Fictional characters. Scrooge McDuck tops the ranking of the richest fictional characters Richest cartoon character

  • 16.06.2019
2 August 2013, 15:53

So, in order :)


Net worth: $65.4 billion

Source of wealth: industry, treasure hunting

Fame: "DuckTales", "Uncle Scrooge"


Net worth: $54.1 billion

Source of wealth: looting

Glory: "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again"

The dragon, the leader of last year's rating, dropped one place in 12 months, having become poorer by almost $8 billion. It is still difficult to predict how his film debut will affect Smaug, but on the screen the hero will have to part with his untold wealth. However, for now, with the help of gold, he manages to maintain high positions in the rankings.


Net worth: $46 billion

Source of Wealth: Investments

Fame: "Twilight"

The 373-year-old native of London burst into the rankings in 2010, immediately taking first place. Over the past three years, despite an increase in his fortune of $12 billion, the head of the vampire clan has lost leadership to more conservative fictional characters. The popularity of Twilight itself is also at risk of declining.


Net worth: $12.4 billion

Source of Wealth: Defense Technology

Glory: " iron Man»

The brilliant, vain inventor Tony Stark last years moved from the comic book universe to the Hollywood universe. The hero of Robert Downey Jr. collected an impressive box office (the third part of “Iron Man” received more than $1 billion at the box office) and became one of the most popular film characters of our time. In the Forbes ranking, the head and owner of Stark Industries also rose by one place. Stark's fortune grew by more than $3 billion in a year.


Net worth: $11.2 billion

Source: media

Fame: "Citizen Kane"

The hero of Orson Welles, whose prototype was media mogul William Hearst, remains a classic of world cinema to this day. In Kane's case, the approximate value of Hearst Corporation can be used to estimate wealth. In 2012, Forbes estimated the revenue of the conglomerate, which is still owned by the Hearst family, at $3.8 billion. Over the year, Kane’s fortune added almost $3 billion.

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Net worth: $9.2 billion

Source: legacy, defense technology

Glory: "Batman"


Net worth: $5.8 billion

Source: inheritance, industry

Fame: "Richie Richie"


Net worth: $2.5 billion

Source: investments, industry

Fame: "50 Shades of Gray"

The hero of the main book bestseller of the year “50 Shades of Gray” E. L. James is a newcomer to the Forbes rating. Gray is a young billionaire whose secret hobbies he understands main character novel by Anastasia Steele.


Net worth: $1.8 billion

Source: inheritance

Fame: A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones

The head of the House of Lannister became $300 million poorer in a year. If we rely on the chronology of the film adaptation of George Martin's books, then the reason for the decline in Lord Casterly Rock's fortune is apparently the protracted war with the House of Stark.


Net worth: $1.5 billion

Source: nuclear energy

Fame: "The Simpsons"

The main rich man from the universe of the popular animated series Burns has lost more than $10 billion of his fortune since 2006. The reason for this dynamics, apparently, lies in the problems of nuclear energy, which is the basis of the capital of the hero of The Simpsons.


Net worth: $1.3 billion

Source: technology

Fame: "Two and a Half Men"

Internet billionaire with broken hearted from the extremely popular sitcom in the USA recently changed the performer: instead of the Hollywood “enfant terrible” Charlie Sheen, the role of Schmidt is now played by Ashton Kutcher, and he himself last man in Silicon Valley.

Net worth: $1.3 billion

Forbes, being one of the most influential and popular publications in the economic sphere, sometimes allows itself to “joke”. So, from 2002 to 2013, Forbes journalists compiled ratings of the richest fictional characters from fairy tales, comics, myths, feature films.

Topped Forbes lists more often than others Scrooge McDuck- a Disney hero who appeared on the pages of comic books in 1947 and successfully migrated to animated series. His name became synonymous with stinginess and fabulous wealth. Scrooge is literally swimming in gold in his famous money vault. According to indirect data from the cartoon and the ratio of gold prices, the fortune of “the richest drake in the world” can be estimated from 65 billion to 27 trillion dollars.

In the first two ratings the title richest character got it Santa Claus, but in subsequent years he was completely excluded from the lists. The reason for this was numerous complaints from the children's audience, who claimed that Santa was real and had no place among cartoon characters.

A regular on the Forbes list of the richest fictional characters is Bruce Wayne, aka Batman. This popular hero DC Comics to a greater extent famous not for his fortune, but for his relentless fight against crime. But undoubtedly, the money of a successfully functioning family corporation helps Bruce in his difficult task.

Another billionaire superhero Forbes has included in its rankings is Anthony Stark, born from the comic book publisher Marvel. In a high-tech suit of his own invention called " iron Man"Tony protects the world from all kinds of evil. Stark has plenty of funds and opportunities to improve the suit, because he is the owner of an industrial company.

Suddenly, Forbes chose the greedy fire breathing dragon Smaug from the universe of writer John Tolkien. There are many known dragons guarding untold riches. Scandinavian Fafnir, Chinese Fucanglong or Russian Poloz guarded and commanded no less substantial wealth. The choice of the financial publishing house was probably influenced by the popularity of Smaug, which arose after the film adaptation of Tolkien’s works.

Forbes magazine ignored some of the most prominent fictional rich people. The rating could well be replenished King Midas turning everything around into gold with one touch; "languishing over gold" Koschei the Deathless; vengeful treasure owner Count of Monte Cristo; a leprechaun with a pot of gold and two magic wallets; Mistress of Copper Mountain, owning underground mineral resources with precious rocks.

Fictional characters often help sell a product or service. Therefore they are part of the characteristic of bourgeois society. IN cultural life The Soviet countries simply did not invent them. The only exception, perhaps, is the chicken Murzilka, presenting the children's illustrated magazine " Funny pictures" However, its inventors did not report Murzilka’s viability. A wealthy character was impossible in a country of “universal equality.” However, such a bias, such an illusion did not exist in the countries market economy. In practice, people can never be equal either in their abilities or in human qualities. Accordingly, since ancient times there have been poor and rich in the world.

Know-how from Forbes

The Bolsheviks' attempt to level out this difference ended in a civilizational failure.

Perhaps that is why fictional characters of modern popular culture also, according to the plans of their creators, they have different states. Who knows why Forbes, along with real rich people, has been forming a rating of virtual, invented images since 2002? Perhaps so that its employees are not considered complete crackers. Maybe to add a subtle touch of humor to the statement of modern business leaders. Who are they, the richest fictional characters? Following the Forbes analysts, let us present their rating and provide readers with a brief description of them.

Uncle Sam

This image has long become a household name. It symbolizes today's only superpower, whose status is characterized not only by a powerful economy, but also by the ability to import social standards and modern technologies. The image of Uncle Sam simultaneously reflects all the wealth and all the power of the country of the Stars and Stripes. According to experts, the current national wealth of the United States is approximately 100 trillion. dollars. Can this be formally assessed as the state of Uncle Sam? Formally, yes.

This character, due to his status, is initially beyond any competition. Obviously, this is why he doesn’t fit into Forbes’ fictional characters. The list of billionaires cannot compete with the wealth of the entire country - the United States. How and when did this character appear? His face, famous from posters, resembles that of one Samuel Wilson, a food merchant who supplied the US Army in 1812. The boxes and bales supplied to them under contracts concluded with the government of this country bore the abbreviated inscription U.S. (United States). The soldiers jokingly interpreted the inscription in their own way. They say that this brand was launched into the world by an illiterate Irishman, a watchman who unloaded food. He sincerely assumed that the symbols of the U.S. indicate the supplier's initials.

Fictional characters sometimes get a name first, and only then an appearance. A hundred years later, in 1917, artist James Montgomery Flagg created a poster in which he depicted a gentleman with the appearance of Samuel Wilson wearing a stars-and-stripes top hat. His image was given the characteristic gesture of veteran Walter Bots. The painted one called his fellow citizens into the army that fought on the fronts of World War I. During the war with Hitler, the image of Uncle Sam gained unprecedented popularity.

Scrooge McDuck

The richest fictional characters don't always portray people. An example is the Disney cartoon character Scrooge McDuck. He was created by famous Disney illustrator Carl Barks as a comic book character in December 1947. According to Forbes experts, the fortune of the world's richest drake exceeds $64 billion. Why does he have a Scottish name? The artist Barks was inspired to create his image by a real person. He was a businessman, a well-known Scottish industrialist in America, the creator of a steel empire. The name Scrooge McDuck is taken from Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol. Fictional characters sometimes get their names in a paradoxical way.

However, the drake, whose name has become a common noun in the sense business acumen, luck, is still a collective character. Disney copied his manners, fabulous greed, resourcefulness in business, as well as some phrases from the world’s most famous investor. It was he who originally owned Scrooge’s catchphrase “A dollar saved is a dollar earned.”

Using the example of the miracle drake phenomenon, one can only be amazed at how fictional cartoon characters can turn into the favorites of the entire nation. The cult animated series “DuckTales” is evidence of this.

Dragon Smaug

The second in terms of the wealth of fictional images is also a non-human creature - the dragon Smaug. According to financial experts, he owns a fortune in excess of $54 billion. This fire-breathing creature is a character from the saga “The Hobbit: There and Back Again.” He lived in the Lonely Mountain, expelling the gnomes from it, and was distinguished by his cunning and hypnotic effect on people. The dragon raked up the dwarves' jewels in the central grotto of the Lonely Mountain. Smaug used this hill of diamonds and gold as a bed. Next, this fabulous marauder devastated and robbed the city of Dale.

The magician Gendelf the Gray developed a plan to destroy Smaug. To carry it out, he attracted thirteen dwarves and a hobbit. The latter, using the ring of omnipotence, managed to enter the lair of the fire-breathing creature unnoticed and took out a two-handed cup. Then he penetrated the dragon again and managed not only to lead him through, but also to notice the only place in his armor not covered by scales.

Subsequently, Smaug, who was attacking Lake Town, was struck by the archer Bard with a magical Black Arrow. This is how this fictional character died. The computer game "The Hobbit", created based on the film, according to gamers' reviews, clearly benefits from the dragon character.

Flinthard Glomgold

Another character has this name - the drake from DuckTales. His business is diamond mining. However, this unscrupulous character does not shun theft. His wealth, according to Forbes, is $51.9 billion. He is Scrooge McDuck's main business rival. An unscrupulous drake tries his best to surpass Uncle Scrooge in wealth. At the same time, Flinthard is not burdened moral principles. In his affairs, he often resorts to the help of scoundrels. For example, such as the Gavs brothers, bandit dogs.

If at first this swindler tried to destroy Scrooge McDuck physically, then later he chooses other methods. For example, exposing your competitor to the law. The signature feature of this cunning drake is a peculiar mental reaction to the next failure of his machinations. An annoyed Flinthard, presenting a list of the richest fictional characters, begins to eat his hat.

Carlisle Cullen

This bright image remembered by readers from the Twilight trilogy. It was created by the writer. His wealth, according to Forbes experts, is $38.2 billion. According to the plot of the trilogy, Carlisle was born in the 40s of the 17th century. He was the son of a priest, but a vampire bite turned his life upside down, turning him into dark entity. At first he tried to commit suicide so as not to bring disaster to people.

To his joy, once he killed a deer and drank its blood, Carlisle felt that he was not bothered by the thirst for human blood. Cullen was able to settle into human society. The vampire even became socially useful by working as a surgeon. Wealth came to him as a result of investment. Stepdaughter Alice, being a seer, told him to buy securities of Google corporations and the Wal-Mart chain of stores. Obviously, the head of the vampire clan, and all the characters, are fictional in this saga. Although, along with fiction, the work also contains elements of real life.

Jet Clampett

Finally, we have the opportunity to talk about a humanoid fictional character. His fortune is estimated by Forbes specialists at 9.8 billion US dollars. The hero of the comedy film “The Beverly Hillbillies” directed by Penelope Spheeris suddenly becomes a billionaire. A fountain of oil suddenly appeared on his land. Jet's eccentric family (daughter, mother and nephew), realizing that they have suddenly become rich, decides to move to the elite area of ​​Los Angeles - Beverly Hills.

Here a rich farmer decides to get married. A swindler named Laura Jackson, who has settled in his house as a governess, is trying to seize his wealth. The newly rich man's mother realizes about her machinations, but the cunning bride candidate sends her to a nursing home. She is helped by her accomplice Tyler. The criminals' plans are thwarted by Jed's financial advisor, Jane Hathaway. The mother is returned home, the wedding is upset, Laura and Tyler are handed over to the law. Names of fictional characters like Jet Clampett are loved by all categories of television viewers in America.

Tony Stark

This character is also a product of fiction. It originated from the comic books combined into the Iron Man series. His net worth is almost the same as the previous character - $9.3 billion. However, Tony Stark is more of an action character than a comedy character. He lives in Malibu, California, and is a professional in military technology. He can be described as a real superman: an IT genius, a brilliant physicist, a philanthropist, a billionaire.

Richie Rich

According to the film's script, the image of an intellectually challenged child billionaire has a fortune of $8.9 billion. He inherited wealth at a young age.

The young man turns out to be a “hard nut to crack” for those who want to profit from his wealth. He skillfully and consistently manages his company, Rich Industries. And no wonder: his company produces products in which he is truly an expert due to his age: donuts with gold powder, robot servants, scooters.

Charles Foster Kane

This character was created by director Orson Walls. His personal wealth, according to Forbes, exceeds $8 billion. He is the owner of a media empire: television, newspapers, radio. Foster practices tabloid-type journalism.


Wealthy fictional characters are not yet abundantly represented in the domestic commercial market. The list of them is meager. Why is this happening? It's all about the mentality of post-Soviet civilization. Social role a rich philanthropist, an investor with real social responsibility, has not yet become an indispensable requisite of society. Among the rich nouveau riche there are quite a lot of swindlers and antisocial people. Perhaps that's why in national culture images of “new Russians” prevail over more constructive ones, like Scrooge McDuck.

At the same time, fictional fairy tale characters artificially exploited by business are beginning to play an increasingly important commercial role. They are increasingly present in advertising, in trademarks, in logos.

When Dan Harris turned 25, he was able to realize the dream of probably many film school students: he shot his own film, that is, he directed it and wrote the script for it. And it doesn’t matter that the film went virtually unnoticed, despite the fact that it starred Sigourney Weaver, Jeff Daniels, Emile Hirsch and Michelle Williams, and with a budget of 10 million, the film grossed less than 300 thousand dollars worldwide, that is, mere pennies. But the viewing audience, which has a good attitude towards philosophical drama family type, quite positively assessed the work of Dan Harris: on IMDb GPA“Fictional Heroes” is 7.3, on KP only one tenth of a point less. Well, a young filmmaker by all standards began to make a name for himself, however, “ Fictional heroes"so far remains Harris's only directorial work. An interesting fact is that Harris himself began in big cinema with adaptations of comics about the Isk People, and then worked on The Return of Superman.

Weaver, Daniels, Hirsch and Williams are an average American family that lives according to all the canons of society, without standing out from the crowd of other similar families. But one day she is broken by a terrible misfortune: the eldest son commits suicide His motives are unclear, everyone is in shock from what happened, meanwhile, numerous injuries are found on the body of the middle son, but he stubbornly remains silent, where are all these bruises and abrasions from? His mother cannot reach him either, although she is at least trying to do something in the current situation, but his father stubbornly does not notice that loneliness and division reign in his family - few people care about anyone, and the father of the family himself seems to have fenced himself off from other members of the social unit. Meanwhile, the middle son, who has withdrawn into himself, begins to learn the secrets of his family, which were carefully kept in the farthest closet and covered with centuries-old dust, but still skeletons began to fall and the very last, largest skeleton can plunge the guy into shock, closing him from everyone else forever .

This is the kind of heavy, serious plot that Dan Harris succeeded in. You need to watch what is happening carefully. Perhaps at first not all the scenes will be clear, the question will arise “Why is all this here?”, but in the future everything will be sorted out so that the viewer can form a complete picture of the attitude towards the family around and within which all this dramatic action is taking place. Dan Harris tried to very clearly balance between the development of the picture and its dialogue basis. I can say that he did not always succeed. But this mistake can be attributed to his youth and inexperience. To ensure that the episodes of the film do not sag and do not fall out of the general series, the actors tried very hard. In some places they even tried too hard. And this is not something that seemed false, rather, it was too deeply tragic, and there were scenes that did not seem to require this. And after some time, this excessive saturation with the tragic emotionality and fragmentation of the characters leads to outright rage from these suffering individuals.

And everything would be right if they suffered from the loss of a person close to them, but here it is noticeable that all the heroes of “Fictional Heroes” are maximally focused on themselves. For example, Sigourney Weaver is a high-flying actress, and it rests on her lion's share picture, but only in places you can see that she restrains her charisma a little and provides space for other actors. But Weaver played the scenes with his middle son, played by Emile Hirsch, really superbly. Emile Hirsch himself looks good against the backdrop of Weaver, but when the scenes are given to his hero, then he seems to bite into them with his teeth, trying to prove that he is worthy of something next to Weaver and Daniels. We know, Emil, that you are a good actor, but your character’s excessive emotionality sometimes gave no reason to believe in your image. But sad as a mattress, Jeff Daniels looked like the most prosaic character, but at the same time the most natural. Although I wanted to slap him and say: “Look around: your family is collapsing, and you’re sitting in a chair!”

This is what happens while watching family drama“Fictional Heroes” in places what is happening touches you, touches you to the quick, and these scenes leave behind memorable episodes, so they are staged very competently. But there were also moments when it was not clear that the actors constituted a common, integral team; it was as if they existed separately with their images. Although in any case the performers deserve praise. And we can attribute the flaws in the film to the youth and inexperience of director and screenwriter Dan Harris.

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