How to draw a Happy New Year poster. New Year's poster for school - ideas and ways to implement them! Electronic diaries - a useful innovation

  • 19.10.2023

Winter holidays are a time for carefree relaxation, pleasant surprises and real miracles. To give your colleagues, family and friends the appropriate mood, congratulate them with a holiday poster or wall newspaper. It can be used as decor or a large New Year's card for the whole team. Such a surprise will not leave anyone indifferent! Creating a “masterpiece” is not that difficult. Prepare whatman paper (A1 sheet), paints, brushes, felt-tip pens. To decorate the poster, use sparkles, decorative stones, quilling paper and whatever your imagination suggests.

The key to a beautiful New Year's poster is imagination and a little work!

Of course, it is best to draw a wall newspaper with your own hands. But if you don’t have artistic talent, it doesn’t matter. Print out the blank posters and decorate them to your liking. The product can be designed in the form of a collage. To do this, use photographs of those you plan to congratulate. Hang the finished wall newspaper on the wall or door. The main thing is that the poster is in a visible place and can please everyone. You can involve your colleagues or children in the creative process. Creating in company is just more fun!

New Year coloring posters

An excellent option for those who want to make congratulations in a short time. This is a good solution for pupils of kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions. By preparing this poster, kids will show their creativity in one way or another. Most templates available online have eight parts. Each size corresponds to A4 sheet.

New Year's wall newspaper (download in full size for printing)

For convenience, you can print each segment separately using a regular black and white printer. The main thing is to color the finished newspaper carefully and carefully. Decor in the form of sparkles, paper snowflakes and New Year's tinsel will also not be out of place.

Posters for schools and kindergartens

On New Year's Eve, children and their parents are involved in decorating the classroom. The content and appearance of the poster must be thought out in advance. Pay special attention to the color scheme. It is better if these are winter tones: blue, blue, purple. For young children, you can create greeting posters with their favorite fairy-tale or cartoon characters. It is worth using the image of a cockerel - a symbol of the coming year.

Practice drawing cartoon characters and decorate your wall newspaper with them

Make the title not too large, and arrange the compositions and congratulations evenly. Volumetric applications will look impressive. For example, you can make a Christmas tree from crumpled paper. To do this, cut out several rectangles from paper, assemble each of them on top with an elastic band and stick on top of each other in the form of a pyramid. Fluff the bottom part. Decorate the Christmas tree with special balls. They can be made from silver cardboard, onto which photographs of the students in your group or class are pasted.

Other options

Basically, thematic posters and newspapers are painted or applique is used in their design. But if you want to do something special, you can use other techniques!

Patterned snowflakes will provide the poster with volume and expressiveness.
  • Glue a Christmas tree made of New Year's tinsel onto cardboard or thick paper, and make balls from round chocolate candies in golden wrappers. Secure them to the “branches” with tape. All children who love sweets will be able to try the delicacies and will be happy with such a “delicious” poster.
  • For older children, you can build a capsule with predictions for the next year at the bottom of the wall newspaper. Hang them on long threads for easy cutting. Such a poster can be decorated with a garland that runs on batteries and flashes cheerfully with colorful lights.
  • A poster with a Christmas tree made of cut threads looks original. To make such a wall newspaper, prepare a sheet of thick paper for the base, woolen threads in different shades of green and brown, and glue. First, attach a long brown thread to the paper. It will be the trunk of the New Year's tree. Then draw branches with glue and cover them with short green threads. You will get an excellent fluffy spruce. It can be decorated with an applique made of colored paper.
  • You can build a wall newspaper in the form of a wall clock with a pendulum. The dial is drawn on whatman paper, and figures of animals - signs of the Chinese horoscope - are glued around it. They are made in advance from colored cardboard. The cones and the pendulum are made separately and attached to the base.

The artistic design of a poster or wall newspaper is very important. But wishes and congratulations should also be beautiful and cheerful, so as to evoke a good holiday mood in everyone. So try to find sincere words that will delight the readers of your newspaper!

Organizing the release of a school wall newspaper is especially important in the days before the New Year, because the mood is already completely “non-working”, and everyone, from first-graders to high school students, is looking forward to a merry New Year holidays. Therefore, a wall newspaper filled with interesting and unusual facts will come in handy.

Features of foreign schools

If in Russia and Japan the school year begins on September 1, then in the USA and Germany this happens a little earlier - in August, in the middle of the month. But as for summer holidays, in these foreign countries they begin only at the end of June. Such a short summer vacation is compensated by vacations during the school year - they last a little longer than in Russia.

Electronic diaries - a useful innovation

In such a diary you can’t hide the assessment

Malicious poor students can no longer escape responsibility - soon every Russian school will acquire such a useful resource as its own website, on which parents will be able to objectively assess their child’s performance.

The Ministry of Education reports that the school's website will be posted online free of charge. The information contained on the site will include general information about the school: how many teachers work in the educational institution; do they have titles; what the students themselves can boast of - what is the number of medalists of the school; Does the educational institution have connections with colleges and universities?

In the future, the possibility of combining all pages of Russian educational institutions into a common system is being considered, so that information about any school in one of the regions of the country can be obtained. This will also help to establish electronic correspondence between students - a kind of analogue of the Soviet fashion for communication between schoolchildren from different cities and countries.

“There will be more”

Teachers, interested in the real workload on their students, counted the basic units of knowledge for all school years. It turned out that students must remember and be able to apply a huge amount of knowledge, for example, mathematics alone includes 137 definitions and 270 concepts, as well as 154 formulas, rules, axioms, symbols, diagrams. But there is also physics, chemistry, biology. Thus, in some classes, students need to memorize about 18 concepts in just one lesson.

New Year traditions from different countries

Such a large country as Russia, located in 9 time zones, celebrates the New Year several times, but, as a rule, traditionally. But abroad there are a huge number of peculiarities of celebrating the coming New Year, and all of them are interesting.

Polish girls always make fortunes before the New Year. They place a bunch of hay under the table and blindly pull out the stems from it. It is believed that the girl who pulls out the longest stem will be the first to get married. They also guess from the stem what the character of the future husband will be.

It is customary to rearrange the pairs of shoes standing at the entrance so that a woman’s shoe is next to a man’s shoe. This is done unnoticed, and when the young people are about to leave, then it becomes clear who will marry whom, and who will do it first - the pair of shoes closest to the exit warns their owners about the imminent marriage.

Indonesian New Year is celebrated in October. At this time, residents of the country dress smartly and ask each other for forgiveness.

Raisin donuts in Holland can only be found on New Year's Day.

Despite the fact that donuts with raisins are a very tasty food, in Holland they are served exclusively for the New Year's table.

Northern Canadians and Greenlanders celebrate the New Year on December 21st. This day, which is the shortest daylight of the year, symbolizes the end of long nights. Eskimos believe that the New Year begins when the first snow falls.

Austrian chimney sweeps are incredibly popular - in the past, on New Year's Eve, everyone tried to touch the chimney sweep and get dirty with soot, even if only slightly, because, according to legend, this brings happiness. Even taking into account that in our time there are very few chimney sweeps, this tradition remains unchanged.

When the New Year comes, Swedes break old dishes at the doorstep of their homes. To do this, children collect in advance unnecessary utensils that will no longer be useful. It is believed that the more fragments there are at the entrance to a house, the happier the next year will be for its inhabitants.

New Year in Australia comes on January 1, but unlike Russia, it is very hot there at this time of year. Therefore, Father Frost and Snow Maiden are dressed in swimsuits, delivering gifts in this form.

On New Year's Day, no one will stop you from swimming in the fountain in Trafalgar Square.

Trafalgar Square in London is being overrun by people wanting to swim in the famous fountain. On New Year's Day this is allowed, and despite the cold weather and the fact that you are supposed to swim in all your clothes, there are always people who are not afraid of any of these circumstances.

Popeye Noel in Brazil is an analogue of Santa Claus. And even though it is very warm outside, observing traditions, this generous old man comes to the children in a fur coat and felt boots. And, of course, with a bag of gifts!

The Vietnamese adhere to the lunar calendar when calculating time, so their numbering does not coincide with our numbers. And the Vietnamese New Year, also called “Tet”, occurs at different times and symbolizes the arrival of spring. Vietnamese people light bonfires on the streets and give each other tangerine trees and twigs of peach trees “hao dao”.

Moldovans are very sensitive to January 1 - on this day it is customary to scatter grain on the floor, not only at home, but also when visiting. This symbolizes prosperity in the house and a great harvest.

Latvians do not lag behind the Moldovans, but instead of grain they use peas. At the New Year's table they always eat a pea so that the year will be rich and happy.

On January 1, Georgians go to visit only if they are invited - if the owner of the house invites guests to his place, this means that these are the people who will bring good things to his house. In addition, those who come must bring sweets with them.

On the first day of the New Year, Armenians always congratulate older friends and relatives.

The Fiji Islands are the pioneers on New Year's Eve - it is from there that the countdown of the first minutes of the coming year begins. This is due to the fact that these Pacific islands are located on the very border of time, their eastern longitude is 180°.

Korea celebrates the arrival of the New Year by jumping on boards. Moreover, it is customary that young women dressed in beautiful national costumes take part in this entertainment. Previously, in this country it was customary to sew new clothes, so that all the misfortunes of the old year would remain with the worn-out clothes.

Mongols are confident that the more guests gather at their New Year's table, the more successful the whole next year will be.

Colombians say goodbye to the old year the day before the new year begins. They walk the streets with homemade dolls, symbolizing the passing year, and thank him for everything that he brought to them.

Before the New Year, Cubans pour water into glasses, and when the clock strikes 12 times, they throw the contents of the glasses out the window. This symbolizes the end of the old year.

In harsh, taciturn Scotland, it is customary to sit by the fireplace, remain silent, stir the coals, and wait for the New Year to come. When the clock strikes midnight, the main person in the family silently opens the door of the house to let in the New Year and see off the old one. After this tradition is observed, everyone sits down at the table and the fun begins. Any guest can come to a Scottish house, the main condition is that upon entering, turn on the fire in the fireplace - this symbolizes friendly, warm feelings. It is customary to bring whiskey, ham and... a little coal with you so that the house is always warm.

In Italy, instead of Santa Claus, the sorceress Befana delivers gifts

Italian children are waiting not for Santa Claus, but for the sorceress Befana - it is she who delivers gifts, entering the house through the chimney. This sorceress puts gifts in children's shoes. And adults amuse themselves by throwing old things out the window - a cheerful, although not entirely safe, custom.

In Ireland, New Year is a universal holiday. At night, the doors of all houses open, and anyone can come to visit - they will certainly be fed, treated to wine, and they themselves will raise a glass with wishes for peace in this house and in the whole world. And the next day the holiday is spent with loved ones - family and friends.

The traditions of the Japanese New Year are somewhat different from the Russian ones, but these holidays have one thing in common - the expectation of a miracle. The Japanese tie together branches of bamboo and pine, decorating each door with them. This combination symbolizes fidelity and longevity. And children draw sailboats and hide them under their pillows to make their wishes come true.

Ancient China declared the New Year a holiday when any poor person could walk into a rich house and ask for anything. They could not refuse him - otherwise, all the neighbors would look at the one who refused with contempt for the rest of their lives. Now the Chinese New Year is symbolized, first of all, by lanterns of various, sometimes fantastic, shapes. And the New Year itself comes only in January or February.

Rural residents in the south of France maintain a wonderful tradition - the housewife who first comes to the source for water leaves a bun or pie nearby. The one who comes next takes it and leaves hers. In this way, all the women of the village manage to treat each other.

Germany has its own custom - with the first strike of the New Year's chimes, people of all ages climb onto chairs or tables, and with the twelfth strike they jump off them to go straight into the New Year. Jumping is usually accompanied by cheerful exclamations.

Hungarians scare away evil spirits with the help of children's whistles - so on New Year's Eve you simply cannot get these musical toys in stores. A piercing whistle should call joy and fun into the house, and scare away evil forces.

Guests invited to the New Year's table in Greece bring with them a heavy, mossy stone, which they throw at the threshold of the house with wishes that the owner's wealth be as heavy as this stone.

Bulgarians turn off the lights for a few minutes at the twelfth stroke of the clock. This time is given for New Year's kisses.

India is a large country with a wide variety of customs and traditions, because different regions celebrate the New Year in their own way. Moreover, the dates of the New Year are different and therefore the holiday can be celebrated as many as four times. But one thing remains unchanged - Indians believe that how you spend the first day of the new year will determine your future life for this period. Therefore, Indians get up early on this day, get themselves in order, reflect on the things they have done, and plan for future ones. The New Year's table is usually vegetarian. Moreover, even those who do not fast for a year and eat meat and fish try to adhere to this rule.

Typically, the New Year in India begins with a fire performance, and then scenes from the national Indian epic “Ramayana” are shown. For this, a paper figure of the giant Ravan is prepared so that the actor portraying the hero of the epic Rama will shoot a fiery arrow at him.

Indians firmly believe that the life of every person should be filled with a variety of emotions - both sad and happy. Therefore, six dishes of various flavors are served on the New Year's table - here there is sour, salty, spicy, bitter, spicy, and sweet. Everyone must try a little of all dishes so that their life is harmonious and varied.

Roosters can become participants in fighting competitions. It’s not for nothing that people compare cocky boys with Roosters. Cockfights are held between special breeds of chickens. Only well-trained cockerels are suitable for fights - with a wide chest, strong legs, a long neck, a strong head and a strong beak. But, in addition to external characteristics, roosters must be aggressive and cocky, assertive and stubborn.

You will not hear the usual “Crow” until the rooster “extends” his neck. Cock crow has long been used as a natural alarm clock.

The other sounds coming out of these birds are not just clicking, clucking, etc. In fact, all this is a special chicken language and every “word” of a hen or rooster has a meaning, ornithologists who have been watching them for a long time guessed this.

The number of chickens on our planet is three times higher than the number of people!

The epithet “stupid chicken” is not true, since these living creatures have intelligence, which is manifested in the ability to perform mathematical calculations and distinguish certain geometric figures. The memory of chicken individuals can retain up to one hundred distinctive features of people, birds or animals. They are vindictive and grateful to those who treat them with sympathy.

We hope that our information will help you create a fascinating New Year's wall newspaper.

There is very little left before the New Year holidays, which means that all educational institutions will begin to hold New Year-themed exhibitions. Even now, responsible kids should think about what the 2017 New Year's wall newspaper from their class will look like.

Key points to consider when creating a wall newspaper.

So, let’s make a wall newspaper ourselves for the New Year of the Rooster.

The basic rule of any wall newspaper is that the wall newspaper must be unique. There is no need to use the parts that were included in last year's options. Try to come up with something new and original.
Wall newspapers should contain not only congratulations and thematic pictures, but also information related to school news and events. You can also take into account some of the results of the outgoing year, both for the entire school and for some students.

It is also worth writing information about the upcoming New Year, telling what the symbol of 2017 represents. It is a good idea to post a horoscope for the entire year for each zodiac sign.

Basic materials.

Now it’s worth discussing the materials that will be required to create a school New Year’s wall newspaper. First of all, this is a sheet of Whatman paper in A1 format. To create a colorful work, you will need colored pencils, markers, felt-tip pens and paints. To avoid spending a lot of time drawing the title, you can use ready-made letter templates. They can be printed on a printer. To add originality to the New Year's wall newspaper, you can additionally use scraps of fabric, ribbons, spruce branches, small Christmas tree decorations, New Year's bells, sparkles, rhinestones or crumbs of old glass Christmas tree decorations.

The main text on a wall newspaper is best written by hand. To do this, you should first draw lines with a simple pencil, which then need to be erased. You can write the text with colored pens or felt-tip pens. You can, of course, save time and print the finished text on a printer, after which it should be glued to the wall newspaper.

As for the drawings, there are a number of several images that must be depicted on the New Year's wall newspaper. In 2017, the most obligatory design will be the image of the Fire Rooster. It can be copied from some picture. To make the Cockerel bright, you can decorate it with small glitter. In addition, you can depict the main New Year's characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman, and a team of reindeer. Don’t forget about the main beauty of the New Year – the Christmas tree.

For many years now, the collage of school photographs has not lost its popularity. It can be presented in an original way if you cut out the heads of the students separately and glue them to the fairy-tale characters drawn on the wall newspaper. This wall newspaper will give a good mood to everyone who sees it.

Winter holidays have always fascinated us with their charm. When the whole world is preparing for the onset of a wonderful holiday - the New Year. Houses and Christmas trees are decorated, and with the onset of a fabulous holiday, various gifts and souvenirs are given. A hand-made poster for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 and auxiliary templates will allow you to turn a large postcard into reality, with which you can cheer up everyone around you.

New Year posters can be used as decoration. Auxiliary tools will help you decorate them in the appropriate style, which, of course, cannot be done without. You can come up with any topic.

  • watercolor paints;
  • printed templates;
  • markers;
  • whatman.

Undoubtedly, in order to quickly make a poster for the New Year 2017, you need to be able to draw beautifully. But for those who find this a problem, you can resort to the help of various blanks, which will serve as samples, because not everyone has artistic talent.

New Year poster in the form of a collage

New Year's posters can be designed in a collage style, but then you will need photographs of the employees for whom this greeting will be prepared. Then the gift made is hung on the door of the person who is the congratulator. Such a gift should be in a visible place and delight with its design.

You can make a poster for school, where you can depict a whole fairy tale story led by the Fire Cockerel. To do this, each student must make their own voluminous and original symbol of the year out of paper, and then decorate it beautifully. These birds are then glued onto the poster. At the same time, under each predecessor of the year it is necessary to write a beautiful wish.

This DIY wall newspaper for the New Year 2017 will delight every child. Moreover, everyone will see the end result. It is not uncommon for children to be involved in reproducing these masterpieces, because they are endowed with a lot of ideas, and everyone’s imagination will help bring to life not a poster for the New Year 2017 with their own hands, but an entire fairy tale.

To do this, you need to print out a lot of characters from fairy tales. You just need to do this in such a way that after this the child can decorate the hero and stick his creativity on whatman paper. But before the sticking happens, the children, together with the selected characters, must independently come up with a fairy-tale performance.

Moreover, it is necessary to prepare in such a way that each hero has words (which will be signed in brackets) no more than a sentence. After this, the characters are pasted one by one in connection with the fairy tale invented by the children, and such a unique fairy-tale theater is created.

You can do it at the top of whatman paper. Along the edges draw Christmas tree decorations on spruce branches. In the middle below, make a path and, in smaller sizes, plant all the fairy-tale characters with wishes for the New Year.

A bright, interesting wall newspaper for the New Year 2017 with your own hands must contain in its image Grandfather Frost, the Snow Maiden and the symbol of the year. You can place them at the bottom right corner, and write a beautiful New Year’s poem next to them.

Wall newspaper in the form of a coloring book

The New Year's wall newspaper can be made in the style of a coloring book. How to make such a masterpiece is no secret. Undoubtedly, this option is best used in school institutions, where almost all children will be involved.

First, you need to use a printer to print a coloring poster from the Internet. Usually this product is located on eight sheets. To make it more convenient to work, then it is best to print each sheet separately.

After this, tell the children that they must make a poster for the New Year 2017 with their own hands as carefully as possible. Anyone who can do this without errors will be awarded an individual prize. And, of course, all the children will try, so at the end of the creative process you can have a tea party and praise everyone.

Poster decoration

A wall newspaper for the New Year is usually decorated with snowflakes and tinsel; you can also add other accessories, for example, sparkles, fir branches with traditional toys, which schoolchildren can also make on their own.

New Year's posters are a very simple way to decorate your home for the New Year. In addition, such posters can be a good gift for your friends and family. Those who have never taken on such a task probably do not know how to draw New Year 2017 posters.

How to make a New Year's poster?

First of all, when creating such a New Year's decoration, you will need a sheet of whatman paper, as well as drawing tools. These can be pencils, markers, felt-tip pens, paints. Some additional elements and accessories are often used for decoration. If there is no Whatman paper, and you need to make a poster urgently, then you can staple together several sheets of plain A4 paper. Such sheets should be connected on the reverse side with ordinary transparent tape.

Posters for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 can be decorated with your own hands with various additional elements that can be made from colored paper or cardboard. To add some originality to your New Year's poster, you can add decorations from foil or beautiful shiny fabric. You can also add rhinestones, beads and beads here. Even fragments of old Christmas tree decorations can be used for decoration. To do this, it is necessary to apply glue not to the fragments, but directly to the place of the Whatman paper to which they should be glued.

Volumetric posters for the New Year 2017.

Such posters look very original on the wall. Making them is also quite simple. For example, to make a poster in the shape of a New Year tree, you need to cut out 4 identical Christmas trees from whatman paper. Each of them must be folded in half lengthwise.

Next, each of them must be unfolded and glued together with glue or fastened with a stapler. Then all that remains is to fantasize. You can glue New Year's tinsel around the perimeter. Paint the tree itself green. Or you can make the tree original and paint it pink or orange. In other words, there is complete freedom for creativity and the realization of your wildest fantasies.

New Year's posters made from natural materials.

To make such a poster, you will need whatman paper that is thick enough so that the materials on it hold tightly and do not fall off after a few hours. In addition to whatman paper, you will also need: Christmas tree branches, cones, nuts and additional accessories for decoration.

The branches should be attached around the perimeter of the Whatman paper using wire. The denser the branches, the better. In some places you can attach cones or nuts. Before this, the cones can be painted with gold or silver paint from a spray can. Additional accessories must be attached to the branches: small Christmas tree decorations, beads, bells, bows. When the border is ready, you can start working on the middle of the poster. Here you can write a New Year's poem or draw some New Year's drawing. For example, fairy-tale bunnies, the Rooster or Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Such posters will be a wonderful decoration of the room and will contribute to the New Year's festive atmosphere.