Bulychev Alice's journey is what the work is about. Girl from the ground

  • 15.10.2023

It was also published under the titles “The Girl from the Earth” and “Alice and the Three Captains.” One of Bulychev's most popular stories, translated into English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Finnish, Hungarian, Romanian / Moldavian, Bulgarian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Chinese, Japanese, Tagalog, Greek.

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    ✪ Kir Bulychev Alice's Adventures read by Pavel Besedin

    ✪ By Bulychev Alice's Journey chapter 2 Forty-three birds with one stone read by Pavel Besedin



When trying to change the ship's parking lot, the Pegasus falls into an underground trap. The entire crew is captured by pirates, but Alice manages to escape thanks to her invisibility cap. She gets to the surface, where she is met by the First Captain and... the real Verkhovtsev. Meanwhile, the pirates are blackmailing the Second Captain. He enters the battle, and the First Captain and his friends come to the rescue. The pirates are defeated, the impostor “Verkhovtsev” - the chameleon pirate Rat - is exposed. In the dungeon, the heroes also discover the Third Captain. It all started with him - he brought new super-powerful fuel for ships from another galaxy. Only he and the Second Captain know the “Formula Galactia,” but he manages to barricade himself in his ship. And the Third falls into the hands of pirates, and they torture him to find out the formula. When he is found, the captain is already dying, but he is saved.

And then the wife of the First Captain lands on the planet, having caught a living nebula. Merry U manages to escape, but he falls into the clutches of a giant bird. The heroes part and promise each other to fly to the stars together again in the future.

Screen adaptation

Based on the story, Roman Kachanov made the cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet.” In it, the plot and the number of characters were reduced: Captain Poloskov disappeared, the number of Great Captains was reduced to two and they received the names Buran and Kim (in the story only the name of the First Captain is named - Vsevolod). The Rat Pirate has been renamed "Gloth of the Planet Katruk". Ordinary human pirates are replaced by robots. Several episodes that do not affect the main plot are missing from the film. It was also removed that the Third (in the cartoon - the Second) Captain was tortured by pirates to find out the secret. The bird Talker in the book has two beaks and a golden crown of feathers.

The rest of the film adaptation follows the original.

A girl living in the late 21st century has adventures on Earth and Mars; saves an entire civilization by traveling back in time and battles space pirates in deep space.

The narration in all three stories is told on behalf of Alisa Selezneva’s father, a professor of cosmobiology.

The girl to whom nothing will happen

Alisa Seleznyova had the ability to “disappear at the most inopportune time” and make discoveries that were “beyond the power of the greatest scientists of our time.” Her dad, cosmobiologist, Professor Seleznev, confident that at the end of the 21st century nothing would happen to his little daughter, wrote down several stories that happened to her.

Thanks to Alice, the Martians learned who Baba Yaga was. The girl made friends with the brontosaurus and figured out how to cure it. Accidentally getting lost on Mars, Alice found the structure of an ancient Martian civilization. The beast, brought from a distant planet and given to the girl, turned out to be intelligent.

Having moved to the dacha in the summer, Alice saved a scientist who had unsuccessfully tested his invention on himself. Then the girl found guests from a distant star, who turned out to be tiny people. While testing the time machine, Alice went back in time and met a famous science fiction writer.

Alice's birthday

To give Alisa Seleznyova a birthday present, the girl’s friend, an alien and famous archaeologist Gromozeka, took her to explore the recently discovered planet Koleida. All life on the planet died out due to the cosmic plague, the virus of which was brought to Koleid by the first spaceship launched from it. It turned out that Gromozeka took Alice with him with the intention of sending the girl back in time so that she would try to save life on the planet.

Together with her new friend, the kitten-like archaeologist Rrrrr, Alice went back in time, sneaked into the cosmodrome and sprayed the astronauts with a liquid vaccine against the space plague. Returning to their time, Alice and Rrrrr learned that they had succeeded, the civilization on Koleid was saved, and the local residents did not even suspect that someone had saved them.

Alice's Journey

Cosmobiologist Professor Seleznev took his daughter Alice on a space expedition to collect rare animals for the Moscow zoo. At the beginning of the flight, the girl learned about the Three Captains, brave explorers of deep space, and then the Seleznevs got a semi-intelligent talker bird that belonged to one of the captains.

The talker led the expedition to an unknown planet, where space pirates were holding the Second Captain captive, trying to learn from him the formula for absolute fuel. This formula was given to the captain by the inhabitants of the neighboring galaxy, where he had recently visited.

With the help of the talker, Alice managed to get out of the dungeon, where members of the expedition found themselves together with the captain, and bring help. The space pirates were arrested, after which Alice asked the captains to take her with them to a neighboring galaxy.

Today it is not so easy to instill in a child a love of reading. Cartoons, TV shows and computer games compete for his attention. Forcing people to read under pressure is definitely not the answer. Wise parents use a completely different method, since it is enough just once to interest the child in an entertaining story or story for him to want to make friends with books. And experience shows that this friendship drags on for years.

However, which book should you choose? In this article, as an example, we will look at a work written by Kir Bulychev - “Alice’s Journey”. A brief summary of the story will not only allow you to get a general idea of ​​the book, but will also reveal the features of the author’s artistic style. But this is precisely what allowed Bulychev to create an impressive cycle of works united by one heroine, which for several decades continues to be popular with both children and adults.

The story consists of 24 chapters, each of which, in fact, is a small independent complete story. From the first chapter, the reader learns about the preparations for an interstellar journey to collect rare alien animals by Professor Seleznev and his daughter Alice, whom he promised to take with him. The participation of second-grader Alice in the expedition is called into question due to an unpleasant incident at school. However, true friends come to the rescue, and everything ends well.

In the next chapter, due to Alice's fault, the launch of the Pegasus spaceship is almost disrupted. Due to the fact that she secretly brought nearly fifty of her school friends on board so that they could get to a football match on the moon, there was an overload, and the Pegasus simply could not tear itself away from the Earth. However, the crew’s favorite is forgiven for this trick too.

New character

In the third chapter, a new, very colorful character appears - the space archaeologist Gromozeka. This good-natured giant will appear more than once in various stories in the series about Alisa Selezneva. Most often, in order to convince Professor Seleznev to allow his daughter to get involved in another adventure, it is his help that the author Bulychev will resort to. “Alice’s Journey,” a brief summary of which we are considering, gives a fairly complete picture of Gromozeka’s character and his inclinations. So in other stories his appearance is perceived as a meeting with a close friend.

In the meantime, he invites his friend Seleznev to turn to the diaries of the famous Three Captains, who traveled the entire Galaxy on their starships. Their records should help the expedition find truly rare and unique alien animals. The main intrigue of the story begins with this innocent conversation.

Alice's first discovery

The fourth chapter is marked by a commotion on the ship. The first unknown animals found - tadpoles - quickly turn into monsters, and then suddenly disappear altogether. This secret, which turned out to be too much for the three adult crew members, is easily dealt with by Alice’s extraordinary childish thinking.

This is her first discovery in a whole series of future mysteries and puzzles. What follows is another episode that, without a doubt, deserves to be included in the summary (“Alice’s Journey”). Bushes are creatures that look like plants, which is how they get their name, but behave like animals. They terrorized the entire team until the inventive Alice realized what the bushes were really after.


Professor Seleznev was not able to personally see the captains' diaries; he received only their oral and very brief contents. Alisa Selezneva’s journey might not have become so exciting if she had not been lucky enough to acquire a talker that belonged to one of the captains.

Govorun is an amazing bird that can fly independently between planets. In addition, he has an excellent memory and is able to reproduce any sounds he hears. The second captain, having fallen into a trap, sent him to call for help. But only a knowledgeable person could fully extract the information embedded in the bird. So our heroes had to be content with only fragmentary clues.

Meeting with space pirates

On the very outskirts of the Galaxy, far from patrol ships, the most elusive of space pirates - Veselchak U and the Rats - enter into confrontation with the Pegasus crew. But even here, Alice’s courage and ingenuity allows her to win a complete victory over the sophisticated scoundrels. They are arrested, and the captured captains are released.

Famous captains express gratitude to their saviors. They ask about the latest news from Earth and receive a story about it. Alisa Selezneva's journey is coming to an end, but the captains promise to take her with them on an excursion to the neighboring Galaxy. The father promises to let his daughter go on the condition that she grows up a little more.

Returning home

The story ends with a description of how the whole team heads to their native solar system. During the expedition, we managed to collect not very many specimens of rare animals. But these species will be a worthy addition to the collection of the Moscow Space Zoo.

Alice is asked not to talk too much about the most amazing adventures. She readily agrees, realizing that her friends won’t believe most of them anyway. In addition, the logbook already stores their brief contents. Alice's journey, completed during the summer holidays, ends with the beginning of the new school year.

The Mystery of the Third Planet

Based on his story, Bulychev wrote a script for the cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet.” Like the book itself, it turned out to be perky and dynamic. However, this work should be perceived, at best, only as a summary of the fairy tale “Alice’s Journey.” It in no way conveys the full story of the girl Alice described in the book.

Therefore, if your school curriculum requires you to read this story, do not think that watching the cartoon will be enough. Although, if you try, you can write a summary of “Alice’s Journey.” 5-6 sentences will be enough for this.

Description option for reader's diary

As the expedition progresses, the small crew encounters many unusual situations, the resourceful Alice often helps to find a way out of them. Thanks to her curiosity, the team manages to discover the trail of long-lost heroes - famous captains. Despite the machinations of space pirates, the crew of the Pegasus discovers the secret hideout of the villains and frees the captive captains.

From his trip, Professor Seleznev brings tadpoles to the zoo, which during their development grow to gigantic sizes, and then turn into small amphibians; bushes that can run after people on their roots in search of water, and fight among themselves for compote. Among the finds are pebbles that turn into heroes that a nearby person thinks about. The researchers also brought Skliss, who looks like an ordinary cow, but has transparent wings, and a couple of other animals.

Year: 1974 Genre: fantastic story

Main characters: Alisa Selezneva

The story “The Girl from Earth” or “Alice’s Journey” was written by the Soviet science fiction writer Kir Bulychev in 1972. This story is part of a series about the adventures of Alisa Selezneva, a schoolgirl living in the distant future. Together with her father, cosmozoologist Igor Seleznev, she conquers outer space and finds herself in incredible adventures. Of all the stories in this series, “The Girl from Earth” is the most famous: the famous cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet” was created based on the book. The script for the cartoon was written by the author of the book himself, Kir Bulychev. Stories about Alice's adventures to this day captivate the hearts of both young readers and loyal fans of the writer.

The meaning of the work. On the one hand, this is a fascinating story about fictional worlds and travel to other planets, and on the other, a story about childhood and a child’s worldview. The non-trivial look of the girl Alice, devoid of the conventions of the adult world, helps her defeat her enemies. This is a story in which, without any edification, it is shown where is good and where is evil.

Read the summary Kir Bulychev Alice's Journey or the Girl from Earth

“The Girl from Earth” tells the reader about one of the most interesting adventures of Alisa Selezneva. The action takes place in the future, at the end of the 21st century on planet Earth. Here, superluminal ships and robots have long been in use, the solar system is colonized, and all planets are suitable for life. The people of Earth are kind, open, honest, they do not know wars and care about the environment.

Alisa Selezneva, a second grade student, a restless and very kind girl, goes on a space expedition with her father and his team on the Pegasus ship. The purpose of the trip is to find rare species of animals to replenish the collection of the intergalactic Moscow Zoo. However, the business trip turns into an extraordinary adventure for the heroes, connected with the search for the missing famous space explorer. And it is the Pegasus team that will have to unravel the mysterious knot of events, and new friends will help Alice and her father not only acquire new types of animals, but also find the Second Captain.

On her journey, Alice will get into a stream of exciting adventures: unravel the secret of the tadpoles, see the talking bird and the diamond turtle, make friends with the flying cow Sklif and the fluffy indicator, try on the invisibility hat, save the planet inhabited by robots, escape from the insidious space pirates and reveal The Secret of the Third Planet.

Retelling of the story Alice's Journey or The Girl from Earth

A famous cartoon was created based on this story by Bulychev. But of course, the book contains much more information and details. It all starts with the fact that Alice’s very journey (with her father on a space expedition for rare animals) is under threat, because the girl and her classmates stole a gold bar from the museum!.. to make a spinner out of it. But it turns out that in the future gold has completely depreciated. And thanks to the help of friends (mostly aliens), Alice was forgiven.

However, she almost sabotaged the expedition again by hiding two classes of her friends in the spaceship. On their journey, earthlings are faced with the mystery of three missing captains. Hints, oddities, riddles - Alice is very interested in understanding the fate of these heroes. On the way, earthlings end up on different planets, for example, on one there live creatures that take one form in one day, and the inhabitants of another have learned to travel in time. At the intergalactic market, Alice's father acquires many amazing animals.

The girl herself encounters the wounded bird Talker, which Alice has already seen - on the statue of captains. The talker, in the captain's voice, suggests the direction of the search. It becomes clear that the captains need to be saved! As a result, the father’s ship falls into the trap of pirates, who have been holding the captains captive for several years. Alice and her companions now also become hostages. The First Captain and his friend Verkhovtsev come to the rescue in time. One of the pirates was disguised as the latter.

By the way, Alice also has an invisible hat - a gift from a space merchant. By joint efforts, the pirates were defeated. The story has many beloved characters: the alien Gromozeka, the pessimist Zeleny, the pirate Veselchak U... The story teaches courage and curiosity, even in space - these are irreplaceable qualities.

Picture or drawing of a Girl from Earth

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Year of writing: 1974

Genre: fantastic story

Main characters: Alisa Selezneva


At first glance, the girl Alice is an ordinary student, but she lives in the 21st century, and her father is a cosmobiologist, he studies extraordinary animals discovered on other planets, and his daughter helps him with everything.

Alice, along with her dad and other spacefarer friends, often goes on long trips to other planets and experiences entertaining and sometimes dangerous adventures there, because she is a kind and sympathetic girl and is always the first to rush to the aid of those who need her.

A brave schoolgirl has to uncover the intrigues of space spies, fight pirates and save the starship crew in trouble. Adults often do not take her seriously, but the girl is capable of any feat for the sake of her friends.

Conclusion (my opinion)

There are many teenagers like Alice in our time, and there were such people before. Maybe their life is not as interesting as that of a 21st century schoolgirl, but they are also faithful and devoted comrades, capable of much.