The black witch from the “Battle of Psychics” dealt with the offenders in an unexpected way. How do the strongest participants in the show “Battle of Psychics” live? Julia Wang’s fiction about her life and her gift

  • 24.06.2019

The life of Ilona Novoselova is shrouded in mysterious rumors and mystical stories. And now investigators are unraveling the mysteries of her death. Fans of the psychic will certainly see the influence of otherworldly forces in what happened.

Video: Channel Five

Footage from the scene of the death of Ilona Novoselova
Video: Channel Five

Black hair, dark clothes, sagacious eyes... A classic look modern witch complemented by an extravagant accessory - a roe deer's paw. According to Novoselova, this is her magic wand, with the help of which she communicates with spirits. They also help her foresee the future.

At the psychic show, she increased her rating with shocking behavior: she made scandals, showered curses on the program participants, disrupted filming, smoked on camera and did not mince words. And, despite this, she was one of the best to pass all the tests, as if seeing right through people.

Video: Channel Five

From TV screens, Ilona spoke more than once about how she began to see and hear the dead at the age of 10. The girl, due to her connection with the other world, found it difficult to study and in the seventh grade she switched to home schooling.

Her peers laughed at her, her neighbors shunned her, calling her a witch. Ilona accumulated resentment and cursed all her ill-wishers.

Having appeared in a famous television project, Ilona Novoselova from Pavlovsky Posad became famous throughout the country. As a result, a line of people lined up to see the witch who wanted to remove the spell and bewitch their lover. She assured that she could detect diseases by smell and heal any ailment. Along with fame, the woman also faced a lot of troubles. The yellow press began writing tall tales about her. One of the most striking is about gender reassignment. Like, the Witch Novoselova is actually Andrei.

Vlad Kadoni, participant in the show “Battle of Psychics”
Video: Channel Five

In 2013, Ilona began to experience a real black streak - she was kidnapped at the entrance of her house and later demanded a ransom from her mother - seven and a half million rubles. The criminals assumed that the famous witch must have money. The police quickly detained the kidnappers, and Ilona remained unharmed. And after that it became even more popular.

Video: Channel Five archive

Journalists were watching her at the door of her apartment with a question: how did she not foresee her abduction? The witch Novoselova promised illness and trouble in return.

Ilona's last lover is a warlock Artyom Besov. Speaking name and the daring image of the 26-year-old black magician only added to the popularity of their union - on Instagram the couple was called “beautiful” and “real.”



Novoselova's fame clearly had a beneficial effect on the young magician's income. Elite clothing brands flash in his photos with enviable frequency, jewelry and electronic gadgets.


But the idyll in the relationship between the witch and the sorcerer real life, as it turned out, was overshadowed by regular scandals. According to neighbors, the lovers often quarreled; on the fateful day of Ilona’s death, it was allegedly noisy outside the door of their apartment. According to one version, the couple had a big fight, and Artyom said emotionally that he would leave Moscow.

Video: Channel Five

Earlier, in an interview, Novoselova told how at the age of 19 she tried to commit suicide because of unhappy love. Ilona was then abandoned by her boyfriend and was allegedly persuaded by spirits to stay alive. Like, “the calling of a psychic is more important than a woman’s happiness.”

But Novoselova sadly admitted to her loved ones that she was very lonely and dreamed of getting married. A few of the psychic’s friends say that she was only aggressive in appearance. At heart he was an extremely vulnerable and very sad child.


The last post that the witch left on her Instagram page two years ago is this ominous photo skulls with the signature: “I prophesy to everyone.” The most impressionable people already decided that the hereditary witch had jinxed herself.

Ksenia Yakubina

The 24-year-old Nikara brothers, Artemy and Vladimir, fulfilled an old dream - they became participants in the “Battle of Psychics” project on TNT, but here they had to face the black envy of a witch who tried to do everything to prevent the esotericists from realizing their plans.

Artemy and Vladimir Nikara from Nizhny Novgorod tried to get to the “Battle of Psychics” on TNT several times, but their ill-wishers constantly interfered with them. This year, luck smiled on the brothers, and they became participants in the 19th season of the popular project.

Artemy and Vladimir position themselves as esotericists, tarot readers and energy vampires. And their unborn brother helps them in supernatural matters. The fact is that at first the ultrasound showed three children in their mother’s womb, but in the end only two were born, and the third child, according to esotericists, never received a physical shell.

The Nikara brothers had to learn from their own experience what envy is on the part of a family witch - Artemy and Vladimir were subjected to negative influence on the part of Anna Gebo, who did not take part in the “Battle”, but wanted her daughter to get involved in the project.

“Out of envy, she blocked our vision and made sure that we did not pass qualifying rounds, wishing we would never end up in the project. Gebo wanted her daughter to go to the “Battle of Psychics,” but her heiress did not succeed. Last season’s semi-finalist Ivan Shabanov came to our aid just in time, warning us in time and helping to remove the impact of death,”- Artemy shared.

By the way, the influence of the family witch could not but affect the well-being of the brothers. According to them, they experienced headaches for some time and experienced mental confusion. Despite this, nothing serious happened to the health of the esotericists. “Thankfully we have good ancestral protection and strong double energy,”- Artemy noted.

Now the brothers are doing well, and the witch, according to them, will get what she deserves in full. “No one has repealed the boomerang law. Everything she wished for us will be reflected on her in double size.”, - added Vladimir.

Let us remind you that the Nikara brothers were born on the same day - December 22 in Cairo, but they consider their hometown Nizhny Novgorod, where they lived, studied, and here they graduated from Lobachevsky University.

Artemy and Vladimir's extrasensory abilities appeared quite early - at the age of six, but for a long time they simply did not pay attention to it. Now the Nikara brothers are engaged in fortune-telling using Tarot cards and regularly recruit students for their own school of magical arts.

The tragic death of the finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova excited her “colleagues.”

Magicians and sorcerers, soothsayers and witches are racking their brains: what could have happened to one of them? Why didn't she see her death? Didn’t protect yourself, didn’t save yourself? And did she have a chance to remain among the living?..

She died instantly. Few people survive a fall from the sixth floor. 29-year-old Ilona Novoselova either inadvertently fell from the balcony of her apartment in Moscow, or someone helped her do it. And not necessarily physically. In the environment where Ilona was spinning recent years 10, we are sure: you can kill without even touching a person.

Ilona became famous eight years ago when she reached the finals of the show “Battle of Psychics.” The black witch surprised with accurate predictions, saw the dead, and consulted with otherworldly forces. She was tough, daring, and unlike anyone else.

Then it emerged that Ilona is transgender. A person who has changed gender. There was Andrei, and he turned into a woman when he became an adult...


That day she was not alone at home. With her boyfriend Artem Besov. Moreover, my mother came to visit. The woman became a witness another quarrel tipsy young people - Artem allegedly threatened to leave Ilona, ​​she begged him not to do this. And, apparently, having decided to scare, she jumped out onto the balcony and leaned over the railing. I didn’t calculate it, I lost it...

This is the investigators' working version for now. In which, it seems, few people except themselves believe.

Ilona’s close friend, the clairvoyant Alsou Gazimyanova, is convinced that Ilona was killed.

When I saw the first photographs from the scene, the first thing I thought was: I definitely didn’t jump myself. I saw male hands who pushed her. And then Ilona herself contacted me: for the fifth night in a row she was giving more and more new information.

Alsou laments that in lately they rarely communicated. About a year and a half ago, Ilona had new guy- Artem. He called himself a warlock and, as they say, extracted money and connections from her. He convinced Ilona that it was worth narrowing her circle of acquaintances - he drove all her friends away from the house, deleted all her pages on social networks.

They also told me that before her death, she suddenly transferred the apartment to him,” says Alsou. She has no doubt who benefits from Novoselova’s death.


“It’s a witch’s death for a witch, that’s what she needs!” - alas, there are many similar comments on the Internet under the news of Novoselova’s death. Many believe that Ilona’s dirty deeds earned her such an early and terrible death.

She could drive someone into a coffin, cause damage, break up a family, punish a rival,” the psychic and clairvoyant Kazhetta shakes his head. “I always warned her that all these dark deeds would not be in vain, she would have problems.” But she didn't hear me.

There was a rumor among the participants in the “Battle” that one of their own “ordered” Ilona. Like, she crossed someone’s path - so they removed her rival. Either they sent a curse, or they gave him a potion. Magic, in general.

This version cannot be taken seriously. She and Ilona are colleagues, only Nicole is of a different color, white witch. But general essence allows her to “see” why Novoselova died.

There was a woman in Ilona’s family who practiced white magic. She quarreled with the witch - they could not share the man. And at the wedding of her happy rival, the black witch cursed all her descendants. The curse fell on Ilona, ​​who looked like a bride like two peas in a pod.

This is precisely the key to Ilona’s persistent desire to change her appearance, even her gender: it was as if she wanted to get rid of the ancient evil conspiracy. But he dominated her, did not allow her to find her place in life, and pushed her towards self-destruction. There is no one to blame for her death except the long-dead witch.


But there are also more down-to-earth versions of the death of the black witch Ilona. Prolonged depression, which almost all her friends talk about. Having received recognition and demand, Novoselova was never able to become happy. Well, after the truth came out that she was actually a man who had changed her sex, her whole life went awry.

There was real bullying. Naturally, she started serious problems with personal life. - says Vlad Kadoni, a participant in the “Battle of Psychics”. - Ilona was very afraid of loneliness. Lately she has been on the verge of a nervous breakdown...

In a state of hysterics, Ilona told Kazhetta, with whom she was friends, that she was possessed by an otherworldly force a long time ago. This voice inside advised her to undergo sex reassignment surgery, which she later regretted terribly.

Ilona suffered from wild phantom pains, she simply went crazy, says the clairvoyant. - The depression became more and more severe, breakdowns became more frequent, she could no longer work. She took hormonal drugs endlessly, but the pain was so strong that it drove her to madness.

The witch extinguished physical and mental pain in a proven way. She was often seen drunk by her housemates. She drank often and a lot.

Her horoscope shows a deep form of psychiatric illness, and all this was aggravated by excessive consumption of alcohol and not only that, says astrologer Pavsekakiy Bogdanov. - This year 2017 was her last. No witch, no magician, no third party is involved in Ilona’s death.

The body of the black witch was burned - this is what she bequeathed during her lifetime. Investigators continue to work. People are speculating about the causes of death. And psychics believe: Ilona simply continues her journey in other worlds.

And perhaps he will get in touch soon...

Ex-participants and presenters of the “Battle of Psychics” told what is really going on in popular TV projects about magic, is it true or is it a hoax?

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The 18th season of the “Battle of Psychics” has already started on the TNT channel: for ten years, magicians, sorcerers and clairvoyants have been investigating high-profile crimes, predicting the future, seeing the past and performing other miracles. Similar programs are successfully broadcast on other federal channels.

Psychics are rushing to appear on TV screens in droves, as this increases the prices for their services. For just one session, magicians sometimes charge 50 thousand rubles per hour (see “Price of the issue”)! Many people believe that the magicians on TV will solve their problems, they borrow money, take out loans, sell off their property... " Komsomolskaya Pravda“I talked to people who have been fighting charlatans from TV shows for several years now.

Million rubles for abilities

This year, at the presentation of the All-Russian Prize “For Fidelity to Science,” established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the “Battle of Psychics” program received an anti-prize for popularizing pseudoscience. They say that another nomination will appear soon - “For achievements in the fight against pseudoscience.” There is a group of scientists in our country who are actively waging such a struggle: enthusiasts explain to people why they cannot trust everything that is shown on television. Candidate of Biological Sciences, researcher at the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Kharkevich Alexander Panchin and video blogger Mikhail Lidin and like-minded people established the Harry Houdini Prize (the famous American illusionist who exposed charlatans). They are ready to give a million rubles to psychics who prove their abilities during the experiment.

- Getting a million rubles is tempting. Have many sorcerers decided?

Two years ago, we established an award and sent out an invitation to many winners and finalists of the “Battle of Psychics,” says Mikhail Lidin. - On the TV show they show incredible miracles. We propose to test their abilities in a controlled experiment. During this time, we checked 12 people, five of them participated in television projects. For example, the finalist of the 7th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Bakhyt Zhumatova agreed to the experiment. She was presented as the strongest participant: in one of the episodes, Bakhyt discovered a cache of money in the house of the singer Slava. We offered her an experiment - out of 10 boxes, identify one that contains an envelope with money. The rest contained paper. She failed two attempts.

A participant in the 16th season, Iolanta Voronova, came to us. She tried to feel the energy of the owner of the object. We sealed the passports of 12 volunteers with tape, and Iolanta had to correctly identify at least six document owners. The probability of simply guessing was very low - something like two ten thousandths. As a result, the psychic did not have a single match! We also tested two participants in the Black and White project on Channel One. None of the psychics have yet confirmed their abilities. We accept applications on our website and are waiting for TV show participants for an honest check.

Script instead of witchcraft

- You have been communicating with former participants and heroes of magic shows for several years. What do TV viewers need to know?

A participant in the 16th season, Rossa Voronova, said in an interview for my YouTube channel that information about the heroes and tests on the project is leaked to psychics chosen by the editors. And those who are undesirable are tested themselves. From communication with different heroes I concluded that information is provided in doses to certain psychics, so that it does not happen that one person comes and guesses everything. And for the heroes whose situation is being investigated, the knowledge of the magicians comes as a shock.

- How do “sorcerers” get this information?

Let me give you one example. Psychics Alexander Sheps and Elena Golunova came to the family to find out why, after a quarrel with the girl Tanya, misfortunes happened to her loved ones. After the broadcast aired, I spoke with a member of this family, Evgeniy Ansimov. It turned out that the editors of the program visited them in advance and talked with everyone, finding out many details. We talked for a very long time. All these details later surfaced in the “visions” of Sheps and Golunova. The public's delight was caused by the "vision" of how the family's car turned around at the time of the accident. But Evgeniy remembered that long before recording the program, the editors had asked them in correspondence for a DVR recording from the car. That is, all information voiced on air is extracted from people in advance. Many details can be learned from the media when we're talking about about high-profile criminal cases. From social networks, after all. Each program is edited in such a way as to make the greatest impression on the audience.

- Did the TV project team have any mistakes?

There are also dummy participants in the “Battle of Psychics”. I have a video recording of the story of a guy who, in the tenth episode of the 13th season, pretended to be an alcoholic. Psychics of six people figured out that he had been “drinking for four years.” The man even had to cry on air while talking about his difficult fate. Thus, he earned 25 thousand rubles before vacationing in Bulgaria.

In the 16th season they showed the high-profile case of Victor Cohen - the man was sentenced to 10 years for murder ex-girlfriend. Psychics came to the conclusion that he did not kill and Cohen and his wife had a happy future. Soon after the release of the program, the wife of the killer divorced and arranged personal life with another man. And TV viewers on the Internet can watch a video of the interrogation, where Victor Cohen tells the investigator how he killed.

- You waste time analyzing episodes of TV shows about psychics... Why do you need this?

Many people become victims of liars posing as sorcerers. TV shows contribute to the fact that viewers will continue to turn to esoteric centers, healers, magicians, participate in useless or even mentally dangerous trainings, giving money to scammers. Therefore, we need a mark on the screen stating that everything that happens in such programs is fiction. By the way, this format came to us from abroad, but in the USA, Great Britain and some European countries it is not as popular as in Russia and Ukraine. Apparently our people are very trusting.

Basharov believes in magic, but Porechenkov is disappointed

The current host of the “Battle of Psychics” Marat Basharov invited to own wedding winner last season Swami Dashi TV show. The actor demonstrates loyalty to the program participants.

If you think that the tears of happiness or bitterness that flow on the program are not real, then switch and watch the news, Marat Basharov once advised us in an interview. - They will probably tell you the whole truth.

But the former host of the television project, Mikhail Porechenkov (the actor hosted the “Battle of Psychics” in 2007 - 2009) now does not hide the fact that after the first seasons, frame-ups began in the show.

There were such participants! “We really believed,” Porechenkov said. - But these are the first seasons. And then we understood the technology of work. There are people who give advice to psychics and enter into agreements with them in advance. And when everyone realized that this was bringing money to someone, from that moment I left there.

A source involved in the project told KP: contracts are signed with psychics and project heroes that prohibit revealing how everything really happens there.

There’s no reason for them to tell the truth,” our informant explains. - Firstly, they will expose themselves. Secondly, then they will not be invited to film other magical television projects. Please note that in similar shows sorcerers never make predictions that can be verified after a couple of months or even a year. The accuracy and number of predictions that have come true is perhaps the only way to prove your professional suitability. Although there may be coincidences here too.

Thanks to magic TV shows, it turned out that there are crowds of clairvoyants and sorcerers in our country. Some people join the project for the sake of PR, others to earn more money, and others sincerely believe in their abilities. Some are invited by editors to maintain ratings. In the new season of the “Battle of Psychics” we will see among the participants the boyfriend of the participant in the “Battle of Psychics” who committed suicide, Ilona Novoselova. After Novoselov’s death, she became popular, so they brought her lover on air. Or here’s another new “instance” - 17-year-old Nikita Turchin: acted as an extra in TV series, graduated theater studio, does not hide that he dreams of cinema and television. And recently Nikita “discovered” himself psychic abilities. In general, the audience is waiting another show, and its participants - new earnings...


Cost of all services former members“Battles of Psychics” is about the same.

Finalists, winners, stars of the TV project:

One-hour personal consultation - 50 thousand rubles

Conversation on Skype - 25 - 30 thousand rubles

Consultations during “tours” in the regions - from 20 thousand rubles

Participation in trainings and seminars (in a group of 10 people) - 10 - 13 thousand rubles

Training in centers for magicians and psychics, revealing abilities - 70 - 100 thousand for an express course.

Ordinary participants in the TV project:

Personal consultation - 20 - 30 thousand rubles


If loved ones have gathered to visit charlatans

If your friend or relative is going to turn to a psychic for help, do not immediately dissuade him or condemn him, advises psychologist Evgeniy Voltov. - This way you will cause misunderstanding. Take your time. Read together what they write on the Internet on this topic, collect reviews from those who wasted a lot of money on fortune tellers. Ask the magician questions on the website or in social network- the first virtual consultations are usually free. Watch the reaction when the obvious answer to the question is given. Having compared all the pros and cons, feeling your support and looking at the prices for the appointment, the person himself will most likely abandon the idea of ​​​​going to the “sorcerer” in favor of a visit to a good psychologist.

Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova, a clairvoyant, finalist of the sixth season of the “Battle of Psychics” project, was the closest friend of Ilona Novoselova, who tragically died on June 13. IN exclusive interview she told why the black witch actually jumped out of the window.

“Ilona was a frequent guest in my house,” said Kazhetta. “And she came to me not alone, but with her mother.” Psychics always communicate differently with each other than with ordinary people, and in recent months I began to feel that something terrible was going to happen.”

“The fact is that Ilona practiced exclusively black magic. She could drive someone into a coffin, break up a family, cause damage, the evil eye. I told her many times: “Ilona, ​​stop with these dirty deeds, you will ruin your karma, they will not bring you any good. But my friend just shrugged it off,” sighs Akhmetzhanova.

“Today everyone says that Ilona threw herself out of the window because of a quarrel with her lover. This is wrong. The man she lived with left her four times, but then returned, so this was unlikely to be a serious reason, the clairvoyant continues. - The point here is different. Ilona told me that at the age of 13 she was possessed by an otherworldly force. This voice inside told her what to do, and he advised her to undergo sex reassignment surgery.”

But after all the male organs were cut off, the worst happened. “Ilona suffered from wild phantom pains, she simply went crazy,” says Kazhetta. “The depression became more and more severe, breakdowns became more frequent, and she could no longer work. She took hormonal drugs endlessly, but the pain was so strong that it drove her to madness.”

“Novoselova kept talking about how she regretted becoming a woman. In a man's guise, it seemed to her, she could easily meet the woman she loved and live happily. Now Ilona suffered from internal contradiction,” says the clairvoyant.

“Ilona threw herself out of the window precisely because she lost control of herself due to pain, did not understand what to do, she simply had a clouding of her mind,” Kazhetta is sure. “Her mother was in the next room, so she didn’t prevent the trouble when her daughter stood on the windowsill and opened the window...”