Childhood is a carefree time for arguments. Work on literature "the theme of childhood in Russian literature of the twentieth century"

  • 20.06.2020

Types of problem

The role of childhood in human life


L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”. One of the heroes of L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace,” young Petya Rostov, who inherited all the best traits of the “Rostov breed”: kindness, openness, the desire to help a person at any moment, cannot stay at home in times of severe trials.

Despite the prohibitions and persuasion of his father and mother, Peter achieved his goal: he was sent to the active army. And there he shows his best qualities, instilled in him since childhood. Let us remember how Petya took pity on the French captive drummer, how he generously treated his older comrades with sweets, how boldly and recklessly he rushed on his horse into the thick of the battle...

I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”. The childhood of the main character Oblomov in I.A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” was fabulous and cloudless. Everyone loved little Ilyusha, caressed, pampered, protected from all sorts of dangers. Oblomov did nothing, his parents forbade him to show his will, and any attempts at independence were immediately stopped. Such excessive care and concern drowned out in Oblomov any desire to do something on his own, to learn something new. Later we see how the hero grew up: lazy, apathetic, completely unadapted to life.

F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment.” The childhood of the hero of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”, Rodion Raskolnikov, was cloudless. A kind and sympathetic boy could not tolerate injustice. We learn about this from his dream about a poor horse being slaughtered in front of a dozen people by a drunken Mikolka. Adults are afraid of falling under the hands of a brutal person, and little Rodya, crying and screaming loudly, attacks the horse’s owner with his fists. This childhood memory emerges in his sick mind a few days before the murder of the old woman and, it would seem, stops him, pushes him to renounce his plan... But, alas!

Charles Dickens "David Copperfield". In most of Charles Dickens's novels, one can see how important childhood is for the development of every person. The most typical novel in this regard is "David Copperfield". The hero of this work goes through a long path of spiritual development. An unhappy childhood, orphanhood, and the search for loved ones change David's character and give him life experience.

N.V. Gogol “Terrible Revenge.” In the plots of the stories “Terrible Vengeance”, “Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and His Aunt” N.V. Gogol, revealing the inner world of his heroes, often looks for the reasons for the appearance of their characteristic features in the events experienced in childhood. For Gogol, this motive became increasingly important over time. For example, in “Terrible Revenge”, it is through an appeal to the childhood of the main character of the story - the sorcerer - that the author tries to explain the reasons for his actions.

Essay on the Unified State Exam according to the text:“Happy, happy, irrevocable time of childhood! How not to love, not to cherish the memories of her? These memories refresh, elevate my soul...”(according to L.N. Tolstoy).

Attention! The same text was in early Unified State Examination In Russian 2017.

Full text

Perhaps our most vivid impressions came from childhood. What role does this period play in a person’s life? This is precisely the question asked by the author of the text offered to me for analysis.

To answer this question, L.N. Tolstoy describes the childhood years of Nikolenka Irtenyev. The writer very colorfully and convincingly depicts the protagonist's happy memories of childhood. It would seem that there is nothing unusual in them, but how touchingly the author writes about this cannot leave us indifferent. According to Tolstoy, the most important role in a child’s life is played by his parents. For Nikolenka, the most precious person is her mother, because she gives her son “all her tenderness and love.” The writer draws attention to the fact that children's dreams "are filled with pure love and hopes for bright happiness." By this he shows that the life of a child is carefree and innocent.

Throughout the course of the story, the author wants to convey to us the following idea: childhood plays the most important role in a person’s life, since it is in childhood that character is formed, the process of personality formation occurs, and concepts of good and evil are laid down.
I share the author's opinion. Indeed, childhood is an important stage, because it is childhood impressions and memories that often underlie the actions of an adult.

To confirm my thought, I want to recall the work of I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov. The main character Ilya Ilyich Oblomov brought back from childhood bright, tender memories of his mother. Also, the basis of the friendship between Oblomov and Stolz, so different and dissimilar, was laid in childhood. Despite the main flaw in his character, manifested in laziness, everything - after all, all the best: kindness, responsiveness - was laid down in childhood.

Childhood also played a very important role in my life. My parents paid special attention to instilling a sense of beauty: they took me to museums and theaters. Grandfather often told various stories and facts related to art, and taught me to draw. And now, standing on the threshold of adulthood, I know that my future profession will be connected with my love for painting and sculpture, which my family raised in me as a child.

Thanks to L.N. Tolstoy came to me to realize what a huge influence childhood impressions have on our qualities, goals, and dreams. And I hope that the problem that our great writer raised in his work will be reflected in the destinies of other people. Indeed, in the future, when many of us will raise our children, the thought of how every word can affect the inner world of our son or daughter will prevent us from making irreparable mistakes.

(380 words)

In the speech of Dostoevsky’s hero Alyosha Karamazov there were words that I had not paid attention to before, but now I thought about them:
“Know that there is nothing higher, and stronger, and healthier, and more useful for life in the future, like some good memory, especially taken from childhood, from the parental home.


Very often, turning to the past affects a person’s state in the present. In this text D.A. Granin raises the problem of the role of childhood memories in a person’s life.

Analyzing this topic, the author draws our attention to the statement of one of the heroes of the novel F.M. Dostoevsky that “some good memory” from the parental home can be the best, strongest, healthy, useful reminiscence of a person. The writer draws our attention to the fact that with such a statement Alyosha Karamazov does not demand or preach - he is only trying to encourage all people to remember those moments “when they felt good.” Such memories must be morally formulated and understandable - in this case they can bring a lot of good and benefit to a person.

YES. Granin believes that childhood memories play an important role in a person’s perception of the world and his life in general - they bring happiness and self-satisfaction, in difficult, sad moments they help analyze one’s existence and fill it with meaning - thereby “obliging the soul.”

I completely agree with the author’s opinion and also believe that a person’s memories from his parents’ home, the renewed feeling that you were once good, can bring new colors to a person’s life, fill it with meaning and faith in one’s own happiness.

The problem of the role of childhood memories is raised in the novel “A Hero of Our Time” by M.Yu. Lermontov. The author approached this topic in a non-standard way and, using the example of Pechorin, showed that sometimes an analysis of one’s own life, one’s actions from childhood can help a person explain his condition in the present. In his own monologue, the hero refers to the period of his life when he himself was ready to “love the whole world” - to do good, love, make friends and be happy. Thanks to this, he realized that he could experience the same feelings as everyone else, he could not be lonely, he could do good deeds, and this, of course, kept a little warmth in his heart. But the fact is that at the same time he decided for himself that it would be easier and better for himself to close himself off from the whole world, to respond to its injustice with anger, to its ill will and hypocrisy - with cynicism and cruelty, and to perceive people and everything around him as game.

The analysis of childhood memories helped the hero of M. Gorky’s story “Childhood” in difficult moments of his life to realize that his existence is not as terrible as it seems, and each of us is capable of making our lives better. From his grandmother, Alyosha learned selfless love, compassion, fearlessness, and later, recalling the moments of manifestation of these feelings, the hero realized that he was capable of much - moreover, he could give love without difficulty and with great happiness. Memories of childhood, of grandmother, of the “leaden abominations” of life and of those who brightened them up, helped M. Gorky write a wonderful story about his childhood, and this is probably the best thing that can be done under the influence of memories.

Thus, we can conclude that no matter what a person is, no matter what he experiences, no matter what he thinks about, memories from childhood can change his worldview, and if not make it better, then at least remind him of what once then there was good in his life.

Here are collected the most popular childhood problems, which are touched upon by authors of different directions and eras. Each of them is reflected in the headings, under which you can find suitable arguments for an essay on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. All these examples can be downloaded in the table at the end of the article.

  1. In the poem by N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls" the authoritative instructions of Chichikov Sr. are a powerful incentive for the formation of the character and activities of the protagonist. The list of postulates included: the ability to please superiors, communication with people for profit, and careful handling of money. The strength of his father's covenant was reflected in Chichikov's adult life. He followed his father’s behest, skillfully mastering the ability to accumulate. This adherence to authority made Pavel a talented hoarder, but also an unhappy person, for whom the main goal in life is connected with the world of things, and money is the only true friend. Thus, Chichikov not only became an immoral person who can step over any morality for the sake of profit, but also a loner who has not known true friendship and love.
  2. In allegorical fairy tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince” The role of authority is played by the Fox from planet Earth, who taught his friend the basic principles of friendship and love. The fox doesn't just tell the prince how to find friends and love correctly. He tells the boy to “tame” him. Only through the process of “establishing bonds” does the hero understand the truths that the Fox preaches. At the cost of his suffering, he trains the Little Prince, and he returns to his beloved - the rose - because he once tamed her too.

The problem of growing up

  1. Tale by V.T. Tendryakova “The Night After Graduation” most fully reveals the problems of growing up. The transition from school to adulthood is a difficult time in the life of a teenager. The best student of the graduating class, Yulia Studentseva, taking the opportunity to speak for her class at the graduation party, said that she was indifferent to all the paths and opportunities that were now opening up for her. The problem of choosing a path that will determine the whole future life, the search for one’s calling is just one of the few conflicts of growing up that are reflected in the story by V.T. Tendryakov.
  2. Trilogy L.N. Tolstoy “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth" tells about the problems of moral development of Nikolenka Irtenyev. The questions that occupy the main character are questions of self-determination, which are asked by most of the younger generation. For example, in “adolescence” Nikolenka painfully experiences the age gap with her older brother Volodya and envies his character. Mental experiences result in uncontrollable hysterics, in the impulse of which he hits the tutor. In Youth, the protagonist is occupied with more subtle problems: he tries to organize his life, creating “rules” and trying to understand the weight of the human word. As a young man, Nikolenka is inclined to schematically divide all the phenomena of life. For example, in the chapter “Love” he reflects step by step on three types of love. Thus, the reader sees how complex and long the process of personality development is.

The influence and role of childhood in human life

  1. Young monk Mtsyri is a key figure in the work of the same name by M.Yu. Lermontov. All his life he yearned for his native land of the mountainous Caucasus. The hero's personal tragedy lies in his slavery, which does not give him the opportunity to return to his home. The young man's monologue before his death contains childhood memories in which his father, sisters, and the evening fire appear. But the main thing for Mtsyri is that his childhood memories refer the hero to the thought of the illusory and distant freedom that the young soul so strives for. Thus, childhood memories associated with a feeling of freedom and happiness served as an incentive for the hero’s fatal escape.
  2. The problem of the influence of childhood memories on a person is updated in the work F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". On the eve of a brutal murder, young student Rodion Raskolnikov has a dream-memory from his childhood. In it, the main character appears as a little boy, subtly and painfully feeling compassion for the horse killed by a drunken Mikolka. It is no coincidence that the author includes this dream in the narrative. This memory casts doubt on Raskolnikov’s theory, saying that no one has the right to control someone else’s life. But the ideological principle still outweighs Rodion’s consciousness, and he still kills the old woman. However, thoughts from childhood do not let him go; it was they that laid the foundation for the contradiction in the soul of the criminal.
  3. Child poverty

    1. In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" the problem of child poverty is shown in the Marmeladov family. Katerina Ivanovna’s children had living conditions that were appalling in terms of poverty. They often remained hungry, which was reflected in their emaciated faces, and they wore worn-out clothes. Finally, the picture of poverty is completed by the very location of the family’s room, which was a walk-through room and was hung with sheets to create the illusion of separate space. The poverty of the Marmeladov family, including childhood poverty, prompted Sonya to step over herself and go “with a yellow ticket.”
    2. The problem of adult indifference

      1. Valentin Rasputin's story "French Lessons" most fully reflects the problem of child poverty. The central character, on whose behalf the story is told, talks about a dysfunctional family and a hungry childhood. Necessity pushes him to make money through gambling in a dubious company. The cheating of one of the players was noticed by the boy, after which he was severely beaten. The child's plight did not go unnoticed by the young French teacher Lidia Mikhailovna, who secretly helped the boy with food. When the identity of the sender was revealed, Lidia Mikhailovna herself began to play with the main character for money, after which she lost her job. However, even after this, she continued to support the student. But the story of her charity reflects an ongoing problem in child welfare that many people don't want to see.

Arguments from Olga Gromova’s book “Sugar Baby”

1. The problem of education.

The parents of little Stella Nudolskaya from Olga Gromova’s book “The Sugar Baby” worked a lot and were very busy people, but they always had time to organize intellectual games for the child, teach the girl languages, drawing and singing. For the rest of her life, she remembered the important rules of a “good person” who is not afraid of difficulties, “unties all the knots himself” and knows how to endure. All this helped Stella become truly strong, brave and free.

2. The problem of the role of literature in human life.

The main character of Olga Gromova’s book “Sugar Baby” Stella remembers that books were an important part of their family’s life. They had a wonderful library and a tradition of evening reading aloud. This is how the child developed the idea that a book is a friend, adviser and support in any situation. Later in exile, in a Kyrgyz village, these readings will be resumed for people united by a common misfortune. They will listen to poems and poems by A.S. Pushkin, and the Kyrgyz epic “Manas”. In this way, literature will unite people of different nationalities and ages with different life experiences and education.

3. The problem of overcoming life's difficulties, perseverance and patience.

The main character of Olga Gromova’s book “Sugar Baby” Stella Nudolskaya and her mother were subjected to repression: they were sent into exile as members of the family of an enemy of the people. It was difficult for a woman who had suffered bone tuberculosis to cope with heavy physical work, she was afraid for the fate of her daughter, but she never complained of pain or fatigue. It was the mother’s fortitude, courage and perseverance that helped her and Stella survive in inhuman conditions and at the same time remain proud, internally free people.

4. The problem of mercy.

The main character of Olga Gromova’s book “Sugar Baby,” Stella, remembers how the Yuzhakovs, risking their freedom, unselfishly helped exiles survive, simply because they saw how difficult it was for a woman and her daughter to cope with poverty and illness. The Yuzhakovs took care of Stella and her mother: they treated them, fed them, helped with the move, and brought food. This is an example of compassion.

5. The role of parental love.

Let us recall the biography of Stella Nudolskaya from Olga Gromova’s book “Sugar Baby”. A woman who has suffered many troubles, injustice and cruelty in her life remembers with gratitude her parents, who treated her with love and always supported her. As a child, they always devoted a lot of time to their daughter: played with her, read books to her, taught her languages. From childhood, Stella learned many truths that helped develop her character, the main one being “Slavery is a state of mind. A free person cannot be made a slave.”

6. The problem of hard work.

An example of a hardworking person is Savely Yuzhakov from Olga Gromova’s book “Sugar Baby”. This man devoted his entire life to hard peasant labor and introduced his children to work from childhood: the boys, along with their father, plowed, sowed, and mowed, the girls helped their mother with everything around the house. In addition, Saveliy carved wood beautifully, felted shoes, and his wife and daughters spun and sewed. The efforts of the whole family bore fruit: the economy of the “Yuzhaks” was strong, despite the difficulties, collectivization, and difficult climate.

7. The problem of finding the meaning of life.

Let us remember Olga Gromova’s book “Sugar Baby,” which tells about the fate of a repressed family. Stella, the main character of the work, more than once wonders what the meaning of life is, what are the guidelines that should be followed on the path of life. Raised, despite all the difficulties, as a free person, Stella considers the increase of goodness to be her main goal in life. Having endured many hardships, even in old age she does not give up her active life position and participates in collecting funds for humanitarian aid to people affected by the earthquake.

8. The problem of the struggle for truth, justice

Let us turn to Olga Gromova’s book “Sugar Baby,” which focuses on the fate of the repressed girl Stella Nudolskaya. The girl, even under the threat of expulsion from the pioneers, which was considered a disgrace in those years, refuses to paint over the portraits of Blucher and Tukhachevsky in the textbook, since she considers them worthy people who contributed to the history of our country. This is a worthy act, showing the strength of character of the heroine of the work.

9. The problem of patriotism

Let's remember Olga Gromova's book “Sugar Baby”. Stella Nudolskaya, the main character of this work, despite the difficulties of the fate of a person who was repressed in childhood and declared a traitor to the homeland by a family member, remains faithful to her Fatherland. She doesn’t even think about emigrating, because she understands that the country is not only the leaders, the government, but also the people, therefore leaving her native land at a difficult time for the Fatherland is impossible, she needs to serve people and do good.

10. The problem of responsibility for moral choice.

Olga Gromova, in her book “Sugar Baby,” reflects on how to make the right moral choice so as not to lose self-respect and not lose human dignity. Stella Nudolskaya, the main character of the work, talks with her mother about why honest and hardworking people who served the people are declared enemies of the people and fists. At the end of the conversation, the girl understands that when evaluating people, you need to “listen to your heart” and think for yourself, and not blindly believe loud words, slogans, accusations and praises. Stella comes to the conclusion that everyone must choose which side they take and be responsible for their own decisions.

11. Friendship problem

Let's turn to Olga Gromova's book "Sugar Baby", in the center of the narrative of which is the fate of Stella Nudolskaya. Having been repressed and finding herself with her mother in distant Kyrgyzstan, the main character of the work understands the value of friendship. When a girl is expelled from the pioneers because she refuses to cross out the portraits of Blucher and Tukhachevsky in the textbook, her comrades do not leave her in trouble. Sapkos and Frida support Stella and remain loyal friends, despite the fact that they could also be condemned for communicating with her.

Arguments from Boris Lvovich Vasiliev’s story “My horses are flying...”

    The problem of love for a small homeland.

Many writers have raised the problem of love for their small homeland in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”. In it, the author admits that he was “fabulously lucky” to be born in Smolensk. With a feeling of pride, the prose writer talks about the history of the city, about the people who live in it, about the oak tree that has preserved the “eternally living warmth” of the past. The narrator understands that there are more beautiful cities on earth, but it was Smolensk that became dear because it is “the cradle of childhood.”

    The problem of patriotism

The problem of patriotism was raised by many writers in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”. In it, the author admits that his love for the Fatherland began with respect for the history of his native city, with the ability to appreciate the traditions of his family and his people. It is for Smolensk, where he spent his childhood, that young lieutenant Vasiliev goes to fight, realizing that the “cradle of childhood” cannot be given to the enemy.

    The problem of being kind to others

Many writers have raised the problem of having a good attitude towards other people in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”. In this work, the author, talking about his childhood, recalls that it was “saturated with Good.” Helping neighbors who were having a hard time was the norm, and there was no expectation of praise or reward for it. This “simplest form of goodness” helped the narrator form moral values ​​and maintain humanity into old age.

    The problem of education

The problem of education was raised by many writers in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”. In it, the author, talking about his childhood, demonstrates how his parents raised him, instilling in him “a great sense of everyday everyday internationalism,” hard work, a reverent attitude towards books, and the ability to sacrifice what is necessary for the sake of people. The parents, by their example, showed the boy how to live in order to be a “quite good” person. For example, my father never allowed himself to use a company car for personal purposes, because he considered such an act dishonorable.

    The influence of nature on humans

The problem of education was raised by many writers in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”. In this work, the author talks about a huge old oak tree, “the most ancient inhabitant” of Smolensk. The boy remembered the beauty and grandeur of this tree, which preserves the history of centuries, for the rest of his life. It was this oak tree that made him think about the role of history in the life of every person.

    The problem of the role of childhood, childhood memories in human life

The problem of the role of childhood and childhood memories in a person’s life was raised by many writers in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”. In this work, the author, a man who has experienced a lot, remembers with reverent feeling those who “gifted him with childhood and warmed him with their own hearts,” because it was in childhood that those traits were laid down that helped him survive during the difficult years of the war, which made him a creator and a person who value spirituality above all else.

    The problem of self-sacrifice, love for people

The problem of self-sacrifice and love for people was raised by many writers in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”. In this work, the author talks about the fate of Dr. Jansen, “the holy city of Smolensk.” This man devoted his life to selfless service to people. A doctor in an area where the poor lived, he worked seven days a week and on holidays, and was always polite and patient. Dr. Jansen sacrificed himself to save two boys who fell into a sewer shaft while playing and were in danger of suffocating. The whole of Smolensk came to the funeral of this worthy man.

    The problem of the role of art in human life

The problem of the role of art in human life has been raised by many writers in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”. In this work, the author sees the function of art as saturating human life with meaning, teaching people to doubt, feel and suffer. All this, according to the writer, prolongs physical and spiritual life.

    The problem of finding the meaning of life

Many writers have raised the problem of the meaning of life in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”. In it, the author talks about how, trying to comprehend the purpose of his own existence, he turns to his father with the question: “Why has a person been given so much?” And he receives a short but succinct answer: “For work.” It was this conversation that helped the young man to believe in “the need for persistent, daily, frantic work.” He saw this as a high goal, increasing goodness in the world.

    The problem of the role of work in human life

The problem of the role of work in human life was raised by many writers in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”. In it, the author talks about his family, in which everyone worked. From early childhood, the narrator remembers hands burned by weeded grass, his father, who in his free time repaired and restored something, his mother and aunt, who were always darning and altering something. For them, a person who did not want to work “was obviously perceived with a negative sign if he was healthy.”

11/ The problem of spirituality, moral values

    The role of literature and reading in the formation of personality

The problem of literature and reading in the formation of personality was raised by many writers in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”. In it, the author talks about his family, the main value of which was books. For the rest of his life, the boy remembered how in the evenings they read aloud the classics, literature that “is read, figuratively speaking, with the hat off.” This is how he discovered Turgenev, Goncharov, Gogol, Lermontov... The works of great writers formed the best character traits of the future writer, while he “remained on his knees before Literature.”

    Problems with animals

Many writers have raised the problem of attitudes towards animals in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”. In it, the author encourages readers to see animals not as fun, not as caprice, but as helpers, necessary for people and therefore respected. It is then that animals ennoble a person, make him kinder, more demanding of himself. The main thing is not to forget about our responsibility to our smaller brothers and to be merciful to them. This is exactly what one can call the narrator’s father, who fed dogs abandoned by people, and they responded to him with devoted service.

    The problem of perseverance in overcoming difficulties

The problem of perseverance in overcoming difficulties was raised by many writers in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”. In it, the author talks about his father, who never abandoned the business he started, because he believed: “it’s all about desire and work.” This man always had the strength to overcome obstacles. For example, he took it upon himself to repair junk cars in order to teach newbies how to drive. The officer worked hard, sparing no time, and he managed to “breathe life into these auto corpses.”

    The problem of courage and heroism

The problem of courage and heroism was raised by many writers in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”. In it, the author talks about his father, a modest and taciturn man who, in an extreme situation, showed fortitude and courage. When, due to the boy’s negligence, a fire broke out in the garage, threatening to spread to residential buildings, the father, risking his life, pulled out a barrel of gasoline that had already caught fire, thereby saving people from the fire.

    Problem of conscience

The problem of conscience was raised by many writers in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”. In it, the author talks about his father, a modest and taciturn man who, despite the fact that he had the right to a personal car and had three cars at his disposal, never used them for personal purposes, because he was ashamed of people, because technology and gasoline were state property.

    The problem of mercy, the ability to live not for oneself

The problem of mercy, the ability to live not for oneself, was raised by many writers in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”. In it, the author talks about his grandmother, who knew how to sympathize with someone else's misfortune. For example, when she finds out that one of her friends has been living without electricity and a stove for a month, she gives her her kerosene along with a can and does not regret it at all.

    The Problem of Mother's Love

The problem of maternal love has been raised by many writers in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”. In it, the author talks about his mother, who gave him life, risking her own, because she was “burned by consumption.” The narrator carried this feat of maternal love, self-denial and sacrifice throughout his entire life. The writer remembers with gratitude that his mother taught him not to complain about life, to be friends with people, not paying attention to their nationality, and to read classical literature.

    The problem of historical memory

The problem of historical memory has been raised by many writers in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”. In it, the author shares his views on the role of memory of ancestors in the life of each of us. The prose writer believes that the words of A.S. have not lost their relevance. Pushkin about the fact that one should be proud of the glory of one’s ancestors, and not respect it - shameful cowardice. It is history that connects generations, preserves traditions and “does not allow a person to remain a barbarian.”

    The problem of the role of a teacher in a person’s life

The problem of the role of a teacher in a person’s life has been raised by many writers in their works. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”. In it, the author gratefully talks about his first teacher, who saw her duty not in “stuffing” children with knowledge, making future “robot specialists” out of them, but in “raising Citizens of their Fatherland.” It was she who allowed the children to touch the past of the Motherland and instilled in them a love of history.

21. The problem of the influence of war on human destiny

The problem of the influence of war on a person’s fate was raised in their works by many writers. Let us recall the autobiographical story of B.L. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”. Being a participant in the Second World War, Boris Vasiliev says that the weight of it still cannot be thrown off one’s shoulders. He calls this time a charred piece of biography and considers it his duty to write about that wartime. That is why the story “Not on the Lists” appears. This is a wreath of memory for the grave of my closest friend Nikolai Pluzhnikov. The military generation was deprived of youth: early responsibility made them young adults.

Arguments from the book “Letters about Good” by Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev

    The problem of finding purpose and meaning in life

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist convinces young readers that “increasing goodness in the world around us” is the highest and worthy goal of human life. Anyone who considers a career or material wealth to be their main value is mistaken, because all of this can be lost in one moment. And a person who rejoices in every good deed he does does not lose, but gains, the respect and gratitude of those around him.

    The problem of honor and dignity

Another example is the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist is convinced that every person should follow the wise folk proverb and take care of honor from a young age. After all, our actions live in people's memory. The worthy ones will warm your heart in old age, and the bad ones will not let you sleep peacefully at night.

    The problem of love

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist convinces young readers that love is necessary, since it is what makes a person better and helps him gain wisdom. However, this feeling should not be unconscious or blind. You need to see the shortcomings of your loved one and help him fight them.

    The problem of truth and honesty

Another example is the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist is convinced that lies and cunning are always directed against the deceiver. The academician considers loyalty to truth and justice to be the highest feeling. A wise person will not dodge; the truth gives him the most valuable thing in life - a calm conscience.

    The problem of patriotism and nationalism

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist convinces young readers that they need to be patriots, not nationalists. There is no need to hate other nations if you love your own. A true patriot must know and appreciate the history of his country, strive to do everything possible for the prosperity of the Fatherland.

    The problem of treating people kindly

Another example is the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist is convinced that it is necessary to be open and tolerant of other people's shortcomings. You need to look for the good in people. This ability to see the “overshadowed” beauty in a person enriches spiritually.

    The problem of resentment and revenge

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist convinces young readers that they should not stoop to resentment, because excessive touchiness is a sign of a complex, so it is necessary to learn to forgive and never take revenge, as this allows a person to pay more attention to good feelings.

    The problem of greed, greed

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist convinces young readers that greed is “oblivion of one’s own dignity,” a disgusting feeling, humiliating for a person, hostile to him and others. Greed, unlike reasonable frugality, is a disease that takes possession of the mind.

    The problem of maintaining the purity of the Russian language

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist convinces young readers that language is an indicator of human culture, the degree of psychological balance, and spiritual strength. People who “spit words” injure those around them; a self-confident person will not swear or use jargon: he knows that his word is already weighty.

    The problem of manifestation of conscience

Another example is the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist is convinced that conscience always comes from the depths of the soul and is “purified to one degree or another.” It is this feeling that “gnaws” at a person for the bad deeds he has committed. Moreover, conscience is never false. A truly honest person considers it his life guide.

    The problem of intelligence

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist convinces young readers that a person must be intelligent under any circumstances. What does intelligence look like? It is not only about knowledge, but also about the ability to understand others, to be tolerant of other people’s opinions, and to honor all the best traditions of the past.

    The problem of envy

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist convinces young readers that envy is a terrible, destructive feeling that is characteristic of people who have not found their way in life, who are insecure and complex. To get rid of envy, you need to develop unique traits in yourself and strive to be yourself.

    The problem of education

Another example is the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist is convinced that a well-mannered person is one “who wants and knows how to take others into account.” It is not enough to read and study books about the rules of etiquette; you need to learn to take care of the world and people around you, and respect the past of your country.

    The problem of happiness

Another example is the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist is convinced that “spiritual culture” makes a person happy, because it is what fills people’s lives with meaning. Those who follow the “paths of goodness” can be considered the happiest.

    The problem of education, enlightenment

Another example is the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist is convinced that one should always study, but a particularly favorable time for receiving a good education is youth. Knowledge grows and multiplies, so self-education is necessary to promote intellectual growth and broaden one’s horizons.

    The problem of historical memory

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist convinces young readers that young people should strive to better know the past of their family, city, country and the whole world. However, this is not enough: we also need to carefully preserve cultural monuments, objects left over from our ancestors, in order to convey history to our descendants. After all, a people who forgets about the past has no right to the future.

    The problem of the influence of works of art on humans

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist convinces young readers that art ennobles a person, opens his soul to perceive beauty, and teaches humanity. You only need to be “armed with knowledge” and information when handling great works. After all, knowledge is power, and art is “inaccessible to the powerless.”

    The problem of nature conservation

Another example is the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist is convinced that environmental laws must be observed, because their violation will lead to the physical death of people. In addition, the landscape of each country is an important element of national culture, since nature is “an expression of the soul of the people.” Not taking care of it means destroying the culture of your country.

    Vandalism, destruction of cultural monuments

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist convinces young readers that the “stock of monuments” of culture is extremely limited and is being depleted at a progressive rate. Therefore, in order not to be “those who do not remember kinship,” we must treat the cultural environment with care, otherwise we will have nothing to leave to our descendants.

    The problem of mercy and compassion

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist convinces young readers that a person should be caring and merciful. Compassion is a manifestation of morality; it unites people, makes them fight for humanity, justice, and the preservation of nature and the past of their country. This feeling helps people not to become hardened in soul, since it was forgotten, it needs to be revived.

    The problem of a scientist's responsibility for a discovery

Let us recall the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The academician convinces young readers that a man of science bears moral responsibility for his discoveries. In the age of machines and robots, atomic energy and biological weapons, scientists must be especially careful and try not to harm the environment and people.

    Memory problem

Another example is the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist is convinced that memory is overcoming time and death, therefore “a memoryless person is an ungrateful, irresponsible person and incapable of noble deeds.” The younger generation needs to take care of memory and know that it is “our wealth.”

    The role of youth, youth in a person’s destiny

Another example is the collection of journalistic articles by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The scientist is convinced that youth is the time when a person makes real friends and develops habits that will help or hinder him in the future. For example, it is important to instill hard work in youth, since there is nothing more unfortunate than “a person who is lazy and avoids effort.” It must be remembered that actions committed in youth will warm the heart in old age, and bad ones “will not let you sleep.”