What does cheating on a loved one mean? Cheating on a loved one, interpretation of the dream book

  • 08.09.2024

If you dreamed that you were cheated on, or you were caught cheating, you should not panic and perceive such a dream as a threat to your personal happiness.

As the dream book explains, betrayal does not necessarily mean that something like this can happen or is happening in reality. Moreover, cheating in a dream can be a symbolic reflection of the sincerity of your partner’s feelings towards you.

To understand why you see betrayal in a dream, you need to break down the dream into specific details. For example, if you were doing this, then this vision describes your state of mind or attitude to what is happening. Seeing that someone is cheating on you is most often a prediction of some possible future events and tips on what to do in a given situation.

Legal spouse cheated

Dreams about betrayal are always exciting and often frightening. A married dreamer needs to know why her husband cheats in her dreams in order to find peace of mind and calm down. Men also begin to feel some anxiety after seeing in a dream a plot involving the betrayal of his beloved wife.

The dream book explains why you dream about your wife’s betrayal. Such a vision says that soon his wife will reveal herself to him from the other side. Perhaps he will discover new qualities in her that he had not noticed before, and this will make him love him even more.

Also, as the dream book interprets, his wife’s betrayal may reflect his internal anxiety and some distrust of his soulmate. This interpretation applies to temperamental dreamers who tend to be jealous.

For a dreamer who dreams of her husband’s betrayal, the dream book explains that this picture has the exact opposite meaning of reality. In reality, your spouse dotes on you and will never dare to enter into an extramarital relationship with anyone else.

Another meaning of the plot in which betrayal occurred in a dream is disagreement in real life with the husband on some issues. Perhaps you are not ready to accept his point of view or have not yet forgiven him after a recent quarrel.

A loved one cheated

It’s hard for lovers to even imagine that a loved one could commit betrayal. And a dream in which his lover or beloved cheats on him can instill mistrust in the soul. Before drawing any conclusions after seeing the picture, you should turn to the dream book and find out why you dream about your loved one’s betrayal.

For a young man, a dream in which he saw that his girlfriend cheated on him is a hint that she expects more decisive steps from him. Perhaps your loved one strives for certainty and dreams of a marriage proposal.

To understand why a girl dreams of cheating, remember whether she found out in a dream that she had been exposed, and how she behaved.

If she saw you during the betrayal, but behaved at ease and was not embarrassed at all, it means that you have done something wrong to her in reality. Such a vision advises you to quickly apologize and make amends, otherwise a small disagreement can lead to serious grievances.

In the case when your beloved girl, seeing you, got scared and began to make excuses, she will soon ask you for something unusual or confuse you with an unexpected question. The fate of your future relationship depends on the reaction to her request; do not neglect her questions, even if you consider them inappropriate.

The dream book will help the dreaming girl answer the question of why she dreams of a guy cheating. This vision indicates that her boyfriend is devoted to her and is not capable of betrayal in real life.

Such pictures are dreamed of as a reflection of the dreamer’s thoughts and her feelings about relationships. Perhaps she understands that she was wrong during the disagreement, and now she is tormented by pangs of conscience. In this case, it is better to immediately ask for forgiveness and admit your mistakes.

Seeing a dream in which a girl herself is unfaithful to her boyfriend means that another person has appeared in her thoughts. Most likely, this is just a new acquaintance who made a strong impression on her. You should not get hung up on this vision and think that the other man has some feelings towards you. Such pictures often appear in dreams if something new has appeared in life that we have not encountered before.

Who did the adultery happen to?

To understand why you dream about your husband cheating on you with your best friend, analyze your attitude towards her in reality. Most likely, you are very close to her and share all your secrets. Such a dream speaks of your warmth and spiritual affection for your friend. You really want the best for her and are very worried if she gets into trouble.

If a man dreamed of his wife cheating on his best friend, it means he probably doesn’t trust him. This could have happened due to their serious quarrel. Perhaps the dreamer recently learned about his close friend some information that forced him to reconsider his attitude towards his friend.

A dream book will help a girl understand why she dreams of a guy cheating on her best friend. According to the interpreter, such a dream warns that you should not completely trust your close friend. Perhaps the motives for her friendship are not as selfless as they seem at first glance. Try to distance yourself from her for a while and check the sincerity of her friendship.

If a guy has dreams in which his girlfriend is cheating on him with his best friend, it is also worth turning to the dream book before making unfounded accusations.

So, according to the dream interpreter, in order to understand why a girl dreams of cheating on her best friend, one should analyze the situation that arose before such a vision in reality. Perhaps your friend uttered a careless phrase that offended you. Subsequently, you happily forgot about it, but it remained in the subconscious, and now it in its own way brings it to the surface.

Another meaning is that betrayal in a dream promises the guy who sees it great changes in life. They will relate to business life rather than personal life, and will lead to success and the implementation of their ambitious plans. It is possible that his beloved will provide him with important moral support during difficult periods.

Many girls, upon waking up, quickly run to the dream book to decipher what they dreamed. They are overcome by both great curiosity and fear of what they saw in their dreams. After all, we sometimes see completely incomprehensible things and, it would seem, for no particular reason. For example, what do you think, to your loved one? To go on a side trip? Or, on the contrary, to great and true love? So you won’t answer right away! Let's figure this out together!

Cheating in your sleep has become a very popular activity lately. This is known to all people in love. But it’s all due to the fear of losing someone who is very dear to you. Sometimes this fear takes such bizarre forms that it begins to provoke a person into some simply fantastic dreams! The poor dreamer then suffers and cannot figure out exactly why he dreams of cheating on his loved one. In principle, almost all such dreams are psychological in nature, since they simply reflect our fear of real betrayal, but some dreams can still be a warning signal! So, let's dot the i's! Why do you dream about cheating on your loved one?

For women

If a woman dreams that she is cheating on her man, for example with his friend, then, first of all, this man needs to be attentive! He needs to take his financial affairs more seriously because one of his business partners is playing against him. It turns out that we girls, when we cheat in our dreams, become like seers! Therefore, we should warn our loved ones that someone is taking advantage of their weakness and wants to deprive them of their finances. Don’t be afraid, this dream does not carry the risk of real betrayal!

If you dream of cheating on a loved one in a car, then there are two possible interpretations:

  • perhaps your communication with him does not satisfy you, and you would not mind considering other candidates;
  • you really want to take revenge on your man for something.

Why do you think you dream of cheating on your loved one not with another person, but with some unrealistic fantastic creature (for example, with an alien)? It's simple: in real life, your sexual partner, for one reason or another, suppresses your libido, which makes you think about other, more liberated sexual pleasures!

For men

Cheating on a loved one in a dream among men warns them of danger.

Guys, if you see yourself having sex with your girlfriend's (wife's) real friend or her relative, do not trust this person in your life! Such a dream tells you about the unreliability and optionality of the partner you dreamed of. She has no moral barriers or principles. By the way, it is not necessary that in life she will become a seducer for you. Perhaps the most common betrayal in some other area (for example, professional).

For everyone

If a man or woman dreamed of how they were quarreling, with one of them accusing the other of treason, then in real life the person who was accused should be prepared for various claims against him from the other. Claims and accusations can arise for a variety of reasons.

Cheating on a loved one is one of the painful moments in life, and it hurts us even that we dreamed about something like this. But why dream about the betrayal of a loved one, are dreams really warning us about the worst things that we don’t even want to think about?

One of the most extraordinary psychologists, Sigmund Freud, interprets such dreams as a lack of attention from a person close to you. And she recommends diversifying your life, including your sexual life. But there are other interpretations of such a dream, which we will now consider.

Betrayal of a loved one: interpretation of sleep

  • Adultery is more often interpreted as failures in business or troubles in the home. For an unmarried girl, if she dreamed that her beloved cheated on her, such a dream means a quarrel or discord in the relationship.
  • It is also important to remember with whom you saw the man who cheated on you. If it was one of the women you know, then this is a warning that what you have planned will not come true, and you should not waste effort.
  • But if a loved one cheats on you with a stranger in a dream, then this dream speaks of your hidden resentment towards him, and it is worth solving problems in reality. Also, such a dream may mean a reluctance to change and accept those changes in the way of your life that your husband or loved one offers you.
  • Dreams where you learn about cheating, but do not see it, indicate disagreements in your couple and unresolved problems that are worth discussing.

It is worth noting that betrayal is a rather unpleasant event, which is interpreted negatively in all dream books. This may not carry any tragic consequences, but it clearly indicates that there is a problem in the relationship that needs to be addressed, especially if the dream is repeated several times.

It should also be taken into account that very impressionable and jealous girls can dream of betrayal. The subconscious embodies your fears in dreams, which you skillfully disguise. Especially if you suspect cheating in reality.

Cheating is the most disgusting thing that can happen in a relationship. It’s good if she’s only dreaming, but if she’s in reality. But if you believe the dream books, cheating in a dream also does not lead to anything good.

Most psychics agree on one thing - to see your husband or boyfriend cheating in a dream promises discord with your loved one and a quick separation. Let's not get scared ahead of time, because dreams do not always come true; more often they symbolize our secret fears and desires. WANT.ua will tell you what you dream about, but we warn you, you need to believe not in dream books, but in your feelings and not lose your composure.


A dream about betrayal may not mean anything at all, but can be a reflection of real feelings, experiences and emotions. If you constantly think that your husband is cheating on you, it is not surprising that your suspicions have turned into a dream. Treason is generally not a very good sign, symbolizing conflict and scandal. Not necessarily with a loved one, you can quarrel with relatives, friends, work colleagues, or just a stranger. Don't panic ahead of time and calm down. A dream about betrayal should not become a stumbling block and cause paranoia - do not throw meaningless scandals just because your loved one cheated on you... in a dream.


Dreams that occur in the first half of the week are recommended to be perceived as memories from the past. They do not foretell trouble. For example, betrayal, dreamed of in Monday indicates that you have recently experienced betrayal (but not necessarily) and cannot let it go. If you are interested Tuesday I dreamed that a man cheated, the situation is exactly the same as with Monday, but here the betrayal is a long-standing dream. Perhaps it was because of this betrayal that something happened that you just can’t get over and are afraid to start, thinking that everything will happen again.

Treason of a loved one, dreamed of Wednesday, portends trouble. This means that you are one of those women who, in principle, are often cheated on and will be cheated on. Fate is a villain, it cannot be changed. According to psychics, women who often have dreams about betrayal on Wednesday are cursed and jinxed. And here’s the paradox: such women easily meet each other and start new relationships, but they don’t last long.

IN Thursday I have prophetic dreams, so if you had a dream about cheating on this day of the week, the man will most likely cheat soon. In such a dream, details are important: if you dream of cheating with a specific person (husband with your friend, husband with a work colleague), it is not a fact that it is with him that the man will decide to cheat. And no one will give you a 100% guarantee that there was cheating: maybe your spouse flirted fleetingly at a gas station to boost his self-esteem.

Treason dreamed of in Friday, leads to disappointing consequences. It is quite possible that a man has a constant mistress with whom he often cheats on you. After such dreams, husbands leave home and do not return.

IN Saturday dreams of a man cheating, which should not be taken seriously. Usually, such a dream foreshadows betrayal. Not necessarily on the part of the husband - it could be deception on the part of children, relatives, colleagues, friends. Yes, anyone. But this deception will not be for the purpose of showing off, but for selfish purposes.

Seeing a guy cheating in a dream resurrection also a bad sign. But this does not mean that betrayal must take place, it’s just that you may start having problems with money, at work. Another betrayal dream on Sunday can promise changes in real life, the initiator of which will be your husband.


One of the dream books contains information that cheating in a dream is a sign that in real life you will have problems with the law. No, you will not be imprisoned for 20 years under the planner, but it will still be unpleasant and a residue will remain.

IN Miller's dream book betrayal is interpreted by the fact that you are a very gullible and naive person who can be fooled by anyone. Everyone takes advantage of you, but you don't notice. Treason in this case promises you to again be used by someone for selfish purposes.

By Vanga's dream book cheating on a loved one in a dream tells you about the inevitable collapse of the plans that you recently wanted to implement. Their failure will lead to depression. If at the very last moment in a dream a man restrained himself from cheating, it means that you are a very strong person who will overcome any obstacles.

If you believe Freud's dream book Cheating on your spouse means that in real life you are worried that your man might leave you for another woman. Once you dispel your fears, frightening dreams will stop tormenting you at night.


The famous predictor interpreted a man’s betrayal in a dream as a big change in life, and also speaks of the obstinate character of a wife who does not want to submit to her husband’s authority and wants to be independent.

By Loff's dream book a dream where you saw a loved one betraying you out of revenge portends a long, strong and... If a man cheated, but confessed and repented, it means dissatisfaction with the current situation, but you can turn your life in the right direction by using cunning.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation recognizes her husband’s betrayal in a dream as an overestimation of her capabilities. Yes, you have many life plans, but not all of them will be fulfilled, because you have not thought everything through.

According to the famous fortune teller Miss Hasse, or a close friend in a dream, marks the collapse of all prospects and expectations. Cheating with a stranger will bring good news, joy and life without sorrows and sorrows.


Esoteric dream book interprets a dream about your significant other’s betrayal as a favorable atmosphere in the family only if in real life you stop being jealous of every man you meet, blaming him for infidelity, and learn to trust your spouse.

By English dream book cheating means strong love, happiness and devotion in.

If we consider betrayal in a dream according to modern dream book, you are faced with obstacles and difficulties that you cannot cope with on your own. But by enlisting the help of loved ones, you will definitely overcome everything.

Dream books are a good thing when you need to have fun, but you shouldn’t trust them with your life.

Betrayal is quite a difficult event, from which no person can insure his personal life. Why do you dream of a loved one cheating?

Very often, the fear of being deceived and losing trust in one of the closest people makes lovers very worried.

Therefore, a dream in which the other half cheats, can greatly aggravate existing fears, or even worse, become the cause of their emergence.

After all, many, not knowing why they dream about the betrayal of a loved one, may consider such a dream to be a kind of prediction.

There is a popular belief that any dream from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. Many are sure that the events of such dreams will definitely come true with incredible accuracy and in the near future.

But you should not rush and spoil your mood and nerves if you had a dream about the betrayal of a dearly loved person at this “special” time.

Not only because dreams are a kind of reflection of the human subconscious, but also because the images seen in them are rarely interpreted literally.

First, you should carefully analyze the emotional climate in the couple. After all, very Often such dreams are caused by constant jealousy, giving no rest.

In this case, it is advisable to initiate a frank conversation with your loved one, think about how serious the reasons for such fears are and whether they exist at all.

But if in a relationship the level of trust of partners in each other is quite high and such dreams cannot be associated with excessive suspicion, then it will be useful to turn to the interpretations of dream books in order to understand why you dream about the betrayal of a loved one.

Decoding in the dream book of Nostradamus

Cheating on a loved one, seen in a dream by a young unmarried woman or girl, warns her against future inattention to the details of an upcoming event or hasty incorrect conclusions.

She should pay more attention to her affairs at home and at work, so as not to make rash decisions that could negatively affect her success and productivity.

What does betrayal of a loved one mean in a dream, according to Hasse’s dream book

According to this dream interpreter, a dream about adultery is a sign of an improving personal life, the end of failures in love.

This opinion is in many ways similar to the common belief that the nature of dream events is directly opposite to the nature of waking events.

Interpretation in Miller's dream book

According to this psychologist's explanation, seeing adultery in a dream indicates that the partner is being trusted too much and there is a threat of deception (not necessarily adultery) on his part.

The meaning of sleep according to Vanga’s dream book

According to this famous soothsayer, a lover cheating in a dream means a future encounter with troubles, which the dreamer may not have enough courage, mental or physical strength to resolve.

Why dream of a loved one being betrayed by a friend or even a relative?

The most unpleasant thing is to see in a dream how a loved one is cheating with his best friend or with another woman close to the dreamer, for example, with his sister.

Such dreams most often warn about failure in business, future disappointments and thwarted plans in real life.

However, there is another opinion. According to him, a dream, the plot of which is a lover in the arms of a faithful friend - a sign of deep affection and strong affection of the “rival” in relation to the dreamer.

Sometimes such dreams are even credited with predicting good news.

Seeing a loved one in a dream with his ex-girlfriend or wife is a sign of accumulated fatigue or prolonged negative experiences that can lead to depression.

But in case if in a dream your partner cheats with an unfamiliar girl, such a dream may indicate unwanted changes that the dreamer, for one reason or another, does not want to adapt to, no matter how much her other half wants it; or probably talk about old grievances and misunderstandings in the relationship.

If the betrayal of a loved one does not occur in front of the dreamer’s eyes, and she simply finds out about adultery, this may mean long-standing concealment or obvious conflicts, the resolution of which cannot be put off for too long.