What is a person's Nordic character? Nordic character: good or bad? Let's look at an illustrative example

  • 28.06.2020

From the party characteristics of von Stirlitz, a member of the NSDAP since 1933, SS Standartenführer (VI Department of the RSHA): A true Aryan. The character is Nordic, self-possessed. Maintains good relationships with workmates. Fulfills his official duty impeccably. Merciless towards the enemies of the Reich. An excellent athlete: Berlin tennis champion. Single; he was not noticed in any connections that discredited him. Recognized with awards from the Fuhrer and commendations from the Reichsfuehrer SS."

If anyone hasn't watched the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring" - I recommend it. Most of us watched, and even with great interest. There is an interesting fact - at the time the film was shown, the level of crime in the USSR was falling. But I'm talking about something else.

The quote above is a clear example of how attentive they were in Germany to the personal dossier of officers. Key characteristics were identified - those that were important for higher authorities.

In a period of very high competition, we simply have to develop unique, personalized offers for our clients. And to be successful, we must know our potential and existing clients by sight. We should strive to know everything about them. ALL!
How can you remember this information? From personal experience, after 4 meetings in a row, you already forget what you discussed and with whom. I can confuse the facts and assign it to another potential client. In this case, the personal files of German officers are recalled. And I realized that the client’s dossier is a key factor in establishing normal, trusting relationships.

I attended several sales trainings. I was just surprised - there are trainers who, despite the fact that they talk about how important it is to create a dossier, do not talk at all about the fact that there are already developed automated systems that allow you to store all the information. And not only store it, but also quickly find it when necessary, see the history of relationships (calls, letters, meetings, etc.).
Others talk, but in passing.

At one meeting, when I started talking about the capabilities of the CRM system, they told me that they had implemented a process, that they had attended training, where they were shown how important it is to register calls, emails, meeting results, etc. They ended up doing it all in Excel. We bought phones with caller ID. The number was determined, the employee opens the file, searches by number, finds the last entry and reads what was written there. Hard. However, no one told them that there are specialized systems that can make life much easier. And I really respected this company. They do what their competitors don't. They not only heard the advice. They put it into practice. It doesn’t matter how.....because it’s better than nothing?

What information can be stored? Anything.
Starting with the first and last name, ending with information about your favorite dog. The card can be issued to a person or a company. It is possible to link a person to an organization. It is easy to find all the people who are registered in our database and work in a specific organization. Here is an example screenshot of a customer card in Microsoft Dynamics CRM:

Contact Card.

The concept of “Nordic character” was first introduced by the Swedish scientist Professor Anders Retzius, who in the 40s of the 19th century tried to identify the characteristics of the “Germanic type” race. According to his findings, tall, slender people with straight light-ash hair, gray or blue eyes, a narrow and long nose, and an angular chin often have a Nordic character.

To imagine a person with a Nordic character, you need to know that “Nord” is translated as “north”. Those. in the narrow sense, this is a cold and stern person. In a broader sense, a person of the Nordic type has steadfastness, composure, prudence, restraint, inflexibility and firmness in principles and judgments.

A person with a Nordic character knows how to remain calm and balanced in any situation, is a far-sighted strategist, resistant to any troubles in life, because hardened by the harsh conditions of the harsh north. A person of the Nordic type rarely reveals his thoughts and emotions; he is always focused and attentive, thanks to which he is often able to predict many events.

Is Nordic character good or bad?

Any type of character has both positive and negative traits. Among the positive qualities of the Nordic type are stress resistance, prudence, and perseverance in achieving goals. His negative traits include coldness and insensitivity, but these qualities may well turn out to be feigned. In its pure form, the Nordic character, like all other types of characters, is practically never found.

One should not be afraid of the characteristic “Nordic character” due to the fact that it was loved by the ideologists of Nazi Germany. None of their leaders fit the characteristics of the Nordic type, they were all evil, cruel, cold and often mentally unstable people.

Leader or astronaut?

A person of the Nordic type is considered an ideal leader. His self-confidence, strength of character and integrity inspire respect in his subordinates. A Nordic personality will never become hysterical and lash out at his subordinates, or shift his blame onto others. People follow such a leader at the behest of their hearts, and not under duress.

By the way, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev named the Nordic character among the qualities necessary for cosmonaut candidates, along with hard work, impeccable health and endurance of the body.

Not all people say what they think and act honestly. We all tend to lie from time to time in order to gain a momentary benefit. But lies are not always harmless: some people sometimes go beyond all boundaries just to achieve what they want. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity are no exception: men often pretend to be kind, caring and committed to a serious relationship in order to get the girl or woman they like. It is, of course, possible to recognize a deceiver, but not everyone succeeds. The liar's promises come to an end as soon as he gets everything he needs from the lady he was once infatuated with. The woman is left with bitter disappointment, and sometimes a persistent feeling of mistrust of all men, which is not so easy to cope with in the future. Nevertheless, you can recognize what the gentleman who is caring for you really is: you can find out the details by reading this article.

Find out what a man says about you to other people

An effective way to determine not only a man's character, but also his attitude towards you is to find out what he says about you to other people. Of course, you shouldn’t be around at this moment: otherwise, the boyfriend will simply say what you want to hear, and not the truth. This method will allow you not only to find out about a man’s attitude towards you, but also to partially unravel his character: a petty man who loves to gossip, for example, will definitely not miss the chance to discuss you with others in an unsightly light. Spying and eavesdropping is not the best solution: you may be noticed, and then your reputation will be over. It is much better to try to read a man’s personal correspondence: by speaking about you, he will show himself and his character in all its glory.

Watch a man at work

Perhaps the main place where you can see a person's true character is his work. It is at work that the best (or worst, depending on your luck) human qualities are revealed: the way a man communicates with colleagues, bosses or subordinates, if he has any, can tell you a lot. A man who has ulterior motives may be nice and kind to you, but the way he treats other people will best indicate how he will behave if he loses interest in you for even a little while.

In addition, you will be able to find out what your man’s character really is: whether he knows how to make important decisions alone or whether he seeks to blame everything on others; does he fulfill what he promised to his colleague or boss, or does he use all sorts of excuses until the very end, “forgetting” about what he promised or citing a chronic lack of time.

It is known that women (mostly) love with their ears. Some men shamelessly take advantage of this property of the fair half of humanity, delighting the ears of beautiful ladies with false promises. To find out the true character of a man, look at his actions, and not at what he says: saying is easy, doing is more difficult. Your man can bombard you with promises of marriage as much as he wants, be sure to organize a joint vacation or simply help around the house, but at the same time not back up his words with actions. If you notice such inconsistencies between word and deed in time, you will be able to quickly recognize the true character of a man and definitely will not allow yourself to be deceived.

By the way, endless promises are one of the characteristic features of gigolos and Don Juans: you are not on the same path with these men. You can find out how else you can identify such men by reading the article that we prepared specially: our advice will definitely help you avoid running into an insidious deceiver.

12.2.1945 (19 HOURS 56 MINUTES) (From the party description of the NSDAP member since 1930, SS Gruppenführer Kruger: “A true Aryan, devoted to the Fuhrer. Character - Nordic, firm. With friends - even and sociable; merciless towards the enemies of the Reich. An excellent family man; He had no connections that discredited him. In his work he proved himself to be an irreplaceable master of his craft...") ...After the Russians broke into Krakow in January 1945 and the city, so thoroughly mined, remained intact, the head of the imperial security department Kaltenbrunner ordered the chief of the eastern administration of the Gestapo, Kruger, to be brought to him. He was fully aware of our operation, and he can confirm that everything was prepared with the utmost care and conscientiousness. Just an ordinary comradely mutual check... And prepare an order for Kruger: we will send him as deputy chief of the Prague Gestapo - there is a hot spot... 15.2.1945 (20 HOURS 30 MINUTES) (From the party profile for a member of the NSDAP since 1930, Holtoff , Obersturmbannführer of the SS (IV Department of the RHSA): “A true Aryan. Character approaching the Nordic, persistent. Maintains good relations with his workmates. Has excellent performance at work. An athlete. Ruthless to the enemies of the Reich. He had no connections that would discredit him. Marked with awards from the Fuhrer and thanks from the Reichsfuehrer SS...") Stirlitz decided for himself that today he would free himself early and leave Prinzalbrechtstrasse for Nauen: there, in the forest, at a fork in the road, stood Paul’s little restaurant, and - like a year and like five years ago - Paul's son, legless Kurt, miraculously got pork and treated his regular customers to real icebein with cabbage. It is always easier to criticize and be angry. It is much more difficult to put forward a reasonable program of action. .. 15.2.1945 (20 HOURS 44 MINUTES) "Transcript of the meeting with the Fuhrer. Present were Keitel, Jodl, Envoy Havel - from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Reichsleiter Bormann, SS-Obergruppenführer Fegelein - envoy of the Reichsfuehrer SS Headquarters, Reich Minister of Industry Speer, as well as Admiral Voss, Captain of the third rank Ludde-Neurath, Admiral von Putkamer, adjutants, stenographers. Who is pacing around all the time? And be quiet, please, military gentlemen. I asked Colonel von Belov to give me information about the situation of the Luftwaffe. Italy. Bormann. I’m not talking about the colonel. Everyone is talking, and this is creating an annoying, constant noise. Hitler, Mr. General, there are no changes on the map today, My Fuhrer. : here are the corrections for today. Hitler. Very small print on the map. Thank you, now I see. General Guderian insists on the removal of our divisions from Kurland. This is an unreasonable plan. Now the troops of General Rendulic, remaining deep in the Russian rear, four hundred kilometers from Leningrad, are attracting from forty to seventy Russian divisions. If we withdraw our troops from there, the balance of forces near Berlin will immediately change - and not at all in our favor, as it seems to Guderian. If we remove troops from Courland, then for every German division near Berlin there will be at least three Russians. Helping to destroy the coalition of our enemies through diplomatic or other means is a utopia. At best, a utopia, if not a manifestation of panic and loss of all perspective. Only by inflicting military blows on them, demonstrating the inflexibility of our spirit and the inexhaustibility of our power, will we hasten the end of this coalition, which will fall apart with the roar of our victorious guns. Nothing affects Western democracies like a show of force. Nothing sobers Stalin more than the confusion of the West, on the one hand, and our blows, on the other. Please note that Stalin now has to wage war not in the forests of Bryansk or in the fields of Ukraine. He keeps his troops in Poland, Romania, and Hungary. The Russians, having come into direct contact with “not their homeland,” are already weakened and, to a certain extent, demoralized. But it’s not the Russians or the Americans that I’m paying maximum attention to right now. I turn my attention to the Germans! Only our nation can and must win! At present, the entire country has become a military camp. The whole country - I mean Germany, Austria, Norway, parts of Hungary and Italy, a large part of the Czech and Bohemian Protectorate, Denmark and part of Holland. This is the heart of European civilization. This is the concentration of power - material and spiritual. The material of victory fell into our hands. It now depends on us, the military, how quickly we use this material in the name of our victory. Believe me: after the first crushing blows of our armies, the allied coalition will crumble. The selfish interests of each of them will prevail over the strategic vision of the problem. In the name of approaching the hour of our victory, I propose the following: the Sixth SS Panzer Army begins a counter-offensive near Budapest, thus ensuring the reliability of the southern bastion of National Socialism in Austria and Hungary, and preparing an exit to the Russian flank on the other. Keep in mind that it is there, in the south, in Nagykaniz, that we now have seventy thousand tons of oil. Oil is the blood pulsating in the arteries of war. I would rather surrender Berlin than lose this oil, which guarantees me the inaccessibility of Austria, its commonality with the Italian million-strong Kesselring group. Next: Army Group Vistula, having gathered reserves, will conduct a decisive counter-offensive on the Russian flanks, using the Pomeranian bridgehead for this. The troops of the Reichsführer SS, having broken through the Russian defenses, go to their rear and seize the initiative: supported by the Stettin group, they cut the Russian front. The question of supplying reserves for Stalin is a question of questions. Distances, on the contrary, are for us. Seven defensive lines covering Berlin and making it practically impregnable will allow us to violate the canons of military art and transfer a significant group of troops from the south and north to the west. We will have time: Stalin will need two to three months to regroup reserves, while we will need five days to transfer armies; Germany's distances make it possible to do this, challenging the traditions of strategy. ..") Stirlitz came to his place when it was just beginning to get dark. He loved February: there was almost no snow, in the mornings the high tops of the pines were illuminated by the sun and it seemed that it was already summer and he could go to the Mogelsee and fish there or sleep in Here, in his small cottage in Babelsberg, not far from Potsdam, he now lived alone: ​​his housekeeper had gone to Thuringia to visit her niece a week ago - her nerves had given way from the endless raids. Now the young daughter of the owner of the tavern "To the Hunter" was cleaning for him. “Probably a Saxon,” Stirlitz thought, watching the girl handle a large vacuum cleaner in the living room, “dark, and with blue eyes. True, her accent is Berlin, but still she is probably from Saxony." - What time is it? - asked Stirlitz. - About seven..." Stirlitz grinned: "Lucky girl... She can afford it "about seven" . The happiest people on earth are those who can freely handle time without fearing the consequences... But she speaks Berlin, that's for sure. Even with an admixture of the Mecklenburg dialect..." Hearing the noise of an approaching car, he shouted: - Girl, look who was brought there? The girl, looking into his small office, where he was sitting in a chair near the fireplace, said: - Mr. police. Stirlitz stood up, stretched with a crunch and went into the hallway. The SS Unterscharführer was standing there with a large basket in his hand - Mr. Standartenführer, your driver is sick, I brought a ration instead of him... - Thank you, - answered Stirlitz, - put it in the refrigerator. "The girl will help you." He did not go out to see the Unterscharführer out when he left the house. He opened his eyes only when a girl quietly entered the office and, stopping at the door, said quietly: “If Herr Stirlitz wants, I can stay the night.” “This is the first time a girl has seen so many products,” he realized, “poor girl.” He opened his eyes, stretched again and answered: “Girl... you can take half the sausage and cheese for yourself without this...” “What are you saying, Herr Stirlitz?” she answered, “I’m not talking about food... “You’re in love with me, right?” Are you crazy about me? You dream about my gray hair, no? - Well, go, Marie, go rest. Otherwise, I’m afraid if they start bombing, you’ll be scared to walk when they’re bombing. You need to find out whether these contact attempts are: 1) disinformation, 2) personal initiative of senior SD officers, 3) fulfillment of the center’s assignment. And the smoke that poisoned us was colorless. And completely odorless... In my opinion..." After waiting until the firebrands had turned completely black and there were no longer the snakey blue lights, Stirlitz closed the hood and lit a large candle. Somewhere nearby two large explosions exploded in a row. "Fugaski, - he determined. - Large landmines. The guys bomb well. It just bombs great. It would be a shame, of course, if they hit you in the last days. Ours won't even find a trace. Actually, it’s disgusting to die unknown. Sashenka,” he suddenly saw his wife’s face, “Little Sashenka and big Sashenka... Now it’s not at all easy to die.” Now we have to get out at any cost. It’s easier to live alone because it’s not so scary to die. And having seen his son, it’s scary to die.” He remembered his chance meeting with his son in Krakow, late at night. He remembered how his son came to his hotel and how they whispered, turning on the radio, and how painful it was for him to leave his son, who at will fate had chosen his path. Stirlitz knew that he was now in Prague, that he had to save this city from the explosion just as he and Major Whirl saved Krakow... In the forty-second year, during a bombing near Velikiye Luki, Stirlitz’s driver was killed - the quiet, always smiling Fritz Roschke. The guy was honest; Stirlitz knew that he refused to become an informant for the Gestapo and did not write a single report on him, although he was very persistently asked to do so from the fourth department of the RHSA, having recovered from his concussion, he came to the house. near Karlshorst, where Roschke's widow lived. The woman lay in an unheated house and was delirious. Roschke's one-and-a-half-year-old son Heinrich was crawling on the floor and crying quietly: the boy could not scream, he lost his voice. The woman was taken to the hospital - he had lobar pneumonia. Stirlitz took the boy to himself: his housekeeper, a kind old woman, bathed the baby and, having given him hot milk, wanted to put him in her home. The old woman had never seen such a face on Stirlitz - it changed beyond recognition, and the old woman at first thought: “Is it him?” Stirlitz's face, usually tough and youthful, was now very old and even, perhaps, feminine. “I understand,” said Stirlitz, “this seems cruel to you.” But what should people in my profession do? Would it be better if he became an orphan a second time?

Member of the NSDAP since 1933, SS Standartenführer Stirlitz Max Otto

A true Aryan. The character is Nordic, self-possessed. Maintains good relationships with workmates. Fulfills his official duty impeccably. Merciless towards the enemies of the Reich. Has excellent health: Berlin tennis champion. Indifferent to alcohol. Single. He was not noticed in any connections that discredited him. Recognized with awards from the Fuhrer and commendations from the Reichsfuhrer SS.

A true Aryan. The character is Nordic, seasoned...
(fourteen moments)

1. Stirlitz received encryption from Moscow. It said that he would become a kamikaze. "They are transferring to Georgia!" - Stirlitz thought with joy.

2. Kat stuck her tongue out at Stirlitz. "Beef! - Stirlitz determined. “And I asked for pork.”

3. In the morning Stirlitz looked out the window. The first buds have already appeared on the trees. “Again, Muller committed atrocities all night,” Stirlitz sighed.

4. Stirlitz arrived in Moscow and in the subway on the glass of an approaching car he was surprised to read a strange inscription: “From Sar a call: bare your asses, Tsilya...”. Stirlitz thought for a moment and entered the carriage. From the inside, the inscription read more decently: “For the elderly.”

5. A caterpillar fell by the collar of Stirlitz. “Somewhere a tank exploded!” - thought Stirlitz

6. The letter from the center did not reach Stirlitz. He re-read it again - still didn’t get it.

7. Stirlitz loved chamber music. But the music did not penetrate the camera.

8. - How much are eggs? - Stirlitz asked the seller.
“Three at a time,” answered the seller.
- Rub it yourself! - Stirlitz was not at a loss.

9. Stirlitz entered the compartment. Holtoff slept on his shelf. “A fellow soldier,” Stirlitz realized.

10. Stirlitz walked through the city and observed. Suddenly a woman caught his eye. Stirlitz barely had time to cover his eyes with his hand.

11. Walking along the corridor, Stirlitz suddenly felt a strong smell of burning. He opened the nearest door and was not mistaken - Kasparov was there.

12. Stirlitz ran in for a moment. The MiG accelerated and took off. Stirlitz was blown away by the wind.

13. Stirlitz held the child in his arms. "Turn him over, you idiot!" - Kat was indignant.

14. Stirlitz read an advertisement on a pole: “I’ll rent an apartment in a multi-story building. The first, second and third floors are not offered. Professor Pleischner."

Maintains good relationships with workmates...
(eighteen moments)

15. Stirlitz approached Holtoff from behind and thought: “Now we’ll scare him a little.” And he hit Holtoff on the head with a plaster parrot.

16. Stirlitz and Muller played cards. Muller was clearly out of shape. She was lying near Stirlitz.

17. Stirlitz grabbed Muller by the Adam’s apple. "Bosom Friend!" - Muller managed to think.

18. Stirlitz came home very tired, sat down and dropped his head on the table. Kat screamed in horror - it was Holthoff's head.

19. In any company, Stirlitz immediately became the ringleader. The driver was his bodyguard.

20. Stirlitz cooked scrambled eggs in lard. Then I fried the potatoes in lard. Then he boiled tea - and they even pissed there.

21. For the sake of his friends, Stirlitz made a sacrifice. But the victim got scared and ran away.

22. Stirlitz accompanied Kat to the entrance. Kat said:
- Let's meet tomorrow at the maternity hospital!
Stirlitz looked up and saw light in the window - the freak was really at home.

23.Kat asked Stirlitz:
- Do you have a blank cartridge?
“Yes,” answered Stirlitz, “Schellenberg is not married.”

24. On Flower Street, Stirlitz saw a dog near a tree raising its leg. It was Pleischner's leg.

25. At home, Stirlitz became ill when he discovered he had anthrax. My mother-in-law from Krasnoyarsk, as always, arrived unexpectedly.

26. On September 11, Stirlitz watched live as people jumped out of the upper floors of flaming skyscrapers. Suddenly, one of them had a parachute open just before the ground. Shtirlitz was surprised to recognize him as Professor Pleischner. “He won’t stop, old extreme guy!” - thought Stirlitz.

On April 27.1, Stirlitz traditionally played a prank on Professor Pleischner. This time Pleischner went to orphanage number five.

28. Pleischner ate herring under a fur coat. Stirlitz lifted his fur coat and said to him: “Weren’t you taught to share, you bald rat?”

29. Stirlitz left the house and saw that Pleischner was animatedly talking about something with the janitors. “The professor got drunk this morning! – Stirlitz thought and drove Pleischner away from his car.

30.Professor Pleischner was already doing exercises four times a day. “Greedy cheapskate,” laughed Stirlitz, “buy yourself a new mobile phone!”

31. Stirlitz came to the astrologer Globa, but he was told that he was lying with a high fever. “Global warming,” Stirlitz decided.

32. Stirlitz entered the room and saw Professor Pleischner hanging on the chandelier. "Lustration!" - thought Stirlitz.

Impeccably fulfills his official duty...
(twenty-two moments)

33. Lately, Stirlitz has been working in a particularly intense state. Pleischner worked with him on the spot back in Special.

34. The business to which Stirlitz devoted his entire life failed. Kat left the iron on it.

35. Stirlitz stood on the corner of the embassy and sold nasturtiums. But Türkiye didn't need us.

36. In the morning, Kat went to the mirror and saw a spot on her neck. “This is a hickey,” she thought, remembering how yesterday Stirlitz hit her in the neck for sending “SOS” in plain text.

37. Müller said philosophically:
- Humanity, Stirlitz, is developing in a spiral.
Stirlitz saw that there was nothing in Muller’s office. “Indeed,” he thought, “everything has been done.”

38. From the basement, Kat saw Stirlitz come out onto the road and start shooting.
- And give me one shot! - she shouted.

39. Stirlitz read a leaflet on warehouses. But the warehouse guards succumbed to provocations.

40. Semiconductors burned out in Stirlitz’s radio. Then he replaced them with conductors: he began transmitting encryption through conductors on the Berlin-Moscow train.

41. - How do you like your new job? - asked Stirlitz.
“I like it,” answered Kat, “but the day before yesterday was better.”
- Well, don't worry. What was the pose yesterday, the same pose will be today.

42. Stirlitz ate jacket potatoes. The war was already over, and he wasn't afraid to get it dirty.

43. Stirlitz’s computer suddenly froze. The rope only lasted up to the third floor.

44. Stirlitz very carefully put out his cigarette butt on the trash can. But the observers noticed and took him out
from the polling station.

45. At the market, Stirlitz picked up a penny. Kat saw and laughed: “Couldn’t you have chosen a better car?”

46. ​​Stirlitz and Kat sat on the ocean shore and tuned the receiver to the desired wave. But they were covered by unnecessary things.

47. Stirlitz became a people’s deputy to prevent corruption in the country. The prevented corruption generously thanked Stirlitz.

48. Stirlitz was nominated to people's deputies. He immediately and decisively withdrew his candidacy - and ordered the photographs to be hung throughout the city.

49. Stirlitz had a business in Ukraine. He didn't even want to hear about it.

50. Stirlitz saw Professor Pleischner walking through the window. “He’s always been a beast,” thought Stirlitz, looking closely, “and today for some reason he’s with a cat. The turnout must have failed.”

51. Stirlitz attended Moscow Day. “The bottom, it’s the bottom in any city!” - he thought, running away from the homeless.

52. Professor Pleischner grasped everything on the fly. But this time there was nothing to grab onto.

53. Stirlitz could not stand movie camera lenses. But they didn’t believe him and accused him of stealing expensive optics.

54. Stirlitz decided to buy a turnkey house. The brokers were knocked off their feet, but not a single house fit his rusty key.

Merciless towards the enemies of the Reich...
(fifteen moments)

55. Stirlitz extended his hand to the enemy, but the cook hit him on the hand with a ladle and said:
- The stew is not ready yet!

56. - How are the radio operator and the child doing? - Stirlitz asked Muller.
- Badly! They, the bastards, managed to escape!
- Well, you can’t run far under the hatch! - Stirlitz reassured him.

57. - No change needed! - Stirlitz said to Pleischner.
But Pleischner did not listen to him and jumped from the dacha.

58. Stirlitz cooked vermicelli and decided to wash it. “We can’t do this without a colander,” he thought and said:
- Schlag, call your idiots!

59. Muller called Stirlitz and said:
- Stirlitz! And Professor Pleischner, it turns out, is your representative.
Stirlitz thought: “Where did he fall from? And why - wet?”

60. Stirlitz prepared a garbage bin. When the trash came in, he put it on his head.

61. Stirlitz saw Pastor Schlag and thought: “Well done, he finally decided to escape.” But the escape gave way, and the pastor fell from the tree.

62. Stirlitz and Schlag played a sea battle.
- How did you manage to escape from the Gestapo? - Stirlitz asked Pastor Schlag.
The pastor paused and said:
- Barely...
- Miss! - Stirlitz laughed, - That’s eight!

63. Stirlitz bought a bottle of milk.
“Pasteurized,” he read and thought: “Poor Pastor Schlag!”

64. “You promised to give me a new combination for my birthday,” said Kat.
- Oh yes! - Stirlitz realized, - here she is. And he stuck his thumb not between the index and middle fingers, but between the middle and ring fingers.

65. - So that one leg is here, the other is there! - Stirlitz said to Pleischner and sent him through the minefield.

66. Stirlitz met his enemies with lead. The enemies liked Vinzo.

67. Stirlitz took a gun and went duck hunting. The ducks flew away and the sick people hid.

68. Stirlitz paid for his deputy mandate with greens. He laid out everything he knew about the affairs of this party.

69. At the embassy, ​​Stirlitz saw a press attaché and thought: “With such a press and attaché?”

Has excellent health: Berlin tennis champion...
(eleven moments)

70. Stirlitz took his things and boarded the ship. But the ship suddenly turned over, and Stirlitz flew to the floor, clutching the walls with his hands. The patients in the ward began to laugh.

71. In the car, Stirlitz carefully squeezed out the glass. Then he squeezed it out again - and again it was glass.

72. Stirlitz snatched the pistol from Muller. The vomiting went away immediately.

73. "This is a failure!" - thought Stirlitz, feverishly remembering where he picked up this damned suitcase. But there really was a lapse in memory.

74. Stirlitz saw prostitutes getting wet in the rain, approached and advised them to hide under the tent. “Impotent,” the prostitutes decided.

75. Stirlitz stood up and tried the drain. Then I tried again, again and again. And then he noticed the sign “The drain is not working!”

76. Stirlitz sat backwards. Soon before I fell ill.

77. Stirlitz said to Kat:
- I root for you with all my heart!
"Insane!" - Kat understood.

78. Stirlitz put on his skates and went to the skating rink. When the skating rink passed, the skates remained forever in the asphalt.

79. Stirlitz hit the ball and hit the top nine. In the "nine" the alarm went off.

80. Pleischner saw Stirlitz running along the mountains and slopes. The clone was a little ahead.

Indifferent to alcohol...
(twelve moments)

81. Stirlitz had already begun to fall asleep when there was a knock on the door. “Then I’ll fall asleep,” he thought, covering the machine and hiding the sugar.

82. Stirlitz drank two glasses of wine. He only made it to the third.

83. Stirlitz heard reports on the radio that the Germans had taken Moscow, and thought: “You can’t hear anything from vodka!”

84. Stirlitz and Kat had lunch in the forest. Kat asked:
- Who is singing this: quail or quail?
“Quail,” answered Stirlitz, and he himself thought: “Or she ate too much.”

85. Stirlitz took out a corkscrew and stuck it into the cork several times. The traffic jam at the pub door immediately cleared.

86. Stirlitz took a kiss and fired. Then he kissed again and fired. Then the schnapps ran out, and he began to shoot without applying

87. Kat went to a beer bar to try a foamy beer. She did not suspect that Stirlitz knew that singer well.

88. Stirlitz woke up and was immediately forced to use edged weapons. His head was pounding after yesterday, and he put it on his forehead.

89. Stirlitz came out of the tavern and saw a crowd of dogs. “We need to shoot them, not hoard them!” - he thought.

90. Stiritz and Pleischner built a dugout in three steps. For the fourth time they hit the snake in the dugout itself.

91. At the restaurant, Stirlitz was brought a steak with blood. On the way, the waiter accidentally broke his nose on the door.

92. Late in the evening, Kat called Stirlitz and said: “I know, Stirlitz, you can’t sleep alone...” “No,” Stirlitz answered, hanging up, “you can sleep alone!”

Single. He was not noticed in any connections that discredited him...
(twenty-four moments)

93. Stirlitz washed himself in the bathhouse.
- Add me a couple more! - he shouted. Two more prostitutes were introduced to him.

94. Stirlitz prepared for battle. But the girl came.

95. More than anything in the world, Stirlitz loved old people and children. Sometimes he also loved women.

96. Stirlitz came home and immediately fell onto the side. The middle one cried out of frustration.

97. Stirlitz lay in bed for days. "He was given these ducks!" - Kat was jealous.

98. Stirlitz asked Kat:
- Do you like films about love?
- Without a doubt! - Kat answered.
“And I’m into porn,” admitted Stirlitz.

99. Stirlitz threw Kat onto the bed and thought: “Well, now the matter has come to an end.” But the little one didn’t get up.

100.Kat put her finger on the trigger. Stirlitz was afraid that he would end badly. "If only it's not too early!" - thought Kat.

101. Muller came out of the water and saw that Kat had already mated on the shore. When he came closer, he saw that Kat had mated with Stirlitz.

102.Müller asked Stirlitz:
- Stirlitz, when you come home late at night, do you wake up the maid?
- Will! - Stirlitz answered.

103.On the Okruzhnaya Road, Stirlitz took off several prostitutes at once. But the pimps caught up with him and exposed the tape.

104.Kat didn’t want to become cancer, but she had to. Stiritz mistakenly wrote down in her new
In the documents, the date of birth is not the first of June, but the first of July.

105. Stirlitz set a task for Kat. But the paparazzi also found them behind the dacha.

106.In the gym, Stirlitz sadly performed exercises on the balance beam. It had been a long time since he had come across temperamental women.

107.Kat loved oral sex, but there were neighbors around, and Stirlitz did not allow her to yell.

108. After washing himself, Stirlitz flushed the bath. Anna was pleased.

109.Kat made eyes at Stirlitz. Stirlitz doubled them again with difficulty.

110. Stirlitz saw Pleischner climb onto the pear. “Yes,” thought Stirlitz, “nowadays you rarely see this beautiful female name.”

111. Stirlitz tried caviar. Kat blushed and removed her foot.

112. Stirlitz took the book. Then I saw the section and checked the box. Galochka got dressed herself.

113.In the hospital, Stirlitz suffered for a long time with his leg. Finally, the naked woman relaxed.

114. Stirlitz stopped the car on the shore and said to Kat: “I’ll go to the sea and see the low tide.” Low tide, Stirlitz looked at the sea.

115.Kat treated Stirlitz to an apple. Stirlitz ate it and asked, where did you get it? “Yes, there was an attack in the garden.” Stirlitz looked out the window - there were several more apples lying on the carrion in the garden.

116. Stirlitz and Kat laughed and threw berries at Pleischner. One of the watermelons hit the professor right in the head.

Recognized with awards from the Fuhrer and commendations from the Reichsfuhrer SS.
(one moment)

117. Last year, Stirlitz was awarded another military rank and given a hat. My groin still hurts.