Why do we love animals. Who loves animals but doesn't love people? Why do people love pets

  • 29.06.2023

It is often said that owners and their pets look alike. Moreover, looking at the animal, one can draw conclusions about the characteristics of the character of its owner. The definition of character traits by the so-called "totem" animal has recently become increasingly popular in psychology.

Motives and similarity of characters

Why do pets so often look like their owners? The fact is that we often identify ourselves to some extent with one or another representative of the animal kingdom. For example, when bringing a pet home, a person may be guided by one of three motives:

  • Similarity. "This dog looks so much like me. I'll take it home."
  • Projection of one's own desires. "A free life: if I want - I play with curtains, if I want - I sleep all day. How I would like to live like this cat."
  • Dream. “I always wanted to have such a funny parrot (funny guinea pig, brave dog).

dog lovers

It is for these reasons that animals look like their owners. And the first in this list are dog lovers. All of them are able to be friends, support loved ones in a difficult hour. Often dog owners are workaholics. Dog lovers do not like too independent people and tend to control the lives of loved ones. For example, a man who owns a large dog is usually strict and fair.

If a lady starts such a dog, this means that in life she needs protection and support. But if a representative of the stronger sex has a small dog at home, we can safely say that he is a real fan of female beauty. After all, it is customary to dress up such pets, like people, in ruffles and bows. As for women, the owners of miniature dog breeds usually make too high demands on the stronger sex. Such ladies are intolerant of male flaws.

cat lovers

People who prefer cats are very independent by nature. They love a comfortable home, they know how to monitor their appearance. Male owners of cats are usually charming and artistic. As a rule, these are romantics whose mood changes every hour. A woman who gets a cat wants to be like her pet and imitate her mystery and grace. If a lady is feminine and charming, but also persistent and has business acumen, most likely she will prefer to get a cat instead of a cat.

If we are talking about a lonely lady who lives with a cat - usually such a woman is distrustful of the representatives of the stronger sex and is extremely reluctant to enter into a relationship with them. If a bachelor gets a cat, then he is unlikely to ever tie the knot. After all, he already has a "girlfriend". There are many people who are not very fond of cats. Psychologists believe that if we are talking about a man in this case, this indicates that he has antipathy for the entire female sex. And if a woman does not like cats, this indicates that she denies her feminine essence and does not seek to show independence.

Rodent lovers

Who gets hamsters, guinea pigs, fluffy rabbits and other rodents? In most cases, we are talking about a very busy and lonely person who is tired of being alone. He dreams of finding a loved one. But since he is up to his neck, getting a cat or a dog is not an option for him. A fan of small and fluffy living creatures needs tenderness and affection. In an effort to somehow compensate for his experiences, he realizes the need for intimacy, taking care of the pet. By the way, such people are usually easy to communicate with and have optimism.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the men who hold a rat (among the ladies there are only a few such people). Fans of these animals are usually kind, inquisitive, tolerant of other people's weaknesses. They are not inclined to rely on public opinion. If their own ideas do not coincide with the requirements of society, such men do not care.


There are two types of people who love to keep an aquarium at home. The first ones are very active, temperamental and emotional. Admiring the bright inhabitants of their aquariums helps them calm their ardor.

The second type is eccentric dreamers. They like fish because they don't look like people. They enjoy watching the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom, trying to get away from reality.

Bird lovers

Such people often look like their pets - they just like to chat, show off in the company, talk on any topic. If a person in everyday life lacks such experiences, he gets a colorful parrot. For especially romantic natures, he will be associated with adventure, pirates.

And also you can often see birds in the house of a lonely melancholic. Feathered friends disperse his sadness and longing. Often birds are also given to older people. But in this case it is not connected with any psychological reasons. It's just that older people often have neither the means nor the strength to take care of cats or dogs. Therefore, they opt for birds.

exotic animal lovers

Those who prefer to keep exotic creatures at home often strive for originality in everyday life. Such a pet often helps them draw the attention of others to their own unusualness. Moreover, the more exotic the pet, the more the owner can be tormented by the question of his own significance. Quite often, exotics are turned on by people of creative professions, who are constantly in search of their "I".

Nobody needs

In the event that a person does not start any animal at all, this in no way indicates his coldness or rigidity. Just in everyday life, he has someone to look after and whom to command. He does not get tired of interacting with society and does not want to take responsibility for the pet. And there is absolutely nothing to do with dislike for our smaller brothers. By the way, an exaggerated passion for animals often hides distrust of people or even misanthropy.

What does love for a particular wild animal indicate?

A wild animal that evokes sympathy is not only an energy donor and spiritual helper. The image of such an animal can also reflect the essence of a person. There is a belief that if you look into the eyes of such a living talisman, you can see yourself in their depths.

Consider what love for a particular animal can say.

  • Owl. This bird symbolizes wisdom. Spiritual connection with owls speaks of high mental abilities, well-developed insight. Such a person is easily able to expose a liar and a traitor. He is not afraid of change, because he knows what to expect from them.
  • Horses. Love for this animal suggests that a person is freedom-loving, successful and personable. He has a pure soul - he is sympathetic, fair in relation to other people.
  • A lion. A person who admires this graceful predator is self-confident and sometimes a little selfish. He occupies a leading position in society. Fear and defeat are unknown to this regal animal.
  • Wolf. Symbolizes fearlessness, spiritual purity. A person who has a spiritual connection with this animal is independent, self-confident. In any fight, he fights to the bitter end. He always uses the best options that fate provides him, and does not let go of luck.
  • Tiger. The Chinese consider this feline the king of beasts. Love for tigers speaks of the determination of a person, his perseverance, as well as tolerance. He is quite wise and responsible. Such a person can make all his dreams come true.

Such animals are not in vain called totem. They always come to the rescue when a person needs their support. Spiritual connection with these animals allows you to awaken your inner strength.

The cat is the closest friend, the second "I" of the owner, so if someone does not like the cat, then he does not like her mistress. Cats are usually bred by ladies who harmoniously combine the advantages of both sexes. Such women are beautiful and smart, feminine and quick, hardworking and efficient, pretty and persistent in achieving their goals.

Unmarried cats often replace a non-existent child, because a cat also needs care, affection and tenderness, it is a playful and capricious animal, like a child. A single woman with a cat treats men with distrust and is reluctant to enter into close relationships with them. A man who likes cats recognizes a woman's right to be independent. But a bachelor with a cat is a completely self-sufficient person, and it will take a lot of strength to win his heart. Hatred of cats can mean hatred of all women. In psychology, there is even a term "cat-phobia" (scientifically - eylurophobia). Ladies who despise cats have a bad attitude towards themselves deep down, and cat-phobic men do not really love women.


For a woman, her dog is almost always a symbol of a man, even if the dog is female. Looking at the breed, you can always tell what kind of masculine qualities the hostess appreciates the most.

A large shepherd dog means that its owner needs a protector and reliable support. Bulldog means that a woman appreciates her partner's devotion, reliability, solidity, constancy and sense of humor. The lady with the Doberman has iron willpower and is defiant with men - who can protect me better than my dog? A woman who holds a malevolent, yapping, biting and cowardly creature in her arms makes too high demands on men, expecting to find some incredibly wonderful qualities in them. As a result, such women are rarely happy in marriage. Almost everyone who loves dogs is intolerant of the independence of others and seeks to control the lives and actions of loved ones.

It is believed that only evil and cruel people can not stand dogs, but this is not always the case. Opponents of beetles and bugs may simply be shy, shy, may be afraid of these biting and loudly barking predators, or perhaps they simply prefer to seek love and friendship in the human world and do not understand why they might need this little wolf. Many people are disgusted by the need to train another living creature and become its owner, and therefore they flatly refuse to get a dog at home.

Hamsters and guinea pigs

Everyone who loves small fluffy animals needs the protection of a strong man, tenderness, affection and care, because they themselves feel small and defenseless. That's why children so often ask to buy a hamster, they want to be big, strong, caring friends for tiny animals. If a person cannot stand the stupidity of other people, then he is unlikely to be touched by the sight of a hamster or guinea pig.


Exotic bright birds like romantics, melancholic, sensitive, vulnerable people who are bored in silence and loneliness. The parrot reminds of tropical islands, fabulous pirates and compensates for the lack of travel in ordinary life. Birds are not tolerated by irritable, quick-tempered, workaholics, overworked, sybarites: loudly chirping and piercingly screaming parrots violate their comfort, confuse thoughts and confuse plans.


To love rats means to declare to the whole world: I am not a bore! I have original thinking, and your stereotypes have no power over me! A fan of rats will first study everything, touching and checking, and only then will he draw his own conclusions. And he doesn't care what other people think. If a child brought home a rat, it means that he has a sociable, cheerful, kind-hearted character. Rats are not liked by conservatives, shy, timid, cautious people who walk in life only on beaten paths.

According to wday.ru

From time immemorial, people hunted animals, ate their meat and dressed in their skins. Now the situation has not changed much. But there are also man-eating animals that prefer to eat only people - it is not known what caused this - either a peculiarity of digestion, or simply a sense of revenge that has been born inside them since ancient times. Beware and be afraid of these carnivores that eat humans as food. You can’t run away or hide from them, they are much fiercer and smarter than their relatives, who do not consider people edible.

The first to open our list are the Lions of Njombe. This story originates in 1932, when in Tanzania, not far from the city of Nyombe, a flock of cannibal lions began to methodically exterminate the human race. More than one and a half thousand people destroyed these monsters> during their reign in those lands. And only the arrival of hunters, who exterminated about 15 of these cruelest animals, pacified them and forced them to leave this place. But the locals knew that it wasn't really the hunters who helped them get rid of the nightmare. The lions appeared just when the local shaman was thrown from his post. After that, he got angry and sent a curse on people in the form of bloodthirsty creatures. And only when he was returned to his place of "work", the animals left.

For many years, a real cannibal monster lived in the swamps of Alabama and Florida - a crocodile named Two-toed Tom. He was called two-toed because he had only two claws on one paw - it was from them that the animal was calculated, which left characteristic traces. Not only did Tom attack animals, but he also fell in love with the taste of human flesh, especially women. Many legends are associated with this representative of the fauna, for a long time all the inhabitants of the surroundings in which he lived were afraid of him. And not only the bullets did not take this enchanted crocodile, who was considered the messenger of hell - even the explosives that destroyed all life in the swamps where he lived, left the monster unharmed.

Big and toothy threaten the representatives of the human race in all corners of the planet. In Japan, for example, at one time they were very afraid of a bear named Kesagake. This is a huge male who lived and ran in a Japanese village with a population of just a couple of people. When the bear was wounded, he went berserk and began his revenge on the human race. First, he killed a woman and a child from the same house. Then, he distracted the hunters and broke into another house, in which he tore apart a woman and two children. In two days, the cannibal killed six people. And only one hunter was able to kill a three-meter beast, weighing about 380 kilograms. And the inhabitants of the cursed village left it forever. If you would like to communicate more closely with a representative of this species, you can take a look at our article - there you will find out where this can be done.

Many horror stories have been written about killer sharks and many films have been made. Once upon a time, at the beginning of the 20th century, people did not yet know how dangerous these marine predators were for them. But somehow, off the coast of New Jersey, a shark attacked a man who was swimming. This was seen by several people who rushed to the aid of the wounded victim. But when the man was taken ashore, the doctors could no longer help him. Within a few weeks after the event, several more people were killed by monsters, among whom were careless children. When fishermen managed to catch a white shark, inside of which they found human remains, representatives of this species were dubbed cannibals. This series of attacks was called one of the most brutal in the history of the country.

In the middle of the 18th century in France, in the province of Zhivaudan, the most cruel and mysterious monster of all known to mankind lived. They called him that - Zhivodansky Beast. No one knows exactly what species he belonged to, Blog Rybalych believes that it was just a huge wolf. The first victim of the monster was a little girl. Then he fell silent for a while. But then he took on people with even greater cruelty. About 210 people visited his paws and teeth, 112 of them died, and the rest remained crippled. It was rumored that in fact it was a werewolf who was sent to earth in order to punish people for their sinfulness. It is believed that the hunter Jean Chastel killed the monster with silver bullets.

At the end of the 19th century, a killer tigress appeared in Nepal, which for a long time kept in fear all the inhabitants who inhabited the territory near the Himalayas. Somehow, hunters unsuccessfully wounded her, breaking two of her fangs. The tigress could no longer hunt animals, but people became tasty prey for her - either due to their easy accessibility, or simply as those who spoiled her appearance. More than two hundred people were destroyed by this striped fury. Then the army was sent to fight it. The soldiers also could not cope with the monster, but managed to drive her to the territory of India. There, the tigress had already lost her fear altogether - she hunted even during the day, leaving entire villages empty. But the monster was able to destroy the brave hunter, who found him in the bloody footprints. Surely, according to the customs of that time, he was immediately declared a saint. And this is not surprising - the Shampavat tigress killed 436 people.

Leopards killed people 3 million years ago. That was the age of the bones on which the scientists found marks of the teeth of this beast. Despite the fact that these are meat-eating animals, few of them eat people. One of the exceptions was a leopard from India, nicknamed Panar (most of all, the inhabitants of the province of Panar suffered from his fangs. More than five hundred people were destroyed by this monster. It is believed that the wound that the animal got from some negligent hunter made him so cruel. this beast from the bullets of a famous hunter, who, by the way, also killed the Shampavat tigress.

Not only in the past were animals dangerous to people. We have already written about what we should be afraid of today and now:

Mankind has been living with domestic animals for more than twenty thousand years. And throughout this period, the co-evolution of our species worked in such a way that man and domesticated animals easily converged with each other and took care of each other.

Scientists talk a lot about how our hormonal mechanisms of interaction with pets are similar to those of interaction with children. In this one, for example, you can read about the fact that when looking eye to eye between the owner and the dog, approximately the same process occurs in their bodies as when exchanging glances between a mother and a child.

If we move from the hormonal system towards higher nervous activity, then it is worth mentioning the realization of subconscious aspirations through communication with animals. Here, the diversity of breeds allows you to realize a variety of needs: the desire for intimacy, parental instincts, the need for a sense of strength and security, the craving for control.
It is easy to project almost any relationship onto animals. You can project your own image onto them (dogs really enjoy life, they can, but I'm a serious person), the image of a friend (all bastards, only Barsik is faithful at home), a partner, a child - everything will fit perfectly.
Please note that even if a person channels their desires for intimacy or parenthood through an animal, this does not mean at all that he is capable, interested, and that it would be in any way “more correct” if he got a partner right now or a child instead of a cat.

Another factor is the childhood imprint. Often a dog or cat can really be the only supportive being in a child's life, associated with the happy days of childhood. Or, conversely, a dog can be an unfulfilled childhood dream that you want to catch up with in adulthood.

And even if everything is not painted in such bright colors, people who grew up in prosperous families with beloved animals often tend to have animals further, and perceive life with an animal as a significant part of well-being. They already have formed habits for caring for animals, they know how and even love to overcome the difficulties associated with them (or it just doesn’t matter to them).
And at the same time, they have a lot of pleasant habits associated with animals, which it is completely unclear why they should be replaced with some others: feeding, walking, playing, sleeping together.

"Save Animals!"
"Little dog needs a home!"
“Do not be indifferent to the suffering of our smaller brothers!”

Hundreds of such appeals can be seen on social networks, in pole announcements, in newspapers, and even in subtitles for TV shows. More and more people are concerned about the fate of animals. More and more often, headlines appear in the news bulletin about elderly people who keep dozens of cats in their cramped apartments. The number of shelters for dogs and other pets is growing. No one is surprised by the volunteer detachments that go every autumn to the coast of the oceans to rescue dolphins that have thrown themselves out of the water. Charitable funds in favor of endangered breeds of animals are growing every day. The level of culture and the value of not only human life, but also the life of animals, is rapidly increasing.

Analyzing all this, we believe that the world is becoming brighter and kinder. But is it really so? Does the level of hostility between people decrease with increasing love and attention to animals? After all, each of us usually thinks: “he loves all living creatures so much, for sure, and is just as kind to people.” But do the ardent defenders of our smaller brothers differ in a benevolent attitude towards people?

It turns out that not always. The lack of tolerance for people and even a modicum of love for them among four-legged lovers can be traced both in news reports and in complaints on various forums.

So, people living in the neighborhood with cat ladies note their hostility and a high degree of hostility towards other people. Often they complain about the threats coming from their animal-loving neighbors.

The image of such people is very colorfully reflected in the heroine "Crazy Cat Lady" of the series "The Simpsons". This character is a woman who surrounded herself with cats and defended herself from people by throwing small kittens at them.
Where does that warmth, that awe and love that these people show towards animals go when they have to interact with other people?

The defenders of our smaller brothers explain their hostile attitude towards others by the fact that they are insidious, cruel, greedy. There is no such thing in animals. They will not betray, they will not kill for profit, they do not have that pettiness, bile and hatred that is inherent in people. But is this really the reason for such a tender attitude towards animals and dislike for people? No! These are rationalizations that people look for to justify their behavior. The true reason lies in the underdevelopment of the visual vector.

Mysteries of our vision

As soon as a person began to feel his neighbor, he had one desire - to eat him! He felt hostility towards his neighbor, because each person carries a danger to another. But along with hostility, there was also a feeling of complete dependence on each other. People could not and still cannot live alone. We depend on each other, we need each other. But the feeling of hostility from the feeling of dependence does not decrease. And then there was a need for a force that counteracts hostility - love. And this power was endowed with one vector - visual.

Until now, only people with a visual vector know how to love so passionately and sacrificially, as it is sung in songs and poems, the rest are only able to create emotional connections on this basis.

When we love the wrong people

There are four levels of development of the visual vector, however, as well as all other vectors: inanimate, vegetative, animal and human. At the “human” level, the visual vector is capable of boundless love for all of humanity – the highest degree of humanism. At the same time, he can create strong emotional bonds with both individuals and animals. But these emotions cannot fill the visual vector at the “person” level; the greatest satisfaction for him comes from communication with other people.

If the visual vector is at the animal level, then it is not capable of love for all of humanity, but only for individuals, as well as for living creatures, plants and inanimate nature - for art, for example. Well, if the visual vector is at the vegetative level, then a person is able to experience love only in relation to the four-legged, not being able to love a person, and, even more so, all of humanity.

But this is not enough to fully realize the visual vector and get the maximum enjoyment from life. That is why such people need not one pet, but many at once, in order to create an emotional connection with each of them and, having filled their vector, enjoy life.

They cannot love a person, rarely create families, remain lonely. This is also confirmed by life examples - people who create nurseries or keep dozens of pets in their apartments, as a rule, do not have their own families, a loved one and children. Unlimited love for pets can also appear in the event of the loss of a loved one, due to a sharp break in the emotional connection with him. Then a temporary attempt is made to fill the gaps in the visual vector by creating smaller and multiple emotional connections.

If people with an undeveloped visual vector do not create an emotional connection at all, do not give love to their pets, do not empathize with them, sympathize with their pain, then they will remain in fear and severe phobias. Surrounding themselves with animals, they protect themselves from fears, but do they benefit humanity?

Are all animal lovers incapable of loving people?

Of course, there are many examples of people who care deeply about their dogs or cats, but at the same time do not forget about people. They have children and full-fledged families, which means they are able to love both animals and people. And this does not contradict all of the above, it only means that the vector is at a level above the inanimate one.
Any higher level includes the abilities of the levels below it. But if a person with a visual vector in a developed state has to make a choice between saving another person and a cat, for example, he will give preference to the first.
People with an underdeveloped visual vector are ready to cry at the sight of a stray puppy, but they do not feel an ounce of compassion for a child in a wheelchair.

The role of the visual vector is to reduce hostility through love, to create a culture and secondary restrictions on primary urges, including murder. It is only thanks to the visual vector that we still exist in a team; without its influence, people would not be able to control their hostility towards each other.

With their emotionality, ability to sympathize, sympathize and love, people with a visual vector should reduce hostility in society. To make it truly kinder and more tolerant. And the developed visual vector copes well with this role. Developed spectators are volunteers who go to African countries to save children from serious illnesses. They are regulars at nursing homes, orphanages, homes for the disabled.

With their sensuality and ability to sympathize, they inspire hope in the hearts of sick people and the elderly. They also create feature films of incredible kindness that instill cultural values ​​in people. They write books and poems, sing songs about love and the brightest feelings. With such activities, they help not only individuals, giving them their care and attention, but also humanity as a whole, reducing the level of hostility in society.

But remaining at a low level of development, inanimate or vegetative, they are not able to fully fulfill their species role. They are incapable of love for a person and are content with love for animals, which gives them only liberation from fears.

Why does the visual vector not develop?

Our vectors develop before puberty, after the end of this period a person cannot develop them, he can only realize himself. For the development of each vector, certain conditions are needed. The visual vector develops, creating emotional connections, learning to love and compassion.

If a child with a visual vector does not create an emotional connection with his parents or with the people who are involved in his upbringing, he begins to create these connections with his toys - teddy bears, bunnies, dolls. He sees living beings in them, talks to them, making up for the lack of communication with loved ones.

You can help develop a child’s visual vector by teaching him compassion:
“Look, you dropped the doll, it hurts, let's take pity on her”
“Do you see the homeless dog? She is hungry, let's feed her.
“Here, a child broke his leg, now it hurts him, I feel sorry for him, and you?”

But, if a child, right up to puberty, does not receive due attention from the people around him, if he does not learn compassion and cannot create an emotional connection with people, then, having passed puberty, he will never be able to do this. And in this case, he will have only two ways: to remain in fear for the rest of his life and suffer from phobias and panic attacks, or to surround himself with animals, never having fallen in love with a person.

Written based on the materials of the training on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan

Alena Nikolaeva, marketer