How Alexander Sheps perceived the death of Ilona Novoselova. Ilona Novoselova - biography, information, personal life

  • 21.06.2019

Journalists found out that Novoselova had already been taken to prison in an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy. last way. They say that Ilona was burned, so all that was left for her friends and relatives were warm memories of her.

Alexander Sheps, who is credited with having an affair with Novoselova, also said goodbye to the spectacular dark-haired witch. According to rumors, when a young sorcerer came to Moscow from Samara to try his hand at the “Battle of Psychics,” Ilona, ​​experienced in this matter, helped him.

By that time, she had already managed to take part in two seasons of the show. The persistent witch was a participant in the sixth and finalist in the seventh convocation. Novoselova has repeatedly stated that she has the gift of clairvoyance from past life. He will probably go with her to the new one.

Ilona prepared Alexander so well that the student surpassed his teacher and became the winner of the project. In those days when the sorceress advised Sheps, they allegedly began an affair. True, not for long. Everyone knows that long ago, back on the set of “Battle,” the magician was captivated by the red-haired beauty Marilyn Kerro.

But Alexander remembers Ilona. “You were one of the strongest of us and we will miss you very much. I learned a lot in my time from the most worthy, black Witch. You knew how to be different, but always remained real...” - he turned to his ex-lover Sheps.

The clairvoyant communicates with the brunette as if she were still alive. “Ilonka, we will always love you,” promised Novoselova, the winner of the “Battle of Psychics.” “And you are unlikely to allow us to forget ourselves. Let the Transition be easy, and let our energy help you at the new stage.”

Let us remind you that according to information that appeared in the media, the participant popular show“Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova died after falling from a sixth-floor window of a house located on Entuziastov Highway in eastern Moscow.

According to preliminary data, before her tragic death, Ilona had a strong quarrel with her boyfriend, Artem Besov. “He threatened her that he would go home to Chelyabinsk and leave her, but she was categorically against this,” the sorceress’s mother told reporters.

Recently a friend deceased Ilona Novoselova spoke about her personal life. In particular, Alsou Gazimzyanova revealed the details of Ilona’s affair with another participant in the “Battle of Psychics” Alexander Sheps, reports Russian Dialogue.

According to her, Sheps and Novoselovs knew each other before participating in the project. Then the man allegedly advised Ilona to conduct sessions in his hometown. Why Sheps needed this remains unknown, but Alsou is sure that Alexander never wished well to the girl.

Death of Ilona Novoselova latest news, investigation: A friend of the deceased Ilona Novoselova told the whole truth about her affair with Alexander Sheps

Thanks to the efforts of her friend, Ilona decided to refuse to communicate with Sheps. Two years passed, and Novoselova decided to renew their relationship. Alsou was surprised by her friend’s decision. “I was shocked to find out why she brought him to the Battle? If before that he was doing dirty tricks and going against her,” the clairvoyant said. She also emphasized that in the end it was Alexander who left his girlfriend.

Death of Ilona Novoselova latest news, investigation: Ilona Novoselova latest news: when and where was the black witch buried

As it turned out, in Lately Novoselova worked too much with people about their deceased loved ones. The clairvoyant did not spare herself and devoted herself completely to her work. Ilona also had many enemies. The 29-year-old witch could easily turn a person against herself with her scandalous behavior or harsh statements.

So, Ilona Novoselova was cremated. Relatives performed last will clairvoyant. The girl asked for this during her lifetime. Her ashes were buried in one of the Moscow cemeteries. But the relatives did not specify where exactly.

Death of Ilona Novoselova latest news, investigation: After the death of Ilona Novoselova, the clairvoyant’s ex-boyfriend is threatened by unknown persons

The ex-boyfriend of Ilona Novoselova, a participant in the “Battle of Psychics” who died in Moscow, announced threats against him. According to Chelyabinsk resident Ruslan Barinov, the first time he was “pushed to the wall” was after filming the program “Let Them Talk.”

The talk show discussed the tragic death of Ilona Novoselova. Let us remind you that last week a girl fell from a 6th floor window in the east of the capital. However, Ruslan has to speak on this matter on air federal channel They didn’t give it, supposedly the boyfriend of the deceased witch opposed it. And after filming at the hotel ex-friend Novoselova was in for a surprise.

Ruslan Barinov, ex-boyfriend Ilona Novoselova: “A man comes at me and presses me against the wall, putting a knife to my throat. By inertia, I throw his hand away like this and run into the knife. You see, there’s even a cut left here. After that, he comes running, with this place he begins to put pressure on my throat and says: “If you don’t shut your mouth about Ilona Novoselova, then you won’t live.”
After this, according to Ruslan, threatening calls began to arrive. And friends increasingly began to say that unknown people make inquiries about him. Ruslan doesn’t know who these strangers are. He believes that the boyfriend of the dead girl is sending the hooligans.

Death of Ilona Novoselova latest news, investigation: Ilona Novoselova’s boyfriend spoke about the circumstances of her death

As Ilona’s young man said, on the day of his death, June 13, they quarreled. Artyom even packed his things and was ready to leave, to which the witch began screaming and swearing. As Besov clarified, at the moment when Ilona fell out of the window, he was not in the room. In his opinion, the girl fell out by accident, simply by simply slipping. Also that day, the psychic drank two cans of beer.

As Ilona Novoselova’s mother said, on the day of her death, her daughter had a presentiment of something evil, which made her nervous.

Let us remind you that the body of a participant in the popular television project“Battle of Psychics” was discovered on the canopy of a dental clinic located on Entuziastov Highway.

The winner of the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics” spoke about the deceased participant of the show, Ilona Novoselova. According to rumors, after arriving in Moscow, he met with a dark-haired witch.

According to some reports, when the young sorcerer came to Moscow from Samara to participate in the “Battle,” it was Ilona who helped him. At that time, she had already managed to take part in the show.

Ilona Novoselova prepared Alexander perfectly, and in the end the student surpassed his teacher. During such consultations on magic, an affair allegedly began between the young people, and after the relationship with Novoselova, Sheps began dating the red-haired beauty Marilyn Kerro. Nevertheless, Alexander speaks very warmly of Ilona.

“You were one of the strongest of us and we will miss you very much. I learned a lot in my time from the worthy, black Witch. You knew how to be different, but you always remained real...” Sheps turned to Novoselova.

“Ilonka, we will always love you. And you are unlikely to allow us to forget ourselves. Let the Transition be easy, and let our energy help You at the new stage,” wrote the winner of the “Battle of Psychics.”

Earlier it was reported that the finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova crashed after falling from the window of the sixth floor of a house located on Entuziastov Highway in the Russian capital.

According to preliminary information, the tragic death of the girl was preceded by a quarrel with a young man, Artem Besov.

Finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova fell from a sixth floor window on June 13. And although the investigation concluded that the death of the 29-year-old psychic was an accident, her close girlfriend Alsou Gazimzyanova is sure that this death is not accidental. Moreover, many dubious moments emerge in it.

A few days before the incident, Alsou had a presentiment of someone’s imminent death. According to the clairvoyant, she foresaw the death of the man who harmed her family.

“I saw in a dream that man's hands will help Ilona leave. They made some kind of movement, and her soul went upstairs,” Alsou noted.

According to Gazimzyanova, Ilona was very trusting and a simple person, who could make friends with anyone.

“She always wanted attention. When she came to our house, she saw how we communicate with my mother. She was like a daughter to us. I saw her suffer. After that, Ilona called her parent and apologized for her behavior,” Alsou said.

Novoselova knew that she was not destined to live long. As the witch’s friend said, during that difficult period, Ilona got involved with a man who traded in black magic. He cauterized a new life line for her, telling her that the witch would live to be 100 years old. The star of the TV project had two apartments in Moscow, one of which she signed over to her lover, Artem Besov.

“I don’t know which apartment he took. I know that I applied for housing in Pavlovsky Posad. The man made us quarrel. And I told her that I left because I was tired of this dirt. Artyom began to give receptions with her and sat on her neck. In one day he deleted all her pages on in social networks. I was also told that she signed over her apartment to him,” Alsou admitted in an interview with StarHIT.

Let us remind you that the body of Ilona Novoselova was found on the canopy of the entrance. Presumably, the fortune teller fell from a 6th floor window after a quarrel with a young man. According to neighbors, the lovers constantly sorted things out, even leading to fights.

A clairvoyant from Chelyabinsk was threatened with death for his long tongue. He is shocked by what happened and fears for his life.

One of the most scandalous issues"Let Them Talk" program. The relatives of the late sorceress Ilona Novoselova and her colleagues in occult sciences gathered in Andrei Malakhov’s studio. Even her former lover, the clairvoyant Ruslan Barinov, was brought from Chelyabinsk.

“I was called to Moscow, promised security and a good fee for participating in the program,” Ruslan said in exclusive interview Dni.. – But when Ilona’s relatives found out that I was also here, thunder struck. They were categorically against my appearance in the studio.

It could have led to assault. Therefore, the editors of the program locked me in the dressing room and said that it was better for me not to show up in the studio. There was no longer any talk about money and security. I was horrified by everything that happened there."

But something terrible happened later. After finishing recording the program, Barinov was able to go outside through another exit. He headed to the hotel where the producers of “Let Them Talk” accommodated him. “I decided to go to the supermarket, it’s right around the corner from the hotel,” says Ruslan. “And a man with a knife attacked me on the street!” - “If you don’t shut your mouth, you won’t live!” “he hissed at me, putting a large knife to my throat.”

“I met Ilona in 2015, when she was already a girl,” Ruslan said. “We lived together and hosted the reception. But I wanted a child, and this was not part of Ilona’s plans. We didn’t part very well; she still had a grudge against me. Then we didn’t communicate for several years. And in Moscow she closed herself off from all her acquaintances.”

Journalists found out that Novoselova had already been taken on her last journey in an atmosphere of strict secrecy. They say that Ilona was burned, so all that was left for her friends and relatives were warm memories of her.


Alexander Sheps, who is credited with having an affair with Novoselova, also said goodbye to the spectacular dark-haired witch. According to rumors, when a young sorcerer came to Moscow from Samara to try his hand at the “Battle of Psychics,” Ilona, ​​experienced in this matter, helped him.

By that time, she had already managed to take part in two seasons of the show. The persistent witch was a participant in the sixth and finalist in the seventh convocation. Novoselova has repeatedly stated that she has the gift of clairvoyance from a past life. He will probably go with her to the new one.

Ilona prepared Alexander so well that the student surpassed his teacher and became the winner of the project. In those days when the sorceress advised Sheps, they allegedly began an affair. True, not for long. Everyone knows that long ago, back on the set of “Battle,” the magician was captivated by the red-haired beauty Marilyn Kerro.

Publication from Alexander Sheps ( Jun 14 2017 at 12:47 pm PDT

But Alexander remembers Ilona. “You were one of the strongest of us and we will miss you very much. I learned a lot in my time from the most worthy, black Witch. You knew how to be different, but always remained real...” Sheps turned to his former lover.

The clairvoyant communicates with the brunette as if she were still alive. “Ilonka, we will always love you,” the winner of the “Battle of Psychics” promised Novoselova. “And you are unlikely to allow us to forget ourselves 😈👻Let the Transition be easy, and let our energy help you at the new stage... 🙏🏻✨” .

Let us remind you that, according to information that appeared in the media, Ilona Novoselova, a participant in the popular show “Battle of Psychics,” fell from the window of the sixth floor of a house located on Entuziastov Highway in the east of Moscow.

According to preliminary data, before her tragic death, Ilona had a strong quarrel with her boyfriend, Artem Besov. “He threatened her that he would go home to Chelyabinsk and leave her, but she was categorically against this,” the sorceress’s mother told reporters.

Alexander Sheps, famous magician and the winner of the 14th season of the popular show “Battle of Psychics,” said that the death of Ilona Novoselova was a great loss for him.

Previously, Sheps and Novoselova spent a lot of time together, Ilona prepared Alexander to participate in a mystical project, after which they began dating.

Death of Ilona Novoselova, latest news: revelations of her former lover Sheps

Their relationship ended when the Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro appeared in Sheps’ life, so Ilona Novoselova treated her red-haired rival very poorly and, of course, was offended by Sheps.

However, she quickly found a replacement ex-lover, having fallen in love with the medium Ruslan Barinov, who came to conquer the capital from the Chelyabinsk region. After him, Ilona lived for four years with the magician Artem Besov, who also happened to be from the Chelyabinsk region.

Death of Ilona Novoselova, latest news: Before her death, Ilona Novoselova transferred the apartment to a friend

Girlfriend deceased participant“Battle of Psychics” told about the suspicious events that preceded the death of the girl

A close friend of the tragically deceased Ilona Novoselova, Alsou Gazimzyanova, who was also among the finalists of the “Battle of Psychics” show, said that shortly before the girl’s death, a dark streak began in her life. According to Alsou, Ilona became depressed. At that moment, a young man named Artem appeared in her life, who practiced black magic. Novoselova became so attached to him that she even transferred one of her two apartments to him, and also helped launch a magical practice.

As Alsou stated, at one time the psychic offered her an apartment in exchange for “helping her die.” The woman could not do such a thing, and soon the communication between them ended. “The man made us quarrel. And I told her that I left because I was tired of this dirt. Artyom began to give receptions with her and sat on her neck. In one day, he deleted all her pages on social networks. I was also told that she signed over her apartment to him,” Gazimzyanova told StarHit. She also noted that she was surprised by the fact that in the footage after the fall, Ilona was wearing shoes, despite the fact that everything happened when she was at home. The woman is sure that the death of her friend requires a thorough investigation.

Death of Ilona Novoselova, latest news: Ilona Novoselova’s friend Ruslan Barinov fears for his life

Ruslan Barinov, who arrived to film the broadcast of the program “Let Them Talk” about Ilona Novoselova, fears for his life. A friend of the deceased said that in the broadcast studio he could have become a victim of the girl’s angry parents. And after filming, he was attacked by an unknown person with a knife.

This week, Ilona Novoselova, a participant in the “Battle of Psychics”, suddenly died, who was one of the most scandalous participants in the history of the project. This tragic event caused great excitement. Many of her colleagues, relatives and friends spoke out on the topic of her death. One of them was Ruslan Barinov, who is credited with having a relationship with Ilona.

The guy was invited to the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program, where a broadcast dedicated to Novoselova was filmed. Ruslan said that they promised to provide him with security and a good salary. However, he never managed to take part in the filming.

Barinov explained: passions had become so heated in the talk show studio that it was simply unsafe for him to appear there. When the parents of the deceased found out that Ruslan also came to the shooting, they reacted, to put it mildly, not very friendly.


As a result, he never starred in the talk show, as originally planned, and then was forced to leave the studio through the emergency exit. But then the worst thing happened to him. Barinov said: he decided to go to the supermarket, but there he was attacked by an unknown person with a knife. The attacker advised him to keep his mouth shut, threatening him with violence. Fortunately, Ruslan was not injured, but after that incident he fears for his life:


Death of Ilona Novoselova, latest news: An astrologer told why psychic Ilona Novoselova died

Rumors around tragic death psychic Ilona Novoselova does not subside. Some believe it was murder, others believe it was suicide. The predictor and astrologer Pavsekakiy Bogdanov volunteered to comment on the situation. “No witch, no magician, no third party is involved in Ilona’s death.

One thing is clear in the psychic’s horoscope: only she herself could kill her. The horoscope shows a deep form of psychiatric illness, and all this was aggravated by excessive consumption of alcohol and not only that, and 2017 was her last,” Bogdanov said. He noted that Ilona herself was looking for how to end her life, attracting various troubles and scandals. The girl was treated in a psychiatric hospital several times, and all this affected her health.