Sand show. Sand show for the anniversary Sand show for the holiday 9

  • 13.06.2019

The inventor of the style is Canadian animation director Caroline Leaf. The first film created by Lief was “Sand, or Petya and Gray wolf" By symphonic fairy tale“Peter and the Wolf” by Sergei Prokofiev. It was graduate work, which young student Caroline Leaf performed at the National Film Center of Canada. The film was made using powder technique, which was completely unfamiliar at the time. Black powder scattered on the glass, and Caroline Leaf used her fingers to collect the powder into certain figures, images. And so, moving this powder, she told the story about Petya and the wolf to Prokofiev’s music. Most famous work Caroline Leaf, animated film "The Street" released in 1976. The film was made using the technique of oil painting on glass under a “living painting” camera and is one of the ten best animated films in the history of animation. Later, Carolyn Leaf's experience was adopted by many animators.

Originating in the West (Sand Art / Sand Animation / Sand Fantasy), sand animation came to Russia several years ago. There are few high-class specialists in this field. Before going out in public for the first time, an artist is most often an artist who for a long time worked with canvas or paper - can practice for years. It's all about the interactivity of the process: sand drawings appear and disappear before the eyes of the audience, and the artist has no room for error. Preparation of each sand show is careful, painstaking work. An artist needs not only talent, but also enormous endurance: it takes inspiration to create sand paintings, and long hours of training to perfect the technique of performing a sand show.

In the USSR, the sand animation method was picked up by the Kiev Animation Studio. Artists Elena and Vladimir Petkevich worked especially actively with sand. They have a lot of serious, philosophical works, the best of which, perhaps, can be considered “The Tale of the Little Booger.” Khitruk-Norshtein’s workshop also used sand in cartoons. The material itself was unusual, the principle of shooting was traditional: draw a picture - shoot, change it a little - shoot, and so on frame by frame. The advantage of sand over paint was that each frame did not need to be painted anew - it was enough to slightly correct the previous one. This property of instantly changing a picture became an insight for the Hungarian artist Ferenc Cako, born in Hungary in 1950. And he stepped onto the next stage of sand animation. He tried to create a dynamic sand film, i.e. without editing, in one go. Nominated for an Oscar, awarded at Cannes, the San Francisco Film Festival and others. He was the first to perform in front of the public with sand, light and music shows. Often sand animation It is performed “live” when the artist changes sand paintings right in front of the public.

Features of the sand animation technique

The main thing that distinguishes sand animation and graphics from other areas using similar materials - for example, drawings with colored sand - is the luminous surface, which is used for drawing images. The choice of a specific bulk substance or working tools is not so important. It is in the presence of backlighting that the image acquires the necessary contrast and expressiveness and “comes to life.” Both single-color and multi-color lighting options are used.

Materials for work

Sea sand is not suitable for this activity because the grains of sea sand are too round and scatter without forming fixed shapes. Professional animators use volcanic sand - its special structure is ideal for sand animation. However, when working with this sand you need to take care of your hands, as it dries out the skin. You can learn sand animation yourself using simple “homemade” bulk materials: ordinary river sand, salt, sugar, coffee, small cereals.

Image playback engine

Thin layers of sand (or similar bulk material) are applied to the surface, which emits light directed from bottom to top. A camera mounted above records the resulting picture or the entire process of its creation. So there is not much technical difference in creating animated film and show performances for a live audience. IN the latter case There is an online broadcast for the public on the big screen. In sand animation, the artist does not just draw spectacular pictures - he creates an entire plot in which each new image seems to grow from the previous one. And during the live show, sand animation is accompanied by music chosen so successfully and precisely that it seems that every note corresponds to the plot of the work...

Do you want to surprise guests at your event with something beautiful and extraordinary? In this case, choose a sand show from an agency . Thanks to high-class masters, everyone present will plunge headlong into the magic of sand animation. Or maybe someone will even discover their talent as an artist!

It is difficult to imagine a more inspiring spectacle than a sand show.

Sand can be used to tell stories touching story love or reproduce any other story from life that will amaze the audience to the core. Just imagine how wonderful portrait or landscape compositions are born from sand before your eyes.

Sand splendor for any occasion: wedding, birthday or corporate event

You can easily order a sand show in Moscow for any occasion:

  • for a birthday
  • for the anniversary
  • for the new year
  • At Christmas
  • on March 8
  • for a corporate event
  • for a wedding

It is better to choose a sand show as a surprise for a child if he is already 5 years old. Children younger age They simply will not be able to concentrate enough on one activity and become imbued with such an aesthetic process. Every young viewer will be interested in watching the hands of sand animators, the adventures of favorite characters from Pushkin’s fairy tales, stories about the sleeping beauty, the Nutcracker or the Little Prince.

Sand show It will also fit whimsically into a program of choice for adults. Only the theme will differ: New Year’s illustrations for the Christmas holidays, the brightest moments of the company’s life for display at a corporate event, romantic motifs as a gift for newlyweds, etc.

Props for creating a sand animation show

We have at our disposal all the equipment necessary for showing a sand show:

  1. Transparent drawing table.
  2. Camera with tripod.
  3. Projector.
  4. Screen.

The entire process of professional drawing can be filmed and saved as a memory as a film.

And after their performance, sand animation artists are ready to conduct an interactive master class for everyone who wants to learn how to create incredible beauty from sand. Both children and adults will be happy to take part in such an action.

Order a sand show at Prazdnik.som at a competitive price

The cost of the sand show depends on whether it will be already ready-made option or individual development, as well as on its duration. The price of a finished 20-minute sand show from our artists with an additional interactive program will be 25,000 rubles.

Don't miss the opportunity to touch unique creativity.

Call us and order a sand show for your holiday without hesitation!

our clients

A wedding is an exciting, touching and long-awaited holiday for lovers! I want this day to be perfect. Choose impeccable outfits, a chic restaurant, think through to the smallest detail entertainment program– there will be a lot of pleasant troubles!

However, we should not forget that a wedding is a unique event in the life of a couple; there will not be a second one like it, just as there will be no opportunity to correct something or improve it. There must be something about your holiday that makes it different from others. It’s unlikely that you will like it if, when asked how the wedding went, one of the guests says: “Nothing special. Everything is standard." I want to stun, add zest, excite the imagination in the end! There is a solution - a sand show for a wedding.

What it is? Sand show, or free-flowing animation, is a type of art where to create a masterpiece the artist uses not brushes, paints and canvas, but only own hands, sand and fantasy.

This technique is great largely due to its dynamism: one picture follows another, and it feels like you are watching a full-fledged film on a big screen. Could there be anything more romantic? beautiful story love that united two lonely hearts?

How a masterpiece is born

The modern world is such that it can be extremely difficult to truly surprise with something. But to be surprised means to live, to discover more and more new facets for yourself. Art is priceless in this regard: it makes us experience real emotions. But it’s one thing when we see a masterpiece already created by someone, and quite another thing when there is an opportunity to lift the veil magical world creativity, as, for example, in the sand show.

How does this happen? Unique sand paintings are created right before your eyes, transforming into one another and broadcast in real time on a large screen thanks to a projector and video camera. Pleasant melodic music sets off the video sequence very beautifully, creating the right mood. You can choose a theme yourself, or use the recommendations of sand artists.

Perhaps, this show is also such a stunning success because sand has long been associated with time, which just as easily slips through your fingers (just remember the hourglass). The artist evokes admiration for the fact that during the performance he is able to subjugate this unstable substance, creating from it pictures of amazing beauty.

How long does the performance last?

  • Typically, shows last between 15 and 30 minutes or longer. Watching this spectacular performance is a breeze. It seems that the master is not making any effort special effort: everything is so simple, smooth, elegant. But in reality, you need to be a real virtuoso: the artist cannot make a single extra movement, since all his manipulations are immediately projected on the screen.
  • Guests can also be involved in a sand show for a wedding: they will be happy to touch the magical art and feel like sand sorcerers. This is so mesmerizing! How long the master class will last depends on the number of guests who want to show a personal congratulation from sand for the bride and groom.

When is the best time to hold a show?

It’s better not to put off this stunning spectacle until the end of the evening, when the guests are tired and the ultimate dream is to have a slice of wedding cake. This performance is intended to warm up and set a certain bar, as if to say: “Next, no less impressive surprises await you.” Therefore, it will be optimal if you hold it within the first hour after the start of the wedding feast.

It’s nice to feel like a person at a celebration whose appearance was awaited with special excitement and joy, isn’t it? Sand animation can be performed at a meeting of guests: this unusual reception They will remember it for a long time! In addition, a magical sand show will add spectacularity and originality to any performance of the artists on stage.

If you can only vaguely imagine what it looks like this type art, you should type in a search engine the request “sand show video”: one click of the mouse and you will be able to appreciate the beauty of this mesmerizing action. Usually, after watching such videos, there is no doubt: “This should definitely be at our wedding!” - the newlyweds exclaim. Surprise your guests, and let everyone remember this holiday for a long time!

A sand show for an anniversary is an excellent solution for those who want to please the hero of the occasion an original gift who want to diversify the entertainment program of the holiday and make it bright and memorable. If you are not a supporter of banal gifts, you like to delight your family and friends with surprises, then order sand animation for your anniversary in our sand painting studio. The inspiring sand spectacle presented by our skilled master artists will surprise and delight everyone.

Order a sand show

What is a sand show?

Sand animation for the anniversary from our company is a real film of successive sand paintings. Such a show is prepared using glass, colored sand and a projector, and the whole story is displayed on a large screen, so you don’t need to look behind the master to watch it. Our artists are professionals who do everything possible to ensure that the result exceeds the customer’s expectations: they carefully work out the video script and think through everything in advance important points. The cost of a sand show for an anniversary in our company is quite affordable.

At your request, our artist will draw an original animated greeting or prepare an entire film telling the story of the hero of the occasion. And in order to diversify the entertainment program of the holiday, we can hold a master class, during which guests will be able to realize their talents and try to draw a picture themselves.

Sand show for the anniversary - for those who value originality

It is worth ordering a sand show for your anniversary in our sand painting studio to make the holiday bright and memorable. Filled with real magic and enchantment, sand animation will be the highlight of the program!