Terminological dictionaries. Terminological dictionary See what a “terminological dictionary” is in other dictionaries

  • 01.05.2023


Library subscriber borrower") - an individual or legal entity registered by the library as its permanent user.

Automated information retrieval system "computerized information retrieval system") - And a PS implemented on the basis of electronic computer technology.

Aggregator (lat. " Aggregatio" - "accumulation") - the one who collects, groups objects into a category of a higher level.

Ambivalence (lat. " ambo" -"both" and " valentia" -“strength”) is the duality of attitude towards something, especially the duality of experience, expressed in the fact that one object simultaneously evokes two opposing feelings in a person.

Abstract (eng. " Annotation") - a brief description of the document, explaining its content, purpose, form and other features.

Arche- (Greek " arch-», "arche-", "archo-") is a prefix denoting: primary, primitive, inherited. Means "first", "original" or "relating to a previous form, stage."

Archetype (Greek “Archekhotoo” - prototype, from Greek. "arche" - beginning and "typos" - form, sample) - prototype, primary form, sample, initial model, etc.

Archi- (Greek " archi-") - one of the muses in ancient Greek mythology; beginning, root cause, primacy - usually the same as Arche-.

Library architecture is the space-planning organization of the library building and premises.

Archetype is usually the same as Archetype.

Atrium or atrium (lat. "atrium" from "ater" -“smoky”, “black”, i.e. a room blackened by soot) - the central part of an ancient Roman and ancient Italian dwelling, which was an internal light courtyard, from where there were exits to all other rooms. In modern architecture atrium called the central, usually multi-light space of a public building.

Basilica (Greek) "basilike" - royal house) is a rectangular building, divided inside by longitudinal rows of columns or pillars into several (usually 3 or 5) parts. The first basilica dates back to 180 BC. e.

Database (DB, English, "database") - a set of data sufficient for the stated purpose, placed on a computer (electronic) medium in a form that allows automated processing of the information contained in it.

Bibliographic Center (DB, English " bibliographic center") - an information center that performs the functions of production, collection, processing and dissemination of bibliographic information.

Bibliobus - simplified: a library on wheels.

Library (Greek “рф)ао0г|кг|” (“bibliotheke”), from “(3t(3?dov” (“YYnop”) - book and “0g|kt1” (“theke”) - storage place, repository) - an institution that collects and stores printed and written works for public use, as well as carrying out reference and bibliographic work; a cultural, educational and scientific auxiliary institution that organizes the public use of printed works. In English, the term “library” is “. library" comes from the Latin “libraria” - “bookstore”.

Library "library") - an information, cultural, educational institution that has an organized collection of documents and provides them for temporary use to subscribers, as well as providing other library services (Dictionary of Standardized Terminology for Information, Librarianship and Publishing, 2007).

Library network library network")- a library system united by a commonality of tasks, organizational decisions, and a number of common characteristics (belonging to a certain territory, founder, industry, etc.). At the current level of development of library institutions, its components are united by an electronic communication network to perform various library functions.

Library system library system") - a set of interacting libraries united under certain contractual or statutory conditions in order to more fully satisfy user requests, including through more efficient use of various library and information resources.

Library service "library service") - a set of different types of library activities to meet the needs of its users by providing library services.

Library building Library building") - a separate building or in the interior of a building for another purpose, intended to house everything necessary to perform the relevant functions of the library.

Library premises are premises for the work of readers, visitors and librarians: reading rooms, rooms for issuing books, reference and bibliographic apparatus, storage facilities, as well as for performing library processes (acquisition, library processing, bibliographic and scientific-methodological work, etc.) and cultural events.

Library point library service point") - form of non-stationary service; a territorially separate unit organized at the place of residence, work or study of library users.

Bookcrossing Bookcrossing") is a worldwide movement consisting of the free travel of books from one reader to another, in particular in the form of placing a publicly accessible small number of books in various places (at transport stops, in parks, on the streets, etc.).

Bookmobile bookmobile" - bookmobile) - this is how the first mobile libraries based on cars, and then microcars, vans and buses, began to be called in the USA.

Vending (eng. " Vending" from English " Vend" - trade through vending machines) - sale of goods and services using automated systems (vending machines).

Vertical placement of the fund - placement of the fund in vertical ( tower) multi-tiered storage facilities. Typically used for large funds.

Non-stationary library service outreach library service") - service to readers outside a stationary library, ensuring that library services are brought closer to the place of work, study or residence of the population in library points, mobile libraries by means of brigade, correspondence subscription, etc.

Horizontal placement of the fund - placement of the fund in storage facilities that are extended in length and width. It is used for collections of any libraries (small, small, medium, large and largest).

IPS (English) "information retrieval system" - information retrieval system) - a set of reference and information collections and technical means of information retrieval.

Library interior The interior of the library") - the internal space-planning organization of library premises and a complex of library equipment, perceived in the unity of functional purpose and aesthetic perception.

Information system "information system") - a system designed for storing, processing, searching, distributing, transmitting and providing information.

Information service information service") - provision of a certain type of information to the consumer upon his request.

Information service information service") - providing users with the information they need, carried out by information bodies and services through the provision of information services.

Information resources (English, "information resources"") - all accumulated information about the reality around us, recorded on material media and in any other form that ensures the transfer of information in time and space between different consumers; a collection of data organized to effectively obtain reliable information; may represent a nomenclature of various types of information stored in one or more libraries of one locality or other territory, for example, a country.

Information retrieval "information retrieval") - actions, methods and procedures that allow selecting certain information from a certain array of data.

Information Center "information center") - an organization that, as a rule, performs the functions of collecting, analytical and synthetic processing and disseminating information.

Informing information provision") - providing interested users with information.

Cataloging cataloguing") - a set of processes that ensure the creation and functioning of library catalogs. Cataloging includes: bibliographic processing, data entry, replication of catalog cards, work with catalogs (organization, maintenance and editing of catalogues).

Activity books (English: “The book-activity") - printed publications with games, puzzles, coloring pages, etc., encouraging children to engage in active thought processes.

Coworking "co-working" - working together) is a work model in which participants, while remaining independent and free, use a common space for their activities.

Cognitive (lat. "cognition"- knowledge, cognition) - a term denoting the ability to mentally perceive and process external information; in a broader sense, it means the “act” of cognition or knowledge itself.

Cognitive style (Greek. "stylos"- literally: writing rod) - relatively stable individual characteristics of the subject’s cognitive processes, expressed in the cognitive strategies he uses.

Communication communication") - controlled transfer of information between two or more persons and/or systems.

Constructivism (fr. " constructivism" from lat. "construction"- construction) is an avant-garde style in architecture (method, direction), developed in the 1920-1930s, in which the main artistic image is not composition, but construction. It is characterized by well-thought-out functional solutions, compact volumes with a clearly defined frame, and technical clarity of forms.

Content (English, "content") - information resources (content, information content) of a website on the Internet.

A conceptual model of a library is a model that expresses the structural and functional features of a designed or operating library. Includes the formation of goals and objectives facing the library being designed; characteristics of the readership; development of general principles for the formation and use of funds; determining the place of this library in the general system of the industry, city, region; sources of funding for library activities; structure of services provided to readers; main directions of mechanization and automation of library processes and principles of automated systems; general principles for the formation of library technology for creating human-machine structures, labor cost structures, etc.

Manuscript (Late Lat. "manuscriptum" from lat. "manus"- hand and "scribo"- I write) - a manuscript in the form of separate sheets or a scroll, regardless of its size and shape.

Madrasah (Arabic) "Madras" from " Darasa"- study) is a Muslim secondary and higher school that trains clergy and teachers of primary Muslim schools, as well as civil servants in the countries of the Near, Middle East and others.

Interlibrary loan is a loan based on the use of documents from the collections of other libraries in the absence of them in this collection.

Memorial memorial") - serving to perpetuate memory.

Minimalism minimalism") - a style in architecture that implies “nothing superfluous” - the construction of ideal forms and proportions, the design of space by playing contrasting color relationships and lighting in the complete absence of decor.

Modern (English) "modernist style» - modern style) is a style in architecture characterized by the desire to create both aesthetically beautiful and functional interiors.

Modernization (French) "modernization" from "modern"- newest, modern) - changes that occur in accordance with the latest, modern requirements and standards, for example, updating the appearance, technical equipment, production process, etc.

Navigation "navigation")- targeted navigation through documents using hyperlinks (“surfing”).

National Bibliographic Center national bibliographie center")- a bibliographic center that provides state registration and dissemination of information about the country's printed and electronic products.

Neo-constructivism (from the Greek " neos» - new and constructivism - see above) is a rarely used term that summarizes the style in architecture and various movements of avant-garde art that were revived during the period of postmodernism in the mid and second half of the 20th century.

Non-fiction (Italian) "non-fiction")- documentary (memoirs, biographies, travel, chronicles), critical and scientific literature, as well as encyclopedias, tutorials, etc., one way or another, based on facts, their descriptions and understanding.

Library equipment is a set of engineering structures, mechanisms, machines, devices, instruments and furniture necessary for the library to carry out its functions.

Main bibliographic record "main bibliographie entry") - a cataloging record that provides the most complete information about a document, ensuring its identification and search.

Parchment (German) Pergamen?", from Greek. "P?rgamos"- Pergamum, a city in Asia Minor, where in the 2nd century BC. e. parchment appeared) - a type of untanned rawhide of animals (sheep and goats) used for writing, as well as an ancient manuscript written on such material.

Mobile library "traveling" "mobile library», « bookmobile", etc.) - a library located in a specially equipped and equipped vehicle (bibliobus, etc.), changing its location in order to serve population groups geographically remote from the stationary library.

Personal data Personal data")- information about the facts, events and circumstances of a citizen’s life, allowing his personality to be identified.

The layout of library buildings is a system for the arrangement of premises of all library departments, corresponding to the content and sequence of library technological processes.

User (English) "user")- a legal or natural person (entity) with the authority to access the facility and information, including confidential information; visitor to a website or other web resource on the Internet.

Full text database "full text da?abase") is a text electronic database containing the full texts of documents.

Postmodernism (fr. " postmodernisme" - after modernism; English " pos?-modernism") - a style that characterizes the state of culture, art and society that emerged in Western European culture in the last quarter of the 20th century.

Information consumer information user")- a person or group that receives and uses information for their own purposes.

Program program"") - an ordered sequence of commands automatically executed one after another by a computer.

Library design is a set of processes that combine two areas of design: architectural and construction and library. The first ensures the design of the building itself, taking into account the data obtained as a result of developments in the second direction, based on the study of the socio-economic, scientific and technical conditions of the functioning of the designed library (social needs in this library, the composition of the expected readership, sources of financing for its construction and operation, level of material and technical equipment, etc.).

Union catalog "union catalogue"") is a library catalog reflecting the holdings of several independent libraries or the library network of a region (industry and even country).

Surfing "surfing" -"skating on the surface") - "travel" on the Internet from link to link.

Synesthesia (Greek: " synaisthesis"- joint feeling, simultaneous sensation) is a phenomenon of perception consisting in the fact that an impression corresponding to a given stimulus and specific to a given sense organ is accompanied by another, additional sensation or image.

Stationary library stationary (permanent) library") - a library with a permanent location and service area.

Telecommunications telecommunication"") - exchange of information between partners remote from each other in electronic communication through communication devices, carried out through computers; is most often part of other communication networks.

Universal Library "general (universal) library") is a library that satisfies a variety of reading needs on the basis of collections formed without thematic and typological restrictions.

Urbanization (lat. " urbanus» - urban) - the distribution of features and characteristics characteristic of the city, urban life; concentration of economic and cultural life in large urban centers; the process of increasing the role of cities in the development of society.

Urbanization of libraries - the creation of library cities, i.e., large library centers serving the significant territory surrounding them. Moreover, such a library may have branches in this territory, i.e. be an analogue of a large central library with the functions of cultural, social and other centers.

Forsyth (English) "Foresigh" - looking into the future, foresight) is a tool for forming priorities and mobilizing a large number of participants to achieve qualitatively new results in the field of science and technology, economics, state and society.

Freelancer (English freelance" - free spearman, free spearman, mercenary; figuratively - free artist) - a person who performs work without concluding a long-term contract with the employer, hired only to perform a certain list of works (freelance worker).

Hi-tech (English, "high tech") - a style in architecture related to rationalism, which consists of focusing not on colors or designs, but on the shape and texture of architectural details and interior items.

Centralized library system (CLS) "centralized library system") - a library association, which is an integral institution operating on the basis of general management, a single staff, fund, organizational and technological unity. The Central Library consists of a central library and branch libraries.

Library reader "reader") - a person who uses the library on the basis of an official entry in established documents.

Eclecticism (Greek “ek^ekikos” - choice, chooser) is a combination of various styles with different ideas and versatile views. In the interior, eclecticism is a combination of several directions and styles, combined into one design solution of color and texture.

Electronic edition «Electronic publication") - a publication that requires computer technology to use.

Electronic catalog (English: “Electronic catalogue”; “on-line public access catalogue”, OPAC) is a machine-readable (electronic) library catalogue, working in real time and made available to readers.


Bookmobile is a mobile library in a car, intended for use as a mobile library for off-site servicing of its users (visitors).

DRM Digital rights management", Sometimes “Digital restrictions management») - software or hardware and software that manages rights to electronic documents for the purpose of copyright protection. They allow you to intentionally limit or hinder actions with data in electronic form (copying, modification, viewing, etc.), as well as monitor unauthorized actions.

EPUB (English, "electronic publication"- edition) is a special e-book format developed by the International Digital Book Association ( International Digital Publishing Association).

ISO (English) "International Organization for Standardization") is an international organization for standardization.

OPAC (eng. " Online Public Access Catalog") - an electronic public catalog that operates in real time; a system designed to provide open access to electronic library catalogs and order selected documents via the Internet. In Russia there is a domestic system O PAC-Global.

QoS "Quality of Service") - guaranteed quality of service.

Quality of library service - quality of library service.

QR code (English) "Quick Response" - quick response) is a matrix two-dimensional barcode (bar code) that provides information for quick recognition using a camera on a mobile phone.

Telecommunications aggregator is an organization that collects and aggregates information about goods, services and their suppliers and provides it through a Web site.

WWW (English) "World Wide Web" - literally: "wide world wide web", global computer network) - an Internet application and service based on the principles of hypertext.

Rice. 4.6.

in Russia in 2012

Terminological dictionary

Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976 .

See what a “terminological dictionary” is in other dictionaries:

    terminological dictionary- A dictionary containing terms of any field of knowledge or topic and their interpretation. [GOST 7.60 2003] Publication topics, main types and elements EN dictionary of terms DE terminologisches Wörterbuch FR dictionnaire terminologique ... Technical Translator's Guide

    terminological dictionary- terminological dictionary: A dictionary containing terms of any field of knowledge or topic and their interpretation. Source: GOST 7.60 2003: System of information standards ...

    terminological dictionary- Rus: terminological dictionary Deu: terminologisches Wörterbuch Eng: dictionary of terms Fra: dictionnaire terminologique A dictionary containing terms of any field of knowledge or topic and their interpretation. GOST 7.60 ... Dictionary of Information, Librarianship and Publishing

    terminological dictionary- a dictionary containing terms of any field of knowledge or topic and their definitions (explanations) encyclopedic dictionary encyclopedia explanatory dictionary language dictionary ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    terminological dictionary- a dictionary containing a list of terms and their definitions... Explanatory translation dictionary

    Terminological dictionary- (glossary) a reference publication that explains the meanings of special words and terms used in any field of knowledge... Research activities. Dictionary

    50.1.031-2001: Information technologies for supporting the product life cycle. Terminological dictionary. Part 1. Product life cycle stages- Terminology 50.1.031 2001: Information technologies for supporting the product life cycle. Terminological dictionary. Part 1. Stages of the product life cycle: 3.7.12. (total) quality management: The totality of software and data... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    R 50.1.031-2001: Information technologies for supporting the product life cycle. Terminological dictionary. Part 1. Product life cycle stages- Terminology R 50.1.031 2001: Information technologies for supporting the product life cycle. Terminological dictionary. Part 1. Stages of the product life cycle: 3.7.12. (total) quality management: A set of software and... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    TERMINOLOGICAL, terminological, terminological (scientific). adj. to terminology. Terminological dictionary. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    terminological- oh, oh. terminologique adj. 1. Rel. to terminology peculiar to it. Terminological meaning of words. BAS 1. Standards for terminological creativity. 1932. N. Ya. Marr. // IOT 7. In their Parisian Russian publications for some time... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language


  • Terminological dictionary on foundation engineering, soil mechanics and soil science, Konovalov P., Konovalov V., Zekhniev F.. The terminological dictionary contains about 2 thousand basic terms on foundation engineering, soil mechanics and soil science. The dictionary provides not only a definition of terms, but also explanations of them...
  • Terminological dictionary-reference book for forensic expert, Yu. V. Galtsev, S. A. Smirnova, G. A. Ryabinin, V. V. Sibirev, V. V. Garmanov, A. Yu. Galtsev. The terminological dictionary-reference book for forensic experts contains about 3,000 interpretations of various terms and expressions most often used in forensic science (its general theory and...

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Answer :

Hello. We offer you the following materials: (sources – EC RNL, Arbikon database, Nigma information retrieval system)
1. Azheeva E. The new role of libraries in the information infrastructure of society [Electronic resource] // Reforms in Russia: regional problems: tr. scientific conf. participants in academic exchanges between Russia and the USA, Ulan-Ude, 2001. - Ulan-Ude, 2001. - URL: http://www.prof.msu.ru/publ/ulan-ude/u15.htm (10.09. 08).
2. Library and librarian in the modern world: collection. Art. / Kazan. state acad. culture and arts, Rep. honey. bibli.-inform. Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic Tatarstan; edited by Klyuchenko T.I. – Kazan: Medicine, 1999. – 208 p.
3. Library and society: new things in interaction: materials of the seminar (December 2-3, 1993 Moscow) / L.M. Inkova. – M.: B.I, 1994. – 93 p.
4. Bubekina N.V. Reflections on the educational function of libraries // Bibliotekovedenie. – 2000. – No. 5. – pp. 29–36.
5. Genieva E. Where is Russia moving? The role of libraries in the transformation of the state // B-ka. – 2000. – No. 8. – P. 6–9.
6. Evstigneeva G.A. Scientific library in the information society // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. – 2004. - No. 8. – P. 5-15. – Bibliography: p. 15. (9 titles).
7. Zhadko N.V. Status and functions of the library // Ibid. - 1994. - No. 3. - P. 3-12.
8. Zaitsev V.N. Priorities for the development of Russian libraries // Bibl. life of Kuzbass. – 2001. – No. 1. – pp. 23–27.
9. Kuzmin E.I. Libraries and society: some problems of mutual understanding and interaction // The role of libraries in the formation of local self-government: materials of scientific and practical studies. conf. – Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 2000. – pp. 30–41.
10. Lazarev V.S. Library mission: principles of formulation // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. – 2000. – No. 9. – P. 5–17.
11. Markova T.B. Library as a cultural phenomenon: abstract. dis. ...cand. Philosopher Sciences / Markova T.B.; St. Petersburg state univ. - St. Petersburg, 1999. - 16 p. ; The same [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://anthropology.ru/ru/texts/markovat/abstract.html (10.09.08).
12. Motulsky R.S. Library as a social institution / R.S. Motulsky; Ministry of Culture Rep. Belarus, Belorussian. state University of Culture. - Minsk: Bel. state University of Culture, 2002. - 373 p.
13. Motulsky R.S. Social functions of libraries [Electronic resource]: [personal website] / Motulsky Roman Stepanovich. - [B.m., b.g.]. – URL: http://old.nlb.by/director/articles/st_mono_ch3.HTM (10.09.08).
14. Russian library science XX century: directions of development, problems and results: monograph experience. research / comp. Yu.P. Melentyeva - M.: Fair-Press, Pashkov House, 2003. - 432 p. From the contents: Part II Current problems of library science of the 20th century. Ch. 2. The concept of the library in modern Russian library science. – pp. 159-177.
15. Skvortsov V.V. Social functions of a modern library // General library science. – M., 1997. – Part 2. – P. 3-14.
16. Stolyarov Yu.N. Library: structural-functional approach / Yu.N. Stolyarov. – M.: Book, 1980. – 255 p.
17. Tikhonova L.N. The role of libraries in the formation of the information society in Russia [Electronic resource] // Scientific Research Center Informculture of the Russian State Library: [site]. – M., . – URL: http://infoculture.rsl.ru/NIKLib/home/info/r_nov/dokl2.htm (10.09.08).
You can order a selection of literature on a specific topic at the Information and Service Center of the National Library of Russia (open link). Services are provided on a paid basis.

Encyclopedic publications include encyclopedias and encyclopedic dictionaries. Encyclopedias are distinguished by the presence of a significant number of large, detailed articles. Encyclopedic dictionaries consist mainly of short reference articles. As a rule, they do not contain references to other articles that are actively used in encyclopedias.

Encyclopedia- a reference publication containing, in a summarized form, basic information on one or more branches of knowledge and practical activity, presented in the form of short articles arranged in alphabetical or systematic order.

The purpose of encyclopedias is interpretation of words and communication of information on the essence of the issue.

An encyclopedia can be a single-volume or multi-volume publication.

Depending on the range of information included The following types of encyclopedias are distinguished:

Universal (general) encyclopedia (TSE, URE);

Specialized (industry) encyclopedia (“Economic Encyclopedia”, “Philosophical Encyclopedia”);

Regional (universal or specialized) encyclopedia (“Asia”, “Africa”, “Latin America”).

From the point of view of target and readership, most encyclopedias are aimed at both specialists and a wide range of consumers. They combine the characteristics of a scientific, popular science publication. Purely popular encyclopedias for leisure are also published (“Concise Encyclopedia of Household Economy”, “Physical Education and Sports”, etc.), for children, schoolchildren, etc.

There are various encyclopedias and by volume, expressed in the size of the dictionary and the volume of articles. On this basis universal encyclopedias are divided into large and small, industry - full and short encyclopedic publications.

encyclopedic Dictionary- an encyclopedia in which the material is arranged in alphabetical order. This

a single-volume, or less often multi-volume, reference publication containing, in a generalized form, basic information on one or all branches of knowledge or practical activity, presented in the form of short articles, not accompanied by bibliography (“Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary”, “Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Chemist”, “Book Science. Encyclopedic Dictionary”, etc.).

The printing design of encyclopedic publications is characterized by fractional division of text, a two-column strip, and the use of small or even very small fonts, since a high degree of information condensation and concentration of reference material are required.

8.7.3. Dictionary

Dictionary- a reference publication containing an ordered list of linguistic units (words, phrases, phrases, terms, names, signs), equipped with reference data related to them.

Dictionaries perform two important functions: informative(through the word they convey knowledge in the shortest way) and normative(by recording the knowledge and use of words, they contribute to the improvement and unification of the language, and approve the norms of word usage).

The internal classification of dictionaries can be built according to various principles. They are divided into general and private. Are common reflect all layers of the lexical composition of the language, private - only one layer. By completeness of reflection linguistic vocabulary they are divided into complete and short.

By description language differentiate monolingual, bilingual and multilingual. Multilingual dictionary compares linguistic units of several or many languages. Monolingual dictionary contains information about linguistic units or the concepts they denote, which are transmitted in one language.

By the nature of the information dictionaries are divided into two large groups: terminological and linguistic.

Terminological dictionary contains terms of any branch of knowledge or topic and their definitions (explanations). It reflects the conceptual apparatus of science, fulfills

functions of reference and research of the language of science, ensuring its normalization and unification. With the development of electronic computing technology, they play a special role in the development of information retrieval languages ​​(IRL), descriptor systems, thesauruses, etc.

Unlike encyclopedic dictionaries, terminological dictionaries are not include nothing in the dictionary except terms and their definitions for one or more related sciences.

By breadth of information coverage Terminological dictionaries are divided into:

1) intersectoral(“Terminological Dictionary of Librarianship and Related Sciences”, etc.);

2) industry(“Library Science. Terminological Dictionary”, “Informatics. Concise Terminological Dictionary”, etc.);

3) narrow industry(“Manager’s Dictionary”, etc.);