly, you will soon be able to recognize the train of thought of any person.

Exercise two. This exercise should involve another person who, at your request, will begin to think about an event. Your task is to focus on his thoughts and try to tune in to the images that will arise in your thoughts. Try not to guess, but to read thoughts. If certain images suddenly appear in your head, then try to build based on them full picture a person's thoughts.

Exercise three. This exercise is great for training mind reading skills at a distance. Take the ticking clock and retreat to a quiet place. Listen carefully to the sounds of the clock mechanism. Next, gradually move the watch away from your ear until the ticking is barely audible. Practice with the watch every day, and gradually try to move the watch further and further away from your ear.

Exercise four. Telepathy skills can be trained anywhere, anytime. For example, while walking, you might try to determine which direction a stranger walking in front of you will turn. If you are riding on public transport, try to find out the thoughts of the person sitting opposite or in front of you. Try to grasp the energy of his thoughts and find out at which stop he will get off.

All these exercises will help you learn to read other people's thoughts. In addition, thanks to these exercises, you will receive not only this skill, but also many pleasant bonuses in the form of developed intuition, self-control and the ability to quickly restore energy. The most important thing is not to stop there. If everything doesn’t work out for you, this does not mean that you are not capable of telepathy. You just may not be persistent and patient enough.

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Every person can change their life for the better by learning to trust their intuition and their own premonition. Certain...

“I want to learn how to read minds!” - such an idea has visited each of us at least once in our lives. After all, how simpler life would become if we knew what our interlocutor was thinking about! Many believe that the ability to read minds is in the category of superpowers and pipe dreams. But in fact, nothing is impossible in the world!

How to learn to read people's thoughts?

The logic of many things in life is quite simple. If there were no incidents, there would be no subjects of conversation. That is, if people did not know how to read each other’s thoughts, then no one would know about such a concept as telepathy. Moreover, it is not necessary to have special skills to gain the ability to read minds. Many of us have already done this. The process itself simply happened unexpectedly for us, and we did not have time to realize this fact. Remember how many cases there have been when, in stressful or other situations, superpowers awakened in a person - people began to run twice as fast, overcome any heights, or began to hear some voices. All these examples once again prove that a person has huge potential. The main thing is to try to reveal it in yourself.

So, is it possible to learn to read minds and what needs to be done for this? People who claim that mind reading is a real ability, as a rule, give quite specific recommendations for mastering the skill of telepathy. Let's start with the fact that mind reading is nothing more than an information exchange of energy. How to learn to read other people's thoughts using this energy? We all remember the famous expression that thought is material. That is, any fruit of a person’s thought process will fall into the flow of energy and become part of one information field. There are hundreds of examples in the world when, being in different parts planets, people saw the same dream about one grandiose event that was soon taking place. This also explains the so-called prophetic dreams. Our task is to learn to control our consciousness and gain the ability to capture a particular interlocutor from the general flow of thoughts.

A great way to learn to read other people's thoughts is to concentrate. For this, there are special breathing exercises, meditation and other methods created by the ancient yogis of India. Let's take a closer look at how you can learn to read minds with the help of someone close to you.

Before you start experiments with mind reading, learn to control your consciousness.

  • Using meditation and other relaxation techniques, you must master ways to bring your mind into a state of absolute peace.
  • Then you will find that even in a state of rest, the flow of your thoughts does not stop because the brain continues to work. Your task is to learn to manage your thoughts. To do this, try to create “absolute silence” in your head. Stop thinking, block all attempts of consciousness to create a thought. Over time, you will learn to turn off the flow of thoughts for a long time.

Once you have mastered these skills, you can begin the exercise itself:

As a rule, this exercise needs to be repeated several times before you learn to relax and see extraneous images and read other people's thoughts. Gradually, your partner can think about anything and move further away from you.

Having mastered this exercise, you will no longer wonder how to learn to read minds. Control your own consciousness and then you yourself will be surprised at what amazing abilities a person can possess.