Names of objects and objects of spiritual and material culture of mankind, as well as names of plants and natural phenomena. Material culture The relationship between material and spiritual culture

  • 30.06.2020

APOCALYPSE (1). ? REVELATION. Bibliopoetonym, the name of a religious work. "* The Revelation of John the Theologian, or “Apocalypse” is the last book of the New Testament, which presents Christian eschatology - a description of the end of the earth’s existence and the Second Coming of the Messiah.

■ / What heights above this island, / What fog! / And the Apocalypse was written here / And Pan died! ∕ (III.10).

❖ John the Theologian, following the text of the book, received the Revelation of God during his exile on the island of Patmos: “I, John, your brother and partner in the tribulation and in the kingdom and in the patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island called Patmos, for the word of God and for testimony of Jesus Christ." (Rev. 1:9).

BARON BRUMBEUS (1). Bibliopoetonym, an indication of a literary work by the pseudonym of its author. "" Osip-Yulian Senkovsky (1800 - 1858) - a famous orientalist of the first half of the 19th century, encyclopedist, translator from Arabic and other oriental languages, traveler, author of "Excerpts from travels in Egypt, Nubia and Upper Ethiopia", "Memoirs of Nubia and Syria,” which may have been known to N. Gumilyov, signed his works with several pseudonyms, Baron Brambeus is only one of them, but probably the most famous. Gumilyov has in mind some of the works of this author.

And / And not to part with the amulets, / Fortune rolls the wheel, / On the shelf, next to the pistols, / Baron Brambeus and Rousseau. / (11.114).

BENZ (1). Pragmapoetonym, name of a vehicle. "* A car brand named after the founder of the largest automobile manufacturing plant, Karl Benz.

F / On Dukseli, on a Benz, - / Riding on a cockatoo, / For the evening at Wenzel’s house / I will always get there. / (P.78).

AUBREY BEARDSLEY (1). Ideopoetonym, a work of painting named after the author. Aubrey Vincent Beardsley (1872-1898) - English artist, graphic artist, and illustrator of the modernist era. Over his short life (25 years), O. B. developed his own graphic style, in which realistic images were combined with abstraction and oriental ornamentation. O. B. illustrated “The Death of King Arthur” by T. Malory, “The Fall of the House of Usher” by E. Poe, and “Salome” by O. Wilde, with whom O. B. was personally acquainted.

And / Lovers, now I am taught, / Try to come, and you will find / Perfume, flowers, an old medallion, / Aubrey Beardsley in strict binding. / (11.54).

GENESIS (1). Bibliopoetonym, the name of a religious work. The first book of the Bible, which contains legends about the creation of the world and the life of the first people.

F / And from below there was a lot of noise, / Then the bench behind the bench was singing, / And there was someone stern before them, / Reading the book of GENESIS. ∕ (IV.24).

VERSAILLES (1). Urban ideopoetonim, a monument of landscape art. "" The former residence of the French kings, now a palace and park complex protected by UNESCO.

F / Or at the festival of Versailles / At the hour when the earth falls asleep, / The eyes of the young men are sad, / I am captivating the king. ∕ (III.34).

"AROUND THE WORLD" (1). The bibliopoetonym, the name of the magazine, is “in” The most famous Russian popular science magazine, published since 1861. The subject matter of the magazine is extremely diverse, but articles of a regional studies, ethnographic and historical nature predominate.

F / For complete happiness / One thing was missing: / So that his sister, father and mother / could see him here, / Even by the power of magic spells, / In “Around the World” / Told the boys about everything later / His beloved Boussenard. ∕(ΠL3).

♦♦♦ The magazine actually published excerpts or full texts of adventure and fantasy works.

SUNDAY (1). Chronopoetonym, name of a religious event. "* The event of the New Testament, the basis of the Christian faith, is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day after His Crucifixion.

F / And he shouted: “Look, everyone, / How the sparks sparkle on the dew, / How the languid plants breathe, / And the Sun, a golden fruit, / Floats in the transparent air, / Like an angel with the song of Resurrection.” /(1.94).

GRAIL (3 / 1). Ecclesiopoetonym, name of a sacred object. "* For Christians, it is the cup from which Christ drank during the Last Supper and into which Joseph of Arimathea collected drops of the Savior's blood after His crucifixion. G. is mentioned in a number of medieval legends, in particular in the legends about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

F / I remembered an old fairy tale / About the Holy Grail. / (1.44). / I would like to wander through the villages, / Go into unknown distances, / Approaching distant possessions / The Enchanted Grail. / (1.44). ∕ / Only the pure are given contemplation / The eternally joyful Grail. / (1.44).

♦♦♦ It is believed that the guardians of the Grail were first the Cathars (representatives of a Christian movement recognized as heresy), and then the Templars (Verbitskaya: 174).

TOMB OF GOD (1). Ecclesiopoetonym, the name of a sacred object, O Holy Sepulcher. "* The greatest Christian shrine, the place where Christ was buried after the Crucifixion. Located in the Church of the Holy Resurrection in Jerusalem.

F / Everyone dreams: “There, at the Holy Sepulcher, / The doors of heaven will open for us, / On Mount Tabor, at the foot, / The promised hour will ring.” / (1.121).

SOFA (1). Ergopoetonym, the name of a business association of people. The highest authority in Islamic states.

F / Let the owners here be English, / Drink wine and play football / And the caliph in the high Divan / Holy arbitrariness has no power. ∕ (IV.6).

HOMETOP (1). Ergopoetonym, the name of a business association of people. "* Heating cooperative in pre-revolutionary Russia.

F/P.S. Besides, in Domotop’s office / I will always meet an Ethiopian. ∕ (IV.38).

TREE OF KNOWLEDGE (1). Phytomyphopoetonym. "* In the Old Testament - a tree in Eden from which Eve ate the forbidden fruit.

F / Tired from dancing and singing, Adam / Fell asleep, foolish, at the Tree of Knowledge. / Above him the dazzling stars flutter, / Purple shadows slide across the meadows / (1.161).

DUX (1). Pragmapoetonym, name of a vehicle. " * "Duke" is the largest plant in Moscow at the beginning of the 20th century for the production of bicycles, motorcycles, cars, airplanes and airships. Before the revolution, the plant produced all of the above types of transport, therefore in Gumilyov’s poem, written in 1912, this may mean any of them, although most likely we are talking about a car.

F / Whether I’m on a Dux, or a Benz, - / Riding a cockatoo, / I’ll always get there for the evening at Wenzel’s house. / (P.78).

GOSPEL (2 / 2). Bibliopoetonym, the name of a religious work. " * The four main books of the New Testament, which tell about the earthly journey and deeds of Jesus Christ: E. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.

F / A lion on a column, and brightly / The lion’s eyes burn, / Holds the Gospel of Mark, / Like seraphim, winged. / (11.96). / But we have forgotten that what shines / is only the word in the midst of earthly anxieties, / And in the Gospel of John / It is said that the word is God. ∕ (IV.29).

♦♦♦ To context 2: IV.29. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1).

F / He says that the world is not terrible, / That he is the prince of the Dawn of the Coming... / But only the spirits of the dark towers / Those speeches listen, laughing / (1.25).

"GREEN" (1). Pragmapoetonym, store name. ? In a number of publications that reprinted the text from “The Pillar of Fire” (Gumilev 1989, Gumilev 2003) it is written as an appellative - green. "* An outdated name of a shop where they sold herbs, fruits and vegetables. F / Sign... bloodshot letters / They read - “Green,” - I know, here / Instead of cabbage and instead of rutabaga / Dead heads

sell. ∕ (IV.39).

♦♦♦ A. A. Brudny in his book “Psychological Hermeneutics” wrote about “The Lost Tram”: “man is given a virtual world, a semantic space. You can become free in it. Freedom is flight. To Asia, to Africa, to the past, to the future.

“Green” is an image of the future. An insight into one’s own death (not Gumilyov’s first)” (Brudny: 211).

F / All of you, paladins of the Green Temple, / Over the cloudy sea, watching the rhumb, / Gonzalvo and Cook, La Perouse and de Gama, / The dreamer and the king, the Genoese Columbus! / (1.148).

"KNOWLEDGE" (1). Bibliopoetonym, name of a periodical. " * Probably, N. Gumilyov is talking about collections of the publishing house "Znanie", founded in 1898. From the beginning of the 20th century, the publishing house's activities were aimed at the ideological struggle against modernism. Works of a realistic and atheistic orientation were accepted for publication, among the authors were I. Bunin, L. Andreev, A. Kuprin, V. Veresaev M. Gorky was the editor of the publishing house for some time.

F/I moved the table to the wall; on the chest of drawers / I placed the almanacs “Knowledge” side by side, / Postcards - so that even the Hottentots / would become indignant in the sacred. / (P.54).

YGDRAZIL (1). Phytomyphopoetonym, world tree-image of the universe in Scandinavian mythology, O Ygdrasil.

F / Me, who, like the tree Ygdrazil, / Has sprouted with the head of seven seven universes / And for whose eyes, like dust, / The fields of the earth and the fields of the blessed? ∕ (IV.28).

"ILLIADA" (1). Bibliopoetonym, the name of an ancient epic poem, a monument of ancient Greek literature, an epic poem by Homer, telling about the Trojan War, the exploits of great warriors and the deeds of the gods.

F / I closed the Iliad and sat by the window, / The last word trembled on my lips, / Something was shining brightly - a lantern or the moon, / And the shadow of a sentry was moving slowly. / (11.55).

ISAAC (2 / 2). Ecclesiopoetonym, name of the temple. "** St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg, one of the most important and first (construction began in 1818) Christian churches in the city.

And / How they didn’t bend - oh, woe! - / How did they not leave their places / The cross on the Kazan Cathedral / And the cross on Isaac? ∕ (III.56). / The faithful stronghold of Orthodoxy / Isaac is embedded in the heights, / There I will serve a prayer service for Mashenka’s health / and a memorial service for me. / (IV.39).

KAZAN CATHEDRAL (1). Ecclesiopoetonym, name of the temple. "∙*, Kazan Cathedral on Nevsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg is one of the greatest Christian churches in the city. General M. I. Kutuzov was buried in the cathedral in 1813.

F / How they didn’t bend - oh, woe! - / How did they not leave their places / The cross on the Kazan Cathedral / And the cross on Isaac? / (III.56).

KABA STONE (1). Ecclesiopoetonym, name of a sacred object, O Kaaba. "" The main Muslim shrine. Located in Mecca.

F / But he stamped his foot and shouted: “Women! / Do you know that Kaba’s black stone / Was found to be counterfeit last week?” / (11.102).

"QUIVER" (1). Bibliopoetonym, the name of a collection of poems. "" The fifth printed collection of poetry by N. Gumilyov, published in 1916.

F / And, it’s true, the day found, gray, / Socrates again on the table, / But “Enamels and Cameos” / With “Quiver” in the dustiest darkness. ∕ (III.49). QURAN (1). Bibliopoetonym, name of a religious work

Denia. ’ * The Holy Book of Muslims.

F / Sheikhs pray, stern and gloomy, / And the Koran lies in front of everyone, / Where are Persian miniatures, / Like butterflies from fairy tales. ∕(IV.6).

ROUND TABLE (1). Ergopoetonym, community name. Knights of the Round Table - a legendary community of knights

Characters from the tales of King Arthur.

F / The path never led here / The Peer of France or the Round Table ∕ (IV.30).

CURTAIN (1). Ergopoetonym, name of a military camp, about La-

Curtin. About Fr. courtine - military defensive structure, fortress wall. "* A camp of Russian soldiers in France, named after its location - the village of La Courtine.

F / If it’s in the first one, it means it’s destined: / I’ll leave this welcoming home / And move to Camp Cournos / Or to the rebellious Curtain. ∕(ΠI.97).

❖ Having learned about the revolution in Russia, the soldiers of the Curtin camp refused to obey the leadership and demanded to return to their homeland. To pacify the rebellion, the Provisional Government sent a delegation led by General Zankevich to the camp. The delegation also included warrant officer N. Gumilyov.

"LEDA" (1). Ideopoetonym, the name of a work of painting. ? The short (allegro) form of the full “Leda and the Swan” is used. The famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci, written on a mythological plot: Zeus, captivated by the beauty of the earthly woman Leda, penetrated her in the guise of a swan. The original painting has been lost, only copies have survived.

F / One, like the skin of a leopard, / Diverse, forever new. / Leonardo’s “Leda” perishes there / Among the incense and silks. ∕ (11.95). SUMMER GARDEN (2 / 2). Urban ideopoeton, a monument of landscape art. "* Summer residence of Peter I, located

married on the island of the same name in St. Petersburg.

F / And our meetings will begin again, / Wandering at night at random, / And our mischievous speeches, / And the Islands, and the Summer Garden?! (IP.49). If the gaze of the beloved girl is / Sweeter than the gaze of the inhabitants of the heights, / More beautiful than the mountainous Jerusalem / The Summer Garden and the greenery of the sleepy waters... ∕ (III.55).

THE FLYING DUTCHMAN (1). Pragmamithopoetonim, the name of a vehicle. " * The legendary ghost ship, doomed to eternal wanderings across the seas without the possibility of landing on shore.

F / There are waves with sparkles and splashes / Of an incessant dance, / And there flies in sharp leaps / The ship of the Flying Dutchman. / (1.150).

HIRAM LILY (1). Ideopoeton, the name of a sculpture with a religious symbolic meaning. "* Lily in Freemasonry is a symbol of power and Divine wisdom, the rational structure of the universe. Hiram is the legendary founder of Freemasonry, in the Bible - an employee of King Solomon, the leader of the construction of the Jerusalem Temple and the creator of a number of sacred objects

in the temple. In the Third Book. Kings describes the construction by Hiram of two pillars, named Jachin and Boaz and symbolizing birth and death, that is, the earthly world: “And over the pillars he placed crowns made like a lily; This is how the work on the pillars is completed.” (1 Kings: 22). Thus, the Hiram lily is a symbol of the Divine mind, which governs nature, world history and the lives of people.

F / But the one who saw Hiram’s lily / Does not grieve for fairy gardens, / But devoutly builds the walls of a temple, / Pleasant to earth and heaven. /(11.98).

MADONNA, many (1). ? VIRGIN VIRGIN MARY, MADONNA, MARY, MARY, section I. Ideopoztonili, the name of the sculptures. "" Images of the mother of Christ - the Madonna: perhaps they are referring to the paintings of the "Madonnelle" in niches, of which there are several hundred in Rome. Gumilyov included in the metonymy "the face of the Madonnas" as an indication of the unity of the essence, the idea of ​​​​all sculptures.

SULTAN GHASSAN MOSQUE (1). Ecclesiopoetonym, name of the temple. "* The Mosque of Sultan Hasan (Hassan) is the largest in Cairo, built in the 14th century.

F / Like a motley Fata Morgana, / A city is visible, there is light above the city; / Above the mosque of Sultan Hassan / The minaret pierces the moon. ∕ (IV.6).

ST. ELM'S FIRE (1). Deopoetonim, the name of a natural phenomenon. "∙⅛ A rare natural phenomenon, which is the appearance of a flickering glow on high-altitude or peak-shaped objects of the visible world. Occurs, as a rule, before a thunderstorm and storm, when the electric field strength in the atmosphere increases sharply. The name comes from the name of the Catholic saint, martyr Elmo (Erasmus ) - patron and protector of sailors.

F / He will not encounter a reef or a shoal, / But, a sign of sadness and misfortune, / The lights of St. Elmo glow, / Dotting his side and gear. / (1.150).

“OH VIRGIN ROSE, I AM IN CHAINS” (1). Bibliopoetonym, title of a poem by A. S. Pushkin.

Ш / “O Virgin Rose, I am in chains,” / I owe twenty thousand, / O the sweetness of honey candies, / Products that create

Shapshal. / But I’m not at all afraid of this, / Your gaze, as before, is not harsh, / I smoke and eat sweets, / “And I’m not ashamed of MY SHOWS.” ∕(IV.47).

❖ Pushkin’s “chains” are love, affection for his beloved: / So a nightingale in the laurel bushes ∕ / Near a proud and beautiful rose / Lives in sweet captivity / And sings tender songs to her /. Gumilyov uses Pushkin’s lines with irony, the “fetters” here are debts, troubles that the lyricist got into. the hero smokes a cigarette and tastes a honey lollipop for the pleasure of it.

"REVELATION" (1). ? APOCALYPSE. Bibliopoetonym, the name of a religious work. See APOCALYPSE.

F / As soon as we hear the cherished sound / In your organ, booming and drawn-out, / Our pale peace is confused, suddenly / How gloomy the world will show / John’s “Revelation” voice to us / And it seems to echo his words. / (P.92).

CATHEDRAL OF PADUAN 3 ™ (1): P.105. "* The Cathedral in the city of Padua, one of the oldest Christian churches in Italy.

PANTHEON (1). Ecclesiopoetonym, name of the temple. "* The Pantheon in Paris is the Church of St. Genevieve, built according to the design of the architect J. Soufflot in the era of classicism. After the revolution and to this day, Paris is the tomb of outstanding people of France.

F / And no, not for us, your priests, / To break the tablet of the law into pieces / And throw flames at Notre-Dame, / To destroy the walls of the Pantheon. ∕ (I. 57).

SONG OF TRIUMPHANT LOVE (1). Bibliopoetonym, title of a story by I. S. Turgenev.

F / Plague, war or revolution, / Villages in fires, meadows in blood! / But if only Mucius’ violin would sing / The Song of Triumphant Love. / (P.17).

PETROSOYUZ (1). Ergopoetonym, the name of a business association of people. "∙>* Petrograd Union of Workers' Consumer Societies was founded in 1916.

F / To me Susa with palm trees, in the fire of heaven Nefusa / No more seductive than the gifts of the Petrosoyuz, / And the paradise of fire gives us Raylescom. ∕(iv.38).

❖ See commentary to NEFUZ, section II.

"LEGION OF HONOR" (1). Pragmapoetonym, name of a military order. "" The Order of the Legion of Honor was established in France by Napoleon. The insignia is awarded for special military services to the Republic.

F / That one - to bring the “Legion of Honor” to the sweetheart in memory of their separation, / This one is so-so, almost out of boredom, / And among them he was the bravest! ∕ (III.114).

“SEPARATION YOU, SEPARATION” (1). Ideopoetonim, name of Russian

folk song.

/ And the song will be torn out by torment, / It is so old: / “You are separation, separation, / A foreign side!” ∕ (III.5).

RYLESCOM (1). Ergopoetonym, the name of a business association of people. District Forestry Committee in post-revolutionary Russia.

And / To me Susa with palm trees, in the fire of heaven Nefusa / No more seductive than the gifts of the Petrosoyuz, / And the paradise of fire gives us Raylescom. ∕ (iv.38).

CRUCIFIXION (1). Ecclesiopoetonym, name of a sacred object. ^∙⅛ The cross, a symbol of Christianity, as well as humility and sacrifice.

And / And you left, in a simple and dark dress, / Looking like an ancient Crucifix. /(11.98).

CHRISTMAS (3 / 3). Eortopoetonym, name of a religious holiday. The Nativity of Christ is one of the most important holidays of Christians, celebrated in the Orthodox tradition on January 7, in the Catholic tradition on December 25 according to the Gregorian calendar.

F / But, grinning to answer, / Slightly hiding his triumph, / He exclaimed: “What are you, geta, / Tomorrow will be Christmas /.” / (11.67). / Mary holds her Son, / Curly-haired, with a noble blush, / Such children on the night before Christmas / Probably dream of barren women / (11.84). / And the golden stars shone, / Invited to the celebration, / Like wax oranges, / Those served at Christmas. / (W.90).

CHRISTMAS 3™(1); 11.67. "∙⅛ See above.

RUSSO (1). Bibliopoetonym, an indication of a literary work by the name of its author. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) - an outstanding French thinker and encyclopedist of the Enlightenment. Author of philosophical treatises and the famous sentimental novel in letters “Julia, or the New Heloise.”

F / And not to part with amulets, / Fortune rolls the wheel, / On the shelf, next to the pistols, / Baron Brambeus and Rousseau. / (11.114). SAMOTHRACIAN VICTORY (1). Ideopoetonym, name of the sculpture. About Nike of Samothrace. Marble sculpture of the flying Greek goddess of victory. Head and part of the right hand

There are no thujas. Since 1884, the sculpture has been in the Louvre.

F / In the hour of my racing delirium / You appear before my eyes - / Samothrace Victory / With arms outstretched forward. / (III.81).

VICTORY OF SEMOTHRACIAN 3 ™(1): III.81. "*⅛ See above.

WORD OF GOD (1). Bibliopoetonym, the name of a religious work, the Bible, “* The collection of sacred books of Christians (Old and New Testaments), as well as the contents of these books, is the basis of the worldview of Christians.

F / At the market all the people / Men, gypsies, passers-by - / Buy and sell, / Preach the Word of God. ∕ (III.43). COUNCIL OF NARKHOZ (1). Ergopoetonym, name of a business association

no people.^*⅛ Organ of management of the national economy in the USSR.

F / Is a slender birch more despicable than a rose, / Where there is a tree, there is a garden, / Wherever we take them, even from the Economic Council, / They beckon. / (IV.38).

SOCRATES (2 / 1). Bibliopoetonym, an indication of a literary work by the name of the main character. ^∙* Socrates is an outstanding philosopher of Ancient Greece who uses the method of dialectics to prove truth. Socrates did not leave behind books, but his philosophy was written down and transmitted by Plato, a student of Socrates, the founder of the idealistic direction of philosophy. A book of memoirs about Socrates, written by Xenophon, has also been preserved. Perhaps N. Gumilyov’s “Socrates” means one of the mentioned books or some scientific monograph about the philosopher’s life path.

F/What did I read? Are you bored, Leri, / And Socrates lies under the table, / Are you yearning for the ancient faith? / - What a great masquerade! ∕ (III.49). / And, sure enough, the gray day found / Socrates again on the table, / But “Enamels and Cameos” / With “Quiver” in the dustiest darkness. ∕ (III.49).

CHRISTMAS EVE (1). Eortopoetonym, name of a religious holiday. "* In the Christian tradition, S. is called the eves of two great holidays: Christmas (January 6) and Epiphany (January 18). The latter S. is also called Epiphany, and on Epiphany days, according to popular belief, it is customary to tell fortunes.

F / Palmist, a big slacker, / Late in the evening, on Christmas Eve / He predicted for me -. “Notice: / There will be long weeks / White snowstorms will blow, / Transparent ice will turn blue. / (11.68).

THE LAST JUDGMENT (1). ? JUDGMENT DAY. Chronopoetonym, name of a religious event. In Judeo-Christian and Islamic eschatology, the last day of the world's existence, when God will judge people for their actions.

F I “Darkness of millennia will pass, / And you will fight in a tight cage, / Before the Last Judgment comes, / The Son will come and the Heavenly Spirit will come / (III.94).

JUDGMENT DAY (1). ? THE LAST JUDGMENT. Chronopoetonym, name of a religious event. * "THE DASTY JUDGMENT.

F / The embittered sacred schema was stripped, / I accepted the world, both sorrowful and difficult, / But a heavy chain lay on my chest, / I see the light... then the Day of Judgment is approaching. / (1.138).

SPHINX (1). Ideopoetonym, name of the sculpture. *∙⅛ Monument to ancient Egyptian civilization, a huge statue with the body of a lion and the head of a man, guarding the pyramids at Giza.

F / The Sphinx lies down guarding the shrine / And looks with a smile from above, / Waiting for guests from the desert, / Of whom you do not know. ∕ (IV.6).

TEMPLE OF ST. PETER (1). Ecclesiopoetonym, name of the temple. "∙⅛ St. Peter's Basilica is the largest building in the Vatican, on the construction of which the greatest sculptors of Italy worked at different times, including Raphael, Michelangelo and Bernini.

F / And the inspired face of the Madonnas, / And the temple of St. Peter, / As long as your hole always gapes here / (11.80).

CHRIST'S SUNDAY (1). ≈ SUNDAY. Eortopoetonym, name of a religious holiday, Easter. "" The holiday of the Resurrection of Christ is the most important in the Orthodox tradition. Orthodox Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon that occurs after the spring equinox.

F / On my best, brightest day, / On that day of Christ’s Resurrection, / I suddenly remembered the joy / Which I was looking for everywhere. ∕(III.23).

"MAN" (1). Bibliochronopoetonym, representation of a period of history as a literary work. *" N. Gumilev - the name of the time period - XIX century. - the era of romanticism and realism, when the inner world of man and his experiences were at the center of philosophical and artistic comprehension.

F / Tragicomedy - the title “Man” - / Was the nineteenth funny and terrible century ∕ (IV.72).

❖ An allusion to E. Poe’s story “Ligeia”: on the night of his death, the hero’s beloved asks to read the poems that he once wrote. In these verses, the world is presented as a theater created by God, whose actors - people - fight for survival, until one day the voracious Worm - death, fate - comes and devours people: / And the angels, pale and straight, / Scream, throwing off their cloak, /

That “Man” is the name of the drama, / That “Worm” is its hero! / (Trans.

V. Bryusova).

SHAPSHAL (1). Pragmapoetonym, name of the factory. * * The Shapshal Brothers tobacco factory was founded in 1873 in St. Petersburg by the merchant Shapshal Yufuda Moiseevich (1837 - 1902). At the end of the 19th century. and at the beginning of the 20th century, the word “shapshal” in the northern capital meant cigarettes and tobacco produced by this factory.

F / “O Virgin Rose, I am in chains,” / I owe twenty thousand, / O the sweetness of honey candies, / Products that Shapshal creates. ∕ (IV.47).

EURIPIDES (1). Ideopoetonym, name of the sculpture, O Euripides. " * See the anthropoonym EURIPIDES, section I.

F / Some kind of resentment was crying in them, / The brass was ringing and there was a thunderstorm, / And there, above the closet, the profile of Euripides / Blinded his burning eyes. / (P.66).

EZBEKIYE (3 / 1). Urban ideopoetonim, a monument of landscape art. A beautiful park in Egypt, a popular place among foreigners in Cairo in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. E. were located in the European part of Cairo, where Napoleon previously had his residence (palace). In the middle of E.'s gardens there was a picturesque lake, nearby was the opera house and the Continental Hotel. Currently, E.'s gardens do not exist in their former grandeur; only a small park remains of them.

According to the chronology of Yu. V. Zobnin, N. Gumilev visited E.’s gardens three times: in 1907, 1908 and 1909. “During his first trip to the city garden, Ezbekiye tried to take his own life, but experienced some strong mystical shock that produced a moral revolution in him” (Zobnin: 428).

F / How strange - exactly ten years have passed / Since I saw Ezbekiye, / The Great Cairo Garden, / Solemnly illuminated that evening by the full moon. / (III.96). / No matter what sorrows, humiliations / May befall me, not before / I think about an easy death, / Before I enter again on the same moonlit night / Under the palm trees and plane trees of Ezbekiye. / (W.96). / And suddenly I look around, hearing / In the hum of the wind, in the noise of distant speech / And in the terrifying silence of the night / The mysterious word - Ezbekiye. / (III.96).

EZBEKIYE 3™ (1): III.96. " * Contexts for poetonyms and commentary, see above.

“ENAMELS AND CAMEOS” (1). Bibliopoetonym, the name of a collection of poetry by Théophile Gautier. " & Many poems from this book were translated into Russian by N. Gumilyov.

And / And, it’s true, the gray day found / Socrates again on the table, / But “Enamels and Cameos” / With “Quiver” in the dustiest darkness. /(III.49). CAMP COURNOS (1). Ergopoetonym, the name of a military camp. o Camp Coigpea, Cournot. ? The name camp Cournos is apparently not entirely accurate. Fr. The name of the camp is camp Courneau. "∙⅛ Military camp in France, where Russian soldiers arrived

in 1917 during the First World War.

And / If in the first, it means it is destined: / I will leave this welcoming home / And move to Camp Cournos / Or to the rebellious Curtain. / (III.97).

"LA P'TITE TONKINOISE" (1). And the poet is about him, the title of the author’s song is about “La petite Tonkinoise”. "" A French song popular at the beginning of the 20th century with lyrics by Georges Villard and music by Vincent Scotto.

And / “How good it is now to sit in a happy cafe, / Where gas crackles above the crowd of people, / And listen, while sipping light beer, / As a woman sings “La p"tite Tonkinoise.” ∕(∏.115).

Spiritual and material culture are two parts of one whole. Studying one area is almost impossible without studying another. Material culture implies any material achievements of mankind. For example, technical inventions, architecture, household items. Objects of material culture greatly help archaeologists in their work. Based on material finds, they can reconstruct the life of our ancestors, their way of life. Material culture is the most important part of life, which changes and improves every year, in accordance with the development of humanity.

Spiritual culture is also the main indicator of the civilization of people. What does this concept include? First of all, any ideas, discoveries, concepts. For example, spiritual culture includes psychology and various works of art. This definition includes everything that has been achieved by the power of human thought and talent.

Material culture is inextricably linked with the spiritual aspect. Before constructing any building or creating any other physical object, people's intellectual strength and their imagination were expended. At the same time, objects related to spiritual culture are also expressed through material objects. For example, a person created a philosophical work and introduced it to his readers through a book.

The spiritual aspect, like material culture, also helps to understand. First of all, this is the merit of archaeologists who study ancient works of art and achievements of thought. However, spiritual culture is studied not only by historians. For example, ancient beliefs, fairy tales, and legends were carefully analyzed in their works by the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, as well as his followers. Spiritual culture allows us to understand how our forefathers saw the world, what their psychology was, which is very valuable for a deep and thoughtful knowledge of history.

What more can be said about these two concepts? Material and spiritual culture existed, of course, in different versions of development, in almost all times. Even ancient people carved drawings on the walls of caves, symbolizing animals, some everyday actions, for example, hunting.

Material culture, like spiritual culture, has experienced ups and downs many times throughout the history of mankind. Priorities also changed. That is, one culture became more important than another. It is interesting to consider people's interest in the spiritual and material aspects using the example of the well-known concept. This famous concept helps to analyze why one aspect of culture becomes more important than another. A person deprived of basic material goods, that is, shelter, food and means to help protect himself, is unlikely to be interested in the spiritual side of life. A person who has satisfied all his basic needs is already drawn to such areas as art, philosophy, and religion.

Material culture clearly shows how much a person was able to adapt to natural conditions. Without this aspect, the existence of a state, and even a person, is practically impossible. However, spiritual culture is also very important for the entire society. Without it, man would have remained a barbarian. Spiritual culture sets certain standards of behavior, forms ideals, and develops a sense of beauty. Without it, no civilization is unimaginable. However, spiritual culture is not entertainment for the elite, because it includes education, cinema, and various books. The harmony of material objects and the achievements of human intelligence helps to achieve a high level of existence, both for an entire state and for an individual.

part of material culture, artificial covering of the human body

Alternative descriptions

Body covering

A set of objects that cover or clothe the body

Road surface covering

. "second skin"

Hanging on hangers

Everything we wear

Counter outfit

A distant descendant of the fig leaf

G. clothing, clothing; clothes, clothes, clothes; attire, clothing, clothing, everything with which a person dresses, dress, vestments, okruta; or except for a hat, mittens and shoes. Russian clothes, our folk clothes; French old, round, usually embroidered caftan, trousers, stockings and shoes; French or German, a tailcoat or a frock coat with a slit at the back, which our old people don’t like. Without clothes, you will jump up and run, but without clothes, you will sit. Not in the same clothes, but on the same bridge. They pay for the clothes, but the skin heals itself. Stretch your legs over your clothes. Stretch your legs over your clothes, live in abundance. Organize your clothes according to your height. The building is covered, and the clothes are sewn. The poor man wears his clothes, the rich man wears his face. All clothes are a hat and onuchi! If your clothes are inside out, you're either drunk or you'll be beaten. Seventy oezhek and all without fasteners? (kachan). Cover, cover, cover; trick: a complete laying of something. Clothes of the throne, in the altar. Clothing furniture, walls, wallpaper. Covering the ditch, rampart, covering steep slopes, sides and slopes with turf and stone. Clothing clothes(in)ishe Wed. one piece of German clothing. Kleidungsstueck). Clothes cottage, everything you need for clothes. Clothing and shoe money. Dressed man, hard. elegant, rich in clothes. A dresser, a wardrobe, a closet or a whole room for clothes. Dressed (dressed?), dressed m. arch. well, cleanly dressed, rich in clothes. Who's clothes, church. put on. And you see naked clothes. Dress and dress what, sitting down. dress, put on; cover with a blanket or blanket, wrap up. Wrap him up, dress him up, song, dress him up. Clothes caftan. Get dressed or get dressed, it's cold outside


And a dress, and a suit, and a coat, and a sweater

Bad manners on the nudist beach

Outfit and Outfit


An unnecessary attribute of a nudist's wardrobe

An unnecessary attribute of a nudist wardrobe



Dresses, trousers, shirts

They meet you with it, they see you off with your mind

They meet her, escorting her through her mind

According to A. Chekhov, everything in a person should be beautiful, including this

Road surface covering

Items from the wardrobe

Items that fit the body

Synonym of outfit

Hides nakedness

A collection of objects that cover the body

Modern descendant of the fig leaf

Wardrobe Contents

Fig leaf for Adam

Robe, robe, suit, dress (general)

How to “disguise” nudity

How to hide nudity

What is a skirt or fur coat?

What is a coat or a skirt

What is a skirt or fur coat?

. "second skin"

What is a skirt or fur coat?

What is a coat or a skirt?

What is a skirt or fur coat?

How do they “disguise” nudity?

How do they hide nudity?

How do they “disguise” nakedness?

Each of us has needs that can be divided into spiritual and material. To do this, it is enough to recall the pyramid of the famous psychologist Maslow, in which the lower (need for food, sex, air, etc.) and higher human desires (the desire to be a respected person, the desire for self-affirmation, a sense of security, comfort and etc.). To satisfy all of the above, in the process of historical development of mankind, classifications of a cultural nature were formed, including material culture.

What is material culture?

Let us recall that material culture is the environment surrounding a person. Every day, thanks to the work of everyone, it is updated and improved. This gives rise to a new standard of living, as a result of which the demands of society change.

Types of material culture include:

  1. Animals. This category includes not only livestock, but also decorative breeds of cats, birds, dogs, etc. However, cheetahs do not belong to this species because they live in the wild and have not been subjected to the process of deliberate interbreeding with other species of their own kind. And cats and dogs, the development of whose nature has been invaded by man, are representatives of material culture. Also one of these reasons is that their gene pool and appearance have been changed.
  2. Plants. The number of new varieties increases every year. Man achieves this through selection.
  3. The soil. This is the top layer of the earth, by fertilizing which every farmer strives to get a bountiful harvest. True, in the race for money, environmental indicators are sometimes ignored, and as a result, the earth is filled with harmful bacteria and viruses.
  4. Building. An equally important achievement of material culture is considered to be structures and architecture that are created with the help of human labor. The culture of buildings includes real estate, which is constantly being improved, and thereby improving the standard of living of people.
  5. Equipment, tools. With their help, a person simplifies his work and spends two or more times less time on achieving something. This, in turn, significantly saves his life time.
  6. Transport. This category, like the previous one, is aimed at improving living standards. For example, earlier, when many traders went to China to buy silk, it took at least a year to get from the USA to this country. Nowadays it’s enough just to buy a plane ticket and you don’t have to wait 360 days.
  7. Means of communication. The area includes the miracle of technology - mobile phones, the World Wide Web, radio, mail.

Features of material culture

It should be noted that the distinctive quality of this type of culture is the variety of objects created by human labor, which help to adapt to changeable conditions as quickly as possible. environmental and social conditions. In addition, each nation has its own material characteristics, characteristic specifically for a particular ethnic group.

The relationship between material and spiritual culture

One of the main intermediaries between the spiritual and material worlds is money. So, they can be spent on purchasing much-needed food, clothes that help you stay warm in the frosty winter, or simply interior elements. It all depends on the desire of the person and his capabilities. Using this market equivalent, one can purchase a ticket to a seminar at which a person will increase the level of his knowledge, which is already spiritual culture, or he can go to the theater.