How you can learn to sing beautifully at home. How to learn to sing at home? Rules and exercises for self-learning to sing at home

  • 14.10.2019

The need to sing a song arises suddenly - to prepare a gift for a friends wedding, to surprise colleagues at a corporate party, to perform at a concert at a university or school. Then the desire to learn to sing beautifully in 1 day appears. Read our tips to know what you can realistically do in a short period of time.

Breathe with your belly

Vocal breathing is scientifically called lower costal diaphragmatic breathing, but is popularly called belly breathing. During inhalation, the stomach protrudes and the lower ribs expand, thanks to the work of the diaphragm. In this case, the clavicular girdle does not move, the shoulders remain in place. In everyday life, women breathe with their chests, and during inhalation, the chest rises. This should not happen during singing, otherwise the vocalist will not have enough air to sing long phrases, and it will not be possible to “give in” the pressure to a high note. Therefore, practice breathing with your stomach, exhaling evenly.

Hit the notes

Some people are born with an ear for music, while others are forced to study solfeggio for pure intonation. If you really want to sing, but find yourself unable to sing, it’s worth learning the melody. Two options: find sheet music or tabs for guitar (or phono), play, and learn the melody. That is, you will sound in unison with the instrument. This is how kids with an undeveloped ear for music learn a melody during vocal lessons. To get the melody into your head, you will have to practice for a couple of days - in this case, you have more chances to sing clearly and beautifully in public.

Take a simple song

The mistake of amateur vocalists is the pretentious choice of material. If the phrase “diaphragmatic breathing” and “singing into resonators” is new to you, then do not take the songs of Whitney Houston or Muslim Magomayev. Approach the choice of song with the understanding that the task is to sing beautifully and show yourself in the best light. A simple melody, familiar from childhood, is the best option.

Sing with all your heart

The advice is banal, but even vocal teachers agree that it is not necessary to hit 100% of the notes in order to “hit” the listener. Pure intonation contributes to the perception of music, but a perfectly performed song from the technical side will not evoke any emotions in the listener if the singer does not put meaning into the performance.

And the last piece of advice - take a one-time vocal lesson. They will briefly tell you about the basics of vocal breathing, select a song and help you learn the melody, and also point out serious mistakes. One lesson with a teacher is more effective than a week of independent training.

Most people assume that it is impossible to learn to sing beautifully in just 1 day, because if nature has not laid down the singing talent, then you don’t have to try, it will only be a waste of time. However, many have learned from their own experience that good results can be achieved with independent practice and training.

Stage 1: developing the right voice with the help of physical exercises

If you don’t have a natural talent for singing, you should create it yourself and hone it at the initial stage. There are special, effective physical exercises that even famous vocalists and show business stars resort to.

  1. Bend forward.

Many people are familiar with this exercise, which most people have done in physical education classes since school.

Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your arms should be extended along your body. Next, from this position, you should make a smooth bend forward and point your straight arms towards the floor, almost or completely reaching it with your fingertips. When bending over, you need to actively inhale through your nose, and when straightening up, you need to exhale passively through your mouth.

  1. Bend forward and straighten at the speed of a normal step. Perform 12 approaches, 8 forward bends each. The exercise is useful not only for singers, but also for those people who want to cope with pain in the heart and liver or relieve asthma attacks. Even vocalists with a natural talent for singing resort to this exercise.

Wrapping your arms around yourself.

The essence of the exercise is to “hug” your own shoulders with your hands. Keep your arms parallel to each other, but do not cross them. As you give yourself a hug, inhale sharply through your nose. Exhale while spreading both arms to the sides. The exercise is performed sharply. It helps to tone all organs involved in the formation of sounds. You should refrain from exercise if it causes pain.

Stage 2: chant

The best options for singing to open up your voice:

  • “kru-kri-kre-kro”;
  • “lu-li-le-lo”;
  • “ri-ru-ro-re”;
  • “shi-she-shu-sho”;
  • “gi-ge-gu-go.”

Recommendation: watch your own body while chanting. Listen to your feelings and clarify them. Sing high notes in a relaxed manner. The higher the sound, the deeper the yawn should be made. When singing, do not tighten your voice and under no circumstances sing forcefully. Chants are written for people with different abilities. If you can’t do one, you can skip it so as not to tear your vocal cords. Start chanting muffledly, and then, as the device “warms up,” increase the volume.

Other chant options:

  1. "Bom-bom-bom."

The chant is great for beginners. Try to sing the letter “b” clearly, with just your lips. When switching to “o”, relax, sing this sound by inertia. Make sure that "bom" does not turn into "bam". Hold the letter “m” in your teeth, accumulate vibration in it, which will be useful in further singing.

  1. "Bom-mo-bom-mo."

The chant is similar to the previous one, only in it the main principle is to transfer the accumulated vibration to the sound “o” in the syllable “mo”. At the same time, the jaw moves freely, and the larynx does not tense.

  1. The sound of a vacuum cleaner or “wf-wf-wf.”

The chanting exercise helps massage the vocal cords. It should be performed by drawing air into your lungs and swinging the sound to the notes that are most comfortable for you. Sing the chant phrase evenly, do not make “jumping” sounds.

It may be quite difficult to prevent the sound from jumping. Therefore, to maintain a uniform flow of air coming out of your mouth, imagine that water is pouring out of it in a uniform stream. The water does not hit points and is not interrupted.

Carry out the chant with a relaxed neck. Check with your hand that the soft place under the chin is not pinched or tense. The chant lasts about 2-3 minutes.

  1. The sound of a siren.

For this chant you need to imagine yourself as a siren. Not everyone can do such a chant. You should sing in a chest voice (normal, conversational).

  1. Mooing.

For this chant you need to choose a comfortable position for yourself. Lie down or lean your back against the wall, but this is not necessary; you can do the exercise while sitting. The main thing is to relax and not become tense. You need to imagine how a long rope passes through the body. Imagine that it comes out of your head and its other end is tied to the ceiling. The rope is taut. Now you need to try to hum “mm-mm” in the voice in which you usually speak. Do not raise your voice so as not to tear your ligaments. Moo like this for about 2-3 minutes.

  1. "Bo-da-bo-da."

This chant is for alternating vowels and consonants. The phrase should be sung in one breath. First, take a short breath, and then breathe on the stressed syllables in this phrase.

  1. Any singing phrase, for example: “in sa-du, in o-go-ro-de.”

Alternate the chant phrase with any chant for alternating sounds.

Chanting is an integral part of preparing for singing. If you sing right away, without it, especially an unprepared person, you can easily acquire voice-related problems.

Stage 3: start singing

Every person is born with a uniquely tuned voice. World practice has proven that everyone can learn to sing. Therefore, if you have warmed up and sung the chants, before you start singing, it is important to get rid of the psychological aspects of tightness.

Turn on the music you are going to sing to. If there's a song set to a piece of music, it's a good idea to listen to it first so you can repeat it later.

Tips for those starting to sing:

  1. Sing single notes in unison with instruments such as guitar, piano, harmonica. Find recordings of compositions for these instruments on the Internet.
  2. Sing in a range that is accessible to you. If, after listening to a song, you realize that the artist is hitting high notes that you are not physically able to hit, sing as best you can at first. It is not necessary for your voice to blend with the sound of the musical instrument.
  3. Record your own singing using sound recording equipment. After listening to the recording, you will understand your strengths and weaknesses and draw appropriate conclusions.
  4. After recording your singing, try to find among the musical performers those who sing in a similar key to you. Sing with this performer like karaoke, while controlling your own actions and sounds.
  5. Take in air to sing with your belly. If the chest is used for this purpose, you may simply suffocate while performing compositions. To feel and develop this type of breathing, lean against the wall and place your palm on your stomach. Feel how it draws in and out as you breathe while singing.
  6. Breathe naturally while singing. Try to keep your breathing energetic, but silent and short.

By following this method of self-learning to sing, you can achieve certain results after a day of lessons. Of course, for the result to be obvious, you must not stop training, but devote about an hour a day to this activity. This approach will help to form a good technical base.

For people just starting to sing, if they have never practiced vocals, professional teachers give one important piece of advice: to learn to sing correctly, you need to learn to breathe correctly. When life is not connected with singing or acting, we do not pay any attention to our own breathing, and therefore the advice comes as some surprise.

However, it passes quickly, you just have to hold out one note for a long time, located, for comfort, approximately in the middle of the vocal range. The air from the lungs quickly runs out, and the soloist is forced to “take” his breath, that is, inhale in order to continue the sound. But a performance is not a warm-up, the voice must sound smooth and beautiful, and for this the breathing must be long. Video lessons by Elizaveta Bokova will tell you how to learn to sing correctly.

You can watch this amazing post right now or read about what's to come first:

What is the diaphragm and how does it help a singer?

Taking a deep breath into your chest and singing loudly is for those who have never had to sing for a long time (professionals sing for hours - literally all day). In fact, the air is not drawn into the chest at all, but “into the stomach.” You didn't know this? You can consider that one of the main secrets has been revealed to you! Our diaphragm helps us regulate and consciously hold our breath.

A short excursion into medicine. The diaphragm is a thin but very strong membrane muscle that is located between the lungs and the digestive tract. The strength of sound delivery to natural resonators – chest and head – depends on this organ. In addition, the active operation of the diaphragm has an overall positive effect.

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova

In order to develop and train the diaphragm, the author of the video lesson uses some of the exercises of the famous vocalist Alexandra Strelnikova, who proposed a unique technique not only for those who want to know how to learn to sing correctly, but also to cure various diseases. One of them, simple and effective, is done like this:

  • exhale completely through the mouth;
  • place your palm on the diaphragm to control breathing;
  • We begin to rhythmically draw in and relax the stomach from 5 to 10 times, without inhaling air;
  • We try to gradually increase the exercise time to 30-50 seconds.

Help you learn long breathing... Hands!

In addition to this technique, other exercises generally accepted for teaching vocals are used. For example, to learn to feel the diaphragm by holding a quiet whistling or buzzing consonant sound for a long time. The main difficulty is that it be very even and as long as possible.

The third exercise is as follows: take a breath and begin to draw out any vowel sound (for example, uuuu or iiii). At the same time, you need to help yourself sing... with your hands! This is an associative method. You need to place your hands in such a way as if the volume of your breathing is concentrated between them. Another association is as if you are holding a thread by the ends and stretching it, and it stretches completely calmly and smoothly.

What else will help you learn to sing correctly?

In addition to developing vocal strength and health benefits, proper breathing with the diaphragm helps preserve the health of the vocal cords. The sound finds powerful support in it and works at full strength, without overloading the latter and without forcing them to work for “two”. However, diction and open, clear pronunciation of sounds, especially vowels, play an important role in singing.

Watching singing professionals allows you to notice how they open their mouths wide and produce their voices and sounds. Their eyebrows are raised, their facial muscles are stretched - there is a so-called “vocal mask” on the face, which helps to raise the palate and get a strong, beautiful sound.

You can learn other secrets of beautiful and professional singing from the rest of the vocal lessons that are suitable for anyone. You can get these lessons by clicking on this banner.

Many of us dream of singing. Some people think that it is very difficult and they cannot do it, while others think that it is very simple and easy. In fact, both are wrong: singing is actually not easy, but you can learn it. Another thing is how you will do it - professionally or not. Your musical abilities, which are fundamentally different for each person, are of great importance.

So, let's look at how to learn to sing at home so that your listeners will be delighted.

How to learn to sing at home?

Can anyone learn to sing at home?

Vocal training is no different from learning to play a musical instrument in its structure. Therefore, whether you want it or not, if you have set a goal and are only thinking about how to learn to sing at home, then you will definitely have to learn music.

Of course, you can sing by ear and it’s not always necessary to know the notes, but in order to sing elementary musical notation correctly, you still need to know it.

First of all, in order to sing, you need to have certain qualities. If you don’t have them, again, this does not mean that everything is lost for you - far from it. But this might make your task easier. So, what are these qualities?

  1. Musicality;
  2. Hearing and sense of rhythm;
  3. Purity of intonation;
  4. Basics of musical literacy, or at least an idea of ​​what notes are;
  5. Desire and aspiration, without which no business and no training is possible;
  6. Purpose and perseverance, because not everything always works out the first time, and even more so in music, when you need to return again and again to the material you’ve already covered and hone it.

Where to start vocal lessons

  • First of all, you need to answer yourself this rather difficult question: why do you need to know how to learn to sing at home? The fact is that if you want to become a professional musician or, for example, write music, then you definitely need to get a strong base in the form of a music school (see), where you will study in detail vocals, keyboard playing techniques, music theory and harmony, as well as a large number of other musical disciplines. If a simple philistine level is enough for you, then independent lessons are quite suitable for you and you will master something. There is another option that involves private lessons with a teacher. However, as you yourself understand, such classes cost a lot of money.
  • Next, you need to decide in what key you would like to sing, because there are many different genres of singing, the training of which is fundamentally different from one another. But we will consider an example of ordinary pop singing.
  • If you have already decided to study with a tutor (see) or go to a music school, then everything is clear, there is nothing more to explain.

How to learn to sing at home on your own

But if you decide to work independently, then you will have to follow the following scheme.

  • Let's say, find some tutorial or video course on vocals. In this case, again, it is necessary to pay special attention to the type of vocal. It is best to take a course for beginners, and not in jazz vocals, for example. We still recommend the video course.
  • So you have found a suitable video course and it’s time for the training itself (see). The first step is to perfect scales and vocal exercises called vocalises. You need to sing them every day, and always on a warm throat. All of these initial exercises and techniques are very important techniques in music. Along with all this, you need to master note durations, intervals and compose the simplest chords, understand what elementary harmony is and the technique of singing with accompaniment.
  • At the same time, you should also pay attention to the technical side of the issue. Namely, what is rhythm, how do you sound along with the instrumental soundtrack. Sometimes you even need to record yourself on a tape recorder so that you can later listen to your recording and hear directly all your mistakes.
  • Of course, if you are proficient in some kind of musical instrument, then the vocal technique will come to you much faster and better, although, of course, these are completely different things. First of all, you must understand that music is a responsibility and in order to achieve some results, you will have to work very hard and for a long time. In the music of learning there is no end.
  • Don't worry if something doesn't work out for you. Sometimes people, in order to be able to sing something correctly and beautifully, spend a single year of their lives and painstaking work. So, don’t think that you will be an exception and will be able to do the impossible in one month.
  • It would be best if there was a person in your life (see) who knows how to learn to sing at home and who could at least once control you and point out your mistakes in technique and purity of vocal intonation. The fact is that we all think that we sing cleanly and correctly, but in fact the reality may be radically different from what we imagined for ourselves. It is very important not to lose sight of all this and before showing any material to your friends and family, check a hundred times that it can really be shared with people.

Now you know how to learn to sing at home, where to start vocal lessons and what data you need to have in order to learn to sing on your own (see).

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It is difficult to say when a person realized that singing charges us with positive energy, cleanses the soul and body, has a beneficial effect on health, strengthens the spirit and confidence. People sing to convey their emotions, inner state, experiences... However, not everyone knows that singing is 90% of work and only 10% of talent. How to learn to sing and whether it is possible to learn vocal skills on your own, this article is about that.

A person sings when he loves and is loved, when there is pain or joy in his soul. By expressing his attitude to the world through singing, the vocalist develops emotionality, intelligence, imagination, sensuality, aesthetic and artistic taste, a sense of rhythm, and the ability to manage his time. Singing relieves stress and eases emotional distress and pain. A person finds harmony and balance, experiences euphoria, becomes soft and confident.

Everyone loves to sing, but the question is: does it always work out? Learning to sing well will take both time and effort. The song conveys the state of a person's soul. It happens that the motive of a favorite song spins in your head all day, or a new melody appears for a certain verse, or poems are born. All these are feelings that reveal the inner world.

How to learn to sing beautifully

To sing beautifully, you need to learn to sing according to the notes - harmoniously and accurately intoning the pitch of each note. To do this, it is not necessary to start shouting and singing loudly. Loud does not mean beautiful and correct, besides, you can significantly tear your vocal cords and completely lose your voice.

  • The first thing that is required from a beginning vocalist is not to be afraid to control your voice and learn how to “present” it;
  • Learn to breathe correctly - breathe with your stomach! When you sing, don't try to take a deep breath. Imagine that inside you, from your throat to your stomach, there is a light rod and its base is in your stomach. When making a sound, the stomach should “grow” and not retract. Remember, learning to sing is learning to breathe! In addition, the development of the respiratory system strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which means that colds will become rare and the immune system will be stronger;
  • If you have speech therapy problems: stuttering, incorrect pronunciation of sounds and other problems - vocals fight such problems quickly and effectively. It develops diction and miraculously copes with acquired and congenital speech defects. Learning to sing well is easy - the main thing is to want to!
  • Tongue twisters and recitative reading of any texts will contribute to the correct declaration. Remember the golden rule of vocal art - vowels are sung, consonants are pronounced;
  • In addition to notes, there is musical notation (size of the work, duration of notes, musical signs - notes, pauses, grace notes, sharp, bekar; tonality, pauses and much more.). Mastering musical notation is relatively difficult, but it is necessary in order to easily read musical texts;
  • It’s good if, in addition to the desire to sing, there is a desire to play a musical instrument. Thanks to the instrumental perception of sounds, the question “how to learn to sing” is solved twice as quickly.

The rustling of leaves, the song of the wind, the patter of rain, the chirping of a sparrow, the rustling of pages - all this is music. There is an opinion that there are people who have had their ears “stepped on” by a bear. Let's say right away - there are no such people. There are those who have not made an ounce of effort to master musical or vocal skills. Learning to sing beautifully is as easy as learning to ride a bike. The main thing is to make up your mind and go ahead! Systematic classes, sound production adjustments, vocal exercises - all this will give the desired result. However, we must not forget that diligence is good, but the break between classes, which last about 45 minutes, should be about 10 hours.

But what to do if the notes have already been learned and the vocalist understands how to breathe correctly. To learn to sing beautifully, do you need to go to an experienced teacher or maybe educate yourself?

How to learn to sing at home

You don't have to leave home to learn to sing. This can be learned with the help of popular and quite common trainings today, distance learning and online classes. Especially if your desire does not at all include professional singing. Therefore, if you want to become the “soul” of the company or simply decide to give a song to your loved one and look decent at the same time, use the following tips to learn how to sing on your own:

  • Stand in front of a mirror and do the following exercise. Remember the vowels: a, e, i, o, u, s, e. Let's learn to sing them. On “a” - the mouth is wide open, the lower jaw reaches the chest. With “e” and “e” we remember opera singers. This is a noticeable smile with a slightly open mouth. On “and” - the corners of your lips reach towards your ears, while you smile. On the "o" you have a bagel in your mouth. On “y” - imagine as if you are applying lipstick - your mouth is half open, a barely noticeable smile. Now try to sing all the vowels in a row, taking into account how to open your mouth correctly and remember about singing on your stomach. Do this exercise every day. When everything starts to work out automatically, you can move on to the works. However, do not forget - your singing should not be a terrifying grimace - there is a golden mean in everything;
  • Before you learn to sing well, professionally or for yourself, learn a few chants. You probably know them from school. The famous “mi-me-ma-mo-mu”, etc. Chants are needed to warm up the ligaments and prepare them for long-term singing. After all, if the voice is not prepared, it can break, wheeze, etc.;
  • In order to choose a piece or sing a song you like with a backing track (karaoke), it must be in your key - that is, so that it is comfortable to sing (not low and not high). You can devote a lot of time to learning to sing, but if you choose a song that is not in your key, all your work will be in vain;
  • Never sing outside, especially if it's cold. Do not eat chocolate, bread, cookies, or drink cold drinks before singing.

Singing helps you enjoy life, lift your spirits, get new sensations, and experience different emotions. Sing for yourself, for your friends and family! The key to the soul is a song, and in order to choose this key correctly, you need to learn to sing and learn some secrets that you learned about from this article. Good luck to you, new opportunities and fair winds in your aspirations!