How to draw a lovers' kiss step by step. How to draw a couple of lovers How to paint a sensual kiss with acrylic paints

  • 07.07.2019

Drawing is a fun and positive activity. Even adults sometimes take up brushes, paints or pencils, let alone children and teenagers. And many of us benefit from such activities not only from the point of view of the utilitarian nature of the drawing. Art therapy is a powerful psychological thing. And to make life more interesting, as well as express your love, let's learn together how to draw a kiss.

As you know, there are always two people involved in this action. This means that in our image, first of all, the silhouettes of both kissers should appear. We will draw them using a technique reminiscent of Japanese anime cartoons. What do you need to prepare before you draw a kiss step by step? A sheet of white paper and a pencil need no introduction. It is also worth stocking up on an eraser, as well as colored markers, felt-tip pens or pens to color the resulting result. However, it will look quite decent in black and white.

First stage

So, First of all, we draw two identical circles, very slightly overlapping each other. One of them may be located slightly higher than the other - then some of the resulting people will be taller. These circles will be the basis of two faces, or rather, the foreheads of our kissers. From the lower parts of the resulting figures we draw two triangles that have a common side. You shouldn’t take a ruler and achieve geometric accuracy - this is just a sketch, and human faces are not exact repetitions of these figures.

Now the resulting image resembles a heart consisting of two halves. By the way, for those who plan to draw regularly, it will be useful to know that two close-standing silhouettes will always resemble a heart in the shape of their heads.

Now you need to apply approximate markings of facial features. remember, that most of The depicted circles will be on the foreheads and contours of the skull. Therefore, in this part of the resulting figures, we mark only the level of the eyes and eyebrows in the lower sector of each circle. Now in the triangle we put marks for the level of the nose and lips. The easiest way to do this is using conditional curved lines. There will be five of them on each face: four horizontal ones for the eyes, eyebrows, mouth and tip of the nose, and one vertical one to represent the ears.

Second phase

Let's start drawing... And first of all, we take a pencil in our hands and begin to draw a forehead line - it will be common for both depicted people in the area from the hairline to the bridge of the nose. You can also already draw the eyebrows and shape their bend.

Since our people are, in theory, of different sexes, a man’s eyebrow can be thicker, while a girl’s eyebrow can be left with a thin, neat line. Gradually, our forehead turns into the line of the nose: note that when kissing, the noses overlap each other, and therefore only one will be visible - that of the left person. At the level of the bridge of the nose, you can depict an eye. He is usually half-covered in a kiss. Don’t forget to finish drawing it for the second participant as well. And we move on to a very difficult stage:

Kissing is usually done with the mouth closed, and therefore stretching the smile line will not be very natural. To depict lips, you can use a schematic technique - just below the line of the nose, draw a short curve vertically from top to bottom broken line, which will have two bends - the conventional upper lip of one person and the conventional lower lip of the second. Next we approach the lowest part of our “heart” - the chins of those kissing. We draw them with a single line, and then separate them and then outline them, smoothly moving them into the neck. At this point, the most difficult stage is over. You can clean up the drawing a little fine lines sketches and move on to the next stage

Finishing touches

We've figured out how to draw a kiss, what to do next? Of course, add personality to the characters.

To do this, firstly, we emphasize the jaw lines with light curved strokes, secondly, we add eyelashes to the girl and the boy, and thirdly, we supply them with hair. After this, for a black and white image, you can add shadows on the cheekbones, cheeks or under the chin. For a color drawing, you can proceed to coloring the image.


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Kisses are different, and you can also draw them in different ways. The atmosphere of the drawing depends only on the desire and mood of the artist. Therefore, the right attitude is very important. Having decided to learn how to draw kisses, the artist must remember that this is not only the contact of lips, but emotions that he can endow his characters with. So, you can draw a passionate, tender or indifferent kiss.

style selection

If you want to create realistic picture, it's worth working with shadows. Here the question arises of how to draw a kiss step by step. The best way to do this is with a pencil. Most helpful advice- draw what you see. Constant analysis will help make the drawing as similar to reality as possible. The correct contrast of shadow and light will make the drawing indistinguishable from a photograph, which is the highest praise for any artist.

For lovers decorative paintings There is another solution - stylization.

This is an artistic editing of something depicted in order to show certain specific features. Stylization can be a reduction or enlargement of parts of a figure or face; transformation of heroes into animals or elements; You can also fill the character figures with some colors or come up with an interesting pattern.

Many novice artists are interested in how to draw anime kisses.

Manga and anime styles are characterized by clean lines (line) and filling of planes. In order to draw an anime kiss, you need a sharp pencil, pen or thin marker, and a little accuracy. The artist is required to have a minimum of lines; choose only the most expressive ones in your opinion. Lip lines are no exception. In anime kisses, they are poorly depicted, but the impression from this does not disappear.

Thinking through the characters

When asking the question of how to draw kisses, the artist most often thinks that the main difficulty lies in depicting lips that merge together. The lines used to represent them are not as difficult as recreating a believable atmosphere in the drawing.

Decide which characters you are going to draw a kiss. It can be real people, heroes of films, books, anime or original images (invented by the artist himself). The details of their clothing and surroundings do not need to be thought out immediately, but rather done during the drawing process.

The characters' feelings for each other

When the characters are already in the artist’s head, it’s worth thinking about what kind of relationship they have, what do they feel for each other? This will help when depicting a kiss. For example, if a guy is confident and a girl is embarrassed, it's easy to portray this in their poses. In this case, the guy’s features are more angular, the fulcrum of his body is clearly defined, but in the situation with the girl it’s the opposite: she can hold on to the guy so as not to fall. This is a classic example of how to draw kisses.

Attention to emotions

What definitely cannot be forgotten is the expressions on the faces of lovers. Each person looks different when kissing, so there can be many options. If you depict smiles, raised eyebrows in surprise, or gloomy faces on the faces of the characters, all this will fit into the atmosphere in a special way. For embarrassment, it is ideal when the eyebrows are raised and arched (similar to a sad face). Such emotions best convey the embarrassment of the characters and at the same time the depth of their feelings.

What kind of kisses can you draw?

The poses of the characters in the drawing affect the perception of the atmosphere of the picture. The position in which a couple is during a kiss greatly clarifies their relationship.

Tenderness is one of the most subtle feelings that can be conveyed in a drawing. To portray the characters must be relaxed, there should not be any discomfort in their positions.

Seated poses are ideal for this: this could be a park bench or a lawn. The more romantic the couple’s surroundings, the stronger the impression of the picture. as possible closer friend to a friend, join their hands or let the hero stroke the heroine’s cheek or hug her around the waist. You can run the girl’s hands through the hair of the partner, this will add a touching touch to the composition of your drawing.

It is best to convey it in some spontaneous pose that is unexpected for the characters. This could be a kiss near the wall, when one partner presses the other, while hugging the waist. Or draw both partners on the floor wrestling each other and kissing.

Love is one of the most wonderful things we have in life. She gives people unforgettable and very strong emotions. In this lesson we will learn to draw a couple in love.

How to draw a couple in love with a pencil

Most often, love can be seen in gentle touches and even more often in kisses. Therefore, in in this example we will draw a kissing couple in love. Get your pencils, paper and eraser ready!

Our couple will be in a horizontal position, that is, in a lying position. For convenience, you can outline them with squares, just do not press the pencil too hard. So, we draw the head of a boy and a girl.

Now let's draw their torsos and arms. The girl's hand will be on the guy's neck, and the guy's hand will be on the girl's waist.

We detail the entire drawing. We draw hair, eyes, folds on clothes, etc.

We continue to work on small details, such as the back pocket of trousers. Also, press a little harder on the pencil and trace the lines.

Erase all the extra lines and the drawing is ready.

How to draw kissing lovers

Let's look at the moment of the kiss in a little more detail and a little closer.

Our heroes will stand in profile, so first we will draw the face and head of the girl, and then the guy.

We complete the contours of the head.

We are working on the guy's head, it will turn out a little larger than the woman's head.

We draw the neck and shoulders of one and the other character.

We draw the hair of our heroes. Please note that the hair has some volume, so the outermost contour should be a little further from the shape of the head.

Hurray, the drawing is ready!

How to draw a couple in love step by step

Not always loving friend people kiss each other. Sometimes they do other things, like hugging :)

First, let's draw the skeleton of our drawing. The girl presses on her lover, hugs him and presses his legs together.

Let's draw the girl's face and her hair. The man's face will not be visible, only part of the back of his head and his hair will be visible, so we will draw only the hair.

We are working on the hands. Everything is simple here, they hug each other.

Let's go down and detail the bodies of our characters.

Let's finish drawing the legs. They look a bit like Hippies because their pants flare out at the bottom.

Let's color it.

Drawing the hands of lovers

Hands holding each other is also quite an intimate moment, so we will draw them :)

So, first we will draw the upper hand, and then the lower one. Let's make a simple sketch.

The brush should have a more human look, so we draw another curved line. Also, let's draw four bent fingers.

Do not press too hard on the pencil when you mark the fingers, as the fingers of the second person's hand will be on top of them :)

Let's finish drawing the other side.

We draw the second hand; its base, of course, should go on the other side.

We erase everything unnecessary and our drawing is ready!

Video lessons

At all times, drawings on romantic themes were a favorite subject of all artists: both famous, professionals, and beginners. Love, friendship, courtship, dating, romantic dreams... What could be more tender, more wonderful than these attributes of reverent relationships between the fair sex and the stronger sex?

I often want to draw a romantic picture depicting a guy and a girl in love. They can be shown in different ways. But the most revealing image of the couple is definitely their kiss. Gentle, sensual, attracting attention and evoking feelings of tenderness in the audience. We would like to offer you a lesson on step by step drawing lovers' kiss. It is not easy, so be patient and it will reward you with a flawless picture.

Stage 1. First, let's draw a sketch of the future heads of the guy and girl. We draw shapes that look like ovals. We make the male oval more massive and immediately add neck lines. We also draw the contours of the girl’s hand next to her head. In these sketches we begin to outline the contours of the faces of the two lovers. We draw the lines of the forehead, nose, and cheeks very smoothly, without sharp turns or bends. Close to real life. Our heroes are kissing, so we draw their mouths side by side, their eyes half-closed, also opposite each other. Don't forget about eyebrows and noses.

Stage 2. Now we add figures to the faces: torsos and arms. We draw hair on the heads. The guy's are short, the girl's are long, but for now we are showing only the part that lies smoothly on the head under the hoop.

Stage 3. Draw the guy's hand. With it he hugs his girlfriend's face. His arm has a rather voluminous shoulder and elbow part, a large palm, and long fingers. He is wearing a shirt with sleeves down to the wrist.

Stage 5. Let's designate the guy's clothes. Let's draw the collar, front and back of the vest worn over the shirt.

Stage 6. We will add a belt to his clothes, and from under the belt we will release the hem of the shirt. We draw a thin hoop on the girl’s head and complement her image with beautiful clothes: a dress with a corset, puffy sleeves and a belt.

Stage 7. Let’s draw lovely flying moths around the lovers, creating a romantic aura and a gentle mood.

Stage 8. Add hearts and various ornate lines-patterns to the butterflies for even greater splendor.

Stage 9. All that remains is to color the picture in dim colors pastel shades. We have released a picture depicting a kiss between two fairy-tale lovers. Perhaps this is a prince and princess from some fairy tale. You can draw two lovers from modern life. Then you just need to dress them up in the clothes of our time. Here you have room for imagination.

We invite everyone to another amazing kiss drawing lesson Online . Today I will show you how to draw an anime kiss step by step. The reason why I will teach you how to draw, how to draw it, is simple - in my spare time I drew a couple of anime/manga characters, over the past few days this has happened more than once and all the characters were in different poses and positions. And I came across a pose of characters in love, and we haven’t drawn kisses for a long time (although you can find kisses - the first one,). Previously, I thought that this had already exhausted itself and it would not be interesting to repeat it for the tenth time.

But it will be great lesson, because if you really think about something similar, then you will find a drawing anywhere. So let's draw ourselves! So, I drew manga where people kiss. and then I realized that I got great pleasure from it, the same way you did when drawing a kiss beautiful couple Following the steps of the lesson, you can make it very beautiful. Launch good music in the background and try it!

Step 1: Drawings for sketching a kiss

Step 2

This is advice before you start working on the quest to draw an anime couple kiss. The easiest way to start is to draw two facial outlines, one on top of the other, and then simply erase the invisible lines of the nose and upper lip. Enlarge the picture to see in detail what I'm talking about.

Step 3: How to learn to draw a kiss

Now technically this is your first step and you will draw, to begin with, you need to draw two circles exactly according to the size of the head. You should then add a few extra lines to the faces, which look like two dashes and a base for the neck pattern.

Step 4

In this step you will begin the process of drawing the characters' hairstyles and then draw their faces. After this you need to draw the closed eyes and the front of the neck. Make sure the curve of the neck is in the shape of an arch. Continue to the next step.

Step 5: Drawing a Kiss with a Pencil

In this fourth step you will begin drawing the remaining parts. After this you need to give a pointed shape to the eyebrows and then sketch out the shape of the eyelid for the eye. Draw the nose, lips and chin. Let's add a line for their back and shoulders and then move on to the next step.

Step 6

Well this is your last step kiss drawing and all you need to draw is to add clarity to the hair in the form of simple lines of different lengths, also draw the shape of the boy’s ear. After that we need to add details to their cheeks for blush and the line under their chin.

Step 7: Draw the kiss step by step

When you finish your drawing according to our simple and fast steps, then it should look like the one you see here. Every drawing on the site can be repeated; we do not post drawings to show off. so that someone can envy, because our goal is to teach and help everyone draw. Therefore, we will always be glad to see you on our website again!